, u r I 4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 1:!, ISCS. i: e: I I' 5 i.ZSJ A ! Y2 ca. zvr. toh i'i;v:?nENT : GEX'L. ULVSSKS S. GRAXT. ro't vick prf..suu.nt : HON. ft'JILUYLKil COLFAX. G EX IIP A P .! I IX 1'. HAUTUAXrT. run. siuvkvor ckxeimi. : G PXPPAP JACOB M. CAM Til 'ALL. HON. IKVXI L MOllPKLL. FOR ST.VTK f KNATOa : IIOX. 11APUY wurn:. COT NT V TJCKKT. A.f"-,lly J A NIKS MOi.LHY, Johnstown. 'j'rotlonrtary i. M. CM HIST V. G.illiUin. Co m m i'v i' nrr JOS. Cit'.JYLM. Crcvt tp. j . avc-g -:. sFrrTM:,.n)Vr:ir,snm. Auditor GKOUGI I.. GI.ASGUU, White. Surr-' tr !. A. YP.'KIlOY, Jolmslown. Iv.tJsalnf o ry. A Pepul-iiean jearnal :it the county 3at f Cambria county hein.tr a v't?:t .o palprthlo ass to he apparent to the mtvt su perficial ol server, a: nl a want which li.ts .trwn si grievous as. to be almost unendu rable, tlio .subscribers have dochL-Jl to supjily that want by the renewal of the publication id'Tut: Ar.r.r.eniANlA?;. As la retoh re. The At.bi:?. ham vn will be unmistakably U-epnblieun i:i ji.h! us. It will lo battle for Grant and Cd.:. x. i-.-v llarlranft and C.iapVll. ibr Movrell and "White. I'm- the Popublloan s( .".da; .bbear ors evcryv, lo-re believing. as v.e s nioeri !y (It, that in 1 ho trinn.ph of tied p'.rty and the perpetuity of it- prinelplos; can pee.ee and security ibr the lie ublbj ;d"'.ie be bund. Hut p. .1 1 ties and matters dl'lc.d will not be allowed to enuro.-s our columns, to the exclusion of all else. We wit! each week lav before our readers an atrre'a'.bh variety of p try. tales, sketches, i-i u'ia phies, eorre.-pondciiee. facet i.e. Me., wuh an cpit one of current foreign and dotnes tie news, while particular attention will be paid t tlie local dep;irln:ent. The fanners will always find a eol iam devoted to iie-ir inter, st.s on the fourth pae. Tn brief, we will endeavor to print a tjmtj in , j"'r n eh r-n one as wul com mend itself to the profos- i"'.rd man and the business laan. to the mechanic and to the weikinic man, to the man about town and to the. man in the country, to all clas ses of society. "With this brief intr--.iiK-tory. we enter up-:!! the t..s!; before im. appealing To th. jiublic for that measure of support of wh;ch we ma.v be !"a:nd v. orth.y. One '.vor.l more : A''e w:uit it distinct ly understood that Ti:i: Ar.LEni.VNtAX will i.'d be a "c.impain aTer" printed till the Xovember election and then dis continued. Vv'e have bought, at consid erable expense, a new outfit of type, (as the reader must have noticed.) and have cn'jriu'ed in the publication of the pap. r with the fixed determination of making it a ji.''.'.'iojci' iitsft'ittio.i. J. T. nt TCIIINS.iN, 111). r. M F.S. Consrcssioital EiecoiisSa-iiclitMi. The oulv moment. .us question involved in the Presidential campaign now opening, is that in regard t" reconstruction. 'I he financial condition au l p Ih'V of the coun try is of vast importance, and dcs-rve.- the closest attention of the ablest minds, but it has not, exeep' in one of Its details, been made an issue bef.re the people. That detail Is v. hcther the nuerv.-t of cer tain boml.; shall b.i p ud in p tp--r or gold. Its decision may cllVct tlie hon.-r aad v.u -nev credit id' the v.overneat. and will l'atteu or dei'-.-te th? or- -s of certain h'.-I lei of government V-nds. bee 1: can have no coii-'.l- ! ,-bi cflct on the i'e.lu.e of the. country eh her ' c oua'rns internal or extern..! p. 'iley. or ihe local cu-Loe s the pe;.c;. and v.-(.-t ',:y of tie- p. -pi '. ;; man d.ua - . : i i ' to pr'-- th ; tlie trovensnient dr-il shrii.k i;otn iu!.;;I::-g ev ery lett'-r of the le.TV res- ' thewar lo The dl.-i.ute rises f,-,-a ? i:-e ofe:; pivrs words. The with .-' ,-e a.-:- tu. ' b.' given. reg trd the present, to the shiale ph :- othaw ileanchii sv-t-'ai bn ue'ht into ci ntrcvev-v is v.'ie-tlier :'':ne C l:,'h ('". -h -ill be r 'f:'l .ed in the trcas try f the t'n:.ed ."'tale- r he paid out a.- in terest oti ccrte.iu heel- As rog.ii tree futnre.it amount to no m re than this. that th: government in !.., .w lug y will hi'rce.fter be expected ph:!:dy to .-'p-uhite whether the io! r. so -h oi be in go'd or pap t. Our reliirn t p'.'.e pay.neni. would j) ui'i.-h the vleee sjuesri: u iV--va the realms of discussion nsoe .eie'.ly than the ravi of the ihcvuing snu dl;e! the ci eels of morning. Put not so with tho pio ui-ea of recon struction. The manag-o lent (f that pies tiou iuvolve-j both the present and th f'i UiVi in n iiu?an de.g; ce. 1 1 is easy to as sail Coeprvs-) ibr the manner in wh'f h it ha- pe '.'.. rued lis t t-h. jt:-t a ; '" v.a :;M easy to assa.il it had it taken a course dl rectlv h opposition to the one it bs cho sen. It was simply an impossibility that the frcedmen should be left out of consid eration in the w rk of restoring the south ern States. To rrcon.-truct cr restore with; :i ref.-renec to them, was to lei.-late auai::.-l them, for such a course must nec essarily leave them to cope without weap ons aainst their late owners armed with power. Had Conuress madly pursued such a p llcy. every slum) in the northern States. JV.im .Maine to Oregon, would have resounded with the cries of Democratic orators at the perfidy of the I'cpublican party in first freeing the blacks and then, at an opportunity more splendid than could occur ;e'aln in the lifetime of the c -.intry. abandoning them to their fate. Such cries, whether sincere cr not. would have had in them the sharp stin-r of truth. That b ly cle se the only other policy, that of protcctiny; the blacks and ail other unionists in tie- south in all the riyhts of free u. en ami ckl.ens. and naturally enouyh the ik-n.-.-.cratie cry i that Congress lias Iey;is!ated for iho "niyeer" and not f r the Southern pecple." that is, these who carried on the rcbciil rnVIhe grandest j-eiuiatieti of the aevtion that Ciuvjrress has played the tyrant, has u.-uiped the riy.lit.s of the South and d:ced an iron heel on the necks of the pi- pie. yl tres forth in the present attitude 1' the late leaders and adveeatesoi' the r. b-Jie.'.l. So lull are they o! animety to the u::tional r-.vornvciit, so dull :f tl-.e h-b-.: of the late confederacy, s.i inll of hate to the ia th a!:d of citizen ship and it.- rights to the bd.tcks, that the Xcw Yoik J '.;. . earcluilv avoiding to ;i!'i!s.i a !;i:e (U a- y if their fire-eatinir p-eches. is yet cm-trained to declare them 'oii-;i. chile th ('inci':!':0 i AV"V.r, !,::ps th , .auiiig cie:::..cr;.t;e ap-er in tie; ve.-t. i-j-a l- and r-. pndlates tie in alfogeiher. Tie? '.vlmleltue and cry age.in.-t C..ng rc-ss amounts t . rhl-'. aiot tins only, that it ha--protevted all uniieii-ts ami given pr- i'via nce to all unlonl-H as aeainst all oil,- r. and i Joth-ed the emancipated blacks with the rights of eitizen-h'p and the right of .-uHVag-e. That is the whole oifenee. li has t degraded any. nor put the badge of .-crvltude nor a mark of odium on any. but oiilv raised the fallen and cheered the hint. That is lis crime. God grant that ii mnv continue to be ihs erk-.:o. X" man's lite ha i - a t...:Cen. -No ii;.;o s nOertv na- j been v.uv.-:ed iV.uu him. No man's pr j ( y has b. en .ej:.:ea!-d y this iiiuth ah us. d 'i ii'Tt ss. . - - Now. had the llemooratie ptirtv been In power, it must have done what Congress has done, er taken ealy one otlovr c ourse. Mither. it must have m i. ct-.-d a1! unionists and enfranchised the bl.icks. or h it all unionists to their fate, and .iven to the men v h.o had pi tted the ia ia Hi n arid who w. re educated in it, the complete eon- i i'.il over th - bodies and property of the freeuti.cn. hu us take but one re.-ult of this policy. j'eur neiHi"ns of human be ings, born on c.ir soil, wde so ancestors were here since our own lathers- first con tended with tlie red man, would be left .-tripped of every legal means of self-defence, completely in the hands of their late owners, a prey to be robbed of every na tural and legal right and of every means of cihieatio!" ;,nd amelioration of their eond; tloo. -"o truth is plainer than this, that nnv portion of a community deprived of the legal means of defending their natural and ciii rights will be wr ng. d in person and property by their stronger fellows. As a consM uence-, tie. v mi!.-t ciiiie-r sink into ahjett slavery or defend themselves by phv-'c.il face. ilut ne-u t nee having ta.-ttd tle; -wc; is of liberty will not tamely sink into b-as la;ve. I It nee it is that in evi ry ir e cai:i;:unl;y a large body ofpeo- : despolle.l of what they know to be ihe'r vi'ehis :ve like a r-motihlovitrr lire in a le. p- ;'iVu r. Yet iho deoua-ratlc -t ;ie. ii:an h :p t 1 1 -d ty would prvdi:cs ju-e r.ivli a state id' nhair?. W ?: rint n (.or llr-1 page to-d :v a b:- e.-.e.-ueai doti.i ;a Gen. Jae--,f .n-ph-di. --::r ce.ndl-iaf e ibr re-election :d . c t tl-.e (..ilice d r-'ui'vey.-r General of the 4uu Gen. C.t::;j.b..dl i- a resident of our ; e.vn c.-nnty. a.: i is ... f the me.-t pojiu- j n-i :. ' :. iii it. Fv-. ;. 1: -'y hi'.re knows ex ! uvlv v to I. i-; auil irf.-it he i- ; yet it can I ,;:; read -rs le. h:.r n to l-elro.-li their nieee-rhs as U k ai" ti- 'nt ci' his general career by reading the sketch. ld", i ) -.: . '--et.-d S;;: v,-v,;v Genev;d !,v t1 .- !.-( li::!p.V;iV 'i L; - year, x,U majority ,h; .a reaeh lh.(;i);) As will he seen by the p roceeuin;: of th-' P.- pnhl'cn Senatorial Conference for ties district, publi-hed tdsev.diere. Gen. Harry White lias been un:.nimou.dy re nujiiin.dvd as cur candidate for State Sen ator. '1 he General lias already served tw terms in the Senate, and his record is riji'.t. He has proved n faithful repre- v;..,i-i; j ,-e of the v. ill of his con-.lituonts, land his re-men'. n.uic.n by the urn-nimeus voice of tlie district is a compliment as ' o-crit'-d a- it i- f:pJ.'opriate. SeyEncsir'H AccepJai:cc. After a month's delay, Ilorati?, the unwilling candidate of the faitliful, has formally accepted the nomination for the Presidency. If his letter of acceptance is J an index of what would be the length of his State papers in the improbable event of his election, then we pray, "Good Lord, deliver us" from such an afdietion. It contains about two thousand and fifty words. Xot wishing to perplex our read ers these dog-days, we condense his mijdity flux of words : The nomination "was unsought and un expected. " 'I have been caught up by the over whelming tide." 'I find myself unable to resist the pres sure." (I'lairiarism from the imm;rt:d J.X.) I accept the nomination. I stand upon the platform. 1 have waited a month before writing this letter to see if Congress wouldn't f do something to give me a chance to tty something. : Congress means not to let anybvr.ly V",tc leiit liepublicans and niggers. T hat's why j they took a recess instead of adjourn In;?. '"Without distinction of party, there i. a strong feeling" in favor of making me President. The people might just as well elect roe and Plair as not, ibr we couldn't do any harm at any rate. Congress wouldn't let us. but our influence would be good. 1 have no mere personal wishes which mislead my judgment as to who ought to be the next Pre-ident. I love tho Constitution. There are no attractions in the Presi dency which deceive mv judgment. I may with liror.ricty sav that no Pr. -i- oeiuiai camieiaios were ever as v men j crowed over as me and Prank Pk-ir. Put w llh thi crowim: Piair and me havenh j auvthiiur to d-. i The Dei o elect i:h e-eraey crow because they want and j.oau. All the "- Idlers are going to vote f.-r jo.o and Plair. I can't (b ubt that the people are going to elect me and Pi. dr. Till elected. I aiiJ. truly, 'our,s, Horatio eyntour. At ud-.lnight f-i T ursd.iy night, in Y"ash incton. Thaddeiis Stevens breathed hi:- la -i . in the 77th vear of his re-e. He wrw fhe ! onda-din i : or ..f tin? principle: w ! I ich t-i- ! the war a great actor m tnc 1 event fat lil.-tory of our times. Sir. te-j v ras' l;a:ne has been as fnunliav in tlie ' p- IIties i.f the 'cenntry Ibr thirty years ns a -hon-.-h-dd Arerd." lie was f r-t a :neni ber of the I'ennsvlvania Pe'eisla.ture. vhere, in he introduced ;tnd p:'..-sel the great Common Schorl Law of Penn sylvania, lie was a member, in Pbbo, of the convention to revise the Constltuiion of the State. In he was elected to the :-l-t Conpress, and lias been re-elected to each succeeding Congress ip to the present time. In fact, lie b.us been iden tified with the history of the State and of the country so long and so intimately a.s to have become part and parcel ef that hl.-tory. lie died calmly nnd rir-ace-fully, after having been permitted to wit ness the full triumph of the jireat princi ples v.'hhh, during a long ,'ife. and oiten in a lu laless mb-orirv. he b-sldlv and conslx- L 4W tentlv advoc-atcd. After life'.-: fitful fever, i may he sleep well AVhile the miiitarv Governments cxi-'cd in the South, they were a .standing s'-.-. h in trade for democratic orators and pre-----. Ppeii their removal from these States which were admitted to representation in Congress, the same pa pecs and orators could discern no difierer.ee, for the troops were 5l1:1 ic.aintaii'.od in these State: as before. We may add that they likely wilt be for some time. - JJut the dlfierence is that under these Governors, the military power was used f r tho maintenance of order, while now, though present, it can interfere onlv on the call of her "Governor v- on the President of the United States. Ir was the boast of ?dr. Lincoln that lie put all his money into Government secu rities, and he did it first because he es teemed it his duty to help the Government in every way he could, -and second because he had filth in its preo-i----. Horatio Sevmouv boasts that he docs not own and never did own a bond. This boast is based fii.-t on the wish not io see the government upheld, and second on the hope and belief that lis fa i ih will bieuk down and repudi ation be the fate of the debt. Lincoln had the utmost faith in Grant, a feeling that was fully reciprocated. Seymour pro nounced Grant a "stupendous failure;" did his uttermost to cause him to fail, arid mourned over his success. TATcr.N in connection with the fact that gold last week made an upward touch at 50, it may be interesting to know that, at a corresponding time last vear it was firm at l-Pl lO. EDSTOhiAL ETCHINGS. 37 Ive;d our business canls. 2?" our hotel cards. 3?" Read our business advertiienients. 5 Read our special notices. X-S7" Patroni.e our advertisers. " ae Seated term is over. yl7 Jeff. DovLs is in England. 47 Crcsson .Spriags are crowded. ?" Ebensburg will soon have three ele gant nour church edifices. XJ7St. Francis College -.Till opea Monday, Ulit instant. y A pew court honie is being built ia Indi ma. D.idly needed. tf3 Speaker Colfax and a party have gore to the Rock- Mountains 25 The rinderpest is killing oft the cattle in tlift butcher shambles at Pittsbura. Mrs. Lincoln nnd '-Tad'' have gone to Bedford s'prings, instead cf to Cnrope. X.y Do you want a good photograph ta li en ? Go to Spcnce'e, on Julian street. 0"" It is thought that McCIeil.m is going to tiike tl;e sp.i-.le for fr'-'yinour and Ioair. f-l They h.-ivo a 'Gnnt Club'' ia Jouns-to-.Tii. Vi'e toon will have one in Ehensburg. X-'vf" The first Atlantic cable has been in- : jured hy an iceberg, and h is ceased to v.'uik. Ur'tf The Cir.ciBiiati base 'oa'.I club beat the Alieg'aanies and Oiyi.iplcs of Pittsburg last week. the I c-riocr.ats wore tcr r.iraco wiien he couatrr v.-ii3 for war v the country U at petce and they are for war. t J It has been puggr-slcd that, the "whel ming tide'' which h-is caug'at up Si-yr.:our will probably drown Lira in N) veiabcr. t'-Sf" ,;But your caivlidate I can not be.'" Sr.our, July 0, ISO. ut your Erc-?idcat I cannot be. ?.-:,r.our, November 0, 1SC3. CSeacral n-.i'p'eoa ( rx Smith ("Major O'iUdlly") ack Downing" have both dif-d duria-' the r.re?e:t month. i ; yJ Alio Dcraoer.-u-v. with their usvta! cor.- i ..(.y, -,viil vote lor o.yr.iorr ecin?c he j opposed the war, a -ad for Blu'.r because he j sueportod it. : re.?" The fare on tho IViinylvaaia R:t:I- ri'-id has been roduecd one-half The rate hereafter wiil h-i tare atpcr tV r.ii'e. X-eD" Tho 'Torrest Drama Association'' is the title of a theatricwl trour.e ia Jdieis t iv. ii v.'hieh ilun; crowded lica;td two iiiht.5 every week. Hon. D. J. MorrcII, our Reproscr.la- t've in Congre'S, was prostratea i;y the in- tense lu-ut d urine; tl:e latter pert of the pes- sion, in V,hishii;-r")n, bat is no v,- convalescent, : with an ordinance upon its statute b.,ok for- bidding dr'.nk5:. hou.se sen oat on Sun- TTV-i -A .-ti tne ii; urn irrs : i:ZJT It is sf.id that since the introduction of the water work.r inta .Io!:nstov.-ii, wnter p.;5 ?,.,(.r,-,ie go plenty and cheap that so :)( of the people of that jay e.nd festive bure; nc- t-aa'ly propose to use in as a beversie. j-gy Two ir.c-n, nam c-.l L ine and l'agan, ;;ot drunk in Ilollhh.ys'. ur- recently, and en--ro-id in a '-ei.-ca.oion with sticks.'' The latter killed the farmer, and is now in prison to iiwo.it tried for his Etc. . i.-Te" Ocnc-ral Carl Schurz will Fpe.ak for (Jrr-r.t and Co'.fix in Johnsto.vn on Oie 13t!i instant. A pood many good Union men would like to see tlie Ccneral penetrate the enc-niy' country as far up .?. Eberssburg. . A vomi:; and p. oar colored man, nam ed Richard Greener, carried ell' the frst prize for Jeclarr.uthiii at Harvard University against twenty competitor.-, all wLite. lie lives in .Mas.'ac'a usetts, and is allowed a vote. L'ilX" Vt'lien V.'ade II a rap to a left Columbia, at the sipproach of She raiau's arm;-, he an no mice d his ir.teiitlon of giiinfr to "Texas or hcil." Ue didn't go to To: a?, und ns to he'd j wed, he has jo'.aed tlie Democratic party, j r.'df" The John -town Ttl'.-unc mildly advi- J ?cs that some sec-an .Irels in Elu.ns.b'arg who ; have been ilPa-.tr:t:r the capacity of the hu- n r-.c tor degradation lower than that of the brutes by throwing vitriol on ladies' dres-H- s. sh-iul 1 be caeght nod treated to a close of the fituil' aftc"- takine; tlu-ir cleihcs olf, tH Covcrnor VTai-mouth, of Lcuisian.t, has ninde a rc .juisiti in on the President for troops, with which to preserve order in the State, The requisition, is accompanied with numerous documents, tho win. a dc lerraina ti on to take iulemtaj;e ef cvrry opportunity of commuting ou'.rrges on the frccdmen ani Uaioalsts. jre-r" V.'ilraore, Cambria county, fin impor tant station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, has buen proline of accidents by rail and are, latclv. Thrje or four mishaps to trains have occurred there wliion the past two months, and not long ago the station-house was burn ed down. A new tjation-house, more com modious and ornate t'uau the other, wiil soon cover the tile of the charred timbers. t,r'y 11 -!,'y ',;'i,J'' newspaper, which gave up the gho.n five months ngo, is to be resurrected, a:. d will probably make its appearance next ivc-ck. V.'e certainly hone that The Alley li-Juhn will henceforth be i permanent ami p.iyiujr institution. We fer.r, however, that the defeat of Grant, which is as certain as fite, will consign The Al'c y,a.'iidii, as well as its party, to a death that will never know another resmre-ction." J'reeiniin. This fear of the "defeat of Gram" troubled the Democracy during the war, and lms be come chronic. Cut Grant wasn't then "de feated," nor will he be now. If it be. true that the prosperity of The Alleyhunian de pends upon the sncces3 ol Grant next Novem ber, then we imagine wc have a sure thing of living as long as, if not longer than, The man Of the Iranian. t?'-v. GRAND JURORS. Grcrge "Walters, White tp., Foreman. Alleghany Francis A. Storm. Carroll John 0 Eckcnrod?. Chest Daniel Eckenrodc, John Gill (deai field John 11 MhMulliu Crovle Joseph W Pringle (hjocniangh or Christ lleckcr, Jno Sieumer, Adam Kowland Pbcusburg Per John Lb) yd Johnstown Per Peter Jlcrnick, Ilobt I Gagcby, Ilobt Parsons Mil! vide Por Patrick Graham, Sauil Yocum, Jacob Mar.-h M u n s t e r Jacob G 1 a ? s S u - q u e I i a n 1 1 a Henry Miller Suuiinerhil! Henry Walters Taylor -Jacob Hoover Wldte Daniel Donnelly Y o d e r V i 11 i a m 11 1 J r i d g e Tit AVERSE JURORS. FIRST V EF.IC. A'deiihany Patrick Praniff, Juo Can nery, Charles 'd'Mananiy Pl ickiick Abraham Makin Cicarlltdd Tho:na-a Adams, jr, TiuiD thy C.niey, Samuel Wiil Conc-nriuith Ah-x Cover, John Singer Coaemau-!i p..:---.S D Cumin, Nicholas FrieuhciT, Win Miller, X'r.i Young Chc-,t Jr'pring.s P r S M Deu-jas Carrol! '1 ho Ivigt-r, Simon Litziugcr. Peter Xocl, Wm We.-.klan l (ihest Nichohis IlellVick Galiitzin Miehael Cor.raJ Jolinstuwn P .r Ch tries Pnrncs, Isaac CliandLr, .J.dni Litz, Wm P Pattun jj'.rctto Per ."'diciiael Levy Mil'ville Par Joseph Parroll, j-au Cr Levi-, Jedm Perry Fti eh had (Jeo Con ral. Moscj Kring Sun; mcrhi i! Michael P ran iff, Matthew Hi tcr, J:.cob Puiigh S u . i j e ' ; a n a a Theodore P : i k r r 'IV. .1..- i .... !, . . . -.1 i J, ,,,. j Jj ;ll rc.V) Jacou R Miller, John j ,, .Jrreminh Vau-hn j .4 . :o. .i. vi.ii.aii . i ii o .-, . ' -V i. I v. M . T i r i i : Joon ' likm j hiil Jo.-rrh iiarutne. :, jenj irr.m , T -4. .. ' c:i;n er., :. ::? v r;s-n:an t:!Ay::us;: junott.s s:e m wiil:-:. ! a-u ny J'.o.n C hr-, :...-v, u u: 1 r. I to a in - -i i -i ior A H L : Ph.eklick-ttc-iie'.-k'.r : ie i ... "; C:.noll W-U John Fre-h, J.dir, .1 W,-,k!-.ad ., r, j C 'rru.i.o.vu o i, Lender, Ucnry rcaM in, l.-(i , 1J t: e'Z I (hiuibrli Pr I)av;a Pevkkct, Daniei M'Punaki taaitina -iuvan it .je-rgan, m.-uui I j I r CO j Conc.JluUli Per Win Cu.-her, Jes-e j i afferse-n i Crovle Vm D Pungb Chest Paul Vahi.vr Kb: bum P.r W'iili.im Pav .4 ! :o 'I Ib.r Mi a!i r II Kimreei i a i i e s 'v Pa wis d nee- ii el!:che!l Jaeesoei n iauirn iyets 'Lore! to -.Jus Hertz "I. Sylvester Little Miidville Ib.T John P.iiLicy, Charles Colbert, Aiehilald X-dand M'if!.-'i:-r PennP barren, Peter K.dor lPchhmd David Costlew, Samuel Pienner, George Shaffer S u quel: an o a---. oh :i Ma r r.I en. Taylor Wm P Gaibiaith, U m Hoover, William A Mrise White M Ker-slcr, Pavi 1 Ycunkin Wihaere Per John M'Col-an Wa-hington G W Mullin, V PGough YoJer--Aaron Croyle, Jacob Seigh. ?:U(o;':nl i'onfesci'.cc. The Conferees of the XX I Id Senatori al Pi-tsict met in Indiana ( n Thur.-da-, July '1'jd, to nominate, a candidate for the Senate. The ioiij'.ving delegates were pro-ent : O.tmbrtit Cn,!u. elcs-rs. C. T. Ileb cr's. .Tohr. Per tcr and Ah.s Kcedy. ,!-yf -rs-rit C)'fj. Mr. It. C. Winsiow. l:,x'rt;,a ('ou-.f'. Ir. V. C. ilehinsm, Josiah Work :;a 1 Gee. Jl-nv. tionierei.ee met at ' o'c:oek C. L-. itotjert war. cnoscn cnasruiau, tnu e.-ee. How. Secretary. II r. Kctmcdy, of Caeohiia, norninntod Gen. Harry White l-er Seriate. Xo other nLfmes being odered, th.e conlerence voted ununi:nou-iy in lavor ol Geo. White. Mr. Winsiow cat the v.)te for the Jcifcr s,,i; county di-b'gafion. Ttie foimwing reselnvion was read and adopted : "AV.'.-f.'iTo7, That we heartily approve cf and endorse I lie Logislaiivo eour-e o Gen. Hairy White, while in tlie Senate ed tho State. In him we recognize a man of sterling political integrity, a wise legisla tor, and a fist fib ml of the intere.-is ol the people of his Di-trict,- and indeed throughout tlie whole e uimornvealth. In view of his past services to h:s constitu ents, we again gladly present him to the Popubiic-in valors ol Oamhri.if Indiana and Jeil'erson cou'.ties, for the clUee of Senate, aud in the name cf cur people, dodge him the earnest and hearty sup port of the party." Messrs. AVerk and Porter were chosen a committee to inlorm Gen. White of the action ol the conference. Mr. White was waited on by the committee, and was in troduce! to the conference', when ho biicf Iv the.!. kel tho meetiu'' lor the action which i hey had t ihen. The conference then adjourned till 7 o'eh ek, p. in., fit. which hour they re-as-esnbh-d, excepting Me-srs. Ilohcrts and Kenedy, who were obliged to return heme, and Mr. Window was called to the chair. Alter disposing ef all unfinished business, the conference adjourn? 1 fine lie. ui-:ii:t;r: now, sec'y. Indiana, July 23, ISoS. 1.:...- i (.lif,v,.n TflE Democratic Conference for Indi ana and Westmoreland counties have nominated llol eit II. MeCoruiick, II. P. Piper, aud J. M. Ivcuuedy lei Assembly. QUMMEU GOODS FOR Isr.Qn WHOLESALE AXD HE TAIL A. A. BARKER & SO, High St., EBENSDURG, p ? A. A. BARKER & SON have received opened out, at their Store, on Ilijjh sw tlicir Sunmier stock of goods for 'G8. " 1 DRESS GOODS. MERINOS, PLAIDS, POPLIN WCAS, DELAINES, pVi'yt FLANNELS, BLANKETS ' A LI CLOTHS, CASSIME; SHAWLS AND CLOAKIXGS, Evcrv ptvle in the market- ' HOSIERY, ( LOVES, AND KNIt'gOO HATS 4 CAPS, SOOTS a SHOES. W II IT 11 GOODS, cmbnifing neAv styles of AIXSOOKS. SWI-S MUSLINS. MFLI s T A K '.ETON'S. V.-IIITE CRINOLIN BRILLIANT a COUDED SKIRTING ' N EMPPOIDPRIES, consisting in part of JACONET AND SWISS EDGINGS A 1NSEUT1NGS, DIMITY RANDS, COLLARS, SETT EOBUIN l THREAD EDGINGS a L f I IIOOl'KD SKIRTS, . C'tcij rr tli in ever. Tho. celebrated DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIP.T, tli e best in u-e. Sold at (lie very h ives! nurlr; r:i?,. II a U S K K F F P I N G G 0 0 Ii SI DAMASK?. TARLE CO VERS, ChAS!' j REOWN a DA M ASK T W.LK LINENS. rRlNCJilD RACK. I'l.M'i:!: AND DA MAS HONEY COMIi trUILTS. M ARSLiLL K.S QUILTS. ! ..LI-.aaLi oilUf. pio.vi.iia.n.s, 1'lLLoW CASE L .INEXr5, 1'ILLOV,' CASI-: Ml'SLIN?, .SITFiETlNCS. CA1MTTS, Itl'tJS. HASSOCKS, FLOOR CLOTHS, Ac , 4c, Of all size--, widths, and prices. A fail stock of P P A P Y - A DP C L O T II I N G : JiOCTS .v SHOES, HATS .j- CAPS, i e- i iij.xe-, r : i;r vi. c v, & o. A gcaei ussortmcnt of 1 1 AMID Y A IU1 , QU KE1S S XIE, &g. V L K D . V L G E T A P LPS, "Ve Peer, cor.stnntlv on hand &C. Corn, Oats, Middlings, Chop, Shorts, I'ran, P.utter, E.ixg-, Lard, Vegetables, And n general variety of articles in this line. FAMILY G 110 CPU I LSI We have constantly on hand a ccmjhM stock of Family Groceries, comprising Ss pcrhne, Kxtra and family rh o i 'in Uiickwlicat and He Flonr, Corn and 0 Jicr.b Hominy, "llnlh-d Ih.rlcy, Ihieon,' Sii-t-.r r.itcil U."i:i3, Pried Ih-rf. SjK by the l.c.ne-l, end Sack Salt for Tub'? use ; Coshen :tnd Western Pcserve Chute; Crackers of all kinds. . TOBACCO! Core-pUto nrrortmcnt cf French Spices. S; cm'!. Adamantine A Mould Ct'':,i' St-'js, Castile, llo-in, and nil other kinih- ilio and Java Coffees. black, Imperial and Young Hyson Ttas. liard, Soft, Pulverized anxi Drown S:.'ycrs. Syrnvs and Molasses of all kinds. Dried Ajj l'3 and Peaches. Mackerel, Herring, Salmon. Coal Oil and Turpentine. Lurd, V. hale and Linseed Oils. 1'aiits of every description. Scrub, and Horse Brushes. V crii is It: tic, ic, 4fcc, &c. DR l 'GS A ND PA TEXT XEDICISK- All kinds of lit OX AN D NAILS- IVotice. Lujinij twice ns large a stock as any mo-chant in town, we buv cheaper, :UIU therefore tell cheaper, than any competite- CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS 1 C A L L A X D K X A MINK G OO US CALL AND KXAMINE GOOD.! The public is invited to call before r:1. sing elsewhere. No charge for so goods, buy or not buy. Customers waited on by polite, and ac tive Salesmen. r-?r Cherry, Toplar, Spruce, Pine. other Lumber, liutter, Lggs, arnj ' is Produce generally, taken in "V Goods. ir II i G