THLUSDAY NOVEMBEU 26, 1868. Contouvenlth of rennajlvania : Unto God, our Creator, we are indebted for life and all its blessings. It. therefore, v - u times to render unto Him the homage of pratelul hearts; and In the .performance ol oorsncreu u. i 7 1 ". J ipecUr periods to "enter into L! gites with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. For this purpose, and in accordance with nn established custom, I hive designaiedl iicus- IAY. TH 2GtM DAY OF NoVEMBKU NEXT, and 1 a kt fho t,m.1i nf this Common- rrciHiMiiciiu iv .... 1.1. tht f4,i; rffriLinr from their usual l VI - avocations and pursuits, and assemble at their chosen places of worship, to "praise the f ri..i n.l m:i-nifv Him with thanks- civlne :" devoutly to acknowledge tUcir de- pendenee, ana lay upon :ns vw. ful offerings of grateful hearts. ;Let us thank Him with Christian humility for health and prosperity, abundant harvests, the protection of commerce, and advance ment oT scientific,, mechanical H'd mauufac inturosri Aiir nrftcress in education, morality, virtue and social order; the increase of our material wealth; exemption from pes tileure and contagious diseases and the de structive influences of war ; tor having bles sed us as a people and a nation, and opened before us the brMitest prospects for the fu- ture ; and for all otuer viessiutp, uum w porai ana spiritual teaches the masses to look upon fcDch ai - 4 A Dllant took and flunkeys. It diverts at tention from honest industry, both mental and" nianual,"nd : makes office hunting a trader Besides the holding of office dur ing-ilfe or good behavior, each applicant should be appointed upon a meritorious examination as to his qualifications 1 A. As a remedy for. the secona evu, we at present know of nothing more efficient than a good registry-law. Not even good laws are at all times efficient where men are set on fraud. ' "'Yet to the well meaning a good law is buckler, shield, and spear It strengthens, protects, and is a weapon of offence. Every possible facility should be afforded the honest voter for the exer E01T0RtRt r ETCHINGS- Colored Suffrage: "Tlie History oCaT I n Box. jggy- Geld is 134. jgj-Sce new advertisements B2F V3T Congress meet3 0o'tbe first Monday in December. .. ... 'jggj-Burlingame and hii tronpa of Chinese are in Loudon. :, Whlai's , become of our, local corre spondents ? , i f ; ! ' wgA horse thief was caught in Hun tingdon one day last week. ( i , , r-New York has twelve clergymen who are each paid $10,000 a year . nr ; - nn,lrf nf til P . mir The wasningion currwjwuusM. . ciiflrr-io-p. is no noveltv in our i " . - v - r - nB.r. vuivicv -c- . - - , utr Triljune relates a curious uisiory vv. ..ifU 'Prtn wntiirv and a halt 1 irwe j uommonCa.w. .- . vi. iin tin box whieb was aeposneu uy n .J h nn v mnttltlOU OI iud w I , ,ir . i. rinnorn irticuuiu "s . rpi this State that we quote its trenchant par w NationilBink a-raphs in full, admirable as tney arc , - indeb!edos to style- and eiry the Government. A United States guar- ln: " - ,.,m,wi who had trot into trouble in his erul Spin bcloD to documentUe right or m-uu A attorv was cmnloved by the without restriction, towrc w- d ; he nrovince. ' ' o....,..... r U'r ami iKKpi.rparv of the T 1- Kran as A1 Pnnn rrrfintiXl What IS Known Cft'cia..u. - - " - ; v - . the -Charter f PrTvHeges." Jiy this Tr,u,ury, and after lull d,seus,,ons o t ,e the lnarter oi xri" p o, t various .meetinirs of the Cabi- Th. tnx on lucifcr matches yields the inscrument the rign . order was at length obtained, on cL of hb highest privilege, and every GoT-.-t tl. 500,ooo a y,ar, - V ly given to reen u liavc The box opened as a candidate for the nomination for Gover possible precaution taken to prevent' the dishonest one from accomplishing nia at-. tTiiT)ted rat.e upon the ballot. As the law now stands, it is not possible for earnest and honest men to secure a lair extension of the popular will in any populous dis trict where a desifrn is formed to thwart that will. A fair registry law, properly onfhrcnL would crive every person having f nn r.rtimifv to vote : it would nor. 7 The question of an increase of t'ae salary of,, the President of the United States is being agitated over by Benjamin Franklin, it gave no iuc v..v - - . . of suffrage to "every freeman of the attorney proceeded, to the 1 ie right oi sullra e to every rrm:1;nder of ihe story is tbus told oy the in 1 aae ot Zi years. , . . . T T L , LANGSTItOTH'S PATENT Ji MOVABLE COMB LEE HIV2 I Pronounced the beat eTtr yet introduce in this county or Stater Aiy person buyiB . fjmilr Vicrhi can hate their Bees tranat. ked from an old box to' a new one. In entry instance in whicn tnia nas Deeu aor.e the re. snlt has' been entirely satisfactory, and tjj, first' take ofhont-y has invariably paid al peiibes,and frequently exceeded them. Proof of the superior merus oi una luveniton win i. f.mnA iii thA tpstimonv of everv man i . uc ... - j . ti piven its trial, a.nd axnoni? the numbf -.Via rr.flll tTT O T Tl A ITI frf? & 1 O W C flk ,4 V. arc . iuv u. . - iiifit evperience should induce every one interesc4 in Bees to BTY A FAMILY RIGHT 1 Henry C- KUkpatrick, of Carroll township took luG pounds. of surplus hony from two hives, which he sold at 35 cents per poua4. . Adam Dtitrich, cf Carroll township, ;0q from two hives ltO pounds of surplus honer. Jnmes Kirkpatrick, of Chest township, took CO pounds of surplus honey from one hire. li.nh KirlrnAtf irtc. of Chest townihin rk" rVmvvu . . ( - - i f . vu tained 72 pouuds of surplus honty from on hive, worth not less than $21, and the right cost him only $5. -Peter. Campbell from one hive obtained 35 pounds of surplus honey at one lime. At ; At i lEAvJE At 9- '-31 . At n Ins - oetner acttatea. T --- i iuu age i - -. . i ral and spiritual. c , , j ij Wiih m e. reliance uoon Divine favor, let , etimv. ho are legal voters ; and would tnus 4 . lhA rArml'AnaoO rf" Oil T S 1 II S. Ifl I . 1 r.nni.lnv ri AnAtf us pmy iw. K. . - r,r,.vo an etticieni agency i" vui u.6 t in nublic confess on of our dependence, pru c au,v o j ... that we uiHV continue worthy of His parental clettious. lore i.nd protecting: care ; that our civil ana "S'IZlane .;; n,b thc w 0f these three evils has been sug with cratitude our country's brave defendera, - . Eveuing 1'ost, lit X .IiSLrPdV:tV.r" viz, that' Congress enact a law allowing tbrou-b life may be directed by the "ample f. ners to take out their last papers at- ZX""1 cr hiding to the oou? for four jcars, ... i ... l lift, in ilie woild . .. - 'x- ti,n..a i.nfll i voir jftfir- now mereiroiu, u i DUr, not 10 vote uu unc j county, has been appointed by the Governor to be keeper of the arsenal at Harnsbnrg. ESy Chambersburer, Pennsylvania, is to eniov a first-class female college, organized under the'eare of a local Presbytery, Tiovnlntuin win e asserting ineir uu - , lie oiution, jftiiue, .iThKnx was brought out from a du?ty rio-hts and liberties ajrainsi nrusaipiu") . - - c- . - w?re caret to stand fast by the cardinal corner for inspection. It 1-ked a d idea of Ihe political equality of all men. eealedbut there was n, key. After some Tn91790 fnew constitution was framed, delay a locksna.h wa, scared and the 111 11 ...... i .i m,Pr,P. . mid fuuud to villain an old Thrms Minim presideu over me wimm- r - - . , 2:ZtnZ: it This instrument guve calico dre,s "... ' -f."' ' iaer tue care oi iuc i. itawj scij. . I tion that made it. iius v f u,.. i.'!'..!;.,, IST The says of itself that it has r right to vote to ery freeman over e rproo cloak abc let f-" not hved by spasms. No; it tas lived by the age of 21 years. 1 " : ; . Coloue , iri,cbard lies for the county printing. . . I 1839 tl.e.con.utunon - V ; V I . Gc... Hardee at once one oi me uiw tv-.v...- ...... in.i t. .Tl.i Sro-finnfc nresiaea over mu - i . . r COT A man Kina.y presemea u - . .h" basis of suffrage was changed, departea for the .War Jiepyimen . j. - - i - ' j-Jaite a number or similnr staiemct;, Huthenticated by some of the best ciiizfiis 0f Cambria county, could te obtained iu proof ol'th f uperior n.eri:s oi Laugstroth's 1'atent Movable Comb Bee nive. Pertous wishit.g to purchase family rights should call ou or address , PETER CAMTBELL, Nov.. 20, 18C8-tf Carroiltown, Pa. lioi .1 n giving turkey on Taesday. "In return there for, we kindly presented the man a dollar. e- Mr. Wm. Goodman, of Huntingdon, was run over by the cars 'near that place, on Monday last, and was severely injured. The riMIE NEW YOllK OIJSKRVER JL Is now publishing a New Seri:d Story, to r-in through .i large part of the nf.xt vol ume, eniitleii "A! R. HItr'WM.NG'23 PAKISU." All new subscribers will get the storv com plete. He seud G rover & linker's $55 Sew ing Machine for 18 new Fubscribers. In order to introduce the Obsebveh to new .J I n rpudera and new oirr.p nf infl a r tix t.rtcid r en rrrfurM v;i uuaiivu, mv.;'v . - - - - v . v t v uou. fr"n attornev has UOne to New i oik, and Uea- the fuiiowin liberal offers for new subscri so sis w n.t. - - - ... . ,. n at ,uc at- bcrs of the aire of 21 years." ii ...u,. ' F r one! hundred and fifty-six years est jtike of the season. black menif black t hey tca .u . thc vorldU airald o FranCe Given under mv hand aad the Great beal .v.- Qt TTnrrisburer. this twenty- eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and suy-ty-eight. and of the Commonwealth tue ninety-third. Jons W. Geabt. By the Governor : F. Jordan, Sec'y of the Commonwealth. rwrlty of Uio Ballot. The ballot is to thc citizen the chief and ultimate means within the pale of the law .. ... nr.r u tmv jistiirnnt oi . . . i i nouiinaiion a t:ai, ' .r--- of defendin" his political aim iiaiuim - . . uth . . aeIenU;n" . J , rt .. - ten sure of the nomination for that length im r t j Mtiii rT mvintr mt ?aiuu kj - 1 'B ' i onday last, and was severely injured. , : J Pennsylvania on precisely the same con- n, that m,.uarch appear The lilalr County TeachersV Institute Jitions as white men. JNone or me e.i - r ' . . , . n :llsirilineilt The' New York Tribune also sug- will convene in Uollidaysburg on the 28th of now predicted of black suffrage were expe- - H J - g nonce'ii Ieitner lilts uicuiai nu . . , i nenceu" " . . sorted that 'he vat machine he has con- to treat the jonS equality of the Wo races w.s thereby cs- cr f d ,?,h JreM,e, ,clfish ,ir oie . l.h fain.."."- UblbM. . A.l, ' ?D1T. ,latM ind ce,, hiu' L lt riT,";L0r ' :r,r;r,er;r or A.Pt'l.. ..a .W K.Pr reviewed .be jum uiuu Nt:nn.1i (;,la,d i.. Hoorav si tnce. 'Ihe T ro-;l-tnr Social order was 'iioi suucrt- - .Legislator, ooni u nf thft times are not favorable to Na aA ThA frnvernment was hoc uiaue uy -r.--' . , . , x, ed. lne i., u; noleon's dvoastv: He has ruled I ranee white men tor win e uieu, -v- f . - . .. '.,T mtmr,t a ID Oli M I UU3 llUJIl'iJUUli ..v u " - I - of every thing in the shape of true liberty rwt Smmr Twenty vcars is a Ions rcit;n in Frauce, longer than any one was suffer- . i 1 trests that only United States Courts and December. rv.,rC;rtn- r,ft allowed to perform na- -'We have tried turalization. It is in the heat of a political men of The AUtghaman .1 . ' r1r'.Vtl T.ll ftt""". canvass mar. mosi men an, to Tjrocurinx fraudulent naturalization certificates. By far fewer men would encase in the business if the advantages to accrue by it would not come for a year nftor the offence. A candidate is never in And have failed. , . rjy The famous horse Dexter, on Fashion Course, one day last week, trotted a half mile in the brief time of one minute ana six seconds. jfy- A woman nain;d Mrs: Dorothy Hill was murdered in Philadelphia on bunday niirht. Uer son-in-law has been arresiea ou Grant's Letter of Acceptance. Now that General Grant is President, 'rctitfatt tion : ion sure ji i"c " i - k .. . .i ., , . ' . i ...... r.ri.ui-mrr pnmmitted the deeJ IfaggrieVed.the'courtsareopentohim; of time PrCU3 be LaJ" ;f jgc" The Freeman says that r-lan- est, and will be read again with renewed v. i.,. Wihlature : fail- An add:tional guaranty woma oc Ift miU nu-im of (be iurr box', leelin-s o satisfaction and delight : jjy illilj uuu v..w -! r iug in these, his last legal Tcsort ti the i...llt - nnf sncrnwiin!? in mat. ui vuuicv . . . . rT'" m-?nA rellion.- Ut least two papers m the county wu.xc Tbfre tt 6team engine in New yrk Mn b. no middle ground, such persons were naturalized. . lbat rQn8 one hundred and twenty-Gve pre : 7 : . .... A SeS. onnta fifty difiFcrent newspapers, makes It is no mere legal nction mat me Tne Indian unr. . -, ,a . ooka and rua3 a mile cf . i 1 : . I. .ntr- inn I . 1 his letter of when the nomina- ejtoruicrom the day h"i3 uncle" crowned tion was tenoereu acquires a nwu n.c- iin,aeit. 'ihe mn who roae mto powei We will send the Obsorvfr year to Iwd subscribers, one or botl bein new, lor 5t.ui ; uiree suosrriDers, two or all being new, iS,Ct ; four subscribers, three or all bciii; new, $10,00. Or, to any person scnuiiig u-i nc or juyrc new tuuicriutis, vve will allow one dollar commission o:i each. JEssT" fcend bj check, dralt, or Post-office oraer.. Sample cooies and circulars sent free. - T...rr.a CI P.A vt-ar. in (i.'vn. IllVl'V E. M011SE, JR., CO., 3" I'ark Row,. . LICENSE NOTICE. Petitions for Eating House License have been filed in the office of the CItrk of Quarter Sessions of Cambria county, to tie " . . v . c : 1 . 1 . presented to tne duages oi hiu u'uimu 14th day oi Uecemuer nexi. n iuio, ; Augustus U.-r alier, - ct:iiauurg. Auust Ebcdell, Chest Springs. GEO. K. C. ZAUM, Cleik. Nov. 36, 18G8-3t. by 1 X T tO 1 t. ar, K - e tl land a beat 1 the ge than s c5"ect i on-.M 5.25 j 10.25 were ' fchip, days i mras a ttltari . a: le 7 .... i i n v.. t..,,l if TLe Freeman says tnat l ne siuegnan- csi, aim win- ue iwu a6... rail. An add:tional guaranty woiud be had f Jhe Fr , reciD?s 0 satisfaction and delight : the the list of persons naturahzed and ti er f nll reiterate this . a 14 Tv General JonjthR. II,. Pre 3icc vouchers were required to be published in g - theaswear it is XaUonal (jMlun Republican Convex 'lCt thp rnuntv where couple of times mor oru,ally accepting the nonur. himaplf. on the waves of the revolution of 1848, clonus tn he friendless already. He has ruled five years longer than his "uncle." "Duuliran isunvemtun. tcr II..r,..'a ..oioimnnn ia correct. llV" - J the nomination .;..i u :n j r c- i ucr'uiiii v mo mu wwv - - - j of. the National Union Kepubiicaii iori- IoDfr?r vention oi me -im- ui a'-wj ,c,",i ZTS Z Con. SWman h W Mark TvaiP wrtt mm jir ; uj ---- . ... . t Knt t"he iti. ori.flnm. -moderation, and latriotm, once Ulrca OUl as . wrivii;-"""'v., " " - .. , , ..... I . T 1 1 . .... IK. TAalliiitO Al I 1 1 1 enterprise failed. His first copy was -virtue ana L.ue.ievr H-""":rpj ho bnape 10 our lujiiamnvju, " o i - , - .,- . . c tent fact. The ballot is the means which War Department a detai ed report of the . , .ui for Tndian troubles on the plains. Alter ad- the people tnemstn us pw , . (: . . f i,., -ivin. expression to their .01 ; and it fa, verting to the Peaee C of last 1,6 the onlv legal means. It is the Ue- ,e.r, when, formal vrntten treaty were fprod into with the various tribes, ne fci-n oi tne law mai ujv u , cicu v. . . i 4i a v wliir trift terms ol .,l arir.nld h- o-iven without cor- gives uis uiwij " v been nousea iu uc. h- s expressed, should be nen witnout f rA not LeT)t inviolate by Wft, destroyed by fire a few days since rupt influence and stiouia t ne men Chevennes, 'tents, wagon,, and a number ot animals on, -not ox tneir patuu. , - and the Co- were consumed. Lom 535,00a hates, but of their patriotic teeling ana tm; -r-". ' t - , 1 - . . c . of riot3 occurred in Bear . '. , i ia ma snva mat wai . jcai vwv. , .i j vv i-ifirfvpr. i nun. muuvm" . " " ri i r t . I . i 1 1 . l ' ' ui..i . i ' sPAmft nroner that some sta;tfaieut ol views bejond tho mere acceptance of the nomi !d be exDreesed. Ihe rro- is its own reward," and they got it "Washing with soap is wholly absurd! Fnrpna'uph's manaeerie, which bad been housed in winter quarters ia Philadel- of ihcfie who sustained the country through its recent trials. I en- A .ir.r. thn riSIllllt JlinS. : -It elected to the oflice oi President of the United Slates, it JOHNSTOWN DYEING E ST Ali us ni est ! wnnlrl inform life citizens 4 DC U1...J Ji,.- . .i r.oen8nurjr and vio'nity. th continnR . nn ti CiiitTnfr business in ail its L V " ' v - " . o v,.,.i,oa at tVii nlii Ftind on Locust street. Coloring and cleaning of all kinds done to fii-nie' rlnthinc-colored, cleaned and V 1 . - o ' . ....i omiAl tn iipw. Ladies diesse.'. silk. l l C BV V ' np.vM.lm rronds. shawls, colored. IUIIUI1 " f-. T - ' ' cleaned or pressed to look as well as new. - . a 1 . - 1 oflice ot rresideut oi me uimeu aiCSr, . cieaneu i"""- , will be my endeavor to admiebter all the Ribbons, feather,, &c, colored to look like laws in jiO' d iaitb, Wlin ecuuuu-,, ggy-Goods sent by express will receive my with the view of giving peace, quiet, ana cial ftttention and returned as soon as every where. In times like the Wished. SAMUEL M. KA1NE. ... . : l ... Irncl O m 1 - 1 ii . n n Vmt OR 3m nr..r..t if U llllTiOSSlUie. Ul. a. . I juuusiuu1.v.. I . ' i.i UTlON. Vr.tif-p' i hprehv ciren that I am tha r.trntT Cf the RIGHT to -manufacture and sell "BKNTLKY'S MJN-LXPLOSIVE MET ROPOLITAN OIL in Cambria county, for ... i,;,. Vi 1 r.tit-. nn nvsio-inipnt of Letters Pat- n mv" ....... .... ent, and f.h t any person or persons manu facturing or Selling 11, or any uminuuii vi u, by uhaicver name it may be. knrurn, without .-t. nl.t:iininr Hi:thoritv from me. will le 0 ------ proceeded against bv due course of law, and FUbJ'JCteu to sucu peuaitica auu uut-i as m imiioipft hy law. .- - The toliowing namca persons u:ive pr-. chased.' rights from me, s.nd are authorized to manufacture and sell the Oil: . .. .. r o :...:ii i. .1. LJUriSllU 1.11111, iC-'t ..UUIul'UIIIC UUIUI j.ll and Washington township ; John Buck, tor Carroiltown borough r.nd Carroll, Chest and Susquehanna townships. Any other parties making or selling the nil, or any mv thereof, without vroduong r.tteii authority . ' :f,:;n1r unon mv rint, ca they and those purchasing from them wiUVrt f 4iad i It w: tfrpmi jint yonjy " ttaiir.i 'Abe c lllshn ; .Sane i'Tho dealt with accordiug to law Aug. 13, '6S-tf. M. L. OATMXS. It l:v 't: tin JtJWl 'C0U Pen folk Trisi aha the dirc feet nine inches in length. It i9 d with gas. s- Vice Tresident Colf.ix was married on Wednesday of last week to Miss Nellie Wade, ofllon. B. F. Wade, at Andover, unio. The lady is thirty years old, and is described as a most estimable woman, feue is iir. uoi- fax's second wife. ; '1 "The existence of the Freeman ia man. . . ,. P il I r . . n n A i c 1-,1 Pliim to be heard Iudians attributed this action oi me uov- -I3 cast irot, fourteen leei iu u.guv, who have no fair,-legal claim to De nearu. iuu , , irftll nounds. The cross ll o rn,ntinn ernment to iear ui --t,-- is a source ot ctangci a, com. baf a sil t Topemlt.iicLctottoIto n . n 0f the Smoky Hill to be light, undermine all confidence m popular eib pc ao tiws as . n,ea8 of dieting and dec Kou. ? t .most ons of State or oi mere iocanU..- w-. months ,Lce. A prophet eje could- scareely ved of no . ud I for .. conpU . ot n ... .. ,it r.nBf thov have been - massatrym0 tscan all the evil consequences t"" . . fh . Govern- .. . ... -r l l. tAd r Mi t, and left. lut tne uohih necessarily lollow in tue tram u. VT - - , . . . I ji .i- r.i-1nA to rive UD tl iud-ments procured through corrupt agen- ment, uuc F.r- - o . Jee All classes andbotli parties are alike! Smoky Hill Routo. On the contrary, rterested in this matter, and all should Gen. Sherman has dispatched a consider be equally anxious to secure at all times a able army into the disaffected region un f iir and pure decision of every political der Gen. Sheridan, with instructions to t Whatever remedies are suggested follow the Iudians unceasingly during the " : f,rMrh-Shouidork winter and destroy all who offer rests Z ft from all tance. ,Vhat is of them in the spring impartially. y bundled off to a reservation, where partisan taint rcnuired to remain, for, says lint nrt. wnai arc, auu v.., j . ... ' . ,rrr.f,o In our elec- Sherman, "a joint oecupat.on ;of the plain. tb We enumerate then,, hus: The by two elasse of people oppo- lense patroaSe in .he han,.s of our ' President' and especially the wielding of the Ind!ans Bust yield. J .Ue dea ol a U on h prineipir,ha' -To .he victor, general Indian rnere clad. w. A the oil- " The ease with wUicU the SenSibilitie3 of U.e people of the tas , Z the carried ou. The op- but that step seems to have been deternu colomwtion can be c portunmes lor . ud . the grat mst our foreign n.ui lfi trofl rn pxpute the will ot the people. I always have respected that will, and . i. j : 1 always bliali. i eace aim uuieii perity us sequence with economy oi r :li i: . I. n n ilia Vnrrlor aaminisirauon, win u-mcu -.w- of taxation while it constantly vtcSuces tue oatioual debt. Jiet us nave pca:e. "With great respect, your obedient ser vant U. S. Guam. "Vasuington, V. U., may u, 1000. Carpkt-Bagoeus. The Editor's Book UHJ ,,r.r, r 1irVVl Anrptured onlv bv J B. Bobbin', luaur. 4.......... lit his immense So:p aud lUackin- v orits, Sixth Street and Ueimantown avenue, x mi- uC. r...-, - .r. T TJrtP tor sale in tornsnurg o ... . ERTS and GEO. HUNTLEY. n 'tJ-Cm. iia e'pd noon the best subscription list ever , , . n f T)ecimbtr alludes to held by a paper in Cambria county." Free- ,hree eniineut "carpet-baggers" as iol- The Freeman is therefore the bassdest pa per in Cambria county. t&Sf Secretary Seward, report hath it, wanted to marry a young lady in Washing ititx TlliWAltD.- fr.m a stable in Bla:rsville, in diana countv, about the first of Septrniber last, a four-year old dark iron-gray ir.nre, i:i uliltA inline and tail, two tore-t?et t Woe Don in PAinhria countv about .i :.tA'a nf 5sctitpmber. A reward of oaO lUt IH'U"V I . w-ill. he paia ior iuu rtriui ii ui ic v v i necessary um. " - such information as wm lean i nt-r mui.-ij i water, a u cnoice nun I..1PO .. 1 1 . . . . t TffiB "rliincrio, nowever, 11, uiuai. uc i.u.w- i unu rr.---- , '. . . . i a . .... .....m nf tho mare without tlie th'.ll. sed that immigration lias aaued cnicny to iuc .v- THOMAS W.:ST. i our material resources, xctevsramuc advent ol Jenny land, America nas neen For tale at City rricet. rnriTS ivn SHOES made to order On thortesl nonet : SgThe public are invited to pive me i call. I will sell cheap as the cnenpes., r warrant my stock and make satibut- , . -. mtiv t WANs tion. laugui joii. u. OUSE AND TWO LOTS Ua salv: .. i ti, cnl.sf rihtr offera at private sae 11 " t House and two Lots, situate in Bcl?ano.Ua bria county, nine miles west of Eben.-bur;-The Lots are CU feet each, in front, t"i - back 200 feet. A pond lank r ran.e : 16x24 feet, -with Kitchen 14xlt U-ct. necessary out Dunning, a poou , ees oi nn " and the apprehension of the thief ; or $23 for in:i'i. Social H-ll. Blairsvillo, Nov. 29. 1868. II II I . . . ..vw. .- n-i ' ,...,. ;n i.t. rn f:iir terras, o- 1 lC pi I'l'l- J ..... . -- -- , will exchange for a Steam . tnpin? o ten " . btteen nors iuu. - - ., r or iriuia uuu.v v w w r. receive accre.ion. to i, liierary : lr,ht 'T'tVn. has afforded .roblen,, the, unanimously declare the 1-or the llist tu., v.oiieic. ,v..i...i . .l.a ..wnrd tiifireh rd. itt thft onward march ..1.. 111:1 1: i v.vm..- ..;,;r.,.,.':on. raid demand that he be removed out of the way " i .r tho nifmf nonnlar nrtacii cutif. uui- v' - fi i ers of New York city is au Irish immi iirant Ircni' Dublin Dr. John Hull. The lecturer- ilect on history iu the Cornell University is an English immitfraut from Oxford Piolessjr Guldwiu Smith. And the nt-wly-iustalled president of Pritceton College is a irehlv-anived imjnii;raut from Belfast. His coming is nttm:iy 8C . . f XI T MAnCAnt ThP Mrronnrs wi be seiiiea ov VUU3VU - m Moore. J. M'lOUE, Nov. 18, 18C8. T. BL.MR MOORE. vanteaio n-arrj- . - ; , , i1A BhlpRt musical -w-nTSSnT.TTTTON' ,on city during Uie nn ut tue i.u ; a B it HOW be- U Tb. paVrshlp heretofore existing in broken ou i. iu .t - ..rtrtro,;(in. tn ita literarv friends, who represented in a strong ligbt the inexptdiency of such a step, &c, Ac. .. Fw- A man in York county predicts that we are. to have eighteen snows this winter, including the two that have already laiien, and thit twe of them will be very deep. The s-me prophet established his reputation la3t winter, he having predicted twenty-three snows, and there were ju3t number. Btisuno. Sep- Srv j AGENTS WANTED. To sell the Envnent Women of the Age; written by Messrs. 1'arton, Oreely, ltiggin son, Hoppia, Abbott, Winter. Tilton, Mrs. v-. C Stanton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, An elegant octavo volume of 630 pages ifc v . .. . m r . !n a :!. Tmirtoon eiiripriAr ;tfol rn ows, ana mere j i jroui liCliuSi. Ills 'joining ia uuk'ij u- i uiusiruicu nn i-juh-w.. -r - Co,. worr., b?en .ppoln. co.up.nied b,a new A cric,n e dilhou of JXM rilIK F All M EltS' BOOK. X '.40 beautiful and useful 700 octavo pages. Sbowinp jUSl ' v farmer want, to know: How to farm )ay.. Send for circular giving ful. k. j crlpti'on. Farmers! Farmers' Eons ! espe- enccd book agents and others wante.l to i- , this book to every farmer in every ; Business permanent. I'aysfrom zM ; per month according te experience ani , itv. Address ZMGLEB, M'9UI;D4 1 Philaddphia. Pa. Cincinnati, O., C. T , r vlrt I LJ 1 11., Ot. A-Wka-J k a partial remedy in taking from ihe 1 res ident the power of removing vernuK-nt employees from offiee. The exact credit due Congress for this step we do not know nr tfarc. so far as our present purpose is . x- i v. c-r...i. tvti. vntfil ttr runcerneu l,utM- l . . , the-mcasure U so, not on principle, but circumvent An V Johns. misrn. At any I-le, the step was. iu miin, right and Vlse, and in accordance pnuciph that should hold good, not agai-t Vresident Johnson, but for all tiu r It is a fcourcs of tcwptalion to any resu . uame of any o,, as having been i A .i . H.mirei to the country, tuav , Tlouse oi ana oi c-'t" - o -ho should of his own notion remove men from office at his men nod, or retain them as his tools and satraps, in. every city and -j . . A..,.k Tirivki-roaa in tne- T-iikicre. ana aw j . - I ovmtrT. It ted by Surveyor General Campbell to ascer tain and report upon certain important questions of drainage in connection wiih the great Pymatuning and Conneaut marshes in Crawford county, under a joint resolution of the Legislature passed at its last session. finvERSOR Geauy has issued his proc lamatiun announcing the election of Con gressmen in this State. In the lst district, composed of the counties of Fay ette, Indiana, aud Westmoreland, he says no such returns of the election have been received by the Secretary of the Common--,ltli ns would, under the election laws VV . of the State, authorize him to proclaim ilv elected a member of tho House of "J . . , ... r - Ucpi:.centatives of the L'mtea ciaves lor A'..t Act. The whole question is thus .un the XLIst Congress, who """"i . . . i at' ! ,rill decide upon tiie rirai ciai .." d to wel- Camilla Urso, and Harriet G. Hosmer. 1 h .. I Vniir Ynrlr Trll.ilnA onD.ilinfr nf I lift Publish' e Legislature p.u as hencelorth an American; while we j fa" - -Bo hnghTy "have they done jfy- It s stated that in addition to apph- return to the mother coun'ry our hearty tlicir worki lUftt their volume, in paper, type, rnliunS IOT OtUCe, Oeuerui uraut una luua iui 1 iur ecuumg iu vi; v i uiuumg, ciiaiuf;a, nuuc at i.Aw -vv. - W 1 i; . a a . a aa rtrn rp piv-d over a hundred letters begjjing for ab est modern representatives ci tne so- lence oi us tuojeci-maner, gu . k- re.eiVU V I . .. . i lrl L- 1 mnrnilM c. niton .. r-rrorl rrll 1 n S t SUbSCTl O- money, the objects beig all tne way from callett cvangeuca muuu. u -r- ,iott books.-'-only made to sell." Agents the most charitable down to the woman who theology- j are meeting with unjiaralleled success in sel- cav olip waati to bar a farm. They go into , , T Z 1 ling this book : one ngent in New x ork sola gays sue wuuu J J " I r... V..ir1.n.n'a ltumnn. t b nf n p m r- . . . . . . n ... . , .. . r tbe waste basket wiin me appucanons ior office. t&- A Paris magazine contains the fol lowing item : "Madame Lincoln, widow of ling w . o wtfua y uuv pv. tl v fc . - 1 ne : ... A XT a T I .i vvi neliirA .aau A.ivv- i i i mi iii r wrrn: ui p H inL I l new & i ui msum v. cratic bugbear quietly passes into biatory J sold 12 iu five hours ; one aneut in Massa- .. - . 1 " l - 1 . 1 . M'l.f.l.r.1... KA.MIrf Wltn tlie Closing nuura ui hub yuui. xuc . . . , Ml I - .. rrofid it has done will onlv be known in after times when the dispassionate histo ... . . ... . . . t . f!tncftta cnlrt R in cpvunlnnn For descriptive circulars una sampio en. eravinzs address S. M. BETTci & CO., Hart I ford, Conn. (nov. 5. a1 UKKN OF ENGLAND S0AF QUEEN OF ENGLAND bOAn Fordoing a family washing in the l.e cheapest runner. Uuaranteea eiu. o in the world! Has all the nB j.j rosin soap, with the mild ana wn'"',;nd:i . a t T- this riv . ities of genuine uasuie. . lCil soap. Sold by tne auvc WOuKS, 4S ortn rroni sirvci, , Sep. 3-6ra. gro lae X3r L ure iJa "vis: I-r vh in i fro lre ley ti tit Ui : ; !il ? r c: lowing jieni jiau v. . biici iiuico t .wu - the late l resiaent u m vmnu o , . n&u n in ivn .- - . . traveling through France, in order to takd story of peace and good will, and then th VTAl'lONA! SOAP AND CANDLE ,m ber abode at Nice. We do not know if vindictive opposition and bitter abuse it JLl MANUFACTORY, . the honora to which she is entitled as the endured at the hands of the Democratic widow of a great citizen have been paid to party will bo wondered at and recounted ber in our country. " Ahl if Madam Lineoln only in connection with the history of the were Japanese ! But anefniulv -wr.' same political party ia relation to the br U aot .Upw !" . ' VOmmor, hool synteui - Wholesale dealer in Soap, Candle3, Groce ries, Liquors and Fish, at city price. a.igl3 Main ST., JOHNSTOWN, PA. riOALl COAL! COAL ! The subscriber is now ca7,ntftlii Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr , L-; fo6r on the Pennsylvania Railroad. rtnl" t0i'; ty, and will be glad to fill I ,V - amount, ot cui-cus ui - , ity. Satisfaction as to quality oi Jr. antied in all cases. -J11 Hemlock P. O., Aug. u, HOUSE AND LOT F0Bf0Sr Mrs. Mary Owens offers H house, situate on the corner bef Ann streets. The house has JerB J, built and fitted ep with all the n. fjr provenWs..- Terms libera.. vy Nov. i:i.r,rn.