The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 15, 1868, Image 2

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    .nii mm nTrn i"n i i rT''1 'i " rr
In the world to-day no prouder name
Ts borne on any breeze.
And with Grant to steer the ship of State,
Our fl i? sdiall rule the sens ;
No " Dominion" shall he North of u,
Anil Fonth of us no foe
Onr strs and stripe9 in the Canada?,
And likewise Mexico!
For with President Uljsae3
Will be few who care to fight
May he. rule the countrj he has saved,
And God defend the right!
So boys! a final bumper,
While we all in choru3 chant
" For next President we nominate
Our own Ulysses Grant!"
And if asked what State he hails from,
This our sole reply shall be,
14 From near Appomattox Court IIou3e,
With it 3 famous apple tree!"
For 'twas there to our Uljsse3
That Lee gave up the fight
Now, boys, 41 To Grant for President,
And God defend the right!"
FOB vice president:
At Large O. Morrison Coates, of Philadel
phia; Tiios. ji. Makshau, of Pittsburg.
1. V. H. Darnes,
2. W. J. Pollock,
.1. Kic!i.rd Wildey,
4. C, W Hill,
.'. Watson P. Mapill,
J. II. Brinjrhurs't,
7. Fr-ink 0. Hooton,
8. 1.5:inc Eckert,
0. Maris IIoopos,
10. David M. Bank,
11. Wm. Davis,
12. W. W. Ketchum,
13. Samael Knorr.
14 H. F. AVrt?e?cller,
15. Clias. II. Mullen,
16. John Stewart,
17. George W. Elder,
18. Jacob Grafius,
19. James Sill,
20. II. C. Johnson,
21 . J. K. Kwinp,
22. Win. Frew,
23. A. W. Crawford,
24 J. S. Rutan.
free schools. Yet this same party will j
fawn and scrape and cringe to the basest
ignorance of men, of another race,, noble
but unfortunate, for no other reason than
because -they vote the Democratic ticket.
Their tactics will not win with this eren-
enition. They can no longer deceive the
great body of the people. .They can be
made effective only in particular localities.
One effect they will have. They will
cause this verdict to be rendered : De
mocracy is the American Ephraim ; she is
joined to her idols ; let her die with them.
And all the world will say amen !
State ticket williiave about TOO majority. EDITORIAL ETCHINGS.
Linton's majority, 70D. McDonald, inde-
pendent, runs Tierney very close for Dis
trict Attorney, but the latter is probably
elected. The Democratic County ticket
is elected. . The vote cast was very heavy :
Government Receipts and Expenditures.
Republican Majority In Penn
sjUanla, 12,000 to 1G,000 !
The Party of Hie People.
There are two ways of administering
government in behalf of the people one,
the demagogue's way, by which the passion
of the hour is made supreme, and the oth
er, the way of statesmanship, by which
the welfare and elevation of the people are
sought, rather than their mere gratifica
tion. In a country such as ours, tlie nat
ural tendency of political parties is toward
the former. It requires no sacrifice of
present popularity. It leaves its devotees
glide along with the current, while the
advocates of the other method are as men
moving against the tide.
The bane of popular government is this
strong tendency to deify popular passion.
Especially in a country like our own,
where there is not sinipty a recognition of
the people in point of fact, but where their
will is the very basis of the governmental
structure, deification of that will as em
bodied in blind passion is more than likely
to be accepted as the easiest, surest, and
quickest road to power. The people,
that is, the mass of them, have good mo
tives that amiable quality with which
hell is said to be paved but close discern
ment, nice discrimination, and sagacious
forethought, all experience proves arc only
exceptionally theirs. They need, not
leaders simply, but teachers; not politi
cians, merely, but statesmen. Sometimes
events happen by which a generation is
schooled into wisdom. A war, a financial
crisis, or an insurrection often thus be
comes only less than a blessing, or ina
prove even the salvation of a land. The
revolution gave our fathers more wisdom
than they would have gained from the
precepts of as many generations as there
were years ot that contest. o. in our
own day, the conflict with the rebellion
raised people and leaders up to views
which they either could not or would not
comprehend before. AVe emerged from
that bloody contest with a people better
fitted for self-government than when they
went into it. Yet,' as is always the case.
there arc some ounces in t lie cl;irs, some
who adorn the fool's cap, though, out of
harity. it should not be made to adorn
them. The dance in this case is the old
Democratic one. It will stick to its mud
dleheadism, (if we may coin a word.) It
is desirous arain to tret into power. Nor
is anything more natural than that it
should be so. But it blocks the only ave
nue by which it can attain power. It was
not content during the war to denounce
. the
Alleghany Tp ,
Bl.tcklick Tp....-...,
Cambria Tp
Caiubria I'.cro
Carroll Tp ...
Chest Tp.. a..
Chest Springs
CleirdelJ Tp
Coneuiiiugli Tp. ...
Conemauj-'L Bor 1 W
Do. 2 W
Crovle Tp
Ebeusburg, E. W....
Do. W. W
Jackson Tp
Johnstown, 1 W
2 W
3 W
4 W.
5 W
6 V
MuQSter Tp..
Prospect Uoio ....
Richland Tp
Summer bill Tp...
Susquehanna Tp.
Taj lor Tp.?
Washington Tp...
White Tp... .,
Toiler Tp
Aud. G. Sur. G.
' v . '
f w o w
O t 3
P : :
53 : S3 :
f 28 197
72 53 72 53
109 49 169 49
27 217 28 210
48 271 48 271
4 fo 4 75
28 135 28 135
97 C.1 9fi 1
58 ICO '68 160
53 101 55 99
55 102
J4 19 94 18
5U 73 GC 71
53 123 53 123
01 7o 91 70
190 5'J 193 55
121 52 127 '47
82 70 79
09 67 99 67
14c 65 145 62
49 25 49 25
10 51 10 51
216 115'21C 115
22 4'3 22 48
49 111 49 111
6 27 6 27
1051113 105 !1".
14" 63 140 62
60 223
4& 27 48 27
'(Jive Us Peach !" the stobm subsides,
Heaves its Blessings lending,
Ocr Good Ship at Anchor bides,
All its Pebils ending.
Raise the brave old Flag on high,
Till the Breeze it kisses;
Hear a Trustixq Nation cry,
"Taie tue Helm, Ulyssks !"
"We have met the enemy, and he is ours !
After a square, stand-up ht one of the
most fiercely contested in the history of
the State we have whipped the so-called
Democracy; and not only whipped him,
but turned his defeat into an overwhelm
ing rout, which must end in his utter and
irretrievable ruin.
Temisyl vanla.
Dispatches received from various sources
indicate that wc have elected our State
Ticket by a majority ranging from 12,
000 to 10.C00. Philadelphia gave a small
Democratic majority. Alleghany county
ave U.OOO la-publican majority. Pitts
burg elected a Kepublican Mayor. In the
Westmoreland district, the vote for C
vode and Foster is very close, with the
former probably elected.
Tlie Liberal l'ress f Europe on
' 4 - - - M
111V tllcl3
The Liberal press of Germany and France,
in-discussing the Presidential canvass, in
variably sum up the case in favor of Grant
and the party he heads. The JJlecteur, a
Freueh journal, foreshadows the result of
the electiou in a remarkably clear manner.
Basing its arguments on the result of the
Maine nud Vermont elections, the Eectcur
"The current which has started from
those Xortheru States is fatal to the party
which still persists in covering its hideous
ness with the fair and noble name De
mocracy. Democracy ? The party which
now calls itself Democratic is no more so
than the llus&ian Government, which some
of its admirers likewise call Democratic.
The Democracy in the United States is
emphatically a party uf prejudice aud re
action, a party clinging to the errors of
the past, and execrating the new light of
the present. It preaches oppression and
war, resistance to lawful authority, exten
sion of the one-man power, and, where it
rules, there is an end to freedom of speech
and material prosperity. It promises to
rebuild froui the old Irairments and ruins
of slavery another structure, likewise built
on oppression and inequality ; that is to
say, on sand. .No wonder that the large
majority of the people of the United States
repose confidence in a party which lays
more solid foundations tor the political
structure which it is erecting. Maine and
Vermont show increased llcpublican ma
jorities, and these increased majorities sim
ply mean that General Grant will be elect
ed President in November."
The iuillvs du l'cuiile, another journai
no less sanguine of the victory of the lie
publican party, pursues a similar strain of
reasoning, irom which it is apparent that
the cause of freedom and justice is thor
oughly understood and appreciated by lib
eral minded Europeans of all classes.
Exit Strong filter Williams.
Ohia is reported to have given 25,000
Republican majority.
Intlia na.
Indiana gives a llcpublican majority of
The resignation of Judge String, and
the apjKintineiit of Judge Williams to his
position on the Supreme liench, now gives
the Republicans a majority in that Court.
Judge Strong is an honest man. aud many
of his decisious were in harmony with
jggy Advertising is the secret of success.
, J6S" Growing cold the evenings oflate;-
Eg?" Interesting to Democrats the news
from the late elections. r
J83j- Where the Democratic slate ? Can't
it cipher a Democratic-majority in Penni. ?
EST There are nt present fonr haudred acd
forty inmate3 in the Ve3ten Penitentiary.
jgigy Cambiia county has reduced the Dem
ocratic majority 300 votes since the election
of last year. . . . ' ?
jgr The election on Tuesday was a recon
noisance in force. The great and decisive
battle will be fought on the 3d November.
Blair spoke from notes at Indianapolis
the other day. That is nothing tew for him,
however. lie always takes down his p'ints
Jbefore speaking.
For sale, cheap, at the Altoona T7n
dicator office a laroe Dumber- of wood-cuts
representing some phases of the Democratic
idea of "greenbacks for bonds."
Since the counting up of Tuesday's
vote, some, of the prominent Democratic pol
iticians of Cambria county have expressed
their intention of permanently retiring from
the field of politics.
Railway Votes" for President are
now the order of the day. A voting com
mittee on one of our railways recently was
taken aback by a vote for "Seymour and
Howell Cobb, of Georgia, fell dead in
New York one -day last week. He was one
of the guiltiest of the whole batch of traitors,
and, except bv those who sympathised with
his treason, will not be mourned.
J5"The wheel of progress moves. The
Spanish Junta are for abolishing slavery in
the colonies at the expiration oi thirty years.
Free education, free religion and free speech,
will in time follow. A revolution, indeed 1
J5 ot a rebel was hanged for his crimes.
Cut since the close of the war, thousands of
loyal men have been murdered in the South
for thei? loyalty. This is a fact which should
stir every drop of patriotic blood in Northern
JCS" Mrs. Lincoln sailed for Europe on the
steamer Paltimore, from Baltimore, on Thurs
day last. Her name was not published with
the list of passengers, and the fact of her
being on board was unknown, except to a
few personal friends.
ifiy A Republican torchlight procession
in Pittsburg, on the evening of the 7th, was
attacked by a mob, and the Mayor himpelf
was slightly wounded in his efforts to quell
the disturbance. These rioters have forgot
ten their latitude. Tey seem to imagine
that they are in Camilla, Ga. .
tsS Before the election, some of the Dem
ocratic prints of this district vociferously as
serted that a vote for Daniel J. Morrell for
'oi!,ress would be a vote in favor of a ,cnig
ger government." How about it now ? Are
a large majority of the electors of this dis
trict in favor of a "nigger government ?"
fjSf The following expresses, in the happy
manner peculiar to pure Southern poetrj-,
the feelinga which animate the Southern
Generals, including Hobby Lee and Buckner:
Of course, you know, I"m on parole,
My vote ain't worth much at the poll,
But I go for Seymour with all my soul,
And so will the rebel army.
fcgs- A Georgia letter to the Syracuse Jour
nal closes as follows: "You of the North
must, plect Gratt and Colfax. "Ye demand it
of you. The sealing up
war is in your hands. The aid in this work
anticipated from the South will prove abor
tive. We have not the ability to pass a
militia bill, and the lives of Union men are
everywhere threatened. But a partial can
vass at the best can be made by the party,
and no reliance be placed of ultimate safety
and fair voting at the polls."
BF Said Governor Curtin, in a noble burst
of eloquence during his speech before the
Union League in Philadelphia last Friday
evening, " As I looked upon the multitudes
of men in line to-day, and saw the tattered
flags and stained uniforms, and recalled all
tht-y had suffered for my country, and then
?IIon.E. B. Washburne, Chairman off
the Committee of Appropriations, author
izes the punlication of a statement exhib
iting the revenue receipts of the National
Treasury for the current fiscal yeaV, which
will allay any misapprehension created by
the mis-statements of designing-person j
in tne pay ot the Democratic party. Jb rom
thi statement, we learn that instead of a
deficiency, there will be a surplus in the
Treasury at tne end of the current year.
The first quarter of the fiscal year 1868-9
closed on the last day of September. The
Aourcea of revenue to the Treasury are
three, namely: customs, internal revenue
and miscellaneous. These in their re
spective order exhibit the following
facts : The custom receipts at the port
ot New York from the commencement of
the fiscal year to September 26th, were
33,780,347, gold. To these receipts
must be added one-fourth (less than the
average) for the receipt? of the other ports.
Making due allowances for the fluctua
tions in importations, these figure indi
cate a gold revenue from customs of at
least S170,000,000 for the fiscal year.
The receipts of internal revenue for the
first quarter amounted to S40,6o0,800, in
dicating an average of 13,500,000 per
month. In answer to the assertion that
the revenue has been augmented by re
ceipts from the income tax, it is stated
that the whole amount derived from in
come as but 5,000,000, and that any
deficiency from this source will be more
than made up by the gains on the reve
nue from distilled spirits. Allowing for
the reductions on raw cotton and manu
factured products, exclusive of . spirits,
bfcer, tobacco, patent medicines and play
ing cards, the receipts will continue sub
stantially as in 18067. The sum of 4,
350,000 is now in transit to close up the
receipts of the fiscal quarter, making a total
of 45,000,000. Prom these figures we
are enabled to estimate the receipts of the
fiscal year from internal revenues at
one hundred and eljhty million dollars.
The total receipts under the head of mis
cellaneous for the last fiscal year were o0,-
185,910. With the exception of the re
ceipts from direct tax (which amounted
to but 1,788,149) the revenue accruing
ur.der this head will bo fully as large the
present as last year. Thus we will have
from customs 165,000,000 at the lowest
estimate, from internal revenue 160, 000,
000, miscellaneous 45,000,000; total
The expenditure for -the lat fi-cal year,
including interest on the public debt,
amounted to 370,339,073. With the ex
ception of 7,200,000 paid for Alaska, a
probable increase in the pension expend
iture of 2,300,000, and an estimated post
office deficiency of 500,000, there is no
leason to suppose that the expenditures
of the current year will exceed those of
the preceding year. The amount paid lor
interest on the public debt for the fi-cal
year 1867-8 was 140,423,9S5, part of
which was the accumulated interest on the
"compound interest notes." The legiti
mate interest for the current year will ap
proximate 126,000,000.
The debts paid for war expenditures du
ring the last fiscal year were 10,330,158.
3"'xpeu'litures ot Freedrueu'a bureau were
3,215,999. The difference in approprin
tions for rivers and harbors between the
preceding and current year shows a gain
ot 4,632,120, which added to the rapid
reduction in the army, navy and treasury
Another Accession to Grant
The National Quarterly Review, WDj K
has just come to hand, contains anar)f.
the Presidential election, which reiPW
the candidates critically. Although thl
publication has always been decidedly c '
servative in its leanings, it expresses hJ",
in favor of Grant, as will appear fro A'"
following extract: , . "t
"It is almost needless foi m to sjr.i
it is not on political ground we ix-Z
choose General Grant for the President
chair and reject Mr. Seymour; we iuT
eacu not-Dy nis party out by hxani
W e are in favor ot the electiou of Gra.t
not because he is a llcpublican or a Had;' i
cal, but because be has merited the grati '
tude of his country; and wc are oppu?4
to the election of Seymour, not because
he is a Democrat, but because he has m,r ?
ireu noiuing gooi ironi nis country. 1,.. ;
deed, we do not regard Grant as a politic. I
ian. at all ; he is too honest and straightf r. i
ward to be one; whereas Seymour is no . t
ing but a politician. This is no mere nut.
ter ot conjecture or inference. B.nh
candidates are tried men in a certain sen-e
One commauded our armies at tbe hour
of the nation's greatest peril; the other
was the Governor of the State of Ntw
York at the same hour. Now whi-h er
formed their duties best? Which prJvc
the most faithful public servant? Which ?
contributed most to vindicate the prestige ;
of the American people as capable of oV
fending, as well as governing themselves.
as a cation? In a word, did not Grant do r
all the good which it was possible for any !
one to do in his position? What more
could have been done by Washington him.
self, could he have lived, to save the Iitt j
of the Republic ot which he was founder?
Nor could the Father of his country i
have treated the conquered, brave enemy,
with more generosity. "What, ujxkj the
other hand, did Seymorjr do as Governor?
Could he have contributed less toward the
salvation ot the nation without a flagrant
violation of his oath, if, indeed, he could
have done ko without reodoriu himself
liable to be put on trial as a traitor? We
do not aree with those who accuse Mr.
mour of having .sympathized with the
rebels to the extent ol wishing that thev :
would succeed in dismembering the Re
public. We believe that at hejrt he was
in favor of maintaining the Uuion; bat K
had not the manliness to speak ami at
accordingly. The duplicity and chicanery
of the politician clung to him a'l alon.
He always took into account the influx v;
he might one day be able to exerce :
the South by a otuai sympathy with the
rebels; and it was precisely in the same
sqirit that he addressed the insurgent mob
of New York "as his friends. The trjth
is, that he was a worse enemy to both
than those who openly shot thein down,
because he deceived both, and cccoar-.icd
them to bring ruin upon themselves."
How Ormit Wouldn't.
The Washington Chrmiiih- h;is a stry
hinting ;it dire plots by the President an
his friends plots against the existence f
Congress and the perpetuity i' the- llepuh
lic which needed only the alienee 1'
General Grant for their consummation.
In pursuance of their conspiracy to get
him out ot tlie country, Vie w-as v lio st-ut
to 'Mexico as a kind of a tail to L a
Canipbells's kite, but our hero flatly f:':--ed
to go. Hut, says the CJhyjm '. ov;
or two' after this refusal the Proidcnx re
turned to the subject, and urged the eu.
Kicsv rn sirin" he had sent t-r
ax. We demand it department, shows a gain which may be sh fmnn tn rjlk ' .;: pl'ace. In the mean
of the fruits of the represented thus: r,mrrpss w:1, a,uut to assemble. uiA
r.xpenuuures lor ioui-s- .joiUjjajOu
Increased by Alaska appropria
tion 7,200.000
By increase of Pensions ,300.000
Estimated I'ostofiice deficiency... 5,000,000
Total ;.. $384,839,673
Decreased by interest account... 14,(0000
those of Judircs Head and Airnew, and
fully up to the expectations of the loyal I tried to count the countless host who died
T i 1 ft . XI-
masses, lie was elected as a xe.UiOcrai for libertv, I could not belp exclaiming, y.y
Decreased br State Claims
Decreased by expenses of Freed
niens' Bureau...
Decreased by expenses of rivers,
h:rbors, tc
Decreased by reduction of army
Decreased by reduction of expen
ses of roiV3, civil and miscel
laneous, reconstruction, &c....
the air was full of rumors that tlie i ro
dent would refuse to acknowledge the val
idity of Congress, and attempt to disport
it by arms. ' Mr. Johnson had recent!;,
seemed to have peculiar designs in'.
to Maryland. Grant remembered tiu. au.
airain declined to leave the country, thi-
- . - t r . 1 1 1 .
.time in writing. Alter tins no was c.n
to a full Cabinet meeting, where his -i-tailcd
instructions were read out by t!
4:632,120 socrctary of State, as if the objections
.fi..-nlj '1,1.1 lwn nf no ncoount. 'lh, v
25,000,000 , tn ,vl,!i,:
nat; uuiiuunim i.kj uumw ...... ..
ho would or not to drive him out of t'
25,000,000 country which he had saved, tiram -
now aroused, nnd. beiore tho Wiu.:- s ;t :
and for that reason he felt in honor soie
obligation not to demur to the decisions of
his Democratic colleagues, io those things
which savored slightly of a political char
acter. And here it is hinted that his re
signation iust now arises from disgust
God, what sort of a man must be be who can
dislike, much less vote against, the party sup
ported by these men and led by their great
leader 1"'
ggf- Henry Ward Beecber says: " The new-
Total.. S 81,077,308 nctj declared his unwillingness t k-ve -
jicre we nave a maximum ex pcuu.iu.c Wi!Creupou xie president, not an -nr.
for the current year of o03,202,obo, to Grant turned to th9 Attorney tionen.
meet which we ha ve shown that a revenue ftuJ agked him whcther tlierc was anJw
excecoinir bot U.UUU.UUU mav Dereiscaon. t r? t- ti.i,i n,t r.l.,- thU onl
The statements, published under the au- .iloti,..P i,ft wac indi-nble to the V
thority of Mr. Washburne, show conclu- ti in any wa C.rant at once rr j
eivrlu that, instead of a deficiency. Hie ( f.( i.,;,,i . i;r
- - - t - . - - i iij ilia itxi auvt CALiauiitu . a v.iit"
Notwithstanding the herculean efforts of
the Tree Trade League to defeat lion. Y).
J. MoitcII for Congress, that gentleman
is triumphantly re-elected. The following
figures will give au approximate idea of
his majority in the district:
Linton. Xorrell.
for something which Thompson and Shars- adhesion of impatient Southern men to the cou,ltry u,ay reasonably anticipate a sur- fjUCSton yT president without ?
wood were connivi'ig at as Judges elected vry worst type of Dimocratic doctrine ever pus Gj from fifty to sixty millions in the
f-.U:.. .....1 l.lnn.i. r.f T.;iw.nli.' t l''1'1'''..
. i i ni nil u'J J" .
administration, but had to hobnob r.rl
exchange winhs with the rebels in arms,
as though it could persuade tlte North to
do likewise. It was accustomed, previous
to the rebellion, to playing ujxn the prej
udices of many citizens of native and nearly
all of foreign birth by making appear as
hideous and disastrous the competition of
the free white man's labor with that of the
free black man. It is now engaged in a
bimilar trick on the Pacific coast, where it
is exciting all the mean animosities of our
nature against the Chinamen of Califor
nia. Knowing that our government was
framed that there might bo the greatest
religious freedom, they urge against the
California Chinamen that they, are not
Christians. They oppose their-becoming
citizen, and do. not want them to h.-tve
Mi til in..
Morrcl.'s majority, 920.
Stale Senate.
Indiana county gives Harry ."White 2,
4U0 majority; Jefferson county will prob
ably give him 300. In Cambria county,
Piper, independent, runs behind the Dem
ocratic ticket. He will have a very small
majority here, if any. "White's majority
will probably be 2,CO0 in the distaict.
by the Democracy. And inasmuch as he
could not sanction them, .he would no long
er remain iu the position his party placed
him in, when lie could not co-operate with
his colleagues placed there by the same
organization. What a comment his course
is on that of an ex-Senator, not a hundred
miles away, who, though he left the prin
ciples and organization of the party which
elected him, had not the manliness to
resign his position, but held to it pock
eting the spoils, and persisted in misrepre
sentintr the will of his constituents.
Judge" Williams will occupy a scat in the
Supreme Court till Dec, lSG'J, at least.
A Prize.
Cambria Cuunfj
Wo subjoin the vote of Cambria count-,
si far as the returns have come in. The
figures seem to show that the Democratic
JftaJfjuarfrrs Soldiers and Sai
Notional irpublican Kx. Com., Ao.
Fourteenth SV., Washington, J). C, Oct.l,
1SGS. The Soldiers' and Sailors' Nation
al Kepublican Executive Committee offer
a silk banner to the soldiers and sailors of
the State which in this campaign shall
show the largest per cent, of increase in
the llcpublican vote sir.eo .is last general
or Congressional election prior to the nom
ination of Gen. Gi'uui. Also4 a f-iuular
banner to the county in any State of the
United States showing the largest per
cent, of increase upon similar terms.
y order of the Committee.
II. A. Barxum, Chairman.
enunciated since the party went into alliance
with slavery, cannot be as disastrous for the
South as was the league with the same party
before the war. The Democratic party seems
fated to lead the South into desperate steps,
and then to be utterly unable to help those
whom it has deluded. It will be so again.
Utterly lost to all moderation, the Conven
tion in New York has laid down a platform
which will bring civil war to the South again,
unless it is prevented by the victory of the
Republican party."
J&- Intimate friends of Chief-Justice Chase
say that he has recently spoken very freely
in regard to the pending election. He thinks
that Grant w,ill carry all the States, with the
exception oT six or eight, and that after he
becomes President the country will surely
prosper. In his opinion Grant will make a
prudent and honest officer; will assume no
powers that do not belong to him: will call
good and trust worthy men around him, and
will, by his management of the affairs of the
country, make a re-election in 1872 an easier
matter. He will be the means of uniting the
Republican party and keeping it on the offen
sive. Mr. Chase adds that the present polit
ical campaign clearly demonstrates the fact
that the of the North can
not remain united with the Democratic party
of the South and hope for success. The lead
ers might agree, but the mnsses never.
Treasury at the end of the current fiscal
year. Those who are so disposed can com
pare these figures with Mr. Delniar s fan
cies at their leisure.
Gen. Sclioftcld to Geu. Grant.
pealing to the Attorney Genera, i
an American citizen, have oeen gum
no treason or crime, and am eligible to an
civil office to which any other America:
is clitriblc. Hut this is a purciy ci u u;
to which you would assign mc. and 1 can
not he compelled to undertake it.
legal military order you will give me I :.
obey ; but this is civil, not military, a
I decline the duty. No power on cart
can force me to it." The President at
his Ministers were astonished and silec
aud Grant left the Cabinet chamber.
Immediately after the Chicago Convcn
tion, Gen. Sch-jfield, then commanding art
Richmond, wrote to Gen. Grant, congrat
ulating him on his nomination and the ac
tion of the Convention iu other respects.
The loiter concludes as follows :
"I have alwavs believed that the Union
could he fully restored only by the men
who put down the rebellion, while I have
not been without serious apprehensions
that, by forcing upon the country extreme
radical theories, the stability ol the Lov
ernment niiht be endangered. Great re
forms require time for their full develop
ment tiuie in which theories may be an-
.wi w m,nrl rf essaryres
rov.pHenlntilitvKOTv.v.l frmn th.i unsound Tammany Platform
and chimerical. W lsdom an-1 moderation
in Congress will now give the country re
storation and peace. Your election to the
Presidency will be the end of our political
troubles, as your accession to the command-in-chief
of the army was the end of the
Southern rebellion."
Vote'5 for Grant and Colfax on the 3d
of Novenihcr next.
The New Rebellion U in full blast r
Louisiana. One hundred Union men, t
and" black, were killed or wounded i
Opelousas. The J'royress newspaper
destroyed and the editor lynched.
Shreveport fifteen Union men arid
rebels were killed. Similar reports
expected from other quarters, as the b '
suit ot tlie revolutionary ,
These tac -
ford a text which is as sood as a ser'
We have to ask simplj what do yoota
of U, and if the nomination of Seym
and ' Blair is atended by euch
consequences, what may we expect
r- ii 1 fr i rom Vi l r 1 n t I fill
Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indian
spond to Vermont nud Maine.
i November, and victory tor lranT.
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