u u g0".StSKJlT--'"-'-" '--tgS.-"r''--'iiTMi an ..... n7 i n ' n i m i n n mil n i ir-n ,' . ' ' ' m i r n. m-n ... nh.,--.-. i.11M-, f mMri4a ,, , , --nvmri .r -r'r . fcafc irai , - r i ' Tim-- ruTT 1 -''i'''-Afr.m'!wlVr' -'."J J.1"1 I"! ' 1 f . . - ' t 'J o ; to: he eir the ' f not , SS, j ES, f 4c. ; ices i 80 f i 1. i "'I KS.! irge ; LE, I the e- i ie is i eri-; ii : ta- ; 4c, y of i. ta ndf ct-; org roo i If si- i G. I 0T tb tab- ftDl eau-nf-rder city, 1 ca will N. Ci' , OB lsr'r P- 0u?1 aic' i f " I ical 1 n OB I I :Ie j 1 j. r.iiir.TCiiixsoa editors. VOLUME 9. WILLIAM KlT'l KLili, Attorney ai Law, Ebensburg, Pa. t . Aujrost 13, 18C8. - " JOHN FENLON, Attorney at Law, fj hbensburg', i'a 2T ORIce on High street. aug!3 GEORGE M. READE, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. . C2f Office in Colonnade Row. ;iugl3 1LLIAM II. SECIILER, Attor nty at Law, Ebensburg; Pa. jJ" Office "in Colonnade Row. aug"0 EORGE W. OATMAN, Attorney at Law and Claim Agentand United States Corrniissioner for Cambria county. Eb ensburg, Pa. aug!3 JOI1NSTOX & SCANLAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensbnrg, Pa. JCT Office opposite the Court House. R. L. JOHXSTOS. ailglS J. E. BCJNLAJf. AMU EL SINGLETON, Attorney at Law, Ebcnsburg, Pa. ST" Office on High street, west of Fos ter's Hotel. augl3 JAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law, CarroKtown, Cumbria county, Pa. -3" Architectural Drawings and Specifi cations made. fa.ugl3 T7 J. WATERS, Justice of the- Peace aiid Scrivener. Zy- Office adjoining dwelling, on Uijrh St., K beniburg. Pa. aur 13-6m. I" 7 A. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law, Ebcnsburg, Pa. Particular attention paid to collections. 33V Uffice ou High street, west of the Di amond. aug!3 JOSEPH S. STRAYER, Justice of the Feace, Johnstown, Pa. fxif' Office on Market street, corner of Lo cust street extended, and one door south of the late office of Wm. M'Kec. augl3 T) DEVEREAUX, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon, Summit, Pa. jry- Office east of Mans'on Iloui-e, on Rail road street. Night calls promptly attended to. at his office. . aug!3 WiY DE WITT ZEIGLER XJ Having permanently located in Ebens bur, ofl'eis bi3 prol'e?sional serTices to the ..N'lT.ina f tmvn !inil vii'iritV. Teeth extracted, without jain, with Xitrous Oxttle, or Latiyhiny ((iJ. rett"" Rooms udjoiuing Ci. Huntley's store, llili street. augKJ ENT1STRY. The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dtntal Surgery, respectfully rs his professional services to the citizens or Kbensburg. He baa spared no means to thoroughly u:iu:liut himself with every iui-rvHrt-nt in his art. To many years of per sonal experience, Le has sought to add the iuiourted experience of the highest authorities in'f)eul ii" simply asks that an "opportunity may be given for his work to speak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. JCx?,Will be at Ebensburg ou the fourth Monday of each month, to stay one wjek. August 13, 16C8. T LOYD & CO., UanJccrs Jli Eeexsdcec, Pa. ZyT Gold, Silver, Government Loans and other Securities bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made ou all accessible points in the United States, and a General Ranking Rusiuess, transac.ted.- August 13, 1808. 'r M. LLOYD & Co., Bancers ? Altoosa, Pa. Ih-afts on the principal cities, and Silver Cold for sale. Collections made. Mon '.vj received on deposit, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at lair rates. rg!3 rpiIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK .fi Or Jounstowx, Pe.vxa. J'aU tip Capital $ 00,000 00 1'rivilcjc to iiicreane to 100,000 00 We buy and sell Inland and Foreign Drafts, Gold aud Silver, and all classes of Govern ment Securities; make collections at home nnd abroad ; receive deposits ; loan money, nnd do a general Hanking business. All business entrusted to ns will receive prompt attention and care, at moderate prices. Give us a tri.d. . Directors : D. J. MoItRF.LL, Isaac Kavkmax, 1ai-.iI! M. Cami'bsll, 'JincE Fiutz, JOJM DlliKRT, Jacob Lkvkkgood, Euw'd. Y. Tow.skxd. DANIEL J. MORRELL, President. H. J. RouEurs, Cishitr. sep3ly wm. ;. llovd, PreJt. JOHN lloyd, Cashier. T?IRST NATIONAL DxVNK jL OF ALTOONa. GOVERyXEXT AGENCY, AND DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNI TED STATES. EiHT" Corner Virginia and Annie sts., North "ard, Altoona, Pa. Avtiiohized Capital $300,000 00 Casu Capital Paid is 150,000 00 All business pertaining to Banking done on favorable terms. Internal Revenue Stamps of all denomina tions always on hand. To purchasers of Stamp?, percentage, in stamps, will be allowed, as follows: $30 to bl0, 2 per cent. ; SlOC to $200, 3 per cent.; S200 and upwards, 4 per cent. auglii ! ABRAHAM BLAINE, ZiWr ElJEXSBURG, TA. Shaving, Shampooing, and Hair-dressing doue in the most artistic style. Saloon directly opposite the "Moun tam House." augl3 S AMUEL SINGLETON, Notary Pub lic, Ebensburg, Ph. Office on High street, west of Foster's Ho- augl3 JOB WORK of all kinds done at lltU ALLKGII ANIAN OFFICE. ihci: St., Ebexsbcuu, Pa. SPEECH OF GEN. SWEITZER.: , HE WASTS TO VOTE AS HE FOUGHT, AND THEREFORE, THOUGH A DEM OCRAT CANXOT VOTE FOR SET-' MOUR AND FRANK SLAIR. The subjoined speech, delivereu by Gen. J. B. Sweitzer, of Pittsburg, at a meeting of the Soldiers and Sailors of Alleghany county held in that city on the 10th ult., I is commended to the careful perusal of the Boys in Blue, , of, whatever politics. The General served gallantly throughout the war. lie was a Democrat tiU .the,JQomi-4 nation of Seymour and Blair, when he saw that the'hucecsi of thocC candidates must inevitably lead to another rebellion, and, like a true patriotLiJ cunie out from among the foul party and ranged himself under the banner of Grant and Colfax. He was elected chairman of the meeting, and spoke as follows : Fellow Citizens, Soldiers of the Repub lic, Comrades in arms: "Words can scarce ly express my appreciation of the honor you have done me, as well by your cordial greeting as in calling me to preside over your deliberations. It is an honor to be called to preside over an ordinary meeting cf citizens of this free country, where the people think and act for themselves, and how much greater the honor when the assemblage is composed, as this is, of the heroes of an hundred battle-fields of the defenders of their country, its honor, and glory, and of those who for five. long years followed the fortunes oi the old nag, under defeat and in victory, until it waved tri umphant over our vanquished enemies. . Follow soldiers, we have met to-night for a purpose that is clearly set forth in the call ior tliLs meeting.. e have met -i to organize for another campaign under our old leader. We have met to testify our confidence in him. He led xts to vic tory in the field, and he will lead us to victory at the ballut-box over those who seek again to bring about, con fusion x an archy, and warr - That such is the design of those who iupport the opposing: candidate for the Presidency, is no iuje fancy. It is decla red in their platform ; was declared pre vious to the nomination in tho letter of their candidate for the Vice Presidency, nud there is every reason to believe that this declaration cau.sccl him to be selected. Y hat, under tLsc circumstances, is our duty? Is it not our. duty to use every honorable means in our power to avert the threatening danger '? Have not thoae we fought in the field organized under the leadership cf the Democratic candidate, and Ls it not therefore our duty to organ-, ize and 'Tall in" under the leadership of our old commander ? ' " It may be said we can do our duty as citizens at the ballot-box without such or ganization. But, my friends, is that our whole duty? Have we not a further duty to perform than to merely vote?. Any person can do that, though he can do something more. AVe can testify to those who speak so flippantly, j-et confidently, of nullification by force, first, that we intend to avoid, if possible, any such calamity, by elevating to tho highest olhce in our gift the soldier who desires peace, who will preserve it if it can be done consistently with the national honor; and secondly, if war must come, that we will stand by him aud have him. to load us. Now, my fellow soldiers, allow, me to say that I do not stand before you . as a mere partisan , and to convince.you of the truth of what I say, I was a VV'hig as long as the "Whig party existed. During the administration of Taylor and Fillmore, when the famous compromise measures were passed, I was United States District Attorney here, and as an ofiicer of the law. it became my duty to execute the Fugitive Slave Law, and I did it, regard less of consequences to myself and of the opinions of those who opposed it. I did this becaxtsc I considered it the duty of all good citizens to obey the law so long as it remained on the statute-book, however much it conflicted with their individual opinions, and I considered it my duty, as a sworn officer of the law, to execute it, repulsive as it was to me and my feelings as a man. From that time down to the commencement of the war, I did every thing in my power to keep the peace with the people of the South. In the language of General Grant, I was not an abolition ist ; I was not even an anti-slavery man. I did not join the Republican partv. I did not vote for Lincoln. I voted for Doug las and Breckinridge, the union ticket. I thought I had done about all they could ask of me. I felt conscious of having done nothing to stir cp war. Nevertheless, nothing but war would satisfy them ; and, fellow soldiers, much as I abhorred war fratricidal war I could not forget my duty as a citizen, and like many of you, I went voluntarily into the field and contrib uted to the extent of my ability and strength to maintain the honor of my country and my flag. In 1804, I voted for General McOlellan. I was in the Ar my of the Potomac from its organization. I had confidence in him. I thought he had been hardly treated, and' when he had been nominated at Chicago, I voted for liiia rcadktoa. peace phtibrui, iu:d all. I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Hex by Clay EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY; OCTOBER 1, 1868. I did not like the platform, but I was wil ling to trust, McCiellan notwithstanding the platform. ,But, my friends, I thought I saw in the action of the LiaJsrs 6fthat convention a determination to either rule or ruin. I thought I saw a determination cn (Tie part of the' Peace Democrats who figured largely in it, and made its plat form, never to let a victory be won by the party; unless it brought with it their vin dication and indorsement and placed them again in position and power. I. determin ed that thereafter I w.u!d se the cards tx-thrt"Ws&tYfi-iief!r,u 'measures oi cn gress. I was opposed to the impeachment of the President. The Senate acquitted the President, and I think they did right. Congress passed the reconstruction meas ures The Presideut vetoed thorn. Cots. gress passed them over the veto by the Constitutional vote. The amendments were adopted by the requisite number of States. They are now the law of the land, and so long as they are, I wiU sustain them. . "Well, my friends, wo now come down to the present crisis for crisis I consider it to be. Wc are approaching another Pres idential election, and it is necessary for you and for me to take sides. "Wo must de clare for Grant or for Seymour. No man can stand neutral in this great emergency. Then let us determine at once for whom it shall be, if it is not already done. Every one knows who nominated Grant, and how it was done. The great Ameri can people nominated him long before the Chicago Convention mot.. The politicians would have been glad to have had some one else if they cculd. Sc::: one not quite so "much given to putting things through on his own line would have cuitod thr-nt better. But they dared not disregard the voice of the people, and so the Convention recorded their verdict. But how about Seymour ? Who nom inated him, and how was that done ? Os tensibly the Democratic party nominated him, but who controlled the action of the Convention ? Solar as I am able to judge from the result, the Peace .Democrats of the North and the War Democrats of the South made the nominations and the plat form. The same pestiferous Ohio delega tion, that weighted M'Clelkin down at Chicago, went to New York, determined again to rule or ruin. They went there armed invincibly as they supposed.) with l'eudletou and the greenback dodge with a specious appeal to the mercenary spirit of the people, whereby they thought this great nation could be induced to ignore the life-struggle through which it had jut passed to forget the new made graves of its fallen heroes, and to look with indiffer ent, unsympathizing 03-03 upon the maimed and halting figures of the brave comrades who are still amontr vis. But they failed to nominate their man, and, failing in this, they determined : to nominate the next best representative of their principles and their policy, and in this they succeeded. Hancock would not do- nor Farragut, nor Chase, nor Hen dricks, nor Johnson. No one would suit them who thought we did right to fight for the flag. So much for the action0 of the Peace Democrats of the North. Let us look at the action of the "War Demo-' crats of the South. What did they do ? They dictated the most important features in the platform.- Gen. Wade Hampton tells tis he framed and inserted the para graph declaring the reconstruction acts to be usurpations, and "unconstitutional, revolutionary aud void." Thou .having secured a war plat i arm, they nominated a fighting General tj fight it through, if elected. They want another . Avar more blood, more debt, and more taxes. Fellow soldiers. I don't ; and, therefore, I determ ined to oppose that combination their nominations and their platform. I deter mined that no such flimsy barriers as par ty ties and party lines should keep me from doing what I believe to be my duty to nryself and to my country, and I deter mined to go for the man who wants peace for the man who does not talk war, but who fiyli fs war when war is inevitable. I determined to go for the man who con quered an honorable peace and saved the life of the nation ; for the man whom we have tried and found true in every trust in whom the people have confidence ; aye, even the people who were lately in arms against him. And wherefore should they not confide in him? Has he not been as generous and honorable towards a fallen foe, as he was chivalrous and brave in battle ? No victor ever gave more generous terms. No victor ever kept more truly his plighted word. And, fellow soldiers, because I have so determined, I am Ik re to-night to take part in your proceeding 1 1 assist in or- rauizing tnese veterans. Then fall in. party ; let tin Never mind about 3'our politicians attend to tnat. rail in. the touch of the elbow. Heads up. TV. t. es to the front. Let us make one grand charge aloncr the whole line ; and then, let me tell you, on the day succeeding the November election you wili hear a shout go up from the valleys and the hill tops, from the crowded city and secluded vil lage, and from every nook u::i corner of our broad land, Grant, Victory and Peace, that will forever silence all dissenters-at .11 a - i i.-,t f ;. lit Trarft Ttr.r tnirL-Arl , i i j " v e t . I tho story to my informant, by the dea er m adyamv, before I agam j According consensu w..- fV!iiaritv so prevalent hl-me, a: Liive renewed a.-urauees to tlu nations of the earth that the starry banner shall continue to ' ' . 1 " -i vraye, O'er the land of the free and the home of the I - t brave. revs- Anecdote of M r. Lincoln. V In a late number of the Indwciulcnt is given, byIlev. .Edward Eggleston, a hith- I erto Tinpublisted incident m the life of Abraham Lincoln" : ' - ' ; A respected townsman ari bid acquain-r tance of Mr. Lincoln, wasthe narrator of and was himself to that habit of in the West, by means of which a man is made to prolong his'boyhood throughout his life,; this gen tleman Ls known anions: old friends by the name of "Jim," as 3Ir. Xiucoln VvTas al ways called "Abe." ' "Thrgentleman relatesatr soon after Mr. Lincoln's Cooper Institute speech, he : saw . a notice- in the . New .York Tribune that Hon. A. Lineoln, of Illinois,: had deliv ered an address to the' Sunday school at Five Points, which was very well received by both teachers and pupils. Knowing that Mr. Lincoln was not: a professor of religion, it struck him that it was a good subject for banter; and so, seizing the paper, he started for '-Old Abe's" office. Bursting into the room impulsively, he was startled to find a stranger in conver satiou with Mr. Lincoln, and turned to retrace liis steps, when the latter called out : . ; J "Jim, whatdo you want ?" ' "Nothing." - ' "Yes you do ; come back-" After some entreaty, "Jim" approached Mr. Lincoln, and remarked, with a merry twinkle in his eye ' "Well, Abe, I see you've been making a speech to Sunday- school children. What's the matter ?" . VSit down, Jim, and I'll tell you all about that." . ' 'And with that, he put his feet on the stove and becran : When Sunday morning came. I did not know exactly what to do. Washburne asked me where 1 wa going. I told him I had nowhere to go, and he proposed to take me down to the Five Points Sunday school, to show me something worth sce- irrg. Ivas very much interested by what 1 s:iw. Presently Mr. Pease came up and spoke to Y'a.shburne, who Introduced me. Mr. Pease wanted us to speak. Wash burne spoke, and then I was urged to speak. I -told them I did not know any thing about talking to Sunday schools ; but Mr. Pease said that there were many of them friendless and homeless, and that a few words would do them good. ' Wash burne said I must talk. And so I rose to speak ;' but I tell you, Jim, I didn't know what to say. I couldn't talk about Christ and religion, for I didn't know much of cither ; but I remembered that Mr. Pease had said ' that they were homeless and friendless, and I thought of the time when I had been pinched by terrible poverty. And so I told them that I had been poor ; that I remembered when my toes stuck out through broken shoes in the Avinter ; when my arms were out at the elbows ; when I shivered with the cold. And I told them there was only one rule, and that was Always, do ilic eery best you can. I told them that I had always tried to do the best I could ; and that, if they would follow that rule, they would get alouir somehow. That , was about what I said. And when I got through, Mr. Pease said it was just the thing they needed. Aud when the school was dismissed, all the teachers came up and shook hands with me, and thanked me for it, though I did not know th:tt I was saying anything of any account. But the next morning I saw nry remarks noticed in the papers." Just here 31 r. Lincoln put his hand in his pocket, and remarked that he never heard anything that touched him as had the songs which those children sang. -With that he drew forth a little book, re marking that they had uiven him. one of the books from which they sang. "Did you ever hear any poetry like this, Jim?" And he began to read a piece, with all the earnestness of his great, earnest soul. In the middle of the second verse, his friend "Jim" felt a choking in his throat and a tickling in his nose. At the begin ning of the third verse, ho saw that the stranger from the East was weeping, and his own tears fell fast. Turning toward Lincoln, who was reading straight on, he saw the great blinding tear3 in his eyes, so that he could not possibly see the page. He was repeating that little song from memory ! How often he had read it, or how long its sweet and simple accents continued to reverberate through his soul, no one can know. How much influence may that little child's song have had in bringing hint. to that fearful attitude to ward God which was so characteristic of him life! during the weary closing years of his Du;uNa the v ar, a wjman went to a grocer s shop, and found she was paying double for candles; so she asked what was the reason candles were so dear. The gro cer replied, "Oh, it is on account of the war." "Dear me," replied the woman, "and have they got to fi-jrhtin? by candle light !" 3 - ' From the New York Literary Album. lion. Daniel J. ZUorrel. In a former number of the Literary Album we presented a sketch of Mr. Jos. II. Scranton, in connection with the par ticulars of the founding of Scranton, Pa., and the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Com pany, and we now propose to give a sketch of the Hon. Daniel J, 3Iorrelj, of Cambria Iron YTorks, at Johnstown, in the same State, ; who .is another important inan . in the iron manufacturing interest, and an influential member of the Fortieth Con- rress. Mr. Morrell was horn at North Ber wick, Maine, August S, ''1821, and is therefore about forty-seven .years of age. He received a common school education, and settled in Philadelphia in 1S3G. Here he followed the mercantile business as clerk and principal until 1S55, when he entered into the business of manufacturing iron at. Johnstown; at. the works of the Cambria Iron Company. The. Company commenced the erection of the works in 1S33, but became finan cially embarrassed before they were com pleted. A lease of the entire property was made to the firm of Wood, Morrell & Co., who not only carried out the original plans of the company, but during their lease irreatly enlarged the works and in creased their capacity. In lSGli the company was re-organized, with a capital of one million five hundred thousand dol lars. Since that time it has carried on the business of mining and manufacturing under its charter, aud is now the largest manufacturer of railroad iron in the coun try. It owns about thirty thousand "acres of land mostly mineral has four large blast furnaces, rolling mills, machine shop, foundry, etc., with numerous dwelling's for its operatives. The original mill building was burned down in 1S57, and rebuilt the same year by the lessees. This building is six hundred and twelve feet long, by one" hundred feet wide, with cross wings three hundred and seventy-two feet by scventy-four feet. In 1SG3 an additional mill buiMing, three hundred feet by one hundred feet, with a connecting wing seventy-four feet by thirty feet, was erect ed, and in 1SG5 a further extension of the building, three hundred feet by an aver age of one hundred feet, was made. This immense mill contains fortv-eight double, equal to ninety-six single puddling furnaces, twenty-four heating furnaces, seven trains of rolls, four squeezers, and other machinery to correspond. ,Its pro duction in 18G5 was near one thousand tons per week ; the extensions and im provements have increased its capacity equal to the production of from sixty to seventy thousand tons of finished railroad iron per annum. The stock of the com pany is largely owned In Philadelphia, where the office is located. Mr. Morrcll's advent at Johnstown was a source of great advantage to that place. He not only raised the bankrupt Cambria Company into life and carried forward its Avorks to completion, but he inspired a spirit of enterprise on every hand for the improvement and growth of Johnstown. He served for a time in the councils of the town, and in 18GG was elected a represen tative in the Fortieth Congress. A Na tional bank was established and he became the president. He is also vice-president of the American Industrial League, of which the noted Peter Cooper is president. Since he has been in Congress, he has given a great deal of attention to the pro jects of finance and taxation.' " He intro duced a bill to provide for 'the holding of gold by the United States Treasury and the National Banks. More recently he delivered an important and elaborate speech on the subject of. the public fi nances, taking ground for the increase of the national bank circulation. This speech has attracted a great deal of attention, and no little bitter criticism by those who differ from U views as to legislative policy on the subject. Mr. 31orrell has made his own way in life by the force of a strong and honorable character. A single glance at his counte nance gives a vivid insight into his dispo sition and purposes. You see that he is a man that thinks for himself, whose plans are always the result of reflection and a sound practical judgment, and that when entered upon are carried forward with un swerving resolution. Probably in the whole country there is not a person with a clearer head for great business enter prises than 3Ir. Morrell, and certainly there is not one with more general infor mation regarding the iron interest, bank ing, and the political affairs '.f the nation. Almost entirely self taught, he has en riched his mind by the lessons of observa tion and experience which have been af forded in his varied c treer as a merchant, manufacturer, banker and public man. Mr. Morrell is somewhat portly, stand ing erect, and showing a good physical constitution. His head is round, with a full face, and not over large regular fea tures. He has small, observing ryes, iuid altogether a cheerful and agreeable expres sion of countenance. Intercourse with him Is .".hvay.- of interest. While he has such important private concerns, lie is uusgent in ins public du ties No man of th House works harder in the Committees, and when lie speaks he is listened to with attention, for it is v. ell understood that he is :;:r.? of tho TSRiTq-3""40 I'KK AX2SUM. " iSa.OO I ADVANCU. NUMBER 8. jects which he debates. lie gives ;i grat ifying' illustration of the benefit whidi the public councils may 'derive from the "prac tical and experienced views of a man ac tively interested in business affairs.. Demotralic Alrilialjcl. ' A Andersonviile,' a place where' the Democratic rebels ' starved 12,000 L'nL n prisoners to death : B Beauregard, a good Demo(-v;t, wh- wrote , to . the rebel Democrat ie Secretary of War at Richmond, in 1SG2. that it v;is time, to hoists the black flag nnd" LIU the Union prisoners by the garrote. : C Canada, an. English province, from where raids were made inta the United States by Democratic rebels. D JclY. Davis, the head of the Demo cratic rebellion. E Emissaries who wore sent during the rebellion by the Democrats to France and Englaud to persuade those govern-', ments to help destroy our Republic. F Forrest, the butcher of Union pris oners at Fort Pillow, a good Democrat, and a delegate at the Democratic Conven tion at New York. G Guerillas, Democratic partisans, who hung Union prisoners during th." war, outraged the wives of the sumo. --!. burned their dwellings. II Hunger, which Union soldiers, : prisoners of war, were made to suffer b . Democratic rebels. I Indians, employed by the Democrats at Pea Ridge to scalp Union prisoners. J Johnson, the renegade; a good Democrat ; the author of the New Orleans massacre, in 1SGG, when Union men were murdered by Democratic rebels. - K Kuklux, the name by which the Democratic murdering bauds are known. Many thousand Union men have already been murdered by these Democrats. L Abraham Lincoln, murdered by that good Democrat, J. Wilkes Booth, be cause he was true to the Union. M Murderers were the Democrats in New York who struck down inoffensive people, burned down orphan asylums, and were addressed by the Po-.noerutie candi date for the JVesidency as "uiy friends.' N Nigger ! nigger ! ! nigger '. ! ! i.j oi ; of the Democratic arguments against tin party of the Union. Organization and arming for a 'cav rebellion is now preached by the leaders of the Democratic party. 1' Payne, one of the conspirators and a good Democrat. Q Quautrell, a good Democrat, and who during the war hung hundreds of Uniou soldier, ami murdered defenceless old men, women, and children ; destroyed nearly the whole cf the town cf Lawreuce, iti Kat.sas. R Rebellion against liberty and hu-; manity was the battle-cry of the Democrats, in 1SG4, and it is so agaiu in 1SGS. S Semmes, a Democratic pirate, wl. burned many merchant vessels during tr rebellion. : T Taxes ! Taxes! I Taxes I ! 1 is om .:. the great words used by the Democrats, ha they never say that these taxes were x:,.-;.;-. by the Democratic rebellion. U The Union is only hated by P.-ri crats, and they were the only ones wht i. dea vo red to destroy it. V Yicksburg is the place where Gen eral Grant made his second speech to ;. Democratic mass meeting. W Yirz is the name of a eekbraioe Democrat who was the executioner c thousands of Union soldier. N The substitute for a signature ns.. by the majority of Democrats ( who bun. down negro school-houses) to make a mark, because they cannot write their names. Yancey; the name of a Democrat who was a rebel Democratic commissioner in France. eal v. :;s displayed by the Democrat ic rebels in hunting down Union men with bloodhuUilds. We commend to Democratic politieiai s the ma'dinoss of Hon. Gocrge H. Pendle ton ia his speech at Augusta, .Maii.e. He has set the foul mouthed stumpers of his party an example which they could profit ably follow. Referring to Ucn. Grant Le said : "I shall ret disparage the ability or character of our opponents. I wotrd t.i-: if I could pluck one leaf from the i.'.ir.v;.- I of Geo. Grant. Whatever mav Lchisah! as a soldier he has stood the test of suci-. s , and so far ns I h ive kuov.u. he has !.: himse'f with moderation and magnanimit ' in his high office. 1 huvt known Mr. Coii well for many ycai-s. I hae seen him i i possession of great power. He is an am;-: ble ar;d estimable gentleman, and wouv. perform wiih dignity the duties cf th . high olhee to which he aspires." HcztATIo Skymouu was chairman of th National Democratic Convention which Cbica.go, in 18G-L declared the war tob- t failure iv d catkd for com promise andsui- re!M!..r. II? has- never apologized for h part in that infamou. white feather gatli erinr. nor hast!:" Democratic -party ev.- t ricia'lvt r otherwise retracted tliisofle si slur on tin voluntt or : brave rv and ,i!:-y. Soldier S'ovcinber. J.citiicy 01 remember tills ! wan uext A' dtk for Grant and Colfax ri.u whole Rov-.r.bliean ticket. U