J. T. Ili'Tt;Mvf I EDITORS. Vn. JA3IGS, i VOLUME 9. -iTTILLlAM Kll iljJiij, Attorney at j Law, Ebensburg, Pa. August 13, 1SC8. JOHN FENLON, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on High street. ugl3 GEORGE M. READE, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Ta. kJ- Office in Colonnade Itow. augl3 n7'lLLIAM II. SECHLER, Attor I i ney nt Law, Ebensburg, Pa. 2?- OfTicein Colonnade Row. aug20 G" KOllGE W. O ATM AN, Attorney at Law and Claim Agent, and United ifutes Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb ensburg, Pi. angl3 JOHNSTON & SCAN LAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. jpgy Office opposite the Court Hnu3e. R. L. JOHNSTON. fUlglo J. E. SCANLAX. SAMUEL SINGLETON, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Ta. rQ" Office on High street, west of Fos ter's Hotel. augl3 J A MLS C. LASLY, Attorney ar j.aw, C irrolltown, Cambria county, Pa. Architectural Drawings nad Specifi cations wide. faugl3 EJ. WATERS. Justice oi the 1'eace and Scrivener. IteJ Office adjoining dwelling, on lligli St., 'Ibenaburtr, Pa. LAU? -m. 17 A. SHUriMAlvhU, Attorney at J Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Particular attention piid to collections. 3 Uilite on High street, west of the Di amond. ft"Sli! A. KOI'KJ.IM, 1- ""-"I Joknatovcn. hbenlurg. TOl'liLIX & DICK, Attorneys at i Law, Ebensburg, Pa. E'-y OfTice in Colonade Row, with Wm. r. tu'll, Esq. Oct. 22. JOSEPH S. STB A YE II, Justice of fj the Pence, Johnstown, Pa. Office on Market street, corner of Lo cust street extended, and one door south of the l ite office of Wm. M'Kee. augl3 p PEVEIIEAUX, M. D., Physician XX nJ Surgeon, Summit, Pa. r- Office cast of Maus:on House, on Rail-ru.k.Wtn.-et. Night calls promptly attended to, at liis office. augl3 IVf, IE WITT ZEIGLEH jLs JJ.-iriug permanently located io Ebens burg. of!Vra his professional services to the citizens of town and vicirity. Teeth extracted, without pain, -with Citrous U.J . or Lav. j king (7a a. f Rooms aojoiuing G. Huntley 3 store-, li.fh street. nugl.l ENTISTIIY. The undersitrued. Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully oilers his professional services to the citizeus c y.bensburg. He has spared no means to thoroughly acquaint himself with every im crort uient in hi3 art. To many years of per ianal experience, he has sought to add the iajjarted experience of the highest authoritieo ia Dental Science. He simply asks that an opportunity may be given far his work to '.i'i.k its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. f?-Will beat Ebensburg on the fourth llor. Uv of each month, to stay one wjek. August 13, 1SC3. T LOYD & CO., Hanker JL J EnrssccRG, Pa. r.-5""(;ol l. Silver, Government Loans and ot!i -r Securities bought and sold. Interest i.::,,v ! on Time Deposits. Collections made i- :M :ir.-.j?sible points in the United States, -.r. a C.'iier,l Hacking Business transacted. Au-'i.-t 13. lS'JS. M. LLOYD & Co , Banker . At.tooxa. Pa. V'n.f-.e or. the principal cities, and Silver ar. 1 C.i.l t'.ir :.. Collections made. Mon ''.vs rt' 1 m '. cm deposit, payable on demand, !i!;o-it inttrcst, Jr upon tune, with interest Kl ,:'-':r rates. ar.gl3 rvui: fiksFn ATI ON A L IJA nk Or Johnstown, Pesxa. ty, ! ,.r Cipittti S c.0,000 co l'ri-'i!t;;c to increase to JOO.GOO 00 V; Lay and soil Tulaud and Foreign Drafts, i ami Silver, and all classes of Govera saiiit securities ; make collections at home .thread : receive deposits ; loan money, ''il di a general J5ankin; business. All I'J-'incss entrusted to us will receive prompt "ti'titiim auu care, at moderate prices. Give ,: atrial. Directors : ' J. M-. vht:i.l, JoilX DlBERT, Jacob Levkbgood, Euw'd. Y. Towxsesd. 'A Iw.ff.MAX, M. ('ampbzll, DANIEL J. MOERELL, rresident. Ji- J. IIodv.uts, Cashier. sep3ly )! m. i i.ovn, l'rcJt. John li.oyd, Cashier. UlllST NATIONAL LANK -i- OF ALTOONA. GO VERXMEXT A GENCY, ... AND "flNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNI- TED STATES. ...f-iJ" Corn?r Virginia and Annie sts., North Altoona, Pa. jV!:n.:iZf I, Capital $300,000 00 ASil Caj'ital Paid in..' 150,000,00 t ' i-iness pertaining to Banking done on iVvr.d.Ii; terms. !l'Hri:aI Revenue Staiups of nil denomina J?" !'lw''ys ou hand. 0 purchasers of Stamps, percentage, in lamps, wiu be aUowed ag f0iiovvg . $50 to vi'Xi, 2 per cent. ; $QQ to $200, 3 per cent.; "Larul upwards, 4 per cent. augl3 AEliNGLET()N, Notary Pub- ,,.r lc, Ebensburg, Pa. , u "ce oa High street, west of Foster' Ho--l.., J ' augl3 J015 T)Kir of all kinds done at 1Ut ALLEGHANIAN OFFICE, Higu St., EuEjiSBUKt;, Pa. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 18C8. Procrastination. FBOM TBS GER51AK "Mother, oh ! mother, hungry am I, Give me bread, or else I die." "Wait yet awhile, my darling son, The grain we'll sow at the morrow's dawn." At morn the grain was sown, and then The hungry boy spake yet again. "Mother, oh ! mother, hungry am I, Give me bread, or else I die." "Wait yet awhile, my darling son, The grain we'll reap at the morrow's dawn." At morn the grain was reaped, and then That hungry boy spoke yet again. 'Mother, oh 1 mother, hungry am I, Give me bread, or else I die." "Wait yet awhile, my darling son, The grain we'll thresh at the morrow's dawn." At morn the grain was threshed, and then That hungry boy spoke yet again. "Mother, oh ! mother, hungry am I, Give me bread, or else I die." "Wait yet awhile, my darling son, The grain we'll grind at the morrow's dawn." At morn the grain was ground, and then That hungry boy spok; yet again. "Mother, oh 1 mother, hungry am I, Give me bread or else I die." "Wait yet awhile, my darling son, The bread we'll bake at the morrow's dawn." At morn Ihe bread was baked, and then TLat fair boy never speke again. THE PINE TREE SHILLING A STOItY OF TIIK OLDEX TIME. Captain John Hull was the mint-master of Massachusetts, and coined all the money that was made. His was a new line of business ; for, in the early da-3 of the col ony, the coinage consisted of the cold and silver money of England, Portugal, and bpain. ihese coins beinjr scarce, the peo ple were often forced to barter their com modities, instead of selling them. For instance, if a man wanted to buy a coat, he perhaps exchanged a bear-skin for it ; if lie wished a barrel of molasses, ha might purchase it for a pile cf pine boards. Musket balls were used instead of far things. The Indians had a sort of money called wampum, which, was made of clam shells, and this Strange sort of specie was likewise taken in payment of debt by the English settlers. Bank bills had never been heard of. There was not money enough of any kind, in many parts of the country, to pay their ministers, so that they had sometimes to take quintals of ILh, bushels of corn, or cords of wood, in stead of silver and gold. As the people grew more numerous, and their trade with one another increased, the want of current money was still more sen sibly felt. To supply the demand, the General Court passed a law for establish ing a coinage of shillings and sixpences. Captain Hull was appointed to manufac ture this money, and was to have about one .shilling out of every twenty to pay him for his trouble in making them. Hereupon, all the old silver in the col ony was handed over to Captain Hull. I he battered silver cans and tankarus, 1 fcuppose, and silver buckles and broken sp.ons, and silver hilts of swords that had figured at court all such curious old ar ticles were doubtless thrown into the melting-pet together. Eut by far the greatest part of the silver consisted of bullion from the mines of South Ameri ca, which the English buccaneers (who were little less than pirates) had taken from the Spaniards and brought to Mas sachusetts. All this eld and new silver being melted down and coined, the result was an im mense amount of splendid shillings, six pences and threepences. Each had the date of 1052 on one side, and the figure of a pine tree on the other. Hence they were called pine tree shillings ; and for every twenty shillings that he coined, you will remember, Captain John Hull was entitled to put one shilling in his pocket. The magistrates soon began to suspect that the mint master would have the best of the bargain. They offered him a large sum of money if he would give up that twentieth shilling, which he was con tinually dropping into his pocket. But Captain Hull declared that he was perfect ly satisfied with the shilling ; and well he might be, for so diligently did he labor, that, in a few 3'ears. his pockets, his mon- ev-bafrs, and his strong box were over flow m"" with puie tree shillings. ms was probably the case when he came into possession of his grandlather's chair ; and, as he worked so hard at the mint, it was certainly proper that he should have a comfortable one to rest himself on. "When the mint master was grown very rich, a young man Samuel Sewell, by name came courting his only daughter. His daughter whose name I do not know, but wc will call her Eetsey was a fine, hearty damsel, by no means as slender as some young ladies of our own days. On the contrary, having always fed heartily on pumpkin-pies, doughnuts, Indian-pud dintr and other Puritan dainties, she was is as round ana pmutp us a puuuiug With I WOULD BATHER BE RIGHT this round, rosy Aliss Betsey did Samuel Sewell fall in love. As he was a young man of good character, industrious in his business, and a member of the church, the mint master very readily gave his consent. "Yes, you may take her," said he, in his rough way, "and you will find her a heavy burden enough." On the wedding day, wa may suppose honest John Hull dressed in a plain coat, all the buttons of which were made of pine tree shillings. The buttons of his waistcoat were sixpences, and the knees of his small clothes were buttoned with silver threepences. Thus attired, he sat with' great dignity in his grandfather 'e chair; and being a portly old gentleman, he completely filled it from elbow to el bow. On tbc opposite side of the room, between her bridesmaids, sat his Betsey. She was blushing with all her might, and looked like a full blown peony, a great red apple, or any round or scarlet object. There, too, was the bridegroom, dressed in a fine purple coat, and gold-lace waist coat, with as much other finery as the Puritan laws and customs would allow him to put on his hair cropped close to his ears, because Governor Endicott had for bidden any man to wear it below his ears. But he was a very personable young man, and so thought the bridesmaids, and Miss Betsey herself. The mint master was also pleased with his new son-in-law, especially as he had said nothing at all about her portion. So, when the marriage ceremony was over, Captain Hull whispered a word or two to his men servants, who immediately went out, and returned lugging in a large pair of scales. They were such a pair as wholesale merchants used for weighing a bulky commodity was now to be weighed in them. "Daughter Betsey," said the mint mas ter, "go into one side of the scales." Miss Betsey or Mrs. Sewell, as we must now call her did as she Was bid, like a dutiful child, without any question of why or wherefore. But what her father could mean, Unless it was to make her husband pay for her by the pound (in which case she would have, been a dear bargain), she had not the least idea. "And now," said honest John Hull to his servants, "bring me that box hither." Tliu box. .to- wLlolx- tJic miniinaslar. pointed was a huge, square, iron-bound oak chest ; it was big enough, my chil dren, for you all four to play hide-and-seek in. Captain Hull then took a key out of his girdle, unlocked the chest, and lifted the ponderous lid. Behold ! it was full to the brim of bright pine tree shillings, fresh from the mint, and Samuel Sewell thought that his father-in-law had got possession of all the money in the Massa chusetts treasury; but it was the mint master's honest share of the coinage. Then the servants, at Captain Hull's command, heaped double handfuls of shil lings into one side of the scales, while Betsey remained in the other. Jingle, jingle went the shillings, handful after handful were thrown in, till, plump and ponderous as she was, they weighed the young lady from the floor. "There, son Sewell," cried the honest mint master, resuming 'his seat in his grandfather's chair, "take these shillings for my daughter's jtorticn. Use her kind ly, and thank heaven for her, for it's not every wife that's worth her weight in silver." Didn't Want Curlew. A Salt Lake paper says : "A wayfarer dropped into the Accidental Hotel in this place on Tuesday to get a square meal. Having planted himself in a chair at one of the tables, lie was confronted by tha waiter with : " 'What'll you have V The hungry one fastened his eyes on the attache le sovj and said : " 'What have you that's good V " -Oh ! we've roast beef, corned beef, roast mutton, boiled mutton, fried ham and curlew !' " 'What is curlew V a3ked the stranger. " 'Curlew ! why curlew is a bird some thing like a snipe.' ""Did it Ayr "'Yes.' : " l)id it have wings V " "'Yes " 'Then I don't want any curlew ; any thing that had wings, and could fly, and didn't leave this country, I don't want for dinner.' " Epitaphs. The following epitaphs arc gathered from various sources. The first show3 the importance of understand ing punctuation : - "This stone was erected to the memory of Joseph Potter, who was accidentally shot as a mark of respect by his brother." The poetic license of the next is worthy of notice : - Here lie the boned ol" Thomas WoodAffi, . The beft of husbandd and kindest -of men. . P. S. His name was Woodcoe, but.it would not rhyme. Here is a bit of quiet satire on a stone erected by a disconsolate widow to her lamented husband : ' " . "Tears will not recall you, therefore wc weep." ' No family should be without a good home newspaper. THAN PRESIDENT. Hkmbt Clat. Commodore Vauderbllt and llio War. We find the following interesting anec dote in a letter to the Evening Post. We have reason to know that its statements are strictly correct.' As an act of justice to Commodore Vanderbilt, and as an il lustration of hh prompt, liberal and dis interested patriotism, it is worthy of pres ervation among the most interesting inci dents of our great civil war : To the editors of the Evening Post : No private citizen has probably ever shown more patriotism than Cornelius Yandcr Liljf.His liberality ; to the Government duriug the darkest period -of the rebellion should be recorded in the heart of every true American, and his example handed down to animate remotest ages. All this was proved in thia way. "Mr. Stanton, while Secretary of War, had, from his scouts within the rebTel lines, ascertained that the rebels had about' completed their iron-clad called the Merrimac, and that she vould soon leave Itichmond, prepared to destroy our fleet and burn our towns, without meeting with any power that could probably resist her. The whole 1 country was alarmed, as well as the Gov ernment. Under these circumstances a special agent was directed by telegraph to -wait upon Commodore Vanderbilt at eleven o'clock at night and ask him for what sum of money he could agree to blockade this iron clad and keep her from getting out of port. Commodore Vanderbilt instant ly said to the agent : "Telegraph to . Mr. Stanton that I will see him at once," and went immediately to Washington, called upon Mr. Stanton, and said to him : "I have come on about this business. Who is there to be consulted ? If any one, call him, as I have no time to talk it over twice." Mr. Stanton replied, "The Pres ident, Mr. Lincoln, must be consulted." "Then." said the Commodore, "let us - go to his houso at once," which they did. Mr. Lincoln said : "Can you stop the iron clad V The Commodore replied : "Yes, at least there are nine chances out of ten I can. I will take my ship, the C. Vanderbilt, cover her machinery, &c, with 500 tales of cotton, raise the steam, and rush her with overwhelming force on the iron clad, and sink her before she can '&f3.f fi:v,r tpplo u3." , 3Ir. Lincoln then said : "Hov much money will you demand for such a service?" Commodore Van derbilt repl.ed that . the Government had not money jnough to hire him ; that he had not come to speculate upon the trials of his country, but to try and help her in this hour of need ; that he would give them his ship without charge; that he would instantly order her by telegraph to be equipped and on her way toward llich mond in thirty-six hours, which was done, she sailing under the order of one of his own captains, and the Commodore in per son ou board. - . Having reached Hampton Roads, among our blockading squadron, Ihe Commander of the fleet went on board thj ehip. After some consultation, Commodore Vanderbilt asked him if the iron clad would probably come out. The commander replied : "She will." "Then," said Commodore Van derbilt, "I have one favor to ask of you, and that is, if she should come, you will keep your fleet out of the way, that I may have room to sink-her." The iron clad, as i3 well known, did come out, and was disabled and put back by the Moni tor, sent from New York. The object Iving accomplished, Commodore Vander bilt left his ship and came home, and has never-asked or received one cent for his ship, ever since held as Government prop erty, and which at the moment they took her was worth fully $1,500,000. Instead of giving them this sum, he could have made almost any terms for himself. Thir- interview with the- President and Secretary at once enabled them to see ih?. fhey had in their presence an extra crtUEary man. Mr. Lincoln said, "Can you not turn one of your other ships into an iron-clad ?" "Yes," was the reply, i:I think I can, and have her ready in six weeks ; but must first consult my engin eers and head builders; my price for this smaller ship will be 8500,000." Mr; Lin coln turned to Mr. Stanton and said : "We accept these terms it is a bargain." Commodore Vanderbilt at ouco gave or ders to equip this smaller ship, and see if she was capable for what she was intend ed. After some time, during which she had been nearly cased in bar iron, the Commodore found, to his regret, that he could not make her what was needed, and he at ence released the Government from their contract, and thus relieved his noble gift from all suspicion of receiving with it any pecuniary advantage. These great transactions should be com memorated on canvas. The historian will charge himself with, the duty of handing them down to posterity ; the school books will contain the account, and the eyes of children yet unborn will glisten as they road and reflect upon such true and lofty patriotism ; which is an invaluable inherit ance to our country, r.nd should be placed ou the same shelf with the archives where are deposited the famous deeds of our most distinguished men. ; Noble, generous and self-sacrificing as all this is,- its brilliancy is obscured by the . absence of all ostentation iu the quiet, re tiring and unpretending manner in which the great work was done. In 1813, the Austrian Government be ing distressed for money, they went to the Rothschilds, who granted a loan, probably as a mere business transaction. So great was the gratitude of the Emperor that he created all the brothers of the eminent house barons, which titles they have since enjoyed, and to which all Europe consid ers them entitled. No distinguished citi zen has ever expressed less desire for no toriety than Commodore Vanderbilt. No man has ever conducted large transactions with a more decided and independent mind, and no man enjoys a higher repu tation for gentleness of character, concilia tion, and princely liberality to those with whom he contends. llook JVotices. Ballou's Monthly Magazine. The December number of this popular Maga zine is received. We find it filled with that charming variety of illustration and interesting letter-press so well calculated to keep it at the head of the cheap Maga zines of the country. Shillaber treats us to . one of his most musical illustrated po ems ; Mrs. Edsori close3 her interesting serial, "A Woman's Error ;" William L. Williams gives the young folks an exci ting story, while Jane G. Austin, James Franklin Fitts, Catharine Earnshaw, W. II. Macy, N. P. Darling, and several oth er writers of more or less note furnish each a capital story or poem. The hu morous pictures are uncommonly good, embracing four different subjects, illus trated by six engravings designed by Rogers. The publishers announce for 1SG9 a new serial by the charming Miss Camilla Willian, also an original story for boys and girls, to run through the year, by Horatio Alger, Jr., one of the most popular writers for the young. They also promise increased attractions in stories and illustrations for the coming year over those of any previous one. As their promises have been more than performed in the past, we have reason to believe they will continue to be in the future, though it. is difficult to see how Ballon cm be much improved over its present excellence. It is sent to subscribers at $1.50 per year, or in clubs at $2.25. Elliott, Thoincs & Talbot, Publishers, Bostou, Mass. Watsons' PniLiDEtrniA Business Directory, rou 1SG9. We call the at tention of our Merchants to this new and valuable little work of reference to the Trade of Philadelphia, and commend its utility to every merchant buying goods, or doing business with Philadelphia to the extent of a thousand dollars a year. It will contain a classified li.-.t of all the Mer chants, Manufacturers, and Professional men of Philadelphia, arranged in system atic alphabetical order, a well executed Lithograpic Map cf the City, and views of the Public Buildings, with other objects of interest in and around the Quaker City. In ordering goods, directing correspond ence, or ascertaining where to obtain any article of trade, or manufacture, it will be indispensable to our Merchants. Such a work is much needed, and its popularity, and the standing of the publishers, is vouched for by the Daily Inquirer, Tele graph, and the leading Daily and Weekly Press of Philadelphia. Messrs. Watson & Co., 210 Dock Street, Philadelphia, arc the Publishers, and will send the work as soon as issued, by mail, postage prepaid, upon receipt of One Dollar. Send your subscrip tions in immediately. Z ell's Popular Encyclopedia. We .have received the first number of Zells' Popular Encyclopedia and Universal Dictionary of Art, Science, History, Bi ography, Geography, and Language. This h really a wonderful production, and the perusal of it has given us great pleasure and profit. Wc know of no work con taining anything like the same amount of valuable information. The price is mar vellously low. We cannot see how the publisher can afford to give so much for so small a sum as 10 cents. Persons de siring agencies, and wo think all who try must do well at it, should address the pub lisher, Mr. T. Ellwood Zell, Philadelphia. We understand he sends sample copies to applicants, gratis. Young America. This favorite peri odical enters upon its third year greatly enlarged and improved. It is decidedly the most varied, and, in many respects, the best of all the juveniles, and well re pays the investment of the small sum re quired for its possession. A diagram containing a full-sized pattern for cutting out the body of a Christmas doll is one of the attractions of the present number, which is, otherwise, full of good things. Subscribe for your boys and girls, $1.50 per annum, with a premium. Publication Office, 473 Broadway, N. Y. A confirmed old bachelor uses the fol lowing argument against matrimony : Calico is a great promoter of laziness. If young men wish to accomplish anything of moment, either with head and hand, they must keep clear of the institution entirely. A pair of sweet lips, a pink waist, swelling chest, a pressure of two delicate hands, will do as much to unhinge a man as three fevers, the measles, a large sized whooping cough, several hydropho bias and the doctor's bill. T S R M S I K K AX U!M . ' I $.2.00 IX ADVANCE. NUMBER 18. TO'it and Seulliucutr Motto for Colfax Wade in. TfiE light of good soc iety Polite. The "big inj in" of America ingen-uhy. Men of marc thoio who can't write their uames. A little nonsense now and then is rel ished by the wisest men. Troubles are like babies they grow bigger by nursing.. Misery loves company so docs a mar riageable young woman. The patient housewife's motto : "It ht n,ever too late to mend." An artistic barber in New York charges one dollar for hair-cutting. AA hen a man attempts- to benefit the country, the best way is to abuse him. A man's wealth and a woman's age can never bo known accurately till they die. "Tms is a grave matter," said the med ical student as he robbed the church yard. The French Empress paid the milliner, with whom she recently quarreled. $20, 000 a year. Why is a quarrelsome female a good thing to hang over a well ? Because she is a wind-lass. It has been remarked that men who are very fond of the glass often become tumblers. Jones, eulogizing his girl's beauty, said : "I'll be dogged if she ain't as pur ty as a red wagon." An exchange says that self made men, like other made men, are sometimes very badly made. Cut a dog's tail short and he can't wag it. "Brevity is the soul of wit," but not of waggery. The man who courts a young lady in the starlight probably expects to get a wife in a twinkling. Those who respect themselves will be houorable ; but he who thinks lightly of himself will be held cheap by all the world. My yoke is easy and my burden is light, as the young fellow said when his . girl was sitting on his lap with her arm arouud his neck. Mv Gist is what lies at the doorj my second is a kind of corn, nvy tmra is wnat nobody can do without, and my whole is one of the United States. Alut-ri-mony. When a lady indulges a yawn or two, gentlemen are justified in guessing their hat is needed on their heads, and that tho best side of the door is the outside. ' A lawyer on his death bed willed all his property to a lunatic asylum, stating as his reason for so doing, that he wished his property to return to the liberal class of people that had patronized him. . At a Methodist meeting a singer who led the psalm tune, finding that his con cluding word, Jacob, had not syllables enough to fill up the music adequately, ended thus : "J-a-a-a-fol-de-riddle-cob." "My dear," said an anxious matron to her daughter, "it is very wrong for young people to be throwing kisses at each oth er." "Why so, mamma ? I'm sure they don't hurt, even if they do hit." It is said that there arc people in the "mountain district" of Kentucky so green that they followed a wagon that happened to pass that way twenty miles, "just to see whether the hind wheels would overtake the fore ones." Dit. Deems says, ""the gate of the grave is so narrow that slender ghosts do barely struggle through, and houses and lands and coffins and shroud and bodies arc all torn off, and the soul is naked on the other side." Qui nn was one day lamenting that ho grew old, when a shallow, impertinent young fellow said to him, "What would you give to be as young as I am?" "By the powers," replied Quinn, 'T would sub mit to be almost as foolish." A youxg man, who recently fell in lovo with a very beautiful young lady, says that when he ascertained last evening that she reciprocated his passion, he felt as though he was sitting on the roof of a meeting-house Jewsharp. and every shingle was a A laiiy who had read of the extensive manufacture of odometers to tell how far a carriage had been run, said she wished some Connecticut genius would invent an instrument to tell how far hu-bnnds had been iu the evening when they jast step down to the Post-office. Two friends wcro dining together, ono of whom remarked, "as I 'am ging abroad, I have made my will, andhr.re bequeathed to you my whole stock H' impudence." The other replied, "yv.i are generous as well as kind; you have bequeathed to mo far the largest portion of your estate." A farmer, who was sympathizing with his neighbor Jones on the death of his son, said : "You should remember, Mr. Jonc3, there is no loss without some gain. John, you remember, was always a monstrous eater." "I know he was," responded the be- i reaved parent "but to think he was kid I up all the winter, and died just in haying time is pretty tougn, ncignDor uenk-ins, pretty tough." i 1 r