THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1868. Revolul Ion. It has, perhaps, been the crotchet, of each generation sinc Aihim to reirarJ the era in which it played a part as the most important of all history. Certainly we tihall say nothing-, at any rate, just now, to do hurt to so fine a fi Egotism fits so nicely on us all, and (in our own conception) makes us such important crea turcs, that it's a pity to burst the beauti ful, though evanescent, soap bubble. Yet we do lire in an important era, if for no other reason than that it is an era, and one in which everything seems to be doubtivl, always excepting our own impor tanceto the universe and everything else. We live in an important era for another reason we are making changes hy the wholesale, whether for the better or worse in the lon run, probably no per son now born will live to know. Of course, we all say they arc for the better, meaning thereby that we are trucly convinced they arc so, and our hope is as buoyant as a fish bladder. All the political changes cf our age, we might say within the confines of truth, the world over, really constitute but one change, a drifting towards and a practical application of the idea that all political power is inherent in the people. Our own country, within the past seven years, has undergone a revolution as wide spread in its nature and thorough in its results as any that ever happened to any people, irom the moment tho rebellion began, the avoidance of a revolution (judging now horn past events,) became impossible. After the issuing of the emancipation proclamation, the success of the national arms implied a revolution in the legislation of the country, and in the so cial structure and the political theory of a great part of it, so great, so wonderful, and far reaching, that probably no single mind in the land is able to contemplate all its necessary results. The success of the rebellion would have made two nations where had been but one, one founded on slavery, the other on universal free dom. Iho suppression of the rebellion maintained the one original nation, but d estroyed slavery within its limits, and in fourteen States uprooted a social condi tion that was the growth of two hundred and forty years. For 'cars previous to the rebellion, the coming of this revolu tion was present to every philosophical mind that studied the signs. This gener ation, and the last, had witnessed the eon test for the domination in the national councils of ideas on the one hand that grew out of a society founded on human bondage, and on the ether, of ideas found ed on freedom, or, rather, on which free dom itself h built. The lite amendments to the constitution played, in one sense, Imt a small part in the great drama. They merely fixed as part of the statute law what had been before decreed by the logic of events. He is either a coward or an imbecile who approves the great fact of this revolution, and yet shrinks from fol lowing it to all its necessary and logical results. We now stand, as we never stood before, on a plain trial of Republican principles. Had we failed in the rebellion, and had our country sunk forever, tho world would have called it the failure of pnpu'T gov ernment, although, in fact, it would jW. have been so, but merely the death of a republic from the contest of two great sec tions, fighting for the supremacy, on the one hand, of true Republicanism, and on the other, of a landed, slave-owning oli-ga-chy. In 177G we asserted the truth that ali men arc created alike free and ctjual. and in 1SG7 we gave it its broadest implication by bestowing upon all who ch'joso to avail themselves of it, the priv il in revolutionizing the English G ovcrnment That government has hitherto been a gov ernment of the aristocracy, in which every man was guaranteed civil and politica freedom. Not far in the future it will be a government of the people, and for the people, m which every man will hold civi and political liberty and the widest relig lous irccdom -not mere toleration as hia rijiht. That is the way we read the portents. Lan it be said we do net read them aright ? We do not mean that England will be a republic. She will likely be a monarchy still, whose monarch is an hcred itary president. The dis-establishmcnt of that lazy, corrupt, aristocratic, ecclesias tic hierarchy, the Church of England, will be no small step to that end. The dis- bandment of a standing army will be an other. The chantrine of tho laws nf .-. scent, by which the real estate of the kingdom passes to the eldest son, so that it shall be more equally divided among the various heirs, will be another. Nor will those Englishmen, who, themselves disfranchised, have beheld the enfran chisement of their brethren, be likely to long remain quiet before asking for their own enfranchisement. We are not a prophet, nor the son of one. We see these changes. We reirard the teachings that underlie them as theoretically rMit. We know they bring new privileges and new perils, and we know this "The longer a people govern tJtcmstlces. the more fit they become Jor self-government." EDITORIAL ETCHINGS. XgyNo better Tb Freeman: JGSfNo worse The Alleghanian. Court convenes Monday next. XgTA $100,000 fee was lately given a New York lawyer. , . - JC- Hon. Harry White, of Indiana, is a candidate for the nomination of Governor. JC Velocipedes have made their appear ance on the streets of New York. 2f The "Grant hat" has already appeared on the Promenade in New York. Justice to tbe 1'oet. Our President. Now that Gen. Grant has been elected by Republican votes clearly, upon a dis tinctive Republican platform, after bavin"- been opposed by all the power and vigor of the Democratic party, fairly and unfair ly brought into the election, we protest against the sniffling, patronizing air with which he is now approached by the Dem ocratic leaders, and the unasked for advice Avhich they tender to him for the purpose, as they would have us believe, of assisting him to have an acceptable administration It is even proposed that an era of good feeling be created by letting the Demo cratic electors throw their votes for him, in the Electoral College, and give him a unanimous election. This would all be very well, excepting the consideration which would be claimed by the Democracy, and that, every one knows, would be a good, generous share of public patronage. This would afford to them the best era of jja. ibwiug n "ii-u wuiu uuaaiory ue im agined. The tone of the Democratic people to wards Gen. Grant has wonderfully changed since the election. During the campaign. he was attacked with all the virulence of party malignity, and ridiculed as deficient in military genius and possessing no qual ifications for the Presidential chair. Now the papers are filled with flattery and eu logies of the General, advising him in the most condescending manner to pursue a magnanimous policy toward the South, and promising him the support of the Demo cratic party if he will be a little conserva tive and will make Congress repeal the offensive portion of the reconstruction acts. They would like to blot out of existence the great fact that the American people, by a majority of about three hundred thousand, have just declared emphatically in favor of the whole principle of the re construction acts, without the least amend ment. Rut this is an old trick of the Democ racy. Haifa !af with them is always very acceptable when th.- whole is out of reach. They always act upv.u tho princi ple that '-every man has his price," and when they are defeated in a popular elec tion, and their candidates are repudiated, they begin to "plow with our heifer" to .! , 1 :, f, .. ,. , . ee ii iney cannot make some terms short of citizenship, tud a voice in tuakmrr , , " i ,., , . . ,w i ot these involved in defeat. i uiwx. njiarever virtue cxJrs in: .. JJeuiot-raey, we shall now experience; whatever vice, we shall know. Our -example has been, and is, so to peik, contngioiLS. Of this truth, Eng 1 in I afford. the m t remarkable cs.rple. Ifer e'p!o do not know oppression. They hive enjyd as much substantial fiecd mi as any c'Jicr. Yet the majority of the uecrs t-id-jcctg have had until lately no voice in making tho luws. They have made their own influence felt, but by the agency of brute force rather than by any legal expression of their will. Rut this is changed. Three hundred thousand Englishmen have., within a ui'-nth past, exercised the elective privilege for the first time in their lives. This one change makes numerous others, no less important, not only powible or j rcbuble, but inevita ble. Thcxo new voters are all of the poorer chutes of tho people, and their sympathies will naturally flow against tho privileges and tho legislation of the aris toevuey'. They arc the people who of all other will naturally look to our own land for an example. They are a uow amount The Jeff. Davis case wi'l - i t f force adJ:d to !hc agencies at work again ut Richmond next week. Alar for the frailty of humanity, they hare il?' bor? without their conquests in this field. Thcv )w fctir.d the vice offi ccrsarenotslone in cornipiiNlity- There were John Tyler, Millard Filmcu7; and Andrew Johnson, who illustrated in their political, experience that men selected to fill irresponsible positions are rarely fitted to occupy superior stations. Not much was required or expected of them in their political stations, and they have not disap pointed the expectations of their friends. " A c are satisfied, however, that their advances and flattering proffers will pre sent no temptations to our President. If he was ever to fall, it would have been when he was in Johnson's Cabinet, while under the insidious influence of Seward and the other members of the Cabinet, in their many councils to entrap him. lie stood all that, and came out unscathed, and we can rest assured that his good common sense and natural insight into human nature will protect him from all similar traps. A. A. Barker. On dit, that Ledger Bonner is going to give Dexter to Gen. Grant. E?"The Alleghanian it envies us sceffs at our years it plagiarises udoq us justice to the poet." Freeman. St-The Freeman it maligns us it dis gusts its readers it commits an unwarranta ble assault cu us justice to everybody. Jp35The Freeman says it would not willful ly publish a falsehood. It wouldn't willfully .... . . puDl:sa anything else. 5 The pedestrian Parn last week, at Buffalo, walked ICO miles in. 23 hours, 33 minutes, and 57 seconds. ! ' JJg?" Dan Rice ha3 retired from the sa5? dust arenn, and intends entering the field of rural journalism. JCSIr The Pittsburgh Commercial will issue a seventy-two column holiday number in a few days. JES?A letter addressed to the "Prettiest lady in Altoona" is awaitinjr a claimant in the post office of that place. ' 2yThe editor of the Freeman, by his own avowal, was at pue time ioy-ant. He got over it, though. 5)r After the first of January, 1860, appli cants roust pay fifty per cent, of their indebt cdnesi to receive a discharge under the -Bankrupt law. JCS? Lithographed likenesses of all the officers of the Pennsylvania railroad, grouped on a single sheetj have been issued by a Phil ade.'phia firm. ' J, . i JEST" J. Edgar Thompson, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, has been brought out as a candidate for United States Senator. S Somebody in Vernon, Conn., voted the following ticket : "For President of the United 3tates the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords." Felix Larkin, a noted sporting man, and the backer of the prize-fighter O'Bald win, was killed in a bar-room row in New York city one night last week. JE.It is said that Gen. Grant is likely, in his first message, to advocate such an amendment of the Constitution as shall make the President ineligible to re-election. JGgy The daughters of the late Chief Jus tice Taney, it is said, earn their living in Washington by copying reports .and papers for the Secretary of the Interior. 3f The fossil remains of a monster ante diluvian lizard, discovered in New Jersey, have been set up in the Philadelphia Acade my of Sciences.. They are thirty feet long, and attract great attention. JGSy There is an old woman in Pittsfield, Me., 00 yenrs old, who sews, knits, &nd reads readily, without the aid of spectacles, aud milk3 a cow twice a day. She says the "gals nowadays ain't worth much." J6S Mr. Ellis, proprietor of a saloon in Cincinnati, has the first greeuback issued bv the Government. It is No. 1, A series, sign ed in Chase's own handwriting, and in good preservation. He received it at his bar. and has refused $30 for it. -The editor of the Freeman says that The Alleghanian has "Backed down from its charge made against the inmates of-St. Xavier's." We never made a charge against St. Xavier our readers will bear us out in the assertion. JCST'Thc editor of the' Freeman says that we have sneered at his "religious convictions." This is simply false. We have nothing to do with his "religious convictions" don't know what they are don't care what they are don't believe he's got any. Gen. Grant owns a $60,0f0 house in Washington, and a farm of thirty-eight acres, worth $2,000 per acre, within the city lim its. His real estate at St. Louis, Galena, und Philadelphia i3 worth $100,000 more, acd $390,000 is said to be a fair estimate of his "total valuation." JEsS?" A venerable Democrat in Madison, Indiana, is grieved sorely at having given his son an education. "I have ten sons Last week the Freeman published ''from memory," some familiax verses. Believ ing them to have been sadly misquoted in several important particulars, we give the verses below, revised and corrected irom an authenticated copy in . the author's own handwriting: R. L. J.'S PETITION. Pity the sorrows of a poor old man, iorn, as was thought, some tamoaa post to trrace : Yet though tor office numerous tiroes he ran, . T ) 1 . . . . ie dc er was Known to win a single race. In Huntingdon county first he saw the light ; The skv was azure and the world content. Jackasses brayed, the death-watch ticked, ana qu te Two hundred bull-dogs bayed the big event. Tthough entirely didn't cease the sun to tunic. Turning the davlisrht into darkest dark. It yet was heralded by many a sign A mnn was born, and born to make lm mark. He grew apace ; he went to school and when Some days of study had been soeiat in vain. 'Twas found that power of neither tongue nor pen . Could fasten anything on Bobbie's brain. The signs and omens all proved false alas ! For Bobby was a verv boobv. una His place in life was fixed with that large ciass Who earn their living by the horny hand. Not fixed I and here just let us say that to an accident he owed his scape From chopping wood in the old- fashioned way, Or, at the highest, measuring out tape. By some strange mischance tadwo canno-t say He accidentally lamed hia leer. And from that hoar until the present day lie 8 had to walk upoa a wooden peg. And thus and therefore, 'cause he couldn't work, Perforce a tolitician he became : A lawyer, too, some skilled in ouin and auirk. But wholly local .13 to name and fame." His chiefest study politics have been- To fret an oflica his continual creed : ' Aud to the end some Irish vot s to win He sold his principles and changed his creed. The Governorship he wanted first. Oho ! His name wasn't mentioned in the State ' Convention! ; The cruel luck I II tried acain. To tro To Congress was his next intention. They say so sure was he of being chosen In '64 to Congress that he killed Hi3 cow, and hired about a dozen Rooms at Willard's which he never filled. lie d-dn't make ill For the simple reason The people knew him for a scrry ass, And peremptorily declined to fieeze on One whose endowments consisted all of brass. Though sneered and scoffed at by those men who can't Worshio a Golden Calf, this bar nf wiml E'en yet expects, through rave, and roar, and rant, fiomc petty put or office yet to fill. In vain 1 in vain ! His measure ha3 been ta ken, His status fixed at 'bout the nroner nitrh r His tough old w e nor all his w es forta- Ken Can rais him up from out obscurity's ditch. issue thegreat Mormon nroblem with which our people have been bothered so long. The route of the railroad will, of course, do soon occupied bv sett ers and traders. eager ro pront by the facilities for travel, muop.ianuu ana business generally at forded by the road, and as the non-inter course system of the Mormons will prevent them taking much hand in the movement, me oentne emigrant will have the field to themselves. Of course, the settl harmony with the rest of the civilized world will concentrate near the railroad route, and build ud vil themselves, where they can mutually pro- icvju euyu oicer, ana tbis will become the basis of thatpowerwhich is destined torev olutionize Utah and make it thoroughly American. The Union Pacific and Cen tral Railroad companies must of necessity feel disposed to encourage the side .that furnishes them the most business, and that j 01 course will be the Cientiles. The road itself will support a host of perons who will be opposed to the Mormons, and who must reside in the territory. , The experiment of nationalizing a ci'y of materials and race dissonant from our own was forced upon us in the case of New Orleans, a Frenchy community, ' and the result affords a cuiious study, for there the original French community i only a section of the town, the American iuflux having completely overcome the obstacle and gained the ascendency. The Spanish settlements of Florida, Texas and Califor nia have been Americanized in like man- We have touuher work in Nw ner Mexico, but we aro making progress with it. . . , , Utah has thus far remained distinct fro m us only because it was not in imme diate communication with the great routes of trade, travel, transportation or emigra tion. Immense spaces separated the Mor mon towns froEB all the rest of the republic. Jut now.;the railroad wi IT soon work a change by carry in thither thousands of active and enterprisiug Americans, to be come farmers, miners, traders, etc. We do not despair of s-eeir.g a ientile elected Mayor of Salt Lako City by popular suff rage before the Presidential election of 1872 comes round. I U. iiAiNuH l Jt( IT IT'S l. JLJ. MOVABLE c.nun urt- r,;,.VJ Pronounced the best ever yet introV in this county or State. Anycrs'oTb a family right can have their Bees tran.r ed from an old box to a new one In instance in which this has been done ih suit has been entirely satisfactory ' and.?" first take of honey has invariably paid an 8 penses, and frequently exceeded them P X" of the superior merita of this inventm- -?f be found in the testimony of everr 1 Las given it a trial, and among the n?' are tbe gentlemen named below and fh experience should induce every one intcrefS in Bees to "'eij BUY A FAMILY RIGHT f Henry C. Kirkpatrick, of Carroll towr-i-took 10G pounds of surplus honev from , p' hives, which he sold at 33 cents per Don- Adam Deitricb. of Cirrnll rwJLc.uL aa- from two hives HO pounds of surplus hon James Kirkpatrick, of Chest townu!n 00 pounds of sarplus honey from one b'r. Jacob Kirkpatiick. of Chest taincd 72 pounds of sumlua ferr.. ob hive, worth not less than $21, and the riTt cost him only $5. " 1 Peter Campbell from one hive obta-ncd pounds of surplus honey t one tirne: 5y Quite a number authenticated bv soma rf tho : Cambria county, could te obtained in proof of tho superior merits of Langstrotrs Patent Movable Comb Bee Hive. - 1 - Persons wishing to purchase familr riahta should call on or address" " PETER CAMPBELL, Xov. 20, l8CS-tf Carrolltown, Pa ident'd mesae and annual re ports of the various Cabinet Ministers are so iar completed that the greater portion of all the documents are in the bands of the public printer. The President eajs he will send his message to Congress on the day of its assembling. DISSOLUTION. The partnership herpfoforo the name of J. Moore & Son is dissolved by consent. The accounts will be settled by J. Moore. ' J. M')OBE, Nov. 18, 18G8. T. BL.MR MOORE. nPIIE NEW YORK OliSEIlVElT: . Is, now I'ublishing.a Xew Serial Storr to run through h large part of the ntxt vol' ume, cnmW ".MR. BROWNING'S PARISH ' All new subscribers will pe the story com plete e sefd Grovtr & Baker's $53 Sew ins Machine for 18 acw 6abscribers. Ii order to-introduce the Observer to new t , we make Vv -V, 'OHerj ,or new subscri bers: Ae wil send the Observer for one year to two subscribers, one or both bein new. for $C;00 ; three subscribers, tX o aH bemg new, 8,o four subscribers, three or a2l being new, $l,ou. Or, to any per.ou send.,, us five or more new subsci ibis, T will ailow one collar commission 0.1 each ordeT" bCnd Lj thCk draft r Po3t-ffice Sample copies and circulars sent free. Terms, $'3,50 a year, in advance. SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR., & tO., 37 l'ark Row, N. Y. LICENSE NOTICE. Petitions for Eating House Licenses have been filed in the office of the Clerk ot Quarter i?es-sions of Cumbria countv, to b presented to the Judges of said Court on tho 14th day of December next, as follows : Augustus U.Faller, W. W. Ebensburg. August Shedell, Chest Springs. GEO. K. C. 2AIIM, CJerk. Nov, 2G, 18C3-3t. Pity the sorrows of a poor old slink A smile will solace him, a word console ; You can't give him oflice give him then a (lnnit He'll chant aprayer to God to rest your soul. Mormon lxclusl veness. come up grown' says he, "and all of 'em vote the Dimocratic ticket but one. 1 I spiled him by giving him an education, and so he is a Re publican and votes aginst the Dimocrats." JGggThe Feeeman says that it offered to bet na $500 a couple of weeks ago, because it knew, of Jhought it knew, we couldn't raise enough money 0 accept the wager. No ; it offered to bet from poi'fl mercenary motives a desire to-array a certain religious class against us and make them Its own exclusive friends. SS?" II. Rives Pollard, editor of the Southern Opinion newspaper in Richmond, Va., wu3 shot and killed near hi3 office on Tuesday of last week by James Grant. The cause of the shooting was the publication by Pollard of an article reflecting on a member of Grant's family. The deceased was a broth er of E. A. Pollard, author of the ''Lost Cause." JGt2?" The following are the places where Seymour spoke after the October elections, and the Republican majori ty gains in each place: Rochester, 27G; Buffalo, 3,172 ; Cleve land, 1,287 : Chicago, - 5,169 ; Indianapolis, 605 ; Columbus, 580 Tittsburg, 2,000 ; Rea ding, 193; Philadelphia, 2,200; at home, 1,000 an average Republican gain of 1,530 for each effort. . .. A meetiner of Mormon hierarchy has 0 been held at Salt Luke City, to take into consideration the a-ivent ot close commu nication with the "Gentile" world, in consequence of. the approaching comple tion aud opeuing of the Pacific Railroad, and the expected intercourse likelv to ariso through the enterprise of commerce. Tliiherto the Mormon settlements have remained isolated, aud the general migra tory mases who pour into so many other districts have left but a faint impression upon the stranire rjeonle at Salt Luke. A , cj 1 - - few bold and adventurous persons engaged in trade tncre, but when the racilic Kail road became a certainty, the Mormon el ders organized a proscriptive movement against these Gentiles, which resulted in driving some of them away. lhc meeting just held has acted upon this spirit in regard to the emigration an ticipated from the completion of the Rail road, and it has been resolved to expel irom the Uhurch any Jlormon who shall be in the habit of makinir his ceneral nur- chases of tho Gentiles. This seems like a shrewd device of the Mormon business men to set rid of the competition of their - 4- - - rivals, and to compel the Saints to bny of the Church members, whether it be to their interest or not. Doubtless the fol lowers of Brigham Young will find or in vent excuses enougn for purchasing where goods can be had cheapest and best, with out regard to religious affiuitie?; but the power of bigotry and intolerance in all such cases is far too great to be despised. If it should be carried into effort at. the. Salt Lake vigorously, this system will have one peculiar effect that niav oncn thn V z " ---w eyea of the Mormon elders. As a trading centre a.t that point,or near it, is necessary for the business of the Pacific Railroad, the company will have to foster one of its own, if the Mormons persist in their non intercourse league. In a country like ours, where such communities are created as if by magic, nothing could be easier than to build up a Gentilo community, either at Salt Lake City, by the side of the Mormon one, or near it, Bay a few miles off, east or west. That town is now the centre of a very considerable trade with Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Nevada and California, and if the partios engaged in that business agrea to concentrate in such a new settlement, it would Boon ri val, if not eclipse, the Mormon city. Perhaps it may be for the host internei of the whole country that Rrigham Young uaj uccmeu u ucciBsary 10 make this at tempt, since it will bring to a practical S50 REWARD. Stolen, from a stable in BlaTrsvil!. In diana county, about the first of September last, a four-year old dark iron-gray mare, light white mane and tail, two tore-feet white. Was seen in Cambria county about the middle of September. A reward of $50 will be paid for the return of tbe mare or for such information as will lead to her recovery and the apprehension of the thief: or 2-3 lor tne return 01 iuc mare wnnout the th:ef TIIOM.AS W3ST. Social 1111, Blairsville, Nor. 29, 1868. OI1NSTOWN DYEING ESTAU LISHMENT ! The undersigned would inform the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he continues to carry on the Coloiing business in all its branches, at the old stand on Locust street. Coloring and cleaning of all kinds done to order. Gents' clothing colored, cleaned and pressed equal to new. Ladies' diesse?, silk, cotton or woolen goods, shawls, colored, cleaned or pressed to look as well as new. Ribbon3, feathers, 4c, colored to look like new. JCi Goods sent by express will receive my special attention and returned as soon as finished. SAMUEL M. UA1XEY. Johnstown, Nov. 2G-3ra. MEW CHEAP CASH STORE!! The subscriber would inform the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he keeps con stantly on hand everything in the GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY line, euch as Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, all kinds of Crackers, Cheese, Smoking and Chewincr Tobacco, Cigars, 4c. C A XX ED rE AC he's axd toji itoes; Also, Buckskin and Woolen Gloves, Wool en Socks, Neck ties, 4c, all of which will be sold as cheap if not cheaper than elsewhere. A full assortment of Candies I e2? Ice Cream every evening-. ug!3 R. R. THOMAS DOB KINS' ELECTRIC ROOT POLISH ! Makes a lasting shine. Those who blck the.r boots on Saturday night with ordinnry blacking, don't have much shine on Sundaj-, as the polish fades off ; but the shine of Dob bins' Blacking lasts Saturday night and all IT BE A TS A L L O THER B L A CKIX G made. Manfactured only by J, B. Dobbin?, at his immense So p and Blacking Works', Sixth Street and Germnntown Avenue, Phil adelphia, Pa. For sale in Ebensburg hy C. T P.OB ERTS and GEO. HUNTLEY. n20-0m. RUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order issuing out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, to mo directed, tb-re will be exposed to public sale at the courthouse, iu theboroughof Ebensburg, on MONDAY, DEC. 7th, 18G8, at 1 O'CLOCK, P M.. u,e following real estate, situate on Canal street, Johnstown Borough, and bounded and described as fol lows: All that lot of ground known as Lot o. 62, in the general plan of Johnstown ex tended, bounded on the north east by Canal street, which is tho front of Faid lot, north west by lot of estate of Conn o'r Clark on the south west by an a!ley, and on the south east by lot of Kinley 4 Gageby, together with the buildings and appurtenances (except a strip four feet two inches wide off of the lower or northwest side of lot.) Said lot having thereon erected a two-story plank house, a two-story frame back building and a bakerr attached, and frame stable, wood.' shed and otr erouibuildings.and now in the occupancy ot Frederick Krebs. Terms Cash Nov. 8, 1SC8.S,: J"N A hSe. fAUTIOX. y Notice is hereby given that I am the sole owner of the RIGHT to manufacture an i seil "SENTLEY'S NON-EXPLOSIVE 3IET RO POL I TAN OIL" in Cambria fimntt.- r. which I have an assignment of Letters P&r-e-nt, aai th:.t any person or persons manu facturing or selHug it, or any imitation of it, by Khattver name it may he known, without firit obtaining authority from me, will be proceeded against by due course of law an 1 subjected to pt nalties and hues as are imposed by law. The following named persons hare-purchased rights from me, ard are authorized to manufacture and sell the. Metropolitan Oil; Cbristian Rtich, for Suniimtullle borough and Washington township ; Jolm Buck for Carrolltown borough and Carroll, Chesv'nuvV Susquehanna townships. Any other parties wakinjr or selliug the Oil, or ny imitation thereof, without producing written authority from me,' are infringing upon my ripbt, nnil they and those purchasing from them will bo dealt with according to law. A tig. 13, 'GS-tf. M. L. O ATM AN. BOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM ! The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has opened out a Boot ami Shoe Store in the rooms formerly occupied by Davis 4 Evans, on Ot-ntcr street, Ebens burg, where he will carry on the business 0.1 an extensive scale. READY-MADE BOOTS and SHOES For sale at City rriee. BOOTS axd SHOES made to order On shortest notice .' B.The public are invited to give me a call. I will sell cheap as the cheapest, ?nd warrant my stock and make to g?ve satisfac tion. ra"gl3 JOHN O. EVANS. -Advertise in The Alleghanian. HOUSE AND TWO LOTS FOR SALE Tire subscriber offers at- private sale bis Ho ase and two Lots, situate in Belsano, Cam bria county,' nine miles west of EbeiiH.urrr . The Lots are CO feet each, in front, and run hack 200 feet. A good plank Frame Houio 16x24 feet, with Kitchtn 14x16 feet, and necessary out building. A good well of water, ard choice fruit trees of all kindf. The property will be sold cn fair terms, or will exchange for a Steam Eujnp of trn or fifteen horse power.' T. S. EMPl'IELD. For terms inquire of George W. En-T.field, Belsano. - Sep. 17 3m. THE FARMERS' BOOK 140 beautiful and 'useful illustrations. 760 octavo pages. Showing just what every farmer 'wants to know: How to make the farm :ray. ' Send for circular giving full des cription. - Farmers! Farmers' sons! experi enced book agents and others wanted to take this book to every farmer in every community.' Business permanent.' Pays from $150 to $20' per month according tc experience and abil ity. .uares3 .MULLilt, M UUKDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Cincinnati, O., Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Mo. r LaaT- 27-Gm UE EXOF KNG LAN iTsO AIM QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP ! QUEEN OF. ENGLAND SOAP ! . For doing a family Washing in the best and cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to nvy in the world ! Has all the strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering qual ities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 43 North Front street, Phila. Sep. 3-Cra. COAL! COAL! COAL I The" subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Wra. Tiley, Sr , at Lily Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to any amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to quality of Coal guar antied in all case3. WM. TILEY. Jr. Hemlock P. O., Aug. 13, 1868. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. .Mrs. Mary Owens offers for sale htr house, situate on the corner of Ogle and Mary Ann streets. The bouse has late!y been re built and fitted up with all the modern im provements. Teims liberal. For furtLer information inquire of CEO. M. KEADE, Nov. lS.3m. Agent. - -