The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 17, 1868, Image 2

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United States Senator.
Among the names spoken of for United
States Senator in place of Charles R.
Puckalcw, we recognize many of men
known in the commonwealth for their in
tegrity, their business capacity, and their
general talent. Out. of tho list the Legisla
ture ought to he aLle to find a man who
will serve the State well, and adorn his
high -position. It is important at the pres
ent time, and necessary in order that
Pennsylvania may have her due influence
in the national councils, that the person
chosen be well qualified for the discharge
of tite duties pertaining to the oflice. No
man can have qualifications so high that
he may not find room for their employ
ment in the Senate of the United States
One man may be well qualified for the
transaction of business, and as a business
man may have and' deserve a wide-spread
reputation. He may be identified with all
the great financial interests of the State,
and vet not be the man for Senator. An-
other may be a thorough lawyer, standin
at the head of his profession, yet fail as a
legislator. Another may be engaged in
manufacturing industry, and as inti
mate with the mineral resources of the
commonwealth as with his alphabet, yet
it docs not follow that he is a proper man
for our next Senator. It is right and
necessary that the great material interests
of the country should be represented in
the councils of the nation by men identi
fied with those interests. But the lower
house of Congress is the place for such rep
resentation. "We can have but two Sena
tors. Being only two, they should be dis
tinguished for their statesmanlike quali
ties. -But what constitutes a statesman ?
That's the question, and one easier asked
than answered. We do not now think of
a better answer than to say that he is a
man of such largeness of mind as enables
him to judge of political measures by their
general results and necessary effects. For
instance, a certain class of men proposed
at the close of the war to confiscate the
property of the Southern people. Now, a
statesman might have believed those peo
ple to merit such punishment, but he
could never have given it his approval
for the plain reasons that it would have
caused almost endless litigation, provoked
. increased bittcrnos nii ti-i towards
xrorth, and have injured the wlioie
country by preventing a return of indus
try and prosperity to so large a portion
of it. True statesmanship would die
tatc such measures as were necessary to
Becurc justice and protection to all and fu
ture safety to the nation, and these secur-
the bond on which his money was loaned
stipulates, and adds ominously, "the lessons
of the past admonish the lender f that it is
not wll to be over anxious in exacting
from the borrower, rigid compliance with
the letter of the bond." O Andrew John
son ! "from what hight fallen With
some other than ... the American people
there might be danger in such a proposi
tion coming from one occupying so high a
place, but thank heaven that while this
man is serpent enough both to charm and
sting, he "was long since bereft of the pow
er to do cither. There are many bad men
who are public creditors, but until one
wrong cau excuso another the country can
not justly repudiate either the principal or
interest of her debt.
Eggf Snow over two feet deep.
J(pgy Sleighing in prime condition.
ESf Coming the Holidays.
. Read the new" advertisements-.
JGQT la demands-turkeys, and the like.
S2 The days have begun to lengthen. .,
JGQy Helene Western, the actress, is dead.
J6FThe season for deer shooting expires
on the 1st of January. -
. JBsaTMIon. William T. Daughrty, of Bed
ford, died suddenly on the 8th: instant.
' '- i
Ripe strawberries were gathered on
the James river, Va., as late a3 the 6th, ult.
J2F Conundrum : What post was the
editor of the Freeman born to grace? None.
Jg3 Three hundred women, graduates of
medical colleges, are now practising' in this
country. : "... .
JGgy "Worse yon cannot be." Freeman.
Not worse than the Freeman. We admit
J5gy Why don't the editor-of the Freeman
iun for Congress again ? The third time is
the charm, you know.
y" Weston has fizzled out in biswaik of
5,000 miles. He proposes to try it again,
commencing on the 5th of January.
e? The steamer Hibernia. oatward bound.
21st Congressional district, in the body of foundered about 700 miles off the Irish coast
which was a statement to the effect that on the 25th ult. Several lives were lost.
some of the St. Xavicr monks had voted gy- The result of the vote of the Electoral
fraudulently. But we did not endorse the College will not be officially announced till
article. We copied it merely as an item I the second ednesday in February.
of current report, and gave due credit to J5 It s singular fact that no President
Tlic Alaska Purchase
and tlic
There is much talk about the sums paid
to outsiders to procure the ratification of
thq Alaska purchase. According to the
correspondent of the Worcester Spy,
among the sums specified in these reports
are such items as New York Tribtine,
$20,000; manager of its Washington Bu
reau, $5,000; publisher of Washington
CJironicle. S25.000. The correspondents
of the Times, World, Boston Journal, Phil
adelphia Press. Chicago Tribune, Boston
A Word.
The editor of the Freeman avers that
we charged the inmates of St. Xavier's
Monastery, iu Westmoreland county, with
having fraudulently voted at the last Oc
tober election. We did not so charge,
and the editor of the Freeman knows it.
We copied an article from a Fayette pa
per relative to the alleged frauds in the
the paper from which it was taken. Yet
the Freeman has for weeks been iterating
and reiterating that by publishing the ar
ticle in question we were guilty of an un
called for assault on the St. Xavier monks,
and, through them, on the Catholic teli
. - . ..." i j -1
yton, ana ostentatiously asKS us to maite
amends for the "falsehood." As to the
of the United States, up to the present time,
has had a child born in the White Uouse
Soy it is reported tnat JS. A. Follard, au
thor of the "Lost Cause," has been appointed
to a clerkship in the N. Y. custom house.
J5Sy The editor of the Freeman has gone
into the business of abusing our poetry.
Better, that, than himself writing bad verses.
gy" A new idea. The St. John Telegraph
charge being a falsehood, " we have only I gives notice to delinquent subscribers that
the word of the editor of the Freeman
for that not the best testimony in the
world. How does he know whether it is
true or false ? To the best of our recol
lection, he was in Ebensburg during all of
the second Tuesday of October, assisting
in piling up the magnificent majority
which the Democratic party didn't get,
and it is .reasonable to suppose -that he
knows absolutely nothing of the alleged
We make this proposition: If the ed
itor of the Freeman will demonstrate,
first, that we made any charge whatsoever
ainst the St. Xavier monks, 'and, sec-
hereafter it will sell their accounts at auc
tion to the highest bidder.
EST The Freeman calls the editors of The
Alleghanian "nominals." But that does not
make them such.' For instance, we might
call the editor of the Freeman a geBtleman 1
Jpgf The colored people of Washington
city have erected the first monument to
Thaddeu3 Stevens, in the shape of a hand
some school house. '
Jtgy The Freeman has the word 'Editorial
ities" over its item column. Very good title,
but wouldn't "Editoria-Zie-ties" be more ap
propriate ?
We have discovered one Democratic
paper that refuses to accept the situation.
It is the Greenaburg Argue. Io!
- Ml I
ond, that such charge was untrue, we win tlian ia8t week it called Grant an
cheerfully make all the amends in our J Wfpr."
Pronounced the best ever yet introduced
in this county or State. Any person buying
a family right can have their Bees transferr
ed from an old box to a new one. In every
instance in which this has been done the re
sult has been entirely satisfactory, and the
first take of honer has -invariably paid all ex
penses, and frequently exceeded them. Proof
of the superior merits of this invention will
be found in the testimony of every man who
has given it a trial, and among the number
are the gentlemen named below, and their
experience should induce every one interested
in Bees to
Ilenry C. Kirkpatrick, of Carroll township,
took 106 pounds of surplus honey from two
hives, which he sold at 35 cents per pound.
Adam Deitrich, of Carroll township, took
from two nives 100 pounds of surplus honey.
James Kirkpatrick, of Chest township, took
6U pounas ot surplus honey from one hive.
Jacob Kirkpatiick, of Chest township, ob
tained 72 pounds of surplus honty from one
Advertiser, Eoeniny Post, and others, are
all set down as having been paid various
sums each, from 2,500 upwards. Some
of them are anxiously inquiring what has
become of the money, as it has never been
paid to them. The daughters of a mem
ber from Ohio got $10,000 each, put this,
it is affirmed, was immediately sent back.
Robert J. Walker is said to have got 25- hive, worth not less than $21, and the right
000. The certificates for this amount are cost him only $5.
n W Wr -fnl from Mm in TW retftr Campbell from one hive obtained 3G
-.r . TT 1 . 1 uuuuua ui cujpius uuuiy niuut; iiuie.
tononxew jlotk. lie mases no secret m Onit nnmW nf cimiir Qtotpmts
of his having received a large sum, but authenticated by some of the best citizens of
says it was a professional retainer from the Cambria county, coulJ te obtained in proof
Russian government. Tho lobbyists, etc., of th superior merits of Langstroth's Patent
were paid in greenbacks, they having been
urgent for such payment as soon as the
Alaska bill passed. But it is now report
ed that Mr. Rigg?, the banker, received
from the "high contracting parties this
amount in gold, with which he paid back
to the Treasury Mr. McCulloch s loan, and
netted to himself the nice little per cent.
of 70,000, being the difference of 35 per
cent, between gold and legal tenders.
This commission is said to be outside of
what he was paid for eorvices rendered.
The "harpies," vexed at being sold, are
now talking about the matter, borne say
that the difference has been, or is to be,
divided among the clamorous in order to
hush matters up.
Movable Comb Bee Hive.
Persons wishing to purchase family rights
should call on or address
jjov. 26, 1868-tf . Carrolltown, Pa.
later ago
The editor of the Freeman has been and
is now making a handle of this matter with
the hope of bringing The Alleghanian into
disrepute among the Catholics and of pro
portionately advancing himself and his
sheet in tho affections of that class. lie
The rebel Democracy of Arkansas are
banding together to prevent the arrest by
the State militia of the assassins whose scores
of murders during the past month spread a
reign of terror throughout that State.
J6a5"" Ilenry Miner, publisher, Pittsburg,
has eent ns a copy of his "Pittsburg Alma-
By virtue of an order of the Orphans
Court of Cambria county, the undersigned,
Administrator cum teslamento annexo of the
estate of William W. Gittins, late of the bor
ough of Ebensburg, dee'd., will expose to
sale by public outcrr, at the court house, in
Ebensburg, on SATURDAY, JANUABY 30,
1869, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following real
estate of which Wm. W. Gittins died seized,
to-wit : A certain lot of ground eituate in
the west end of the borough of Ebensbuig,
beginning at a post at the south east
corner of land of William Kittell, formerly
belonging to the heirs ot David Todd, dec'd.j
thence by the westerly side of the turnpike
road, south 44 degrees west, 99 feet to a post,
thence by a alley, north, 46, degrees west,
116 feet to a post, thence north 44 degrees
east, 35 feet to . post, thence south 72 "de
grees east, 140 feet to the place of beginning,
having thereon erected a two-story FRAME
UOUSE, and other outbuildings.
Terms of Sale One-half to be paid on con
firmation of sale, and the residue in one year
thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the
mortgage and Judgment bond of the purchas
Dee. 17, 1868-3t.
li. O A T M A N
Bees leave to call the attention of
the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity to the
fact that he is now opening
Ho 1 every one that want Pictures,
come ve to Ebensburg and get tliem I
Having located in Ebensburg, I would very
respectfully inform the people that I am now
fully prepared to take
in every style of the art, from the smallest
Card Picture up to Life bize.
' jtfgr Pictures taken in any weather.
Every attention given to the taking of
Photographs painted in Ul, mata ink. or
Water Colors.
Your attention is called to my
.... and
which I will sell as cheap as the cheapest
I ask comparison, and defy competion.
Thankful for past favors, 1 solicit a con
tinuance of the same.
, Z&$ Gallery on Julian street, three doors
north of the Town Hall.
augl3 T. T. SPENCE, Thotograper
The undersigned would inform ihe citizens
of Ebensburg and vicinity that he continues
to carrr on the Coloring business in all its
branches, at the old stand on Locust street.
Coloring and cleaning of all kindb done to
order. Gents clothing colored, cleaned and
pressed equal to new. Ladies dresses, silk,
cotton or woolen goods, shawls, colored,
cleaned or pressed to look as well as new.
Ribbons, feathers, &c, colored to look like
J6Sy Goods sent by express will receive my
special attention and returned as. soon as
finished. SAMUEL M. RAIXBY.
Johnstown, Nov. 26-3m.
. . auwiji AUENTS 1
adied and gentlemen in every town
SALE Of rich and lnakT
ine nothinc but valuable Rrt;-i L0c?
every family.
Each and vt-- .. i
sold for one dollar. To any person 1 1
up either of the chib3 below, we x ill tl U
a Watch. Dress Pattern, Piece of Sh.
of extra cost. .Our inducements to
have always been nearly double thon
It i r tf T. i '' 1.
cd, to wm back all alienated people to ha3 been aml ia doin tlf J3 h t vandl f. , m.t.rtrftlnr!r-1 OTW, U
loyalty and affection. I maliCious!v. "Well, it's just like him, and sought after by the ireneral public. ': Price 10
W e know no man now oeiore uio peo- pCrhap3 we outfit not to complain. Rut
pic of our State who is adorned with a we tiat hQ weicome au Q
makc3 by the performance.
Consisting in part of
greater number of statesmanlike qualities
than John Scott, of Huntingdon. Like
Caesar's wife, his integrity is above suspi
cion. Whether as regards the motives
that influence him, or the means he may
use to secure his ends, or his conduct as a
private citizen, no man can say that he is
not au honor to himself, his friends, and namC(j
the commonwealth.
Ebensburo, Dec. 14, 1868.
To the Editors oj The Alleghanian :
Throughout the State a good deal of
concern is mamlcstcu as to who shall be
our next U. S. Senator. Good men are
in connection witli that honorable
Andrew Jo an sou's Message.
Andrew Johnson has for the last time
been the author of an annual Presidential
Message. A few weeks more and he shall
retire from the public view, "unwept, un-
honorcd, and unsung" even by his politic
al friends. Almost any other man having
taken issue with the party that elevated
JG Tho Freeman says that one of the
editors of The Alleghanian is a "serpent."
The serpent referred to takes pleasure in pre
senting the editor of the Freeman the advice
contained in Lawrence's famous motto for
hia battle flag: "Don't tread on me!"
figy The Freeman, judging from tho Urge
quantity of original matter which each week
appears in The Alleghanian, concludes that
we havfc at least four editors." Thank you.
A glance over the columns of the Freeman
will readily satisfy any reasonable man that
that paper has barely one editor.
fiST A vigilance committee from Seymour,
post ; and I find that Hon. John Scott's
friends are not confined to our own moun
tain district, but are numerous all over the
State. It appears that this modest. Chris
tian gentlemen is appreciated by the peo- Indiana, on the lltb instant, went to New
pie, whatever designing politicians ana Albany, Indiana, and broke open the jail and
may think oi nim, lor ne cannot
be used for base purposes. He knows his
duty, and dares maintain it. He is an
accomplished scholar, a fino lawyer, a
statesman, and an honest. man, and it does
appear that our Legislators mean to inn-
him to tho Vice Presidency, and been de- tatc the example of the American people
feated as he has been, would have endcav- when they drafted Gen. Grant as their
. . i ii: candidate for the Presidency by drafting
the next U. S. Senator out of the town of
Huntingdon. Dexter.
orcd by rational means to regain public
confidence and the affection of hifi former
party friends. But Andrew Johnson
rhonses to insult Loncrress and the coun
try, and to disgust thoso who would now
stand by him, if he would
standi ni? room. The 1
Revf.rdy Johnson. A correspond
ent of the Pittsburg Chronicle, describing
I fhn nnnniner kcptips nf I ,nnirrPRJ mn lrf tho I " t a i ir-i
Onlv five them I . " o- l scuuoi nu siuuieu grammar.
Jb following mention of a resolution introduc- r. rir t,,i .,.,h
;et. nipssarro thnt. . i xi - tt l tt I '
o- I cam tue nousu uyourrqircbcuiamc. mr. i lorvv ftn
hanged four desperadoes, named Frank, John
and Simon Reno, and Charles Anderson.
They were charged w.ith murder, burglary,
and a host of other crimes.
We are under obligations to Mr. A.
Winch, publisher, 505 Chestnut St., Phila
delphia, for a copy of the "Old Franklin Al
manac" for 1669. In addition to ,the usual
contents oi a good almanac, it contains a
necrology for the current year, a chronologi
cal table of important event3, and other val
uable information. Price 20 cents.
Jgfeiy The editor of ihe Freeman went to
He went but a
mastering the
lv as fur as the adinrtivA Honnrtnipnt
i - -i l . i I r 11 : it..- 3 1 I " .
was nis providence ro lay ucioru cu luorrcn, ronsuriug mo auuca aiiu uiouey Lastwctk he gave us a specimen ot bis skill
houses of Congress gave him an opportu- smncs oi .umistcr- xveveruy uouiisoa in .Q lhe uge of adjectivcs by styling one of the
nitv that a wise man would have gladly ..9. vi i j '
J v v I '( lur vrnp.rablo Minister tn Knorr-inn was
improved. The question of reconstruction I the ob:ect of cial - attention from
had been fought and settled. It was Mr. Moriill, of Pa. It was in the form of
hia duty to accept the decision of the peo- an intimation that our distinguished diplo-
ple. Ho could have done so without loss mat lias indulged i.n practices prejudicial
of di-nity. By endeavoring to co-operate v V.f rVst au w
. , J J it , 1 ,, Before Minister Johnson wont abroad it
with Congress on other questions, he would was knQwn in CQuntry aod Kng.
have done a practical good, would have iand that he was very partial to English
caused much of the past to be forgotten. I life, and very popular with English people
and would have regained at least a part ot account oi ms assimnaviou wiw-auu
his former standing. Put as a leopard cWl o tnc nanus anu pecuiianues
cannot change his spots, neither 'can An- 8;stentiv witn his prejudices, and in doing
drew Johnson his folly. He makes his has disappointed no one. With a full
last message his worst, and displeases his I knowledge of these facts he was unani-
lriends no less than his enemies. He must mously confirmed by the .benatc, and the
ii1W rCLiru Willi l auiumuii uucaiuu, 1110 r in 1 , r i ll 1
i.ow amv , Morrell s resolution was referred, will have
Fancy Candles,
Stick. Caudles,
Gum Drops,
Popped Corn,
Figs, Raisins,
Prunes, Currants,
Every article necessary to trim a "Christ
mas Tree" complete may be found on hand
and for sale cheap. M. L. OATMAn.
Netice is hereby given to the stock
holders of the Ebensburg and Cresson Kail
road Company, that the annual election for
a' President and twelve Directors of said
Company will be held at the office of Hon. A.
A. Barker, in the borough of Ebensburg, on
the second Monaag, lltfi day of January, 18C3,
beginning at the hour of one, and closing at
4 p. m. ABEL LLOYD, Sec'y.
Dec. 17, 1868.
Came to the residence of Michael F.
Hammers, in Summerhill township, Cambria
county, about the 8tt December last, 18 head
of SHLEP, some with left ear off and others
with holes in the ears one having a bell on.
The owner i3 requested to come and prove
property, pay charges and take them away.
Dec. 17. 3t. M1C11AKL k HAMMERS.
Came to the residence of the subscri
ber, in Wilmor borough, on the 8th ot Aug.
last, a spring BULL calf, red, with short tail.
The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property and pay charges, otherwise
he will be disposed of according to law.
successor of Jt. S. Dunn,
Dealer in
Letter, Cap, and Note Papers,
Pens, Pencils, Superior Ink,
And other articles kept
by Drupjrists generally.
Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded.
Office on Main Street, opposite the Moun
tain House, Ebensburg, Pa. Taugl3
The subscriber has removed his Tailor
Center Btrcet, near Colonadc Row, and re
spectfully informs hi3 old customers and all
the rest of mankind that he is now prepared
to manufacture all kinds of
in the latest style of the art, with neat
ness and dispatch, and at low rates.
Eg?- Persons needing work in my line are
respectfully invited to give me a call.
Ebensburg, Aug. 13, tf.
other house in the trade, and our lanreir
creasing business warrants us in com;,;
the same. Take particular notice of tbi I
'Jui "jjcia iire uui requireu 10 pay one ,J
lar ior ineir presents, Dut receive tLe -for
their services in getting up Clubs, pv
examine tne followinc:.
Any person rendiner us a Club nf t
$1, will be entitled to receive for theV
any one of the five hundred articles o
Exchange List. (See Circular)
For a Club of thirtv. with St V.
will be entitled to one of the following
cles, viz: Meerschaum Pipe, 20 v'
uieacnea or A.rown febeetincr, Eletrant Si'
plated Five-bottle Revolving Castor, 1 Fi
.uress J.-auern, 1 aozen estra quality Co
Hoac, Fanc7 Colored Ued Spread. I Iarr
i. r t t ... ev
.Lumusn. ixuic vuttT, .uorocco Album
pictures, AlI-WooI Casbiraere for pun's.
est, 1 pair Ladies' Serere Contrive;: v.
u"1 i"1"iy i uozen nne Linen Towp
larsjcsize v orsted Sbawl, Ladies' Wc,
plated Chain, Splendid
Shopping Bag with lock and key, Set of I
elry with Sleeve Buttons lo match 1 V;
u uw, j uoz. oiiirt Uosoms, 1 White V
H'it, i e-iegant lilack Walnut tf
box or Writing Desk.
For a Club of Fifty, with $5.-1 pair
wool Blankets, yards fine CasshW
. ants and Vest, 1 black or colored '
Dress Patern, 1 solid Gold Scart Pin f
Oents' Calf Boots, SO yards BkAcLec
lrown bheetine. 2 yds. donhl
for Ladies' Cloaks. 1 Fur Mufnr ivm,.
yards Print fast colors, 1 Square Thibet S
l plain poplin Dress Pattern, 1 decant J
..jr r,aieo. uastor, l.pair G
une onirts, genuine Meerschaum Pit.
case, 1 set of Lace Curtains.
For a Club of One Hundred, wUfc $10.-1
neavy suver-piatea engraved Ice Vitcncr,
yards Bleached or Brown Sheeting, l
Merino or Thibet Dress Pattern, I set of It
handled Knives and Forks, 1 pair suc
White Wool Blankets, yards all-wooil
cy Cassimere for suit, elegant Beregc 1
Pattern, 1 Ladies' or Gents' Silver Hun
case Watch, 1 Bacon's Six-barreled Revc.
Silver-plated engraved Six-bottle Hevoi
Castor with cut glass bottles, FineWoolU
for Ladies' Cloak, 25 yards Hecip Carpe;
1 pair fine Damask Tablecloths Napkin
match, .2 heavy Honeycomb Quilts, I Ik
hand portable Sewing Machine, 1 WoolL
Shawl, nice Fur Muff and Cape, 1 pair G:.
French Calf Boots.
Fcr a Club of Five Hundred, with $30.4
yaras extra oolen Carpetines, 1 e'
iiuniing-case vvatcn iwaltbain, wnrri
oueyear,) 1 elegant Chamber Set 'black -
nut trimmings, 1 haircloth Spring Suf.u
- For a Club of One Thousand, with. $1C
30 yards Brussels Carpets. 1 rarlorSetc
plete, 1 Ladies' or Gents' Hunting C
Watch and Chain, 1 complete set of rich i
kio r urs. - .
F or larger or smaller Clubs wo wi'iW
present of proportionate value.
Agents or customers mar at tlnM
a selection ot gooJs from the Exchange L
ana by sending Une Dollar for each art
have the goods forvrtirded to them wit
first ordering checks -, Yut iu such casu
premiums will be given.
DIRECTIONS. Send Urge sums of mo.
by Draft on New York or BoEton.oi
press. e wilJ pay txchancre on aUsu:
$25 or more. Smaller sums sIiouH b-
by registered letter or by postal inoner c
It will be impossible to lose money se
either ot the above ways. W e will no
responsible for money lost, unless se
above directed. See that your letter;
properly directed and stamped, as no I1
are forwarded unless prepaid. Yri:e
address in full, Town, County and St.t;c
Agent3 wanted in every Town and u
Address AUSTIN & COMPANY, No lOt,
mer Street, Boston, Mass. Dec h
Drugs, Medicines,
Fancy Soaps,
lienor worso than tarnished, hU uauie a to recommend those who sympathize with
ty-w6r4 aud a meeting, hated by iocs and Ir. Morrell on the 'interest and dignity'
despised by friend. question, to 'suffer and be strong,' until,
But a if Ui complete or cniDeiUiiii ms
closij) career with an extra touch of in
famy, he propoees that the public creditor
-i.ii ,,. t l. nnvl the iutei'L'St for which
in the course of political events, relief
TnE Soldier and Sailors' Army Rc
uuiuu met at Chicago Tuesday, 15th iust.
editors of The Alleghanian a "long, lean, lank,
leather-sided, hungry Ebensburg .Radical.
Which is not so bad considering his chances.
jgggr Is the consumption of spiritous li
quor beneficial to society? Sometimes. One
day last week, a conductor on the P.anhandle j Patent Medicines,
railroad stopped his tram to out off a drunk- I i ure .apices,
en' passenger. : When he attempted to start
again, a large rock was discovered on the
track immediately in front of the train. If
no drunken passenger had been on (he train,
it would not have stopped ; and if it had not
Btopped, there mst inevitably have been a
disastrous collision. !
jggy"A constable and recruiting sergeant
in Harrisburg have been arrested onla charge
of conspiring to abduct. It appears! that the
son of the complainant had enlisted in the
army, but owing to his being under age the
court granted him a release from the array
Scarcely had he been released before he was
Lkhmok & Mcecay, dealers in
Pass Books,
Blank Books,
Prayer Books, Bibles,
School Books,
Photograph Albums,
Pipes, Tobacco,
Cigars, and Snnff,
Pure Liquors for
medicinal purposes.
tbensburg, August Z0, lob8-3m.
The subscriber beers leave to inform
Flavoring Extracts,
Cap Paper,
Post Paper,
Note and Billet Paper,
Fens, renews,
Pocket Books,
The subscriber would inform the citizens
of Ebensburg and vicinity that he keeps con
stantly on hand everything in the
line, Biich as Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, nil
kinds of Crackers. Cheese, Smokintr and
Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, tec.
Also, Buckskin and Woolen Gloves, Wool
en Socks, Neck ties, &c, all of which will be
sold as cheap it not cheaper luan elsewhere.
A full assortment of Candies !
. JBSf Ice Cream every evening.
aug!3 R. R. THOMAS
O-i The partnership herctcfore existing
betwen the undersigned, under the firm ol
E. HUGHES & CO., is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All debts duo to or by the
firm are to be settled by THOMAS J. LLOYD,
who continues the Lumber business at the
old stand. E. HUGHES,
Ebeusburg.'August 21, 18C3.
The undersigned will continue buying and
selling Lumber. The highest market price
will be paid, tn cash, for all kinds of good
Lumber. Particular attention paid to filling
orders. raul31 TliOS. J. LLOYD.
M. L. Oatman, Sole Agent for Can1-
The subscriber desires to call the"
ot the oublic to the tact that he hasp'
sed the right for Cambria count k
"Ber.tley's Non-Explosive Metropolis
which he claims to be the
Oil manufactured. The advantec c
for this Oil are :
1. It is clear and clean.
2. It is non-explosive and ep.fc.
3. It will not grease your LanJi,
furniture, or carpets.
4. It is fifty per cent. c1ipPct l
other Oil. Price, only lo cents a qcJ-
One and all who have used it p"1"
it to fivi entire satisfaction. Given-
aud be convinced of the above
for sale at the store of
Three doors east of Crawford's
Autr. 13.1 Ebsw
- Tho subscriber offers at private sale his
House and two Lots, situate in Belsano, Cam- I mmTT m nvTutf
bria county, nine miles west of Ebensburg. kflUE PROTECTION MlITUAl
The Lots are C6 feet each, in front, and run X INSURANCE COM PAN o'1
back 200 feet. A good plank Frame Uouse 1 COUNTY : fi
necessary out buildings. A good well of J said company that the annual f'ec '
water, ana cnoice fruit trees oi au kindf. uoara ot directors win or u- -
mil C - ci t ! r x I TVTTTTV 1 OM l.i.;r llt
cituttuut: lur a cieani &ugiu ui ten or iAfluani, ioiw, utiu - . j
by Davis St Evans, on Center street, Ebens
burg, where he will carry on the business on
an extensive scale.
For sale at City Prices.
followed and taken to Carlisle barracks, and BOOTS and SHOES made to order
for some time his whereabouts was entirely" On shortest notice !
unknown to his afflicted bxother. The coni t.a"1'1 P0'6 invi-ed ,to Ee me a
stable and recruiting sergeant have been held warrant my stock and make to n-ive satisfac.
l to answer the charge of abduction. J tioa. faug!3 JOHN O. EVANS.
the public that he has opened out a Boot and
f - , I O -
bnoe atore in ine rooms iormerly occupied fifteen horse power. T. S. EMPFIELD.
for terms inquire of George W. Empfield,
ueisano. Sep- 17,3m.J
l . i - r li ..innlr o m - Rf"
p.m. -R.J.LL01P.'
Dec. 10-td.
Mrs. Marr Owens offers for Bale her I JL All nersons indebte
uou3e, situate on the corner of Oglo and Mary
Ann streets. The house has lately been re
built and fitted up with all the modern im
provements. Terms liberal. For further
mtormation Inquire of GEO. M. RKADE,
All persons indebted to the
ok account are hereby nova T
on Book
Ann mak'i stuiemeui i-
counts oi tnose iirgcn"i,
i a. i i rtf a nrJL
collectioa after the first of Janu -Viv