The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 24, 1868, Image 2

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    nr urn
The coming of Christmas is like the
interposition of mercy for the tcuineiinjr
of justice. Nature is clothed in her seve
rest aspect. The leaves of the furct-t are
on?, the flowers bloom not, the sky is
overhung with clouds, hiding the sun
from-view, and the air is raw and bitter
cold. Humanity moves about mufiled it:
j-rcat coats, shawls, and furs, or sticks
cloeo to the acceptable warmth of the Src.
The streams are frozen over, or float on
their bosom great masses of ice. The
cattle crouch and seek any slicker that
breaks the force of the howling wind.
Just at this time Christmas comes and
makes a holiday, when
"Blightly o'er the cheerful hall
Flares the heaped hearth, and friends and
kindred meet,
-And the glad mother round her festive board
Beholds her children, separated long
.Amid the wide world's wavs, Assembled now
A eight at which Affection lightens up
"With smiles the eve that age has long be-
Perhaps the 23th of December is not
the anniversary of our Savior's birth.
Nor is it a matter of much moment wheth
er it is or not. No season of the vear could
1)2 more appropriate than this, when the
rigors of winter have just fairly begun, for
the celebration of the day oa which the an
gel appeared to the shepherds of Judea
bringing t;good tidings of great joy, which
shall be to all people." It is a da' brim
ful of memories of mercy, humility, and
goodness, interjecting itself at a time when
such memories are mo-:t needed. It is a tlny
of joy and reunion, just as the event it
commemorates was the event of iov accom
plished for the purpose of the reunion of
man to his God.
No other holiday of the year is fuller of
opportunities than Christmas. Xo other
holiday of the year is so worthy of oppor
tunities as Christmas. Children are tri
umphant on Christmas day. They have
not quite seen Kriss Kringle, although they
laid awake all the fore part of the night
until their eyelids became too heavy not
to close over the weary pupil just on pur
pose to get t;a peep at him." The festive
board groans with good things ready to be
eaten. The stuffing has burst through the
turkey's breast, as if it wanted to see what
was going on. The rich jellies quiver in
the cups, as though dreading the quick ap
proaching moment of their consumption.
The linen table cover seems to compete
with the snow for whiteness. The dishes
make an ominous clatter, in honor of so
important an occasion of festivity. Soon
all things arc ready for the feast. It will
be a better feast if appropriate gifts are
unostentatiously made to those whose life
is led amid daily want and constant strug
gling for food for bare sustenance, for fuel,
for warmth enough to overcome the worst
blasts of winter, and for raiment only suf
ficient to be a jest with the angry elements.
Headers, one and all, a merry Christmas
to you !
In a popular Government like ours, where
the people virtually nsses3 the taxes, as well
as pay them, the popular will, if not the pop
ular "prejudice, must be listened to in the
preparation of revenue lars. Justice must,
in some instances, y it-Id to expediency, and
Eomo legitimate sources of revenuo may b
unavailable because a resort to them might
be odious to a. majorily of tax-payers. Re
port cf the Secretary of the Treasury.
It is not seldom a matter of open regret
that the public men of our day are net the
equals in intellect and character of those
of preceding generations. While we can
have but little svmp.ithy wicli such persons
as speak of the golden age as being of the
past, and lament ''the days now gone that
were better than these," we cannot but
regard it as an unpropitious sign that so
many men, high in public station, should
make their principal business the trimming
of their sails to suit the popular current.
It is the business of the demagogue and
mere politician to inquire what is and what
is not the passion of the hour. But who
ever aspires to be more than these has a
different task. It is for him to inquire
after what is wise, patriotic, advantageous,
and just. These things he should advo
cate. It may. be that the popular will de
nies a full measure of justice and wisdom,
and of course in such case the aim thould
be to secure the best that can be obtained.
If this is not the true rule, then there is
no statesmanship or statesmen, but only
dcma-ocrlsm and demaeocrues. Of course
a measure or policy may be both just and
popular. Hut in administrative affairs, it
is hard to conceive that justice must yield
to -cspJiency. The will of the people
jnust of course be obeyed, but it does not
folio ;V that the duty of a public officer is
merely to listen and obey. The Secretary
states the crw'o rather broadly.
The Johnstown Tribune hears that
Hon. Cvrns L. Pcrshirg, of that town, is
likely to be placed on the Jct democratic
Stato ticket for either GcVpracr or-Su-j.rciiio
Legal Tender.
Contradictory rumors are afloat in rela
tion to what will be the decision of the
United States. Supremo Court as to the
constitutionality of the act of Congress
making greenbacks a legal tender. A re
port, started by the Xcw York Trlbvne,
gave out that every member of the Court,
excepting one, would agree in the uncon
stitutionality of the act. Another report
denies the Tribune s statement.
Assuming that the Court will decide
the notes not to be a legal tender under
the Constitution, the question which must
interest all persons is, What will be the
effect of such decision ?
"Whatever value these notes at present
possess necessarily rests on the promise of
the Government to pay them in coin.
Were the Government to-day keeping that
promise, a dollar in greenbacks would be
worth a dollar in gold or silver, if not a
cent or so more on account of their greater
convenience for the purposes of exchange.
Were there no hope whatever of their re
demption by the Government, they would
be worth nothing. Their present value is
about seventy-four cents on the dollar.
The remaining twenty-six cents is the
amount they are discounted, principally
and primarily for the same reason that any
note is discounted which is pa-able at a
future day. We say principally, because
a small part of this discount may bo caused
by speculators. An adverse decision by
the Supreme Court could not diminish
their value so far as the ultimate paj-mcnt
is concerned, for the Government would
still be bound by their terms. Yet such a
decision would put it in the power of any
person so disposed to refuse them in pay
ment of debt and demand coin. Of course
any creditor could then enforce his demand
in our Courts. To the extent that such
demands would be made, would the green
back currency be depreciated. In ordina
ry mercantile transactions, they would pass
current as at present, or otherwise business
must stop. In payment of outstanding
obligations, the same motives that influ
ence men to ask for gold rather than
greenbacks after the latter had depreciated
in value would cause them to require gold
now when in their power. Yet we arc not
able to see that such a decision should
cause any alarming depreciation of their
value so long as the people would pay and
receive them in their daily affairs as now.
That they would do so, appears evident
when we consider that any other course
would be the same as the instant with
drawal of all the government notes from
circulation, thus producing untold disaster.
The very probability or possibility of the
Supreme Court so deciding affords an ad
ditional reason for resumption of specie
payments as speedily as possible.
Speclflc Contracts In Coin.
It is proposed y Secretary M'Cullough,
in his report to Congress, to legalize by a
legislative act any contract in which it is
stipulated that payment shall be made in
Let us suppose such an act now in force.
Suppose, also, that a contract is made un
der it for some piece of work to be paid
for a year hence in coin. If the Govern
ment has by that time resumed specie
payment, well and good. lut if not, then
that contract, and every other like it, by
making an increased demand for gold, en
hances its price and causes resumption to
be more difficult.
Such measures do not touch the .real
evil. They themselves are necessarily
based on the presumption that a resuming
of specie payments is intended, yet they
can have no proper influence in producing
that result.
Governor Geary announces by proc
lamation that two million four hundred
and fourteen thousand eight hundred and
sixteen dollars of the principal of the State
debt have been canceled since the last re
port of the Commissioners of the Sinking
Fund, a period of fourteen months. This
is the cheerful Christmas greeting of a
Hcpublican Administration to the Com
monwealth, and while we accept it with
thanks, let us remember it next fall when
called on to choose again new trustees for
the management of the common weal. If
the people of Pennsylvania will persevere
in electing Republican Governors and
Legislatures for the next few terms, we
shall surely be able -to extinguish the
democratic legacy of debt which for so
long has pressed so heavily on the State.
It seems likely that the alleged corrup
tion with regard to the purchase of Alaska
will all end in smoke. A committee is
investigating the matter in Washington,
and on Friday the author of the widely
copied Worcester Xjy article was exam
ined before it. Ho testified in substance
that he had no trustworthy information on
which to base his charges of blackmailing,
1 4.V.C I he persons and newspapers charged
with having received blackmail ull deny
the soil impeachmcut. - -
. -
Merry Christmas ! 1
, JCST HrPy Ser Ycarl
; rQ New advertisements this week.
- I-2f Congress on Monday adjourned till
January 5th.
Sf The snow 13 over two feet deep and
the sleighing excellent..
JESS" Ilarrisburg claims to have doubled its
population in the last five years.
EThe New York Tribune sets down
Grant's popular majority at 304,194.
JESS"" The new insane asylum in Pennsylva
nia is to be built at Danville, and is to accom
modate five hundred patients.
The managing editor of the New York
Tribune, John Russell Young, quite a young
man, ig about to resign his position.
2?" An unknown woian was found
drowned in the canal near Huntingdon on
Wednesday of last week. She had been in
the water several days.
EQ?- Holiday excursion tickets will be is
sued on the Pennsylvania Railroad on the
23d, 24tb, 25th, nnd 2Gth inst., good for re
turn on the 1st and 2d of January.
J5J Women in the employ of the Govern
ment are hereafter to receive precrer the
same amount of pay as men for similar work,
an enactment to that effect having just been
passed by Congress.
, X&2? A little machine has been invented in
New York, termed the "adding machine.''
It is claimed for it that it can add up a
column of figures with greater dispatch than
even the ''lightning calculator," and that it
cannot make a mistake
JESSf A western farmer stopped in at a
newspaper office, and seeing the immense
piles of books and newspapers around the ed
itor, said: "I am glad I don't have all 'these
to read; I would rather work." The editor
made no reply to this wise observation.
5? Senator Morrow B. Lowry has writ
ten a letter iu which he declares that he will
not vote a dollar of the State's money to ed
ucational institutions which refuse to admit,
without any distinction, students of all sexes,
race or color.
Iguj The grave of John Harris, ths found
er of Ilarrisburg, is at the foot of the. tree to
which he was once tied by the Indians and a
fire kindled about him to barn him alive. A
simple iron fence surrounds the grave, but
no stone or other mark is there to designate
whose lemains lie beneath.
J&SF' A convention of the editors of Cen
tral Pennsylvania will be held on the 8th of
January next, at Bellefonte, for the purpose,
mainly, of agreeing on a scale of prices for
advertising and job work. The movement is
a good one, and for the general interests of
the State, an importaut one.
JE A. J. Brint is a Southern poet a
Southern Patriotic poet. He has written an
eulogy on Stonewall Jackson, which closes
with the following touching line? r " ;
''Not by the foeman'a hand he fell,
His life they could not tike ;
Thank God! the historic muse must tell,
He died by a mistake."
ZZF Gen. Grant's father, Mr. Jesse Root
Grant, was brought up by the mother of the
late. Gov. Tod. She.wauted the two boys
both to learn trades. Grant complied with
her wishes, and learned the trade-of a tan
ner. She desired her son to become a black
smith. This fact was playfully alluded to by
him in a speech a short time before his
death but he added that he was too lazy to
acquire the trade.
5?, All persons availing themselves of the
privilege afforded by the bankrupt law of
March 2. 18G7, will, if they file their peti
tions after the 31st of December, 1SG8, have
to make oath that they can pay fifty per cent,
of their indebtedness, and will have to pay
that amount before they can be finally dis
charged. Those who file their petitions pre
vious to that time will not bs subject to this
It is a curious fact that appears from
a report of the Secretary of the Interior that
while there is but one Revolutionary soldier
now living, (he lives in New York) and draw
ing a pension, there are at the present time
on the rolls the names of 8S3 widows of Rev
olutionary soldiers. The mothers of the Rev
olution were evidently younger' than the
fathers, or else they live longer.
JP3y Mr. Dickey,'. Mr. Stevens' successor
in the House of Representatives, attracts
considerable attention. Distinguished men
generally have a peculiar way of being suc
ceeded by very small ones, but the nw
representative of Lancaster ha3 made a fa
vorable inpression, where a favorable impres
sion was hard to make. -He is a thin,
nervous looking pian, with hair and beard
that show him to be no longer young, and a
very intelligent face.
The Freeman says it wouldn't make a
pun in our presence, for we couldn't 4,see'
it. Poisibiy, and very probably, we couldn't
"sec" it in the light in which it would be
viewed by its author. Yet would we be
obliged to "see" it in some ligbi or other;
for punches in the ribs and the energetic
performance of the exercise of
"Washing the hands with invisible soap
In imperceptible water"
would so italicize it upon onr senses that we
would be obliged to recognize it at least a3
an attempted pun.
JCJ- Joseph S. Martin, aged sixty, a master
builder of Brooklyn, N. Y., committed sui
cide at the State Capitol Hotel, Ilarrisburg,
on Friday morning, by hanging himself to a
door-knob in Lis room. Deceased left hi3
house in Brooklyn on the 5th inst., and
wandered about until he reached Ilarrisburg
on Thursday. ; After eating supper he retired
to his room, and was not seen afterwards un
til found dead by the clerk. Four hundred
and thirty-five dollars and papers leading to
bis indeutincation were found upon his pcr
gon. " '"- J - " ::
V. S. Senator.
Ebensburg, Pec. 21, ISCo.
To the Editors of The AUeghanian :
' The prominent gentlemen named for
U.' S. Senate are Gen. J. K. Moorhead,
Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., J. Edgar
Thompson,' Esq., and John Scott, Esq. r
We know that Gen. Moorhead is a good
practical man, well versed in the iron in
terests of" 'Pennsylvania, and that he has
done good service for many years in Con
gress. Thomas 31. Marshall, Esq., is a
profound lawyer and a very intelligent
gentleman. J. Edgar Thompson is an A
No. 1 railroad man and a good thinker.
In addition to these is Win. J. Kemble. a
very enterprising gentleman and a good
financier ; he proved himself such, during
his term as State Treasurer. These gen
tlemen compose the Eastern and Western
lights, against whom Ave have not one word
of reproach to utter. Now, we have Jno.
Scott, Esq., as a central man, whose quick
perception and happy faculty of grasping
the important questions agitating the
country, coupled with his ability to discuss
them, render him a very desirable man
for the crisis ; besides Jno. Scott came to
the rescue of the llepubliean party when
it needed just such men ; for it cannot be
denied that men like Jno. Scott, Col. Jno.
W. Forney, Hon. Peter Shannon, Dan'l
Daugherty and many more of the same
calibre, were not an acquisition to the He
publican party. If Republics are ungrate
ful, let it net be said the llepubliean party
is. I do not mean that other men have
no claims, but I do say that at the an
nouncement of the name of Jno. Scott as
U. S. Senator, the people throughout the
entire State will hail it as a triumph of
merit, whilst it will astablish the fact that
our llepubliean legislators are actuated by
no demoralizing influence.
Etiien Allen.
Speech by Gera. Grant.
At the banquet given to Gen. Grant by
the Union League of New York, on Tues
day evening, he made the following tcre
and significant remarks, which constitute
the longest speech he ever originated and
delivered :
"Gentlemen of the Union League: It
is with extreme regret that I Gad mjself
unable to respond to the warmth of feel
ing with which the toast has been receiv
ed. You all know how unaccustomed I
am to public ppeakins. ljOU laughter.
How undesirable a thing I think it is, and
how little good it usually does, cheers,
and how desirous I am to see more of the
public men follow the good example,
which, I believe, in this particular, if iu
no other, 1 pet them. Immense cheers.
I must, however, express my thanks to
the Union League of New York, and oth
er cities, for great benefits they have con
ferred upon the Government during the
rebellion. I wish to acknowledge the
liberality towards myself and towards the
soldiers serving agaiust the rebellion and
to thaiik them for it."
There is homely truth ia what Gen.
Grant eays about public men refraining
from the utterance, of rashly formed opin
ions, as well as from the promulgation of
harsh personal strictures. The bane of
American polities is the disposition mani
fested by men of small abilities to talk
to blather and bluster. The people are to
blamo who have so long tolerated the evil
of a diarrhea of wor ii". Let Gen. Grant'H
example be followed, and we will add to
American politics a practical effect, which
cannot fail to prove highly beneficial to
rjublic affairs.
Jacob Fronheiser, vs. Isaac C. Singer.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria
countv, No. 15 December Term, 1SG8. Fi. Fa.
6 November, ISO?, property sold for $300. 10
December, IS'JS, Deed acknowledged. And
now, 14th December, ISCS, on motion of Sam
uel Singleton, George W. Oatman, Esq.,
appointed to report distribution ot proceeds
ol'Sherilf? sale. From the Record, certified
14 December, 188. J. K. Hite, Pro'y.
I will sit in my office in Ebensburg, on FRI
DAY,' the 15th day of -JANUARY, 1SG9, at 2
o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of atteuding
to the duties of the above appointment, when
and where nil parties interested -must atteud
or be debarred from coining in for a share of
the fund. GEO. YV. OATMAN, Aud.
Dec' 24, 18C8-3t.
SALH. The undersigned ot!Ter3 to sell
his Lilly Mill Property, situate at' Lilly Sta
tion, I. R. R., containing 130 acres, with a
4 J foot vein of Bituminous Stone Coal, with
a platform and track connecting with tho 1.
R. R , all in good working order, together
with a g,ri&t mill and saw mill on a never
failing stream of -water. Three large and
well finished dwelling houses thereon. Al
so, four smaller tenant houses. Sixty acres
of said land is well timbered. It is one of
the most desirable properties on the railroad
between Altoona and Johnstown.
jjy If not sold within six weeks from date
it will then be offered lor rent. Address
Hemlock P. O., Cambria countv, Pa.
Dec. 24, 1SG3 3t. " JAMES CONRAD. ';
Camc'to the residence of the subscriber,
residing in Clearfield township, Cambria co.,
about the last of September, 1868, a red
CO W, with large horns, supposed to be about
twelve years old. The owner is requested to
me forwar d. prove property, pay charges,
and take her away, otherwise she will bo
disposed of according to law.
- of Valentine Ki ise, dee'd.
Dec. 24, 1863. 3t.
jEMMON cS; : M U K II AY ,
Lemmok & Murray, dealers in . v.
Drugs, Medicines, '
Fancy Soaps,
Patent Medicines,
Pure Spices,
Flavoring Extracts,
Cap Paper,
Post Paper, .
Note and Billet Paper,
Tens, Pencils,
Pocket Books,'
j- Ebensburg, August
Pass Books,
Blank Books,
Prayer Books, Bibles,
School Books,
Jewelry, 1 -
Photograph Albums,
Pipes, Tobacco,
Cigars, and Snuff,
Pure Liquors'for
medicinal purposes.
10, 1858-3iu.
Pronounced the best ever yet introduced
in this county or State. Any person buying?
a family right can have their Bees transferr
ed from an old box to a new one. In every
instance in which thi3 has been done the re
sult has been entirely satisfactory, and the
first take of honty has invariably paid al ex
penses, and frequently exceeded them. Proof
of the superior merits of this invention will
be found in the testimony of every man who
has given it a trial, and among the number
are the gentlemen named below, and their
experience should induce every one interes'ed
in Bees to
Henry C. Kirkpatrick, of Carroll township,
took 106 pounds of surplus honey from two
hives, which he sold nt 35 cents per pound.
Adam Deitrich, cf Carroll township, took
from two hives lCO pound of surplus honey.
James Kirkpatrick, of Chest township, took
CO pounds of surplus houey from one hive.
Jacob Kirkpatiick, of Chest township, ob
tained 12 pounds of surplus honty from one
hive, worth not less than $21, and the right
cost him only $5.
Peter Campbell from one hive obtained 36
pounds of surplus honey at one time.
0iy Quite a number of similar statements,
authenticated by some of the best citizens of
Cambria county, could te obtained in' proof
of tho superior merits ol Langstroth's Patent
Movable Comb Bee Hive.
Persons wishing to purchase family rights
should call on or address
XOV. 2C, 1863-tf Carrolltown, Pa.
TV-r L OA T M A N ' I
LYL Begs leave to call the attention of
the citizens of Ebensburg ar.d vicinity to the
lact that be is now opening
holiday goods: !
Consisting in part of
Fancy Candies,
Slicit CanslJcs,
Gum Drops,
Popped Corn,
rig's, nnsins,
Prunes, Currants,
Every article necessary to trim a "Christ
mas Tree" complete may be found on hand
and for sale cheap. M. L. OATMAN.
The undersigned would inform the citizens
of Ebensburg and vicinity that he continues
to carry on the Coloring business in all its
branches, at the old stand on Locust streit.
Coloring and cleaning of all kinds done to
order. Gents' clothing colored, cleaned and
pressed equal to new. Ladies" dtessc?, silk,
cotton or woolen goods, shawls, colored,
cleaned or pressed to look as well as new.
Ribbons, feathers, &c, colored to look like
E2? Goods sentbj- express will receive my
special attention and returned as soon as
finished. SAMUEL M. RA1NEY.
Johnstown, Nov. 26-3m.
Sucectsor of R. S. Bunn,
Dealer in
' Also:
Letter, Cap, and Note Papers,
Pens, Pencils, Superior Ink,
And other articles kept
by Drug-joists generally.
PVicans, prescriptions carefully cornpoutiJetl.
Office on Main Street, opposite the Moun
tain House, Ebensburg, Pa. auglo
IN -
The subscriber has removed his Tailor
Center street, near Colonade Row, aud re
spectfully informs his old customers and all
the rest of mankind that he is now prepared
to manufacture nil kinds of
PAREL, in the latest style of the art, with neat
ness and dispatch, and at low rp.tes.
Persons needing work in my line are
rcspectfullv invited to give me a call.
' D. J. EVANS.
Ebensburg. Aug. 13, tf.
i-1 -
The subscriber would inform the citizens
of Ebensburg and vicinity that he keeps con
stants on hand everything in the
line, such as Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, all
kinds of Cracker?, Cheese, Smoking and
Chewinsr Tobacco, Cigars, &c.
Also, Buckskin and Woolen Gloves, Wool
en Socks, Neck ties, &c, all of which will be
sold as cheap if not cheaper than elsewhere.
A full assortment of Candies I
Ice Cream every eveninpr.
aug!3 It- R. THOMAS-
The partnership heretefore existing
betwen the undersigned, under the firm ot
E. HUGHES & CO., is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All debts due to or by the
firm are to be settled by THOMAS J. LLOYD,
who continues the Lumber business at the
old stand. " E. HUGHES,
Ebensburg, August 24, 1868.
-The undersigned will continue buying and
selling Lumber. The highest market
will be paid, in cash, for all kind 3 of good
Lumber. Particular attention paid to filling
orders. au!3J THOS. J. 'LLOYD.
JLJ The subscriber begs leave to inf orm
the public that he has opened out a Bootand
Shoe Store in the rooms formerly occupied
by Davi3 & Evans, on Crnter street, Ebens
burg, where he will carry on the business oa
an extensive scale.
For sale ot City Prices.
BOOTS and SHOES made to order
On shortest notice !
BS&The public are invited to give me a
call. I will sell cheap as the cheapest, nd
warrant my stock and make to give satisfac
tion. , Taugl3 JOHN O. EVANS.
Came to the residence of Michael F.
Hammers, in Summerhill township, Cambria
county, about the 8tL December last, 18 head
of SHEEP, some with left ear off and othcr3
with holes in the cars one having a bell on.
The owner is requested to come and prove
property, pay charges and take them away. -Dec.
T.TT 4 HOmtxT o
Ladies and gentlemen in every to--n
in the United State.-, to act nl
AUSTIN & CO.'S GREAT 0r ??tj -SALElrfrrch
and valuAbl rtl . "'LI-v
ig nothing but valuable artulesVV
everv familv.
tach find every artide!?,?
sold for one dollar.
j. u i-.nv pe'on
up either of the clubs below, r e m r
a Watch. Dress Pattern, Piece of 5i tHj
Sewinrr Machine. Wool C'emot
I-,. .
of extra cost. Our induce
I,. I
have always been nearly doub!e tLo f '
other house in the trade, and our uU!-
A tv--.
creasing business warrants U3 in conUn' "
the same. Take particular notice of t1' '
Our Agents arc not required to pay one 1
jar ior tneir presents, but receive il
for their. services in getting up Clubs' pfC:
examine the following. '4'
Any person sending us a Club oi '7f5
Si. will be entitled to rei-pir f... .-. "'-'
Exchange List. (See Circular) "
For a Club cf thirty, with $j, the
will be entitled to one of the following
cles, viz : Meerschaum Pip oa ,hn'
m.,i.... t cm - -u
puut'u nve-ijoiue revolving Castor, l F ,
Dress Pattern, 1 dozen extra quality Cm-''
Damask Table Cover, 1 Morocco Album I
pictures, ah-yvooi G.issimere for put,;,-a-.
Vest, 1 pair Ladies' Serge Congress i;co'v
best qualitv. 1 dozen fine Linpn Tn..i. "i
larajeeize Worsted Shawl, Ladies' lore ";!;'
vuniu, i.jii-uuiu ladies Morocf
Shonn ill? IjflfT with lrn-'fcanil
elry with Sleeve Buttons to match, 1 Yiop.
and Bow, 1 doz. Shirt Bosoms. 1 V.'hiti. m!'"
seilles quilt, 1 Elegant Black Waluut WoriJ
ou. ir ti rillDlr L'CSIv.
For a Clubof Fifty, with $3.-1 pa-r t
wool Blankets, 3 yards fine Casmcre'f'
.ants nnd Vest, 1 black or colon-J Ah,
Dress Patent. 1 soli.l f.i.i ,.... i-. , '
Gent. Calf Boots, 30 yards Bleached
brown Sheeting. 2 vrfa. --,
.... ... c ' w.... iwi.i io
for I adies C louts. 1 Fur 1nr iw...
yards 1 r.nt fast colors, 1 Square Thibet MiaW
I plain poplin Dress Pattern, 1 elegant i
bottle heavy plated Castor, I pair qv
wnite ciiiris. genuine Meerschaum Pipe
1 "i iice curtains.
For a Club of One Hundred, with $10
heavy silver-plated engraved Ice Pitcher
ror-lj TM -.V ...1 T r.. .. '
Merino or Thibet Drcs3 Pattern, seTof vor;
handled Knives and Forks, 1 pair svijiri"
White Wool Blankets, yards all-wool Fa-,
cy Cassimere for suit, elegant Bt-rege bre?
Pattern, 1 Ladies' or Gents' Silver Mnr.ii --.
case Watch, 1 Bacon's Six-barreled llr; oh ":
Silver-plated engraved Six-bottle Revehir
Castor with cut glass bottles. Fine Wool ('!'
for Ladies' Cloak, 25 yards Hemp Carpttir:;
1 pair fine Damask Tablecloths Napkins :
match, 2 heavy Honeycomb Quilts, 1 Hin
hand portable Sewing Machine, 1 Wool L,;.
Shawl, nice Fur Muff and Cane, 1 pair Geri
French Ca!f Uoots.
Fcr aCIab of five Hundred, with $"0.
yards extra Woolen Carpeting, 1 cl v
Huuting-case Watch (Waltham, warra.'
one year,) I tl-gant Chamber Set Mack
nut trimmings, 1 haircloth Spring Sofa.
For a Club of One Thousand, with
SU yards Brussels Carpets, 1 Parlor Set com
plete, 1 Ladies' or Gents' Hunting Go!;
Watch and Chain, 1 complete set of rich
ble Furs.
For larger or smaller Clubs we will civet
present oi proportionate value.
Agmts or customers may at any time mint
a selection of goods from the Exchange Li-t.
and by sending One Dollar for eachartick
have the goods forwarded to them, vhho-i
in at ui-acmiii tuccus ; uui ia sucn cases in
premiums will Vie civea.
DIRECTIONS. Send a.r? eutns of raoncT
tv D-nl't nn i-.v Vnrlf n r i'. uston nr v.'
press. We v.-ill pay Exchange on all suas oi l
5-jo or more. Smaller sums saouid i a I
by registered letter or bv uostal money crier. I
It will be impossible to lose monev jmi;
eithtr of the above wr.v. Wr will not ': A
responsible lor money lost, unless sent a;
above directed. See. that your le;ters art
nronerlv directed arid stamned. as nn litter:
are forwarded unless prepaid. Write jor
address in full, lowu, County and State.
Agents wanted in everv Town and Vills.-t
Addrt-ss AUSTIN & COMPANY, No 1C :
mer Street, Boston, Mass. Dec H'--it
M. L. Oatsiak, Sole Agent for Cambria f
The subscriber desires to call the attert; I
ot the public to the fact that he has puri-L:
sed the right tor tiarauria county to a
"Bectley's Non-Explosive Metropolitan Oii.
which he claims to be the
Oil manufactured. The advantages ciVic
for this Oil are :
1. It is clear and clean.
2. It is non-explosive and safe.
3. It will not grease your hand?, clot'nmr
furniture, or camets.
4. It is fifty per cent, cheaper than a-I
other Oil. Price, only lu cents a quart.
One and nil who hnvf nsfd it prcnCUDf
it to give entire satisfaction. Give itatr;-'
and be convinced of th3 above xacta.
for sale at the store of
Three doora east of Crawford's Hotel,
Aug. 13.
COUNTY: Notice is hereby given to the meK1 r
said company that the annual election
Board of Directors will be held at the
in Ebensburg, on the second MOV'
JANUARY, 1869, (being the ltb.) ori
the hour3 of 11 o'clock, a. m., and 2 oc;
p. m.
Dec. 10-td.
All persons indebted to the suU
ou Book account are hereby notified i ....
and make settlement itnmediatu?- ..jf
count3 of those neglecting this notitf fl.
placed in the. hands of a proper o.n-
collection after the first of January n.l,N'?
Dec. 10. 3t. JOHN 0.