The Farmer's Department. Cutting! Timber ix August. A cor respondent of the Rural American says: 'If oak, hickory or chestnut be felled in August, in the second running of tbe sap, and barked, quite a large tree will season perfectly, and even tbe twis will remain aouud for years ; whereas that cut io win ter, and remaining until the Dext full, (m thick as your wrist,) wili be completely atp-rotten, and will bo almost unfit for any purpose. The body of the oak split into iails will not last more than ttn or twelve years. Chestnut will last longer, but do comparison to that cut in August. Hick ery cut iu August. is not subject to be worm eaten, and will last a long time for fencing. When I began farming in 1802, it was the practice to cut timber for post fencing iu the winter. White oak pos:a and black oak rail, cut at that time, would not last more than 10 or 12 years. In 1808, I began cutting fence timber in August. Many of the oak rails cut that year are yet sound, aa well as most of the chestnut. If the bark id uot taken off this month, it will of itself peel off the eecoud or third year, and leave the tree perfectly sound. The tops of the trees arc also mere valuable lor fuel, than when cut iu winter or spring. 1 advise young iarmors to try the experiment, and if post fences do not last twice as long, I will forfeit all uy experience as worthless." Go to Farming-. A good living ii what comparatively few men succeed in making in village or city life, and yet no thing is more easy of accomplishment on the farm. Resides, there is a pleasure in cultivating and embellishing the earth, Improving and increasing its products, and thus adding to the aggregate of hu man happiness. Why, then, should young men hesitato to become farmers ? It is both profitable and honorable. It is the nearest approximation to independence, that man, as a member of society, can make. A gentleman farmer aud all farmers are, or should be, gentlemen belongs to an order of nobility that is not indebted to place-holders for its installs- j tion, and may, it he chooses, be ranked amoug the greatest benefactors of the hu man race. Let all idle young men go to work on farms, and quit seeking third and fourth rate clerkships. Iu short, go to farming and quit begging. Founder. I send you a reoipe for founder, which, having used for five years, know to be too valuable to keep from the public. One tablespoonful of pulverized alum thrown well back in a horse's mouth just as soon as you find out ho is founder ed. Keep from wator during the day. In every case that I have tried it, it has proved a sure cure. A friend of mine had a young marc he thought a groat deal of. We were out in the country and drove pretty fast. On coming home he told the boy to feed her a littio corn ; he gave her a good feed of corn and after wards some oats. In the morning she was badly foundered. I gave her a dose of alum as above, and no wator till night; next day you would not have known it. The above is worthy of a trial ; but it is bolter not to feed or water your horse when hot by hard driving. Rural World. Rural Axioms. An axo costing $2, with which a laborer may cut fifty cords of wood a month, is a cheaper tool than an axe costing one dollar, and with which he can cut only forty cords. A "cheap plough," at $5, costing in one season S3 iu repairs, aod S3 more in lost time to teams, men, and by retarding crops, is a dearer plough than ouo at 10, requir ing no repair. A cow bought for 810, whose milk but pays for her keeping, affords less profit than one at $30, that gives double the amount of milk afforded by the other. A ten acre field, costing fifty dollars por aere, and ditching, manuring and improv ing fifty dollars more, so as to give double crops, is much more valuable and profita ble than ten acred unimproved, costing double the money. Tomato Vinegar. We find the fol lowing receipt for the manufacture of To mato Vinegar in an exchange; itis6tated that excellent vinegar is made in this manner : Take one bushel of ripe tomatoes, wash them in an open tub, and add one quart of molasses that weighs eleven pounds to the gallon, and thorooghly mix the whole together, in which condition let the tub stand several days, not neglecting to fre quently stir the mixture in it. When a decided vinegar odor is given'eff, the j uico gbould be strained from the poniaoe and put into casks and let stand until the pro cess is completed. Vinegar thua made is equal to the best, and to succeed in its manufacture only requires to faithfully follow out these directions. The Maino I yanncr says : The bet way to preservo haras from flies i, a coon as they are smoked, to wrap them in twold newspapers, first with one end and then with another and tio the ends of the pa lmer or papte them down. Let the string to hang them up by came through the paper, being very careful that the- tola shall only be large enough to let the tring through. No iusect can get thro' paper. Woolens and furs cau be kept in the same way, being careful that the egg of the moth is not previously deposited. A trial of a steam plow, rear San Francisco, recently resulted very satisfac torily, according to . a statement in the California Farmer. It was put to work upon a road which was as compact as long travel could make it, and up in ex cellent style. It is equal toUho tahk of plowing and seeding fifty acres per day iu the most acceptable manner. m He who by the plow would thrive, must either hold himself or drive. guMMER Goods for 1868 m WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. A- BARKER, SO IV, Hioh St., EBENSBURG, PA. A. A. BARKER k SON have received ami opened oat, at their Store, oo High street, their Summer stock of goods for '68. DRESS GOODS. MERINOS, PLAIDS, POPLINS, ALPACAS, DELAINES, PRINTS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, CASSIMSRES, SHAWLS AND CLOAKINGS, Every style in the market; HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND KNIT GOODS, HATS a CAPS, 300TS SHOES. "WHITE GOODS, embracing new styles of NAINSOOKS, SWI-S MUSLINS. MULLS, TAULETON3, WHITE CRINOLINES, BRILLIANT CORDED SKIRTING. EMBROIDERIES, consisting in part of JACONET AND SWISS EDQINOS AND INSKRTINGS, DIMITY BANDS, COLLAR8, SETTS, BOBBIN a THREAD EDGINGS a LACES. nOOPED SKIRTS, Cheaper than ever. The celebrated DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, tbe best in ust, Sold at the very lotc-est market rates. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS! DAMASKS, TABLE COVERS, CRASH BROWN Jr DAMASK T VBLE LINENS, FRINGED HACK, DIAPER AND DAMASK HONEY COMB QUILTS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, ALLENDALE QUILTS, SWISS CURTAINS, PILLOW CASE LINENS, PILLO.W CASE MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, CARPETS, RUGS, nASSOCKS, FLOOR CLOTHS, Ac , c, Of all sixes, widths, aud prices. A full stock of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING! BOOTS $ SnOES, HATS y CAPS, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, 4c. A good assortment of HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, &c. FEED, VEGETABLES, &o. We keep constantly on hand Com, Oat9, Middlings, Chop, Shorts, Bran, Butter, Egga, Lard, Vegetables, And a general variety of articles in this line. FAMILY GROCERIES! Wo have constantly on hand a complete stock of Family Groceries, comprising Su perfine, Extra and Family FLOUR I Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Corn and Oat Meal, Hominy, nulled Barley, Bacon, Sugar-cared Hams, Dried Beef. Salt by tbe barrel, and Sack Salt for Table use ; Goshen and Western Reserve Cheese; Crackers of all kinds. TOBACCO! Complete at sortment of French Spiett. Sperm, Adamantine & Mould Candles Soaps, Castile, Rosin, and all other kinds. Rio and Jut a Coffees. Black, Imperial and Young Hyson Teat. Hard, Soft, Pulverized and Brown Sugar. Syruvs and Molasses of all kinds. Dried Apples and Peaches. Mackerel, Herring, Salmon. Coal Oil and Turpentine. Lard, Whale and Linseed Oils. Paints of every description. Scrub, and Horse Brushes. Varnishes, ic, &c, Ae., 4c, Ac. DR UGS A D PA TEST MEDICINES. All kinds of IRON AND NAILS. Notice. Buying twice as large a stock as any other merchant m town, we buy cheaper, and can therefore sell cheaper, than any competitor. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS 1 CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS 1 The public is invited to call before purcha sing tlsewhere. No charge for showing good3, buy or not buy. Customers waited on by polite and atten tive Salesmen. Cfay" Cherry, Poplar, Spruce, Pine, and other Lumber, Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally, taken, in exchange for Good. fcugl3 JjiBENSBURG STOVE and TIN WARE DEPOT I T. W. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Just received, at the Ebensburg Stove and Tinware Depot, a large and well selected stock of COOK STOVES,' PARLOR STOVES, OJF1CE STOVES, CePPfiR YARE, TINWARE, SHEET-IRON WARE, HOUSE SPOUTING, TINROOFINa, 4c. And a general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, Farm Edge TocU, Nails, Horse Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Augers, Bits, Files, Hatchets, Hummers, Hinges, Gimlets, Screws, Locks,, Latches, Boita, Halter Chains, Breat Chains, Trace Chains, Home Brushes, Curry Combs, Apple Parers, Hand Saws, Oil Stones, Meat Cutters, Coal Hods, Door Lock Keys, Sad Irons, Coffee Mills, Coffee Roasters, Carbon Oil Lamps, Chimneys, Burners, Wicks, Stove Polish, Boot Polish, Hoop Iron, Wagon Iron, Bolts, &c. I desire to call particular attention to the fact that my stock of STOVES! Is 'the largest and best in Cambria county. And any Cooking Stove desired I will get whtm ordered at manufacturers' retail prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, &c, for re paire, on hand for the Stoves I sell ; others will ba ordered when wanted. OIL BARRELS! Made out of Galvanized Sheet Iron, to hold any desired quantity, manufactured and for sale at the Ebensburg Stove and Tinware Depot. All dealers in Oil should have them. THE EUREKA COFFEE ROASTER ! A time saving, temper saving, labor sa ving, money saving invention. The women's friend. The best Roaster in market. As I have lately added lareeH to my stock, and have now a first-class Hardware and Tin Store, persons in want of anythieg in my line are invited to give me a ca'l. One thing I desire to be distinctly understood . I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! B Repairing promptly attended to. By strict attention to business and a desire to deal fairly and justly with all men, I hope to merit and receive a share ot public patronage. Store on High street, Ebensburg, in the rooms lately occupied by Mills & Davis. aug!3 THOS. W. WILLIAMS. SCOTT HOUSE, Main St., JOHNSTOWN, PA., A. Row k Co., Proprietors. This commodious house has been com pletely refitted and elegantly furnished, and is now open for the reception of guests. It offers superior accommodations to every oth er house in town. The tabic will be sup plied with the beat the market affords, and the bar with the choicest liquors tnd winej. By constant and careful attention, they ex pect to merit and receive a share of public patronage. I&u& 13 GRANT HOUSE, HEMLOCK. PA., Jou.n T7ilkijc, Proprietor. This house has been refitted, and offers superior accomnodaiiens to any other house in town. The proprietor, after long experi ence in ibe business, feels confident he under stands the wants of the public. Hia table will be supplied with all the delicacies of the season. By constant attention, be expects to merit a liberal share of public patronage. August 13, 1608. UNION HOUSE, EBENSBURG. PA., Jerome A. Piott, Proprietor, No pains will be spared to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the patronage it has heretofore received. TLe table will a'.wayB be furnished with the be9i. the market affords; the bar with th best of liquors. The atable is large, aud will be attended by an attentive hostler. aug 13. LOGAN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Isaac Crawford, Proprietor. The Logan has been thoroughly refitted and refurnished, and now offers superior in ducements to the public. The Table and Bar inferior to none in ths State, and Sta bling of the very best. Rug 13- FOSTER HOU3E, Cob. Clihtom & Loccbt sts., JOHNSTOWN. PA., Wm. Lixtok, Proprietor. This well known house has been complete ly refitted and refurnished, and is now pre pared for the reception of guests at reasona ble charges. aug 13. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA. R. P. Lihtos k. Co., Proprietors. The Tab&b is always supplied with tbs choicest delicacies. The Bi is supplied with choice liquors : aad the Stable attended by careful ho tiers. Boarders taken by the week, luootfc or yar. AUPC 13 LAUREL RUN EXCHANGE, HEMLOCK, CAMBRIA CO., PA., Ricbabd Detlimo, Proprietor. This popular stand has lately been refitted throughout, and its doors are now open for the reception of the tired, hungry or thirsty public. aug 13. TTION HOUSE, U HEMLOCK, CAMBRIA CO., PA., Otto Hxllt, Proprietor. This hotel is situated immediately along side the Railroad Depot, and is the most con venient stopping place in town for travelers. August 13, 1868. CAMBRIA HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Henry Fostkk, Proprietor. The first class position among first class Hotels will be maintained in the future, as in the past, by the Arcade. &ug 13. Adwfcis iai Tff AtiplkemiiM. jrEMMON & MURK AY, EBENSBURG DRUG & BOOK STORE! Limmox 4 Mess ay, dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Perlumery, Fancy Soaps, Patent Medicines, Pure Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Cap Paper, Post Paper, Pass Books, Blank Books, Prayer Books, Bibles, Histories, Novels, School Books, Jewelry, Photograph Albums, Note and Billet Pap .Pens, Pencils, Penknives, Pocket Books, er, ripes, rooacco, Cigars, and Snnff, Pure Liquors for medicinal purposes. Ebensburg, Augu St 20, 1868-3m. 1VTEW CHEAP CASH STORE ! ! The subscriber would inform the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity tbat he keeps con stantly on hand everything in the GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY line, such as Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, all kinds of Crackers, Cheese, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, &c. CANNED PEACHES AND TOMITOES! Also, Buckskin and Woolen Gloves, Wool en Socks, Neck ties, ic, all of which will be sold as cheap if not cheaper than elsewhere. A full assortment of Candies I Jt" Ice Cream every evening. augl3 R. R. THOMAS LATEST ARRIVAL ! The subscriber has just received, at his store, on High street, Ebensburg, a large and salable stock of Flour, Bacon, Sugars, Molasses, Tea, Coffee, Table Salt, Barrel Salt, Spicea, Cheese, Tobacco, Cigars, and everything in the Grocery, Notion and Confectionery ttne. Also, Boots and Shoes, Carbon and Lubri cating Oils, &c, &c. R?U All which will be sold very chea for cash. augl3 G. G. OWENS. OOT and SHOE EMPORIUM ! The Subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has opened out a Boot and Shoo Store in the rooms formerly occupied by Davis & Evans, on Cr nter street, Ebens burg, where he will carry on the business on an extensive scale. READY-MADE BOOTS and SHOES For sale at City Prices. BOOTS and SHOES made to order On shortest notice I fif?. The public are invited to give me a call. I will sell cheap as the cheapest, nd warrant my stock and mafce to give satiafac tion. faugl3 JOHN O. EVANS. NEW TAILOR SHOP. Having opened a TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT in the shop formerly occupied by R. D. Thomas, a few doors east of A. A. Barker's store, the subscriber respectfully informs his old customers and all the rest of mankind that he 13 now prepared to manufacture all kinds of Gent's and Youth'9 wearing ap parel in the latest style of the art, with neatness and dispatch, and upon tbe most reasonable term3. Persons needing work in my line are respectfully invited to give a call. "Ebensburg, Aug. 13-tf. C. EBY & CO , WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission MercTiarits, No. 522 Market St., .between Fifth and Sixth, PHtLADELrUIA. We have constantly on hand a general as sortment of all kinds of fish, in large and smili packages, which we will sell low for Cash or short credit. Also, Duncannon Nails and Spikes of all sizes, constantly on hand and for sale ot Manufacturer's prices. aul3 TC. JENKINS, . COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wholesale Dealer and Receiver of FLOUR, AND Alt kinds or PRODUCE, Also : REFINED OILS, Checkered Front, 2T3 Liberty St., Pittsbcbo, Pa. jr"" Trices Current and Marking Plates sent to shippers. augl3 ENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 507 Market St., Philadelphia. X5aT" Refer by permission to A. A. Barker, Ebensburg. aug!3. A.RNES; OSTERHOUT, HERRON Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, And FURS, No. 503 Market St., above Fifth St., augl3 Philadilphia. wholes; GROCERS CALDWELL & FRY, Wholesale Dsalers in HOSIERY, GLOVES, axd NOTIONS, 406 Market street, Philadelphia. I. C. CALDWKLL, aug. 13 WM. W. FRY. JA3. W. RIDDLE, JNO. O. SHERBOBNR, J. rUTEIT BMITII, W. CALVIN MOOHB . TIDDLE, SHERBORNE & CO., JLV Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 Market St., below 5th, and 433 Merchant street, augl3 PIIILADA. JACOB E. SMITH. J. R. SELTZER. COUTH & SELTZER, KJ Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, &c. No. 409 N. Third St., above Callowhill, augl3 Philadelphia. EN. P. THOMPSON, with A. OPPENHEIMER & CO., Manufacturers acd Jobbers of HATS, CAPS, FURS, and STRAW- GOODS, No. 517 Market street, augt3 Philadelphia.. ATIONAL SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY, HENRY SC UNABLE, Wholesale dealer in Soap, Candles, Groce ries, Liquors and Fish, at city prices, augl3 Main bt., JOHNSTOWN, PA. A COB FEND, 7 CRACKER BAKER, CANDY MANU FACTURER, and CONFECTIONER, . 1SJ MrsJTwwjri -Pa' nOLESALE AND RETAIL TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY. Having been East and purchased my stock when prices were low, I am now prepared to offer cash buyers better bargains than can be had anywhere in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. My stock consists in part of every variety of TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER AND BRASS WARES, ENAMELED AND PLAIN SJUCE PANS, BOILERS, SKILLETS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH HEAVY WARE, Made without seam out of Double Tin, TOILET SETS, Unsurpassed in beauty and cheapness, PIE FORKS, CORN POPPERS, COFFEE MILLS, IRON SKIMMERS, MINCING KNIVES, SLAW CUTTERS, And every article you need in the Kitchen. Particular attention given to SPOUTING! VALLEYS AND CONDUCTORS 1 All of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. I am sole agent in this place for the NOBLE COOK, IRONSIDES, GREAT REPUBLIC, TRIUMPH, SPEAR'S ANTI-DUST HEATING AND COOKING STOVES. Odd Plates for repairs constantly on band, as well as other make of Stoves, which will be sold at prices to please. GRATES and GRATE FRONTS, of all sixes, with CAST IRON FENDERS, Furnished at Manufacturers Retail Prices. I would call particular attention to my stock and priees of LAMP TRIMMINGS, Consisting in part of all varieties of BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, OIL CANS, Which I am retailing at Wholesale Prices. SUGAR KETTLES, CAULDRONS, STOVE POTS, Ac. All sizes, constantly on hand at reduced prices. Speeial attention giveu to JOBBING! In Tin, Copper, or Sheet Iron, at lowest pos sible rates. MERCHANTS' WHOLESALE LIST Now ready and will be sent on application by mail or ia person. JKsF Hoping to see .all my old customers and many new ones this Spring, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pat ronage I have already received, aud will m deavor to please all who may call, whether they buy or not. Call on or address FRANK W. HAY, augl3 Johnstown Pa. 500,000 CUtTOMKRS IN IOUII YEARS. PA TRONIZE THE BEST ! Having the largest capital, most experi enced buyers, and extensive trade of any con cern in the Dollar Sale business, we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in evsry instance, and also the best selection of Goods ever offered at ONE DOLLAR E ACII. No other concern has auy show wherever our Agents are selling. Our motto, "Prompt and Reliable." Male and Female agents wanted in city and countrv. THE LADIES Are particularly requested to try our popular club system of selling all kinds of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, DRESS PATTERN'S, COT TON CLOTH, CASTORS, SILVER PLATED GOODS, WATCHES, &c. (Established 1864.) A patent pen fountain and a check describing an article to be sold for a dollar, 10 cts ; 20 for $2 ; 40 for $4 ; 60 for $6 ; 100 for $10; sent by mail. Free presents to getter up of club. Give us a trial. Send for circular. No humbug. Address EASTMAN & KENDALL, 65 Hanover-st., Boston, Mass. Aug. 13-6m E. HUGHES & CO., DEALERS IN LUMBER, Ebessbcro, Pa. Want t kuy 100,000 feet good Cherry Lumber. 100,000 fet Chair and Settee Plank. 100,000 feet finch Poplar. 50,000 feet wide 1-inch Poplar. 100,000 feet Clear Pine. For all which, the highest market price will be paid in cash. Particular attention will be paid tb filling orders. augl3 S. ROBINSON, tcith ' GEO. F. ROBINSON & CO., Manufacturers of PINE, HEMLOCK, BEECH, and MAPLE LUMBER. Also, FLOORING, WEATIIERBOARDING, SHINGLES, LATH, BLACK WALNUT, ASH, and CHERRY, Orders sent to Ebensburg, Cambria co., or Rush House, Pittsburg, will be promptly at tended to. aug 13. JOSEPH ZOLNER has just opened, and offers for sale a splendid lot of eight-day and t"enty-four hour CLOCKS, line WATCHES of every description, AC CORDIANS, JEWELRY, and a variety of all articles in his line. Repairing of Clocks. Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry done on short notice and most reasonable terms. Shop on Hi ah street, opposite Public School House, Ebensburg. aug 13. COAL! COAL! COAL! The subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr ., at Lily Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to any amount, of Citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to quality of Coal guar antied in all cases. WM. TILEY, Jr. Bvmtak P. 0: Aoj. 13, 1868. THE ALLEGHANIAN" -vyiLL ho published every Thursday, ,t the following rates, viz: Per annum, payable in advance If not paid in advance if.j 53 A failure to notify a discontinuance at thj expiration of the term subscribed for will t considered a new engagement. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Transient advertising, per sq., one ins.$i 00 Each subsequent insertion Auditor's Notices,. each j Administrators' and Executors' Notices. 2 5o Estray Notices 3 1 mo. 6 mos. 12 m 1 square, 12 lines S2.50 $4.00 $ 2 squares, 24 lines 5.00 8.00 12 qo 3 squares, 36 lines.... 7.00 10.00 15 qq Quarter column - 9.50 14 00 25 00 Third column 11.00 16.00 28 00 Half column 14.00 25.00 358 Column 25.00 35.00 C0.00 Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines, with paper g 0o jfS" Advertisements not marked -with tht number of insertions desired, will be contin. ued till forbidden, and charged according to the above terms. All kinds of Job Work will b dcie on reasonable terms. HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INSU RANCE COMPANY. CASH CAPITAL S00,0Q0. We are now prepared to insure Live Stock agaiostboth Death and Theft in this live and reliable Company. Owners of Stock hart now the opportunity, by insuring with this Company, of obtaining security and remune ration for the loss of their Animals in case of Death or Theft. OWNERS OF HOriSES. Manufacturers, Expressmen, Teamsteri Physicians, and in fact all who are to anr extent dependent upon tbe services of tbeir Horses in their daily avocations, should in sure in this Company, and thus dtriTe a protection against the pecuniary damnge they would sustain iu the loss of their -dai'tnuls, which arc ia many cases the eoJe means of support of their owners. FARM STOCK. Farmers and others owning Cattle shoald avail themselves of this means of saving the value of their Stock, and secure an eqtnx lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them in being deprived of their Cattle, by insuring in this Company the Pioneer (Jompnnjf of America. By insuring in this Company, you exchange AN UNCERTAINTY for a CERTAISTY1 No man can tell whether bis Animal mny not be stolen or die, through some unforeeata calamity. JBS?- Competent agents wanted, to vbtm a liberal compensation will be paid. Apply to KERR & CO , General Agents, Altoona, Tenna. EST Col. Wm. K. Piper, Ebensburg, Local Agent for above Company. uugl3.2m SADDLERY AND HARNESS I The undersigned keeps constantly ea hand aud is still manufacturing all articlef in his line, such ts SADDLES, FINE SINGLE AND DOUBLE nARNES3, DRAFT HARNESS, BLIND BRIDLES, RIDING BRIDLKS, CHECK LINES HALTERS, WHIPS, liRtECHBANDS, c. All which he will dispose ot eAtor prices for cash. Ills work is all warranted, and being expe rienced iu the business, he nses only tbe beat of leather. Thankful far past favors, f hopes by attention to Dusiness to merit a continuance of the patronage heretofore to liberally extended to him. Shop akove the tin store of Thomas W. Williams, High st. Persons wishing good, substantial Harness can be accommodated. JSy-All persons indebted to me are re quested to call and settle as soon as posiibla, as I need money. aogl3 nUGHA. M COY. RICES REDUCED ! JOHNSTOWN MARBLE WORKS. Tbe subscriber has just received a largo and handsome invoice of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE, comprising the largest and finest stock of the kind ever brought to Johnstown, at bis es tablishment, on Franklin Steeet, where he is prepared, with an adequate force of experi enced and skillful workmen, to execute all kinds of MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, TA BLE TOPS, BUREAU TOPS, MANTELS, 4c, as cheap as they can be purchased in any of the cities A large stock of GRINDSTONES on hand and for sale low. Articles of my manufacture can be purcha sed at the Hardware Store of Mr. Georg Huntley, in Ebensburg. Prompt attention paid to orders troa a distance, and work delivered where dea red. augl3j JOHN PARKE. ORETTO MARBLE WORKS. The undersigned begs leave to infors the citizens of Cambria and adjoining coun ties that ho has just received a stock of th finest Italian and other Marbles at his estab lishment, in Loretto, Cambria county, Pa. Monuments, Tombs, Grave Stones, Table &ni Bureau (ops, manufactured of the most beau tiful and finest quality of Foreign and Domes tic marble, always on hand and made to order as cheap as they can be purchased in the city, in a neat and workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice. The public are respectfully invited to giro me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 am confident that my work and prices satisfy any person desiring anything ia tt7 line of business. Now is the time to get a cheap jet I augl3 JAMES WILKINSON. AT RON I ZE YOUR OWN! THE PROTECTION MUTUAL FU; INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAM3UIA LC LO CAT ED AT EBENSBURG, PA. The above named Company, organitei April 6th, 1857, will effect insurances on property at safe rates. Being particularly careful in the risks taken, this Company pre sents a reliable and cheap medium, tbropg which persons may secure themselves agan probable losses by fire. Office on Centre Street, nearly opposit the "Mountain House." . JOHN WILLIAMS, P""- R J. Ll otd, Sec'y. & Treas. Agents : EVAN ROBERTS, Johnstown. JAMES PURSE, JNO. E. ROBERTS, Ebensburg. Ebensburg, Aug. 13, 18C8. Job Work of all kiads dea tkrf office. t U