t TIIUKSDAY:::::::::::::::NOVEMBER 5 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ebexsburg and Cresson Railroad Oa and after Monday, Aug. 3, 1868, trains on tui9 road will run as follows: LEAVE KnENSBURQ At 5.1ft A. il., connecting with Day Exp Fast and Phil. Exp. West. At 7.15 P. M., connecting with Phila. Exp. j-.ast ana Jiaii irain west. Leave C:-.esson At 9 2'; A. M., or on departure of Thil. Express West. At P 40 P. M., or on departure of Phila. Express East. Memoranda. Thomas McCurty, con victed of the murder of David .Barry, in Venango county, was handed at Franklin un the 2Sth ult. He acknowledged his guilt of the crime imputed to him.... Mr. John Dougherty, an old citizen of Holli dabur, is dead. ...Last Saturday even ing was Halloween. Owing to inclemency of the weather, the cabbage-stalk brigade did not appear on the street.. ..Mr. George Aurentz, formerly proprietor of the "3Ian sion House" in Pittsburg, died last week. ...Altoona is. to have a skating rink. ...Mr. Henry Mcintosh, has been appointed post master at Newr', JJlair county, vice Mr F. V. McCoy, removed George Fant linger, an old miner, was recently killed in a coal-pit at Larimer's fetation, West morcljud county, by a large piece of slut c lulling upon him and crushing him V watch which mils stolen from a railroad . i . i engineer oi .vitooua aoouc a year ago was last week recovered in a pawnbroker's hhop in Pittsburg... A German woman named Stiver and one of her children Ox the "Whoso Track. One day last week, a young clerk who holds forth in Pittsburg received a dispatch from an other young clerk employed in the same establishment, but who was then traveling on business, to this effect "Pack me up a change of clothing and come out here and stay over Sunday." The young man packed up the clothes, took the Phila Express at Pittsburg at 4.30 p. m., Satur day evening, and at 10 o'clock at night was landed in Ebensburg. But the other young man him of the rumpled linen- was not at the depot to meet him. Nor was he at any of the hotels. Xor could any trace of him be found throughout all the length and breadth of our corporation limits. Here was a mystery. JJut the dispatch itself soon unraveled it. It was dated at Evanshurg, (Crawford county,) instead of ELenslurg, (Cambria county.) and the young man had traveled the mat ter of one hundred miles in an exactly opposite direction from that which he wanted to go ! Gambling. Those who arc addicted to investing in gift enterprises are respect- ully referred to an article on the outside of this paper, wherein is graphically ex posed the dishonesty of the system. Any scheme, no matter what its name or how specious soever its avowed object, which proposes to give an article worth $2.00 for 61.00, may unhesitatingly be set down as 11 r a swindle. V, e know that a considerable sum of money goes yearly from Cambria tu county into the maw of these enterprises, and lor what: For pinchbeck jewelry and cheap promises. Even if the enter- L O CAL CORRESPONDENCE. LETTER FROM JOHNSTOWN HORATIO, WHILE SWINGING AROUND THE CIBCLE, TOUCHES AT THAT POINT HIS SPEECH ASHLEY PESNA. RAILROAD DOUBLE TRACK, AC., AC. Johnstown, Nov. 2, 1868. To the Editors of The Allfghanian : Seymour, the "great decliner," smiled benignly upon a few hundred of our citi zens on Thursday last. lie discovered, at Pittsburg, that the "Old Keystone' possessed great natural resources and was an immense manufacturing State, and he told the people of Johnstown of his dis covery. Only this, and nothing more Folks were disappointed. They expected that Horatio (like A. J.) would define his position in a few terse remarks. But, no 4 ?i n i t ii :x suine oi iamo-iLCe innocence, some honeyed, flattering phrases, a. puff of smoke from the engine, and Horatio was Impeacher Ashley made a speech on Saturday evening at the Grant club room. large audience was present, notwith standing the inclemency of the weather? The Penna. Railroad Company have in course oi construction an iron bridge on o the piers and abutments occupied by the old bridge across the Conemaugh. "When completed, the Company will have a dou ble track from Pittsburg to Philadelphia. The Methodist festival was an elegant affair, and was well patronized. The la dies of the congregation merit all praise lor the energy and zeal they displayed in ood cause. "Davov. Merchant Tailoring. The want of such an establishment in Ebensburg has long been needed, and we are now happy to say to our readers this want has been supplied. D. J. Evans has just returned from the east with a superb stock of cloths, cassimeres and ve3tmgs, such as were never brought to this market before. Mr. E. is a skillful cutter and only asks a trial to convince any and all. Oak Haix Clothing Store. Those -aucrs who visit Johnstown, and who are in need of clothing, should avail them selves ot the opportunity of buying from Le opold & Rro., of the Oak nail Clothing Store. They sell entire suits cf clothing from $15 and upwards. Having, the largest stock in Johnstown, and receiving constant accessions of goods, they are prepared to sell cheaper than the cheapest. Dry Goods and Millinery Store The largest and most complete drv rn.irf n,i wryMore in Johnstown, is located on JUtt,n aireet, Leopold Maver. r,ronr;t , xr - fa " mm---r iui. ""J" '"vues me public to trive Mm n before going elsewhere, assuring them that ne win sell as good goods for as little mon "Ji" oougnt in the Countv. Oiv - . . v mm a trial ai.d be convinced. Q.REATEST DISCOVERY OF THE EitTiSEMENTS. The man whodoes no- read the advertisements in his paper can never be said to be well informed. And th man who has not yet visitSd It. R. Davis' cheap store and examined his goods and prices, is also not well informed. In a word his prices defy competition. ' to fatally lmrnej, rccctlv, by . carbou f'.?" 'f'V"! 'ie PVc.,e ..il ox,.I..s-w at C.vode, WcstmurclanJ " - "J '-J only about aS much ,.,.., m- v.-... it:i iv t I vjinuLtj m liict r.1 (i r a Miutien iortunc as lie . . . j "i. niii. jiiK'uiaii, oi x ranks- . il n i town, IHaJr countv, was thrown from a wwum U1 trucK ur "gning. lint sprm- wag.m near JJuiitingdou, a few u,uuuai-u uu feUtu Pnn" days ago; and had his collar-bone broken. 1 1Iley are a11 swindlcs. and man is a tool who puts his money into them with the expectation of deriviuir "ain from the investment. ...A workman engaged in putting a slate root upon a building in Greensburg List his balance aad fell backward. He blid off the roof, and was only saved from a ii JiTiule uealh by fallin For Wm. A. AVallace's Eve. In- A fight occurred on our streets on the evening of the October election. Mr. Geo. Gurley, one of the parties engaged, ecuted his pugilistic oppo- Edwards, on a charge of assault and battery and mayhem. 3Ir. Edwards, holding that he was the assaul ted one, has instituted a counter prosecu tion against Gurley on the like charge. Railroad Accident. An accident occurred on the Penna. Railroad, near Wilkinsburg, on Tuesday night. The Window Shades. It is a fact not. t be denied, that the Rustic Window Shade, sold by T. W. Williams, is by far the most tasteful and durable blind extant. They are sold very low. l!efore purchasing any other, go and examine the Rustic. 100 REWARD. Will hp . . - w I'niu iij hi r nfrronn 1 . . : -.!, ,, . . J f' "fu '"lUUUlilir - , ,uluiaiillUlc liquors to my wife Z. 5, 8CS. DV,n P0WLI" ' ir upon a scaffold, l,:.. ...1.1 . 4u , t , entire train was thrown from thr- tmclr Kv .. " unii.-.r iu mo j'cmocracy oi i ennsyl- J mg ! the KHirth story... .A vein of lead van ia after the October election Wm V a broken rail and nine cars demolished, or- has becnb.mid near Ilollidaysburg. Wallace, Chairman of the Dem. State Xo P6"00 was d, and only a few were A lllt'CC ot th'! ore Was snilfil .iml fmn,! - . ... . . . ininvorl nnna ..:.,i . committee, char-n, if nr,n V w n.rmai.1 ..i.-niu ut jilt cent oi jeau. ArvEMi'TKi) Auson. Eleven months .!". 3lr. Thomas i. Moore, of Ebensburir. vii:t-l St. .Ios.-jh. Orphan Asylum, in Philadelphia. While there, he consented ro take oi.v of the orphans, u girl aired :iIijTXTl. years, ami give her a permanent li'a:e. He brought t lie young girl here, an 1 iutnuiueed her into his family as a 1 of light work". Some time last sum-jin-r, Mr. Moore's house was set on lire and a wardrobe containing a fjtiaiitifv of wearing apparel consumed. The oiil:i -f ,? ,rv was an unaccountable iiivstcrv 0a Saturday ni-hc last, the house was again set oh fire, but the flames were ex tinui.,h. ,1 before any damage had been u -no. uiieion v.-as now directed toward 'lie siirl. and a M-atch was set upon her ac 'if. On Sunday, the house was again fcrl in several places j and at last,the -i.-i was ca.-ght in the act of applyiri" the M10 was iorthwith arrested and """Ul1"1 i j:J, to answer in a char-e of atu-uij.ted arson. When asked her mo- j!!vo f r attempting to destroy the house. i 'lo eouM only answer that she '-was in J iu ited ly the devil." These last fires ('Milti-l in lousiderable damage to wcar I'lrel, bed clothes. Sec, and at one u uu,lay I'ouse was saved from uetructiyu v.ith the greatest difficulty. J t.UiCTlOS AlJSi;nDITlES.--T s nf . x -i t-. . . o" x'itii. xn vamDna township, ISov. od. ic Catharine, wife of Richard Edwards and the 43d year of her w e neuru a democrat re in In Ebeniburg, on the 3d inst., Eliza, rife of Daniel J. Evans, aged 35 years. more 'v ihnore, i'l'ti'.'silav's 3n c.i; opposite tins 1 eie olIti ics . WO resulnig indi- in comity, made a bet on t'K'li. it w.i fn t!.;.. n-.,. . at i t. -l.'uwur s election, the Repub- f:i was to enter his Imp.!,,,,,,. i i '--lvC I tl tepubl can party that one of the means through which they were enabled to carry State consisied in '-assessing paujera i voting them mark, the orhnr ilm- tlmf tl .7.7.... ...... ' , '"v- auuitos nu I yi CiOgant, eloquent, and epigrammatic, and 1 a wou.a nave been all right , that unfortu- One term at a irood school i nf nate reference to paupers had been left value than two terms at a poor school. out; -for," said he, '-you see, here in For good instruction, co to the Sfnto W Lambvia county tec always assess the pau- mal School. Address J. A Coopex Fd pers and have them vote the Democratic inboro,' Erie countv Pi ticket . ' A jnch is a fact. 3lARRir:n O C'of.vrv CV,,,SS,SE,,,Ou Th. Una , u,,,"', f rt3 MaU11Ce Mca , of Jacob Keith to 31 is 3Iary McDonnel' of Johnstown, the newly elected County Cambria county. ' Commissioner, was qualified as a member of the Roard. He is an estimable young Attend the Republican demonstration man, and will doubtless make an efficient Iiext at"rday night. ofhecr. 3Ir. John Campbell, the retiring Commissioner, filled that office for two terms, or six years. Always at his post when wanted, and careful and exact, tho' courteous and accommodating, he "ave "pilOTOGRAPIIIC. X Ho ! every one that wants Pictures cuuic jc iu r.oensourg and get them ! ITavino- lnrntcH ;rvv. i r . ,, . . -"wsuurg, i would very j .1V,41U Wic I)cuplc lUatl arrf luiijr ii-pureu lO IRKe PHOTOGRAPHS in every style of the art, from the smallest - - r iuic o i ii. Pictures taken in any weather. -553 j K'n 10 tne takintr of CHILDREN'S PIGTITRK g Tiw3 1,aiatC1 iD " ' '". or .Your attention is called to my FRAMES for LARGE PICTURES ; and ' i PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS which I will sell as cheap as the 'cheapest 1 ask comparison, and defy compttion - Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con tieuance of the same. S- GKllery on Julian street, three doors uii.u ui tuc jown nail. aug!3 T. T. SPEN'CE, Photograper AGE t BENTLEITS .VOX-EXPLOSIVE METRO POLITAN OIL ! M. L. Oatman, Sole Agent for Cambria Co. The subscriber desires to call the attention ot the public to the fact that he has purcha- ;r:j::'T count o ,en - .i...-u4.,uSive metropolitan Oil " Which he claims ti i.a ... w BEST, CHEAPEST, SAFEST ?Ji nfctured. The adrantaSeS claimed iui tins yjn are : 1. It is clear and clean. 2. It is non-explosive and sate. 3. It will not grease your Lands, clothin turniture. or carpets. 4. It is fifty per cent, cheaper than auv Ulu u. x rice. oniv iu cents a nuart. m -k TR YITll BUY IT!!! One and all who have used it pronounce it m give enure satisfaction. Give it atrial uuu De convinced of the above facts. TOWXSIIIP AND BOROUGU RIGHTS ! for sale at the store of M. L. OATMAN, Three doors east of Crawford's Hotel, A"g- 13 Ebsnsbukg, Pa. T OOK OUT FOR KARGAIN3 AT THE NEW CHEAP GROCER Y STORE.' 3 doors east of rrawfnnl'a uti Where may be found a choice selection of of SU lucijr uc ivuuu tt cnoice eeiectu Fresh Groceries, consistiu?;. in ixart t BEST FAMILY FLOUR, XI A COX, FISH , SPICES. CHEESE. i!Ripitpo DRIED FRUITS. CANNED FRUITS COFFEE pRICES GOING DOWN! A J full and entire satisfaction to the people. The new Hoard made the following ap pointments : Cy1'-1 Wm. II. Sechler. V. ; Thcitas GImss. y"""" jaines ii.oss. EBENSBURG AT THE HARDWARE J- HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. he "Big Barker" and the "TAttU Cur" will be out Saturday night. Argument Court meets here to-day. A good many lawyers in town. T I'CT TTi r 1)t . Trt .1 xn. a laue.- 11 mere is anything firmer jiKes it is plain dealing. ft bin a. way ot do.ng things, and he win never do business, if he knows it, with any one who is even disposed to take advnn. tage ol him. When he is dealing in corn and aW? r, .1"'afraid 0f m Eating JACK, SMOOTHING, CVJ 'UWU w.cn ue wants brst of all an honest man to ueal with. One price and small profits is the motto at M. L. Oatman's cheap store. :i 1 'rein for the paCe of four hours 0 (Irauf u'..c t-i.,. i .t uwriui, tne Jlemo- 'v:'.s to becoulc a tenant of the same 'fiarters for a like jveriod of time. are not advised when the terms of the UlI';ut are to be carried into effect, leuiixr-.f ninl -i l'.a i: 1 4'uuii;;m maue a ri'i ....1a- a JUWV' in Altoona on the result Wel-l OJ tl.., L.' . 7 - tate election. The Democrat lost, 1. 'vcunosday evenm- last wlinl,l Sad Accidknt. On Monday aftemocn last, a serious accident occurred in Johns- toTvn j . . 1 r 1 I a 1 . . . l" l "u"'uer ox workmen ensrased in lu vu? goods with which he is le fm;i;.. , t 1 Mt m I 1, I. . construction ot the new Welsh church. It seems the scaffold upon which they were working suddenly gave way, precipitating the workmen from the roof to the floor, a distance of twenty feet. 3Ir. David Grif fiths was so badly injured that he died a short time afterwards. A young - man named Clossin had one arm and both thighs broken. Abraham Fresh and AJr. bhryoc were also slightly injured. I once more return my sincere thanks to my old friends and customers for their lib eral patronage extended towards me, and now owing to the great fall in prices, by which many articles can be sold as cheap as before the war, and having a thorough knowl edge of the business and the wants of the public, I take pleasure in announcing that I can and will sell goods at a less flguTe than any similar establishment in citj or country My stock will consist in part as follows : DOOR axd CUPBOARD LOCKS, CATCHES, BOLT.S, HINGES, SCREWS, WINDOW SPRINGS, SHUTTER HINGES, Y IN DOW GLASS, NAILS, PUTTY, BORING MACHINES, AUGERS, CHISELS, QUACKS and BITS, HATCHETS, SQUARES, COMPASSES, TRY SQUARES, BEVELS, POCKET RULES, axd FOR PLANES, PANEL PLOWS, LEVELS, SASH, RAISING, a::d MATCH PLANES, SAW SETS, BENCH SCREWS, CROSS-CUT, PANEL, RIP, COMPASS, and BACK SAWS, GAUGES, OIL STONES, SCREW DRIVERS PLOWS, POINTS, SHOVELS, RICE, RAISINS. SOAPS, CANDLES, &c. JLC. The finest brands of TOBACCO and CI GARS kept in town may always be found at this establishment. Also, a large selection of YANKEE NOTIONS I all of which will he sold at the lowest prices. V large assortment ot FRUIT CANS just re ceiyed and at prices which dt-fy compe tition. Call and examine stock be- iore purchasing elsewhere. LAMPS. WICKS, FLUES, AND LAMP TRIMMINGS in great variety I hope by fair dealing and strict attention to business, and a determined endeavor to mai 1 may receive a shr f i. JJOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, The Great Remedies for all Diseases of tha Luh.; Siu.nack or Digetuve Organs. HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS of lhe Pure juicea (or, a, tW Serb? Tny ,teriEtracts) of Roots', t on 1, afk8' Waff a prepara tion, highly concentrated, and entirely fre Horn alcoholic admixture of any kind " IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Is a combination of al! th mm-.a;Ans the Bitters, with the purest quality- of Santa ( run Rum, Orauge, &c, makiug one of tho most pleasant, agreeable remedies ever of fered to the public. Those preferring a Medicine free from Al coholic adroiiiure. will uge HOOFLAND o GERMAN BITTERS Those who hae no objection to the com- IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. They are both equal!y g0odi and conUi he same medicinal virtues, the choice be ween the two being a mere matter of taste, the Tonic being the most palatable. I be stoiBHcb, from a variety of cause such as Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous dJ-' ' bility, etc., is very apt to have its function deranged. The L.ver, sympathizing 8 close! ly as U does with the Stomach then be comes affected, the result of which is that the patient suffers from several or luoru ot the following diseases: Constipation Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for lood dullness or Weight in the Stomach, the".! oTJ 9' BFflSifrn " -the uit ol the Stomach, fevv.u.-- Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing" Flut tering at the Heart. Choki Sensations ffhen in a Ijing posture, Dimness of vision. Dots or l.Jf- .... pain in the Head, Deficienc? of S C' ellowncss of the Skin r,..- ".riraiion. Side IW- rK.0 7 " Jtra' 1 ain n the isiue, rsaca., Lhest. Limba t. t. es of Heat, Burning in the Flesh7 Con ?ant Imaginings of Evil, and great depreoW The sufferer from th exercise the greatest caution in the sek'tio of a remedy for his case, purchasing J Z that which he is assured from his investiga tions and inquiries. nneaA. it, skilfully compounded, is frce from injuri. ous ingredients, and established for itself a reputation for the cure of these diseases T in this connection we would 1 wuaa(, kuutic weii known remedies-7ooZawi-, German Bittert and Iloofland't German Tome, prepared bv DK. C. M. JACKSOV p h t r WlF .b,. . . . ,. - ""--'i3iriiiA. I A. ThirtV-llVft Vfcnra Ein. ' " Lilt" V A.V T A Tl troduced into this country from Germany" 0 .. uae undoubtedlv- H-iioiined more cures, and hno?t,s Ulltau.tr tO arrMlprv(..( 41 . . j- , man any wmii 1 cult-lues Known tn m?TTpfux-gOUS Publi- I AM These remedies will effectually cure Liver Sill1?0! TO BE UNDERSOLD. Complaint, Jaundice. Dyspepsia7 P. rli'! Dill WII I.MII I ' 1 I LM n 4rin-ir-. ' t7c-n vuii.11 .10 inn; (J1IEAP 11,15 A- M. L. O A T f A V mf. 10, lObS Ecexsbukg, Pa. n- , i- V Jb' Cnroic Diarrhoea, Disease of the Kidneys, and all diseases aris ng from a disordered Liver, Stomach or In- QUJ3 OF KyGLAXD SOAP! DEBILITY RESULTING FROM ANY PAl'v QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP whatever ; Prostration of the K duced by Severe Labor, Hardships, Exposure, Fever, &c. There is no medicine extant equal to these remedies in such cases. A tone and vigor - -. vuc uoie system, the appe tite 14 ctrnirl e . ' . QUEEN OF KNOT. vn in a t For doing a familv wash inrr in tli cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to anv itaa it 1 1 IDC Fl r."li or 1 1, ..f rosin soap, with the mild and lathering cual ..... 4 Bcuume asuie. i rvthis splemlid ORES, 48 ! Sep. 3-6m. soap. Sold hv fi. at nr'v . " ,f,,.h .1; 5uJ"Ja. ln wnpVo " J '",; iiiii.wiv.L, . , pioperij, tne blood i3 n !K.48orth Front street, Phila. the complexion becomes sound T s- U A It K E 11, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS. PS 1- "a'1'" Ebensb urtr. I 1 e, - pANXED FRUIT, of all kinds at V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Pa. i.,u aM FPnent m a wheelbarrow ist . Yr... 1 " ai-u. r,,E 'AMPAiux.TLe L-ranJ torl,li.rT, LT7 1' tW KbtiUS Ta.incrsin tl. p , , 10 1Ielublican victories and 4turd ' d not 'COUlc off 011 4ui, Jy ,i;fcrht IuSt b reason of in T "4 ot the weather. Itail fell at in 1 u3 thrmi.rl 1. .1 ,.. c uul ine and at uight I tils li o rou i, E"W " SunJa'- pile 'iur?,r ;:ca,!'c.r' h g-y lorui set in Kii.i..i 1 . 7 -vvuvu i fu r of '., u- ' 01 eimbhcans met in the Town " Uie CVM, m,. 1 "mi", ami ..1. 1.. 1 w "uiy au- CirASTP. AVn lirii-Tini.r ri'i .... ji..ltiJi tu j te are the only words which will convey an ad quate idea of the arraj of goods to be found at the variety store of A. A. Barker & Son. i'ORKS, SCY THES and SNATHES, RAKES Their stock consists in part of Dry Goods of HOES. SPAfiK stti. ot, 17J, 7 r "R3EB .c-DS. cuunr combs, t: : ' WS RF.r.T.S Untua urmno imujiiiga ol ev?ry style. Jn short you can mro, buy almost anything at this store. BUT, TRACE, BREAST, HALTER, FITH, Magnificent. -Tiift" I . tongue, aki LOG chains, those clubs will be held in this place next od. recently received at C T ' LuL", 7. - ' SIIT GUNS' EVOLVBS, a? Saturday evenin- for the purpose of coin. Wlthut doubt the finest .selection iaiULS, CARTRIDGES, A TTFVTIAV VVinn. V,,,. n . . liutuouuiy vji ranc-uoltax ...,1 T'.. ' i i piu xamias C1UUS. Hie last niPoflnrr V J i A brating the glorious victories of the 3rd inst. I here will be a torchlight procession, fire works, illuminations, &c. Kmineut apeak ers will be present to address the meeting x urn out everybody, and let us hav re a rousing time. Fire. The steam tannery of Messrs. Jones & Evans, situated a short distance southeast of town, took fire from the smoke stack on Friday morning last. The flames were -speedily extinguished, but not till brought to Ebensburg. Those who visit thi P0WDER. SHOT, CArS, LEAD, POUCHES, siore cannot fail to find something that will POWDER FLASKS, GAME BAGS 71, I ' W,VCS' ChiIdren or GUX L0CKS MAINSPRINGS, PIVOTS, Ac. " 'or yourself. . LAMPS and OILS, Winter. The chilling wind tho f-,1. U00KING, PARLOR, HEATING STOVES ling leaves, nil indicate that winter is here T1N AND SHEET IRON WARE, a 1 are you prepared for it? Have vou m.r. WASHING MACHINES .vn irniraPDo " t I . " ' II Mliiuuui . I 11 not. v.nm I . , t. - i is the t.me. An elegant stock may bo foan.l r L . at J. Patton ThomnW ra . ' . KlE, SUGAR, ic. m M I Urt I " "a ' A t 1 1 r - , v . I " MUUK OF SUMMER -a 1 uooas at reduced prices at V. S. B.'s. uri- Uuk .u ... . " J '"nun aun -u1uMI.uc Jt:11orunge 13 eradicated from tho eyes, a bloom 13 civen to :h ,1,1, .i the weak and uervous invalid becomea a strong and healthy being. monies a PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIFE And feeling the hand of time weighing heav ily upon them, with all it nt.. :,, it t - vKinj.cnn, ill; will fand in the use of thia nnta u i.in mai win instil new Hie into their veins, restore in a measure the enerr and ardor of more youthful days, build Z'u their shrunken forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years. NOTICE! It is a well established fact that fuliv one half of tho female portion of our population aie seldom iu the enjoyment of good health cr, to use their own Xj expression, "never teel well." They are languid, devoid of all cuergy, extremely nervous, and h&ve no ap petite. 1 . To this class of persons the Bitters, or tho Tonic, is especially recommended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by the use of either of these remedies. They will cure every case of MARASMUS, without fail. 3 Thousands of certificates have accumula- 7Jh STOCIv OfCLOTIITxVG VKKY ted in the hand, of the proprietor, bSTpaco XI cheep at V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg. w'll allow of the publication of but a few. FRUIT CANS-NEW STYLE at V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Pa. BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAP AT V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Pai WALL PAPERS-ALL STYLES at V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Pa. "VTEn" STOCK OF SUGARS FOR i.1 canning fruit at V. S. BARKER'S. a large stock of Furs very cheap. TOBACCO and CIGARS. Odd Stove Plates, Grates, and Fire Brick STOVES. If you want a Niagara Trnti; lJ on hand to suit Stoves sold bv me auuut -j.vu worm oi leather had been B e ' ai;onai xcel3ior, Tenn, Nimrod. , " ei na Wrn Pumps and Tubing at man- destroyed 'and a section of W aker Cit Electric, in fact any Stove, call u,acturers Pces. i I &t th e Tnflm m nt Ii otrw r n . I Soon in ir mon nn : .. i . J , . . . icet square Durneu away. . u view, uunm-j. ma .uiC, muicu, unupui npi at low UV XT -r , . . -V.S.'IS. I I'., I n - I iiuii-rs l jmL nut f',,. 1. i. .i L't-lr. .1 ... . 1JM T ovation r (he can,- ' UUlM.iv CVcilin- ' AVe direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement of lloofland in this paper, who, it will be se rr!f9 ro ac V.an : r i . I rates. i -.v, ..o vus.ii, 1 1 uut uucnuer man can be fouud elsewhere in the countv. fin ; cs?- persona owing me debts of long stan- TlIE election in this section passed off u a CODler a fAvor by calling and paying h;i re rr ""4CUt' 113 " iaKe3 great iiiutisi ntiUKS PAID FOR a. Uutter, Produce at V r, Egg, Wool, and all Country S. BARKERS, Ebensburg I)aner, WHO. 16 AVIH be seen to flT.:., nn el v u-ilhlhAPTCPnlinnnfa .nnti...j , I the public his German l?ittm-a ...,.i 'i'r and jam at V. S. Barker's chean t.nr expenses, unri nir. u8!?0 nc I -.ic .tuvx J.UU1C, ! , nuc - . " " i iub Biusii pront8 that the best Laown rcmed v for ,1;,, bargains were dealt out to every one wh o .1"m mak!n& on gooda I cannot aflbrd to frir 1 Mtonuliingljr low. Tatronizc Uim. : 1 El.tushur-. i-, ,r0' Ul-NTIX1 y ILY WHITE LEAD LINSEED A.J Uil, Warranted pure, at V. S. Barker's Ebensburg, Pa. ' NAILS ALL SIZES, CHEAPEST in town, at V. S. Barker's, Ebensburg. YS. BAR K K R , Manufacturer BARRELS, KEGS, ' TUBS, MEAT-STANDS', CHURNS, ic. Those, it will be observed, are from men of note, and ot such etanding that thev must bo believed. TESTIMONIALS! Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pa., writes : Philadel phia, March 10, 18C7. I find Hoofland's German Bitters is a A good tonic, useful in diseases of the digestive organs, and of great benefit in cases of debility, and want of nervous action in the system. .-Yours, truly, Geo. "w. Woodward." lion. James Thompson, Judge cf the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, April 28, 1866. I consider 'Hoofiana's German Bitters' a valuable medicine in case of attacks of Indi gestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experience of it. Yours, &c "JAMES THOMPSON:" From Pev. Joseph Kennard, D. D., Pastor Cf the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia Dr. Jackson Oear Sir : I have been frequent ly requested to connect .my name with re commendations of different kinds of medi cines, but regarding the practice as out of nsy appropriate sphere. I have in all cases de clined ; but with a clear nroof in vari ous instances, an4 particularly in mj own family of the use of Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that for general debility of the system, and es pecially for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and. valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail ; but usually, I doubt not, it will be ver beneficial to those who suffer from the abova causes. lours, verv resnecti'allr "J. II. KENNARD." CAUTION. Hoofland's German Remedies are counter. feitf.l. See that the signature of C. M JACKSON is oa the 3T wrapper of each bottle. All others are counterfeit- rrincipnl Office, and Manufactory nt tho German a tdicine Store. No. C3I ARCII-St.. Philadelphia, Pa. CHARLES II. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. Jacksos a Co. PRICES: Hoofi tud's German Bitters, per bottle, $1 on half dozen, 5 00 Hoofland's German Tonic, put up In quart bottles, $1 60 per bottle, or a half dozen for S7 50. BST Do not forget ta examine well the &r tide you buy, in order to get the genuine. For sale by aH Druggists and Storekeepers, everywhere, nl3-m.