The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 12, 1868, Image 1

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Iff fillip CJJSM fiSC " 'IT v 'm' '. i ti
. T. Ill' I 7 Dl TORS
- mm -m t c m'' x
mi. JAMES, J
WILLIAM IviliiiiJi, Attorney ai
Law. Ebensburg, Pa.
August 13, 1808. '
JOHN FENLON, Attorney at Law,
Ebensburg, Ta.
jf2T OHice on High street. augl3
EOlUiK M. 11EADE, Attorney at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Q Office in Colonnade Row. angl3
ney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
OCice in Colonnade Row. aug2C
GEORGE W. OATMAN, Attorney at
Law and Claim Agent, and United
States Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb
ensburg, Pa. aug3
at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
ZZzT OHice opposite the Court House.
E. L. JOHNSTON. ailgl3 J. K. SCANtAN.
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
j&ftjr OHice on High street, west of Fos
ier'siIoleI. nugl3
J AMES C. KASLY, Attorney at Law,
Carrolltovvii, CHinbrin county, Pa.
XT" Arhitectt;ral Drawings and Specifi
cations mad. Aug 13
-X71 ,). WATE US, Justice of the Peace
and Scrivener.
fJ" fll c adjoininc dwelling, on High St.,
Ebensburg. Pa. " L:U1? 13-Cm.
1 A. S 11 OEM AK Ell, Attorney at
; Law, Ebensburg. Pa.
Particular attention paid to collections.
Cilice on lliah street, west of the Di--liuoud.
" agl3
A. KOi'KI.I.N,
J 'ohnstv trn.
r. w. I KK,
TOriSLIN & DICK. Attorneys at
IV Law. !:;;en;l.::r-, Pa.
ii-if Office in Colona-le Row, with Win.
X-.ttell. t et. 22.
TM.SEi'II STRAY Kit, Justice of
1 i j e Pence, JohnMoivn, Pa.
k Oilice fu Market street, corner of Lo-
c.i.;t strt-ct e.vt'inre'!, ad one door eouth of
late oi'ice ci V'ni. M'Kce. jauglO
T "iEYEiUAI;X, M. D., T'hysician
JlV c.t,--i Sr.r-re.--n, f-'-.:p; P i.
-..-." ';V;.-(. v-t ..t' M;in;;coi House, on Rail-
-OH'l ttrrt-t. -.. V.t ( -:.; j-.roiiitit attenu?.i
'O, K.L l' CI'. "
Tii- ie v.Ti T zi-:h;i.E!;-
15 a.
inI i' r'.i::i:u '.'..v
loi.-ated in E'ocns-
ii;r '. o.Vrs t:is l-r.' '-'(. ::k: -er
o to the
Itirrns oftuwa ci r i v.
f)xiif or L n.jhbl'j t,r.r.
Roocti ad iolni n.;r Huntley' store,
El ret t. " augl
The inidf r-iu'Ded, cf t'.te Ral-
iif-v Colh-gt.- of Heutai f-.ui-g.y, rospc-ctfully
ClTers hi prof'.:-":cn!l st rvi'-c-? to the citizens
of Et.i-!iP!irg. Jfe b:is Fpnn -l no im-iins to
titni ottc'-fy nrq;:a::;t !: imoI;' .vith CTcfy if.t-
:-.)Wi!)ei:t in hi? art. To many years ofper
'ial erperince, lie ha sought to add the
: .:.::rtc! experiTHC? of llio highest authorities
:' l-cinal Scktne. He ask 3 that an
i rt u ii i ty- may be given 1'or his work to
-:.: t k its own praie.
S A M U EL B E L P O R P, 0. P. S.
E-r;TVill beat Ebensburg on tbe fourth
Vniiday of each iuoiith, to stay one w iek.
August 13, ISO.
T EOYD ilC CO., r.aukcrs
A A Eir.-.N-iii iir,, Pa.
C iEr Li!d, Silver, Govcn-.rr-at Loans and
rthtT Securities bought and sold. Interest
allowed on Time LYposils. Collections made
'n nil accessible points in the United States,
I'm. I a General Ranking Rusiuess transacted.
.V-.gust 13, 1S08.
r M. LE()Y1 & Co., Bankers
V Y Aitodsa. Pa.
lH-i'.iV: or. the principal cities, and Silver
and ;:'.. for snle. ColtectionP Mai!". .Mcn-
rcn-ivp 1 on ilei'os;? jyable on demand,
v hl w.-M.t iircvv.-it, or upon time, with interest
tU fair rav.v . iugl3
rjvivl HIST "n7vTK)N AlTTtAXKlI
I- Or Jou.vsto w.v. P':v..
J'ui.l i.f Crpi'al CO.C'J!) DO
ii'iYf'y.' to ihcrcafc lo -. 100.0'.") 00
We buy and sell Inland and Foreign Drafts,
Gold and Silver, and all chu?ej of Govern
ment Securities ; make toliectiins at home
and abroad ; receive deposits ; loan money,
tol do a general Ranking business. All
btisiress entrusted to us will receive prompt
attention and care, .it moderate prices. Give
'-.s a trial.
l)ircctotx :
P. J. Moit;:F.i.i., jJonx Hinr.tlT,
'U'O'i M. Cami'Ski -t, '!'1iv'ij. Y. Towxskxd.
'illoEl.i: 1'llITZ, I
II. J. Roblkts, Cashier. sep3ly
u ii.oYD T'lfs't. joiix lloyu, Csf.icr.
-i- (JF ALTO ON A.
rr'- Corner Virginia and Acnif ts., North
V'' Ahoona, Pa.
A: Ui-.itizr.t Caimtal c'3i;0,';03 00
'au 'n,AL I'aih IX IoOjOOO 00
'" -siaess pertaining to Ranking done on
ti.voritbif fiir,.
I n' cm; k1 Revenue Stamps of all denominate;.-,
alwav.s on hand..
XXJ purchasers of Sv.uups., ' percentage, in
h;iJ,Il'-S will be allowed, as foUows : $v.O to
2 per cent.; $100 to $200, G per cent.:
S-wu and upwards, 4 per ccr.t. augI3
Q A:i U J-7siXOL17ITiX, Notary PuIT-
lie, Ebensburg, Pa.
v.acc on ll'gn street, west of Foster's Ho-
l 1 1 r .... -
" H'JiiU ot. all kinds done at
IhoK t'r ; "iTr.sscKc, Pa.
' . : - ...... " - ; I
The chill November wind is sighing
Across the meadows bare ;
And clouds of murky spray are flying
Through all the dreary air ; .
And leaves of many-colored hues
Descend with noiseless tread,
Or rustle with a wierd-like sound
On the branches overhead.
How 6ilent is the Woodland now !
No not? of song is heard
From robin, wren, or linnet gay,
Or joyous mocking bird ;
Rut the cheery voice of chanticleer,
Like some lone clarion shrill,
Rings through the dull monotony,
Afar o'er field and hill.
Across the barren stubble-field
The lowing cattle stalk,
Or move among the forest tree?,'
O'er many an ancient walk ;
The ploughman from his weary toil
Lifts oft his anxious eye
And marks again the gathering clouds
That sweep along the sky.
Rut darkness closes in the scene,
The hour is cold and gray,
The ploughman leaves the fallow gf61ind',
And homeward plods his way;
And at the rosy milkmaid's call
The eager cattle come,
And man and beast the comforts feer,
The blessings of a home.
Tiachirt' Advoeatt.
Tin: colossus or kiiodes.
3h Octave lolcpicrre, the learned Sec
retary of Location to the King of the Bel
gians, has jiublishoil a book entitled His
torical Difficulties ami Contested Events."
The llit delusion to which lie addresses
hiielf L the Colossus of Ithodes. . In the
eh 'Jiientary works in use in the English
and the Aniorican schools, the Colossus of
Iiliudes is rejire.-onted as a statue with
gigantic JiuiL, c ieli log resting on the
enormous rocLs which face the entrance to
the principal port of the Island of Hhodos,"'
and ships in full sail passed easily, it is
-viid, between its legs. This is the narra
tive of the historian lloiiin, of several
French dictionaries, and even of some en
cyclopedias. The real truth about the Co-lt.---i,
aeford'ng to Dr. Delepierre, is that
about tho year o)0, 15. O., the llhodiaus,
after success fully defending tLciuselves.
tigaiiir-t a year's iege, commanded Chares
to ri'cct :i memorial statue to the lionor of
their deity, and this statuo was erected on
an open space of ground near the great
harbor, wlitre its fragments were seen and
admired by travelers for many years after
its destruction. Toward the end of the
second century after Christ, the Colossus
was reconstructed under the Emperor
Ye.-puaao, but of smaller dimensions.
Tin: fable of the ancient statue, between
v- hoe gigantic limbs ships in full sail were
believed to have passed, originated appar
ently at the time of the Crusades, when
the inhabitants of Rhodes amused them
selves by relating to the new-coaiers all
sort, of incredible stories of their past
The romantic tale of BelWriu?, the con
queror of the Vandals, deprived of his
sight by the Emperor Justinian, and corn
jailed to beg his bread in the streets of
Coniranti;iop!e, was meofioucd by no con
temporary historian, but it has been re
peated aire after aire, and Marciontel's
novel propagated the fiction in every lan
guage of Europe. The real fact, as stated
by Cibbon. is that Belisarius was guarded
for a year as a prisoner in his own palace.
His innocence of the treasons of which he
had been suspected became then acknowl
edged, and his freedom and honors were
restored ; but death removed him within a
year of his liberatiou. He wae never
blind nor a beggar.
Whether tho Alexandrian Library con
tained 54.000 volumes or 400.000, it is
tolerably certain that this immense collec
tion made by the Ptolemies was not, as i,-5
commonly supposed, destroyed by the
Arabs in the seventh century, but became
a pvey to the flames when Julius Cojsar,
who was beseiged in tbat part of Alexan
dria in which the museum stood, ordered
the fleet to be set on lire. One story has
it that the books were ordered to lie dis
tributed in the various buths at Alexan
dria, to bo burnt in the stoves, and that
they lasted six mouths but it would have
puzzled the Egyptians to heat baths with
parchment! Another fiction was that at
tho taking of Babylon the books were
thrown into tho river Euphrates, and the
number was so great that they formed a
bridge over which foot passengers and
horsemen went across.
Is it true that a woman succeeded in
deceiving her cotemporarie to the extent
of elevating herself to "the Pontifical
throne '! According to the widely-spread
crsion, a female Pope, disguised as a man,
was elected in the year and assumed
the name of John VllI, and subsequently
died in giving birth to a child. This ia
1 i clearly a legend, the most probable expla
" I nation of which is, that l'ope John XII,
amongst many concubines, had one named
Joan, who exercised such an empire over
A. II W U J U IbA X 14 1k JJ XII i.blVJ XX X. X XX XX 11 I T P. 1 I I H -V. l 11 u -t tt I. .
him that for some time it might be eaid
it was she who governed. Ilia love for
her went so far that he. gave, her entire
cities, and despoiled the Church of St.
Peter of crosses and of golden, chalices ; in
order to lay them at her feet;' and we are
told that she died in childbed. ' ' '
The history of the two lovers, Abelard
and Eloisa, Dr. Delepierre takes to be
true as a whole, but he contends that the
celebrated letters imputed to Eloisa, were
not written by her at all, and that tho
tomb in Pere la Chaise, at Paris,; is. alto
gether a modern construction. ' " :.
line tale oi n imam xeu is Jfronojancex,
k n htmi' m tt 1 I
to be nothing more nor less than a northern
saga tnai nas ueen uuopieu uuu iepoau;u.
from generation to generation. The rev
olution which took pi .ice in Switzerland in
1407 gave rise to the legend of the Swiss
hero, and from that time to tho present
writers have continually endeavored to ex
pose its unsound basis, but the public,
equally pertinacious, have insisted on be
lieving in its truth. The stdfy was not
known until two centuries after the sup
posed event, and the chronicles of the
Middle Ages, so eager after extraordinary
facts and interesting news, are entirely
ignorant of it. Toll's lime tree in the
centre of the market place at Altdorf, and
his cross-bow preserved in the arsenal at
Zurich; are not more valid proofs than the
pieces of the true crass which aro exhib
ited in a thousand places.
Petrarch was a great poet and a great
politician, but he was not altogether the
Platonic lover some have represented him
to bo. With regard to Laura, all is doubt,
obscurity, and hypothesis. All traces left
of her were so faint, even in the century
in which she lived, that doubts were en
tertained of her existence. Baldelle, a
very partial commentator on Petrarch, is
obliged to confess that the poet was by no
iufeaus faithful to his divinity; but that
another whom he loved after a less ideal
fashion presented him with a daughter,
who afterwards became the consolation of
his old age. Laura has made far more
noise in the world during the past four or
five centuries than ehe ever did durlmr
her own time.
.1 A 1 - 1- .1 i ..1 1 I
We are now asked to believe that Joait
of Arc was not burnt at lloucn, as is com
motily said, hutJtbat Rome Lannkjo'-v:jx
creature was 'sacrificed in her stead. ' This
is the weakest of all Dr. Dclepierre's posi
tions. He takes as his principal authori
ty some professed "discoveries by Pere
Zignier, according to which the contract
of marriage between one Itobert des Ar-
has b
, chevalier, with the Maid of Orleans
ten discovered. When the victim
was led to the stake, a large mitre was
placed on her head, which concealed the
greater part of her face, and a huge frame
covered with insulting phrases was carried
before, and completely covered her person.
The generally received belief of Charles
V. is that, after his abdication, he retired
to a convent, adopted the habits of a
monk, and occupied himself solely with
the mechanism of clocks and watches, and
ot last personally rehearsed his own fune
ral. All this, says the Belgian savant, is
in fact nothing but a tissue of errors,
clearly disproved by existing authentic
documents. Charles V. did not live with
the monks j he never wore the habit of
the order, and he never ceased to wield
the imperial scepter de facto and to con
trol the affairs of the State. He had,
moreover, a residence built for himself,
detached from the convent, but communi
cating by passages with the cloister and
the church. Par from adopting an ap
pearance of poverty or limiting his atten
dants to twelve in number, his household
consisted of more than fifty individuals,
whose annual salaries amounted to some
.4,400 sterling of the present, day. . The
profusion of plate takori by the Emperor
to the monastery was employed generally
for the wards of the establishment, and for
his personal use. Courtiers were continu
ally arriving and departing, and the Ern-
leror was almost as immersed
public aflairs in his retreat as he had been
while actually on the throne. Although
he had delegated tho official authority, he
retained the habit of command, and was
Emperor to the last.
Dr. Dclapierre denies that Galileo ever
uttered the celebrated words. ''But still it
moves." No doubt, this protestation of
truth against falsehood may, at the cruel
crisis, when, at the age ci' seventy-seven,
he pronounced on his knees a form of re
cantation, have rushed from his heart to
his lips, but if these words had actually
been heard, his relapse would infallibly
have led him to the stake. It is denied
that he was subjected to torture at all.
ITe became completely blind after his re
cantation, hud was attended. dn his soli
tude bvhis two daughters from a convent.
One of them was taken from him by
death, but she was replaced by other af
fectionate relatives, who endeavored to
amuse and console the lonely captive.
His letters breathe a poetical melancholy,
a quiet irony, an overwhelming humility,
and an overpowering souse of weariness.
l)u Par, in his 'Researches sur les
Amcricains," says that Montezuma sacri-
ficcd annually twenty thousand children
to the idols in the temples of Mexico. In
such assertions, the improbability and ex
aggeration are so self-evident that it is
needless to dwell upon them. Books tell
U3 that the Duke of Alba put to death by
the hands of the executioner, in the Low
Countries, eighteen thousand gentlemen,
while the fact is that scarcely two thous
and could have been collected there.
1 .Even in the time of Tit lis Livius, there
Jvas so much doubt as to the truth of the
legend of the Horatii and the Curatii,
that he Writes one cannot tell to which of
the two contending people the Horatii and
the Curatii belonged. Yet this
. C
.Listonan related- in another place that
riLafinbal fed his soldiers on h'timati" flesh
, .1 ... '
to give thdm energy and courage !
31. do Ilumbolt set himself to disprove
some of the anecdotes of Christopher Co
lumbus; the fable of the egg that he is
said to have broken in order to make it
stand upright; and the account of his
anxiety, amounting to agony, among his
mutinous crew, to whom ho had faithfully
promised alight of land.
In tho history of England, the Duke of
Clarence was for four centuries believed to
have been drowned in a butt of Malmsey,
but the author of '"The Historic Antiqui
ties of the Tower of London" claims to
have entirely exposed this as ail error.
According to the Abbe Bartholemy, at
the memorable battle of Thermopyke, Lc
ouidas, instead of resisting the Persians
with three hundred men, commanded at.
least seven thousand men. The learned
Spon ridicules the pretended wit of Diog
enes, and explains it in quite another way.
Alfred Maury endeavors to convince us
that Gttsar never said and never would
have said to the pilot, ''Why do you fear?
Y'ou have Ceesar and his fortunes on
board ?"
When he reflects on the innumerable
errors daily propagated by books, Dr. Del
epierre gets alarmed at the strange confu
sion ia which ho foresee-,? ail literature may
find itself a few centuries hence. It is
very possible that historical events will be
more difficult of proof than before the in
vention of printing, which may conse
quently have served to augment disorder
and perplexity, -rather than to have assis
ted in the promotion of truth and ac
curacy. Clvilizin;
Influence of Guit
Buckle, in his History of Civilization in
England, ascribes the entire intellectual
progress of the pat five centuries to the
changes wrought in the organization of so
ciety by tho invention of gunpowder. He
Savs otl thi? subject :
"'Gunpowder, though a warlike contri
vance, has in its results been eminently
serviceable to the interests of peace. This
important invention is said to have been
made in the thirteenth century ; but was
not in common use until the fourteenth,
or even until the beginning of the fifteenth
century. Scarcely had it come into oper
ation when it worked a great change in
the whole scheme and practice of war.
Before this time, it was considered the
duty of nearly every citizen to he prepared
to enter the military service, for tho pur
pose cither of defending his own country
or attacking others. Standing armies
were entirely unknown ; and in their place
there existed a rude and barbarous mili
tia, always ready for battle, and always
nnwillin" to engajrc in those peaceful pur
suits winch were "then universally despi
sed. Nearly every man h
;ing a
the military profession, as such, had no
existence; or, to spea
the whole of Europe composed
nun rrO!t arlllV.
in which all other prolcs-
sions were merged. Tb this the only ex
ception was the ecclesiastical profession ;
but even that was affected by the general
tendency, and it was not at all uncommon
to gee large bodies of troops led to the
field by bishops and abbots, to most of
whom the arts of war were in those days
perfectly familiar. At all events, between
these two professions men were necessarily
divided : the only avocations were war
I.' A W. mj I .
and theology ; and it you reiuseu io cuiei
tho church, you were
bound to serve m
the army. Ae .a natural consequence, e-crythitv-
oi' real importance was altogether
neglected. There were, indeed, many
priests and many warriors, mauy sermons
and many tattles. But, on the other
hand, there were neither trade, nor com-
nor iuauuiai,imio , - -
no literature ; the useful arts were
thpre. was no
entirely unknown; and even cue ma
rank of society were unacquainted, not
only with the most ordinary comforts but
with the commonest decencies of civilized
life. i i
"But as soon as gunpowder came into
uee, there was laid the foundation of a
great change. According to the old sys
tem, a man had only to possess Avhat he
generally inherited from his father, either
a sword or a bow. and he was ready cquip
r. ba fiphl. According to the new
system, new means were required, and the
iminii more costly and more
difficult. First, there was the fcuppty ot
fmnnowdcr : then there was the possesion
of muskets, which were expensive weap
ons and considered difficult to manage.
Then, too, there were other contrivances to
which gunpowder naturally gave rise, Fuch
as pistols, bombs, mortars, shells, mines,
creasing the complications of the militarv
art, increased the necessity of discipline
and practice; while at the same time, the
change that was being effected in the or
dinary weapons deprived tho majority of
men of the possibility of procuring them.
To suit these altered circumstances, a new
system was organized ; and it was found
advisable to train up bodies of men for
the sole purpose of war, and to separate
them as much as possible from those other
employments in which formerly all soldiers
were occasionally engaged. Thus it was
that there arose standing armies ; the first
of which were formed in the middle of the
fifteenth century, almost immediately after
gunpowder was generally known. Thus,
too, there, arose the custom of employing
mercenary troops, of which we find a few
earlier instances, though the practice was
not fully established until the latter part
of the fourteenth century.
"The importance of this movement was
soon seen, by the change it effected in the
classification of European society. The
regular troops being, from their discipline,
more serviceable against the enemy, and
ulso more immediately under the control
of the government , it naturally followed
that, as their meriLs because understood,
the old militia should fall into disrepute,
then be neglected, and then sensibly di
minish. At the same time, this diminu
tion in the number of undisciplined soldiers
deprived the country of a part of its war
like resources, and therefore made it nec
essary to pay more attention to the disci
plined ones, and to confine them more ex
clusively to their military duties. Thus
it was that a division was first broadly es
tablished between the soldier snd the civ
ilian ; and there aroc a separate military
profession, which consisting of a compara
tively small number of the total amount
of citizens, left the remainder to settle in
some other pursuit. In this way, immense
bodies of men were gradually weaned from
their old warlike habits, and being, as it
were, forced into civil life, their energies
became available for tho general purpose
of .society j and for the cultivation of those
arts of peace which had formerly been
neglected. The result ws, that the Eu
ropean ndud instead of being, as hereto-'
fore, solely occupied cither with war or
with theology, now struck out into a mid
dle path, and created those great branches
of knowledge to which modern civilization
owe? its origin- In
oration itii.7
Uoee.v.;ivc fe:i-
organization was mote marked ; the utility
of a division of labor became clearly re
cognized ; and as by this means knowledge
itself advanced, the authority of this mid
dle or intellectual class correspondingly
in created. Each addition to its power
h-.-sened the weight of the other two clas
ses, and checked those superstitious feel
ings and that love of war on which, in aji
early state of society, all enthusiasm is
concentrated. The e idencc of the growth
and diffusion of this intellectual principle
is so full and decisive, that it would be
......;;Mn b7 fnmliiniii" all the branches of
knowledge, to trace nearly the whole of
its consecutive steps. At present k - is
enough to say, that, taking a. general view,
this third or intellectual class, first display
ed au independent, though still a vague
activity, in the fourteenth and fifteenth
centuries ; that in the sixteenth century,
this activity assuming a distinct form,
showed itself in religious outbreaks ; that
in the seventeenth century, its energy, be
coming more practical, vn turned against
the abuses of government, and caused a
scries of rebellions, from which hardly any
part of Europe escaped ; and finally, that
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centur
ies, it has extended its aim to every de
partment of public and private life, diffus
ing education, teaching legislators, con
trolling kings, and above all, settling on a
sure foundation that supremacy of public
opinion, to which not only constitutional
princes, but even the most despotic sover
eigns, arc now rendered strictly amenable?."
Seeing is DeceiVino. Here Is a row
of ordinary capital letters and figures :
. o..oo
They are such as are made up of two parts
Of equal shapes. Look carefully at these
and you will "perceive that the upper halves
of the characters area very little smaPei
than the lower halves so little that an
ordinary eye will declare them to be of
equal size. Now turn the page upside
down, and, without any careful looking,
you will see this difference in the size is
very much exaggerated mat tue reai top
half of the letter is very much smaller than
the bottom half. It will be seen from this
that there is a tendency in the eye to en
large the upper part of any object upon
which it looks. We might draw two cir
cles of equal size, and so place them that
they should appear f.'quul.
A BbbTCN paper in responsible for the
following : A young man from the coun
try went into a drug store tile other day,
and seeing people freely patronizing the
soda fouutain, at length stepped up and
called for a drink or "that ar" for him
self. After swallowing the foaming con
touts of the glass, and laying his stamps
; with a satisfied air upon the counter, he
! said : ""lister, what do you call that that
i bites so V On being told that it was so
! da watof, "Wall," said he, "I'm blamed iC
i I didn't i-'po-c it was swerd Vmd '"
and the like All these things In
List of Jurui N.
B'ilow we give the names of the Grand
and Traverse Jurors drawn to serve at the
ensuing term of the Cambria county
Courts, commencing Moudav, December
7th, 18GS :
Grand Jurors. .
Jos. S. Strayer, Foreman. Justice. Johnstowii,
Adams Henry, farmer, Jackson township,
Adam- 1 homas Yt. farmer, Allegheny two.,
Anna Anthony, farmer, CUcst township,
Harues Hcurr B., plasterer, Johnstown bor'gh.
Hole Laac C, farmer, Taylor township,
Leynou Lewis, tailor, Ebtjnsburg borough,
Collins Edward, prop iuspei-tor, Prospect bor ,
Edwards Robert, farmer, Cambria township,
Kger John, tinner, Summitville borough.
Garmah Peter, lumberman, Susquehanna twp..
Hoover Peter, farmer, Carroll township.
Harrison Thomas, farmer, Jackson township, . John Y, carriage maker, Johnstown,
llotTmtn, Gillian, blacksmith, Johnstown bor.,
Judy Aquilla, Jaoorer. Alillville borough,
Kiper Jacob, farmer, Jackson township;
Luther D. A., farmer, Carroll township.
Long Joseph, jr. , farmer, Cambria tnwnshij?;
McDermitt William, cooper, Clearfield twp.,
Mack Jacob, farmer, Cambria township.
Parrish Francis, inn keeper, Oallitzin township.
Sherry Jacob, farmer, Allegheny township.
Sleep William, coal merchant, Johnstown 'bor.
Traverse Jurors First UWL.
Adams Silas, farmer. Clearfield township,
Adams M. M , lumberman, Washington twp.,
Lutland Charles, plasterer, Johnstown bor'gh.
Huithold Daniel, rail straigbteaer, Millrille;
Ile irer Francis, lumberman. Carrolltown bor.,
Cartwright Charles, roller, Johnstown borough,
Carmichael Samuel, laborer, Cambria borouh,
Cunningham James, farmer, Carroll township,
Cohick L. B., gentleman, Johnstown borough,
Davis Da-rid It., farmer, Jaekson township.
Dnrtia Aur;ust:n5, farmer, Munster township,
Dishong Frederick, farmer, Jackson township,
Drumtn Solomon, farmer, Carroll township,
Epley James, laborer, ilillville borough",
Kckenrcdc Joseph, carpenter, Susquehanna tp.,
Frederick John, roller, Johnstown borough,
Fr.ibaui!i Charles, farmer, Plackliek twp.,
IVirren John, farmer, Summerhill township,
Farabaugh Earhart, farmer, Allegheny twp.,
Graham Maik, carpenter, Conemaugh bor'gh,
Gates Isaac, fanner, White township,
Gibbons John, farmer, Clearlie'd township.
Gore Thomas, speculator, Johnstown borough,
Heslop Gale, painter, " "
Harris W. W., farmer, Jackson 'own-hip,
nelsel Ch.ules, farn-er, ilichlar.d township,
Ilerzo Thomas, farmer, Carroll township,
Itle Francis, fanner, I mister township.
Jones William M., eleik, KUi.t-ourg borough,
Livingston David, roller, ilillville borough,
Lawrtncc S. A., laboier, - a
Lucas David, ?r., toamstcr. Conemaugh bor.,
Lnyron Win. I,'., carpenter, Johnstown bor'i.h,
Jlciiough John, farmer, Summerhill township,
ilcCloskey Hugh J .. farmer, Wroshin:rton tp.,
' Alardis Jo-rph S , farmer. Hlackliek township,
Masters Joseph, lumber agent, Alillville bor.,
Noon Michael, jr., firmer, Carroll township,
Ptfer John, farmer, Haqueli:in:ia township,
fr;!:Llh'ff.u?.n!rmtv:oio'i.i:ia borongnr ;
l'lumnier James D., clerk, Croyle township,
Kootn IJenry, carpenter, Johnstown borough,
f?may Jac b W., farmer, Croyle township,
Thompson Maj. John, ppjitloiaan, Ebensburg,
Ui!j:iu Joseph, farmer, Chest borough,
Viin Seovoc John, tanner, White township,
Waters K J., justice, Ebensburg borough.
Traverse Jurors Second U ceL.
Anstadt Homy, farmer, Jackson town-hip,
P.caringer John, Ltlper, MiLville borough;
Buck Jacob, farmer, Allegheny township.
l)enhocf Solomon, farmer, Taylor township,
Bracken Thomas, farmer, Blaeklick township,
Bailey William, laboret, Prc-peet borough,
Burns John J., KsVj., merchant, Clearfield tp.
Ciiste Joseph, farmer, Washington township
Crosby James, laborer, Johnstown,
Cameron John, lumberman, Blacklick tfrp ,
Davis David, rail straiglstener, Johustowii bor.,
Duncan Thomas, lumberman. Blacklick twp.,
Eldiidge .JiJui, houe agent, Johnstown bor.,
Fagan Jeremiah, chairmaker, Ebensbrrg bor.,
Flanagan Joi n, saddler. Johnstown borough,
Fagan Simon, laborer, Cambria borough.
Good Christian, farmer, Jackson towiirhip:
Glass Joseph, farmer, Susquehanna township,
Gallaher Hugh, tanner, Clallitzin township.
Glitch Casper, machinist, Conemaugh bor'gh,
Glass Edward, founder, Ebensburg borough.
Haws A. J.,tire brick maker, Johnstown bor.,
Hogan Patrick, wagonmaker. Mill vllle bcr'gh,
Hogue Thomas; laborer, Gallitzin township,
Horner Isaac P., farmer, Richland township,
Jcnes Alexander, clerk, Ebensburg borough,
Kirkpatrick James, farmer, Chest township,
Lloyd Benjamin; farmer, Camlria township,
Ltither Levi, farmer. Carroll township.
Little Daniel, lumberman. Chest Springs bor ,
Miller Moes B., farmer, Richland township,
Miller Joseph, banker, Wiltnore borough,
Murray Robert, laborer, Cambria tow nship,
Miller Joseph, farmer, Blacklick towtiehip,
Miller Philip, farmer, Chest township,
2Iealy Patrick, blacksmith, Loretto borough,
Noon John, farmer Conemaugh township,
O'Ftiel Francis, merchant, Loretto borough,
Orr William, cabinet-maker, Johnstown bor. ,
Parrish Ed war J, farmer. Cambria township,
Ryan John, merchant, Cambria borough,
Smith David, farmer, Cairoll township,
Sechler John, miller, Croyle township,
Stall John F , farmer, Richland township.
Snyder John, farmer, Carroll township,
Williams W:n. J., c.ioentci , Ebensburg bor.,
West Emory, clerk, Coacmmgh borough.
Wagner Mich'l D., justice. Chest Spring bor.
"Come here, sissy," said young ger
tlcman to a little girl, to whose sister he
was paying his addresses ; "you are the
sweetest thing on earth." 'No I ain't,"
she replied, "Sister says you are the sweet
est." The gehUcman popped the question
the next da.
j ...
An aged bachelor was asked If lie ever
saw a public execution. "No,', he an
swered, "but I once sr.W a public mar
riage ceremony !"
"I would bestow my daughter," said
Theinistcx-les, "upon a man without mon
ey, rather than upon money without a
Dr. Holmes says that easy-crying wid
ows take new husbands soonest ; tbore is
nothing like wet weather for transplant
ing. "5?AMno. did von ever see the Catskill
I Mountains ?" "No, Ckm ; but I've seen
1 cats kill mice."
A poor woman can :-o more sympathy
in a sixpence thai; a ' tvoam f tears.