The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 26, 1868, Image 1

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    I 5 I 111 III III
If I Ti II Itlllt
Law, Ebensburg, Pa. "
August 13, 1868.
JOHN FENLON, Attoruey at Law,
Ebensburg, Pa.
jgy- Office on High street. augl3
EORGE M. READE, Attorney at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Office in Colonnade Row. aagl3
ney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
X2f Office in Colonnad Row. aug20
EORGE W. OATMAN, Attorney at
Law and Claim -Agent, and United
States Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb
ensburg, Pa. aug!3
at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Offica opposite the Court House.
B. L. JOUN8TON. fftllg!3 J. K. BCANLAJf.
Law, Ebensburg,-Ta.
y Office on High street, west of Fos
ter's Hotel. augl3
JAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law,
Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa.
jfVaf Architectural Drawings and Fpecifi
cations made. ugl3
J. WATERS, Justice of the Peace
and Scrivener.
ftS?- Office adjoining dwelling, tm nigh St.,
Ebensburg, Pa. ft 13-6m.
I gIl0HI AJEll) AUorDCy at
. Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Particular attention paid to collections.
t&5 Office on High street, west of the Di
amond. augl3
Johnatoxcn. Eltnburg.
OPE LIN k DICK, Attorneys at
i Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
&r Office in Colonade Row, with Win.
K ttell, Esj. Oct. i!2.
fj the Peace, Johnstown, J'a.
Cijj" Office on Market street, corner of Lo
cust street extended, and one door south of
the Lite office ofWm. M'Kee. augl3
"I V DEVEREAUX, M. D., Physician
JLY and Surgeon, Summit, Pa.
Office east of Man9;on House, on Rail
road street. Night calls promptly attende. I
lo, at hi3 office. augl3
Having permanently located in Ebena--burg,
offers his professional services to the
citizens of town and vicirity.
Teeth extracted, without pain, with Xitroua
Oxide, or Lauohinn ('i-
SfStf Rooms adjoining G. Huntley's store,
Yf street. L'Ulglrf
The undersigned. Graduate of the Bal
timore College ofOentnl .Surgery, respectfully
oTers his professional services to the citizens
of Kbcnsburg. He has spared uo means to
loorouglily acquaint himself with every lm
orovtnient in his art. To manv ve.irs of ner
- - j i
fional experience, he has sought to add the
imparted experience of the highest authorities
in Dental bcience. lie simply asks that an
opportunity may be given for' his work to
epeak its own praise.
Will beat Ebensburg on the fourth
Mondav of each month, to stay one w :ek.
August 13, 18GS.
LLOYD & CO., Bankers
Ebexsbuiio, Ta.
TiT (old, Silver, Government Loans and
other Securities bought and sold. Interest
allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made
oi all accessible points in the United States,
nit., a General Banking Busiuess transacted
August 13, 18G3.
j W M. LLOYD & Co., Banker
' Altoona, Pa.
Gratis or. the principal cities, and Silver
nd Gold for sale. Collections made. Mon
rys received on deposit, tiavublo
I without interest, or upoa time, with interest
t liiir ruu-s. augi3
Or Jouxstowx, Penna.
riJ up Capital $ CO.000 00
i'rinUye to increane to 100,000 00
We buy and sell Inland and Foreign Drafts,
'old unci Silver, and all classes of Govern
ment .securities ; make collections at home
ln-l abroad ; receive deposits ; loan money,
"j uo a general Hanking business. All
' usiness entrusted to us will receive prompt
'tU'tition and care, at moderate prices. Give
'13 a trial.
Director .
Jons DlBEET,
Jacob Levkeuood,
Euw'd. Y. Townskxd.
F ou M. Campbell,
H. J. Robekts, Cathier. sep3ly
M. Lifim 7 ' ...... . . -
rf ! p,orner Virginia and Annie sts., North
;ar'l, Altoona, Pa.
VST,"IZED Cap"al $300,000 00
11 autal Paid is 150,000 00
WauJ'fer" fertaininSf DankinS done n
If'trnal Revenue Stamp3 of all denomina-
'na always on hand.
' hamn?" Mhia5e" f StamP?. percentage, in
I 00 11 be allowed, as follows : $50 to
ClJJwarda, 4 per cent. augi:i
lei. "'su ttreet, west of Foster's Ho-
0B T1Kyrs done a"l
Higu St., Ebex sb i'kw , Pa.
The Sung of Tlcie.
Look out! lift up the window high I
Old Father Time is going by I
Quick ! look before the sight is gone !
With restless foot he hurries on,
And shakes his hour glass in his hands,
To swifter make its flowing sands ;
While through the distance, .faint but clear,
Oh I list, his pilgcim song I bear I
'On 1 on ! I must not, cannot stay I
No resting place is in my way I
Through summer's blossom-scented grass,
O'er autumn's yellow leaves I pass ;
The flowers of Maj my step lays low ; - '
I press through winters drifted snow
On I on I forever more I gd 1
'But wheresoe'er my path may he,
Decay and change still follow me ;
And beauty goes as fades the rose,
And bliss a rainbow-bubble glows ;
And youth grows old, and love grows cold,
And hope proves false as morning dew ;
'Mid earth's cold blasts there's nothing lasts,
Oh ! nothing but the soul that's true !
"That cannot die ! It lives for aye !
It keeps its bloom eternally I
Unstained by passion's heated breath,
Unbowed by fear, untouched by death,
Sublimely beautiful and free,
Serene, alone, it smiles at me !"
Oh ! Father Time, farewell ! farewell!
With thy swift steps our lives depart !
But may thy song forever dwell
An inspiration in each heart!
A correspondent of the New York Times,
writing from Galena, 111., the home of the
President elect, gives an interestingsketch
of his character and habits, and makes
public some of his declarations, which havn
a peculiar significance at this time. The
attainments and social qualities of Mrs.
Grant are also sketched in a cossinv man
ner. The writer had been sojourning a
week at Galena, begining lour days before
ad endinsr two davs after the Presiden
tial election, and during that time he had
constant intercourse with the President
elect and thf members of his household.
The letter fills several columns, the most
interesting portions of which arc given
below :
At the close of the war the gratitude of
Grants old menus liere was shown in a
most practical and substantial manner. A
munificent present, consisting of a com
fortable and lovely cottage, rising in some
what stately dimensions from the apex of
one of the infantile mountains which form
the jagged area of East Galena, was ten
dered to him in the name of friendship
and patriotism, and he could but accept it.
It was furnished bv the donors in a com
fortable and generous style, and in perfect
living condition handed over to him. But
the duties of General Grant, as command
er of the Armies of the United States, have
heretofore precluded anv lorn? eniovment
of this unpretentious but elegant rift.
xne proprieties ot the campaign which has
closed so grandly rendered it peculiarly
opportune that he should repair from the
politician s Jiecca, ashington, to this
secluded spot,' and for three months he has
been ncre with his iamily. Washington
is Grant's official home, whether in his
own capacious and elegant mansion in
Douglas row on I street, or at the White
Ilouo. Galena is his Ashland : his Her
mitage ; his Mt. Vernon. Here is his
"Home, sweet Home," and no tinsel of of-
ncc or pageantry ot honor can obliterate
the fact which supersedes all nthnrs
the home of Ulysses S. Grant is that plain,
square brick cottage on yonder towering
summit in East Galena. Cerrainlv a fwn
story cottage having four Comfortable
apartments on the first floor, and five or
six chambers above, cannot be termed ar
istocratically jrrand for the most surwssfnl
General of modern times, and the Presi
dent elect ot the greatest llepublic the
world has known. It is iust such an es
tablishment, with closets, ranges, neat fire-
places, bright tongs, good carpets and pic
tures, as any well-to-do and fruiral reorlG
would strive for no more. Plainness,
good taste and utility have been consulted,
and the harmony is complete.
For three exciting months, while Frank
P. Hlair lias been raving from city to city,
the time, and, as the Medium of Furies,
encouraging retrogression to the dark ages,
and while Horatio Seymour blew blasts of
political poison to critical crowds in a half
dozen estates, uen. urant, unmoved from
the proprieties of his station, has hn hr
surrounded by a part of his loving family,
receiving his neighbors and friends at his
own fireside in Democratic sociables, where
witty charades and other domestic amuse
ments whiled away the happy hours, rid
ing over the surrounding hills, returning
calls, and acting the part of a "great com
moner" generally.
Grant's family proper consists of an af
fectionate and amiablo wife, three sons find
one daughter ; but one son (the oldest) is
at. WesfPoint, the second one in Wash
ington, while a lovely daughter, with
A round, wuite neck and wealth of tress
A beautiful plenty of hair." '
and little Jessie, years of age, who will
be a second uTad" in the White House,
are here. : Judge Dent, aged 81, the fine
looking father of Mrs. Grant, is also of the
family ; and so closely allied to the private
matters of the General are the members of
his staff, that Cola. Badeau and Coinstock
may be denominated a' part of Grant's
household. Nothing more clearly evinces
the modest and undemonstrative character
of Oen. Grant than what h said to a
gentleman recently : "I stay here," said
he, "because I like the place and my good
neighbors, and because I want quiet. I
did think I could spend some tims at the
watering, places, f but, on - second thmighf .'"
I came to the conclusion that a ; stay, at
Saratoga or Long Branch would be a kind
of martyrdom that I not did care t o endure."
It was not necessary for me to enjoy the
spirited affability, the exquisite conversa
tional powers of 31 rs. Grant, in order to
learn that Ulysses Grant has a well-de-teloped
domestic nature ; that his love of
home and of family is of the purest, high
est order: that his home relations are
refreshingly sweet and beautiful. . A visit
or two at his fireside will disclose theso
facts, and they are seen, too, not in the
grand dama of "family exhibition," (with
the astonishing reality behind the curtain,)
but in those small, intimate, and familiar
matters which, combined, form the de
lightful superstructure of a happy home.
Gen. Grant takes great delight in his
children, particularly the youngest the
family pet Master J essie. He is, indeed,
a dear, bright boy, and worthy any father's
affection; but Grant makes him a com
panion, and is both a father and a frieud
to the young scion. Speaking of the com
ing cares and responsibilities of the Exec
utive mansion, and of the old-time joys
when they Jived in a rented brick cottage
on the towering side in West Galena, Mrs.
Grant said to me :
"Those were the happiest days of my
life. We had a sweet little home, with
every convenience and comfort ; the yard
was large ; you saw it. Well, it doesn't
look half so lovely now as then ; the grass
grew luxuriantly, and bright flowers and
fresh trees made it a little paradise. In
the evening, Mr. Grant would come home
and I would have the children all dressed,
and myself in an evening robe, and we
Jus iS liappj 113 Wt5 AuM-tri.U. "Of
ten we would ride out with the children,
and'I did really love to keep house then."
As she spoke these words, her eyes
sparkled, and they were uttered with an
earnestness which plainly indicated their
depth of meaning. She spoke of a pub
lished statement in a Paris journal, alle
ging that Grant's military discipline was
so severe that he even practised the most
painful exhibition of it in his family, and
related, as an instance, a certain infliction
on a son, which was made severer by his
mother for some trivial offense. Mrs.
Grant said it was wholly unfounded, and
"the children are never punished never,
by either of us ; we are extremely lenient
to them, and try to conquer and rule by
love. If General Grant determined on
punishing them, I know I should protest."
And all that I saw of Jessie and his older
sister goes to confirm my opinion that the
domestic peace is never disturbed, and
that few indeed are the "family jars"
which interfere with the marital joys of
Ulysses and Julia Grant.
I need not designate the multiplied in
stances where pride, vice, and stupidity
have prevailed in the White House in
its feminine management. Now that a
quiet man of the people is to assume the
Presidential office, the inquiry turns nat
urally to the qualities Mrs. Grant will
bring into the honorable position she will
soon be called on to fill. In a general
way, it might be said that she is in all
respects a lady ; that she is a true woman,
a good wife, a fond mother, and that the
fashionable world need feel no apprehen
sion that so long as she presides over the
Presidential Mansion, its conduction will
not be of a character to gratify and charm
the most scrupulous admirer and most fas
tidious critic of what is fit and proper in
that high place.
During my sojourn in Galena, I have
had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Grant
in her parlor on Several occasions. Tho'
I had mt her at the grand, crowded re
ceptions in Washington, I never before
conversed with her, and I am, upon ac
quaintance, charmed with her fascinating
manners. She is the fortunate possessor
of delightful colloquial powers, vivacious,
discriminating, sympathetic, and generous,
and I have met no lady of late years with
a broader comprehensiveness of duty as a
mother and a woman. She discussed the
great requirements of the White House in
a spirit of perfect understanding. I am
satisfied there is no lady in the land more
capable of lending to the Executive Man
sion its due charm, or of conducting it
with greater good sense. In anticipation
of the responsibilities coming upon' her,
she seems to have made the subject one of
considerate reflection, and while she will
scrupulously shun the scylla of tinsel,
pride, and hauteur, she will, with equal
watchfulness, guard against the charybdia
of aristocratic retirement and seclusion.
Frank, affable, amiable, and true, a lover
of friends and of cultivated society, with
most excellent tastes and a sentient
conception of the duties and proprieties of
life, Mrs. Grant will conduct the WThitd
House with fascinating ease. In the lan
guage of her husband, she can say :"""The
responsibilities of' the position I feel,' but
accept them without fear." ' - - -
During the memorable dark April days
of 1865, it will be remembered that some
thing was published about it having been
the intention of Gen. Grant to accompany
President Lincoln to Ford's Theatre on
the fatal night of April 14th: In-all
probability, the desperate assassin intended
to commit a double murder, and perhaps
the nation does not know that it was by
the docision of Mrs. Grant that such . an
v.mented calamity was; averted,"; Mrs.
Gjrant detailed to me the circumstances
winch determined her to proceed that
night by the train to Philadelphia. She
said further :
'"A messenger called with a note from
Mrs. Lincoln requesting us to accompany
the Presidential party to Ford's -Theater.
I informed him that we. were
going to Philadelphia. 'But,' said the
messenger, 'you are announced in the pa
pers to be present to-night In a more
emphatic manner I responded, 'You will
p!case deliver my message, with my re
grets He returned to Mrs. Lincoln, and
we' took ' the evening train for Philadel
phia." -
'Thus, by a sacrifice of pleasure to duty,
she doubtless saved the life of her husband
and averted additional horror from a dis
tressed people.
During my several days' sojourn in Ga
lena, and not unfrequent interviews with
Gen. Grant, I have learned much con
cerning topics of great pubUc interest.
The country has grown familiar with the
fact that the "young and indomitable De
mocracy" are utterly unscrupulous in
means and ends, and we are now led to
know, bitterly for the nation's peace and
prosperity, that for power's sake they stand
aghast at no desperate deed or pusillani
mous humiliation. It has been their boast
that if the lladicals elected Ulysses S.
Grant, a schism will soon appear in our
party, and like poor Andy Johnson, Grant
will go off with a segment of Radicalism
the segment denominating itself Conserva
tive Republican squarely into the embra
ces of the young indomitable Democracy.
Erry effort will be made by the defeated
anTroutel reikis to accomplish bystratecry
and diplomacy what they have failed to do
by bullets and ballots. . They could neither
conquer nor coax U. S. Grant can they
capture him ?
The correspondent, in order to throw
light on Grant's political views, quotes
from an article . in the Galena Gazette,
published in 18GG, nominating Grant for
the Presidency, which contained the fol
lowing sentence, and received his unqual
ified approval and indorsement :
"We know that all his hopes and sj'tn
pathies are with the great and patriotic
Union party of this countrv. In feeling
and sentiment, he is thoroughly identified
with the millions of loyal people who, in
the long years of war and carnage, gave
their hearts, their blood, and their treas
ure to their country. He has neither
sympathy with nor toleration for any party
or any set of men who were against the
country in its terrible time of trial and
peril through which it has passed." - -
General Grant stood upon that platform
more than two and a half years ago. No
word or deed of his from that day to this
can be distorted to mean anything differ
ent. He is committed inflexibly to the
war party of the nation, and he has no
toleration for the copperhead wing of the
Democratic party- Whenever he has oc
casion to refer to the Democracy at all, he
applies the term "copperhead," for he only
recognizes two parties in the land, one
with the rebels, and tho other with the
loyalty "of the nation.
On the financial and reconstruction
questions, both growing directly out of
the rebellion and as inseparable from each
other as from it, he is heart and soul with
thelliepubUcan party. He said in my
hearing : "It is wickedness and folly to
talk of repudiation in any shape. The
debt was contracted to carry on the war,
and it is as sacred as the war itself."
Magnanimity and generosity are largely
developed in Grant's nature. He is punc
tilious about observing the terms of the
parole given the surrendering rebels, so
long as it is not broken by them. Hence
his unyielding opposition to any interfe
rence with Lee by Andy Johnson while
Lee kept the plighted faith. But Gen.
Grant feels keenly concerning the diabol
ical course of the Ku-Klux Klan, compos
ed as it is almost wholly of paroled
rebels, and countenanced and led by rebel
officers ; and he is not insensible to the
palpablo fact that rebels in editorial places
can easily break the terms of the parole by
advocating incendiary doctrines and fo
menting turbulence and bloodshed. The
day following his election he said to me :
"I'd like to see the tono of the rebel pa
pers now. I imagine they will quiet down
as they did after Lee's surrender."
This intimation, taken in connection
with further remarks, was as much as to
say, "continued treasonable teachings and
violence there will and must be suppres
sed' Gen. Grant certainly regards tho terms
of the Reconstruction laws eminently
magnanimous undor" tho circumstances.
Speaking of rebel impudence -in denian-
incj,ac.f iie aciaiica to me a
tone instance of peculiar import.
' He aid : "The morning that Lee sur
rendered he rode out between the lines,
and I went out and met him, and we had
a couple of houre' talk. Lee said he hoped
I would offer as magnanimous . terms to
the other Confederate armies as his had
received. I told him he should, if he
wished to serve his friends, go to the oth
er armies in person and prevail upon them
to surrender. He said he would wish to
see Mr. Davis first. I didn't encourage a
conference with'Mr. Davis, so that sug
gestion ended.'. Rut what I wanted tocall
your attention to was this : Lee thought
the Southern people would be perfectly
satisfied to give up all their propertv. and
all they expected of the Government was
to De secured in lite and a right to go back
unmolested to try to live industriouslv and
peaceably in this Government. But as
Jor ever fiaving any voice again in tlie
Government, or exercisina nolitical riahts.
cliy they never thought of nor expected any
such thing.
These are words from Grant's own lips
since his election to the Presidency.
And he is not a sluggard in statesmanship.
He will not bo found stubbornly asserting
his old-time views against the progress of
the age. He will swim with every tidal
swell, and grow with the country's growth.
I was conversing with him of the ex
pansion of the western settlements; of the
railways to the Pacific; and the grand re
sults in that direction while the impious
and rebellious South has pined and suf
fered. "I think," said Grant, "that Providence
must have had a hand in it, and prevented
an earlier reconstruction of the South for
two reasons : First to keep the tide of
emigration and enterprise flowing into the
vast and productive West, and secondly to
punish the Southern people, through
their own agency, for their unceasing er
Four Tears Among- I lie Savages.
The Colorado Trihune has the following
strange story : .
We saw at'the Planters' "House, yester
day, a woman named Jennie Blackburn, a
native ot Jiount Jackson, S. C. who
claims to have been a"prinner among di.
ferent tribes of Indians about four years.
She is now about 2S years old, and is a
cripple from the loss of both her . legs,
which have been amputated twice, the
first time at the ankle joints, and again
about three inches below the knee. Her
story of her capture and imprisonment is
about as follows, commencing with how
she came to be in the Indian country.
When she was five 3'ears old, her father,
Thomas Blackburn, emigrated from South
Carolina and joined the Mormons at
Nauvoo, 111. He accompanied them to
Florence, Nebraska, and finally emigrated
to Utah with the earliest emigrants, and
preached among them. In 18G3 or 18G4,
the father, having become somewhat dis
sipated, and having for some time been
accustomed to living among tho Mormon
Indians, Lizzie and her mother and two
younger sisters, aged respectively ten and
fourteen years, concluded to run away
from him and the Mormons, and if possi
ble reach California. They took with
them only what they could pack about
their persons, and with a rifle and some
ammunition started westward from Salt
Lake and wandered for nine mouths, when
they were captured by the Digger Indians.
Lizzie was sold by the Diggers to the
Foxes. The mother and two remaining
sisters, when they learned of Lizzie's sale,
ran away from the Diggers. They were
pursued, and when found, had starved and
frozen to death on Horse Creek. The
Foxes sold Lizzie to the Snakes. She ran
away from the Snakes, but was captured.
She was badly frozen in the attempt. She
says that two half-breeds, named Towan
tinus and Punchanatah, took her to Wash
ington, D. C, where her limbs were
amputated, and that she was returned to
the Snakes by her father's direction, he
being among them as a kind of chief at
the time. She says that her father has
spent most of his time among the Indians
for seven or eight yearg; and is with them
He 13 with the Arrapahoes or
Chevennes. The Snakes traded her to
the Arrapahoes, from whom she escaped
about a year ago, by the assistance of one
Fred. Jones, a Government scout, arid
was brought into Ellsworth. At the
time of her escape, the Arrapahoes were
encamped at the big bend of the Arkansas.
A portion of the time since her cscapo she
has been engaged as a scout, but for the
last few months she has been doing house
work at a stage station dowri on Smoky
Hill road. Fred Jones, her rescuer, was
discharged from the Government employ
last spring just before the. outbreak down
on the Solomon in Kansas, and as he
threatened to go with the Indians, it was
supposed he was with them at that time.
She say3 she couuted one hundred and
fifty white men in one Indian camp which
she visited while acting in the capacity of
a scout, and that there are a great many
among all the tribes. The Diggers treat
ed her most cruelly and all treated her
very roughly. Her father, though, often
protected her from .severe treatment.
She says that she has an uncle living
somewncre on her way to him. It is a
strange, romantic 5 Lory.
jjwq. $2.50 PER ANXUBl.
Tricks or a Juggler.
The far-famed Robert Heller cannot be '
satisfied with his legitimate triumphs be
fore an audience, but occasionally docs a .
neat thing for his own amusement, rery .
much to the surprise of those who happen
to be present. , ,
On Sacurday last, while passing an itin
erant vender of cheap provisions, Mr.
Heller suddenly paused and inquired :
"How do you sell eggs, auntie?" -
"Dem eggs," was the response; "dey am
a picayune apiece fresh, too, de last one
of 'em; biled 'em myself, and know deys
first rate." "
"Well, I'll try 'em." said the magician, .
as he laid down a bit of fractional curren
cy. "Have you pepper and salt?"
"Yes, sir, dere dey is," said. tho sable
saleswoman, watchinjr her customer with
intense interest.
Leisurely drawing out a neat little pen
knife, Mr. Heller proceeded very quietly '
to cut the ess exactly in half, when snd-
denly a bright new twenty-five cent pieco
nau uiBut;rt;u iviug luioeuuea in the yolk,
apparently as bri-rht as when it came from
the mint. Very coolly the great magician
transierred the coin to his vest pocket, and
taking up another egg, inquired :
"And how much do ou ask for this "
"De Lord bress my soul ! Dat egg I .
De fact am, boss, dis egg is worth a dime,
"All right," was the response; "here's
the dime. Now give me the" egg."
"Separating it with an ; exact precision
that the colored lady watched eagerly, a
quarter eagle was most carefully picked
out of the egg, and placed in the vest
pocket of the operator as before. The old
woman was thunder-struck, as well she
might have been, and her customer had
to ask the price of the third egg two or
three times before he could obtain a reply.
"Dar's no use talkin', mars'rT" said, the
bewildered old darkey, "I cant let you hab
dat egg nohow for less than a quarter, I
declare to de Lord I can't."
"Very good," said Heller, whose impcr- -turabable
features were as solemn as an un- -dertaker's,
"there is your quarter and here
is the egg. All right."
As he opened the. last egg, a brace of
five' dollar gold pieces 'were discovered
snugly deposited in the yolk, and jingling
them merrily together in his little palm,
the savant coolly remarked :
"Very good eggs, indeed. I rather like
them ; and while I am about it I believe I
will buy a dozen. What is the price?"
"I say price '" exclaimed the amazed
daughter oi' Ham. "You couldn't buy dem
eggs, mars'r, for all de money you's got.
No, dat you couldn't. I'se gwine to take
dem eggs all home, I is; and dat money in
dem eggs all belong to mo. It does dat.
Couldn't sell no more of dem eggs no how.''
Amid the roar of the spectators the be- ,
nighted African started to her domicil to
smash dem egg:-;, but with what success
we arc unable to relate.
A lJurled City.
Pompeii, which was buried by an erup
tion of Vesuvius, nearly eighteen hundred
years ago. now enables us to understand
more of the habits and customs of thd peo
ple of Italy in that age, than could pos
sibly be knowri from any other soured.
The city was destroyed by the dust and
ashes and gases from an eruption of the
mountain, which fell softly, and fixed, -as
in a mould, all the inanimate objects a3
they then stood in the city, and, indeed,
such of the inhabitants as could not escape.
By a very ingenious method, the gentle
man who has had the direction of the work
men who dig away the ashes from the ruins
of the city is enabled not only to preserve
the forms of some of the citizens, but the
texture of theii" dresses, the hair, beards,
and head-dresses, and thii very attitudo of
terror they presented when buried by tho
falling cinders. His plan is this:
Whenever the pick struck into a hol
low, instead of breaking it up, ho poured
plaster of paris into it just, in fact, as h
would into a mould 'and in several, cases
he wis rewarded by the earth vielding up
models of some of its long p;ri.hed people.
In one case a perfect group of Pompeiana
was thus preserved, and is now in the mu
seum. Auionir theso is a woman, appa
rently of noble birth, lying on her side,
with limbs contracted, showing that sho
had died in convulsions. The form of the
head-dress is preserved, and the texture of
her robe ; and the rings still remained on
the finger-bones, and not far from her a
bunch of keys, and some silver money, and
tlia remains of a linen bajr. A servant
1 iy beside her, with an iron ring upon her
hand; and in an apartment close at hand
a young girl was discovered with her skirta
thrown over her head, to protect her from
the falling pumice-stone.
In some of the vinters' shows the wino
stains are yet preserved upon the counters,
and where a wall was found in the courso
of being built, the mortar is close at hand,
and the tools of the mrison. In the muse
um specimens of the furniture of houses
of every grade of society are stored, and
the domestic belongings of the Pompeians
are brought before the spectators actually
as appeared in life.
To Morrow is tho day on which idle
men work and fouls reform.