wwt THURSDAY, JANUAF.Y "SG, 1SCS." Thk Republican State Committee met in llarrisburg on the 221 inst , and, after a full conference, selected Wednesday, March 11th, as the time, and Philadel phia as the place, for holding ilic Ke publiean State Convention to nominate candidates for Auditor General and Sur veyor General, and to select four delegates At large to the National Republican Con- ventton. .Ovcr-ltlglileousness. lr a number of years past, a few persons, representing various religious societies of Western Pennsylvania, have aununlly met together to express their desire and advocate the propriety of hav ing incorporated into the National Con stitution a clause "acknowledging God as the source of all authority in civil gov ernment, the Lord Jesus Christ as the ruler among all nation?, and His will re vealed in the Holy Scriptures as of su preme authority." Similar meetings, we believe, are also held in other parts of the country. With the motives of these men, we shall not deal. But the wisdom of the change advocated, we impugn. So far from hold ing it to be wise, we regard it as a folly and a crime. Wo do not suppose such a change will ever be made ia our National Constitution, nor in that of any of the States, yet should it by any cbanct3 occur, it will be cause for deep lamentation among all lovers of religious freedom. Our fathers established the principles of our Constitution upon a very great truth, a truth that arises not from the nature of civil government, but from the geuius and express teachings of the Christian religion. With the Jews, government was a theocracy. So, also, with the boa-" then. The same hand that upheld civil order and administered civil justice, up hold also the ecclesiastical structure and dispensed the lites of religion. With those religions, on the one hand spurious, and on the other merely preliminary, preparatory to the better religion that was to follow, the course pursued was doubt less the dictate of wisdom. Whether all religious are false or not, the fact is patent that no State has ever existed without the aid of religion, and with a religion too weak to be its own support it was better that it should be upheld by the State than that it should totter to. its fall, Rut on the coming of the Christian faith, there dawned a new era. Then this alliance of Church with State was to end. Yet ever since, there have been men anxious to confound the two, who would have the Church wed the State, and the State the Church, in as unholy a union as that whioh robbed heaveu of one-third of its angels. As to the present movement, the very first words used to express one of the aims sought, include a sophism. Paul said, "The powers that be are ordained of God," and hence we 6bouId render them obedi ence. Put Paul used the words when under and surrounded by heathen civil government, whose people he was earnest ly striving to turn to the true worship. These governments rejected and even spurned the true God, yet Paul said they weie ordained of llitn. Evidently, theu, his entire meaning was that all civil gov ernment was by I is sanction, II is approval. Our own Declaration ot Independence says the people are the source of all au thority in civil government, lot there :s no contradiction. All governments should rule for the good of the people, and so ruling, are approved of heaven. Put this ckioe, if incorporated iuto our Constitution, would establish a faith, an act in direct repugnance to the Consti- .Hnn. It would lay a deep aud broad basin for persecution. L.et u.? admit Cod to be the source of all authority in civil government. What of iff Is Ho not the fouroe of all things? Why re strict the acknowledgement? What is our Constitution but a compact, and if wo tihuuH make this acknowledgement iu oue coin pact, why not iu al. If these men !rivv a bond cr docd, or a lease of prop erty, do they go to the trouble of making all theec acknowledgments ? If not, why i.ot ? Thb otJy difference is that the bond, deed, or lease would be a compact between two or three, while our Constitu tion is a compact between millions. Is not GoJ, too, :L? authority in al! matters of moral rectitude t" necessary to the ex ceutiuu of all pledge ? Put thc-c men would fe-o further. They define the vcyy God when. (Key would have ihu roeniied, and clearly desig nate the religion wl,ieh lhey wo'ald ia corporate into udT institution. A civil Constitution declaring 'Mt- humble ana ovcr-forgi"ing Nazarene to be the rnler i.ations and His scriptures as f amons; supreme authority iu civil government! .. i Put let us suppose tnis cnange maue. Then he who denies the divine character of th? Bible, or that God is r3vealed in it, or tho divinity of Jesus, violates the Con stitution of It is country and is deserving of fine, imprisonment, or even death! In common with our whole country, we pre fer civil and religious freedom to any such fanaticism as this. T!ie Judiciary Question. . The law now before Congress proposing to require a two-third vote of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States elicits very general and animated discus sion. It is matter of regret that much of this discussion is iu a mere party spirit, aud apparently more with reference to its possible or probable effect on a decision or two soon to be rendered than to its in fluence in the f uture. Such measures, as mere party measures, should never be re sorted to. Aside from their bad influence iu lessening the reverence of the people for the laws and customs of the country, they are very apt to re-act some time or other upon those with whom they origi nate. In this case, 7hile circumstances might make the act at present somewhat disadvantageous to the Democratic party, their leaso of power io the nation even for a single Congress might easily cause it to enure to their benefit. But advantages or disadvantages to parties, as such, are not worthy of consideration in cases of this kind. That the present measure is constitu tional, wo do not regard as admitting successful denial. That instrument ex pressly enjoins on Congress the establish ment of a Supreme Court, aad authorizes it to form inferior jurisdictione. In dis charging these duties, discretion must necessarily be used by Congress in many respects, such as the times of holding Courts, the number of circuits aud the extent of each, and the number of judges to compose each couit. No man doubts the authority and power of Congress for any of these purposes. Yet some vehe mently deny that Congress may declare the number of judges necessary to over turn on3 of its laws. It is this point we wish more particularly to consider. On the first institution cf the Court, six judges were placed cn the bench, of whom the lav? required that four should concur in pronouncing a decision over turning an act of Congress. It was only whan the number of judge3 wa3 increased that in point of fact the two-thirds rule was abolished. The requirement that two-thirds of a Court shall concur in up setting a law is not an anomaly to our Constitution. In case of the impeach ment of the President, the Senate sits as the highest Court in the land, the Chief Justice presiding. The trial is conduct ed according to tha forms and rules of law. The Senate emphatically consti tutes a Court of law. Yet neither the President nor any other officer impeached can be convicted unless two-thirds of the members present concur. In every District and County Court in this State, two out of three judges are re quired to agree in pronouncing a decis ion. In case of juries, the verdict must be unanimous. It is argued by some that iu case of a jury, the requirement of una nimity is as favorable to one as to another. But how so ? The presence of one cor rupt juryman will set a clearly proven culprit loose upon the community. Or if a dishonest man obtains possession of another man's land or other species of property, one corrupt juryman will enable him to retain it. It is also argued that the proposed change is unconstitutional, by reason of the common law which requires but u inajority decision. We venture to say the coiiimon law has no case nnalagous to this, or if analagou?, is in its favor. The only measure of English law is whether or not it is part of the common law or an act of Parliament. If either of these, all the judges of England cannot overturn it. Where, then, is the analogy ? An una nimity of the English judges dare not overturu a solemn act of the Legislature. Their whole business is to construe and to apply it. The authority of our judges to declare a lav; unconstitutional is not derived from English law, but from the peculiar nature of our own institutions. Wo do not regard our Judges as gen erally partisan. Of course, there are some such, but, we are prone to believe, uOt many. Yet in certain cases, it may be very nearly guessed beforehand what will be the decision of a JuJgo from a knowledge of" his politics. But why ? Because he is a partisan ? No. The dif ference between the two great political parties, iu some respects at least, is funda mental. A strict constructionist of the Constitution must ever differ in bis views of many public measures from one who holds to opposite sentiments in reference to construing that great instrument. Yet, If such a man is elevated to the Bench, it i3 ;nost reasonable that he follow his con victions'. - Gold is Belling at 140. A Democratic Speech. i v- " On the 15th instant, a resolution was offered in the Pennsylvania House of Rep resentatives, by Mr. Kleckner, of Phila delphia, endorsing the action of the U. S. Senate in reinstating Hon. Edwin M. Stanton as Secretary of War. The reso lution ultimately passed. During its prog ress through the House, a large number of members took advantage of the occa sion to ventilate their oratory cn subjects of National import. Among others who delivered themselves - of speeches, was Cambria county's representative, Col. Lin ton, who deliberately, if -not indignantly, placed himself on record as opposed to the resolution. Mr. Lintou's speech in this connection is highly lauded by the Fret man as "a most scathing rebuke of," &c. We have carefully looked oyer the speech, aud must confess that we are able to find nothing especially scathing in it nothing wherein it essentially differs from the great volume of common-place Democrat ic oratory. An analysis of Mr. Linton's effort gives about the following propositions : 1. The rebel General Lee was an able general, a courageous general, a masterly general. 2. The Democratic party are the only true and steadfast supporters of the Con stitution. 3. The reinstatement of Mr. Stanton was unconstitutional. 4. Mr. Stanton was and ia a poor pat riot and a bad man. That's the old, old story. During the war, we were told by the Democrats 1. That General Lee was so able a gen eral, he could not be overthrown. 2. That the Democratic party, even while affording treason all the aid and comfort in their power, were the only true and steadfast supporters of the Constitu tion. 3. That the prosecution of the war for the Union was unconstitutional. 4. That Mr. Stanion was the Jonah of the Republic, without whose immolation we would never have peace. "History is not yet written' Mr. Linton takes care to impress upon his hearers and readers. But history ia at Ieaat madet and when it comes to be written, it will be found that the record of the Democratic party will occupy the black est page of the book. All the Democrat ic oratory of a century cannot affect that decree. . Subjoined is an extract from Senator Morton's great speech on reconstruction, delivered iu the U. S. Senate on Friday last : "Mr. President, the column of recon struction, as I before remarked, has risen slowly. It has Dot been hewn from a single stone. Jt is .composed of many blocks, painfully laid up and put together, and cemented by the tears and blood of the nation. Sir, we have done nothing arbitrarily. We have done nothing for punishment ay, too little for punishment. Justice has not had her demand. Not a man has yet been executed for this great treason. The arch fiend himself i3 now at liberty upon bail. No man is to be punished; aud now, while punishment has gone by, as we all know, we are insisting only upon security for the future. We are simply asking that the evil spirits who brought this war upon us shall not again come into power during this gene ration, again to biing upon us rebellion and calamity. We are simply asking for those securities that we deem necessary for our peace and the peace of our poster ity. Sir, there is ono great difference between this Uuiou party and the so-called Democratic party. Our principles are those of humanity; they are those of justice; they are those of. equal rights ; they are are principles that appeal to the hearts acd the consciences of men ; while on the other side we hear appeals to the prejudice of race against race. The white man is overwhelmingly in the majority in this country, and that major ity is yearly iucreaaed by half a million of white rueu from abroad, and that ma jority gaining. in proportion from year to year until the colored men will finally be but a handful in this country ; and yet wo hear the prejudices of the white race appealed to to crush this other Taoe, and to prevent it from rising to supremacy and power. Sir, there is nothing noble, there is nothing generous, there is noth ing lovely, in that policy or that appeal. How does that principle compare with ours? We are standing upon the broad platform of the Declaratioa of Indepen dence, that 'all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' We say that these rights are not given by laws ; are not given by the Constitution ; but they are the gift of God to every man born into the world. Oh, Sir, ho;7 glorious is this great principle compared with the inhu mau I might say heathenish appeal to the prejudice of race against race; the endeavor further to excite the strong against the weak; the endeavor further to deprive the weak of their rights of protection flgairist the strong?" February 24 has -been fixed for the trial of Surratt. It will be remembered that when this case was previously attack ed the jury were discharged on account of disagreement and sickness. Xews Summary. "The Blue-Coats, and how they Lived, Fought and Died for the Union ; with Scenes and Incidents in the Great Rebel lion," is the title of a handsome volume, just issued by Jones Brothers &, Co.r Philad'a, Pa. There is .a certain portion of the War that will never go into the regular histories, nor be "embodied in romance or poetry, which is a very real part of it, and will, if preserved, convey to succeeding generations a better idea of the spirit of tlie conflict than many dry reports or careful narratives of events, and this part may be called the gossip, the fun, the pathos of the "War. Thb illustrates the character of the leaders, the humor of toe soldiers, the devotion of women, the bravery of men, the pluck of our heroes, the romance and hardships of the service. From the beginning of the war, the author has been engaged in collecting all the anecdotes connected, with or illustrative of it, and classified them under appropriate heads, and in a very attractive form. The volume is profusely illustrated with over 100 fine engravings, by the first artists, and its contents include reminiscences of camp, picket, spy, scout, bivouac, siege, and baftle-field, with thrilling feats of bravery, wit, drollery, comical and ludi crous adventures, etc., etc. Amusement as well as instruction may be found iu every page, as graphic detail, brilliant wit, and authentic history, are skillfully interwoven in this work of literary art. It is just such a volume as will find numerous purchasers, and just such a oue as persona seeking to act as book agents should add to their list. John Jacob Astou, the second son of Jobn Jacob, the millionaire, died in New York on Friday morning, in the G5th year of his age. In early youth Mr. Astor gave much intellectual promise, but, at about the age of 17,. he accidently fell, striking on his head, aud thus his menial faculties were impaired. His father, after vain efforts to effect his restoration, built ou Fourteenth street, near the North River, a mansion for his accommodation. It occupies one entire block, and is sur rounded " by a high fence, to prevent prying and curious eyes from seeing the movement of the occupants. On . the death of the father, one of the principal items in his will was a provision intrust ing the younger John Jacob to the care of a physician in whom he placed implicit confidence, and settling a handsome in come upon the Fourteeth street mausion. Some newspaper, eays tho New York Sun, has insinuated that General Grant failed to meet an appointment with Mr. Johnson relative to the recent War Office muddle, because he was hilarious, i. e. intoxicated. We never see such cowardly insinuations without thinking of an anec dote of Mr. Lincoln. After the victory of Pittsburg Landing, a furious raid was made ou the President to cashier Grant on the charge that lie was not .sober du ring that -terrible battle. A committee who had '-waited upon him to urge this course, "were cowed into silence and shame as the Pre.'ideut rose from his eeat, and standiug six feet four inches, said, "Gen tlemen, I wish you would tell me where Grant buys his whisky. I would like to send a barrel of the same brand to each of our generals." - The following appears in the Philadel phia lress: The accounts of Colonel Forney, Secretary of the Senate ot the United States, have beeu fully adjusted by his fiuaucial officer, and any persons desirous of information on the subject can be gratified by calling on lion. It. W. Taylor, T irst Comptroller of the Treasury. There has always been a large undrawn appropriation in the Treasury to the credit of the Secretary of the Senate, and the Government his Lever beeu in the slight est danger of losing a dollar. Tiie house of Mr. John Benninghoff, near Petroleum Centre, was robbed by five men during last week. They entered the house disguised, presented pistols to the heads of the inmates, and threatened to shoot if they made any alarm. Mr. and Mrs. Benuiughoff resisted, but were overpowered and tied. The key of a safe was takcu out of Mr. B's pocket, and the safe rifled of the greater part of its con tents, amounting to 210,000. The thieves liesurely helped themselves to what they wanted, and left. We notice in the proceedings of Con gress that Mr. Morrell presented the petition ot 162 citizens of the Seventeenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania, praying for such legislation as will define tho status of naturalized citizens and secure their rights in other countries. Referred to the appropriate committee. The Hancock Courier says : A widower was married in this place a few days ago, at a church, making a "big splurge" with a brass band, after tho interesting cere mony the band struck up that old and familiar air, "My wile's dead aud I've got another one." ' Gen. Beatty, Republican, was on Monday elected to Congress, to fill a vacancy from the Eighth District in Ohio. His majority is not much under one thousand, which is a Republican gain' of between seven and eight hundred. Robert Johnson, son. and Private Secretary of the President; has been placed in tho - lunatic asylum of the District of Columbia, to cure, him, if possible, of periodical drunkenness, -which in his case amounts to insanity. A MAN in Wisconsin was recently buried in the earth for three days by the caving in of a well. When dug out, in stead ot bting a corpse, as expected, he was quite alive and ravenously hungry. . . The new Reconstruction bill passed the House last week. Yeas 124, nays 45. Every Republican io the House voted for it, and every. Democrat against it. The ubiquitous George Francis Train has been released from confinement by the British government. Roulson vs. Sliugart. It is generally known that Mr. Robi soo, Republican, is contesting the seat in the Stat'e Senate of Mr. Shugart, Dem. The subjoined extract, from the Harris bur" correspondence of tho Pittsburg Commercial shows the ground upon which the contest is based, and also will give some idea of the purity ot Democratic politics io the Twenty-first district : "The principal ground for contesting Mr. Sbugart s 6oat is, that quite a uum her of Irishmen had voted on false natu ralization papers, and others had been brought into the district and kept there ten day9 prior to the election, for the express purpose of voting. Mr. Shugart's majority was only twenty-two votes, and it was alleged that there were near one hundred illegal votes polled in one plac in Centre county. It appears that there was a railroad being made from Phillips- burg, in Centre county, to Clearfield, and that there were last fall about forty rods of light work to be done near Phillipsburg, which could have been done by twenty men in five or six days. However, an arrangemffct was made with an Irishman, named O'Mara, a bosson that work, to bring about one hundred Irishmen on that part of the work, which was iu Centre county, ten days before the election. This he did, aud as soon as tfer election was over they were sent away. ""When it was ascertained that Shugart had only twenty fwr majority, including the hundred ille gal votes at Phillipsburg, and that Robi sou was going to contest his seat, the leaders ol the Democratic party concluded that the Irish boss, O'Mara, who knew all about the importation ot voters and the fraudulent papers upon which many ol them 70ted; must be sent out of the State. For that purpose they employed a Catho lic priest, known by the uume of 'Father Tracey to induce O'Mara to leave. Shortly before the Legislature met, Fattier Tracey visited O'Mara and stated to him that the Legislature would eoou meet ; that Shugart's seat would be coutested; that his (O'Mara's) testimony would be very much against the Democratic party; that it would be best for him (O'Mara) to leave the State; that he (Trcey) had some mouey which he was authorized to give him (O'Mara) if he would go out of the limits of the State, &c, &c. O Mara asked two thousand dollars for takiug his family out of the State never to return. Father Tracey taid he was not authorized to pay that much, and could not do so until he would write to Philadelphia. After several interviews between the priest and O'Mara, the former at last told the latter that William A. Wallace said that 'a hundred dollars per month was enough to pay for getting him to leave the State.' Father Tracey then struck a bargain with Mr. O'Mara to leave for he huudicd dollars, which were paid over to him and afterwards counted by a young man ia Clearfield, and he accord inuly left, aud took up hi3 abode in Elmira, New York. But his whereabouts became kuown to the counsel for tho contestant, aud the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate was sent to Elmira a few days ago, where ho found Mr. O'Mara, and brought him to this city. He was brought before the Committee last night, and upon his oath tes-tified to the foregoing tacts, and in addition, he stated that another boss cn the work above referred to took the frau dulent naturalization papers and colored them with coffee, so as to make them appear old. Is not the foregoing, which is sworn to b' au Irish Democratic rail road boss, a disgrace to any party, and, especially, does it not show what meas ures the rebel sympathising Democratic party will adopt to carry elections and thwart the will ot the majority of the bona fide citizens of the country ?" We have received the annual report of the Managers of the Pennsylvania Insti tution for the Instruction of the Blind, from which we observe that one hundred and eighty-three persons are at present supported by the institution. Of ihis number, one hundred and fifty-seven are from Penusy lvania, twenty-one from New Jersey, two from Delaware, and three from other places. Thirty-two of this number support themselves wholly, or in part, as assistant teachers, or iu the work department, five are paying pupils in full, eleven in part, aud cisjht are day pupils. Goods to the amount of sixteen thousand eight hundred and bixty-five dollars and forty-one cents have been manufactured during the past year. The sales of goods in the past year have amounted to twenty thousand six hundred and sixty-two dollars, and seventy cents. The goods on -hand at the date of this report, amounted to five thousand six hundred and fifty-two dollars and thirty eiijbt cents; aud the raw material on hand 13 estimated -at two thouand nine hundred and sixty-three dollars and eitrht cents. The report is exceedingly inter esting, and proves, beyond a doubt, that this useful cbaritablo institution continues to be properly managed. The ; following is the trial list for the special week of the Cambria county Court, commencing Monday, 24th February : Brotherline .....vs. Smith et al. Feulon vs. Duncan. Burgoon. .............. vs. Noel. Truby .vs. Duncan. Krise vs. Noel et al. Morlej vs. Duncan. Calvin vs. N'ocl et al. Altiraua....: ....vs. Cooper.'" ' "' Litzinger ......... .;...Ts. Doris & Litzinger. llare vs. Cooper. Bendons vs. Bendons. cJmith et al vs. Adams. Tiie! President holds no official inter course with Mr.- Stanton, but uses all sorts ot stratagem to obtain what infortna tion ,ho requires . Irorn the War Depart ment. , . ' , ' TnE.Feuians still continue on the ram page in England, acd tho British Lion is Daaiy scared. l.1 WT n T r 1-r -r The subscriber beg3 leave to 1.- 1 P ta,cl0 inform.- S Eastern cities and opened out v'01? v on High street, three door ea? St uuunv. t.u.v u o una lust rp,.t;r.j . 1: Hotel, Ebensburg, a very large xT very cheap stock of ' ei7fi&eli: READY-MADE CLOTIIIXg. ne Las FALL AND WINTER ClQTn1XQ of every style and quality Fine Frock and Drpoa t . Overcoats. Coa f 111 0- . rui 13 ana siiu assimere ami ni.: t . . ' and rantaloons for every-daT wear ; Vests of any and ev- ery description. 1 GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOO 1 By odds the best assortment ia town LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN' S THIYELIX tf ti b As well as Tranks, Valises, Carpet Sal. and traveling gear in general. Not to go into details too deeply. C w 13 to say that he keep3 a FIRST CLASS CLOTHING STOREl where anything and everything pertaining- can be obtained at easy prices. iitr, iirswiass doming store in town, n 11 a. - T - " 1 n. 'fc puoiic are requested to call and exan::(i siock. ju extenr, variety, and cheapo price, they will find it unrivalled. oclO J. A. MAGUIRE & CO. f E 5 y- rr IB P; t- A GENTS WANTED FOR iX "THE BLUE-COATS,' and How Tht Lived, Fought and Died for the Union, wit scenes and incidents in ihe Great RebelVicc Comprising narratives of Personal Adventuv thrilling incidents, Daring exploits, here deeds, wonderful escapes, lite in the camr field and hospital ; adventures of Spies an a scouts, together with the songs, ballads ao. ecdotes and humorous incidents of tie war splendidiy illustraied with over 100 traits and btautiful engravings. There 13 f. certain portion of the war that w ill never e into the regular histories, nor be embodit in romance or poetry, which is a very tpH pari 01 it, ana win, 1; preservea, conivr tn succeeding generations a better idta'we spirit of tho conflict than many drv reports or careful narratives of events, and this mT be called the gossip, the fun, the patho3 01" the war. This illustrates the character of the leaders, the humor of the soldiers, tat devotion of women, the bravery of men, tht pluck of our heroes, the ro-aance and hard ships of the service. The valiant and brave hearted, the ric- turesqe and dramatic, the witty and mar velous, the tender and pathetic, n4 f whole panorama of the war are here thrillisg ly portrayed in a masterly manner, a: onc( historical and romantic, rendering it tbemoi; ample, unique, brilliant and readable beci that he w.i has called forth Amusement as well as instruction mav It found in every page, as graphic detail, IrA- liant wit, and authentic history, are siilifalij interwoven in this work of liteTnt-j t.u. Send for circulars and see our terra:, a full description of the motk. Adini, JO'ES BROTHERS & CO., Thilad., Pa. -. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court of Cambria county. In the matter of the accouct of tht Trustee appointed to make sale of the ml estate of John Noel, decrd. Aad cot, Dec. 11," 1867, on motion, F. A. Shoemaker ap pointed Auditor to report distribution of the i'und in the hands of the Trustee upon Lis secoud account. Extract from tne hecord. Br the Court. In pursuance of the above appointment, I will attend at my office, 111 ELersburj, on Thursday, the 30th ol January, 166$, at 2 o'clock, p. n.., w hen and where all interested may attend. F. A. SlIOE.VJK, Jan. 9, 18G3.3t. XuiWot. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, apposed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria coumy, report diitribujion of the funds in the baak of Sarah Duncan, Administratrix of Jisea Duncan, deceased, amongst the heirs and le gal representatives of sa;d deceased, hsrebj notifies all persons interesed that he will J tead to the duties of said appointment at bis oltice, in Ebensburg, on Thursday, the 6' day of February, 18G3, at 2 o'clock, p. when and where they must nreseut the-r claims, or be debarred from comiDg in for share of said fund. GEO. W. OAT MAN. Jan. 16, 18G8.3t. -- Auditor. 4 ITDlTOirS NOTim-:. XJL In the Orphans' Court of Cambr'i county. In the matter of the account a Neal Dugan, Administrator of the estate Bernard Halligan, dee'd. And now, lec. a, 186, on motion, t. A. hnoemaker appoin.ca Auditor to report distribution of the funi 1 the bands of the accountant. Extract uo-i the Record. By the Court. In pursuance of the above appointment, i will attend ai my office, in Ebensburg, on Monday, the 3d Jt ebrcaiiy, lbos,at o cun.. p. m.. when and where all interested BV attend. F. A. SHOEM AKr.u, Jan. 9, 18v8.3t. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. , The undersigned Auditor, apF-crt by the Orphans' Court of Cambria county to report distribution of the money ir. thebsn of Michael Noon, Hxecutor of James Iuri'' late of Alleghany township, deceased, LrrtB notifies all persons interested that efTg attend to the duties of his appoictwf c 1 his ollice, in Ebensburg, on Funv,rtB L" ary Till, 18CS, at 2 o'clock, p. m., vben tn where they must present their claims or.j debarred from coming in for a shre c fnrw i:ei). w. OATMA, Jan. 10, ISGS.St. Audita -VTTIIO L0ST A HORSE 7 le TT " A small bay Mare, supposed" from 12 to 15 years old, very thin in . J -and middling last in gait, was left ft on the 18th of December last. Sbe with me to keep for a fev days, but lje-J0 man leaving her has not since relur"'ii;en. claim her, and I am fearful she vas 1 Any one interested in this stateffieu please call on or address - J.Ui.i3 in--; Jan. 1C, 18G8. GallitziSi OK. CURTAIN FIXTURE-- ,f . Has no superior in the ' it pronounced faultless by all who hare -It is predicted it will supersede " Curtain fixtures uu .u " ,irvTrEV. For sale by Ebcnsbuij 1 mar'il c J I