'r Hprrnni.V.SALP, AND Ki-Aiu TIic Farmer's Department. Tdk Reason wur Bees work in the Dark. A Hfe time might be speiU in investigation the mysteries hidden in a beehive, and still half of the secrets would be undiscovered. The formation or the cell has been a celebrated problem for the mathematician, whilst the chaDgcs which the honey undergoes offer at least an equal interest to the chemist. Every one knows what honey fresh from the como is nice. It is a clear yellow syrup, without a trace of solid sugar in it. Upon struimof:, how ever, it gradually assumes a crystalline ap pearance, it candies, as tho sayiog is, -tnd ultimately becomes a solid lump of sugar. It has not been suspected that this change is due to photographic action; that the same agent which alters the mo-i-.iar rrH.iTement of the iodine of su- wl- nn iKo PToited collodion plate, and de- i.rmin Ka formation of camphor and.l inAno .rvotnls in a bottle, causes the syrup Vnnpv trt assume a crystalline form. " This, however, is the case. Mer has enclosed honey in d flasks, somo of which he has kept : ,r .iorLni whilst other have I U llCllim vi - - , been exposed to the light. The invana kio rncnJti has been that the sunned por tion ranidlv crvstallizes, whilst that kept in Vp Hark h remained perfectly liquid w nnw ipa whv bees are so careful to w ,.rlr in nprfpct darkness, and why they are so careful to obscure the glass windows t,;h nrt sometimes placed in their hives The existeoce of their young depends on k linnMitv of saccharine food presented to them, and if light were allowed access u:a thm Rvrun would eradually acquire more or less solid consistency. It would seal up the cells, and, in all probability, prove fatal to the inmates of the hive. Journal of Science. m " Imported Work Horses. We no lice, says an exchange, the importation to this country of a number of Normandy draught horses. They are taken to the west to be crossed with the domestic breed. They are about sixteen hands high, with hort less, round barrels, intelligent head and broad chests. The importation u do i.M nnrl nrainisea eood results. We The war thinned iim out terriblv. We do not want trot " " j . . . i ting stoflk, as our own is the hast in lae wcrld. There is no great demand for race horses ; but in restoring our supply of draught animals we want something bet ter than we have had. We have been adly deficient here, and no right effort has been made to cure the deficiency. If now when a great attempt is making, un .rnr.UA circumstances, to increase the number of working animals, we aim to. increase the quality also, a great and permanent good will be reached. We have had no specifio variety of work horses. All that were good for nothing elsb were used here. There is no reason vby our draught horses should not equal those of Normandy the best in the world and those of Kugland, little inferior, and having a strain of the Norman and Flemish iu their constitution. The im portation is a step in the right direction, and if followed up will give us the excel lence for the plow and dray that we now have for the saddle and sulkey. At all events, some good will accrue from even so light an infusion as this. Warts on Cows Teats. This nui be abated when the cow is dry TT.ora onsilv than when she is giving milk. c,n wnrts mav. however, often be re- mnvpd bv some simple application, which . -.- will give little or no pain, juoisieuiug them after milking with strong saleratus water, applying a paste of wood ashes to the warts only, or touching them with al most anv caustic in a way not to make them sore, will usually, but gradually, cause the warts to disappear. Very large warts should first be tied off, that is, have a wiro or silk thread bound around them close to the teat, so as to prevent a circu lation of blood ; but this makes the teat gore and milking difficult. "N. C, B." writes that raw linseed oil applied once a week will cure warts on cowi. Amer. Agriculturist. HUMMER GOODS FOR 1868 II JjV WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. A. BARKER & SOIV, High St., EBENSBURG, VA. A. A. BARKER & SON hafe received and opened out, at their Store, on High street, their Summer stocK or gooaa lor oo. BENSBURG STOVE and "WARE DEPOT I T. W. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Just received, at the Ebensburg Stove and Tinware Depot, a Urge and well selected stock of DRESS GOODS. MKTiTNOS. PLAIDS. POPLINS, ALPACAS, DELAINES, rttiaio, FLANNELS. UL.AKKe.is, CLOTHS, UABHiMJUiao, SHAWLS AM) uluamjiuo, Every style in the market; HOSIERY, GLOVES, Asu wui uuuio, HATS CAPS, iJUUio COOK STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, OFFICE STOVES, COPPER WARE, TINWARE, SHEET-IUUH -WAKE, HOUSE SPOUTING, TIN ROOFING, &c. And a general assortment of CHEAP CASH STORE 1 ! TIN- TVTEW 1 1 The subscriber wouiu imu"" of Ebensburg and vicinity, that he keeps con- tnntlv on hand everyinmp iu 8tanV,J7,T.T,v AvrwmxFECTIONERY " - rr nfFoo Snornr all line, such as iour, -"'""i ,7 ' j kinds of UracKers, vucc, o rr u rii rrn r AtC. Also, Buckskin and Woolen Gloves, Wool- Lia KpcIc ties. &c, all of which will be Mid as cheap if not cheaper than elsewhere. A full asxorlmeni oj iaziuiro . ST Ice Cream every eTn05IA3 agJ TXT HOLES ALE AND TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON WARE 'MANUFACTORY. THE ALLEG AN w1 WniTE GOODS, embracing new styles of w .Tvonnics SWI5! MUSLINS, MULLS, TARLETONS, BRILLIANT WHITE CRINOLINES, A CORDED SKIRTING. Hardware, Cutlery; Farm Edge Tools, Nails, Horse Skoes, Horse Shoe Nails, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Augers, Bits, Files, Hatchets, Hummers, Hinges, Gimlets, Screws, Locks,, Latches, Bolts, Halter Chains, Breast Chains, Trace Chains, Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, Apple Parers, Hand Saws, Oil Stones, Meat Cutters, Coal Hods, Door Lock Keys, Sad Irons, Coffee Mills, Coffee Roasters, Carbon Oil Larnps Chimneys, Burners, Wicks, Stove Polish, Boot Polish, Hoop Iron, Wagon Iron, Bolts, &c. Sugars, Coffee, Spices, Cigars, EMBROIDERIES, consisting in part of JACONET AND SWISS EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS, DIMITY BANDS, COLLARS, SETTS, BOBBIN THREAD EUUlus havco. I desire to coll particular attention to the fact that my stock of STOVES! Is the largest and best in Cambria county. And any Cooking Stove desired I will get when ordered at manufacturers' retail prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, &c, for re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I sell ; others will bo ordered wnen waniea. augj T ATEST ARRIVAL ! m I 1 rrua c,sfriher has iust received, at jM M 111 BUlwv.---- w his store, on lligb street, ueuaUuiK, and salable stock ol Flour, Baconj Mniaaspa. - Tea, Table Salt, Barrel Salt, Cheese. Tobacco, and everything in the Grocery, Notion and Confectionery line. Also. Boots and Shoes, Carbon and Lubri cating Oils, &c, &c. wa, All which will be sold very cheap for cashT augl3 G. G. OWENS. TkOOT ant, SHOE EMPORIUM! 0 The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he bas openea outa. i.ubu.. Shoe Store in tne rooms luiuicn; v-r x- n..titpr street. Ebens- lrj, , where he will carry on the business on an extensive scale. READY-MADE BOOTS and SHOES For tale at City Prxcet. BOOTS and SHOES made to order On thortest notice ! aLThe public are invited to give me a calll will sell cheap as the cheapest, nd warrant my stock and make to give satisfac Uo" fauglSl JOHN O. EVANS. HOOPED SKIRTS, Cheaper than ever. Th celebrated DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, tbe best in use, Sold at the very loweit market rates. OIL BARRELS! Made out of Galvanized Sheet Iron, to bold any desired quantity, manufactured and for sale at the Ebensburg Stove and Tinware Depot. All dealers in Oil should have them. THE EUREKA COFFEE ROASTER ! A time saving, temper savinjr, labor sa- - . . - ri'l. . V, ving, money saving invention, xue wuuieu d friend. The best Roaster in market. N EW TAILOR SHOP. Havinp opened a TAILOR'S ESTABLISH , slion formerly occupied by R. D. doors eiist ot A. A. isarter a the rest of mankind HOUSEKEEPING GOODS! CRASH in toe Buup TV U - a a A fpW store, the subscriber respectfully informs his Oiu t uoiuiw- - r-- Ao11 that he is now prepared 10 miummuuic of Gent's and louma weanug i in the latest style of the art, with a - nisnTrn. huu uduu who QKUIUCSS cava v-' y . reasonable terras. Persons needing work in mvline are respectfully invited to give a call. 'Ebensburg, Aug. 13-tf. kinds narel nv iscfi TABLE COVERS, BROWN i'DAMASK T VBLE LINENS, TiTvocn nmir nTAPER AND DAMASK HONEY COMB QUILTS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, ALLENDALE QUILTS, SWISS CURTAINS, PIELOW CASE LINENS, PILLOW CASE MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, CARPETS, RUGS, nASSOCKS, FLOOR CLOTHS, &c , &c, Of all sizes, widths, and prices. A full Ptock of READY-MADE CLOTlliiNUi JJOOTS .j- SHOES, MATS 4" CATS, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, Ac. As I have lately added largely to my stock, and have now a first-class Hardware ana iin Store, persons in want of anythicg in my line are invited to give me a caU. One thing I desire to be distinctly understood WILL NOT BE U2DERS OLD ! S& Repairing promptly attended to. E. C. EBY & CO , WHOLESALE GROCERS, An,l Commission Merchants. No 522 Market st., between Fifth ad Sixth, Philadelphia. We have constantly on hand a general as sortment of all kinds of fish, in large and small packages, which we win sen iow or Cash or short credit. Also, Duncannon Nails d Spikes of all sies, constantly on nana d for sale at Manufacturer's prices. au!3 Having been East and purchased my stock when prices were low, I am now prepared to offer cash buyer3 better bargains than can be had anywhere in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. My stock consists in part of every variety of TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER AND BRASS WARES, -ENAMELED AND PLAIN SAUCE PANS, BOILERS, SKILLETS, FRKNCII AND ENGLISH HEAVY WARE, Made without seam out of Double Tin, TOILET SETS, Unsurpassed in beauty and cheapness, PIE FORKS, CORN POPPERS, COFFEE MILLS, IRON SKIMMERS, MINCING KNIVES, SLAW CUTTERS, And every article ycu ned in tho Kitchen. Particular attention given to SPOUTING ! VALLEYS AND CONDUCTORS I All of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. 1 am sole agent in this place for the NOBLE COOK, IRONSIDES, GREAT REPUBLIC, TRIUMPH, SPEAR'S ANTI-DUST HEATING AND COOKING STOVES. Odd Plates for repairs constantly on hand, as well as other make of Stoves, which will be sold at prices to please. GRATES and GRATE FRONTS, of all sires, with CAST IRON FENDERS, Furnished at Manufacturers Retail I wonld call particular attention stock and prices of LAMP TRIMMINGS, Cor.sis.ting in part of all varieties of BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, WICKS, OIL CANS, Which I am retailing at Wholesale Prices ILL be published every Thursday, at the following rates, vit: Per annum, payable in advance -$2.00 If not paid in advance fcso A failure to notify a discontinuance at th expiration ot the term subscribed for will be considered a new engagement. BATES or ADVERTISING. Transient advertising, per sq., one ins..$1.0O Each subsequent insertion 25 Auditor's Notices, each 2.00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices. 2.50 Fstrav Notices - L50 S mo. 1 square, 12 lines $2.50 2 squares, 24 lines.... 5.00 3 squares, 36 lines.... 7.00 Quarter column - 9-50 Third column - 11.00 Half column 14.00 Column 25.00 Professional or Easiness fa mos. $4.00 8.00 10.00 14 00 16.00 25.00 35.00 Cards, 12 not. $6.(0 12.00 15.00 25.00 28.00 35.00 60.00 not exceeding 8 lines, with paper 6.00 jggy- Advertisements not marked with iht number of insertions desired, will be contin ued till forbidden, and charged ccording to the above terms. jj- All kindB of Job Work will be dose on reasonable terms. ARTFORD LIVE STOCK INSU RANCE COMPANY. Prices, to my STOVE an and By strict attention to business and a desire deal fairly and justly with all men, I and receive a share ot public to deal rairly hope to merit patronage. Store on High street, "Ebensburg, in th rooms lately occupied by Min & Davis. aug13 THOS. W. WILLIAMS. TC. JENKINS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wholesale Dealer and Receiver of FLOUR, AND ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, . n n .f T- W-V t Xt T O Also : Kfcr ix.l h-o, Checkered Front, 2T3 Liberty st., Pittsburo, Pa. Prices Current and Marking Plates Boat to shippers. j"S13 A good assortment of HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, FEED, VEGETABLES , We keep constantly on hand Vegetables, And a general variety &C. Corn, OAts, Middlings, Chop, Shorts, Bran, Butter, Egga, Lard, of articles in this line. FAMILY Patent Harness Blacking. Mr. Hrthson furnishes the recipe for this well Innwn water-nroof blacking. It will keep the leather soft. and. if properly applied, a o-ood rjolish. It is excellent for hucirv toD9. harness. &c. Old harness, if hard, may bo washed iu warm water, and .hn nP:irlv drv. errease it with neatsfoot oiL The ingredients are three ounces of t.. t',nn t n rVm n PB flf white WX. tO b dissolved together over a slow fire ; then add one oauce ot ivory black and one Jrirhm of indi?o. to be well pulverized and wixd together. When the wax and the tumentine are dissolved, add the ivory black and the iudig", and stir till cold. Anrvl it tn ihn hiirntiss verv tnin. ana brush, well afterward, and it will give jnoa beautiful polUh. Exchange. , , m An Exfebiment Worth Trying. Pour turkeys were cooped up and led with meal, boiled potatoes and oats; four others of the same brocd were treated in a hnilar manner in another pen, but with a pint daily of finely pulverized charcoal dde?! to the food, and an abundant sup ply of lumps of the coal. All eight were killed the Fame day. and those fed with the charcoal were found to weigh about a pound and a ha'.feach more than the oth ers, and to bo of a much better quality. - Sour Milk for Hens. The very best food lor vounsr chickens and turkey poulte, is aour milk curd, or clabber, boiled until tolerably hard, and the whey separated en tirely. Mix with corn meal or a little hominy. . mm Gases in Chickens. Turpentine and goose-oU, mixed, rubbed on the wings and breast of the hen just before the ehkkena fro U roost, .is good for gape. GROCERIESl We have constantly on hand a complete stock of Family Groceries, comprising ou perfine, Extra and Family FLOUR! i r . Buckwheat and Rye Flour, vorn ana u Meal, Hominy, Hulled Barley, uacon, Snfrnr.cn red Hams. Dried Beef. Salt by tbe barrel, and Sack Salt for Table nse ; Uoshen ana v csieru iwsnwc Cheese; Crackers of all kinds. TOBACCO I Complete assortment of French Spices Snrm. Adamantine ft Mould Candles Soaps, Castile, Roein, and all other kinds. Black, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas. Hard, eou, univ Brown Sugars. Survvs ana Molasses oi mi n-mv. Dried Apples and reaches. Mackerel, Herring, oaimuu. Coal Oil and Turpentine. Lard, Whale and Linseea fits. Paints ot every description. Scrub, and Horse Jirusnes. Varnishes, Sc., Ac, ., 4c, &c. SCOTT HOUSE, Main st., JOHNSTOWN, PA., A. Row & Co., Proprietors. This commodious house ha3 been com pletely refitted and elegantly furnished, and is now open for the reception of guests It offers superior accommodations to every oth er hcusc in town. ine laoie wm uc euF plied with the best the market aiTords, and the bar with the choicest liquors and wines. By constant and careful attention, ttiey ex pect to merit and receive a share of public patronage. LttUt GRANT HOUSE, HEMLOCK, PA., Jons Vvilkin, I'ropneior. This house has beeu refitted, and offers superior accommodation stQ any other house in town. The proprietorafter long experi ence in the business, feels confident he under stands the wants of th public, his i"uie will be supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Bv constant attention, he expects to merit a liberal share of public patronage. August 13, 1808. TTNION HOUSE, Jerome A. Plott, Proprietor, No pains will be spared to render this hotel worthy of a continuation of the patronage it has heretofore received. The tabie will always be furnished with the best the market r. ti.A v.r with the best of liquors. The stable is large, and will be attended by 13 ENSON, CAMPBELL & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 507 Market st., Philadelphia. to A. A. Karser, aug!3 Refer by permission Ebensburg. B IIERROM A.RNES, OSTEIUIOUT, & Co. . Manufacturers ana nuoic HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, And FURS, 503 Market St., aoove rui" 1'HILADELruiA. No augl3 V HOLES ALE SUGAR KETTLES, CAULDRONS, POTS, &c , All sis, constantly on hand at reduced prices. Special attention given to JOBBING! In Tin, Copper, or Sheet Iron, at lowest pos sible rates. MERCHANTS' WHOLESALE LIST Now ready and will be sent on application "by mail or ia person. j&gg1" Hoping to see all my old customers and many new ones this Spring, I return my miv-st. sincere thanks for the very liberal pat ronage I have already received, and will en deavor to please all who may call, whether they buy or not. Call on or address 3 FRANK W. HAY, aUgl3 John-stows, Pa. 00.000 CUSTOMERS IN I OUR. YEARS. nuy u'Ji jjmjm. Having the largest capital, most experi enced buyers, and extensive trade of any con cern in tbe Dollar Sale business, we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in every instance, and aso the best selection of Goods ever offered at ONE DOLLAK ti a u ii . No other concern has auy show wherever our Agents are. selling. Our motto, "Prompt and Reliable." Male and Female agents wanted CASH CAPITAL 00,000. We are now prepared to insure Live Stock agaiDBtboth Death and Theft in this live and reliable Company. Owners of Stock have now the opportunity, by insuring with this Company, of obtaining security and remune ration for the loss of their Animals in casof Death or Theft. OWNERS OF nOIiSES. Manufacturers, Expressmen. Team, Physicians, and in fact all who are to any extent dependent upon the services of their Horses in their daily avocations, snoula in sure in this Company, and thus derive a protection against the pecuniary damage they would sustain in the loss of their Animals, which are in many cases the sole means of support of their owners. FARM STOCK. Farmers and others owning Cattle should avail themselves of this means of saving tbe value of their Stock, and secure an equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them in being deprived of their Cattle, bv insuring in this Company the Pioneer Company of America. By insuring in thi3 Company, you exchange AX UNCERTAINTY roR a LLKI Al.w l I No man can tell whether bis Animal may not be stolen or die, through some unforeseen calamity. Competent agents wanted, to whom s liberal compensatioa will be paid. Apply to KERR k CO , General Ageiits, Altoona, Tenna. f-SJ Col. Wm. K. Piper, Ebensburg, Local Agent for above Company. augl3.m particularly requested to iry our pypuu" system of selling ail Kinas oi iw I'V n i l S. U rAllc-iv'o, jjm.- SR0OEE! ALDWELL C HOSIERY, & FRY, Wholesale Dealers in i. c. GLOVES, axd NOTIONS, 40G Market street, Philadelphia. calpwkll, nuS- 13J of WM. W. FBY. J. FTJTKKV SMITH, W. CALVIN HOOHE, OGAN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., Isaac Crawford, Proprietor. The Logan has been thoroughly refitted and refurnished, and now offers superior in ducements to the public. The Table and Bar inferior to none in the State, and Sta bling of the very best. aug 13. OSTER HOUSE, Cor. Clistos i,occst bts., JOHNSTOWN. PA., Wm. Linton, Proprietor. This well known house has been complete ly refitted and refurnished, and is now pre pared for the reception of guests at reasona ble charges. LauS 13' DR UGS AND PA TEXT MEDICINES. J' All kinds of IRON AND NAILS. Notice. Buying twice as large a. stock as any other merchant in town, we buy cneaper, iu therefore sell cheaper, than any competitor. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! CALL AND EXAMINE GOOD3 I CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS I The public is invited to call before purcha- t "v Kharoo fnr Rhnwint? Sing eisewiiere. B goods, buy or not buy. Customers waited on by polite and atten tive Salesmen. v HTiPrrr. Ponlar. Sprnce, Pine, and nth T.nmbpr. Butter. Eegs, and Country Produce generally, taken in exctoange ior Goods- ta213 OUNTAIN HOUSE, EBENSBUtUx, l'A. n P Ltxton & Co., Proprietors. The Tablk is always supplied with the ip;.a. The Bar is supplied with ni Houors : and the Stable attended by careful hostlers, mopth or year. jas. w. riddlk, Tvn n KT1F.RBOBNC nilUDLK, SHERBORNE & CO., X) Importers and Wholesale Dealers in T?nnF.TGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 Market St., below 5th, and 433 Merchant Btreet, faug!3 PHILADA. JACOB K. SMITH. K- SELTZEB. SMITH & SELTZER, . Importers and Dealers m FOREIGN AND UUMliSiie; iiAiiuAi, GUNS, CUTLERY, &c. No. 409 N. Third st., above Callowhill, aug!3 PmLADKLfHIA. - a EN. P. THOMPSON, tnlfi A. OP PEN 1 1 EI M Kit a u., Toniifoftnrcrs fttd Jobbers of HATS. CAPS, FURS, and bibaw.uuuuo, ISO. oit AiarKci. u5i augloj SOAP AND CANDLE B in city and country. THE LADIES Are club c A v irtttvy " ' . . , . , , T r rr'r'i-v tav rx nTIT PASTORS. H I Li V all ruAiJiu GOODS, WATCHES, &c. (Established 1864.) A patent pen fountain and a check describing an article to be sold for a dollar 10 cts ; 20 5 An for S4 : GO for S6 ; 100 for $10 ; ot mail. Free presents to getter up club. Give us a trial Send '"la rigy No humbug. Address LAS I. MAiN KENDALL, 65 Hanover-st., Boston, Mass. Aug- !3-6m HUGHES & CO., DEALERS IN LUMBER, Ebkssbukg, Pa. ' Want to buy 100,000 feet good Cherry Lumber. 100,000 fet Chair and Settee Plank. IOo'oOO feet finch Poplar. 50,000 feet wide 1-inch Poplar. lOojoOO feet Clear Pine. For all which, tbe highest market price will be paid in cash. ADDLERY AND HARNESS ! The undersigned keeps constantly on hani and is still manufa;tunng all articles in his line, Buch as SADDLES. FINE SINGLE AND DOUBLE nARNESS, DRAFT HARSESS, BLIND BRIDLES, RIDING BRIDLES, CHECK LINES, HALTERS, WHIPS, BR.5.F.CH BANDS, Ac. All which he will dispose of avow prices for cash. , - , . n: wnrV is nil warranted, and being expe rienced in the business, he usea only the best Af l-.h-r Thankful far PSt lavori-, hnnp bv attention to Dusiness continuance of the patronage liberally extended to him. Ol V.nr-a I Vl A tin StOTe OUUp u.-iv. . Williams, High St. rersons isu.uft substantial Harness can be accommodated. rST-All persons indebted to me are re quested to call and settle as soon as possible, lllVf -HUGHA.H COY. ,UICES KKDUCED JOHNSTOWN nvjiy.. . . a la reft The subscriber nas jusi mu. -and handsome invoice of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MRsfL' . . , fir,oat stork of tDO comprising tne largest . . i . r -v u n h i ii i n broocrui 10 juuuaw "t he to merit a- heretofore so of Thomas W. P1 ti- E. K1UU ."b"- . o . h 4 tablishment, on rranKim oievr., prepared, with an adequate force of experi enced and skillful workman, to eJte l1 Un?s of MONUMENTS l, K BLE TOPS, BUREAU TOPS, MANTELS c, as cheap as they can be purchased in any large stock of GRINDSTONES on hand and for sale low. Trcha Articles of my manufacture can be purcha sed at the Hardware Store of Mr. GeorS Huntley, in Ebensburg. rgy- Prompt attention paid to orders ir a distance, and worK red. LauSl3J delivered where desi- JOHN PARKE. Roarders taken by the week. faug 13 X AUREL RUN EXCHANGE, I i ii rm LOCK. CAMBRIA CO., PA., t? Tfn a rt Detlino. Proprietor. nnnnlar stand has lately been refitted and its doors are now open for VUruuiluv-, . . i , ll1, tir Vi a reception Ol me ureu, uuu6i, ATIONAL MANUFACTORY, TTKN-RY SC UNA BLE, Wholesale dealer in Soap, Candles, Groce ries Liquors and Fish, at city price. augis Mais sr., JOHNSTOWN, PA. JACOB FEND, rAVTT CRACKER BAKER, CAN D MANU FACTURER, and COJS UOTiur(&iv, Particular attention will be paid to filling orders. L b S ROBINSON, tctth GEO. F. ROBINSON & CO., Manufacturers of PTNE. HEMLOCK, BEECH, T. and MAPLE LUMBER. Also FLOORING, WEATIIERBOARDING, SHINGLES, LATH, BLACK WALNUT, ASH, and CHERRY, Orders sent to Ebensburg, Cambria co., or Rush House, Pittsburg, will be promptly at tended to. . Iugl3. LORETTO MARBLE WORKS The undersigned begs leave the citizens of Cambria ana wt ties that he has just received a stock of tb. finest Italian and other Maruies av " 1 shment, in Moreno, . Monuments, Tombs, Grave Stones Ta ble Bureau tops, manuiaciureu . "VA Bel. tilul and nnesv qu"ij - jer tic marble, always on hand and made o order as cneapns mcj r- j ob in a neat and workmanlike manner, aa the shortest notice. U4 The public are respectfully - , me a call before purchasing elre, am confident that my work and r"es satisfy any person desiring anything ia i line of business. . , Now is the time to get . .g- augloj PATRONIZE THE JAMES WILKIN YOUR OWN! aug!3 Johnstown, Pa. public. aug 13. UNION HOUSE, HEMLOCK, CAMBRIA CO., PA., UTTO IlELLl, xrvvrtcivr. tv,;, hnrol is situated immediaiely along TjaSimad DeDOt. and is themostcon- blue w ' . i cnr,r,iniT r.lace m town for travelers. Y VUicu w Dwf r August 13, 1868. RCADE HOTEL, EBENSBURG, TA., Hbnbv Fostkk, Proprietor, Tfc first class position amoxig first class TTr.ti will be maintained in the future, as tn the past, by the Arcade. aug 13. Advertise ia The ARegh. Y ALU ALE FARM IOR SALHi. The subscriber offers at Private Sale . 1 1 A . V. J O n his FARM, situate in vuesv iuwusuiii, v.m-i.-io. con ntv. four miles from Carrolltown, and x miles from unesi spnugs. auo iaim . w-. a i. ; i o r consists of Sixty- ive Acres, oi wuicu v acres are cleared and in a gooa Biaie oi cul tivation. The. balance of the land is well timbered with marketable lumber, lucre are a comfortable Frame House and a earn,, on the premises, besides a young and ttiritty Orchard of choice fruit trees. There are also a never-failing spring of pure water and other conveniences on the land. The prop erty will be sold on fair terms and an inais putable title will be given. For further par- ticulars apply to v.. Chest Tp , Aug. 13-tf. JOSEPH ZOLNER has just opened, nr1 offers for sale a splendid lot of cizht-day and twenty-four hour CLOCKS, wathifs of pverv description, AL- nrvnnf t vc T T." 7 P T Tt V anH A VBrietV OI all articles in his line. Repairing of Clocks, Watches, and all kinds of Jewelry uonr u short notice and most reasonable terms Shop on Hieh street, opposite Public School House, Ebensburg. latt-g OAL! COAL!. COAL ! . The subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Win. Tiley, Sr., a Lily Station, . iI;irr,ail. Cambria coun- ty, and will be glad to fill all orders to any J ' t- r vv,nchiiror and VlCin- amount, or ciucua ul . p n ity. Satisfaction as to quality of Coal guar antied in all cases. WM. TILLY, Jr. Hemlock T. O., Au?. M, 1000. VROTECTION MUTLAU r ; Tmi AKOE COMPANY OF OA-V X J v - PA. IT T 1 LO CATED AT EBV-, . The above named, company, ApTril 6th, l7 ;X:r property at safe rates. elDgCoP fty pre careful in the "sks taken, this Lorn! j sent, a reliable and cheap agftiost icmis nriiirh nersons may s " f . . - probable ioe. n,y opp Omce on icuvi -' " - the "Mountain House WILUAMS PreW R J. Llotd, Sec'y. & Treas. Aaenti : EVAN ROBERTS, Johnston. rKnarnirtr. AucT. 13, 1863. office. Work of all kinds dose