j. T. HIITCIIIXSO.,wrm EI). JAMES, I I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Hinby Clat. aikKMb'llSa.OO IX ADVANCE, VOLUME 0. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 18C8. NUMBER 3. i ( WILLIAM KITTELL, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. August 13, 1863. JOHN FENLON, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Ta. 1 Office on High street. augl3 GEORGE M. READE, Attorney at I JT Law, Ebensburg, Pa. I yy Office in Colonnade Row. augl3 f-1 P. TIEIINEY, Attorney at Law, lj Ebensburg, Cumbria county, Pa. ggj Office in Colonnade Row. Jugl3 WILLIAM II. SECI1LER, Attor ney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. jfey Office "in Colonnade Row. aug20 EORGE W. OAT31AN, Attorney t Law and Claim Agent, and United States Commissioner for Cambria county, Eb- naburg, Pa. "gl3 JOILNSTON & SCANLAN", Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office opposite the Court House. B. L. JOUS 9TON. augldj J. . BCAJ.LAJI. SAMUEL SINGLETON, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Ji5 Office on High itreet, west of Fos tera Hotel. ugl3 TAMES C. EASLY, Attorney at Law, I tj CarroIItown, Cambria connty, Pa. ? rs-vy Architectural Drawings and FpeciS- satoni made. rRUg13 J' J. WATERS, Justice of the Peace Ji and Scrivener, i ZJ" Office adjoining dwelling, on High st., A Ebeusburg, Pa. ang 13-6in. F. A. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Particular attention paid to collections. SOT Office on High street, west of the Di jaroond. ugl3 TOSEPII S. STRAY ER, Justice of jtl tho Peace, Johnstown, Pa. I $r?jsr Office on Market etreet, corner of Lo cu3t street extended, and one door south of the Ute office of Wm. il'Kee. aug!3 11 PEYER KAUa, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Summit, Pa. I pf Office east of Mans:oa Houe, on Rail Vond street. Night calls promptly attended la. at his t.ffice. augl3 frK- IE WITT ZEIGLER Jf Having permanently located in Ebeus- rt-urg. otfers his professional ierrices to the ciuzcns ol town naa ticii i-.v. Teeth extracted, without pain, with Xilrout lOxidt, or Lawjhing Gas. fcJT' Iloomi nJjumiii, J. 'nntl.-v s store, llh?h jtreet. Laugl3 DENTISTRY. The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully eaeri ui i" " - tf Ebensburg. He has spared no means to j i .nfsitinniil HPrvw tr the Citizens VHorouguiy acquHiui uiuucu ......... lrr'' "'3 c 1 u luuuy j cure ui JJi - vnal experience, he has sought to add the Imparted experience ot the higuest authorities ia Dental Science. He simply asks that an epportunity may be given for his work to peak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. BO-Will beat Ebensbnre ou the fourth jMoaiiay of each month, to stay one wjbk. August 33, 18C8. T LOYI) & CO., Banker LLi Ebensbcrg, Pa. sy Gold, Silver, Government Loans and :her Securities bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, ftaj a General Banking Business transacted. August 13, 18CS. W M. LLOYD k Co., Bankers M Altoona, Pa. Iraf: on the principal cities, and Silver a j (JoKl for sale. Collections made. Mon ji rce'iTed on deposit, payable on demand, .'wiijigut interest, or upon time, with interest at tuir rates. augl S I " i WB. M . LlOtD. J'ret t. JOUS I.LOYD, Cashier. T71UST NATIONAL RANK . IX: OF ALTOOXA. j G O VERXMEST A OENCY AND 'DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UKI- TED STATES. Crgr Corner Tirginia and Annie sts., North Wrd, Altoona, Pa. iAcTHORirKD Capital $300,000 00 jCisit Capital Paid is 150,000 00 All business pertaining to Banking dene on favorable terms. Iuerual Revenue Stamps of all denomina tion always on hand. To purchasers of Stamp?, percentage, in scraps, will be allowed, as follows: $50 to 100, J per cent.; $!0C to $200, 3 per cent.; 200 and upwards, 4 per cent. augl3 T) EES J. LLOYD, Svccf$3or of R. S. Bunn, Dealer in rrRE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE-STUFFS, PERFUME RY AND FANCY ARTICLES, PURE "WINES AND BRANDIES FOlt MEDI CAL PURPOSES, PATENT MEDICINES, &c. Also : Ltter, Cap, and Note Papers, Tens, Pencils, Superior Tnk, And other articles kept by Druggists generally. rhyttciant' prescriptions curefulhi compounded. Office on Main Street, opposite the Moun- tin House, Ebensburg, Pa. f augld ABRAHAM BLAINE, Barber Ebes sbcrg, Pa. Shaving, Shampooing, and Uair-dressing done in the most artistic style. 5fi? Saloon directly opposite the "Moun tain House." augl3 SAMUEL SINGLETON, NotaryPub lie. Ehenshiircr Pa Office on High street, welt of Foster's Ho- tel augl3 OB WORK of all kiuds done THE ALLEG1IANIAK OFFICE. at Ag-a In! Oh, sweet and fair 1 oh, rich and rare I That day so long ago, The Autumn sunshine everywhere, The heather all aglow. The ferns were clad in cloth of gold, The waves sng on the shore ; Such suns will shine, such waves will sing, For ever, evermore. Oh, fit and few 1 oh, tried and true 1 The friends who met that day, Each one the other's upirit knew; And so in earnest play The hours flew past, until at last, The twilight kissed the shore ; We said : 4Svirh .Ivq shall rnmn Ar"alr- For ever, evermore.". One day again, no clond of pain A 6hadow o'er us cast, And yet we strove, in vaio, in vain, To conjure up the past ; Like, but unlika, the sun that shone, The waves that beat the shore, The words we r-iid, the songs we sang, Like unlike evermore. For ghosts unseen crept in between, And, when our songs flowed free, Sang discords in an undtrtone, And marred the harmony : "The past is ours, not yours," they said, 'The waves that beat the shore, Though like the same, are not the same, Oh, never, never more !" THE PARISIAN FLOWER-GIRL I was a medical student in Paris at the time the strange and startling adventure happened which I am about to relate. Tired with long lectures and hard study, I was out one evening for a walk in the fresh air. It was a pleasant night in mid winter, and the cold, bracing " air, as it touched my feverish brow, caused a grate ful sensation. Pacing through a lonely street, near the river, I was surprised at meeting a young and pretty girl at least she appear ed so in the dim light of a rather distant street lamp who carried in her hand three or four bouquets which she offered for Kile. "Will Monsieur have a bouquet ?" thc k.L.a, : . " i.n:.. out to me a well arranged collection of beautiful Sowers. "They are very pretty," said I, taking them iu tuy hand j and somehow I could not help adding, as I fixed my eyes on hers, "aud o, I think, is their fair owner." 'Monsieur will buy and assist me t she said. "Do you really need assistance, Made moiselle ?" "Why else should I be here at this hour of the night, Monsieur ?" "And why here at all V I quickly re turned. "This street is little frequented, and is about the last in the world I would have selected for disposing of a luxury most suited to wealth and fashion." She sighed and reached out her hand for the bouquet, which I still retained. "What is your price V said I. "Five francs." "A large sum." "Monsieur will remember it is winter, and flowers arc not plenty." "To aid you, I will purchase," returned I, handing her the requisite coin; "for, though I love flowers, 1 would otherwise hardly indulge in the luxury to-night at such an expense." "Thanks ! Could Monsieur direct me to the house of a good physician who will turn out to-night and see a patient for a small recompense V "Any friend of yours ill ?" . "My mother," with a deep sigh and downcast look. "Where does she reside ?" "Only a short distancs from here." "What is the matter with her ?" "She has a very high fever, for one thing." "When was she taken down ?" "Last night, and she has not left her bed since." "Why did you not send for a physician at once V "We hoped she would be better soon, and it is so expensive for poor people to employ a physician." "I am myself a medical student, with considerable experience among the sick of the hospitals, and if you are disposed to trust the cae to me, I am at your service without charge," I rejoined, already feel--ing deeply interested in the fair girl. "Oh, how shall I thank Monsieur !" she exclaimed, with clasped hands and an up ward, grateful look. "Pray, follow me, Monsieur le Docteur." She turned at once, and moved off at a rnrml n.ice down the street, toward the river Seine, in the direction 1 was walking when we met. In less than five minutes, we had entered a wretched quarter, among narrow streets, old, tottering buildings, some of which seemed to glare at us as we passed along. "Is it much further ?" inquired I, be ginning to feel uneasy. "Only a step, Monsieur ; it is just here." Almost immediately, she turned into a covered passage, which led in among hab itations which. I never should have entered in the broad glare of day. A distant lamp served to make the gloom visible, till she suddenly opened a door leading into total darkness. "Your hand, Monsieur le Doctcur," she said, at the same time taking it and lead ing me forward. I was quite tempted to draw back and refuse to go any further, though I me chanically followed her. We now went through a long, narrow passage, in total darkness, and after one or two short turns, began to descend a pair of creaking, rotten stairs. "Is it possible you live in a place like this I" I said, secretly wishing myself safe ly out of it. "In Paris, beggars cannot. bo. chrtnaara l'. sidled trie gif J. ... "But even in Paris, it is not necessary for the living to take up their abode in sepulchres," I rejoined, with some asperi ty, being vexed with myself for suffering my good nature to lead me into a den from which I mi"-ht never come out alive. To this my fair guide deigned no reply. On reaching the foot of the stairs, she pushed open a door, into a small, dimly lighted room, and I followed her in, with some misgivings, lnere was a small bed in one corner of the room, and on it ap peared to be a human form, lying very still. "I have brought a doctor, mother," said the girl, as she closed the door behind me. As there was no reply made to this, she turned to me, saying, "Will Monsieur le Docteur please be seated a minute ? I think mother is asleep. " "I beg Mademoiselle to bear in mind that I can only spare a few moments with this case to-night, as I have another call I wish to make immediately," I returned, feeling very anxious to depart from that subterranean quarter as quick as possible. "Monsieur shall not be detained long by me, reioined tne girl, passing out oi tne room by another door. I did not sit down, but walked over to the bed where the patient was lying, very still so still, indeed, that I could not de tect any breathing. A woman's cap was on the bed, and the end of a sheet con cealed the face. I ventured to turn this down, and beheld the eyeless sockets and grinning teeth of a human skull ! I started back in horror, and at the same moment the door by which the girl had left was. thrown open, and in pi'-V1'iLv.l fV - I A - ' black gowns and masks. I knew at once, then, that I was to be robbed, and proba bly murdered. I wore a heavy diamond ring and pin, carried in money some five hundred francs, but not a single weapon of any kind. Resistance being, therefore, out of the question. I felt taat my. only chance if, indeed, there was a chance ai all was to conciliate the ruffians and buy myself off. With a presence of mind for which I still take to myself considerable credit, I said at once : "I understand it all, gentlemen, and you will find me a very liberal man to deal with. There is one thing which I value very highly, because, if lost, I cannot re place it I mean, my life. Everything else of mine is at your service, even be yond what I have with me." They were undoubtedly surprised to hear me speak in that cool, off-hand manner ; but they marched forward and surrounded me before either said a word. "How much have you got with you ?" inquired one, in a civil way, but in a low, gruff tone. I immediately mentioned the different articles of value and the exact amount of money I had with me ; "all of which I shall b pleased to present you with, if one of you will be kind enough to escort me to the street above," I added. "You said you had more, 3Ionsieur." "Yes, gentlemen, I have ten thousand francs in the Bank of France, and I will willingly add a cheek for half that sum." "Checks don't answer our purpose very well, said a second voice. -Then I pledge you my honor that I will to-morrow draw out five 'thousand francs, and pay the amount to any person who may approach me with this bouquet in my hand, said I, holding out the flow ers I had purchased from the fair decov. "And have him arrested the next min ute, I suppose." , i t i ii "jo-; on my nonor, ne snail eo un harmed and unquestioned, and no other human beinjr shall be informed of the transaction for a week, a month, or a rear "Let us handle what you have nere," said the first speaker I immediately drew out my pin, drew off my ring, drew out my watch, produced my pocket-book and purse, and. placed them all in his extended hand. "You make us a present of these, now ?" he said "Yes, on condition that one of you will forthwith conduct me to the street above, I replied. "lousieur is a very lioeral man, was the response. They then drew off together, scrutini zing the articles by the light of a smoky lamp, and conversing together in low tones I felt that they were holding a con versa tion that involved my life, and to speak the truth, it seemed as if every nerve in me quivered, and it was with difficulty that 1 could stand. At length, the principal ' spokesman turned to me and said : "Monsieur has actod more like a gentle- mat than any other person we ever had deaings.with, and if we could, consistent witl our business, oblige him, we should bo iappy to do ro ; but, unfortunately, we are governed by a rule, which is law to us, thut dead men tell no tales, and we think it will not do to make an exception in this case. We will, however, in consideration of Monsieur's gentlemanly behavior, be as mild and lenient as possible in doing our duty, and will grant Monsieur five min utes for saying his prayers." "You have then - resolved to murder me V I gasped. "Monsieur uses a veryv hard term, but we-will let that pass. You have five min- "-yet to live v this watch." in.:- tetn held my, watvu-. .il. light, and I felt indeed that my days were numbered, and secretly began to pray for the salvation of my soul, believing that I could not save my body. A death-like silence reigned in that gloomy apartment for some time, and" then one of the ruffians bent down and lifted s. trap-door, and from the dark pit below issued a noisome smell, as it might be o putrid flesh. I "beheld my intended grave, and shuddered and shook like an aepen. But why stand there and die like a dog, without a single attempt to escape ? At the worst, it could be but death, and there was a bare possibility that I might get away. I fixed my eyes on the door that opened on the stairway, and with a single bound reached it, but found it locked. Then, as the hands of the assassins seized mc, with murderous intent, I uttered a wild shriek ; when, almost simultaneously, the door was burst in with a loud crash, and the room was filled with gendarmes. I saw that I was saved, and fainted and fell. The four masks, the fair decoy, and two or three others concerned in that murder ous den, were all secured, and I subse quently had the pleasure of giving my evidence against them and seeing them all condemned to the galleys for life. The place had for some time been sus pected and the decoy marked. On that night, a detective had secretly followed the girl and myself, and, after ascertaining whither she had conducted me, had has- tened to bring a body of gendarmes to the place. The delay of the ruffians iu their murderous designs had been just sufficient isave me. I scarcely need add that I distressed damsel on a" secret acrvemuie while I remained in Paris. Gen. V. S. Grant. Eirht years aro, when a Republican Convention at Chicago nominated Abra ham Lincoln, a man not altogether un known, and wherever known respected, J the country wa3 tatcn Ly surprise, rui rallied to his support as no old lavonie had ever been supported, and m the terri ble years that followed gave him a place in the popular heart never accorded to any one except ashington. rsow tne couu- try is not only not surprised at, but tctu ally demands the nomination of a man then living at Galena, whose name the people had never heard when Lincoln was called from his quiet life at Springfield. Both Western men,' and both residents of Illiiiuis, though born the one in Kentucky and the other in Ohio, they were nomina ted for the first office in the people s gift by National Conventions held in the me- tropolis ot tneir aaoptea ?iaic. xincoin had a mission to perform, and the Conven tion of 1800 called him forth to perform it; Grant has that work to complete, and the Convention of 18C3 asks him to complete it. His record in the past shows the sin gleness of purpose with which he will pur sue the task allotted to him in the future. Ulysses S. Grant was born April 27, 1822, at Point Pleasant, Clermont county, Ohio. Like Lincoln, his early intellectu al advantages were of the most ordinary kind, but he was enabled to educate him self sufficiently to enter the MiliUry Acad emy at West Point, to which he was for tunate in procuring a cadetship, though at the expense of hie name, Hiram Ulysses, which was given him in infancy, for the one by which he has become known all over the world. If the clerical blunder which inscribed him Ulysses S. could not be erased from the records of the Academy, neither can that name be blotted from the scroll of honorable history. He graduated in 1843 and was breveted 2d Lieut, in the 4th Infantry. He served through the Mexican war, receiving brevets of First Lieutenant and Captain for' meritorious conduct at the battles of Molina del Rey and Chepultepec. After the war with Mexico he continued in the army for a few years, and while serving in Oregon in 1852, was promoted to a captaincy. The next year he resigned, going into business at St. Louis, and in 1859 he removed to Galena, 111., where he was conducting an extensive' tannery when the late war broke out. Capt. Grant was among the first to offer his services to the Government, and was given command of a regiment by the Governor of Illinois, with which he went into active service into Missouri. It was not long until he was appointed a Brigadier-General of Volunteers (Aug. 18G1,) and assignecLto the command of the Dis trict of Cairo. The unfortunate battle of Bull Bun and the varying fortunes in the South West had a depressing effect upon the cormtry, and the people were willing to take a lead er on trust if he would only come heralded with a victory, however insignificant. Rich Mountain gave M'Ch llan command of the Armies of the' United States; the unfortunate expedition to Belmont doomed Grant to comparative obscurity at Cairo, until near the close of the first year of the war. Then the brilliant victories of Fort DoneLson and Pittsburg Landing, the first of any significance gained by a Union army, could do little for him, and while the former made him a Major-General, the latter deprived him of a command.. All eyes were turned toward the Grand Army of the Potomac, in anticipation of the great things it would accomplish when its La,?ar chose to move upon Lee at Manas sas ; and aeeisi , c A-mv UJr Cum berland and the Tennessee werevhot wii eidered, while people were amused with promises never to be realized, and kept in constant expectation by assurances that all wa3 quiet along lines a little nearer home. It were useless to attempt a description of these actions now, but when G rant com pleted a victory that had begun as a defeat, by leading in person a charge of six regi ments, he showed that a General might promise little and yet accomplish much. Soon after he had worsted the ablest rebel leader in the South, who was killed in that fierce engagement at Shiloh Church, Hal leek assumed command in the South West, and the victor Avas rewarded for his two successes by subsequent neglect until Sep tember, 18G2. He was then armointed to the command of the Army of West Ten nessee, his forces constituting the 13th Army Corps, and fixed his headquarters at J aekson iu that State. In the mean time M'Clellan had been driven from be fore Richmond, Pope had been defeated at the second battb of Bull Run, and an uncertain victory at Antietam had closed the career of a General who waa called to the head of the army in the fervor of pop ular enthusiasm, and had been restored to command in a moment of popular despair. During the dark and terrible winter that followed, the Army of the Potomac under its successive commanders lay on the banks of the Rappahannock, and fought the ill fated battle of Fredericksburg and Chan cellorsville, while Grant and Sherman were quietly working out their plans on the Mississippi and the Y'azoo. When Lee moved northward in the Spring and Suni or J Stlo, and Meade was enabled to capitulation ot x cuincituif v.. . burg to Gettysburg in the associations con nected with the ever-elorious Fourth of July. In detailing the appointments of Major-Generals which had been made in the regular army, Grant once modestly said : "After the capitulation of Yicks burg I was added," a3 if himself uncon eious of the importance of an event that had given the army a leader who conquer ed a peace for the country, and makes him to-day the candidate of the great Repub lican rsarty i'oc President, an office he would not desire were not the people in tent on srivincr him this last mark of their confidence and esteem. One who was within the rebel lines du ring the in-ac!ou of Pennsylvania in 18G3, vas told by an arrogant Southerner, whose deserted home was near the spot where Grant's army la-, that the dark and fetid waters of the Y'azoo would destroy his men even if there were no intrenched enemy in front to pick them off in detail. But the same flash of the lightning that brought the news of Meade's victory at Gettysburg brought word of Pember ton's defeat at V icksburg. As a reward for this victory, Grant, in hi.s own modest words, was ad ded to the 3Xajor-Generals already appoint ed for the regular army, but unlike the time when he was commissioned a Major Ceneral of Volunteers, no fortune now could doom him to inactivity. Before he was ordered to assume command at Chat tanooga, after the unfortunate battle of Chickamauga, President Lincoln wrote him a characteristie letter. It was dated July 13, 18G3, and was c follows : "My Dear General : I do not remember that you and I ever met personally. I write this now as a grateful acknowledgement, for the al most inestimable service you have done the country. I wish to say a word further. When you first reached the vicinity of V icksburg, I thought you should do what you finally did march the troops across the neck, run the batteries with the trans ports, and thus go below ; and I never had any faith, except a general hope that you knew better than I, that the Yazoo expe dition and the liko could succeed. When you got below and took Port Gibson, Grand Gulf, and vicinity, I thought you should go down tho river and join Gen. Banks ; and when you turned northward, east of the liig Black, I thought it was a mistake. I now wish to make the person al acknowledgement that you were right and I was wrong." A victory which could call forth such a letter as this from President Lincoln would produce in the mind of the Execu tive the most unbounded confidence in the capacity of the commander by whom it was gained. It it gratifying that that confi dence was never betrayed and never dis appointed. He first justified the Presi dent's faith, soonjafter he assumed the chief command in Tennessee, by the bril liant victory at Lookout Mountain, driving the rebel Gen. Bragg from the Chattanoo ga Valley and Mission Ridgs, and opening up the way for Sherman's Great March t the Sea. Then the National House of Representatives passed a unanimous vote of thanks to Gen. Grant for his victories and ordered a medal to be struck in his honor, while both Houses of Congress con curred in the passage of an act reviving the grade of Lieutenant-General, a rank never held by any one except Washington, and Grant was recommended for the post, it being prescribed that the Lieutenant General should have command of the armies. President Lincoln formally pre sented him with his commission March 9, 1864, and having opened up the path to the final victory in the South-West, he at once proceeded to pavo the way in- the South-East. The Grand Army of the Potomac, str.artin uner its many misfortunes, not withstanding tthe bright spot of Gettys burg upon its banners, and its imperishable record for heroism, needed the prestige of Gen. Grant to give it confidence in itself. Those noble veterans felt that success was assured when they found him willing to join his great fame with theirs, and to link his destinies with their fortunes. He re ceived his commission from" the hands of the President, with but few words, and without indicating his purpose, left the Executive presence to begin his advance upon Richmond. The Rapidan was cros sed and Lee fought in the terrible battles of the "Wilderness ; then he advanced to the North Anna river, and making a flank movement upon Cold Harbor, fought an other sanguinary battle, the assault upon the Rebel works at that place ; and then swinging around the intrenched lines of the enemy, he crossed the James and in vested l'etersburg. Desperate engage ments followed, and, during the invest ment, he mined and blew up Fort Hell, a Rebel stronghold, with the view of taking the town by assault ; but the operation failed, with severe punishment on our side, and heavy losses to the enemy. This, to gether with tlie desperate straits to which Lee was reduced, emboldened him to take the offensive, aud on the night of the 27th of March, 18G5, he moved three divisions of his troops before Fort Steadman, and surprised and captured the position. Be fore night, it had been retaken, and at the same time the battle of Hatcher's Run was fought, continuing until evening. On the 2d of April, the Rebel intrenchments, with G,000 men, at Big Five Forks, were cap- -I n,,r1 ttjn .atf-jujV ffji; orLrl nlornr t he- ended in driving Lee from his works and the abandonment of Richmond. Lee's re treat was cut off by the rapid movements which Grant instituted, and on the 9th of April, just one week after the last great' battle, the army of Northern Virginia ca pitulated. Soon after, the Rebel Gen. Johnston surrendered to Gen. Sherman, on the same terms granted by Grant to Lee, and the Great Civil War was' over. If Gen. Grant was appointed to tho command of the armies, with a rank never before held by any one except Washing ton, a greater honor, if possible, was in store for him. He is now simply General of ' the United States Army, and will soon be President of the United States. Franli Blair on Gen. Grant, The Leavenworth (Kansas) Timet tells the following : Hon. Frank P. Blair, after his speech in this city, in the presenco of a number of gentlemen, and in reply to a remark that "Grant was a fool," said : "Sir, you are mistaken. Grant is no fool. I know him well. I knew him be fore he went into the army, and when he used to haul wood into the city of St. Louis. I met him often in the service. I know the man. He is the greatest man of the age. Sherman, Sheridan and Thom as are sooJ men, but Grant is worth more than idl of them. Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon Bonaparte were both great men, but, sir, I tell you that Grant is a greater man than Cromwell and Bonaparte put together. He is not a talker, but he is one cf the d dest thinkers in the world. He is ambitious, but he don't show it ; and I tell you, that if he is elected- President, ho will set up a monarchy and establish himself emperor. I tell you that the peo ple are mistaken when they suppose Grant to be a fool. They have good reasons to fear his greatness." "Yes, but don't you think ho will be controlled by such men as Sumner, Wilson and Washburne V "Controlled? Controlled? Why, bo would sweep them away like straw." "But, General, don't you think that 7 .1 .il circumstances have done a $r-cat aeat lor . Grant?" WThy, the fellow has made the circum stances. I tell you that it is no luck. The man that can spring right up from poverty and obscurity and do what he ha3 done is no mere creature of circumstances. . Circumstances don't run so much in one way." "I am a Democrat, but if General Grant is such a great man as you say ho is, I am a Grant man from this out." "Well, if you want a despotism, voto for him ; but if you want a republican form of government, you will have to voto against him. I know that he is a great man, and in saying so I simply tell the truth."