t f t if I lb i icy it I tit Ti. M r V ateB gURSDAY:::::::::::::::::JANUArwY SO. LOCAL AND PERSONAL -8EHgBUBO AND CRESSON RAILROAD nn and after ionany, .n.p.. a this road will run as follows: I-1 . -a a v fonnectinc with Day Exp. East and PhiL Exp. West. . 15 p. M., connecting with Phila. Exp. East and Mail Train West. . (VF.SSON it 9 24 A.M., or on departure of Th rbil. t ) At 8.40 V. M.", or'oa departure of Phila. 1 V.TDtess East- Etchings. The office of the Treasu rer of HuDtingdon county was entered by bttrlan on the night of the 23d instant, -bo blew open the safe, but failed to ob tain more than a dollar or two lor, their trouble. Tbe Treasurer luckily bad the tulk of his funds deposited in bank.... Charles Barclay, aged sixty years, a watchman on the Penna. Railroad near lflair Furnace. Blair county, gave looa lDd shelter to an Englishman named Sims A tic eight of tbe 11th. Sims had rep uted liinieelf as being in a destitute cocon- Before going to bed, the old jBjoinelt as usual to pray, when Sinis irsped on his back, garroted him, and robbed him of a silver watch. The un grateful wretch then decamped, but was ubseqently arrested and committed to ail.. ..The Congregationalist congregation j this place have purchased a lot of -round on High street, near the cite occu pied by the Presbyterian church, and in- Uudctecuue, thereon iu tbe spring a jargu ind elegant brick church edifice. The stones for the foundation are now being got out.. ..One day not Jong ago, a man ia BUir county came suddenly on a drove of turkeys. The ground was covered iice, and eo the turkeys could neither zjv.'j fly Dor run fast. The man captu re two fine gobblers, one of which sub fejuently escaped. ...Three men, named Thomas GorduD, Frank Little, and S. Bradley, were tried at the laic eeseiou of tin Clearfield county Court for inhumanly autilating a horse, were found guilty, tod sentenced as follows Gordon, to pay ifiae of 5500 and go to the penitentiary lor two years and nine months ; Little, to pay a fine of 500 and go to the peniten tiary oae year and nine mouths; Brad Jay, to pay a fine of 500 and go to the yeniteatiarj one year and nine months. of these defendants, probably two; vA possibly all three, iormcrly lived in kibria county That popular landlord, Jtfr. K. Dalicg, of the "Miners Home" at lleiulock, will give a grand ball to his irieadd on the 24th February. All lovers of a "good time" should attend.. ..Mr. Wta. Bell, of Jefferson county, was in stantly killed last week by a large limb falling upou him from a tree which ha was cutting down... .Rev. David Harbison, paster of the Presbyterian church at New Sikta, Westmoreland county, (formerly oDfcectburg.) commenced a revival du ring the first week of January, which I wuuoueu two weeks, auu curing mat I tae some lort' new members were won Vtit church.... A coal bank caved in on i miner named Jacob Winters at Penn Kation, the other day, and crushed him to death.. ..Mr. James F. Campbell, for merly of Johnstown, has commenced the publication of a newspaper iu Wellsburg, 'est a....Mr. George Settlemoyer, of Wilciore, has a cow that has had four calves within a twelvemonth A young named James Martin was crushed to death in a coal bank near Centerville, In- lana county, on the loth instant, by a nass of coal weighing three tons falling ipon him... .We direct attention to the rd of Mr. Peter McDennott, manufac turer of and dealer in sarsaparilla, mineral ater, bottled ale, and porter, Johnstown. Persons wishing to buy anything in that line cannot buy a better article or cheaper VW trom Peter.... The snow is over one M tt itj,th, and the sleighing excel lent. Jic farmer3 amj business men are j matinj good use of the good roads, and j ti& quantities of produce and lumber brou-ht to town daily are astouishing.... &e Auditors have nearly completed the 'isiol auditing the accounts of the county fJr the past year.. ..The price of flour in Kttaburg, according to T. C. Jenkins' la test circular, ranges from S10.25 to 12. h per ban el.... The Freeman had a com munication last week from Wilmore, on -N'atioml politics, the writer of which it chssifitd as apatron of The AUeyhanian." The Freeman appears to know more about our business than we know ourself....Tho eleventh annual statement of the Cambria acty durance Company, published elsewhere, shows that institution to be in good financial condition. It could not ell be otherwise, with the able corps of Managers at its head.. ..The "annual Ita Ber ball," we are told, will come off in Jackson township this evening.... A va riety of excellent reading will be found fta the first page of this paper. : "" TnE Trienwiax Assessmint." The re6ul of , the triennial assesamen of the real estate of Cambria county for 1868 has been- published. The figures place the valuation of the .whole oanty at $2,262,936; but it must be remembered that the real value is five times the ap praised valuation- or over $11,000,000. Millville borough is appraised at $356, 580, and is the richest district in the county. Summitville borough is apprais ed at $5,309, and is the poorest district in the county. J phnstown and suburbs are valued at SS40.000, while Ebensburg is valued at $84,000. The Johnstown Tri hune lays great stress on the disproportion between these figures, and exultingly ex claims, "Johnstown is worth ten times Ebensburg." True; but it should be re membered that the value of Ebensburg has been brought to its present dimen sions by the sturdy, plodding industry of its inhabitants, while Johnstown owes its wealth mainly to the accidental introduc tion of the Cambria Iron Works, based on outside capital, into it's midst. Cambria County and the State. The Auditor General's report for the year endiug Nov. 30, 1807, gives the follow ing exhibit of the amount3 paid into the State Treasury by Cambria county during the last fiscal year, and also the amounts paid Cambria county by the State during the same period : Paid into the State Treasury. Tax on Corporation Stocks ?"10,333 93 Tax on Ileal and l'ersonai issaie. Tax on Loans Tax on Net Earnings or Income... Tax on Enrolment of Larrs.... Tax on Writs, Wills, Deeds, he... Licenses, Tavern, Retailer?, &c... rices and Forfeiures Accrued Interest A ' 1 If! 11.6S8 33 CO 00 1,011 20 4 527 57 12 50 355 55 Pcid Cambria County by the State. Commja Schools 1,732 40 Pensions and Gratuities David Hamilton, Military Exp Ale:: BkelK, Mercantile Appraiser 160 00 203 00 40 86 Tub liouo. Election. Tbe- election of borough officers will ccid off three weeks from to-mcrrow. As Vd stated in our kst issue, it is under cont-uplation to run an independent, "reform" ticket for tt? aeverii o2ce, ih'u ticket to be pledg ed 3 follo;.3 : First, to tlie purchase kt th.3 expense of the boro. of c geed, ser viceable u.e engine; cecoud, tj the reuo val to sorrss centril position ox the boro. welghscales; third, to the rsnle by Teipht of coal witbia the bcro. limit?. A iic!iet running cn this plt:cua,it is confidently calculated, would have no trouble eveep injr tbe board. - - MARRiitr In New Ycrk, on the 21st icstzzi, by the Rev. Hssbrouek Du 3ois, Jno. Herbert Evans, of Oil city, to Kit? K. Wheeler, of Nct7 York. At last ! Well, cli frbnd, we heartily congratulate jou. Wo Tiaa yon a longer life, and nidj enquisite hsppinasB, and, generally, choicer bleoeings and more of them, than usually fill to the lot of poor mortals. May you, :n short, ba able to take up and siag as the refrain of your song of life "Ilow rear am I to happiness That earth exceeds not ! Hot another like it. The treasures of the deeo are not so precious As arc the concealed comforts of a man Locked up in woman's love." For Sale. Will be offered at private sale, the house and lot not7 occupied by Mrs. Hutchinson. The property is, situ ated on High street, Ebensburg, in the most desirable location, cither for a place of business or a place cf residence, in town. Aho, a full lot on Center street, one square north of the "diamond" a splen did location for a private residence. For particulars, inquire at Tins Office. L O CAL CORRESPONDENCE. LETTER FROM JOHNSTOWN AN EPITOME OF THE NEWS FROM THE SOUTH OF THE COUNTY. Johnstown, Jan. 27, 1868. To the Editor of The Alleghanian : A child of Mra. Uoy firs, of Rharnsburg, aged eighteen months, was scalded to death one day last week by the upsetting upon it of a tub of hot water. Mr. A. Akers, of the firm of Akers & Baumer, butchers, showed your corre spondent a monster beef tbe other day. It weighs 2,600 pounds, measures nine feet six inches in length, and nine feet four inches in girth, and stands nineteen hands high. Who cau beat it ? A disturbance occurred in a lager beer saloon here the other day, during the continuance of which a young man named Broderick was severely cut by a dirk knife in the hands of some person un known. A valuable roll of carpet was stolen from the door of Mr. John J. Murphy's store a couple of days ago. A reward of $20 is offered for information that will lead to tbe detection of the thief. Store door stealing has become quite common here of late. The Methodist Episcopal and Lutheran churches are holding revival meetings nightly. Yours; &c, Bio. -lMPORTATLbcAJ-EaiSLATION- -A bill hai ' been jlntriduced into ; the State Legislature, which, , thopgh a sumptuary law, ought to pass. It "pro tides tnatall the - people of Ebeiwburg and - vicinity, without distinction as to age, sex, or color, bo required to buy their winter goods at A. A. Barker's cheap store. " ' : - : : Queer Endorsement. The other day, a five dollar note with the following endorsement across its back came under our observation: "Whoso cometh into possession ot this note, squander it not in folly or extravagance, but rather take it to V. S. Barker's Cheap Cash Store and invest it as becometh a mac of sense.". IXresjt Up! It is a duty that man owes to society to clothe himself decently and comfortably, if not tastefully. This can better be done by buying one's attire at Leopold's & Bro.'a Oak Hall Clothing Store than in any other known way. ' The O. H. C. S. is in Johnstown, on Main st Drop in there Borne day. Everything. T. W. Williams, at the Ebensburg Stove and Tinware House, has as complete a stock of articles in his line a. any like establishment in the couu ty. In addition, he sells as cheap as any like establishment in the count v. To use his own words, he "will not be under sold." Try him. Spectacles. C. T. Itoberts, at the Ebensburg Jewelry Store, has on hand probably the best stock of spectacles ever brought to Cambria county. Spectacles to suit all ages spectacles to magnify au:a or magnify little gold spectacles cad steel spectacles all kinds of specta cles, r.nd at all prices. Clearance Sale. Mills & Co. intend taking an account cf sio:k shortly, and for a few daya will sell all manner of drj goods, groceries, tic, at greatly reducer! prices. Store on High street, near the Diamond. Call early. Great Reduction in Furs. James M. Thompson hereby givca notice that he will close out his stock of ladies' furs at greatly reduced priocs. Ladies, take no tice if you want bargains in furs, call on Mr. T. at once. Good Niws To Owmebs or ITonsss. Hav ing scared the aid of a good Shoer, and Leing well supplied with Na:l3 and Shoes, I asa determined to offer to eA customer the reatett inducement Ii2ld ont in thiajlr.ce liores shed til round for One Dollar and i''if ty Cscts. I vP-l also iron Sleigh3 and Sled3, make Waon Tire and all kinds of Chains, tnd do everything in the Blacksmithing line at greatly reduced price3 for the cash. hon near the Foundry of E. GIa3s. a. ii. singer. Ebensburg, Dec. 12, 18G7. TTiLEYENTH ANNUAL STATE- jTVi MENT OF THE PROTECTION :1U- 'j'JTAIj firs insurance company of CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA. Amt. property insured as per 10th annual report $358,380 04 Amt. property insured since 10th annual report. t oo 464,117 70 Deduct amt. property insured in policies cancelled expired. 10,906 93 447,210 77 Amt. premium notes in force as per lOi'u annual r?povt 0 37,285 68 Amt. note3 taken sine last an nual report - 9,133 39 ' 40,419 07 Deduct amt. notes cancelled and expired since la:t report 3,172 40 43,246 67 No. policies in force as per 10th annual report No. policies since last report . 405 100 505 30 Deduct cancelled and expired. Total number in force 475 442 34 672 99 1,735 24 Bal. in Treas. Jan. 13, 1867 $ Percent, on premiums collected since 10th annual report To amt. assessment No. 2 2,850 57 Componoation o fR c V 1' S A agents past year ....$206 02 Incidental expenses past year 94 58 By amt. pd. David Creed 230 74 By amt. pd. Robert Ed wards 1,200 00 By amt. pd. F. P. Tierney 200 00 1,931 34 919 23 Bal. in hands of Treas. and Agts. OFFICERS EOR ENSUING YEAR: President John Williams. Secretary and Treasurer R. J. Lloyd. (E. Roberts, I. Crawford, Jno. Lloyd, f Jno. E. Roberts, AKent3 Evan Roberts. jan30. J. liliU if, feecy. PETER McDEKMOTT, Manufacturer of and Dealer in SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL WATER, BOT TLED ALE, AND PORTER, Johnstown, Pa. gy- All orders promptly attended to. A GENTS WANTED ! For two cf the best selling subscrip tion books ever published.- One entitled 'Mysteries of the Neapolitan Convents," by an ex-Benedictine Nun, a true account of the inner life of the convents the most thrilling and interesting work before the public. The other entitled "The Cottage Cyclopedia," a gem of intellectual wealth, and wanted in everv family ; complete in one large octavo volume of ovtr l.OOC pages illustrated. Send for circulars of terms, which are very liberal- A- 5. H ALE k COf, Hartfrfrd, Oonij. jjq"EW goods : .new goods i i- i i . GREAT ATTRACTIONS IN inter Ooods JUST OPENING AT V. S. BARKER'S CHEAP CASH STORE ! Ebsxsburo, Pa. Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats. Utczz Coats, ZZjzzz Co at s, Z3asa3 Coats. Clue Coats, ITIv.e Coats, Klue CoaSs. Rlouses, mouses, Pants, Paqls, Vests, Vea:s, Vests. Shawls, Sbawls. Hats, Kills, lints. Cnps, Cj3, Ladles' Furs, IndSes' IFurs) Ladles' fars. Roots, Is, Shoes, Slices, 8I1C33. Dry Goods, Dry Goofia, Dry Goods. Xew Goods, New Goods. Nevr Goods. V. S. BARKER'S, V. S. BARKER'S, V. S. BARKER'S. Call and See. Call and See. Call and See. THE CHEAP CASH STORE. I1IGII&ST rRtCES PAID FOR WOOL, H UTTERt EGOS $ ALL KINDS 6'F COUNTRY TRODUCE. ON-' 2vr SON'S! Q Q V 0 Q S3 6! V E5 e 6 n o O H W O hd GO A o H 0 V a o o H GO ?? GO M o GO o GO Q O O GO &d GO GO Q o O GO GO B H 9 0 I 4 0 i M Q 0 U 0 0 H 0 -4. 0 c H & rf 4 0 0 fed- &d O GO 3 U at . zn O va GO o GO t-1 td td GO H GO td o 2 ft O 54 G3 td GO GO O o o W td Hd Q If o 0. e P (0 rf 0 o a GO d o o GO O JST'SSZ 1VC 6i a U1CK SALES, . fiVTlTT PTnVTT? trt , . . BARKER'S BARKER'S BARKER'S! BARKER'S r BARKER'S BARKER'S ! EBENSBURG. NEW GOODS! NEW goods: NEW GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! CIIKAP GOODS! NEW AND CHEAP ! NEW AND CHEAP ! NEW AND CHEAP ! GO AND SEE 1 GO AND SEE I GO ND SEE 1 GO AND SEE ! GO AND SEE 1 GO AND SEE ! The subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he has just received, at his em porium, on High street, the largest and most complete assortment of Winter Goods! ever brought to this town, all of which he pledges himself to sell cheap for cash. DRESS GOODS, WOOLEN GOODS, DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HOOP SKIRTS, HOSIERY, BALMORALS, GLOVES, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, kc. The largest, best and cheapest assortment of READY-MADE CLOTUING! to be found within the limits of Cambria co. An excellent assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, OVElt-SnOES. STATIONERY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES FISH, SALT, TRUNKS, NOTIONS, QUEENSWARE, CARPET-SACK?, &c, &c, & A large stock of Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Syrups, Molasses, Jltr riny. Mackerel, and Cod Fish, Iron and Nails, Cedar and Willow Ware, Oils, JJrvys and. Medicines, kc, c. In fact, he keep3 anything and everything usually kept in a, No. 1 Country Store all which will be disposed of at prices to tuit the times. Buying twice as large a stock as any other merchant in town, he buys cheaper, aud can therefore sell cheaper, than any competitor. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS I CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS I The public is invited to call before purcha sing elsewhere. No charge for showing goods, buy or not buy. Customers waited on by polite and atten tive Salesmen. jpgf- Cherry, Poplar, Spruce, Pine, and other Lumber, Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally, taken in exchange for Goods. jan24 " 'A. A. BARKER. CLOCK AND WATCHMAKER ! EBENSBURG, PA. C. T. Roberts has constantly in his slorV well selected and varied assortment of arti cles, which he offers cheap for cash ; viz : A Silver American WATCII for $30.00. CLOCKS of every style and Enish, at reduced JEWELRY of the very best material, war ranted. Anchor and Lepine WATCHES, one-third cheaper than in 1866. - Gold Finger RINGS, one-third cheaper than last year. Morton's Gold PENS, at the manufacturer' prices. Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated SPECTA CLES, cheaper than ever. Plated FORKS, Tea and Table SPOONS, as good as Silver. Plated CASTORS, Card and Cake BASKETS. GOBLETS, aud MUGS. RIFLES and SHOT GUNS, that will kill at every pop. REVOLVERS and PISTOLS, with CAR- TLlIDuES to suit. PIPES of Gutta Percha. Wood, and CMn-i Lockwood's COLLARS, the best jou can wear. SCHOOL BOOKS, cheaper than elsewhere. TOYS and TOY BOOKS, for a mere song Singers SEWING MACHINES, with Cotton. Silk, and Oil. ' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, o hold from 22 ta 200 Pictures. ACCORDIANS, VIOLINS, FLUTES, FIFES . Violin BCWS, STRINGS, rd KEYS. JLlso ; Uuorellas, r!lothes Brushes, Drums, Whistles, Horns, Jewsharps, Harmonicas, Trunks, Carpet Sacks, Satchels, Work Boxes, Portfolios, Gents' Shirts, G'oes, Cravats, Nick ties, Canes, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Perfumery, Soaps, Pocket Books, Checkers a Boards, Dominoes, Paints, Table Knives, Pocket Knives, Razors and Strop?, Gun Caps, Puzze Dolls, Bsads; Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, Combs, Dusting Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Looking Glasses, Sewing Baskets liana lJaskets, Rugs, Arnold's best Writing Fluid, 6 Red and Black Ink, InkStands, Pen Racks, Miscellaneous A Blank Loo'ks, Pass Books, Diaries, Almanacs, Deeds, Summons, Note3, Jftn!r, Envelopes. obacco, Amber BeaS) - Ana rr j other articles. era ra CALL AfD GET BARGAINS! r Clocks, "Watches, and Jewelry r- ,aired in the best style of workmanship, and warranted. Thankful for past favors, the subscriber hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of public patronage. jaQ24 c. T. ROBERTS OOT and SHOE EMPORIUM! The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has opened out a Boot and Shoe Store in the rooms formerly occupied by Davis & Evans, on Center street, Ebens burg, where he will carry on the business on an extensive scale. READY-MADE BOOTS axd SHOES For sale at City Price BOOTS axd SHOES made to order On shortest notice ! BThe public are invited to give me a call. I will sell cheap as the cheapest. nd warrant my stock and make to give c atUfc tion. fn31 J0IIN 0 EVAN'S,