The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 10, 1868, Image 2

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    '"" "' I
Tfie r'&!clei:l'N Message.
"tops ii:ci cn J
Mon Jay,
Y.itli 1G1
members ci the House untl
j. resent. The
Mc-i-rrcc w.-is
f-ent iu Tu:tI.iv,
It (-overs ihc f,,l!.iv.-m-
pGiuts nr.. c uclilonj thereon :
. 1. That tV.c .Southern States remain
) ror-tralol ia i.:la.trj their resources
having been cut (ff r ) i 1 a jrooJIy v-.ortion
of "their vj;;:i:iti"n tUsPranchiscl ; their
s denied through
lit, :.;i.l ine.vt
lem remaining uiK-r military rule. Ih
Cumiiicnding lho rop; rt of the Secretary
of the Treasury, and approving its views
relative to a return to specie payments
through reduced taxation and a pradual
contraction of paper circulation, with sug
gestions fur legislation for one currency
only, and that the National Banks should
have their powers restricted. 3. That our
foreign a Fairs aro ia a favorable condition.
The negotiations with Great Britain rc
riarding the Alabama claims, so called,
have not reached any end, certain portions
of the proposed protocol of arbitration not
having Icon approved by this Government,
and having been returned to Minister
Johnson. The resignation of the British
Ministry is .regarded as only a temporary
hinderancc. Many cf the details relative
to the" "claims it is not deemed proper to
communicate ia the Message. Offers of
arbitration between Paraguay and Brazil
have, been declined, and the course cf
Paraguay is commented cn, though there
is an absence of official detail about the
late outrage cf Lopez. The Government
has made new treaties fur the protection
of naturalized citizens abroad. It has re
cognized the new provisional Junta in
Spain as a dc facto government, but has
received no formally accredited Minister
from the same. Affairs with Mexico arc
satisfactory. Arrangements for a mixed
Commission to settle the claims of Amer
icans in that country are in progress.
The Government has failed, so far, in its
negotiation for the purchase of a naval
station in the West Indies, and the Pres
ident learns that the French arc trying to
get the Bay cf Samana from the Domini
can' Government. -L That official facts
thaw cnoniioua frauds on the revenue
whiocx must be corrected or the revenue
will fail and -the nation be involved in
ruin. The President calls fOi Ltrn c,t.
iMauun, una urges the repeal of the Civil
Tmnro not, which he regard Liud
crance to the removal of corrupt officials.
.i. Ibe President touches upon our Indian
troubles, noting the views of the Peace
Commission, and fears that the military
cstatiilshment expenditures will be largely
increased cn the Plains. C. The' Presi
dent favors the withdrawal of the troops
from the Southern States and a reduc
tion cf the army, and gives a rc-ume of
the operations of the land and pension
17. S. Senatorsliip.
Our Legislature wiil have plenty of
names to choose from when they come to
select a s;:ccc:;.-or to Mr. Buckulcw in the
United. Slates Senate.
Some time ago, it w.u confidently asser
ted that Hon. Vt- J. Kemble, late Stale
Treasurer, had the '-inside track," and
would surely receive the nomination and
con ? cucn t election.
Subs.-.ui-iily, J. Edgar Thompson.
President, of the Pennsylvania Bail
road Company, was announced as a can
didate, and it was just as confidently
asserted that he was the coming man.
Kx-Governcr Curtin is the first choice
of several counties in the Stale.
Alleghany county presents two candi
dates Hon. J. K. Mcorchead and Hon.
Thomas M. Marshall. In view of the
fact that these gentlemen are waging a
tierce fig'at against one another, the Pitts
burg Commercial suggests that the Sena
tors and Representatives of that county
decide the controversy at once, so that
they can unite their strength on one
He:;. G a'xsha A. Grow, Chairman of
the Kepublieun State Committee, appears
to be the choice of the northwest.
Th3 claims of Hon. John Sett, cf
Huntingdon, are being warmly pressed.
1 1 is name has been mentioned in neaiiv
every sc:;:on of the State, aud has always
been received with the greatest enthusi
asm. Vt'e incline i the belief that his
election would give more wide-spread sat
isfaction than the election of any ether
gentlu-man named ir the position.
0:;i: of the results of the Liberal tri
umph in the recent elections in llngland
is th3 retirement of Disraeli from the heal
of the Ministry. The Queen has appoin
tcl Gladstone to the vacancy. The party
of progress has advanced a ttep. and hopes
.may be entertained that in the near fature
England will hzfrte.
15 e lEonest.
In another column, "we publish, letter
for letter, an article that appeared in last
week's Freeman, called out by certain re
marks we had made concerning the purity
cf the ballot.
1 heroin the Freeman seeks to create the
iinprcs.-ion among its readers that we copy
our editorials.
It leaves its readers to infer that we de
sire that foreigners should not be natural
ized until live years in the country, and
then kept from voting for a year after
their naturalization.
V o proposed to limit naturalization to
United States Courts and Commi.-sioncrs.
The Freeman represented us as-wishing
to limit naturalization to United States
Courts alone.
The Freeman represents us as wishing
to require that '-each candidate for citi
zenship shall advertise himself and his
vouchers in a newspaper, like a petitioner
in bankruptcy" a proposition the like of
which we never made.
In each cf those particulars, the Free
man purposely and calculatingly misrepre
sented us. It dfd so because it knew that
its falsifications would injure us in the
estimation of many of its readers, and
because our corrections would never reach
those whom its falsifications mislead.
Wc challenge the Freeman to give any
reasonable evidence that we copy or in any
way plagiarize our editorials. Or, if the
Freeman will only assert that we copy or
plagiarise any of our editorial matter, we
will bring the case to quick issue by tel
ling the Freeman that it utters a falsehood
and let it rest under the charge until it
shows the contrary.
The Freeman sometimes tells us that we
arc young men. The editor of the Free-
man is an old man, whose years we vrould
gladly respect. II is life has not been
without its opportunities. Yet what is he
at last ? No words that we can utter
wouid be half so keen as must be the re
flection on his part (conscious as he is of
its truth) that he has come to gray hairs,
and yet, outside cf his profession, has no
higher accomplishment than a witless pun
or a low trick.
'To this'compJexion has it come at last
On Saturday morning last, the steamer
"United States," bound down the Ohio
river, and the steamer "America," upward
bound, collided at Warsaw, Kentucky.
i nc nrsc named steamer sank to about the
main deck, and then took fire. She specd-
ilj- burned to the water's edge, and seventy
fee to cljlitj jycrsons are reported to have
perished with her. The "America" was
not badly injured, but took fire from the
other steamer while "attempting to rescue
her passengers, and was burned to a cin
der. Not many, if any, of the "America's"
passengers c: crew are supposed to have
been lost.
An occurrence of this character, if un
avoidable, is heart-rending enough. But
what is to be said or thought of it when
it is known that it was the re.-uit of s7uer
carelessness I A newspaper report of the
calamity rays: "It is said that some mis
take was made in signals. The 'America'
blew her whistle, which the pilot of the
'United States' apparently did not hear.
The 'America' again signalled by two blasts
of the whistle. ' Then the 'United States'
answered, Lnt it teas too late."
All this slaughter came l'rcm the crim
inal carelessness of somdodi. There was
no necessity for the collision. Somebody
was asleep at his post somebody wa3 ine
briated somebody was incompetent
somebody blundered or it had not occur
red. But the jury who wiil investigate
the affair and its causes will probably re
port it an "accidental collision," or, if they
place (he culpability where it belongs,
that will probably bo the last of it. A
person who kills ono man id banged, but
it is not the fashion to punish a person
who kills a multitude.
Americans arc proverbially a traveling
people. They owe it to themselves, to
tiieir families, to society, that more strin
gent laws be enacted to protect them from
loss of life or limb while on a journey.
Stringent laws, properly enforced, would
speedily decrease to a very low figure the
number of lives lost by accidents on rail
and rivcfi,
The Washington correspondent of the
New lork Tribune contradicts the report
that Mr. Colfax, the Vice-President elect,
will resign the Speakership of the House
of Representatives. He also states tliat
severa' prominent Republicans have urged
him to retuin the Speaker's chair, and we
see no reasou why he should not do so.
Mr. Colfax has proved a most acceptable
Speaker; he has nething to do until the
4th of next March, when he will be called
r.pon to preside over the Senate, and we
see no reason why he should not overlook
the deliberations of the House until the
time cornea for him to tale the oath cf his
new office ,
C?.Gold is quoted at 135.
2?" Jsew advertisements this week.
XSTSow go our branch railroad.
' Last month, Pennsylvania produced
310,813 barrels of oil.
XSQjohn Mornssey's scat in Congress
will be contested.
Fort Lafayette, in New York harbor
was destroyed by fire one day last week.
JCiaT A grand temperance convention wil
be held in Harrisburg next February.
JK Huntingdon is oin to have a fnrni
tare manufactory and a stove manufactory
2? Fisk, of the Erie Road, is expected to
brin- a suit this week npaiust fifteen or
twenty newspapers in New England and the
"Western States,
IS?" Kev. T. Van Scoycc, of White town
ship, Cambria county, has accepted a call to
preach in the old school Baptist church of
2?" A row, resulting in the shooting of
one man and the stabbing of two others, oc-
curreu in nusburg on Sunday night. No
body killed.
27" Gen. Custar is reported to have at
tacked and whipped 11 large body of hostile
Indians on the plains, killing about fo?To?
JSy A report was circulated on Saturday
to the effect that the Emperor Napoleon had
been assassinated the day befoie. It was
devoid of truth.
JK5? A New York paper suggests a
means of paying the National debt that every
otiicc-seeker pay one dollar a week towards
its liquidation till Grant makes his appoint
JCSjAMrs. Tucker, of Georgia, who has
written a life of Brick Poxneroy, makes the
singular statement that "his ears are lare
O 7
and indicate the Democratic element of char
- Chang and Gng, the Siamese twins,
sailed in the steamer Java, Saturday, for
C.asgow, on then way to Paris, where the cord
which has so long united them is to be sev
The Odd Fellows of this State have
resolved to indulge in a grand parade next
April, in commemoration of the fiftieth an
niversary of the introduction of the order
into this country.
EG?" Some of tho Democratic pap?r3 in
Pennsylvania propose a division of the State
by running a line through its geographical
center. They hope to be able to return a
Democratic majority in the Eastern half.
5T" The Presidential electors of Pennsyl
vau:a, chosen November 3d, mei at Ilarris
burg cn the 3d inst. and cast the twenty-six
votes of the State for Ulysses S. Grant for
President and Schuyler Colfax for Vice Pres
ident. Jpr2?" "Walter Brown, the champion oarrman
of Americj! undertook io iow frej Plivf-bur"-to
Cincinnati, a distance of 500 miles, in
eight days, commencing on Thursiay, but h'13
boat collided with a pier of tho Tarkersbtiro-
bridge on Saturday and was s nashed into
JKS" Once, when Jeff. Davis was crossing
the Capitol Square in Richmond, a drunken
North Carolina soldier stopped him and in
quired, "Say, mister, be'ent von Jefferson
Davis ?" "Sir, that is my name," was the
reply. "I thought so ; you look so much
like a Confederate postage stamp!"
Qy 'f he Iluklux Klan exists in Texas, says
General ' Reynolds in hi3 official report.
Their desija 13 to disarm, rob, and in rnr.ny
cascs murltTTMdnfm'en and negroes. Pub
lic speakers indicate by name those to ho as
sassinated. This state of affairs in Texas and
other Southern States will be changed after
the 4th ct March. The Kuklux Kln ?n,l
Andrew Johnson will disappear together.
2?" Gen. Geo. W. Cole has been acquitted
of the charge of murder in killing L. II. His
cock for the seduction of his wife. The jury
stated that they found the prisoner to be sane
at the mciuent before and the moment after
the killiag, but were in doubts as to his san
ity cn the instant of the homicide. The
Judge said they must give the prisoner the
benefit of the doubt, and thus instructed they
rendered a verdict of acquittal.
JC5 The Pennsylvania Central Railroad
has effected the actual consolidation with it
of its two main Western connecting routes.
The Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, and
the Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis roads
thus become practically a part of the Penn
sylvania Central, and over one thousand
miles cf railway, stretching from the seaboard
to the great cities cf the Mississippi Vallev.
pass cuder tho control cf this corporation.
Eg?" The latest, end wc think the best
opinion concerning the views cf Gen. Grant,
is the remark of a United States Senator, who
for a long time has been and is now in close
relations with him, and stands a good chance
of going into the Cabinet, to-wit : "He will
not, if he knows it, have around hiru a thief,
or the friends cf a thief, and all fuch, high
or low, will early realize that however suc
cessful they may have been with other ad
ministrations, they have no standing or ia
tluence with General Grant.'
JTpCJ" When the railway across the conti
nent of America is completed, there will be
constant conveyance by means of railways
and mail packets for passengers desiring to
travel round the world. This grand tour
will be 22,000 miles in length, and will cost
$2,500, and will be accomplished in about
eighty days. The American tourist will be
able to visit England, Japan, Ceylon, and
Egypt. lie will cross the Atlantic, North
Pacific, and Indian Oceans, the Red and Med
iterranean Seas, the continent of America
and the delta of Egypt. He will be able to
leave New York say the beginning of May,
and to nrrivc horae again about the middle
of July.
Senator Morton on Specie Pay
in cut.
In a recent conversation Senator lor
ton is reported to have i?aid : I propose
a return to specie payments and contcm
olate fixing a time by law, say the 1st o
January or July, 1871, for beqinuinq the
redemption of the greenback currency
Hits ior several reasons: 1 irat, to giv
notice to the country that everybody n:ay
prepare for it, make their contracts and
adjust their business accordingly ; second
to ive time for the payment of the great
body of tho existing debt among the peo
pie before it arrives: third, to give tim
to collect the amount of gold necessary to
beirm redemption by reserving thesurnlus
gold ia the Treasury and that which is to
accrue. ly fixing the time for redamp
tion a faxed value, 1 consider, will' be giv
en to the greenback note, which wi!
gradually appreciate aj the time approach
ca for redemption, when it will be at var
and but little gold will be required, as the
greenbacks, then beinc: cf equal value
will be far more convenient iu business
than gold. I am opposed to further con
traction until redemption begins. The
contraction will take place by the act o
redemption, the bills redeemed beinir can
celled, but their place will be filled bv
gold and silver, which will then bo pour
ed into the volume of currency. The pro
cess win oe so gradual as to ceaso to excite
the attention of the people : will carrv
with it public confidence, and take place
. -
witiiout crash or cocvrds-ion. The return
to specie payments will settle all questions
about the mode of paying the bonds, re
store confidence and revive trade. The
flow of gold from (he country to Europe can
oniy bo checked by creating a demand for
it at home for a currency. Iu evcrv coun
try where a legal tender currency has been
established it has driven gold and silver
from circulation, and in great part cut of
the country-, ihc only way to cull home
our gold and keep the product of our
mines is by re-introducing it as a part of
tue currency.
From the Freeman.'
The rebellion being ended and foreign
ers being no longer needed to do the fight
ing for the Union League, the Itadicals
are busily contriving how to prevent them
from voting. If these foreigners would
only vote the Iladical ticket our opponents
would permit them to vote as willingly as
they now do the negroes. ut this the
foreigners won't do. Therefore they are
. -1 1 ... .
ignorant ana besotted, and should be nat
uralized just as little aspossHjle.
Our neighbor of The Alcilumian is nn
this whether original or "copied" we are
not prepared tooay. It suggests one year's
residence after naturalization before vo
ting! comething like making a young
man of twenty-one wait till he is twenty
two before voting.
Then, again, nothing bat United States
CourjlioulJ natuiulizu! This wouldre
quire a VTcIshman or Iri.-hman to travel
iur.dreds cf miles, and take his vouchers
with him, to find a Court; and tlten go bc-
orea l,ourt to which he and his voucher?
were strangers, instead of going before a
Court at home, without expense, to whom
tii . '
ie ana nis vouchers are known.
But the richest improvement of all of
fered by the profound Alfeylianian is, that
tho candidate for citizenship shall adver
tise him?elf and his vouchers in a news
paper, like a petitioner in bankruptcy!
What paper would have room to publish
all? And what foreigner would be able
to pay this tax that the Radicals would
put on him f
In short, Radicalism seems to make our
dear country as dear as possible to those
wno desire to become citizens always ex
cepting the negroes.
VJ KNETiGETIC MAN. Tho undersigned
oilers for sale a valuable FA 'A M rf ire.
about K0 acres cleared, well fenced, nrd in
excellent state cf cultivation. Tho f..m- ;
located in Carroll tp., Cambria cointy, U
miles north west of Carrolltown, a thriving
villace of about 400 inhabitants. Verr con
venient to churches, schools, stores shop
saw and grist mills. The land lies well :,V,i
produces good crop3 of wheat, rye, corn, ont
buckwheat and potatoes, also, clover, 'timo
thy and other grasses ; is divided in lieldsof
Convenient size, with water in almost evcrv
field ; good spring before the house; an abun
dance of coal and limcsicne on therdace: al
so, a sufficiency of wood and timber fyr all
purposes. The buildings are a good and
nearly new plank house, plastered, weather
boarded and painted ; a shedded log barn,
and a commodious wagon shed. This is re
ally a very, desirable farm, being 3 conve
nient to Carrolltown and ia a good neigh
borhood, a healthy locution, and cheap.
Price $;;,200 ; Si, 500, balance in con
venient payments. For particulars rail rm
J A -M ES C LW'N 1XG HA M , Carroll tn.
Licensed by the United States Government!
Tii 15 Oi' till OCT THK COC.NTKV.
II A II 11 1 N G T O N & 0 () .
Of fifteen years' standing as Jobbers raid Re
tailers cf the above -roods, in Boston an.l vi
cinity, have concluded to oiler the people of
the whole country the ndvuntages of their
immense importations and agencies for Amer
ican manufactories through the popular ONE
Our premium list to agents, and Exchange
list for Agents and patrons, are not equaled
by any house in the country.
Best New York and Boston reference given
when required. Send for free circular "
HARRINGTON & CO., 80 Summer Street
Boston. Postofiice Box 384. dec.l0-3in
Ooo reward.
tjp Stolen, from h Btable in Bla-rsvillo In
diana county, about the hrst of September
last, a four-year old dark iron-gray mare
light white mane . and tail, two lore-ftet
white. Was seen in Cambria county about
the middle of September. A reward of $50
will be paid for the return of tho mare or for
such information as will lend to her recovery
and the apprehension of the thief; or for
the return of the laaro without the th'ef
c , ,1 n, - THOMAS WK ST.
Social 1111, Blairsville, h'ov. 2J, 18J3 .
Ladies and gentlemen in every town and citr
in the United States, to act hs agents for
SALE of rich and valuable good?, compris
ing nothing but valuable articles wanted in
every family. Each and every article will be
sold for one dollar. To any person getting
up either of the clubs below, we will present
a "Watch. Dress Tattern, Tiece of Sheeting,
Sewing Machine, AVool C&rpct, &c, &c, free
of extra cost. Our inducements to Agents
have always bf-n nearly double those of :ny
other Lou;e in the trade, and our largely in
creasing business warrants us ia continuing
the same. Take particular notice of this :
Our Agents are not required to pay one dol
lar for tiieir presents, but receive the same
for their services ia getting up Clubs. Please
examine the following
Any person rending us a Club of Ten, with
$1, will be entitled to receive for the same
any one of'thc five hundred articles on our
Exchange List. (See Circular)
For a Club of thirty, with $3, the person
will be entitled to one of the following arti
cles, viz: Meerschaum Pipe, 20 vards
Dleachedor Drown Sheeting, Elegant Silver
plated Five-bottle Revolving Castor, 1 Fancy
Dress Pattern, 1 dozen extra quality Cotton
Hose, Fancj Colored Bed Spread, I farge size
Damask Table Cover, 1 Morocco Album 10O
pictures, All-Wool Cassimere for pants and
Vest, 1 pair Ladies' Serge Congress Boots
best quality, 1 dozen fine Linen Towels, 1
larcresize Worsted Shawl, Ladies' langGold-pl-Ued
Chain, Splendid Ladies' Morocco
Shopping Bag with lock and key, Set of Jew
elry with Sleeve Buttou3 to match, 1 Violin
and Bow, 1 doz. Shirt Bosoms, 1 White Mar
seilles quilt, 1 Elegant Black Walnut Work
box or Writing Desk.
For a Club of Fifty, with $5.-1 pair All
wool Blankets, Z yards fine Cassimcre .for
Pants and Vest, 1 black or ociorud Alpaca
Dress Pnlern, 1 solid Gold Scart Pin, I pair
uents Cau JOMs, do yards bleached or
Brown Sheeting, 2 yds. double width Cloth
for Ladies' Cloats, 1 Fur Muff or Collar, 3 j
yards Print fast colors, 1 Square Thibet Shawl,
1 plain poplin Dress Pattern, 1 elegant six
boitle heavy pbited Castor, 1 pair Gents'
White Shirts, genuine Meerschaum Pipe, in
case, 1 set of Lace Curtains.
For a Club of One Hundred, with $10. 1
heavy silver-plated engraved Ice Pitcher, CO
yards Bleached or Brown Sheeting, I rich
.Merino or Unbet Dress Pattern, 1 set of Ivory
handled Knives and Forks, 1 pair superior
White Wool Blankets, 7J vards all-wooi Fan
cy Cassimcre for suit, eiegant Berege Dress
1 Hltcrn, 1 Ladies' or Gents' Silver Jiuntintr-
case Watch, 1 Bacon's Six-barreled Revolver,
Silver-plated engraved Six-bottle Revolving
Castor with cutglass bottles, Fiue Wool CloC
for Ladies' Cloak, 25 yards Hemp Carpeting,
1 pair .me uamasic 1 ablet-Iotas Napkins to
match, 2 heavy Honeycomb Quills, 1 Bartiei
hand portable Sewing Machine, 1 Wo il Lon-
Shawl, nice Fur Muff and Cape, 1 pair Gen ti
French Calf Boots.
Fcr a Club of Five Hundred, with $Z0. 21
yards extra Woolen Carpetings, 1 elcant
llunting-case Watch (WaUham. warranted
one year,) 1 elegant Chamber Set Llck wal
nut tnmm;ng3, 1 haircloth Spring Sofa.
For a Club of One VLousand, with $100
30 yards Brussels Carpets, 1 Parlor Set cn
pete, 1 Ladies' or Gents' Hunting Gold
Watch and Chain, 1 complete set of rich Sa
ble Furs.
For larger or smaller Clubs we will cive a
present of proportionate value.
Agents or customers may at any lime nulcp
a selection of goods from the Exchange List
and by sending One Doll.-.- for each article,
have the goods forwarded to them, without
first ordering checks ; but in such ca.-es "no
premiums will be given.
DIRECTIONS. Send larcre sums of monpv
by Draft on New York or Boston, or bv Ex
press. We will pay Kxchine on all suini nf
S25 or more. Smaller sums should be cent
by registered letter or by postal money order.
It will be impossible to Jose m'u;ev"sci;t in
either of the above wavs. We will not be
responsible fcr money iost, unless sent as
above directed. See that your letters are
properly directed and stamped, as r.o letters
are forwarded unless prepaid. Write your
address in full, Town, County and State.
Agents wanted in everv Town and Village.
Address AUSTIN & COMPANY, No 100 Sum
mer Street, Boston, Mass. Dec 10-4t
Notice is hereby given to the members of
aid company that tlie annual election for a
Board ol Directors will be held at the o-o
in Ebtnsburg, oa the second MONDAY ot
JANUARY, iSCy, (being the 11th. 1 between
the hours of 11 o'clock, a. in , and 2 o'clock,
m. li- J. LLOID, Sec'v.
Dec. 10-td.
All persons indebted to the subscriber
on Book account are hereby notified to come
a.nd make settlement imtneaiatelu. The ac
counts of those neglecting this notice will be
laced in the hands of a proner odk-er fr
collection after the first of January next.
iec. iu-Jt. JOHN O. EVANS.
y The subscriber begs leave to inform
the public that he has opened out a Boot and
Shoe Store in the rooms formerly occupied
by Davis & Evans, on Center itreet, Ebcns
burg, where he will carry on the busiae.s ou
an extensive scale.
For rale at City Prices.
BOOTS iND SHOES made to order
On shortest notice!
ES-The public are invited to give me a
call. I will sell cheap as the cheapest, end
warrant my stock and make to give satisfac
tion. fauglS JOHN O. EVANS.
The subscriber offers at private sale his
wouse and two Lots, situate in Bclsano, Cam
bria county, nine miles west of Ebcnsbur-.
i ?nn Te CG fCet each' in front nJ nin
lox2i feet, with Kitchen 14x16 feet, and
necessary out buildings. A good well of
water, nt a choice fruit trees of all kinds.
The property will be sold cn fair terms, or
wil. exchange for a Steam Engine of ten or
uiteen horse power. T. S. EMPFIELD
1 or terms inquire of George W. Kmofie'ld,
Celsano. & rc. ,n- '
, V bcautiful nnd useful-illustrations.
7b0 octavo pages Showing just what every
farmer wants to know: How to make the
farm pay. Send for circular giving full do-,
cation. Farmers! Farmers' son! ! experi
enced book agents and r,r -o,i . '
this book to every farmer in everv communis
isusiness permanent. Pavsfmm"tirlrt A
per month according to experience and abil
ity. Address ZKIgi.rj; i'(mr;-
Philadelphia, prt. Cin.i,,,,..; r n,.-.. '
111., St. Louis, Mo. J. Vt-S0'
T !
L. OiTMAs, Sole A
ijfnt for Canlrii
The snb??riber desires to call the -f
t the public to the fact that hf h..Vea:;,
sed the right for Cambria 'couotr t '
"Btrtley's Non-Explosive MctropofltanV
x l,w l, K ..1.-...,,- . 1 ... 1 -""-aj .
which he claim
to be the
Oil manufactured. The advantage ru
for this Oil are: " 'a:njf-
1. It i3 clear and clean.
2. It is non-explosive and safe.
3. It will not grease your hands, clc;v,n
furniture, or carpets.
4. It is fifty per cent, cheaper tu. .
other Oil
l rice, only 10 cents a quart.
BUY IT! ' '
One and nil who have used it prcsc-cur.
it to give entire satisfaction. Give it at-,i
and be convinced of the above facts.
TO Tl XSJIir A XD li OR O UGII RIG 77 73
for sale at the store of
Three doors east of Crawford's Hotel
13 J EnxxscrRc, Vs.
MOVABLE rfiMTt-urr mvr,'
I renounced the best ever jet introduced
n this co unty or ?t,.te. Any person hv.l
1 famiiv r.ght can have their Bees tran ferr.
nmarue in which H is has been done the rA
ncn uiie. J 11
f.: lI!'iy "tisfactorj, and tl,.
ii.;t cf honey i,n? mviriabh- r.iM ...11, an1 frmuentlr cxrer-dr,' t'i, .! ,
To( 10r'.,rTntrn30f t!'is inv""ion will
t.c found m the tcMimcr.T of everv man wh.
has given ,t a trial. r.nd ,n,-,r,g t!,e number
are the crmhnu-n named bt.w
experience should induce ever, oue interred
in Lees to
Henry C. Kirkpairick, of Carroll lownshin
took 10G pounds of surplus honev from twu'
hives, which he sold at 35 cems ptr pound
.luim x;euricn, cr Carroll township, 0Q-K
from two hives HO pounds of st:r:k!s'i' -t? v
James Kirkpatrick, of Chest tow ushiy., to'tk
CO pounds of surplus henry from one iii. "
Jacob Kirkpatiick, of Chest township, ob
tained 72 pounds of surjilus honey from' one
hive, worth not less than $21, and the rl t
cost him only $5.
rcter Campbell from one hive obtained DC
pounds of surplus honey at one time.
JF3y Quite a number of similar statement'
authenticated by some of the best citizens of
Cambria county, could be obtained in proof
of iho. superior inerit3 ol Langstroth'i Patent
Movable Comb Bee Hive.
Persons wishing to purchase family rights
should call ou or address
Cov. 20, IRCS-tr Carrolltown, !'v
' Notice is hereby given that I am tV
sole ovrner of the RIGHT to manufacture ncd
ROPOLITAN OIL" in Cambria county ft
which I have an a?signment of Letters Pat
ent, i-.nd that an-y person or persons manu
facturing or selling it, or any im',i4m Clt- jx
by ukntricr name it inn it it hiuwn, wUliout
first obtaining jtuthority from me, w.;.V le
proceeded against by due course of law, n,
Subjected to sucli penalties nj fiats as tie
impoifd by law.
The following named persons have vr
chised rights from me, and are ncthorlzei
to manufacture and eel the Metropolitan Oih
Christian Reich, for Summituille borousri
and Washington township ; John Butk,hr
Carrolltown borough and Carroll, Chest and
Susquehanna tosvnship3. Any other parties
making or selling the Oil, or" any imiutis
thereof, without producing written authoritr
from me, are infringing upon my right, pc'i
they and those purchasing from them wil'.lc
dealt with according to law.
Aug. 13, CS-tf. M. L. O ATM AN.
X II o ! every one that wants Pictures,
come ye to Ebensburg and get them !
Having located in Ebensburg, I would verr
re?pectfuliy inform the people that I am us
fully prepared to take
in erery style of the art, from the siu ".est
Card Picture up to Life Size.
-2?' Pictures taken many weather.
Every attention given to the taking of
Photographs painted in Oil, India IrA, ct
Witer Colors.
Your attention is called to my
which I will sell as cheap us the clic-npt-Ft-
I ask comparison, and defy competiou.
Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con
tinuance of the same.
2i? Gallery on Julian Etreet, three duorJ
north of the Town Hall.
nugl3 T. T. SPENCE, Photogmper
7VTEW cheap cash stokeT
The subscriber would inform the citizens
of Ebensburg and vicinity that he kecj -5 con
stantly on hand everything in tho
line, f-nch as Flour, Tea, Colfea, Sugr, r.'l
kinds of Crackers, Cheese, Smoking esd
Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, &c.
Also, Buckskin and Woolen Glove5, V 00'
cn Socks, Neck ties, ic, all of which will ' 6
sold ns cheap if not cheaper than el;ewLt:e.
A full asxortnitnt of Cand.ei '
JCS?" Ico Cream every evening.
ngI3 R. R. TIIO'M?
The partnership hetctefore ex;?'-'r?
betwen the undersigned, under the frn- o;
E. HUGHES & CO., is this dny dis-olvJ
mutual consent. Ail debts due to or by tl
firm are to be settled by THOMAS J. LLOi
who continues the Lumber business Rt tb
old stand. E. HUGHES.
Ebensburg, August 24,
The undersigned will continue L:iy""J rn'"
selling Lumber. The highest market
will be paid, in cash, for nil kinrs "'
Lumber. Particular attention ai i
orders. raul3! THOS. J. LLOi i'-
' THK 4T.1.F.GHAMAN ? '
' .n