The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 03, 1868, Image 1

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    If if
Ul'illl, Ml I 1 fife'
T " R V S -r l K 1 J " A x tJ 1,1
-rfTlLLIAM K1TTELL, Attorney at
Y . Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
August 13, 18G3.
J"OHN FENLON, Attorney at Law,
Ebensburg, To..
Office on High street. ugl3
EOllGE M. KEADE, Attorney at
Lawf Ebensburg, Pu.
J- Office in Colonnade Row. augl3
ney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Cf Office in Colonnade Row. aug20
GEO KG E W. OATMAN, Attorney at
Law and Claim Agent, and United
States Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb
ensburg, Pa. ang!3
at Law, Ebensbnrg, Pa.
Office opposite the Court House.
a. L. JOHNSTO.V. ailg!3 J. E. BCAHLAX.
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Ey- Office on High street, west of Fos
ter's Hotel. ftug3
JAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law,
Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa.
Architectural Drawings and Specifi
cations made. faugl3
EJ. WATERS, Justice of tho Peace
and Scrirener.
ggy- Office adjoining dwelling, on High St.,
Ebensburg, Pa. aug 13-6m.
A. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at
JL? Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Particular attention paid to collections.
tST Office on High street, west of the Di
amond. augl3
Johnstown. Ebensburg.
T7"0L'ELIN & DICK, Attorneys at
Ijl. Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
25"- Office in Colonado Row, with Wm.
Kittell, Esq. Oct. 22.
fj the Teace, Johnstown, ra.
vS?- Office on Market street, corner of Lo
cust street extended, and one door south of
the late office of Wm. M'Kee. augia
PEY EREAUX, M. D., Physician
and Surgeon, Summit, Fa.
Wv- Office cast of Mansion House, on Rail
rod street. Night calls promptly attended
o, at his office. augl3
i J Having fcermanentlv located in Kbcn3-
biirjr, ofTcrd hU professional scrriccs to the
ci'.iiens of town and vicirHy.
Teeth extracted, tcitkottt pain, with Xitrous
Oxide, or Laughing Gat.
ffrT Rooms adjoining G. Huntley's store,
Hiprh itrect. augl3
The underiig-Tic.!, fJrad'iHte of the Bal
timore College of Dental Surgery, re jpectfuily
oilers bis professional services to the citizens
of EbeusLurg. Ho has spared uo means to
thoroughly acquaint himself with every im
provement in h'u art. To many years of per
sonal experience, he has sought to add the
imparted experience of the highest authorities
in Dental Science, lie simply asks that au
opportunity may be given for his work to
sp?-.ik ii,s own praise.
Jtiy- Will beat Ebensburg on the fourth
Moii i i- of each month, to stay one wjek.
August 13, 18C8.
TTo YU& CO., tianccrs
53" Gold, Silver, Government Loans and
other .Securities bought and sold. Interest
allowed on Time Deposits. Collections nude
ou all iiccessible points in the United States,
aa.1 a u:icral 15anking Dusiacss transacted.
August 13, 1SG3. . i
7 M. LLOYD & Co., Btfcer
y T Altoona, Pa.
Drafts on the principal cities, and Silver
and I'.oM for sale. Collections made. Mon
eys rec-fivc.1 on deposit, payable on demand,
without interest, or upon time, with interest
at fair rates. nugl3
Or Johnstown, Pexna.
J'aiJ up Capital $ 00,000 00
Privilege to increase to 100,000 00
We buy and sell Inland and Foreign Drafts,
Gold and Silrer, and all classes of Govern
ment Securities ; make collections at home
ud abroad ; receive deposits ; loan money,
a .d do a general Banking business. All
business entrusted to us will receive prompt
attention and care, at moderate prices. Give
us a trial.
Director! i
Jacob Lkvkbgood,
Eow'd. Y. Towmskno.
Jacob M. Campbell,
obgb Fbitz.
H. J. Roberts, Cashier. sep3ly
' . m. lloyd, Fres't. joiiji lloyd, Cashier.
Corner Virginia and Annie st3., North
Vard, Altoona, Pa.
ArTuomzED Capital.. $300,000 00
asii Capital Paid ix 150,000 00
All business pertaining to Hanking done on
favorable terms.
haemal Revenue Stamp3 of all denomina
tions always on hand.
To purchasers of Stamp?, percentage, to
"lamps, will be allowed, as follows: $50 to
100, 2 per cent. ; $!0C to $200, 3 per cent.;
$-00 and upwards, 4 per cent. augl3
crr llc Ebensburg, Pa.
Office on High etrect, west of Foster' i IIo
eL augl3
(OB WOltK of all kind done at
ili'JU Sr.. EcEvscL-u'i, l'.v.
TIic First Snow-Fall.
The snow had begun in tho gloaming,
And busily all the night
Had been heaping Seld and highway
"With a silence deep and white.
Every pine, and fir, end hemlock
Wore ermine too dear for an earl,
And the poorest twig on the elm-tree
Was fringed inch deep with pearl.
From sheds now roofed with Carrara
Came Chanticleer's muffled crow,,. .
The stiff rails were eoftened to swan'i down
And still fluttered down the snow.
I Btocd and watched by the window
The noiseless work of the sky,
And the sudden flurries of 3now-birds,
Like brown leaves whirring by.
I thought of a mount in sweet Auburn,
Where a little headstone stood
now the flakes were folding it gently,
As did the robins the babes ia the wood.
Up spoke our own little Mabel,
Saying, "Father, who makes it snow V
And I told her of the good All-Father
Who carc3 lor us all below.
Again I looked at the snow fall,
And thought of the leaden sky
That arched o'er our first great sorrow
When tho mount was heaped so high.
I remembered the gradual patience
That fell from that cloud-like snow,
Flake by fijike, healing and hiding
The Bear of that deep-stabbed woo.
And again to the child I whispered,
"The snow that hu3heth all,
Darling, the Merciful Father
Alone can make it fall."
Then with eyes that saw not, 1 kissed her,
And 6he, kissing back, could not know
That my kiss wa3 given to her sister
Folded close under deepening snow.
"Yes, mother, I grant all you say readi- j
ly enough. Miss "Wayne is beautiful, and
airreeable, and accomplished. She sings
superbly, and plays with tasto and skill.
She wears her dry goods with infinite
grace and has a class in the Sabbath
school, and always favors the contribution
. I. .Ml T
plate with a grcenuacK. lut stiu i. am
not so sure of her heart. And, mother.
if ever I marry, I want a woman whom I
can respect and love.
So saying, Seymore Lyle threw himself
down on an ottoman at his mother's feet
r.nd engaged himselt in a business which
man generally excels in tangling the
silks and worsteds in the work basket he
had taken from the ottoman to his knee.
Mrs. Jvle lilted her silken morning
robe out of her son's way, for she was one
of those immaculate ladies who cannot
bear lo have their robes crushed or turn
bled, and let her handsome dark eyes rest
a moment on his face.
She smiled pleasantly, as if pleased with
the picture. She had reason to be.
Seymore was her only child, twenty-four,
hrmdsomc, noble, and honorable. He had
just entered upon the practice of tho law
in hU- native city, and bade fair to distin-
"Uisli himselt ia the prolession he had
"Well, mother ?" he said, questioning-
K- smilin'r ii n ntn tho. still vouthful look-
ing face of this his only near relative.
"Sevmore. I am sorry you are so suspi-
cious. Do you not know that it is a point
of law always to consider a person mno-
cent and pure until proved otherwise ! A
. . a .
lawyer should be law abiding, my son."
"Perhaps the business makes me susni-
cious. 1 do not think l am mat dv na-
luro But in this case. I
extent. However lightly 1 may some-
times sneak of it. I look unon marriage as a
solemn thing, a compact too holy to be
entered upon without thought. It is an
obligation one cannot put off at will, like
a distasteful garment, and if I marry, I
want to marry a woman with whom I can
be happy. Annette Wayne is lovely, and
charming, and all that. Uut
"Wcll, Seymore V
"I cannot tako her on trust, even sup-
nosin?? she is ready to accept mc. I- de
sire to nrove her. and I shall do so. I am
rrm'nrr tt llvft in tll KHT11A lmilSfi With heT.
j- ,
and in such a capacity that I can read her
character as I never could if I met her on
equal ground."
"What wild plot, now, Seymore ? I
trust you will remember that you have a
nrmii nlI family nnnift to koen lin."
"Never fear, mother mine. The dead
and "one Scymores shall not blush in their
n o,-i.;,t T .r Ar, ClnA Win.
Lliai - j- n j x
: Mrs Wavno hns advertised for
.a footman, and I am about to apply for the
F Vn! Revmnur Lvle ! Arc vou in-
L will"- uuv, uivj.ii. J.
.i - j : 1 i t :
IS metnou in uiy mauue&s. x am u uo
. rr. 0,1,. ;
servantdom, and when I am dressed, I will
call on you."
A half hour later, Mrs. Lyle was sur
prised by the entrance of a strange man
into her sitting-room, and the genuine
scrcaui she uttered at his appearance was
evidence of the success of the d;s-
T ( 1 III V lUI'ill 11 l I'll. Kj IVi IU UU1 hu
uis0 ol
His dark locks -we're' covered with a
coarse red wig, his clear complexion had
been skillfully painted until it was freck
led as a turkey s ecr', and the iaded-smt
of clothes he wore indicated ti long credit
at his tailor's. . V;
'Well, mother, how do you like mo V
asked Seymore.
"Like you i You are hideous : in o
danger of any one penetrating your dis
guiee. Try and behave yourself properly,
though, if Mrs. Wayne engages you
"I am all propriety. Oood by, motner,
for a day or two. I would kiss you, but
it would be impudent. TOUkinaw, -iorKA-
footman to take such liberties."
Mrs. Wayne was pleased with the ap
plicant, who called himself John Scele,
and, alter a lew questions as to nis capa
bility, the answering of which put John
in a cold perspiration, he was duly in
stalled as footman in her establishment.
Two of his duties were to attend the front
door and sco after thefires j and in these
capacities he obtained frequent glimpses
of 31 iss Annette.
The second night of his engagement at
the Wayne mansion, there was a grand
ball at the house of some one of the fash
ionables, and Miss Wayne attended.-
John was to keep fire for her m the dres
sing-room, and admit her when she came
home. Mrs. Wayne read a novel, and
dozed in an arm-chair.
John becran to think a footman's life
anything but easy when one o'clock struck
and still no Miss Annette. - Just before
two, she rang. John hastened - to- the
door and let her in, and in closing itf man
asred to set his foot on the trailing skirt of
her dress.
Her face flushed with anger, and she
snatched her robes around her with any
thing but the lady like grace Seymore
Lyle had always so much admired in her
'lou awkward clown : she exclaimed,
sharply ; "le irn to keep off a lady's dress,
or I will have you discharged ;
'Beg parding, mem I said John polite
Iv. Tjullinir his red ibretop, "but it ain t
every poor teller as has been brought
in a school of politeness, and learned what
to do with his hands and feet.
; Who asked you to reply ?" she retorted
"Nobody, mem.
Mrs. Wayne met her on ihe
"Mother, that new footman of yours is
an idiot! And he looks enough to give
me the horrors. Heavens ! what a chill
evening it has beeu ! Mr. Lyle was not
there, and I made myself hideous in white
and simplicity for nothing. No other
person has any appreciation for that style,
When we arc married, though, I will teach
him tuat diamonds arc more to my taste
"I dare saj ," muttered John, between
his closed teeth, "I dare say you would
have no objection to begin the lesson at
All the next day Miss Annette was
cross and out of sorts. On poor John
her wrath especially descended. He could
do nothing to suit her, and more than one
sharp reprimand he listened to, delivered
iu that voice he had once thought so soft
and sweet, as to be incapable of being
pitched to the high key which, after all,
seemed most to it.
Annette gave John orders not to admit
j any one ; sne was not at home, and she
paseu tne uay curicii up on tne sola in
the back parlor, reading an old novel, and
taking her case in a i raved wrapper and
stockings none too fresh from the laundry
j Just before dark there was a timid ring
at the door. John opened it, and saw a
little shivering figure on the broad steps.
I a r i ill j 1 1
pair oi mown eyes looteu up vwsuuuy
into his lace, and a musical voice asteu
"Is Miss Annette at home !
iiWMgiuiu iwc uiunutjuiiuiiuuuuj;
I i l .1. . i .. 1 i. -r i. r
cnarmmgiy on me peariy u.iee, .joiiu ior
got that he had orders to deny his youn
mistress to any callers, and replied, quite
iu his natural voice "les, she is;
you walk in ?"
Ihe girl stepped
into the hall, and he
saw that she was very thinly dressed, and
she carried a bundle. He ushered her
into the back parlor at once, where An
nette, having renounced her sofa, was
ensconced in an arm chair, with her feet
on the fender.
She looked up and frowned at the in
trusion. .
"John, you stupid . blockhead ! I told
you I was not at home to-day ."
"Beg pardon, mem I forgot I" said
John, nervously.
"Well, it's one of my working people,
so it's of no particular consequence. Miss
Ainslie, have you brought the cape?
John, put some coal on the fire. It is as
cold as Greenland here. Let us see how
I . .
VOU have done it, Mary
The girl unrolled her bundle, and dis-
i played a pink thibet opera cape, embroid
ered in white so exquisitely, that John
forgot himself again, and stood gazing at
it in profound admiration.
1 - . Tl 1
"Irn'f. stand tiiere traping. John, ' said
i y r l
Annette, sharply. . "Put on some coals !
I ' .
Then to Miss Ainslie, "It is really very
well executed, and I will give you some
thing more of the same sort to do before
Ion". - You can go now, for it is nearly
dark, and you'll be afraid if you ; btop
longer." , , ' ;
Miss Ainslie rose, aud hesitated on h'er
way to the djor. .
r -'If you could pay me for the work to
dar," she: said in a troubled voice "my
rent is due and my little sister is ill "
i "O, don't -trouble yourself to proceed,"
said' Annette, coarselv- tI know the
Whole story by heart. There is always a
sick motner or sister, l can t pay you to
dayit's eight dollars, I believe and I
have only twenty by me, and that I want
to use to-morrow, Oall around next week ,
and I will pay you."
jl "Indeed, Miss Wayne," said the girl,
in a choked voice. "I am suffering for it,
cx I would not ask you "
"Don't trouble me, my'good girl, I have
"Oieadache to-day, and need rest and
quiet. I will pay you next week. John,
show her out."
A bright scarlet rose to Miss Ainslie's
cheeks as she followed the tall footman to
the door, and John was sure he saw tears
in tne Drown eyes, tone hurried down the
icy street, but before she had gone a dozen
rods Mrs. Wayne's footman had overtaken
"Here is something for you, Miss," he
said hastily, and thrust a ten dollar note
into her hand.
"O, Miss Wavne sent it, did she ?" she
exclaimed, joyfully. "I am so glad ! And
you were very kind to bring it. j
"1 hank you, mem . said John, blushing
and not.knowing what to say, but ieehug
some way strangely well pleased with him-
"Dear little thing !" said he himself, "I
wish I had given her a fifty instead of ten,
t?ut then she would have mistrusted it did
not come from 3Iiss Wayne. How pretty
sbo is ! I rather think I'd like to be her
footman. I'll make her acquaintance
some way. " It s iorf unato lor me that sne
dropped her card in the hall as she went
out let me see, and John drew out tho
bit of pasteboard and studied the delicate
chiography by the light of a street lamp
"Miss Mariettc Ainslie, No. S D
street. fehe must be dreadfully poor, lor
B street is a wretched place. But I
will make an errand there.
The next day, John knocked at the door
of No. 8 B street. Miss Ainslie an-
swered the summons, and invited him to
It was a rneigre little room into which
sue ushered him, but, for all that, it was'l cheeriu!. . A geranium was
on the window sill, a..d oil a ta-
blu by the side of a cot bed, there was a
red rose bush covered with blossoms. On
the bed lay a golden haired child of five
and one transparent little hand resting on
the quiet head ot a white kitten.
Poor John was terribly embarrassed
and Miss Ainslie kindly helped him to an
explanation of his errand.
'-You come from Miss Wayne, I sup
pose ?"
"Yes, mem !" said John ; "that is to
say, no, mem ! I come for myself," and
here he came to a dead stop.
Mary looked at him curiously. He
plunged into tho matter at random.
"You see I thought that, is I decided
that I should like an opera cape myself
like Miss Wayne's, you know." The girl
laughed, but checked herself, at sight of
her visitor's distressed face.
"For a friend, I suppose ?" John
caught eagerly at the suggestion.
"Yes, yes, for a friend. Yes, you are
correct. Can you do it for me
"Certainly. What color is it?"
"O, any color" said John; "it don't mat
ter ! that is, it does matter. How would a
green one look ?"
"I should hardly fancy that color," re
plied Mary.
"Weil, well, I leave it all to jour own
good taste. It is for an elderly lady, and
there is the money to purchase the mate
rial, and you needn't hurry about the
work. Any time will do." Miss Ainslie
picked up the hundred dollar n tc he laid
down, and regarded him in silent surprise.
"I am not insane," he said, laughingly,
"only a little eccentric."
"But here is much more than enough
"O, never mind about that ! We will
settle that when the work is done. And
I shall want to call now and then to see
how you get along with it." And John
bowed himself out.
The next day he gave Mrs. Wayne no
tice that he must leave her ; the work
didn't agree with his digestion, was the
reason he gave. He was satisfied as re
garded Annette, anil Mrs. Lyle was forced
to give up her long cherished plan of see
ing har sou the husband of the gay and
beautiful girl.
Seymour Lyle was in his office every
day until six o'clock, and after that hour
no one knew anything of his whereabouts.
But John, Mrs Wa3'ne's quondam f.ot-
man, was at No. 8 B street, almost
every evening, lie was so interested in
the progress of that cape that he could not
let a day pass without giving its inspec
tion his personal attention, and he con
trived to make himself so agreeable to
Mary Ainslie that she looked for the com
ing of the shabby blue coat, and the red
hair under the old seedy hat, as one looks
for a ray of sunshiue ia a cloudy day.
Little Nellie, too, the sick child, was never
so free from pain as she was when John's
strong arms held her, and she listened to
the stories he told her, and the songs he
sang her, as she listened to nothing 'cst
oa earth. Poor little thing ! 'her life of
suffering grew feebler every day, and one
morning, while done with her sister, .he
put her two pale hanu3 together and cried
out :
aana, take me
Mary caught her lo her bosom, but she
held only clay. The bsautiful spirit had
flown to the mother, who, perhaps, even
in 1'arauLse, had been lonely without her
Two d;3's. after the funeral of Nellie,
Mary. She confided in him fully now,
and she told him for the first time her
simplS history. Her father had been a
uisunguisnea pnysician, put, tnrougu nis
many chanties had leit his children only
poverty at his death. Mary had sewed
and embroidered ever since, and taken
are of Nellie. Now God was to care for
"And what will you do now, Mary ?"
said John, taking her hand.
"I shall go on in the old way."
"No, you will not," he said, earnestly ;
"that is, if I can help it. Mary, you
know just how poor and humble and ill-
looking I am, but 1 love you, darling,
with all the strength ol an honest heart;
and, thank God, it is an honest one. Do
you think you could love me, Mary ?"
"1 do Jove you, John, she said, soitly.
" Yv hat I with my lreckled lace and my
shock of red hair V
"You have beautiful eyes, John, and
your face just suits me."
"My own Mary V
He pressed her to his heart and kissed
her tenderly.
Then he put her away from him, got up,
:nd tore off the red wig. One vigoroi
application of his handkerchief left his
face clear of all freckles and spots, and
Seymour Lyle stood before her
She ut-
tered a iamt cry or dismay.
"lou have deceived me . she cried
"John, what means it ?"
"I have been enjoying a little masriuer-
ado. rorgive me. I shall alwa3"s regard
it as the golden moment in mv life when
j j
I made application for the situation of
footman to Mrs. aync. Llso I had,
perhaps, never known you."
"But who are you '! I do not under
stand "
"I am Seymour Lyle. My god moth
er has been ior some time arranging
marriage between myself and Miss An
nette Wayne, r.nd 1 not beiug quite sure
that the young lady mentioned was -the
angel she seemed, disguised nryself and
obtained the situation of footman in her
mother's house. I am satisfied with the
result. And now, when shall I have my
wife r
:d. M
r. Lyle, everything is chang-
cd now. You
position, and
are a man cf wealth am
"All the more reason why I should not
wait . he exclaimed, taking her into h
arms again.
It is thought that Seymoro Lyle's ar
guments were all convincing, for a month
later there was a wedding, and he was the
groom and Mary Ainslie was the bride.
As for Miss Annette Wayne, savage and
envious she plod on her weary, lonely
way, wondering where on earth Seymour
Lyle managed to pick up that wretched
little Mary Ainslie.
A TerribleHcdlellour.
I looked at my neighbor, writes a trav
eler, with considerable curiosity. His
face indicated a man not over thiyty years
a period at which men are still 3'oung
yet his huir was as white as the fresh
fallen snow. One seldom sees, even on
the heads of tho oldest men, hair of such
immaculate whiteness, lie sat by my tide
in a car of the Great Western Railway. i:i
Canada, and was looking out of the win
dov. Suddenly turning his head, he
caught mc in tho aet of staring at hiui
a rudeness of which I was ashamed. I
was about to say words of apology, when
he quietly rcmarkedV
"Don't mention it ; I am used to it."
The frankness of this observation pleas
ed mc, and in a very little while we were
conversing on'- terms of familiar acquain
tanceship, anoT before long he told me the
whole story.
"I was a soldier in the army of India,"
he said, "and as is often the case with
soldiers, I was a little too fond of liquor.
One day I got drunk, and was shut up in
the black hole for it. I slumped down
upon the floor of the dungeon, and was
just dropping off to sleep, when I felt a
cold, slimy shape crawling across my right
hand as it lav stretched out above my
head on the floor. I knew at once that it
was a snake. Of course my first impulse
was to draw away my hand j but know
ing that if I so the poisonous reptile would
probably strike its fangs into me, I lay
still, with my heart beating in my breast
like a trip -hammer.
"Of course my fright sobered me in
stantly. I realized all my peril in its ful
lest extent. Oh, how I lamented tho
hour tnac 1 nrst touched liquor, in ev
ery glass of liquor there is a serpent ; but
it does not come to everybody iu the shape
it did to me. With a slow, undulating
motion, the reptile dragged its carcass
over my face and crept down over my
breast and thrust its head inside my jack
et. As I felt the hideous scraping of the
slimy body over my cheek, it was only by
a most tremendoiu effort that I succeeded
ill rah. urf mv-i-If Irci veiling l.-ud.'v
with mingled feelings of terror and dis
gust. At last, I felt the tail wriggling
down toward. my chin ; but imagine
h:.t I felt at my heart, if you can imag
ine it, as I realized that the dreadful
creature had coiled itself under my jacket
as I lay and had seemingly gone to sleep,
for it was still as death. Evidently it had
no idea that I was a human creature, for
if it had it would not have acted in that
way. All sn.-ikes are cowardly, and they
will not approach a man unless to striko
him in sell-defence.
"Three hours I lay with that dreadful
weight in my bosom, and each minute was
tie an hour to mc a year. I teemed to
lave lived a life-time in that brief space:
L'verv incident in my life passed through.
my memory in rapid succession, as they
say is the case with a drowning man. I
thought ot my mother in old Jngland; my
iappy home by the Avon : my Mary, the
girl I loved and never expected to seo
them more. For no matter how long I
bore this, I felt that it must end in death
at hst. I by as rigid as death, scarcclv
daring even to breathe, and all the whiio
my breast was growing colder and colder,
where the snake was lying against it, with
nothing but a thin cotton shirt between
my skin and it. I knew that if I stirred.
it would strike, but I could not bear this
much longer. Even if I succeeded in ly
ing still until the guard came, I expected
his opening the door and coming in would
be my death warrant at the same time :
for no doubt the reptile would see that I
was a man as soon as the light was let in
at the do r.
"At Lst, I heard footsteps apprcach-
JLherc was a ratti'ng at tne lock.
It was tho guard. lie opened the door.
The snake a cobra de capello I now saw.
It darted up i;s huge hooded head, with
the hideous rings about its eyes, and
seemed about to strike. I shut my eyes
:uid murmured a prayer. Then it glided
away with a swift motion and disappeared
in the darkness. I staggered to my feet.
and fell swooning in the arms of tho
For weeks after, I was very sick,
and when I was able to be about, I found
my hair as white as you now see it. I
have not touched a drop of liqaor since,
and never shall.''
A Tuue "Lincoln Stchy." Perhaps
the opinion of
the President on General
Thomas's great
victory before Nashvillo
m:;y be oi interest.
to h
"there isn't much left of Hood's army, is
there ;"
"Well, no, Medill ; I think Hood's army
is about in the fix of Bill Sikcs's dog,
down in Sangamon county. Did you ever
hear it ?''
Of course, the answer wis : "Never."
"Well, Bill L:ikcs had a long, yullcr dog,
that was forever iretting the neigh
bors' lueat hcu;cs and chiclrcn-coops.
They had tried to kill it a hundred times,
but tho dog was always too iaart 1 r them.
Finally, one of them got a bladder of a
coon and filled it with powder, tying tho
hlled it with powder
ncclc aroun
d a piece of pv.ik. "When he
saw the dog coming, 'i-i lirt-il this punk,
split open a hot biscuit and put the blad
der in, then buttered all nicely, and threw
it cut. The dog swallowed it at a gulp.
Pretty soon there was an explosion. The
head of the dog lit on tho porch, the fore
legs caught astraddle the fence, the hind
1 gs fell in the ditch, and the rest of tho
U.'T i.lY ilil.'Uilvl J.
1 . . 1 . i 1 ...... 1
retty soon JJill
Sik;.s c.i'jie along, and the neighbor said :
"Liil, 1 guess there
am t much 01 that
!2r of your' n left
'Weil, no," said Bill ;
plenty cf
piece?, but i guess tnat dog, as a duj, am t
of much more account."
"Just so, Medill, there may be fragments
of Hood's army around ; but I guess that
dog, as a ilon, ain't of much more account."
A Novkl Cock Fit:iiT.
Ameriean ship at Panama
There was an
not long ag-.
and the sailor-boys thought they would
astonish the natives in the way- of cock
fighting. They had a bald eagle which
they transformed, by clipping of wings and
ruthlessly pulling out of tail, into a rooster
of the most ridiculous aspect imaginaol':
This nondescript animal was entered i tr
fight. Th
game cocks nave a
UltlV 1 io-jj
of crouching and
pointing at each other. I hen they ad
vance across the intervening space, and
meeting in tho centre, with heads erect,
and fury iu every movement, they fly at
one another, each endeavoring to drive his
long steel spur into the head or brex-t of
his adversary. On this occasion the Pa
nama bird, victor in many a well fought
battle, began bis usual tactics, while hi
clumsy adversary nestled quietly where hu
had beeu placed, and paid no attention to
him. Anticipating an easy victory, the
joyous g.uue cock now advanced without
ceremony, and delivering one or two smart
blows, somewhat damaged the cquilim
features of the foe ; whereat old Sleepy,
without taking the trouble to rise, quietly
reached out a claw, caught the frisky
warrior, and pulled off his head!
was unscientific but conclusive.
It is an ancieut conundrum: "Why is
Quceu Elizabeth more remarkable thau
the Falls of Niagara? Because they are
a ;.; Jr, but ne is a x uduv.
Ami::vri iu:d '.usinesi will proper.
1 1