I 2SC 35 Tl3.oii.llos T ! H ?KS D AY :::::::::::::: LOCAL AND PERSONAL. 2a. XY.Xp3L - OCTOBER 20. Kb-.N SiiURG AND CRESSON RAILROAD. !i mid after Monday, Aug. 3, 1868, trains hi roid will run as follows i k C nUENSBURO - ; "i 15 A. II., connecting with Day Exp. Y.ASt and Phil. Exp. West. " ! ." ?. M., connecting with Phi'a. Exp. i-t and Mail Train West. , r ' .-; VSON v M., or on departure of Thil. : ? West. ; 4 M.. cr on departure of Pbila. r East. following I ;? r .'. T.T ; ;I anian. The : re agents for TflE Alle- i:i their respective neighbor ' will receive the names of - : - Tiber. for our paper, and orders ::!ing and job work, and will :i ur names for all moneys handed : r us. Now is the time to take advan- !' our advance subscription rates! 'f- jttg? in clutrijfd on TlIE ALLEOHA NiAN i.t C'ambri'2 cvnt.y. ; "s;Wlik Tp -- kx Hawkeswortu. ' rrnl 'town E. V. liAEEER. ' " J?,nng3 M. u. wassee, LsQ. 'I J. M. Ciibistt. -'Ti'-v Capt. Vfu. ft. Joxib. " y .fin Tp Johx PORTER. i . !! Tp Orno Stv.ner. l p .Capt. F. M. Flanaoas. ''v. .v Joseph Miller, Esy. A new paper, -raited .The harn of Mr. d. h.is been established in Phil- Chiy t'wn.-hlp, Ilun- f.-ior. an da ; .Miter eountv . . :j Kvh-r, in : I c-uury. was destroyed by fire on flight of the loth inst. Supposed to boon the work of an incendiary iil. cn loavorl:ig to arrest two men who were lighting in Altoona. some days ago, Ohief-oi- !iee Ely was sht through the !ger by one of the pugilists. Ib) was it slightly injured The borough au di r;ties have placed good, substantial rumps in four public wells ou High St., 1 they are now all in successful opera i. They will prove a great public . ,:ve:iieii'-e....Mr. Isaac Ilildebrand, of li i;::iiigd n, has been appointed a mail at on the Pa. Railroad between Ilnu i a and Altoona V couple of weeks j . a nixn named Frank II iv, a painter rraie, eugiged to punt a house for Mr. '.n Geary, iu Dcrry township, Wcst- i i i t land county, becoming tired of the j-ib, he broke open a trunk belonging to t 1 1 V "V . . i.HT. ir.. st.lo Z.t'i in silver arid IU in fl, aii'f then decamped Juuiata conn- t v has vted against removing its count v - tt vairruit named Painter has been stod and committed to the Indiana I .ii i' r larceny-. It is tlu-ught that he l-'.i.u- i., t!i.- i...in a-k. ....... Mi double murder near Apollo, Westmore- Fnd After tue 33attle. The late can vass was prosecuted in a spirit of most bitter and unscrupulous partizanship by the Democratic press of this State. Not content with the legitimate "weapons of political warfare, they had recourse to vi tuperation and billingsgate to further the cause of their candidates, and dealt lar-e-ly in the staple of downright falsehood. They did not appeal to the reason of the people, but to their passions and prejudi ces ; they did not endeavor to enlighten them, but to deceive . them and lead them astray. A good illustration of their bush whacking style of lighting is contained in a statement published in the Altooria T7t dicator on the eve of election, to the effect that Capt. Robert V. Hunt, as the agent of Hon. I. J. Morrell, had attempted to hire a man named Coleman to work for the Cambria Iron Co., on condition that Coleman (who is a Democrat) would vote for Mr. Morrell for Congress. Capt. II. brands the charge as utterly devoid of truth, and, in order to make matters straight, has entered prosecution against j th Vindicator for libel. Pretty much the same tactics were practiced in Hun tingdon county. The Huntingdon Moni tor, for weeks before the election, aboun ded in articles derogatory to the public and private character of Capt. 2seely, the Republican candidate for Sheriff. Capt. Xcely was triumphantly elected, but he docs not appear to be so. defied with this vindication of his character by the people, for we k-aru that he has instituted legal proceedings against the Monitor on he charge of libel. Those who dance must of course expect to pay the piper. A Woman Commits Slicide. A correspondent sends us the following from Cresson : "A melancholv afTair occurred at Summit last Sunday morning. A Mrs. Otterson, who had come to that place from California about four weeks ago, after getting up in the morning, deliberately fastened one end of a bedeord to the bed post -and secured the other around her neck, and hanged herself till she was dead. Some neighbors called at her house in the morning, but found the door locked. Thinking she was not up, they went to mas,?. After church, they went again to the house, but the door was still locked ; when, becoming alarmed, they broke in the door, and were horrified to iind the woman, iu a sitting position, cold and stiff in death. Temporary insanity is as signed as the cause of ths rash act. The deceased was about G5 years old, and was in comfortable circumstances. She resi ded at Summit a number of years before going to California." Who Knows t -Twetitv-ei-rht or tlilr- j ud county, in lfiGo, J inventions ty years ago, there lived in Kbensbur- a 1 ';7aaJc arJ--.v -..A brakeman maa uaincd Gunning S. Ikdford. His I :,:,1 James .hearer was run over by a profci5sion ,vas that of school.teacher. F ' ' f t 1 I II t 11 1. ...... . 1 trin at Perry statiou on the 20th !.t. and his head severed eutirely i:;s body ee advertisement of a i -tand. &.C., for sale William Rob- i ;v 1. while carrying a hod in the .(l i;c church in this place, on .. dipped and fell fi-om a raised . . ' the ground floor, a distance of and rolled from the ground- - il.vceJl.tr. a further distance of ' 'ix feet. Strange to say, he was J;r!itly hurt.. ..The Pennsylvania i I.ii.jlo of Honor will meet in vvii on the third Tuesday of next i a ..V, e are having a slight attack of h . Kan Suaim.r just now....The Republi cans of.JohKt.,vn on last Saturday even- ii.ki a puoue j oiuucation over the -reat -t-ry of the 13th. It is reported -f-wueen a lively affaIr....S1uirreI and !:a:l game are .-aid to be uite iu the neighboring woods.. ..The . II. station-hous nt. v;u. aaji ri ; ' mpleted... .The potato crop in this i aid to have yielded remarkably -'ol- John 31. Bowman, of Johns- . in town the other day, iookin- mterests oi the (iovernment in 'x....ihe attention of the reader is i t tne advertisement elsewhere of r- ii's Magazine.". ..There isascarci a v i ;i iu r.bensburg. J1"- AMr-Aiax. The jollification of f 'T-.T.t zn, Tanners' 'clubs over the 4,!:, It I i- '.-can victories, last Inday wa- a grand affair. The torch " -i -u was very large, and cm " I'ie new and unioue features. ' -rs. armed cap-a-pie, and a dele- 4. - - 4t-w the Carpet-bag Brigade, that ' u - f -htmare that hangs hcavy up)n "'I -f the disloyal South. The route ll-r' 'eeS.-Il ill W:u 1-.- - riay d fireworks. The vast rt paired to the Town Hall, where addros were delivered by SamI. KsM.. H on. A. A. Barler. and i .... i -aouier uemori;tration f a dm-iira-ter-the la.t before the election '; 1 next Saturday eveuin yi W delivered by Ilon.IIarn- Many of our local readers will probablv remember the name and the man. He "u.-i uMiuuu, ami caa a son, wno was called Gunning S. Bedford, jr. Mr. Bed ford, sr., after tarrying and teaching here a while, moved away, and was lost sight of in the great world. On the 22d inst. the convention of the Tammany organiza tiou (Democratic) of Xew York citv nom inated their ticket of local officers to be supported on the 3d inst. In the list of candidates nominated, we find the follow ing name : For Cy JuJge Grx.vixa S. Bedfobd, jr. Is this the Gunning S. Bedford, jr., who, an eight-year-old urchin, trod the streets of Kbensburg twenty-eight or thirty years ago .' ho knows t To Correspondents. Last week we received a communication headed '-Something to Ponder Over," and signed "Pru dence." It was not published, for the reasjn that no bona-fide, responsible name accompanied it. We ere always glad to receive communications on subjects of current interest from our friends ; but it is a rule which we have often announced, and from which we will not depart, that we will publish no communication unless the name of the author is furnished us not necessarily for publication, but as a guaranty of good faith. LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE. LETTER IEOM HEMLOCK GRAND REPUBLICAN JOLLITICATICK SPEECHES, 5CXQ3, TOASTS, ASD A BCPPER. Hemlock, Oct. 24, 1868. To the Editort of Tht Alleghanian : A jollification meeting was held . on Thursday evening, 22d inst., by the Grant club of this place, at the ''Grant House." After the meeting was organized, it was eloquently addressed by Mr. Jesse Wood cock, of Fort Hartness. An adjournment was then had for supper. The supper was prepared by Mrs. Richard Tr tter, a good Republican lady, who fully understands the culinary business. After justice had been done to it, a keg of lager was put through, accompanied by a number of toasts, which I append. Several songs were sung by the Hemlock Glee Club. After which, Mr. John Williams, ex-post-ma?ter of Hemlock, was called upon for a speech. He responded in an able man ner. The Dext speaker was James M. Burk, a native of Washington township, who was born and bred a Demoerat, but, perceiving the error of his ways, became a Republican some three or four years ago. His change of politics seems to trouble the Democracy to such an extent that they arc doing all in their power to deprive him of his vote. The Assessor acciden tally omitted the middle letter of his name from the assessment rolL?j and the wire working Democrats made that a pretext to challenge his vote. They clung to the challenge for over an hour, until, at last, the Assessor came forward and identified him as the man whose name appeared on the roll. Mr. lJurke's speech was well received. At about ll o'clock, the club adjourned. The toasts were as follow : By Zack George Here is to V and U. S. G. By C. Stndt Grant and Colfaa, our next President and Vice President. Bv Henry Ehrenfelt That Grant maj run the highest vote ever cast. Bj iS. Ship Jlere is to the flag of our country, with Grant at its head. By F. A. Thompson Seymour and Blair: May they be bmaniered with a blacksmith's hammer until they whistle the star spangled banner. By Philip George ?.I?y Snour and Blair be ridden on a rrnl for tL. : xtour years. By James Burk Health to ?lje sick, suc cess to the brave, peace to a'-.' couutrj, and freedom to the slave. By Albert Conrad May Grant and Co'fax be elected in 1808, and re-elected in 1872. By Thomas .Myer General U. S. Grant, the Western tnun who marches his forces to Richmond from the guarded Kapidan. By Stephen Miller Here is to bT. S. Grant au.t ihe whole republican ticket. By Albert George My hope : that Grant may be our next President. By Frederick George, jr. Here is to Grant and the Republican party. By Thomas Courad The arch-traitor Jeff. Davis: may he live till he dies, an i when he dies may the scaffold have ic3 due. By William Tiiey The star spangled ban ner, long may it wave o'er the land of the iree ana the home of the brave I By Frank Conrad Success to Crant and . n I f ) T 1 li n rt-.v . . ... - inuinucs; men or uie ge. By Rufas Martz Here is to the Democrat ic rooster that cannot crow, for our little man Grant will lay him low. By James Conrad Pentsvlvania, the Kev stoue of the federal arch : good for twenty five thousand majority for Grant. By Geo. Y. Miller Ohio, Pennsylvania's noble sister State : good for thirtv-five thou sand majority for Grant. By Jesse Woodcock Gen. Grant, the tan ner: may he tan the hides cf all Southern rebels w-.th a rattan. By John Vilkin The P.cpublican Indies of Hemlock, may they never cease to enee-:rAre Republican principles. By John Williams That-our noble Club may chaat to the victory and future reisn of Grant. By V. Hall That the bone? of trrant Kings roar serve in hell as gridirons to roast the souls of unrepentaut rebels on. Yours, &.C, The Last Presidential. Election As matter of reference, wc print the vote cast by Cambria county for President in 1SG4 : Pretident. Districts : 4 m 44 Alleghany To Dl-eklick Tp Cambria Tp r...... Cambria Bcro i Carroll Tp.. '.arrolltown Chest Tp.... Chest Springs . . Cleirfie'.d Tp... Conemaugh Tp.. .. Conemangh Bor 1 Vt Do. 2 W Crojle Tp.. fc. Conemaugh Bor.-. Ebensburg, E. Do. V?t W... Franklin Bor (jaMitzin Jackson Tp. Johnstown, I W, Do. 2 W... Do. 3 W Do. 4 W . Do. 5 TV Do. 6 TV Loretto - Millville Jlunster Tp Trospect Boio Richland Tp Summerhill Tp Summitville Susquehanna Tp.- Taylor Tp Washington Tp TVhite Tp 1 TVilmore Yoder Tp Soldiers' vo;e in full. -ii Totals , McClellan's majority, 1'32. y. o O o c f ft as t- CS : p 33 215 46 31 153 35 10 146 20 317 2 55 9 11? 24 -i2 21 196 86 54 28 104. 27 68 31 81 69 12 52 74 17 90 68 54 124 57 103 39 0 80 70 45 149 64 .'! ... 10 33 80 103 S 103 3 27 127 133 43 71 4 30 65 87 116 52 27 176 74 44 41 24 J1 43 338 150 241 3t3(3 Campaign Cixbs and Others. Yon can Le supplied at ence with Caps and Capes of Red, Silver or Gold Bronze ; also, Silk, Muslin, or Bunting Flags, all sizes from five inches to thirty feet ; Medals, Pins, Sashes, Streamers, Song-Books, Charts, and every thing wanted j'or the Campaign. Send your orders to the only Manufactory in TVestern Pennsylvania of Campaign Goods. Our de scriptive Catalogue of these Goods can be seen at this oScc, or by addressing JOHN TV. PITTOCK, . Manufacturer of Campaign Goods, - Pittsburg, Vet. Active men at Conventions can make money -by selling our Good3. 11 -3t Man Killed. On Friday last, a young man named Peter Kinney, who resided in Jackson township, this county, drove to Johnstown in a common road wasron. His mother accompanied him. While return ing, in the evening, the wagon upset, and the bed fell across young Kinney's neck, either dislocating it or causing death by strangulation. The mother was somewhat stunned, but not badly hurt. The deceas ed was about 22 years old. Have you children to educate ? Send hem to the State Normal School at Ed- inboro. The instruction is sound, sys tematic, and practical. Everybody Interested.-Si ill they comc and still there is room. It's a fact not to be denied by any, that Spence'a new Photograph- Gallery is the best that ever was in Ebtnslmrg, aC'l another fact is, that Spence takes, better pictures than any man eTer did in this place. No wonder that people are going to Spence's Gallery every day for pic tures. Reader, are you supII-.'-d ? If not, go to Spcruce, who, as an artist, has but few su periors Pictures of all kinds taken. Gal -lerr on Julian-st. 3t. Xetv York Dry Goods and Millix ket Stqbe. Reader, when you go to Johns town, dp not forget to go to this establish ment, (L. Mayer proprietor,) which is located on Main-it., Parke's building, xle receives goods direct from New York every week, and consequently he has always on hand a very full stock, comprising the latest and most fashionable goods worn. Hi sells by odds cheaper than any similar establishment in Johnstown. QREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE! BEXTLEVS XOX-EXrL OSIVE MEfnO- POLITAX OIL ! M. L. Oatmax, Sole Agent for Cambria Co. The subscriber desires to ca'l the attention ot the public to the tact that he has purcha- I sea tne rignt tor Cambria county to sell "Bectley's Non-Explosive Metropolitan Oil," which he claims to be the BEST, CHEAPEST, SAFEST Oil manufactured. The advantages claimed for this Oil are l 1. It is clear and clean. 2. It is non-explosive and safe. 3. It will not grease your bands, clothing, furniture, or carpets. 4. It is fifty per cent, cheaper than any other Oil. Price, only lo cents a quart. TRY IT!! BUY IT!!! One and all who have used it pronounce it to give entire satisfaction. Givs it atrial and be convinced of ths above facts. TOWXSIIir AXD BOROUGn RIGHTS ! for sale at the stor? of M. L. OATMAN, Three doors east of Crawford's Hotel, Ang. 13 EBSxsBma, Pa. i; OOK OUT FOR BARGAINS AT THE NEW CHEAP GROCERY STORE! 3 doors east of Crawford's Hotel, TVhere may be found ft choice selection of Fr-sh Groceries, consisting, in part, of BEST FAMILY FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SU GAR, MOLASSES, SYRUP, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, CHEES.:, CRACKERS, RICE, RAISINS, SOAPS, CANDLES, &c. I c. The finest brands of TOBACCO and CI GARS kept in town may always be found at this establishment. Alsor a larere selection of YANKEE NOTIONS I all of which will be soli at the lowest prices. A large assortment of FRUIT CANS just re ceived and at prices which defy compe tition. Call and examine stock be tore purchasing elsewhere. LAMPS. WICKS. FLUES. AXD T.AMT TRIJJfJXGS in great variety. I hope by fair dealing and strict attention to business, and a determined endeavor to please, that I may receive a share of the ptrrrSe of a generous public. T AM PMfcKMl.Ntl) NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD. BUT WILL SELL CHEAP AS THE CHEAP EST. M. L. OATMAN. Aug. 13, 1868. Ebexsbcbg, Pa. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP I QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP ! QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP ! For doing a family Washing ih the best and cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to anv in the world ! Has all the strength of old rosin soap, with the mild and lathering qual ities of genuine Castile. Try thi splendid soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 4S North Front street, Phila, oep. j-om. T S. BARKER, Dealer in CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS. CAPS, kr HiS-st Ebensburg. Pa. J) RICES GOING DOWN! AT THJ E RE XSli URG HARDWARE ,y HOUSD FURX1SIIIXG STORE. I once mere- rctnm my sincere thank" to my ob friends and customers for their lib eral patronage extended towards me, and now, owing t:i the great U in prices, by which many articles can be s,lJ as cheap as before the war, and having a thornTgh knowl edge of the business and the wants of the public, I take pleasure in announcing tht I can and will sell goods At a less figure than any similar establishment in cit or countrv. My stock will consist in part as follows : DOOR and CUPBOARD LOCKS, CATCHES, BOLTS, HINGES, SCREWS, WINDOW STRINGS, SHUTTER HINGES, WINDOW GLASS, NAILS, PUTTY. BORING MACHINES, AUGERS, CHISELS, BRACES asi CITS, HATCH n". SQUARES, COMPASSES, TRY SQUARE BEVELS, POCKET RULES, JACK, SMOOTHING, Vid FOR PLANES, PANEL PLOWS, LEVELS, SASH, RAISING, asd MATCH PLANES, SAW SETS, BENCH SCREWS, CROSS-CUT, PANEL, RIP, COMPASS, BACK SAWS, GAUGES, OIL STONES, SCREW DRIVERS PLOWS, POINTS, SHOVELS, FORKS, SCYTHES asd SNATHES, RAKE HOES, SPADES, SHEEP SHEARS, HORSE BRUSHES, CARDS, CURRY COM BS, BELLS, HAMES, WHIPS, BUT, TRACE, B REAST, II ALTER, FITII, TONGUE, asd LOO CHAINS, RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS, asd PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, LEAD, POUCHES, POWDER FLASKS, GAME BAGS, GUN LOCKS, MAINSPRINGS, PIVOTS, Ac. LAMPS axd OILS, COOKING, PARLOR, HEATING STOVE?, TIN axd SHEET IRON WARE, WASHING MACHINES, axd WRINGERS, 4c, 4c, Ac, it.j Ac, Ac. Also FLOUR, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR. Ac. TOBACCO axd CIGARS. Odd Store Plates, Grates, and Fire Brick alwayson hand to snit Stoves sold by me. Will and CisUrn Pumps and Tubing at man ufacturers' prices. Spouting made, painted, and put up, at low rates. tST Persons owing me debts of Idng stan ding will confer a favor by calling and paying up a- soon as convenient, ns it takes a jjrc.it deal of money to keep up ray stock a ' 'h expenses, artd owing to the small proS'T' ' 1 am making on goods I cannot afford r-5": long credit the interrs. would soon est up the profits. GEO. HUNTLEY. Ebensburg, Ang. 13, 2gG8. QLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY I C. T. ROBERTS, EBBXflECRa; Pa ; j A HUE STOCK OF SUMMER Goods at reduced Driees at V S R ' TV Vfi'l wan " Sh.nwl n Drrw:: l-if tim or a set of Furs, go to R. R. Davis. If run waut rauslin3 of any brand, go to R. R. Da vis . If you wf.nt ciuthing of the latest styles, and at very moderate prices, go to R. it. Davis'. If jou want teas, cofft es or su gars, of the very best quality, go to R. R. Da vis'. If you want anything, go to R. R. Da vis' cheap store. Music. Prof. II. II. Hughe, during the summer iust nast. was a nun"! r.f tb 9 A i A Iowa -State Musical University, at Iowa City, from which institution he graduated with high honors. He has returned to his home in this place, and cn Monday evening last opened out a vocal music school in the Town Hall. The term will consist of eighteen lessons. The vmmrr oiks, we are sure, will avail themselves of this elegant opportunity of acuirm- a practical knowledge of the science of Ul!bic. Eae Ball. A meeting of the Moun taineer Ease Ball Club will be held at xirker & .Son itcre this "fThnil. v j j vcuing, at 71 o'clock. Business of im portance, including the election of officers to serve during the ensuing iLx mouthy, will be transacted. Latest Arrival. New arrival of groceries at M. L,. Oatman's. The largest, cneapest and best assortment of groceries ever brought to town are now being opened at this establishment. The public are invit ed to go and see for themselves. L'verythir. guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Just What You Want. Something new and novel good news to tfcfe house keeper. The Rustic Window Shade, recent ly patented, has fewer objections than any other window shade vet invented. For beac- ty, cheapness and durability they are supe rior to all others. For sale in Ebensburg only at T. W. Williams'. Oak Hall Clothing .Store. This establishment located on Main-st., Johns town, is crowded both night and day with those in pursuit of bargains. Leopold & Bro. have received the largeststock of clothingever brought to Johnstown, which they are selling at prices to snit all.- When you gs to Johns town, con t till to call at this store. 2t. C. T. Rt.Lrts has constantly in his store a well selected and varied assortment nf nrt. CANNED FRUIT, of all kiod at cles' whkh ,,e fer3 chear for cash ; viz : Y. S. BARKER'S. Ebensburo-. Pa. ' e- i i . ks v i I'll L'c t Tr vr" r- T rv SILVER axd TLATED WARE, GOLD TENS axd PENCILS, SPECTACLES, SEWING MACHINES HOWE'S, SINGER'S, 0 ROVER & BA KER'S, RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, REVOLVERS, axd TISTOLS, CARTRIDGES, BOOKS, STATIONERY, PENS, INK, PAPER, ENVELOPES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES axd ALBUMS, SCHOOL BOOKS, PIPES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, axd SXUTF, LOCKWOOD S COLLARS, TRUNKS, SATCHELS, CARPET BAGS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, GFNTS" SHIRTS, CRAVATS, NECK TIES, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, PASS BOOKS, DIARIES, DAY BOOKS, axd LEDGERS, TOYS axd NOTIONS, And ether articles too numerous to mentions VFEW STOCK of fiLOTlTT vn vi'nv -L 1 cheep at V. S. BARKER'S. Eh FRUIT CANS NEW STYLE at V S. BARKER'S. Ebensburc. Pa. 0 T "O00T3 AND SHOES CHEAP AT JLJ . S. BARKER'S. Ebensburc Pa. w ALL PAPERS ALL STYLES at V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg, Pa. IS1 TEW STOCK OF SUGARS FOR canning fruit at V. S. BARKER'S. Toys. C. T. Roberta has received an eudless variety of toys, calculated to please the little folks. II13 assortment embraces everything in the toy line both useful and ornnmental and we advise hose wanting anything ia this line to give Chain, a call. Just So. "Div.v, doesn't make the man." Very true, bnt :.iia being made he is all the bttter for being well dressed. What ever goes to make a man "well dressed" can be had on the most reasonable term3 at A, A. Barker h. Son's Variety Hall. Every Day. Every day witnesses the uew arrival of something new in the Hard ware line at the mammoth store of George Huntley, who is determined to keep his stock fully up to ti e tlemaiuls of the public His 1 oo'i; arc nil nurktd lyiv. Give him a c.tlL Overcoats. Overcoats seem to be the order of the day. The cold weather is com ing oa us. The more seasonably you dress, thi lcs3 chance of the necessity of calling on a doctor. When in want of a good overcoat, very cheap, go to V. S. Barker s, where you will find a large variety. B?5i Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry re paired ia the best style of workmanship, and w.rrantea. H butter, r-gg, Wool, and all Countrv Produce at V. S. BARKER'S, Ebensburg. Furs ! J. Patton Thompson has just opened a very large stock of Furs which he will sell at a very low figure. Furs for la dies, Furs for gentlemen, Furs for children, J Ebensburg, Pa all of the latest styles in the market. H's variety is such that one and all can be suited in quality and price. Go and see. LILY WniTE LEAD LINSEED Oil, Warranted pure, at V. S. Barker's. Bcy your cigars and Tobacco at Thos. TV. Williams'. MONEY WANTED ! All persons indebted to me are re quested to pay up on or before November next. By so doing yon will- confer a great favor, 3 I want to enlarge my business and neetl money to do it with. Oct. 22, -a-zi, r.. R. THOMAS. Y. Thankful for prist favors, the subscriber hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of public patronage. IGIIEST PRICES PAID FOR augl3 C T. ROBERTS PHOTOGRAPHIC. Ho ! every one that want Pictures, Come J e to Ebensburg and get them ! Having located in EbcrrbJ.'g. I would ver respectfully irrfcrn: ty?e people that I am now fully prepared tr take PHOTOGRAPHS in every style of the art, from the smallest Card Picture up to Life Size. triT' Pictures taken in any weather. "J Every attention given to the taking of CHILDREN'S PICTURES. Photographs paiuted in Oil, India Jul, or Witter Colors. Your attention is called to mv FRAMES roa LARGE PICTURES, and PHOTO0T!APH ALBUMS, which I will sell as cheap as the cheapest. I ak comparison, and tiefy competion. Thankful for past favors, 1 solicit a con tinuance cf the siime. Gallery on Jt lian street, C.rec door north of the Town Hull. VTATLS ALL SIZES, CHEAPEST ll in town, at V. S. Barker's, Ebensbur"-. BARKER, Manufacturer of BARRELS, KEGS, TUBS MEAT-STANDS, CHURNS, c. ' iuig!3-.1 EBEtsRv-nr, pAt nu T. T. SPENCE, Photograph