uu """ ' f Sf lltt ttff' 'll Mftf , r. rTniixsOxaWr0fiafi I:i. JiMi:s, J VOLUME 9. . . . ,1 1'IT'M.M T Attn.non of Luw, Ebensburg, Pa. August 13, YoTlNN'LON, Attorney at Law, f.f- OHicc on High street. nugl3 i:(7nJK M. READE, Attorney at J Law, Ebensburg, Pa. rT Ofiice in Colonnade Row. augl3 SJ 1LLI AM II. SEC 1 1 LEU, Attor V nev nt Law, F.bensl.urg, Pa. j.-y Office "in Coloninofo Row. nug20 1 P.ORGE W. 0 ATM AN, Attorney at X Law and Claim Agent, and United St .tts Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb- euburg, Pa. augJ JOHNSTON & SCANLAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensbnrjr, Pa. i-dT" Ofiice opposite the Court House. ft. L. JOHXSTO.V. nnl3 J. E. C AN LAN. OA 3uFKLPl NT L ETON , Attorney at O Law, Ebensburgr, Pa. f-j- Office on Higb street, west of Fos ter's Hotel. nug!3 TAMES 0. EASLY, Attorney at Law, O Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa. jfr Architectural Drawings and Si.ecifi Mtions made. fauK!3 J. WATERS, Justice of the Peace jm and Scrivener. fc-.i?" Office adjoining dwelling, on High ft., i,eusburt, V. aug 13-Gm. T? A. "SHOEMAKER, Attorney at JP Law, Ebeusburp, Pa. I'articular attention paid to collections. DtT- Otfice on High street, west of the Di amond. augl3 A. KOI'ELIX, T. W. DICK, Johnstown. Elem.bu.rg. "1 "Ol'KLIX & DICK, Attorneys at i Law , Lbensburg, Pa. Office in Colonade Row, with Wm. Kim-il, L. Oct. '22. 3 OSEPII S. STRAVER, Justice of the Peace, Johnstown, Pa. (iffite on M.ukct street, corner of Lo- .1 tu-et extended, and one door south of ue Lite office of Win. M'Kee. anglO ! EVi;Ri:AlX, M. I., Physician and Surjeon, .vMimiiit, Pa. JL V Jt'iY" Office eas-t of Mnns:on lloue, on P.ail ro:id"fitrcft. Night calls promptly attended t , at Ida office. i!U12'- rTdIhtt zei i; leu ) Having pernianent'y located in ELens-TrT-'. oifcrs his professional services 10 the -.r.X' iii of town and vicirity. it-el'.)' xtr-iclHd, uituut fain, with Xiirout z.-!r, or i',:tu-jhiny Gas. r..;- Uuuris aojui'-ing G. Huntley's store, itrcct. - - nugl3 .V.NTlirrniY. The undersigned, Graduate of the Iial- tuaore Cullc-e of Dental Surgery, respectfully iXcra Lis iror.'Jsioaul services to I lie citizens '.' IJbcusburg. 11 has spared no means to lii .rou j'. hly acquaint himself with every iui-.rownu-nt in his art. To many years of per son il experience, he has sought to add the iuri-wtfi experience of the highest authorities iu Dental Science. He simply asks that an i,: ;..i,'in,:i! may be given for his work to ak iis own praise. SAMUKL BELFORD, D. D. S. I-,;' Will beat Ebensburg on the fourth M ! ir of each month, to stay one w,ek. A.i.-t 13, men. " T LOYD & CO., hanker jj EuKNsncnc, Pa. IX-f Cold, Silver, Government Loans and ot! . r Securities bought and sold. Interest ulluwcd on Time Deposits. Collections made mi nil accessible points in the United States, a i.: a Concral Bai.king Business transacted. August 13, 18C8. M. LLOYD & CO , lhn,I;:,s Altoona, Pa. . r.! and C r,n tl:?? r vhui ;i! cities, and Silver OoMeetior.s made. Mori i - - t , payabli.' on demand, wi.iuut inVtieat, or up-j'.i time, with interest . at fair t at;gl3 rji.ME lmisr national rank JL. Of Jon v. srow:, I'i:. : ur C vital r, j j f o 0 ) ' liio.f.oi) oo ! .'."'V'c- i ifi t.i;:r' to... We iiliv aiid sell I:.la; I i orr-i Draft wold and i-'ilvtr, and all -!.if.-e- of Govera ni! lit .'unities; mae ciillec'-ioas ut hom iiil -.'..road : receive deposits ; loan money. .:.d ilo a general Da;, king bu; iniss. All h -iiie-ss entiusted tr us will receive, prompt i:'e:uii!n ani care, at moderate prices. Give ii a trial. 2)ii'(ctoT ; D. J. MoR.IKLL, IJOUM DlBHRT, lt.M.c Kackmax, LJacoh LEVKitGoon, dAcoB ?d. Campuiiu, Edw'd. Y. ToWNSKM). 'KonoK Fritz. DANIEL J. JlOPkPwRLL, President. J. P.oukmts, Caihitr. cp3ly M. I.IOVD I'rts't. JOHN LI.OVD, Citehii'r. .litsT NATIONAL U AN Iv or ALTOONA. GO VZKXKFXr A GJ'XCV, AND LKs'K'.N ATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNI TED STATES. I Corner Virginia and Annie sts., North " :i'l, A'toona. Pa. Capital $."00,000 CO "aij "ai-m-ai Pa in in 150,000 00 All r uiiif?f: jicrtainin to Dankinjr done on ,:u''i';iUc terms. lii'erm.i lU'Vi nno Stamp3 of all denomina tions always on hand 1" purchasers of Stamp?, percentage, in ii:np-, will be allowed, a.s follows: to l("', - per cent.; $.0C to $(, 3 per cent.; ;-"-('0 ai.d upwards, 4 per cent. auglo Q A Ml E L S INGL iriTi N .NVary lub"- . lie, Kber.sl.urg. Pa Ofiice on High Mnet, west of Foster's IIo UL fau2l3 J (R WOlHv of all kind J do ie at T'.l't AI.hr.dH ANIAN offcm. iiiUU Sr., Euijisaciu:, Pa. EBENSBTJRG, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1868. Iegfcncl of tlic IHiiiic. The castle was grand, and the lady fair, And a knight of the good old time was there, Where the Rhine flowed on to the sea. The knight looked up, and the lady down ; His brow wore a smile, and hers a frown, But the Rhine flowed on to the sea. Then a heart-quake shivered his coat of mail, While the lady's cheeks a lovely pale, And the Rhine flowed on to the sea. And a sigh from tinder his vizor gushed, And he looked up and down and blushed, While the Rhino flowed on to the beu. Then he fell on his knee; he must needs con fess ; Would the wed ? She would; ebe whispered "yes," And still flowed the Rhine lo the ea. And the knight was biave, and the lady fair, And they lived in the grand old castle there, While the Rhine flowed on to the sea. And there, as I learn from some books of mine Still flows the flood of tke rolling Rhine, As steadily on to the sea. And ludies may blush, and knights may swear, But there it will be in a huudred year, , Still flowing ou to the sea. rZrt ??r tcrpz'laoo. A Ilia rOK. V OF THE tlKTrVSBl EG AND LOTTERY SWINDLES. OTHER 1 have an aunt in the country one of the nicest women in the world a widow, a little p:!?t the prh.ie of life, prim, pre cise, atid the mother of two pretty cousius of mine, f'he lives on the banks of the Genesee river, near the beautiful city of Rochester, and regularly every Sunday rides into town t listen to her favorite pasD r. Her week-days arc usually spent aiiK.-ng her chickens, pigs, and cuvvs, or in put! ing up pickles and preserves. Occa sionally, however, she is obliged to go to the city to make purchases, and it was on one of these occasions that she was recent ly inveigled by designing men into a little speculation, and succeeded ia bringing me in contact with a number of "Gift Enter prise" swindlers, whose tricks to entrap the unwary I propose to write about. Rut lirst let n;y aunt tell her own stor', which she dues i:i the following letter, and then I'll tell what ca:::e of it : 'RociiK.riiit, Nov. 22. 18G7. "My DttAK Nr.runw: Ry reading this letter patiently through, you will dis cover that I have some ffueer business on my hands, and need your jis.-istanee to help me out. Sf me time since, I thought to make 'my everlastin' fortune' by investing the sum of one dollar in a Gift Enterprise, the proprietors of which advertise that thoir headquarters are in that iniquitous city in which you reside, at No. Rroad v.ay, New York. I was going to be very sly about it, so I assumed the name of Mrs. Sarah J)utton. When they sent me my ticket, they also sent sixteen ethers, with the assurance that if I would dispj.se of them they would guarantee to make nie a present valued at $150, in case my tick et did not draw a valuable prize. Being a credulous booby, I put faith in their promises, and induced some of my friends to buy the tickets. You will probably laugh at the idea of your aunt Sarah be coming the agent of a Gift Enterprise, but so it is. Yv'ell, I sent the money for the tickets, and have just been notified that one of them has drawn a prize valued at $200, and that I can have the same on payment of five per cent, of the value. I understand that the prizes sent out by this concern are mostly petroh uui stock, and I am neither an oil dealer nor A Wall street speculator, I do not propose to send !.,.;. oia t i .- lociJi vio uuui l uiiVM vwiat wii ui a prize I have drawn. Now, I-want you to go and see lne.se persons, and it 1 am really entitled to a valuable prize, pay the charges, and send the same, together with the bll.', to your aunt, S.VKA1I. "I. S. Address me in myr right name, as usual, and "aeu't let the girls "know I have an alius.1' Enclosed with the above lntter were the tickets which aunt Sarah h.ti purchased, and the letter which had induced her to invest iu the Gift tpeeulation. I insert the letter, to show by what shallow devi ces unsophisticated persons are induced to part with their money. With the excep tion t:f the name of the enterprise, (for which the reader may insert that of any gift scheme known,) and the names of the persons signing it, (the real names arc omitted to avoid legal annoyances the truth being some hues considered libel ous,) the letter reads as follows : "Offkt. or Garf.oters .t BonnERs' "G I. AN ! l'KKSKXTATION ENTERPRISE. "Xo. Broadway. N. Y. ",urs. arau j;uuon : .i.KU.n leeeived, containing one dollar. Yours Your ticket is correctly registered. Enclosed we send yuti sixteen tiekcts and a propo- sition that we think will prove satisfactory . and a grout i.. it. if 1 l.ftt.i rr will wml vim n Tir. mf vmImo.I 1 at $1C5; if you will agree to exhibit it to : til 'i .11 I enterprise. It is this : If you will send rather abandon his claim than again run ; person to wish to have an advantage over , five per cent, demanded, amounting to j orphans and widows, extort m.m. irom I us thirteen dollars for the enclosed sixteen th .'auntlct of inofanity aiid obsc-enity. ! others it is like betting on a certainty. ; $15, and not hearing from it, had cmne ; those who can my altord to lo-e it. tickets, we will register them t you with ! Bark, Bite & Co. may possibly exist bod-, Of course, euch promises are no more kept to down to see about the matter. The clerk j pur all my aunts tickets I received a the understanding that, in ease the tickets I iiy in' the flesh, but if ao, they keep them- the agent than are those made to ordinary denied having received the $15, aud re- "piriehbeek" watch and the ibugoing m An not. have a valu.-ih! r.vi'e. award :.! i vaK-ps so comoletely in the backtrround. ticket holders.- The a.'rent is put off with fused to do anything for the poor man but formation. The latter my renders have I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. IIesry Clay your friends, and state that you received J it from the G. and R. G. P. E. Co.' j 'Yours, respectfully, "Bark, Rite & Co.' This absurd proposition is found by tlie ift enterprise people to work so well that i ft has been neatly printed, and scattered through' the country broadcast. Their ; theory of human credulity appears to be, l,ot u-10r, T.rsnn I tnnlisV enough to t put one dollar's worth of confidence in J AA I V I T A-A II Ml lVJVt their advertisements, by purchasing a sin- gle ticket, he or she can be easily. induced ...... li to swallow a few dollars worth of extra promises, and pay for them accordingly. As tueir dealings are mostly wan country people, this theory is found to work well 1 w practicalh', and to bring many dollars,: their pockets. ' ,i r ! Uu receiving me apove letter, uiy auai Sarah was overcome with visions of a speed ily acquired fortune, and forthwith bestir red herself, as became a dy accredited agent of the "Garroters and Robbers' Grand Presentation Enterprise," to dis pose of the tickets which had been en trusted to her. In the course of a few days she discovered several female friends quite as credulous as herself, who hastily seized the opportunity to squauder their husbands' money, and thirteen tickets were i speedily disposed ol, and the proceeds du ly forwarded to "Hark, Bite ec Co." Scarcely a week elapsed before the .good lady was thrown into a great flutter by the receipt of a letter, neatly priuted, which read as follows : "OfFI BK OF THK GaeEOTKUS RcilBkKS' Gaeeotkus A RcilBkKS' ENTA'f iox .Enterprise, J 'No. Broadway, N, Y.J "GKAND l'KKS ENTA'f ION "Mrs. Sarah Button -M adam You are hereby notified that cue of your tickets i city,' town cr village in the land that did has drawn a prize valued at $200. Five not present some scheme to raise money per cent, of this amount will be $10. This for the benefit -of the soldier, and the prin amount of assessed percentage must in all ; tipal attraction of all of them- was a lottery cases be sent on receipt of this notice, whorebv somo fortiiiiatp, tu kpr-rud.W was with directions by what express you wish -'i the prize sent. lours, respectlully, . "Bakk, Bite Sc Co This was the notification which myr aunt forthwith sent to me with her letter, i and now commences my connection with -Bark, Bite & Co. 1 had lived in .New l'ork long enough to know that the scheme was a swindle from first to last, but I determined to recover, if possible, from the swindlers, at least the value of the thirteen dollars which my country friends had inv-nstp.ii i-irsf. I'aJiuio- tiii-i . . ... . . i . e. a police magistrate with whom faui ac- vn lashiun to that, depraved public appc on.l nLt;;rw 1.- cln-.-.fr. ! t;t3 which had been unwittinirly aroused 11 tiaiii iuiu vviiaiuiij tlie i'il,muv.ui o i across the back of one of inv caids, 1 pro- j A forthwith to thr ofiieo of Bark . Bite & Co. I found it as designated in j nouncing their "gift concerts," "distribu their advertisements and circulars, located ! tton enterprises," etc., for the benefit of in the lower part of Bioadwi.y, surrounded ' soldiers, soldiers' widows, and orphans and by the otiices of bankers, brokers, insu- the like, but followed no further in their ranee companies, &c. Their rooms were ! footsteps. For valuable prizes they sub- handsomely fitted up, in the manner usual ; to brokers and bankers. An iron railmr. behind which were several desks, separa ted the manipulators of the "Garroters and Robbers' Grand Presentation Enter prise" from the ordinary mortals having business with them. At each one of the six or seven desks sat a sickly-looking clerk, en erased in entering names in led gers, addressing circulars to confiding vic tims, or preparing fresh announcements to catch new ones. A brisk young Englishman, who spoke with a truly British disregard for his "h's," and who pronounced "g" like "k," bustled up to the counter and said : "tail in do anytnmg tor you, "Is ?.Ir. B:trk in V' L asked. sir 9 ''No sir," was the Washinkton." - reply ; 'e'a gone' to "Is :.Ir. Bite in ?" ".No, sir, 'e's go.ie to Boston, and won't be back till Chewsday week. Can't I at tend to you, sir '(" pressed the young gen tleman. "Is Mr. Co. in ?" continued I. "Mr. 'oo, sir V "Mr. Co., the other partner, or any other partner, or agent, or manager. 1 wish to see some responsible person. ume responsiuie. person. , sir," said the clerk, "there's he partners seldom 'ere, you business 'ere is all done by a ' Oh, no none of the know : the business 'ere is all done by manager, but 'ees hout at nresont." I gave ihe young man. my card, and naid I chonld be happy to see the manager at my oSiee at his early convenience. The clerk looked at my name and then at the signature of the l'olice Magistrate, with which he seemed to be p irtietuaily im pressed. His manner chr manner c!mi'Hl instantly, and portant fully coll call hav iho diieffnrs of tho srhejuo 'i'hn bnsiiipss is always transacted through the medium r.e ;m.wi..nf rr. dropping his hah-impudent, self-im- , city and town in the country, find pureiia- ; tne pers m wno invests mum-v iu ' would eheet lmiv administer, did the op , "chaffing" tone, he s,H aspect- ! ser, ibr their tickets. An individual nav- j ucKets uoes so w itn me cei ;a:niy , ' " uuiiv au,i V,t,. uun r. reseat them that the manager wouia be sure to ! incr beu-ht one ticket, various means are Known to mm, 01 io.-ing k, i-.i v.n:i t.u on me at once. , sought to make him or her purcnase sun cuance 01 uoummg it. . - . I may here remark, that T have since ' more. Promises of presents are unspa- Turing one ot my visits to Bark, Lite 1 tru;t i nave g.v en . m.ari.. ..t ..u,ir.. ed at the office sc. end times, and I ; ringly made, and not unirequently tlie UV to, a larmer-iooKing man entered, and j v..m -M ....... . f ". s - j - - . - . .1 1 r i j 1 1- . t ii.... 1 ... .11 j.f i 1 .v 1 . ti: t tiT,.riii'i,it e nevtir been able as yet to see any one individual is quietly miormed that the presenting a nouuea lum to t.m cterK, 'to- ou.. t.-. t., . . - v ; tl,. ntlpn dm nr. .,m,nl mnn.rs have so arranged lnaltcrs that lnaiidcd tire prize wmcli he miormed lam i ers mat t;u a .nm t 1 1 .t.iie i employed principally on account, 01 tne , tiCKets, ne smiu not omj navu "" i v-i--v . - . . , ... readiness with which they can badger, ! commission on his receipts, but the maua- I and after considerable talking, refused to money. Iheir villainy is tlie more atro blackauurd and bully iersons, who, like ; gers will guaranty that his own ticket take them, tnreatcning to call in the pJ- emus in ti.t m u:-t cvs tucy aume U myself call to "obtain satisfaction." In shall draw such a prize named in the lice. He said that he lived in Connect:- j fr! patriotic or philanthropic , - i. r .1 1 nine cases out of ten they will so abuse schedule as he may most uesire. This ..... , i ..i r- jf fi.-.f ... irrm , iliit, one is led to believe "that there ain t ! ne such person." ' -In accordance with the promise made J to. roe, a person styling himself "the New lork. manager lor the Garroters & Rob- I oerb enterprise, called to see me. lie , waa a sharp, shrewd, business-like, loqua- C10US young man, and we soon got into a general conversation regarding the..Gift Enterprise, during which he gavQL me some information regarding that partitfilur ornucii ot swindling which 1 deem it worth while to repeat. lhe name of my friend, the magistrate, was undoubtedly the key. which unlocked "Mr. 3Ianarer's tonmio. I Mr. Manager's tongue. -fAitnouuii tue cut enterprise business Mth.m 1.1 . mm has been in existence for many years, it t' X never more successful than at the f,f ej)- tune, lhe many "gilt concerts, 'iTentation festivals' tc.-,-which. 'P'er rrid lir-tpd mir!nr flip wnr lw n-itr!nti The many "gift concerts," cstiva's' tc.-,-which. Trere conducted during the war by . patriotic ladies and gentlemen, for the benefit of sick and wounded soldiers, or for the wid ows and orphans of those who had nobly perished on the battle field, in defence of their country, served to popularize such schemes, and apparently to rob them of that gambling element which would other wise have rendered them obnoxious to the public. The holy and patriotic purpose to be served caused people to overlook the meuns by which good w.as to be, done. And even those who did stop to consider, thought in such a cause it was well to'-'do a little evil that good might come." Vrhile these truly honest, eharitible schemes were really the means of gather ing in many dollars that otherwise would never have reached the soldier, they crea ted a Bort of lottery mania throughout the c mntry, and opened wide the door to svinal?rs and rascals, lhere was not a vinal?rs and rascals. - " ' to be made wealthy for life by the simple turn of theVhecl. Elegant and valuable prizes were often distributed fairly and to the satisfaction of the ticket-holders. Those who won were of course rejoiced, while those who lost snapped their fingers and consoled themselves with the idea that their contributions had done some good to the soldiers. But these honorable managers of char itable ffambliiig schemes were speedilv pushed from their stools byr speculative KiT-aruers. wno loistfn o tn .ito: u- tjiv j-a l . loi I - - ----- - - - by those patriotic pioneers. These swin- dlers imitated their prede .'deeessors m an- stituted in some instances galvanized jew dry, fictitious petroleum stock, or some thing equally as wortnic,i, but xar more frequently absconded entirely, after having sold as many tickets (and as many people) as possible. Notwithstanding all the ex posures which have been made of these swindling concerns, and the large sums of which the public have been robbed by gift enterprise sharpers, they st III flourish and thrive iu our land, receiving thous-. ands of dollars daily, for which they give no equivalent whatever. The gift enter prise business has come to be recognized as aa ordinary calling, and the men who are principally engaged in it are recogniz ed in Wall street as are other business men, and hold their heads aloft according as they have money in their pockets. Their nefarious transactions have been exposed and denounced time and again by the press, they themselves have been fre quently arrested and eoufiued in jails, but still the business goes on, the number of dupes is the same, and the money still flows into their purses. The gambling spirit invoked by the war is still abroad in the land, and any scheme which prom ises to give a fortune to some one who has not earned it, or offers two dollars for one. eu vamtvA j ;,uew lamps -t plesy peopl their money new lamps for eld ones, is sure to find creduious enougli to invest . 1.1 i - ? money in it- as did my exceedingly proper aunt. The manner of conducting these swin dling schemes is pretty well indicated by the letters received by my auut. The con cocters of the "Enterprise," by liberally advertising in the rural papers, and send- in" pi rou hi rs to everv ierbun waysu liuuic i can be lound in Oie t'lreeiory ot it 1 1 1 .1. n: i 1 - v v j 1 thev van control the drairiiia of the pnr.es. I and if the individual addressed will bestir , hi.. .vf.lt' in.,1 sell om two. or three hundred ."1 . i . 1. .11 ..... 1....., . i.tt..ti . . ... f..i-Q wn th ia o nf.tnri inr onft rromisez. or with some almost worthless 1 'pTizr,' which is booked to him aj ucd" at $200, 8300, or $500, according to circumstances. There is no law prohibit- ing a person from putting such 'S'aluo" on his goods as he pleases. I received from Bark, Bite & Co., for my aunt's ticket. ;i "fine gold watch, valued at $200" the' same watches can be bought at wholesale for $20 each, and if the purchaser grum bles at that priced the "manufacturers will throw in a barrel or two of ibem. These Gift Enterprise swindlers conduct their business so as to keep within the law, and although the attempt to punish them has frequently beei made, it never succeeded. They have been arrested by the poiieo authorities, their places of bust ness entered, their mails consisting "of hundreds of money -letters, been seized, yet in every instance the rascals have es caped punishment, and in the end have succeeded iu compelling the authorities to restore all the property seized. The rea son is this every ticket which they sell claims to be a ticket of admission to a "Grand Concert," and this is held to be a valuable consideration for the money paid, and hence a perfectly legitimate transac tion a simple case of buying and selling j goods. The tickets which mv aunt pur- ! chased read as lollows : Tickets, Garroters; & Robbers' 1. Grand Presentation Enterprise. ' Capital, $1,287,1 Is. This ticket entitles tle holder to one r-. share in 0e GaAM) DlSTniBUTIOS to At Ii ving Hall. BARK, DITK & CO., Bankers and Manager?, No. Broadway, New York city. These are printed from a nicely engra ved plate, in all the gorgenusness of blue ink, with a vignette representing the God dess of Plenty scattering her favors broad cast over the land. "You pay your mono- for that," said the New York man ager to me. "It promises you n thing, and you get what it promises. ' You may be notified that you have drawn a prize, valued at $500, and you send us the five per cent, asked for. We send you a watch, valued at $500, but worth $20. AY hat are you going to do about it ? AA'hat does your ticket call for ? AVe admit the swindle, but what are you' going to do about it ? ...You've got no claim on us be yond an admission to Irving Hall, and we'il admit 3011 when we agree to. AVe haven't fixed the time vet;" early all tro prizes given out, uy iariv. Bite & Co. consist of what purports to be shares in the "Thieves' and Burglars' Pe troleum Stock Company." These are val ued at $100 each; but, it is scarcely necessary to say, they are utterly worth less. There is no such petroleum compa ny, and if there is, it don't own any land, and if it does, it hasn't got any oil in it. The whole thing is simply and purely a fiction, having no better foundation than the printed scrip, which is a wkke l M-yste of white paper. These bogus shnu,: r.rc sent out bv the thousand, and not one in a hundred of the nunduT who receive them ever takes the trouble to eomplaiu or denounce the swindlers. He has been victimized, first, to the amount cf otic dol lar paid for his original ticket; second, to the extent of all other tickets he has been induced to purchase ; and, third, to the amount of the five per cent, assessment of which he was notified. Recognizing the swindle, he is chary of prosecuting the matter further, for fear of being bitten again. AYhcn the New York manager (whom I afterwards ascertained was but an ordina ry clerk) had learned from me that I held a number of tickets which were said to have drawn prizes, he did not hesitate to inform me that they never intended giving prizes of any value, and justified such a course by saying that every person who bought a ticket did so in the hops of gaining an advantage over some .one else of getting a prize worth five, ten, or fif ty times the amount he invested. To use the expressive language of the manager, 'they hope to beat us, so we make siu-coi' beating them. They want ten dollars for one, while we make ten. for nothing. Where's the difference between us ? They tni to overreach us, and we do -overreach them. Morally considered. ' ml ' It lllv it is the The answer to this is simply that the chances are not equal or, rather, that muiu - 11 viiwv Iho (hit Enter- 1 - 1 t t . n.niA cr r mmt t hi r it',viiwK'j i i r ii-rvrurv..ul.v..... wno invests monc 1.1 iueu he had drawn, valued at k0. Te obli. ; ging clerk offered him three shares in the , "Thieves and Burglars Petroleum Stock jj rii !" t ... . '.-imi.'inr 11. ..'-. ii.it. t .i'mhf ; cut, had bought a ticket, had been notified ' 1 . 1. . I. .1 .1 ii , .1 ' mar ne iiau uravvn a orize. n.io simil i'ic. give him h'.S petroleum stock. detec tire policeman rammcmed. but he 415 V.4 E 1 r?iiiLv jo, could do nothing the farmer -.-. : ,-. grorrnd of action against the swl:. which would lojalh warrant their am So the victimized farmer returned to h:: pigs and poultry in Connecticut, ad tit, the expense of his trip and hh lot time to the other sums to be charired to Bark, Bite h Co. Pcrh aps the most notable instance of Gift Enterprise swindling was that rceont ly perpetrated by the Gettysburg A-vIum I Company. This company proposed to purchase on the battle-field of Gettysburg a large tract of land and erect thereon a home for disabled soldiers. To secure the means to do this, a "gilt" scheme was in stituted. An individual in New York having been victimized by a diarho-ul bro ker, lound cn his -h;md a lot r.f bous diamonds, for which he had prid full price. These he proposed to put into iho srhc-.v.j for a much larger sum than lie L-hI p'-iid. aud consequently for an amount equal to five or. six times their value. Another person put in a farm for $(10,000, the as sessed value of which was $5,000. A great variety; of other prizes were put in the schedule, all bearing a greatly exaggerated value, (excepting the princij.nl pi ize which was $100,000 in greenbacks.) and the company was ripe for action. A char ter was. by some mc-riiis, obtained from the Pennsylvania Legislature, and several prominent Generals ia the army wore in duced to lend their names to the scheme. The total value of the prizes, according to the advertisements, was about $700,000, and they were to be distributed among 1,200,000 persons, prodded that number of persons could be found to buy tickets at one dollar each. Having acquired a quasi legal recognition from "the State o' Pennsylvania, the company commenced the sale of tickets. By a liberal course of advertising, a large number were disposed of, and finally the day of drawing wa re nounced. This produced quite a fur.-i und the rush for tickets was immen-e. -About this time it was discovered that the mauagers cf the scheme were well known lottery swindlers, and consequently the Pennsylvania Legislature withdrew the license previously given, the whole man agement was denounced in Congress v.v.Ci by the press, and the prominent men who had lent their names to aid it withdrew their support. All this denunciation only stirred the swindlers to renewed effort, glowing in their descriptions "and "Vniiic" brilliant iu promises. At length, a con cert was given in New York, and Irving Hall was unable to hold one-half the ticket-holders who sought admission.- Speeches were made, the golden promi-es renewed, and those who had been disposed to be suspicious went away satisfied. For a week longer the company flourished, their business office on Broadway being thromred at all hours with an cairer crowd, I josri0l 'and hustled o..ch" ether in j tve;.. offorts, tt, obtain the coveted tickets. Oik briuht morning, the greedy el;;:-s awoke to find the t-h.v.' t i'.iee closed, and the landlord's sign of "To let V Conspicu ously posted on the window.?. The man-i-irers. the diamonds, the desirable farm, the $100,000 in greenbacks," had all dis appeared "ail at one fell swoop" with upwards of $1,000,000 of the people's money. From that day to this, no trace of the Gettysburg Asylum seheme has been found, although many anxious tick et holders have made many anxious en deavors to obtain some information with regard to it. It is .somewhat remarkable that so bare faced and gigantic a swindle could be car ried on so publicly, and successfully, too. iu spite of the bitter opposition to it, and that a million 01 dollars could be thus easily taken from the pockets of confiding victims, most of whom were uneducated, ignorant men and Women. But such are our laws ; tl-e fact that each ticket Sold entitled the hoiuer to an aumissien to a concert, enabled them to evade the laws' against gambling, and was legally consid ered a wamble cciisidei":ti-a for the mon ey paid. The same Gciiys-burg managers are still in the Gift Enterprise business, and may be seen promenading Broadway almost any day, t ujeying tin iv ill-gotten gains. But as they ei.iidiiet their business through the medium of impudent clerLs, and are necr visible to ticket buyers, they are known to but few, and conse quently esc.-.p v. U.tiv vcII-meritcd personal victims ! nothing more nor deliberate trap set !y ims'.-ruj.-ulous, sliarp. il;'sii:iiiii'r . conn orris to rob the iguorant ; .... ... i'. . . ; i .iu t 1. rt-iri jijri.i'.i r- . 1 1 1 1 :;;:n. uii7i.i'n..'uc ' , . . ... ..... j motive., ana m .q-pt .w u me pu.ai ll..,-,, 4 , .t. . ... ltr-i vn v .Ii 1 l.-i-J in- 1 111 ! ... ,! 1 liiK . -v. ... . ..v., ... ,.. - - without buying a tiektt. aud the former they are better off without. 1 -'.UU II. I ,. ,.iK..ii'ii,t -,i .i-ii r;;!!iV Ol tliell iev i.iUT, ii v, mu.e .k A A