o 1 ,- . " " j. t. nrTCiiiivsow, i ed1Tors. I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAS PRESIDENT. Hkbrt Clay. ED. JAMES. J VOLUME 9. EBENSBURG, PA., , AUGUST 18, 18C8. NUMBER 1. THURSDAY WILLIAM KITTJSLIj, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. August 12, 1868. JOiiN FENLON, Attorney at Law, Ebetifiburg, Pa. .- Office on High street. augl3 EOllGE 31;. R BADE, Attorney at JJf Law, Ebensburg, Pk. ggj- Office in Colonnade Row. auglS F P TIKRXMV: Attorney at Law. 0 ,.;..... v-. fc, - , j j - tr Office in Colonnade How. tugl3 GEOUGE W. OATiMAN, Attnir.y at Lhw and Claim Agent,' and Unitei St.itt-s Commissioner for Cumbria county, lib. ensburg, Pa. augl3 oTlXSTON & SCAN LAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. ja?" Office opposite the Court House. . L. JOHNSTON. ailg!3j J. E. SCA.NLAX. JAM KS 0. EASLV, Attorney at Law, Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa. iSr Architectural Drawings and Specifi Mions made. faug53 1? J. WATERS, Justice of the Peace i and Scrivener. BkJ)'-'0fl7cc adjoining dwelling, on High St., Ebensburg, Pa. . 0"P 13-tim. a A. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law, Ebeiieburg, Pa. Particular attention paid to collections. Office on High street, west of the Di amond. auglS "JOSEPH S. ST HA YE It, Justice of tJ the Pence. Johnstown, Pa. lT Office on Market street, corner of Lo cust street extended, and one door south of the lat oUice of Win. M'Kec. jaugU SAMUEL SIN (I LETON, Ar.-.rey t Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on High i'r'ft. west of Foster's Hotel. Will practice in the Courts of Cambria and eljoinir.g counties. v-;V- Attends also to the collection of claims 6f soldier against the Government, auglo T) 1)E V Eli lTX UX, M. I)., Physician JLV a:d Surgeon, Sum wit. Pa. rv-(!S';, e east of Mans ou House, on Kau toT7 Kitrt. .Night calls promptly attended j, alu.fi'.te. ugl3 "fitTiriywn'T ZEIG LEU .. Having permanently located in Ebens bur?, ofiVrs his professional services to the Aifiis of town and viciri.y. Tteth extracted, without puin, with Xi'.roua Ctid, or ,aw;hi.iv 7;. i r jtcT'oomg adjoing Huntley'a store, riipn street. augl3 DENTISTRY. -The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully V f Ebensburg. lie has spared no means to vl-.oroughly aojuamt himaolt Witictery nu i.rovtricn t in hi3 art. To man-years of per iDiiiil experience, he ha3 sought to add the Imparted experience of the highest authorities U Dental Science. He simply asks ttiat an pportunity may be given for his work to leak its own praise. SAMUEL IJKLFORD, D. D. S. JcyWi!l beat Ebensburg on the fourth Mn lrij rf cch month, to stay cue wjek. Autist 13. 1SC9. T U)YL) k CO., Hankers -Lj EnrxsnrnR, Pa. f.-ijp Gold, Silver, Government Loan3 and ?:1:t Securities bought and sold. Interest liluwed uik Time leposits. Collections made o'i di! !,.(. es;i! !' points in the United States, a! a i: nd Inn. king Business transacted. Aiv:-t 13. ISCK. J AV M. LLOYD & Co , Bankers f 'r-irs or. the principal cities, and Silver luJ (i-ji.J tor 6-le. Collections nutde. " Mon I .-.' recrivei on depoit, payable on demand, I w:tl:-j;it interest, or upon time, with interest t fair rates. fai:gl3 x. . llovp, Prrn't. joiim llovu, dahitr. illloT NATIONAL i.ANK I.' OFALTOONA. GO rERXXEXT A GEXt T, AND I'ESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNI TED STATES. fcT" Corner Virginia- and Aunio sts., North rtra, Altoona, Pa. AfT:!,.r.irFD Capital $300,000 CO isu Capital Paid ix 150,000 00 All business pertaining to Banking done on fT .rahU teruii. Iu'ernal Revenue Stamps of all denomina tions always on hand To purchasers of Stamp, percentage, in mips, win be allowed, as follows : $50 to $100 per cent. ; 10C to 5-200, 3 per cent.; -J'J and upwards, 4 per cent. aug!3 SAMUEL SINGLETON. Notarv Pub lie, Ebensburg, Pa. 02F.ee on High street, west of Foster's Ho ,fL augl3 A GRAHAM BLAINE, tlarUr , Ebessbcko, Pa. shaving, S' - pooing, and Uair-dressinj ne"in the ino.t artistic stvle. baloon directly opposite the "Moun 'a Hounc. augi: THES J. LLOYD, Suecttsor of 12. S. Bunn, PT.n Dealer in mF DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE-STUFFS. PEUFUME f voAND FA-NCV ARTICLES, PURE riT m-n SI) HliANDIES FOR MKDI- I'LRroSES, PATENT MEDICINES, &c. Alto: ter, Cap, and Note Papers, Tens, Pencils. Superior TnV. And other articles kept , hy Druggists generally. tsin 0n IV Strtet' opposite the Moan, ouse, Ebensburg Pa r.augI3 HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED FOR TITP" ITTrnin., ...... $J CO TER TKAJ5. IN ADVANCE. The Picture. ".'Tvra? a terrible fight 1" the Boldier aaid; "Our colonel was one of the first to fall, Shot dead on the field ty a lifle ball A braver heart than his never bled !" A group for the painter's art were they : The soldier with scarred and sunburjt face, A fa.ir-haired girl, full of youth end grace, And her agea mother, wrinkled and gray. The soldier had stopped to rest by the way, For ibenir was sultry with suramer-heat ; The road was like ashes under the feet, And a weary dista-noe before him lay- .. "Yes, a terrible fight; our ensign w&3 shot As the order to charge was given the men, "When one from thfc ranks seized the colors, and then He,. too, fell de&d on the self-same spot. 'A hndsome boy was thi3 last; his hair Clustered in curls round his noble brow ; I can almost fancy I 6ee him now, Willi the scarlet stain on his face so fair." "What was his name hare you ever heard? Where was he from, this youth whe fell? And jour reiment, toldier, what was it? tell '." '"Our regiment ? It wa3 the twenty-third." The color fled from the young girl's cheek, Leaving it white aa the face of the dead ; The niuthe lifted her ejes and said : 1,Pity my daughter in mercy speak 1" "I never knew aught of this gallant youth," The roidier answered ; "not even hia name, Nor from what part of the State he came ; As God is fbove, I speak the truth ! "Pat when we buried our dead that night, 1 took from his breast this picture see 1 It is as like him as like can be : II Id it this way, toward the light !" One glance, and a look, half sad, half wild, Passed over her faoe, which grew more pale. Then a passionate, hopeless, heart-broken wail The mother bent low o'er herprostrate child. THE CARD TABLE. UY SYLVAN US COBB, JR. Ellen Dearborn s;it alone in her little- sitting room, and Iter countenance was sad and desponding. She was not over twenty-six. and though her lace was pale and wan. yet she was beautiful. A warm fire burned in the grate, for it was winter, and the lamp upon the center table was lighted, for it was evening. She sat thus, trying to read, when the door was opened and a stranger entered. She started up with fear at thus seeing a fct range man enter her apartment unbidden. 'Ellen, don't you know me ?" The woman started at the sound of the voice, and the blood rushed to her brow and the temples. She took a step forward and gazed more sharply into the intruder's face. "James ?" she murmured interrosrative- 1--. 'Ye? my sister. Didn't you know me?" But instead of answering in words, El len rushed forward and sank upon the man's besom, and there she wept for joy. It was her own brother. "And you didn't know me ?" ho nd, with a smile, after he had taken a jat. 'AY jiv. no, James. Five vears altered you wonderfully. But then that beard all over your face makes a good deal of differ ence." "All the difference in the world. Two years ago, while my ship lay at Canton, I had my beard all shaved off, and when I came aboard, some of my own men did not know me at first. 'Then I wish you'd shave it off now, for you look more like a bear than you do look like James Barrows." The brother laughed, and the conversa tion ran for awhile upon various topics suggested by the return of the loved one. James Barrows was now thirty-two years of age, and had been absent from his na tive city for five years, during which time he had commanded a fine ship. 'By the way," said the brother, at the end of half an hour, ''I stopped in New York, on my way here, and saw Kate "Waldron there. She told me she heard you say you wished your husband had never known me. Did you ever say such a thing as that ?" Ellen's eyes filled with tears in a moment, and a deep sob broke from her lips. Her brother was startled. He moved to her side and put his arms about her neck. "What is it, my sister ?" he asked anx iously. "Alas, James, I will tell you. But first let me assure you that I did not moan ex actly what I said to Kate. Y'ou remem ber, five years ago, when you used to tell me such stories about gambling on the Mississippi. Ambrose asked j-ou to teach him to play poker, as yen called it. You taught him the game, and one or two eve nings you went with him to some card parties." -'Yes, yes,-I remember all that." "Well, the ppirit of gaming is now fast ening itself upon him. I can see it plain ly, though he tries to laugh away all my fear. 1 know it is so, for I have been (old by one who ie iny friend. nd who told me out oT pure friendship for Am- brose. But I have not yet dared to let him know how sure mv information is, for he would be angry did he know that any one had told this to me. O, I know his impetuous nature, aad I fear he will be lost ere he is aware of it. Evil compan ions are leading him astray, , He thinks them friends." , ' . "And do you think he has gone to the card table to-night V V. "I am afraid so. And if he does oh, I dare not think of it. He has much money with him. Before you came I was i weeping over my fears. I have never let ' fiim'fcri.yi!Bmeh his course, for I feared it would only make him more excited. Alas, I know not what to do. I do not think he has yet lost much, but I know that he will never leave the fascinating habit until he is ruined, unless something can be done to move him. "By my soul, Ellen," returned the Cap tain warmly, "I did teach Ambrose to play though God knows I never meant to teach him to gamble, and I will cure him now if I can. Do you think he is at it now ?" "I think he would have been at home before this time, if ho had not fallen in with some of his evil associates." "Then you rest here while I go and find him if I can." "But you will come back soon ?" James stopped and thought a moment. "I don't know," he said! "But don't be worried. No harm shall befall Am brose himself." It was just nine o'clock as Ambrose Dearborn entered one of the gaming sa loons of the city. His business had kept him later than usual, and having made some fifteen dollars in the trade since dark, he had determined to stake that amount upon the altar of fortune. His wife was right in her fears. The card table had gained a fascinating power over him, and he had lost some heavy sums. But on the previous evening he had been cursed with a turn of winning luck, and won back nearly as much as he had lost, and he was on his way to continue his luck ! He meant only to play an hour or so, and then go home. He went up to the side-board and took a glass of wine, and as he turned, he met a stranger, who had seemed to come for the same purpose. "Good venirig,"'iidtraugT,-rrrrr pleasant tone, as he poured out a tumbler full of water from the pitcher and drank it. Ambrose returned the salutation. "I came here to take a few moment's re creation at cards," said the stranger, "but I find no friends here." "Then suppose we take a hand or two just to pass away the time until some oth ers come." "With pleasure," said Dearborn. And accordingly the two sat down and were soon on the most friendly terms. The cards were dealt; for awhile the play ing was on a small scale and the luck was about even. By and by Ambrose began to win, and he went on until he had won a hundred dollars. He would have felt ashamed somewhat had not his antagonist maintained such good humor, and smiled so kindly when he lost. But anon the luck changed. Ambrose lost all he had won, and soon lost over a hundred dollars beside. He had just a hundred dollars more in his portmonnaie, and took it out. A new hand was dealt, he cut his cards carefully, and held up four Jacks. It was the best hand by far that had been out during the game, it be ing the first "four of a kind" he had seen du ring the evening. He bet ten dollars. His antagonist covered, and went ten higher. "I have an excellent hand," said the stranger, with a light laugh. "I have held better ones, but this is good. I shall bet high on it." Ambrose did not speak. He was ex cited. He was afraid his antagonist would mistrust how good his hand was and stop betting. But the betting went on until Ambrose had his last fraction onthe table. "Shall I go higher ?" inquired the stranger. "As you please." "Then I must s.iy n. hundred better. By the trump of trunks you shall have a chance to make a pile this time." Ambrose hesitated a moment, and then he placed his hand to his bosom and drew out a package of bank notes. There were four thousand dollarg in the whole. It was a sum he had drawn from the bank that very day. It was the accumulation of over four years' labor and economy, for the pur pose of paying for his house and Ptore. lie drew out a hundred dollar bill and covered his antagonist's last stake. He hesitated a moment more and drew out an other hundred, and "went that over." The stranger covered the hundred and went five hundred better, buthe dared bet no more, and he called for his companion's hand. The stranger smiled as he showed it four queens ! Ambrose uttered a deep groan as ho j folded his cards and placed them in the ! pack. "By my soul, that s hard, my iriend. But better luck next time. Come, I'll deal for you this time." A new hand was dealt, and this time Ambrose won a hundred dollars. He be gan to revive. ISext he won two hundred more. He went and got another glaw of yne and then returned in better spirits, C JJut at the next hand he lost five hundred ' "dollars. His spirits were sad ajrain. But hi resolved to play carefully to win back what he had lost, and stop. -iRut there is no need of following the g4me step by step. The man who held those cards was not a professed gambler, rjor did he gamble at all for his own simusement. " But he had been among amblers much, and he could handle cards Uke pleased. And more still, he could ilndle a nervous, excitable man as he leased. He kept Ambrose in good hu- junr, let him have the occasional flashes of finally, just as the clock struck eleven, A tubrosa Dearborn staggered up from the table penniless ! All, li was te! Hij four thousand dollars the sum that was to have cleared him from debt the sum which he had seen steadily growing beneath his efforts for the last four years was now swept away. The young merchant staggered from the hall; he tried to borrow first to borrow something to commence again to win back something but no one would lend. lie made his way to the street, and without noticing his way, he staggered on. By and by he came to a narrow alley which led down to the wharf, and sat down upon an old spar. He had been there but a lew moments, when he felt a hand upon his sh-mlder. He looked up, and by the moon light he could see the dark face of the man who had ruined him. "Why do you sit here in the snow 9" asked the stranger "Leave me," cried Ambrose, bitterly. "Oh, I never wish to see you more from this time." "But perhaps I may help you," replied the other. "YTou are young enoutrh to learn;" "Learn ! O, great heavens, and have I not learned this night what never nev er The young man burst into tears, and his sobs were deep and painful. "Come, come," spoke the stranger, "stand up and trust me, and I may help you." There was something so kind in the voice that Ambrose could not resist, and he rose to his feet. "Ambrose Dearborn," spoke the strange man, "I have this evening taken from you Df c"rr-- i:? rrrrrflaTedIonarsTanu x uo not think vou can afford to lose it. Here we are before God. Now promise me, upon your honor as a man, that you never will stake any amount at hazard again that never again will you play at any game of chance for value of anything, and I will restore you every cent of money I have won from you to-night." The young man stood tor a moment like a man in a dream. Ihen he companion by the arm. caught his "You do not trifle !" he said, in ahoarse whisper." "Give the promise, and see." Ambrose clasped his hands and turned his eyes toward heaven, and made an oath embracing just the proposition which had been made him; and when he had done, his eyes sank to the snow covered earth, aud he burst into tears. The stranger took a roll from his pocket, and handed it over. "Here," said he, "is the full sum every penny just as I took it from you. And now let us walk into the city again my way is toward Adam street." "So is mine," whispered Ambrose as he clutched the money. "Ah then we'll walk together." "But tell me what this means ?" the young man uttered energetically. "Who are you, sir ?" "Never mind now ; I shall see you again and then I will explain. But let us be on our way, for it is cold here." On the way the stranger kept up such a rattle of conversation, that Ambrose not only had no chance to mention the subject of the evening's transactions, but bythe time he had reached his own door, his feelings had got back into their wonted channel. "I would invite you in," he said "but " "Never mind. Just let me step into the entry, for I want a light for a moment." Of course, Ambrose could not object to this, and as he opened the door, the stran ger followed him in. He walked through the hall, and as he opened the door of the sitting room, his companion was at his back. Ellen sat at her table, and her face was pale ; but she had not been crying, for the words her brother spoke to her before he went out were spoken with a strange hope. She arose to her feet, and while her hus band was wishing that his companion had remained in the hall, he was not a little startled to hear the said individual speak somewhat jocularly as follows : "Well, sissy, you see I have brought him. And we are both of us all right, I can assure you." For a moment the young man was wonder-struck, but the truth flashed upon his mind "Jim Barrows ?" he gasped. "Captain Barrows, at your service, sir. Ha, ha ; you did not know me. He's just found out, Ellen." Ambrose tried to laugh, but he could not. He struggled for a moment with the feelings that swelled up in his bosom, and then, sinking down into a chair, he burst into tears. Ilis wife uttered a quick cry i and started forward. "Pon'fcbo afraid' gtfpd Ambrose, ''I'm safe. But I can't help this. Tell her all now, for she's a right to know." The stout captain drew his sister upon his knee, and then related to her all that had happened since he had left her. "Ah, ah," he concluded, "the moment I saw you take the second hundred dollars from your wallet I knew gaming wo'd soon ruin you, and when I saw you draw the package, I only knew that I should take them every one from you, and that any experienced card player could have done the same. Now, 1 taught you your first lesson in poker; this is lesson number two ; I hope it may work well." And it did work welU Captain Barrows remained with his sister a month, and then he jvnt- away. At the end of a year he canieagamfaWAhu'iiihr-.f"';'!! EHen as happy as a princess. ' Gen. Jacob Campbell. General Jacob M. Campbell was born in Alleghany township, Somerset county, Pa., on the 20th day of November, 1821 ; consequently he will be forty-seveu years old next November. At an early age he Avas apprenticed to the printing business, in Somerset, Pa. After mastering the "art preservative of arts," he emigrated to Pittsburg, where he "worked at case" for some time. He next found his way to New Orleans and into another printing office. Tired of the composing stick and rule, he tried his hand at steamboating, first as a deck hand, and subsequently as clerk, mate and part owner of a vessel. In 1847, we find him in the iron business, at Brady's Bend. In 1851, he followed the tide of emigration to California, re maining there but a short time. In 1833 we find him at Johnstown, Pit., assisting in the construction of the mammoth Cam bria Iron Works, with which establishment he was connected up to the breaking out of the war. In 1SG1, he was among the first to enroll himself as a volunteer, to de fend the flag of his country, and belonged to the first Company that entered Camp Curt in. Upon the arrival of the company in Harrisburg, and the organization of the Third Begiment of Pa. Vols, to which his company was attached, Lieut. Campbell was appointed Quartermaster of the Begi ment, which position he filled with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the oHicers and men of his regiment, as aii those who remain will testify. He was mustered out of service on the 28th of July, 1S01, and on the 30th of the same month, was commissioned by Gov. Curt in to raise a regiment. The regiment was recruited mainly through Col. Campbell's individual exertions, and upon being or ganized, was designated the 51th. Ilis regiment was the escort of honor through the city of Washington, to the remains of the lamented Col. Cameron (brother of Hon. Simon Cameron) who fell at the first Bull Bun battle. On the 2lth of March, 18G2, Col. Campbell was ordered to occupy the line of the Baltimore & Ohio llailroad from North Mountain Station, fifty -six miles westward to the South Branch of the Potomac. In that position, the executive as well as the military abilities of the Col onel were constantly called into requisition. How well he performed his arduous and multitudinous duties in this trying position, the officers of the B. & O. B. B., as well as his superiors in the military service, do not hesitate to declare that but for his energy and sleepless watchfulness, many miles oft he road would have been destroyed. On the 25th of Dec. 1SG2, he was relieved from duty along the railroad, and on the Gth of March, 18G3, was assigned to the command of the 4th Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Army Corps. In 18G4, Gen. Sigel took conmiaud of the Department of YVest Virginia, and in a reorganization of the troops, Col. Campbell, at his own request, was returned to the command of his regiment, and took an active part in the battle of New Mar ket occupying the left of the line. His regiment suffered severely and was the last to leave the field. But lor the determined stand made by Col. Campbell, Sigel's army would have been routed and demoralized. In his official report of the battle, he ac knowledged the valuable services of Col. Campbell in a very handsome and flatter ing manner. A deserved compliment to a deserving officer. Gen. Sigel also took oc casion to thank Col. Campbell in person. "My God ! Col. Campbell, I wish I had known you better '" Gen. Sigel exclaim ed, rushing to Col. Campbell and grasping his haud with both of his own, alter the tumult of battle had subsided. The Col onel and his regiment took a prominent part in the battle of Piedmont, under Gen. Hunter. He was brevetted a Brigadier General for bravery and '-fitness to com mand," in this battle, and again assigned to the command of a brigade. He also took an active part in Hunter's celebrated "Lynchburg Baid," his command suffering heavily in the attack upon Lynchburg. When Col. Mulligan fell at Winchester, Gen. Campbell took command of the divi sion, and continued in command until, by severe losses in killed and wounded, it wad consolidated into a brigade, which he af terwards commanded. He also participa ted in the engagements in the Shenandoah under the gallant Phil Sheridan, winning other and new laurels whilo with that in trepid chieftain. Gen. Campbell was mustered out of tho servioe in tho fall of 1864, having boon in the array almost three years and a half. He was never absent from his command, except three -weeks, sitting as a member of a Court of Inquiry at Wheeling, Va., and had but two "leaves of absence," du ring his whole period of service, one for ten and the other for twenty days. The political record of Gen. 'Campbell will also bear examination. Brought up a Jackson democrat, he voted for Polk and Dallas in 1S44, but in 1848, seeing tho determined encroachments of the slavery propagandists, he voted for the free soil candidates, Van Buren and Adams, and in 1852, again voted for the free soil nomin ees, Hale and Julian ; and in 183G, was the delegate from Cambria county to tho Fremont Convention. In 1859, the Re-" publicans of Cambria county presented him to their district conference as their choice nrUhe Senatorial nomination, and three yeirs ago he was unanimously -selected again as the choice of the Union party of Cambria, for State Senator, but failed to receive the nomination frim the district conference upon either occasion, not h w ever from want of appreciation of his worth and services as a citizen and as a bravo and meritorious soldier. On the 17th of August, 1865, Gen. Campbell was nominated for Surveyor General by the Republican party, and in October of the same year, was elected over Col. Linton, his competitor, by a lanre majority. For over two years he has ad ministered the duties of his office with re cognized ability and to the satisfaction of all parties ; and has brought up a largo amount of unfinished and intricate busi ness. In March last, he was unanimously renominated by the Republican State Con vention, for the office he now so ably and satisfactorily fills. A unanimous renomi nation from a State Convention of either party, is no small compliment to any man, and no one within our recollection except Gen. Campbell and his colleague on tho State ticket ever before received such a marked endorsement. Such, in brief, is a hurried sketch of tho life and services of one of Pennsylvania's noblest sons. He is first found a "printer's devil," "a jour," a "deck hand" on a steamboat, a "clerk," "mate" and "part, owner of a vessel." He is next found in the iron business, then in California, and finally in the gigantic enterprise of the celebrated Cambria Iron Mills, where hi? great experience added largely to the sue-" cess of that stupendous undertaking. At the breaking out of the war, he was Lieu tenant of a militia company, entered tha army and was appointed a Quartermaster, then a Colonel, and after a brilliant cam paign of three long, weary years, he was honored with a Brevet Brigadier General's commission, a position long and doubly earned in command of a brigade and di vision, and by gallantry in the field. Thua it will be seen, that Gen. Campbell cornea from the working class, and is emphatical ly a working man. His social characteristics never fail to create the warmest friendships and a last ing impression. He is a shrewd business man and a useful citizen a man endowed with strong common sense, and rarely fail in his judgment of men and measures is well read, and familiarly acquainted with all the internal workings of the great ma chinery of our government. Among the ablest articles on the subject of our Na tional finances, was one from his pen, writ ten during the early part of last winter. He is a genial companion, a clever, whole souled, honest man, strictly temperate iu his habits, and that he will be re-elected by an increased majority, is already be yond a peradventure. Tb a ts Wo iTlT'LU o t. A few days since, says a Michigan pa per, a specimen of humanity, chuck full of fashionable drink, entered the cars at Jackson and quietly awaited the advent of the conductor, who appeared and relieved the traveler's hat of his ticket without any remarks. On his return the traveler stop ped him and inquired : "Conductor ! how far h it to 'Pocon ?" "Twenty miles." "That's wot I tho't." At the next station the traveler stopped him aud again inquired: "Conductor ! how far to Manch'ter ?" "Twenty miles." "That's wot I tho't." At Manchester the traveler stopped him the third time and again inquired: "Conductor, how fir to Teeumih V "Twenty miles." "That's wot I tho't." As the train left Tccuniseh, the traveler exhausted the patience of the conductor, and the following dialogue explains the re sult : "Conductor, how far to Adri'n ?" The conductor threw himself upon hi dignity, and remarked : "See here, my friend, d you tako rue for a fool '" The traveler "luek to his text," and very coolly remarked : "That's wot I tho't." The conductor joined the passengers in a hearty laugh, and concluded to allow hi passenger to tho't as he pleased. Maryland will derive a revenue of 874,000 this year from its oyster trads. Nearly a thousand vessels, are engaged They take oui fifteen million bu?hels per