n ij in. JAMES, i VOLUME 9. rLLIAM KITTELL, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. August 13, 18G8. JOHN IENL.U.N, Attorney at xaw, Ebensburg, Ta. jw Uluce on mgn street. ,nugi. nKOKUJi 31. KrJAJJU, Attorney at IT Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Othce in Uolonuacie now. augio -rrriLLIAM II. SECULER, Attor- ney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colonnade Row. LugJU TTrTr.V. V O TM A T. Attornpv at (JT Law and Claim Agent, and United ;;,ite3 Commissioner for Cambria county, Jii ssburg.Pa. augl3 JTOilNSTON & SCANLrAN, Attorneys I.i i T T?l. .-Vn rrr "Pa Omce opposite the Court House. I. L. JOHNSTON. ftUgl3J J. K. SCA.NI.AJf. LiVMlIKL SINCILETON. Attorney at L3 Law, Ebensburg, Pa. C'-i?" Office on High street, west of ! os- -r s Hotel. augl3 TAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law, 3 r.-irrolltown. Cambria county. Pa. '"" Architectural Uruwings ana specul ations maue. IIUIB'J J. WATERS, Justice of the Peace f Office adjoining dwelling, on ilign St., isb urg, l'a. LauP 13-6m. fn A. SHOEMAlvKK, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Particular attention paid to collections. rti" OCice on High street, west of the Di-;-j0nl. nug!3 T. w. DICK, Ubemburg. Johnstown. YMH'ULIN & DlUlv, Attorneys at i Law, Ebensburg, Pa. tiT Office in Colonade Row, with m. Esq. Oct. 22. j OSEPII S. STRATER, Justice of the Peace, Johnstown, Pa. tr" Office ou Market street, corner of Lo- .st street extended, and one door south of Tt hue office of m. M'Kee. augl3 Pl)EVlHAUX, M. D., Physician ii, and Surgeon, Summit, Pa. tJ Oflice east of Mans'on House, on Rail road street. Night culls promptly attended ;o, at Lii ofiice. auglS TviVdI: WITT ZEIGLER IJ lUvintr permanently located in Ebens- bunr, ofers his professional services lo the cit'iiens of town and vicirity. Tectb extracted, uilhout pain, with JSttrous 0t. or Laughing Go.. J-r!looma adjoining U. liunuey s store, 'iteitreet. inugi J The undersigned. Graduate of the Bal- T re College of Dental Surirery, resnectfuL'y !eri his professional services to the citizens : Kbrnsburg. lie has spared no means to ijrouhly acquaint himself with every lm ivtuient in hia art. To many yearn of per oaal experience, he has sought to add the parte J experience of the highest authorities i Dental ydence. lie simply asks that an lortunity may be given for his work to -i'.uk. its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. Ssr'Yill be at Ebensburg on the fourth ih..J;iy of each month, to stay one wjek. August ::, 1808. T 1.0 Y D & CO., Bankers Xj EnENSBUUO, Ta. fciTGohl, Silver, Government Loans and her Securities bought and :old. Interest v!?wc! ou Time l'eposits. Collections made '3 all hccessible points in the Urited States, :1 a Ucr.er.i! liauhiug Eusiuesd tranaacted. August 13, !;. 7 LLOYD & Co., BnnJctr ' ' Altoona. Pa. Iir.uvi cr. the nriucinal cities, and Silver v.lV)M for E.ile. Collet tinns made. Mon eys rectivei oi dennit ..nvntilp nn dm:inil. uIio!it iutorc.it, or unon ti'me. with interest i t fo:r rues. faiiQ-13 Pin- 1 U;t NATIONAL BAN! f , Of Jounstowx, Penxj K ''l up Capit a $ CO.000 00 A. cd'-ie to incr'tisf .- l nn f.nfi (i.) we buy iin.l sell Inland and Foreign Drafts, liin t Silver, nnd all classes of Govern- "L-'i .V-CUn tip.- : i-.nilfR rnl!(rtifin nt Virmi do a general Banking business. All -H entrusted til na will rprfivo nrnmnt a"u cart, at moueraic prices, uive -'atrial. . Directors : Jo is' DiBEP.r, ur t. . , ... , r 'I . ' Jacob Levkegood, ! " ' AMl'BELL, 'lj;s Fhitz. Euw'd. Y. Townsend. liVTPr t rnnnrtT. J1- J- r.oismiTS. Cashier. rseo3l v t ' ii.o vo, i'r jouv lloyd, Cashier. hui national bank OF ALTOONA. co vrnxMEXT a gexcy, -'ATED DEPOSITORY OF THE DXI- TED STATES. iTt r rner Yirgiuia and Annie sts., North l toona Pa. rm c "D Capital $300,000 00 ' a'''Ta l Pah, 1s 150,000 00 All 1 " Miies3 pertaining to Banking done on j, terms. t ',Ual J' venue Stamps of all uenomina- T ,V'"RJ'3 011 hand. x0 tin l-,. l ... '.amr(' ', rs ot h-a"'pF, percentage, in 5i0; allowed, as foil ows : $.10 to o7r!rr tent'5 510C to $200, 3 per cent.; '" upwards. 4 ner cent. rnnn-13 S L M'KL SINGLETON,' Notary Pub- fJ2"-co on li- ' Ebensb"'g, Pa. Ul. n 11 igh Etreet, west of Foster's IIo vjj LaugI3 J TllP0lJ"an kinds done at 1E AIKGHAMAN OFFICE," lliGu St., Ebkxsbcrg, Pa. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, I8C8. Cbrhtmas llells. The bells the bells tne Christmas bells 1 How merrily they ring ! As if they felt the joy they tell To every human thing. The silvery tones, o'er vale and hill, Are swelling soft and clear, As wave on wave the tide of sound Fills the bright atmosphere. The bells th-j merry Christmas bells I They're ringing in the morn ! They ring when in the Eastern sky v The golden light is born ; They ring when sunshine tips the hills, And gilda the village spire " When, through the sky, the sovereign Bun Rolls his full orb of fire. The Chiistma3 bells the Christmas bells, How merrily they ring I To weary hearts a pulse of joy, A kindlier life they bring. The poor man on his couch of straw, The rich on downy bed. Hail the glad sounds, aa voices sweet Of angels overhead. The bells the silvery Christmas bells, O'er many a mile they sound ! And household tones are answering them In thousand home3 around. Voices of childhood, blithe and shrill, With youth's strong accents blend, And manhood's deep and earnest tones With woman's praise ascend. The bells the solemn Christmas bells, They're calling us to prayer; And hark 1 the voice of worshipers Floats on the morning air. Anthems of noblest praise ascend, And glorious hymn3 to-day, In honor of a Savior born Come to the church away ! AN OLD M&X 8 CUKISTJ1 A3 STOUY. I am an old man; so old am I that, looking back, life seems very long, and yet so short, that I do not know whether many things did not happen in dream. I am hale, and hearty, and merry, for the mat ter of that; and when I laugh, my laugh rings out clearly and loud, they say; so much so, that it makes the peopla around, especially my grandchildren, and nephews and nieces, laugh too. And when I laugh the old times come back when others, who are silent now, laughed with me, and then I am suddenly still, and the laugh dies away; and when I think of it, ita empty echoes fill my brain just as it it were sleep lauirhter in a dream. When I stop laughing so suddenly, for the merriment and enjoyment, and, for the mattCi of that, the grief and pain of old men, are short and sudden, like those of children my grandchildren, cud nephcvs and nieces have a great difficulty to stop too; and they choke and nudge each oth er, and say that is a good gtory, uncle; almost as good as the story you told us yesterday. Told yesterday; let me see what it was I told yesterday. How long ago it seems ; it must be longer ago than the time whea I was only twenty years old, a. stalwart, brave fellow, in Tellow brcechas, black leggings, a heavy, brass bound, leather helmet, with a plume tipped with red, and a clanking sword, which I now could not lift with my two hands. I was a royal volunteer then, prepared to resist the French ; and I and some of my companions were encamped in white tnts oa the coast of Kent. Yes, people think me very merry. And so, thank, heaven, I am ; for I try to stand upright, four-square to the world, as a man should ; but being an old man, I have blaok places in my heart now, where no love grows ; barren spots in my memo ry, and chilled and numbed parts in my feelings whereto I cannot look back, and whereon I dare not tread and touch lest sudden pain should come back, like the shooting of an old, old wound. Ueen iu love ? Yes, I should think I have ; how else could I have grandchildren, those people who laugh so heart when I laugh, and make me tell how old I am a score of times, and say how well I am looking. Been in love ? I think I was talking of that, was I not ? Yes, been in love ! Well, wc did love when I was a young fellow, and I recollect my Alice, and I re collect her as I loved her when she was very young, and as I love her now. I think she could do anything but drink and smoke or tell an untruth, or do a wrong action. Her face was a sweet oval ; her hair a very dark brown, nearly black ; and her eyes were a deep blue, full of merri menc at one moment, aye, at all moments, except when she heard a sad story or was touched with pain for any one else, and they grew deeper and deeper as they filled with tears. Not for herself. She never cried for herself that I know of, for she never had a day's illness. But she was terribly cut up when her brother died, and that you sec was how I knew her. Her brother was my right-hand man in my company. Many's the time lie stood shoulder to shoulder to me, good at drill, good at song good at anything. He used to live near the coast ; and, indeed, he joined us, and I was one of his tent fellows, and his chum. I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Henry Clay. YVell, he knew people that I knew, and we were soon friends ; and he took me home to show me Alice. He was always talking about her, and she about him ; and when he was there, scarce a look did she give me. Her brother his name was Joe, and mine loo could do everything, and was the be-all and end-all of the world, I used to think ; and so one day I tried to run with Joe, and Joe beat me, and Alice laughed; and then I shot against Joe, and he beat me too, and she laughed the more; and I wrestled with him and threw him; she didn't laugh then, but ran to see whether he was hurt, and said it wasn't fair for Joe to tackle a big fellow like me, although he was nigh' an inch taller. In short, I could not please her anyhow. Well, it was one day when we heard that the flat-bottomed boats of old Boney were not coming over, and that the army of Boulogne had melted, bit by bit, away like a snowdrift, that we made a night of it. Ay, it was a night, too ! and, being hot and in the summer, we must need keep up the fun till the sun came up over the seacoast, looking red and angry at our fol ly. Well, Joe and I, the two Joes, as they called us, ran down to the beaeh and washed our hot faces, and plunged in the fresh, salt waves, and were m a minute as fresh and merry as larks. And after dressing, Joe must needs take a walk with me, who was nothing loath, you must know, along the edge of the cliff. The seas for centuries have been washing that chalk bound coast, and at intervals there stand up pillars of chalk, with seas around them. The people call such a place "No Man's Land," and no man can own it, truly. Well, Joe came to one of those within a few feet, say twelve, from the cliff, and turning to me said, --Joe, Junior," said he, I think I see his bright face now, :L chal lenge you to jump on that 'No Man's Land,' I do." "Joe," said I, hurriedly, "don't b.e a fool ? It maybe would give way at the top, and if it did not, how could you jump back without a run. You'd be struck on the top like a mad sentinel or a pillar saint. I'm not going to jump it." "But I am," said he. And before I could stop him, if needed I had tried, he took a run and jumped. It was so sudden that I could ony stand aghast when I saw him there. He stood, inden'd, for a moment, and then he took a back step, and would have jumped back when I heard a rumbling sound, and half the top of the "No Man's Land" part, and the chalk and earth, and Joe, too, fell down with a crash oa the rocky coast be low. I raa round the little creek to the other side of a small bay, and throwing myself down on tne turr, str; iched my neck over, looked over and cried out, "Jce ! Are you hurt, Joe !" A faint -oice came up, and I could see the poor fellow struggling under a iuigo piece of chalk which seemed to hold him down in aony. He smiled in a ghastly way, and said, "itun Joe, run ! the tide's Well, I did run, and we got ropes from the tents, aud a few strong fellows hold them as I twung over the cliff, just reach ing poor Joe as the cold water was lap, lap, lapping up to his mouth, taking away his breath and then running back, crawl ing over him and leaving bubbles of salt foam, as if iu sport. I got him out, but he could not stand. Some bones were broken and he was badly bruised, so that I was forced to tie him to a rope, and they hauled him up, and we took him home. Well, well, Lo make a long story t-hort, poor Joe died, with my praise en Lis lips, and Alice bowed her head like a broken lily. It was a long time before she got over it, and summer had grown into win ter, and winter to summer, to autumn, and to winter again. The threatening inva sion was all over; our swords were getting rusty, our uniforms dirty, and when the holidays came I left the firm in which I was a partner, and went to spend a fort night at my old friend's in Kent. Alice was there, well and cheerful now, and reconciled to her loss, though we often talked of poor Joe, and as the days wore on we grew closer together, and she called me by name, and seemed to have trans ferred her brother's love to me. She nev er told me so or let others see it, till one merry Christmas night, when she rejected all her cousins and her other friends, and would only dance with me. We had the mistletoe too. At last, one madcap fellow proposed that the ladies should kiss the gentlemen all around when and how they could; and Alice should play, too; and she, in a solemn, quiet way, smil ing sadly, and yet sweetly, too, took me beneath the Christmas bough, and kissed me on the lips. Ay, it's many years ago, but I feel it now. My heart beat so fast that I hardly dared return it; but I put my arm around her and took her gently by -the bay win dow of the old hall, saying, as I pressed her hand, "Alice, dear Alice, did you mean that kiss?" Well, I need not tell you what she an swered. 'Tis fifty years ago, fifty years ago ! and I am surrounded by Alice's dear grandchildren, and there is one, a little thing with light and golden hair that will deepen into brown, who plays around my knees and tells me her little stories, her sorrows, and her joys; so quick, so hur ried in their coming and their going that they aro like mv own. and n? wo tnR- w grow quite friends and companions, as my Alice; was to me. Bless you, she understands it all. She is a woman in her pretty ways; her pout ings, pettings, and quarrelings. She man ages her household of one wax-doll and two wooden ones, and tells me, for the wax doll is the lady and the two wooden ones are the servants in mob caps and stuff gowns, Vhen they gossip with a wooden policeman, who belongs to her brother, little Joe. So we are fast friends, little Alice and I; anc to-night, on Christmas night,!: no tiei.y hat she Wjuuld notdance or play with the pink and shiny-faced little boys who were unnaturally tidy and clean in their new knickerbockers, with red stockings; but she came and set by me, and talked softlj in the firelight as Alice did, and made me think of fifty years ago. And only think how old times come back and new times, like the old; only just think, that when her mother told her she should choose a sweetheart, she got a little bit of mistletoe, and cliuibiiig slily on my knee, and holding me in talk, as if to hide her purpcic, though I guessed it soon. J tell you, sli put her little doll-like arm around my neci, ana noiaing tne mistletoe above my head, she kissed me again and again, and said I was her sweetheart. So this child-sweetheart brought the old times h.irk tlio timrs thnf nw cfill o lia. taut and so near; and the sweet kiss 'neath j tne rustling leaves made me think ot my dead Alice in the grave. Retta's Ciarlslmas Eve. "Writing to-day, Retta ?" The question came in a tone of surprise, as Mr. Saun ders saw pen, ink, and paper placed u;.on the little table at his bedside. "Yes, indeed, papa. Why not ?" "Wrhy, you told me yesterday of wonder ful preparations for my Christmas dinner, all to be made to-day; of turkey to stuff, chicken pie to manufacture, pies to bake, and pudding to boil, sauce to sweeten, and gravies to spice " "Stop! stop! Allow me to remark, sir, that I am afraid your exalted ideas will have to come down before your dinner ! But all is done. Was I not up before tho peep of day, baking and preparing, i:i or der to have time to spare for the editor of tho " iX'er.in'y fjtn, , -who wants, if you please, something ani? Funny! My brains are baked as dry as a chip, and my head would certainly rattle if anybody would take the trouble to huko it ! Now, papa, here is tho pen, thare the ink. xnd under my hand the paper; only one thing is wanted I haven't the ghost of an idea." "It is nil some writers ever do have, and dreadful hard it seems to be to raise it." "Do you mean to be personal, Mr. Saun ders V "Not at all, Mis Retta. But what are you going to write, and must il be done to day ! x ou look tired. 1 am aot very tired, only rather weary of pots and pans. Literature vil! make an agreeable variety. Ain't it ninny, p.;p:-.. to come from tu-;h direfully matter-of-fact top'i.3 as roast meat snd applo pies to the 'Sorrows of Soruphina' or the 'wails of a broken spirit?' But this won't v. rite my f"iii;y article. Oh dear ! WThat is ibany'i I ain't. I feel as solemn as that historical animal, a church owl, though, r-.ind you, papa, I am by no means prepar ed to grant that an owl is r:iy more solemn in a church than he is out of it." ..-Where are all the unfinished articles you were talking about the other Jay ?" "Oh, those are my heroics ! They aiu't funny. They arc the wonderful produc tions that are one day to place me at the head of American authoresses, and scud my name, wreathed in laurel-, down to posterity. They are to be the evidences of the 'startling original genius' of our tal ented contributor, Retta Somers, the highly-finished artistic finish of which, etc., etc. You know all about it." "Well, why don't you finish them ?" "Because whisper, pupa ; walls have ears I cannot, if my life depended ou it, thiuk of a single 'startling original' line for onft of them." "Won't any of them do for this emer gency V "Well, thero is the young man who fell ia love with the young lady " "My 'dear, can you complain of want of originality V "Don't be sarcastic, sir. And the young lady drives him to despair by flirting with young man number two, and I stopped there, and have not decided whether it shall be suicide or pistols for two. 'I hen, there is my mysterious murder, but I have made the mystery so deep that I don't see how in the world I can ever explain it and anyhow it isn't funnjT." "Couldn't you introduce a comic song ?" "Now, papa ! As if bringing one's muse down to a caterer for bread and but ter was not sufficiently aggravating with out being made fun of ! Come, sir, I'll forgive" you if you tell me soniethiug to write about." "Put away your pen, then, and come here, close to me. Lay your hand in mine, and now listen. Once upon a time " : "Now, papa, you are going to make fun of me." - . "You asked me , to make fun for you, but you must not interrupt me. Once upon a time, not many years ago, there lived iu the pleasant city of Y a gen tleman, who had one little daughter. May years before, whea this little girl was a wee babv in hU nmid li I.-.,! j - j UUU I his wife in her long, narrow heme, and taken this tiny pledge of her love into his inmost heart, lie loved the child fondly, yet in his love he was blind to many things that might have made her happier. As he loved books, music, and painting, he made her life one round of study and sweet sounds and sights, neglecting those little feminine pursuits a woman loves and craves. , She was his scholar and compan ion, trained to masculine tastes, yet gentle and womanly by' nature arid a higher" in stinct than her father could teach. As she passed from child to woman, her father read upon her broad white brow aud in her clear blue eyes a talent he had never possessed, and by gentle urging he trained the gitt till his eyes were gladdened by reading all the pure outpourings of his child's genius. A poet born, her prose was full of geins, and her pen became her dearest treasure." "Papa !" "Listen, llctva. One day, tiprtn all this dreaming life of pleasant inLorc-ourse taore came a blow, sudden as tin; iMumk-r in a sunny summer day. The cii-.-tf-c-i who held the wealth that had made this iiio an c:--:y one to indulge in, failed, and swept oil at ouce the whole fortune upon which those two depended. This was not all; a fall upon the ice crippled the father so in curably that he was i hained by his injuries to his bed, depend nt for actual bread upon his child, who:' eighteenth summer had just opened a fair, loving blossom, train ed to a life of Insurious ease. It was then he learned his mistake ; when watching the noble nature that conquered all diffi culty, he saw Low the fastidious taste shrank from such domestic labors as most women love. With many a paug of bitter self reproach, he saw the most common place duties of a poor house fulfilled by fingers trained to glide over the ivory keys of a grand piano, saw thejbusy little hands he had so often watched guiding the pen now roughened and soiled by cooking, dusting, and sweeping, and kLew his fair child a martyr in every detail." "No, ro ! Love made the tasks easy. What could rep iy the years of care such a father had lavished ? She were a disgrace to her sex if suc-a memory did not gild the most menial task." "Hush, lletta, listen. When the little ready money that had served at first was gone, the talent that had been the father's pride became his support. Other eyes than his loving ones learned to scan and grew to praise his child's works, and day after day piles cf neatly written sheets were transformed into food, medic Ios, and clothing. Perhaps this might have become the life of these two, content to always continue all each other; but odo was a woman, with a loving heart and noble womanly nature. Visiting this pair, pas sing whole hours by the bedside of the in valid, was a young doctor, whose love for his profession at fir&t drew him often to ttudy an interesting case, but who came soon from a deeper motive. The father, from his prison Led, had grown to watch his child's face so closely that evry tho't of her hear was transparent to him, so he soon read in her eyes the secret the tried to hide, aud knew that those two, both dear to him, were ill more dear each to the other, ltetta, v. hy do you weep '! There was no shaae in such love; it was sought with manly frankness by one worthy to Avin it. Still, there was a bar. The young doctor was poor, and when he told his love, the maiden would not burden him with a helpless invalid, neither would she leave her father." "Oh, papa, how did you know ?" "The lover himself told the invalid, who then wrote to see if a hospital could not afford him a home." "Never ! Papa, you break my heart." "Not yet, for the story docs not end so. Christmas was coming, and the day before, while the child was busy iu the kitchen at her distasteful work, the young doctor came to pay his daily visit. II is story was worthy of a nov I, for he had received a legacy from an aunt sufficient to kcer' him in luxury. He hud purchaed a house, and a deed of gift iiirtie it his Christmas present to the father of the w .'nan he loved. To-nirht, Retta, this iir'tv :t arid lover move into their new domieih. :u-d the child, tho loving girl who has so p.i- tientlv borne dark days, will she not cotue to trla icti bright ones r It was evening when the f;ittinjr was made, and in the new home the loving father gave away his treasure to stronger protection, while there was no happier heart in that large city, t'aan little Retta's on that Christmas Eve. The first traces of Christinas observance fv-and i.i ancient history are early in the second century, at Ic."-5t prior to A. D. 138. In some churches, the Epiphany and Christmas were celebrated as one fes tival. In the fourth century, after an claborato investigation, the 25th of De cember was agreed upon as Christmas, and has ever since been observed throughout Christendom. There may still be unbe lievers, but the historical and astronomical evidences in favor of this day amount to alsaost a demonstration, if such language I vi.oy iar advance. NUMBER 20. can ever be applied to that class of testi mony. We derive our Christmas customs more immediately from oil England, where it was a religious, domestic, and merry-making festival for every rank and age. On Christmas Evo the beils were rung On Christmas Eve the :naj was sung ; That only night in all the year, Saw the stolid priest, the chalice rear. Then opened wide the Baron's hall, ! To vassal, tenant, serf and all ; Power laid his rod of rule aside, And ceremony doffed hi3 pride. The heir, with roses in his shoes, That night might village partner choose. All hailed witli uncontrolled delight And general voice, ti c happy night That to the cottage as the crown, - , Brought tidings ot salvation down. England was merry England when Old Christmas brought his sports again. 'Twa3 Christmas broached the mightiest ala 'T was Christmas told the merriest tale ; A Christmas gambol olt would cheer A poor man's nean through half tho year. The custom was to deck houses and churches with evergreens, to remain until Candlemas day, (Feb. 2d.) An English suusutution, alluded to by Shakspeare, de clared that on Christmas eve no evil spirit stirred abroad, no witch or fairy had power to charm, so hallowed was the time. And a famous hawthorn in the churchyard of Glaftonbury always budded on the "lAvx and blossomed on the 25th of December, and refused, ou the reformation of the cal endar, to change from the old to the :r style. All our standard Christmas hymn.-?, criminate warfare upon the usag . f Christmas, good and bad. Its pieaousu and sacred institutions, however, were too deeply imbedded in the popular heart to allow them to be set aside by the logic cf these cold, stern men. Even the women and children around their own hearth stones, would celebrate Christmas in spite of theit frowns. It has become a legal holiday in most of the States is observed by giving presents, and is ushered Ia by religions service. 'iio rlounf aiEieer Case Ball Club. Ebexsbuuo, Dec. IS, 1SG8. To the . rs oj The All-... ' wf.i-i The b ,-" ball sea-ior: h,aT:ng closed, I propose, -vlth your permission, to briefly review the phiy of the Mountaineer Club during the summer just past. ! firing the season, the Club r!aycd nino ' t class gain' s, eight of which it wen, and l-.-st one. Th first game of the season was played w:ai thy Mountain Stars of Altoona, in Ebensburg, June 20th. Score: Inn.ngs 1345 0 789 Mountaineers ) 4 0 2 1 14 19 V! 6 57 Mountain Stars 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 0 20 The second game was with the Ioniaus of Chest Springs, i.t Cl.ost Spriugs, Juno 27th. Score : Innings 123456789 , Mountaineers 3 8 3 7 9 7 J G 013 Io.nans G 0 3 0 4 0 4 2 221 TI - third game was with the St. Au gustines, of St. Augustine, at Chest Springs, June 27th. Score : Innings 1 2 3 4 5 Mountaineers St. Aujrustiue 5 12 7 737 I 3 17 2 124 The fourth g.uuo was ti.3 return game with the Mountain Stars Altoona, at Altoona, July -ith. Score : Innings 1 "? 3 4 5 Mountaineers 11 V I 17 2 42 Mountain Starts 0 1 i 2 o 'j The fifth game was the return game with the St. Augustine club, at 11 ocas burg, August 1st. Score : In,iirgs 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 Mountaiueers 4 7 3 21 10 0 5 5; St. Augustines 0 0 0 o J 0 0 3 The sixth game was with, the Kickena pawiings of Johnstown, at Ebensburg, August 7th. Score : Innings 1 2 3 4 5 G 78 9 Mountaineers 4 2 5 2 4 5 0 5 f 27 Kicks .5 4 3 0 1 0 1 The seventh game wa3 with the Muffins of Cresson, at Ebensburg, August 12th. Score : Innings 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 Mountaineers 9 G 2 11 10 12 3 8 4 -05 Muffins ...7 2 1 1 2 14 0 0 3 3u The eighth game was the return game ; with the Ionians of Chest Springs, at Eb ensburg, August 22d. bcore : Innings 1 2 345G7 8,9 Mountaineers 2 10 9 7 2 9 13 1071 j lonins. 2 7 1 3 0 3 3 0 1 20 i The ninth irame was the return tranio vith the Kiekcnamwlings of Johnstown, ; at Johnstown, August 28th. Score : Innings-- 12 3 456789 Mountaineers 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 19 Kicks 1 3 3 3 7 3 3 0 427 It will be seen by the above that tho Mountaineers won eight out of the nino games played, making a grand total of 423 runs, against 17'J runs by all oppo nentsor two to one in favor of tha Mountaineers, and G5 runs over. The Mountaineer Club was organized in 1SGG, and has played, in all, 20 match, games. Of these, it won 17 and lost 3.. making a grand total of 088 runs, to -1G4 by all opponents or over two to cue in favor of the Mountaineers. - ' This is a record of which our Club haa just reason to bo proud. Probably uu club in the western parf cf the State can match it, either in the number of games played, the number of games won, or in the. preponderance of runs made over op ponent. J. some oi them the best m language, aio of English origin. In this country, ths New England Puritans made an indis i . P. r