J. T. HUTCHINSON, EDiTORS. ED. JAMUS, I VOLUME 9. WILLIAM KIlTJiiL., Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. August 13, 1868. JOHN FENLON, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Ta. Office on High street. LatiS13 GEORGE M. READE, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colonnade Row. auglS W- 1LLIAM H. SECnLEti, Attor nev at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office'in Colonnade Row. aug20 GEORGE W. OATMAN, Attorney at Law and Claim Agent, and United States Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb ensburg, Pa. augl3 JOHNSTON & SCANLAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Egr Office opposite the Court House. K. L. JOHNSTON. aUg!3 J. K. SCANLAN. SAMUEL SINGLETON, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. 57- Office on High street, west of Fos ter's Hotel. augl3 JAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law, Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa. 55" Architectural Drawings and Fpecifi cationa made. fauS13 J. WATERS, Justice of the Peace and Scrivener. Office adjoining dwelling, on High St., Ebensburg, Pa. Lau? U-bnr aTSI1o"eMAKE11, Attorney at . Law, Ebensburg, Ta. Particular attention paid to collections. gy Office on High street, west of the Di amond. aug!3 A. EOPELIN, T. W. DICK, Johnstown. Ebensburg. KOI CLIN & DICK, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. fdT" Office in Colonade Itow, with Wm. KitteH, Esq. Oct. 22. J OSEPII S. STRATER, Justice of the Peace, Johnstown, Pa. Em?" Office on Market street, corner of Lo cust street extended, and one door south of the late office of Wm. M Kee. auglo HDEYEREAUX, M. !., Physician an.l Surpeon, Summit, Pa. fsZf Office east of Mans'on House, on Rail road street. Night calls promptly attended to, at his office. augl3 U. 1E WITT ZEIGLKR Having permanently located in Ebens burg, offers hi3 professional services to the citizens of town and vicirity. Teeth .extracted, without f n, with Xitrvu Oxide, or Laughing Has. 2s&- Rooms adjoining G. Huntley's store, High street. augl3 TKutisTHY. JJ The Uuersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College or Dental Surgery, respectfully offers bis professional cervices to the citizens of Ebensburg. He has epuved no means to thoroughly acquaint himself with every im provement in his art. To many years of per eonal experience, he has sought to add the imparted experience of the highest authorities in Dental Science. He simply asks that an opportunity may be given for his work to speak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. figyWill beat Ebensburg on the fourth llonday of each month, to stay one wjek. August 13, 18C3. LOYD & CO., Bankers Edexsbcrg, Pa. Bay Gold, Silver, Government Loans and other Securities bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, ana a General Banking Business transacted. August 13, 186S. M. LLOYD & Co., Bankers Altoona, Pa. Drafts on the principal cities, and Silver and tiold lor sale. Collections made. Mon eys receive! on deposit, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. augl3 riMli: FIRST NATIONAL BANK -- Of Johnstown, Pksna. J'uiJ uf Capital $ 60,000 00 1'rivilege to increase to 100,000 00 We buy and sell Inland and Foreign Drafts, Gold and Silver, and all classes of Govern ment Securities ; make collections at home 'ind abroad ; receive deposits ; loan money, and do a general Banking business. All business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention and care, at moderate prices. Give us a trial. Directors : D. J. MORRELL. JOUN DlBERT, Jacou Leveugood, Kuw'd. Y. Towssesd. Iaac Kaufman, Jacob M. Campbsll Georce Fritz, DANIEL J. MORRELL, President. H. J. Robkhts, Cashier. sep31y wm. m. llovd, Preset. joiin lloyd, Cashier. IUIST NATIONAL BANK OF ALTOONA. C O VERNMENT A GEXC1", AND DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNI TED STATES. 3 Corner Virginia and Annie sts., North ard, Altoona, Pa. Authorized Capital $300,000 00 "iSU Capital Paii in 150,000 00 All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable terms. Iiierual Revenue Stamps of all denomina tions always on hand. To purchasers of Stamp?, percentage, in Eiareps, -wm be allowed, as follows : $50 to V 100. ? ftPP rlin ClAAAtAsit A . q0. ' - i - ..., v i v m iuv. o per cent. v200 and upwards, 4 per cent. ang!3 C AMUEL SINGLETON, Notary Pub- 'Jruce on High street, west of Foster's Ho- tel. augl3 'Oil WORK of all kinds done ta AI.LI'G II ANIAN OFFICE, High Pt. Ebensbcro, Pa. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19,-. 1808. Nocturne. Dear Night, from the hills return ! Darkness hath passed away, And I fiee the flush of morning burn Over the mountains gray. My life is like a song That a bird sings in its sleeping ; Or a hidden stream that flows along To the sound of its own soft weeping. Sunlight is made for care, For the weary, languid day, When the locust cymbals beat the air, And the hot winds cease to play. -But Night rolls dark and still, ObliTitrn's fabled river, In whose sweet silence the restless Will Sleeps, and would sleep forever. Shrill in the rustled maize The boding cricket cries, And thro' the East, where the dawn delays, Seaward the wild duck flies : Noon comes with brazen glare, Stifling earth's sonjr with splendor, To drink the mists from the glittering air, And dew from the blossoms tender. But when the Night comes cn, "With cool and quiet signs, To shed fond thoughts on his soul alone, And rest in the tear-stained eyes, I lie beneath the stars, And life from their light is given, Till my dreams escape from mortal wars And sleep on the shores of heaven. I must write it ; if nobody ever rcad3 a line of it, I must, while it is all new and freth in my mind, write out the history of the last two weeks, and the description of "our gal," as Harry calls her. Our gal first made her appearance in the house two weeks ago last Monday, and I hailed her broad face and stout figure with most hearty welcome. Little did I realize but to begin at the beginning. I was and am a very young housekeeper, yet theoretically I do know something of the arts and sciences thereunto appertain in. x was mamcu aoout two -ears ago: . T 1 1 but we have alwaj-s boarded until now, and when I started in my pretty house, with two good girls, and everything rjfew, 1 iancied clock-work would be a mere wanderincr vasrrant compared with the regularity of my proceedings. kt 'Twos on a bunday morning," as the song says, that my troubles began. . I was dressing for church, when vaj chamber maid came up with a rueful countenance. "If 3'ou please, 31 rs. Harvey, I'm go ing," she said. ; . ."Going !" I exclaimed. "Where V "To leave, ma'am, Home. I've got a spell of neuralgia coining on, and I'm go ing home to lay by." "But you can lie down here if you are sick." "Well, ma'am, I ain't to say sick, ex actly, but I'm fixing for a turn." "A turn ?" "Yes. I have neuralgia in spells, and I Always feel 'em coming." Words were vain. Go she would, and go she did. I went into the kitchen to explain to the cook that she must do dou ble duty for a time. She was a perfect termagant, and to my utter amazement she wheeled round with the cry "Gone ! Jane gone ! Will you get another girl ?" "Certainly" "To-day V "How can I get a girl on Sunday ?" "And to-morrow is wash-day ! Well, I'm not going to stay to do all the work. You'll either get another girl early to morrow or I'll leave !" "You'll leave now, in the shortest space of time it takes to go from here to the door," cried Harry from the sitting-room, where he had overheard us With many insolent speeches, she de parted, and inconvenient as it was, I was glad to see her go. Of course there was no church, and I began to get dinner. Ilarry, like a mas- culine anjrel as he was, took off his coat and came down to help me, with an assu rance that he actually could not sit still and hear the cook use the tone she did one instant longer. It was a merry day. Harry raked the fire till "his glossy brown curls were powdered with gray, which premature sign of age was produced, he assured me, by care, and not the weight of years. He peeled potatoes so beautifully that they were about as big as bullets, af ter he had taken off the skin an inch thick all around. Pies were the only article of cookery with which I was well ncquainted, so I made a meat-pie, two npple pies, and short-cake for supper, which we ate with the dinner at six o'clock. It was late enough when we cleared up, but at last all was done but one thing. Ilarry was in the bath-room refreshing himself, when I discovered that the coal was all gone. I hated to call him down, for he had worked hard all day, so . I took the scuttle and went down in the cellar myself, laughing to think how he would scold when he knew it. I am not strong, but I filled the big scuttle, and tugging away with both hands, started up stairs. i I was at the top, my labor nearly over, when somehow, I cannot tell how, I lost my balance. I reeled over, and the heavy thins: came with me, down to the bottom I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAHPRESIDENT. Hmey Clat. of the stairs. I felt it crushing my foot. I heard Harry's call, and then faifited. I know now, though I did not then, how he lifted me in his strong arms, and carried me up stairs, and the touch of the cold water which he poured over me is the next thing I remember. As soon as I was conscious and able to speak, I let him go for the doctor, lamenting that mother and Lou were both out of-town for the stan-. mer. "Well, well : it was a weary night ; no? time to scold, Ilarry said, so lie petted nursed, and tended me, till my heart ached with its fullness of love and gratitude. Morning found me, my fractured ankle iff. a box, lying helpless in' bed," "and HarryT promised to send me a girl immediately So, after this long prelude, I come to "ouj jral.' Oh! I must tell you how Ilarr O t ' made me a slice of buttered toast fir breakfast by buttering the bread on boJi ?ides and then toasting it. j It was about nine' o'clock when my nrv girl came; Harry had given her a dad latch-key, so she entered and came up j.o my door. Her knock was the first pecu liarity that startled me one rap, loud as a pistol-shot, and as abrupt. i x "Come in V i With a sweep the door flew back, andln the space stood my new acquisition. S6p a moment ! I must describe her. Sie was very tall, very robust, and very ujjy. Her thick hair grew low on hcr ftre head, and her complexion was unifornly red. Her features were very large, tnd her mouth full of (her only beauty) whte, even teeth. Still, the face was far fom stupid. The mouth, though large, vas flexible and expressive, and the big blick eyes promised intelligence. But oh ! brw can I describe her "ways," as Ilarry ells them r She stood for an instant perfectly motionless, then she swept down in a hvr and really not ungraceful courtesy. "Madam," she said in a deep vcice, "ycur most obedient." "You are " I said questioningly "Your humble servant." This was not "getting on" a said bit; so "You are the girl Mr. Harvey sent from the Intelligence Office ? "I am that woman," zhc said, with nourisn or ner snawi : "ana here ri my certificate of merit and she took a paper from her pocket. Advancing with a long stepr a stop, another, step and stop, until she readied my ; bedside,, 4hp hai-n If the paper with a low bow, and thefri" ping back three steps she stood vailing 5TV for me to read it, with hands.' clasped and drooping, and her head bent as if it were her death-warrant. It was a well-written, properly -worded note from her former mistress, certifying that she was honest and capable, and I really had no choice but to keep her, fco I told her to find her room lay off her bon net, and then come to me again. I vas half afraid of her. She was not drunk, with those clear black eyes shining so brightly, but her manner actually savored of insanity. . However, I was helpless, and then Harry would come as early as he could, and I could endure to wait. "Tell me your name," I said, as she came in with the stride and stop. "My name is Mary," she said, in a tone so deep that it seemed to come from the very toes of her gaiters. "Well, Mary, first put the room in or der before the doctor comes." Oh, if words could only picture that scene ! Fancy this tall, largo, ugly woman, armed (I use the word in its full sense) with a duster, charging at the furniture as if she were stabbing her mortal enemy to the heart. She stuck the comb into the brush as if she were saying "Die, traitor !" and piled up the books as if they were fagots for a funeral flame. She cave the curtains a sweep with her hands as if she were putting back tapestry for a royal procession, and dashed the chairs down in their places like a magnificent bandit spurning a tyrant in his power. But when she came to the invalid Xl- 1 A 1 she was geiiue, almost caressing in ner man ner, propping me up comfortably, making the bed at once easy and handsome, and i 1 i - . i arransrmir mv nair ana aress witn a ner feet perception of my sore condition. And when she dashed out of the room, I for gave the air with which she returned and presented a tray to me for the sake of its contents. Such delicious tea and toast, and such perfection of poached eggs were an apology for an eccentricity of manner. I was thinking gratefully of my own com fort and watching her hang up my clothes in the closet in her own style, when the door-bell rang. Like lightning she closed the closet door, caught up the tray, and rushed down stairs. From my open door I could hear the following conversation, which I must say rather astonished even me, already prepared for any eccentricity. Dr. Holbrook was my visitor, and of course his first question was- "How is Mrs. Harvey this morning ?" In a voico that was the concentrated essence of about one dozen tragedies, my extraordinary servant replied , "What man art thou ?" "Is the woman crazy ?" cried the doctor. "Lay not that flattering unction to your soul I" cried Mary. ; "H'm yes- " said the doctor, musing ly ; then in his own cheery, brisk tones ho added :'"you are the new servant, I sup pose . Sir, I will serve my mistress till chiD deiih shall part us from each other." "H'm. Well, now, in plain English, go til her I am here." j Vl go and it is done !" was the reply, ad with the slow stride and halt I heard h cross the entry. , She was soon at my dcr. "Madani.-4he doctor waits!" kKa standing witlf -one arm out ia a grand atrtude. 1 uuu tuyuw up, i sata, cnoJcmg T t T.T " M T i i. I ph'e went down again.. v- 4 VSir, from "my mistress I -have lately cose, to bid you welcome and implore you to iseend.. She waits within Ton cham- I - &i'Stbr ypnrcoming.'V -: , Is it to be wondered at that the doctor found his patient in perfect convulsions" of laughter, or that he joined her in her mer- niiioni i "Where did you find that treasure ?" ho asked. "Harry sent her from the office." "Stage-struck evidently, though where she picked up the fifth-cut-actress manner remains to be seen. The professional art of his visit over, the doctor stayed for a chat. "We were warm- ly discussing the news of the day, when wnew i tae tioor new open, ana in staiK- ea xuary, ana announcea, wun a swing oi her arm "The butcher,, madam !" I saw the doctor's eyes twinkle, but he began to write in his memorandum-book with intense gravity. "Well, Mary," I said, "he is not wait- in "The dinner waits !" she replied. "Shall I prepare the viands as mv own judgment shall direct, or will your incli- I nation dictate to me. "Cook them as you will, but have a good dinner for Mr. Harvey at two o'clock." "letween the strokes 'twill wait his appetite. And with another sweeping curtsey she left the room, the door, as usual after her exit, standing wide open. She was as good as her word. "Without any orders from me, she took it for granted that .Harry would dine up stairs, and set the table in mv room. I was beeriuninjr to let my keen sense of the ludicrous tri umph over pain and weariness, and I watched her, strangling the laugh till she was down stairs. To see her stab the po- tatoes and behead the celery was a perfect treat, and the air of a martyr' preparing ?C-riliwhich she poured out the wa- ter was elegant. Harry was evidently prepared for fun, ior he watched, her as keenly as 1 did. rot one mouthful would she bring to me till ehe had made it as dainty as could be; mashing my potatoes with the move- ment of .a saint crushing vipers,, and hut- terms my bread in a man ner-that , fairly transformed the knife into a dagger. -Yet loaf, as it ' makes the flour absorb more the moment that she. brought it to me," all water ; therefore, a fotir-pound loaf of ba the affectation dropped,-and no mother ker's bread will contain less nourishment could have - been more naturally tender, than a loaf of home-made bread of equal Evidently, with all her nonsense, she was weight. Economy should make every kind hearted. woman her own bread-maker. The alum It took but one day to find that We had also imparts a better color to the flour, secured a perfect treasure. Her cooking and conceals any unpleasant odor arising was exquisite enough for. the palate of an from damaged flour. Baker's bread dries epicure ; she was neat to a nicety, and I much quicker than home-made. The rea soon found her punctual and trustworthy, sou is that alum is what chemists call an Her attentions to myself were touching in efflorescent salt, that is, it dries by expo their watchful kindness. Sometimes, wheti sure to the air ; common salt ia diliques- the pain was very severe, and I could only lie suffering and helpless, her large hands would smooth my hair softly, and her voice became almost musical in its low murmurings of "Poor child I poor little child !" 1 think her large, strong frame, anU consciousness oi yuybivm aupunuiu-jr to me in my tiny form and helpless state, roused all the motherly tenderness in her nature, and she lavished it upon me freely, I often questioned her about her former places, and discovered to my utter amaze- ment that she never was in a theater, never saw or read a play, and was entirely innocent of novel reading. , I had become soused to her manner, , X" I . . . I .1-..-. ....... and no longer feared that she was insane, when one evening my gravity gave way utterly, and for the first time I laughed in her face. She had been arranging my bed and self for the night, and was just leav tmr the room, holding in one hand an empty pitcher and in the other my wrap per. Suddenly a drunken man in the street called out, with a yell that was really startling, though by no means mys terious. Like a flash, Mary struck an nttifiiflft Onfl font advanced, her body thrown slightly forward, the pitcher held out, and the wrapper waved aloft, she cried out in a voice of perfect horror, "Gracious heavin"! What . hideous screams is those !" fTrnvltv was p-onc. I fairly screamed with laughter, and her motionless attitude 'rir-'inc, ftiffi nnlv increased the UUU Tl VllUlAtiQ . w - J . fun. "Go down, Mary, or you will kill me !" I gasped at last. To see her brandish a dust-brush would strike terror to the heart of the most da ring spider; and no words of mine can describe the frantic energy with which sho punches pillows, or the grim satisfac tion on her face at the expiring agonies of a spot of dirt she rubs out of existence. The funniest part of all is her perfect un consciousness of doing anything out of the Way. ' ' Harrv found out the explanation. She had lived for ten years with a retired ac- - - ll tress and actor, who wished to burj tnc knowledge of their past life, and who never mentioned the stage. Retaining in pri vate life the attitudes and tones of their old profession, they had made it a kind of sport to burlesque the passions they so often imitated, and poor Mary had uncon sciously fallen into the habit of copying their Tjeeuliarities When vrrTT f,lP Europe, she found her way into the Intel- lxng may she remain "our gal." . ' . J . Bread. Holy Writ assures Us that bread is the staff of life : and our dailv exnerienre fullv proves the. truth of the assertion. But it is not' enough to procure this staff of life. in sufficient quantity ; the. excellence of its quality is also of great importance -J- xne sironsr, neaitnv man mav periiaDs eat poor bread without experionciusr any iu- convenience, but the delicate child, or the invalid whose impaired digestion requires great cnrefulness in diet, cannot pay too much attention to the quality. Bread is indeed to them the staff or lite, lhe su- perior nutritious properties of bread have been disputed, but the doubt has been dispelled by some chemical researches maue iu r ranee, testing tne comparative uuinuieui ui various euiuies Messrs. Percy and Yangueliu have dis covered that bread contains SO nutritious parts in 100 ; meal, 34 in 100 : French beans, 92 ; common beans, 79 ; peas, 93 ; cabbages and turnips contain only 8 parts solid matter in 100 pounds; while 100 pounds of potatoes contain 25 pounds of solid substance. And aa a general result, the scientific reporters estimate 1 pound of good bread is equal to 2 J or 3 pounds oi goou potatoes, aiarming statement to many of us, who have supposed pota- toes quite equal to bread in nutriment. The Irish, whose food in the old country chiefly consists ot potatoes and milk, might find bread quite as cheap food if they could raise the wheat. Potatoes also give a flabbiness to the muscular system. The word bread is derived from brayed grain, from the verb to bray or pound ; indicative of the old method of preparing the flour. Dous:h comes from the Anlo- Saxon word deaician, to wet, to moisten Loaf is from the Anglo-Saxon Uf-ian, to raise, to lilt up, as raised bread. Leaven is derived from the French word levee, to raise, as the Saxon word lif-ian. Tho superiority of good ' home-made j bread has . long been acknowledged,, yet how lew lamibes reaily aiaxe good bread ! j All bakers use alum, wnicli is injurious to the health, and causes indigestion iu delicate persons. But the alum benefits the baker in several ways ; it causes his loavps 4 to separate evenly v and without trouble, rand iucreases.rtho weight of -,the cent, that is, it attracts moisture from the air, and therefore bread which contains salt only will keep moist much longer than that which contains alum. These are certainly good reasons why every woman should make her own broad, or have it I .J . . . .. I-t. L'ifnHnrk muuu iu uci MI.1.UV.U. We purpose to give a few recipes for bread-making that will not fail. First we will give a recipe for making yeast. The yeast bought at the door is not always of good quality. The recipe given for hop yeast has been tested for 20 years and rarely fails ; never, if the yeast jug is perfectly sweet and the yeast properly made." Boil in a porcelain or copper tin- ned kettle, two large handf uls ot hops, tied in a cloth, six large potatoes, sliced thin, in six quarts of water. When the potatoes are very soft, skim them out,' and either rub through a colender or mash fine on a plate. Take out the hops, squeeze dry, and hang away for another time, as they can be used twice. Keep the water boiling, mix one and one-half pints of wheat flour to a smooth batter with cold water, and one tablcspoonful of ginger, two of brown sugar, and one teaspoonful cf salt; mix in the mashed potatoes, stir all into the boiling water, and bail teu minutes. Turn into a six-quart tin pan. When milk-warm to the touch, add one teacup of yeast. Let it rise ever night, then put into a stone jug. This yeast will keep, in a cellar, I fectlv cood for six weeks. A lanrc por-tea- cupful will make two large loaves of bread. Be sure to reserve a teacupful to raise the yeast with the next time. Always scald the jug thoroughly and keep water in it over night, with a tablespoonful of salera tus stirred into it. This will sweeten the jug. It takes a larger quantity of this yeast to raise bread, biscuit, or muffins than of distillery yeast, but the effect is quite as good. To make bread of first-rate quality, the sponge should be laid over night. Bread that has been raised three times is-much the best . It 13 of a firm, even texture, has no fissures or cracks, and the slice presents 1 t T ' ..1.1 au even suriace. xmic i a rcciepe uuu NUMBER 15. rarely fails : Take one quart of new milk, add boiling water sufficient enough to make it warm to the touch. (Water can be substituted for the milk, but bread made without milk dries more rapidly.) Add one teaspoonful of salt, stir iu three quarts of flour and one teacup of home made yeast, or three tablespoonfuls of dis tillery yeast. Mix well together, then sprinkle flour all round the edges of tho batter or sponge, leaving a small space iu the middle uncovered. . Set in a warm place to rise, covering with a pan. In summer the sponge will bo readv to mold over before breakfast. , Mix it" up thick that it can be kneaded well, and knead it half an hour or more. ' Chopping; it .with a chopping knife adds to its lightness and porosity.;. When well kneaded, sprinkle flour on the bottom of theVpan thickly, pUt 111 Hie UuuI., ,! U or.Jy" fAr hnU- an hour or more, but Watch it closely. (Bread making should be most carefully tended, as any neglect ruins the whole. If allowed to rise too much its sweetness is gone, and thongh saleratus will take away the acidity, its aroma and flavor are destroyed.) When light enough, turn out on the molding board and knead thorough ly ; divide into two loaves, reserving a por tion for biscuit, so that the new-made loaves may not be cut that day. Mold well, put in the pans, let it rise in a warm place fifteen minutes, then bake in a Iiot oven. If the oven be hot, the bread will lose less weight in baking than when the oven is slack. The batter can be baked in the morning in muffin rings, and makes delicious breaklast cakes, better than hot biscuit. Bread made with potatoes is very nice ; if the flour is not of St. Louis brand it im proves its quality : Boil three large po tatoes, weil pared, or six good sized ones ; rub them through a colender into your bread pan. Iiinse them through the col ender with a pint of boiling water ; add one quart of milk. Stir in half a pint of flour, and when the liquor is cool enough add a teacup of home-made yeast ; set it in a warm place. If this is done after dinner using the potatoes left from the table the sponge will be ready for more flour by 8 or 9 o'clock in the evening. Now mix to a stiff batter, sprinkle flour over it, set it to rise, lu the morninr knead into a stiff dough, let it rise well, then knead again, put into pans, let it riso 15 to 20 minutes, and bake in a hot oven. ''All bread, biscuit or doughnuts" r?i-ed with yeast should rise after being kneaded before they are baked. . If put; into the oven or fried directly they are never light. The dough has had no opportunity to re cover its elasticity, and cannot be as good. Common sized loaves of. bread will bake in. three-quarters of an hour, provided the oven is of proper heat. , .. .'I Palatable" as good wheat bread is. there is no" doubt that eating it entirely is hot conducive to health. Bye, Indian meal and coarse flour make bread that is better adapted to the development of the mus cles. Boston brown bread is much used, and is far better for young children than bread made of superfine flour. It is easily made : Take two quarts of Indian meal, sifted, oue quart of. rye meal or Graham flour, one large spoonful of salt, otic tea cup of molasse?, one teacup of home-made yeast, or half the quantity of brewer's yeast. Mix with hot water as stiff as one can stir it, let it rise one hour, bake ia deep earthen or iron pots, which are made purposely. To avoid the thick crust pro duced by baking so long, boil it four hours and bake one, removing the cover before setting it into the oven. Good bread and butter cannot be made without some experience and intelligence. Upon their quality depends half the com fort of the table, and yet full half the peo ple in this country never taste them in perfection. Springfield Republic. Out West, a stump orator, wishing to describe his opponent as a soulless man , said: ' "I have heard some persons hold to the opinion that just at the precise mo ment one human being dies, another .is born, and that the soul enters and animates the new-born babe. Now, I have made particular and extensive inquiries coucerh- ...I lT 1.1 mg mv opponent mere, ana x unu mat some time previous to his nativity nobody died. l eJiow citizens, you may uraw tha inference." - A I.AD in -Troy was. directed by his" mother to a-.r.v and split some old railroad ties, from which the family fuel was sup plied. AiVor hearing the sound of the saw and axe a il-w minutes, the mother noticed a period of silence in the yard. Stepping out, she discovered the boy sit ting complacently on top of the wood-pile. She asked him what was the matter. He. rose slowly, and phrcing his hand solemnly on his breatt, replied, "My dear mother, I find it very Lard to sever eld tics." A BOARDiNG-noUaE keeper in Spring field, Mass., is said to be in the habit, when her boarders noghct to pay promptly, of placing an extra. 'fork by their plates, as a silent intimation to "fork over." SUDS tantial business men" of Lara- mie, it IS said, keen fcunday by jroinir a o urouuu nuiiting up busjiu-iuus , , , . . characters. and hanging them to telegraph poles. A cow in Nashville ate a farmer's oat with $20 in greenbacks in the pockets thn other day. TSUIIS--50 I Ell ASAU31. IS2.GO IX ADVAISCE. - f