u u j wmm iiiwi inmw.nn iiw wwyi Tg ui iiiww ii.i.. ' n T . i i tr -11 ir nnniro - i r 1 r" ' ' ""m"mm'm' " " "" ' M'"1'" ''"'"""' -.-:.x.,lll .i.i.r,""! CfXno iiittciiixso.v. I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Hkkky Clat cr. TPpo.S3.00 I"KU TRMS-S2.00 IX A 4XUM. ADTAXCE. OLTJME 8. EBENSBTJRG, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1868. NUMBER 50. T n r rTLIM KITTELL, Attc 24, W"- Attorney at ft anuary OWN" T FSWS, Attorney at L.aw, Ebensbarg, Pa. t-ofce orro3Ue tce 1anb" u""" " . rfTE M. READE, Attorney at LAW, tueusuuig, -i Office in Colonnade Row. jan24 'lon'M TIEBNKV, Attorney at Law, i KVecsLur?. Caraoria county, a . e in Colonnade Row ja say B aVlavr, Ebensbarg, Pa. ,-s-Office opposite-the Lourt nouse. obsstos. n24 J. B. SCASLAX. 3 ,MKS C. KASLI, Attorney at J.aw, ""' rrrol!town, Cambria county, Pa. -.-hiterturl Drawings and Specifi- SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. ?i't:cu!r attention paui to coueci.10113 s- (ii"ri o..e dour cast of Lloyd & 1 1 mi ? a I ian Co.'a b ....... l'TV'T I'TIIV A r.-irnov of t ,. rhensburz. Pa. Office on High -. ..f- Vnutpr'a Hotel. Will i.ractice in the Courts of Cambria and .i-f; ,W collection of claim soldiers p.g:ui:st u government A Love Son?. She -who sleeps upon rar heart tVcs the first to win it ; She who dream? npon my breast Ever reigns Within it ; She who kisses off my lip3 Wakes their warmest blessing; She who rests within mj arrys-" Feels theflosest pressing. Other days than these shall come, Days that may be dreary ; r1 OtherhMTT jall greet U3 y Holus that may be weary. Still this heart shall be thy home, Still this breast thy pillow, Still these"As meet thijae as oft BilioV -At means of driving bis partner 'a young .teth biUw. Sleep, then, on my happy heart, Since thy love hath won it ; Dream, then, on my loyal breas None but thou hast done it; And -when age our bloom shall change, With its fintry weather, May we in the self-srgrave Sleep and dream together. jan-J4 . . ...... ..... y-viT-MiV 1 tnftiPV a' M 7 Low and Claim Agent, LbensLurg, -I w .T.bri countv, l a. i-ljl " . n .i. n.. ..J T?nnlr. find Pensions, Dae i . M:'itarv CUiiaiS roiiecicu. . , ct rt TilYfS ftt- k Accounts, Notes, uue l.i lioo ills, f.y.fnts. ic., collected. Deeds, Mortga- -,i .iereenients. Letters 01 Anorur... rcefullv attended to. Pensions increased. ai Equalized Bounty collected. yan . . it- t T)i RDLVliliriALiA, M. A'., A iijMiau . and Surpeon, bummit, Pa. ... u T ! 1 feg- Oaice castot Mass-on nouse, uu rv.n--id street. Night calls promptly attended 1 at his o!5ce. may 23 A STORY OF FORGIVENESS. A log cabin out on the Western plains, with enows that drift around it. Over head a j:ray, dark sky, tnat seem?, it you gazo upon it loug enough to get the spirit ot its expression, to hold touie agosy ot despair or death. There i, however, a kind ot wild, strong lite in the scene that liea beneath spreading itself away from the window of that loueiy log cabin, standing there as a solitary witness of human lite in the midst of the wild, white dreariness ot the plains. Perhaps the Httle &irl feels this. She is not old enough to consciously think wife a fine eouled, sensitive woman to madness and to her grave. Afterwards Josiah Keep had prospered for yeare, for "sentenee ii not always ex pected speedily agaiost an evil work;" but at last his gDods and possessions be gan to fall away from him. He had passed the meridian of life when misfortune overtook him. Then his wife and one and another of his chil dren died. Ill health came upon the strong man, and the lonely log cabin on the plains, where he had buried himself for a couple of years, and the one little sallow-cheeked daughter who remained ot all the brave sons and tair daughters who had called him father, tell the rest of the sad stury of Josiah Keep. In later life, the partner, whose young manhood he had so cruellv blighted, had pro?pered on every hand a good man, with a ripe, tender nature, full of broad sympathies, such as one does not often see. Everybody said this of Benjamin May. Two or three weeks before, the sick man had learned through a neighbor that business had brought his former partner to the town nearest to his log cabin, and only fifty miles away. At first, it seemed to him that the world itself could not hire him to look in the face ot the one whom he had to wronged ; but as the end drew near, and remorseful memories crowded tat upon him, this fir3t feeling was su perseded by a great hunger and craving to hear iienjamin May s voice say tbat he forgave him. bo, two days before, he had hired a neighbor to go in quest of Benjamin May, desiring the latter to come to him, as he hoped tor mercy iu his laot extremity, tb.00.2h not daring then to disclose his real name, lest the old bitterness should rise up in the soul ot the other, and he would refuse to grant what he would deny to no other man the prayer of Josiah D U. DE WITT ZLlliLl.U Ravins permanently located in kbens- jrjr. oners liis itun-rsiuui ei...v- . - .t.ipni of town nd vicirity. Teeth ex'.r.ictel, u-ithcut pain, 'ith Citrous ude, or Lavjhwj Git. r-v- KocLi3 over 11. R. Thomas' store, High TTkxtistry. j The undersigned, Graduate of the Bl . ...e College of Dental Surgery, respectfully '.: bli pr"''-3s'c :i:il Sfrvices to the citizens !.' r.-'.'.-rir l.o Las spared no means to iurvitghly h-:.,ii:iut himself with every im-s.-ortmcnt in h.J art. To ncuy yenrs of per onal eiperier.ee, he has sought to add the .a-Barted experience ot the hitrhest authorities ;a Dental Science. He simiy asks. that an 3;portunitv may be ;ji7cn for his work to rtik ite own t TAise. SAMUEL EELFOP.D. D. D. S. Re'trtnees: Prof. C. L. karris ; Y. E. 2ond, ,'W. R. Jfau-lr; A. A. fclandy.P. II. Aus ;a, of tlie fia.timorc C'cllvge. trWi'l be at Ebensburg on tke fourth of each month, to stay one wiek. .'anu'drr 24, 18G7. it -the litt'e girl with thin, eallow face, Keep whi-ch eumehow suggests fever and ague, J He Jay there, with the tide of his life flattened up against the pane, looking out j going out, and the lights burning low, with a eio"ular alert vristtulnes over the while the storm shouted fiercely outside. wide, white plains and through the rush- J and death and that young girl watched by ing gust ot buow, until her gaze toucuts the 6ick man. hopes of his early manhood, the fair still face of the young wife that he had laid down in her. grave, feeling that Josiah Keep was her murderer, rose up before him, and his heart throbbed a moment with the old fierceness of its youth. It was but a moment. Then he looked asaiu upon the face of his ancient enemy, and the fearful craving of those dying eyes was something he could not withstand. "I forgivo you the wrong," said Benjamin May; taking the cold hand in his, "and y- jo tnusn as uod s mercy 13 greater than mine, may He also forgive vou." - Then came a swift ehriek, as of a heart suddenly broke, a swift shriek along with the last words of Benjamin May. "Ah, father, you are not going to die, to die and leave me in this dreadful world all alone all alone!" moaned Bessie Keep. lhe dying man lifted hiahead. "There is nobody to whom I cau give the child. iiecjamia, promise me that you will not leave her here to perish, that you will take her away with you, and place hor in some orphan asylum promise me quick, before I die I" And Benjamin May looked at the small, thin figure, and the awful anguish stamped upon it moved his soul to its depths to be little daughter had followed her mother home, leaving him a memory of soft blue eyes, and sweet smiles dawning and flitting among dimples, to haunt all hia after life. A great pity and tenderness for this child, orphaned, friendless, beggared, came over him. He put out his arm and drew her io his breast he laid hia hand on the bright floating hair. ''Josiah," said he, "I will take the child to my home to my heart. She will be to me a daughter in place of the one that has gona, and I will be to her in all things in the stead of her father." A smile crept over the ghastly face sinking into death. "Now I can believe that God will have mercy upon me. Now, after this, I can believe it," murmured T L0Y1) k CO., Banker I 1 Fiirvinmn ?i. 1 tyGold, Silver, Government Loans and f ..... c V sn.w.I nM.l ci-.l.- Tnrproct t'cweii on Time Deposits. Collections made 53 all Rcc:?s'.V,e points in the United States, ri a Geueral P.iir.king Euaincs3 transacted. January 24, 1S07. T M. LLOYD k Co , Barkers AttooxA, Pa. Drafts on the principal cities, aud Silver 3d Gold for sale. Collections made. Mon i'i received 0:1 deposit, pavable on demand, v.hotit interest, or upon time, with interest l :".r rate3. jan24 i. llovd Pres't. joiin lloyd, Cmtl.ier. PIKST NATIONAL BANK i1 OF ALTOONA. C O VEK.V.VT-Vr A glwcv, am DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNI TED STATES. VST '"""nu-r Virginia and Annie st3.f North V"rj. A 'toon, I'a. Atif.i Capitai $300,000 00 !'ah Capital Paid is 150,oG0 GO the gray horizon lar off. The wiods tome in furiously from the East, like the roaring of tides, or the trampling of battalions ot armed men, and dash down with tierce roar and cry on the thick clouds of snow-Hakes, and hunt and drive ticm back and forth, and toss them and ride back and forth over the plains, making of the air one vast trumpet through which they bhriek their choruses vl victory. Inside the cabin, a man's voice asks suddenly, "Beaie, child, has nobody come io sih: vet ?" A man's voice, 1 said, and yet struck through and through with some cain and hollowness which made you feel that its words were nearly ended. Webster determined not to be outdone in politeness, bowed again j Miss Lind re-curtsied ; the house re-applauded ; and this was repeated nine times. The next day, it was currently reported in Washington by some wags that Bar num had engaged Mr. Clay and Mr. Web ster to accompany Miss Lind as far as Richmond and asfis; her in her concert. For some days, nothing but Miss Lind's concert, and the report about Clay and Webster, were talked of throughout the capital. A few days after this, I was sitting in the Congressional poetoffice, when a mem ber came in with whom I had always been on friendly term?. To my cordial "Good morning," the jrentleman. with Uds close ly compressed, pale as hia shirt, and clip- equally divided upon the great issue, until l"u " wurus very biiuri, io a son Ol o"u munuu gave tne castio- vote in staccato style, replied, "Good morning, favor of the Declaration. sir can I have a word with you in pri- Thus John Morton decided the vote of vate V Heaven defend me from a chal- Pennsylvania, and thus Pennsylvania, bv 1 1,1 t t-.:n j I - - . , .- ' J "o -o"" ucoi uituuiiuu i ; cimuiKToie, aeciueu mat 1111 v"" tt . 4ui.uiici 111c Kouiic- t punaui, ijucanuo : ana irom tnis circutii- 3 1 v ... ...I ai3pieasure, 1 replied, politely, stance she received the name of the President, John Hancock. In front of hico the Pennsylvania delegation wero seated. When the delegations from all the colonies, excepting 'Pennsylvania, had voted, and it was discovered that they were equally divided, John Hancock, perceiving that John Morton, one of the Pennsylvania delegation, was not in his seat, and, oeemingly aware that the latter held the casting vote in the said delega tion in favor of the measure, arose and made a speech, urging the Pennsylvania delegation to vote for independence. He continued his exhortation until he saw John Morton enter the hall, when he sat oown. The Pennsvlva men, his one how I man's "With pleasure. After leading me some distance thro' the crooked passages of the capitol, he stopped Bhort, and looking me full in the face, seemingly as anxious for a fight as a bull terrier, he began: "I understand, sir, that a most insulting report has been very extensively circulated iu this city about two of the most distinguished men of my party, and 1 have heard from more than one source that you are the author. My oujecc, sir, is to Know whether you are the author, and if so, whether vou hold yourself responsible?" Being still in the dark, and uttorly un able to comprehend the drift of his re marks, I replied, "Sir, I do not know what you are talking about; you will be pleased to speak somewhat more intelli gibly." "W ell, sir, said he, his choler rising at my coolness, "I have learned, from the most unquestionable authority, that you have said that Barnum has eugajryd Mr. "Keystone State" the thirteenth State the block of the arch. The reason why John Morton was delay ed in the occupaocy of his seat on that occasion was that a number of influential persons visited him on that morning, ging him to vofe again3t the Declara tion. Hut thev could not nrevail. and t X 7 many of them did live to bee the time when they had to acknowlege it was the best thing he could do, and "the moat glorious service that he hud ever render ed to his country." All honor then be ascribed to the memory of John Morton, of Pennsylvania. Tlie Xcedle Gun. Joiah Keep, and they were the last words Clay and Mr. Webster to accu mpany and The Prussian Dreysse, just dead, thus invented the famous needle-gun whilo working in Paris : It sometimes happened that quantities of percussion caps were sent back to him, having been spoiled by moisture. In order to prevent thi, Dreysse conceived he ever spoke. And sobbing and clinging to her new father, with her face hidden away close to the heart that would never fail her in love and care, Bessie Keep had not dared look upon the face of the dead. But Btrojamin . May had; and seein? his low face full of great pity and grief; al-1 aWient enemy lyiop low before him, and if he could swallow so much. hi3 credulity though Bessie Keep had no idea ot that assist Jenny Lind at her concerts in Rich- the iea oi' protecting them against damp- "Bessie." he called at last and she was at hia side in a moment. . "How sick you look, father," she said, smoothing his iroa grav hair with one hand, and looking r htmr her enitll, eal mond!" I never was so equally divided between an inclination to laugh outright and to get vexed; and, hesitating a moment whether I should abuse him for his stupidity or laugh io his face, it occurred to me that unseen presence lust now crossing tne threshold. "Bessie, poor little Bessie, what will become ot you: san lookine with craving tenderness on the little girl. Whatever his faults had been, he had loved her, the last of hia family, the deli cate, clingiug, helpless child, who still ot all the world cluu-; fast to him in unwa vering faith and tenderness. Vh, never mina me, :tber dear. 1 wa3 capacious enough to digest much remembering the forgiveness which he had carried out as precious freight from the more, bo, compressing my hps, and try- coasts of time to the shores of etevnity, ing to look fierce, I said, in the Eame stac cato tone of voice in which he had spoken to me, "les, sir, I am responsible for that report, and 1 reckon 2 have seek the con tract 1" My opponent's jaw fell, and speaking in his usual natural drawl, he bowed po litely, though evidently with feelings of great disappointment at not being able to A writer in Southern Society tells the get up a fight. "I beg your pardon," he the man murmured to himself- "Except ye have the spirit of Christ, ye are none ot ilis. And it was this spirit which Benjamin May had shown to his ancient enemy. Daniel YTebgler and Jenny Lind 1 . . grow he iter. Tears strained themselves in the child s "No, father," answered the little girl, shall get along well enough if you'll only drawing her thin, sallow face away lrom the window, "thtie is nothing to be seen but the blinding snow " "Hark! don't you hear something!" said the hollow voice, breaking in here, following story : Jenny Lind gave a concert at Wash ington Quring the sitting or Congress, and as a mark of hsr respeet, and with a said ; "I was not aware that you had seen the contract.7 The liejHtone Mate. eyes. She put her cheek to her father's, view to eclat, tent polite invitations to the sharp, hungry, impatient. aud wondered that it felt so cold, and drew the coverlet closer around him, and the btorm thundered on outside, and the "No, fattier; the wind blows and blows, wind flapped white banners of snow thro' the air, and Josiah Keep lay dying Suddenly the child lifted her head. "I hear something, father, that is not like the wind," she said; "it sounds like hor ses leef, ana she sprang to the window There, close at hand, toiling through All Is; sine $3 pertaii.in; o Uankinir dene on "uU lie i.ur.5 W -1 . sumps, W;. -'-"J arid u u;:e Stamps . Land. of all denomina- s-ra of S'amp?, percentage, in e allowed, as follows: $50 to cent. : $!0C to $200, 3 per cent. 24 pwards, 4 r-er cent. jani PUR?. J. LLOYD, Successor of II. S. Dunn, Dealer in TS, i-Ri. DiirGS AND MEDICINES, PAINT OILS, AND DYE-STUFFS, PH11FUME- l. AND FANCY ARTICLES, PURE "WINES AND BRANDIES FOR MEDI CAL PURPOSES, PATENT MEDICINES, &c. . Also: Utter, Cap, and Note Papers, Peas, Pencils, Superior Ink, And other articles kept p. . . by Drupgists generally. tt,yncian pretcrtptions curtfully compounded. OUicp on Main Street, opposite the Moun tain Jou-e, Elensburt', Pa. jan34 JTDOFSTILES, "V; Ebkssbcjio, Pa., Wood K en-ware general!?. Meat stands and 1 iui bi.1r.a3 on hand and for sale. if" Impairing done cheap for cash. der from a distance riromotlv attend Nov. 7, !SG7-3m to. C'VMUEL SINGLETON, Notary Pub- r-ncn on Hijh street, west of Fester's Ho that is all." lhe tones were those of a girl, but there was nothintr in the low. drearv voice that was at all like that of girlhood. Then the speaker turned to the fire, placed some fresh wood on the embers, and came back to her watch by the window; dreary work enough for any age, but doubly so to any one whotse liic had not covered its fourteenth summer. The room had a generally comfortless expression. Yet there was not, after all, so much lack of material us want of care ard arrangement dbcernible throughout the apartment. On the bed in one corner lay the owner of the log cabin. One louk into the shrunken face, the hollow eyes all lying in that shadow of ashy pallor, and vou would have been certain the man had laid himself down to die, and that the one jest who comes sooner or later over all thresholds, had come now to that lonely log cabin out on the Western plains. None could know this better than Josiah Keep, as he lay there, with the winter ,. r storm howling outsiaa, anu tne years o: his life coming up one after another, and i-tanding with their solemn, reproachful faces before him. For this mau's life had not been a good r -, J . Ml. L one. I cannot go mro tne oei.au litre vi selfishness which had marred, and passion which had defiled his days: but the end had come now, and the hard, strong, fierce will h:irl bowed itself at last before the solemn voices of conscience echoing amid all the tumult of his soul, as it glared face to face with death. There was one deed of Josiah Keep' life which somehow troubled him more than all the others, and from it he in .ome sense dated tho commencement ot his wrong career, although, the self-willed, reckless, passionate boyhood and youth had lipened into the hard, selfish, defiant manhood. . . Here, too, it is sufficient to say that ho had cerreached his partner io a manner which the law could not take hold of ; he bad saved his own fortune, and complete ly wrecked the other's, and. the wrong had not ended there. It bad been the President, Mr. Fiilmore, the members of the Cabinet, Mr. Clay, and many other distinguished members of both houses ot It happened that on that day several members of the Cabinet and ben ate were dining with Mr. Bodisco, the Russian Minister. His good dinner and choice wines had kept the party so late that the concert was nearly over when Webster, Clay, Crittenden, and the oth- the beating wind and driving enow, was a crs, came in ; and whether from the hurry wji'oq with two occupauts. The men, in which they came, or from the heat of worn out and hair frozen, sprang from i the room, their faces were a little flushed, the wagon just alter Bessie's joyful shriek, and they all looked somewhat flurried. After the applause with wnicn inese gentlemen had been received had subsi ded, and silence was once mor restored, the second part of the concert was opened - . . TY 1 1 ft by Jenny Land with "Mail uoiumoia. This took place during the night ot tne debate and excitement on tho slavery which had reached theai above the howl- repcated ; ios of the storm. "They are here!" Bessie "oh, father, they are here!" A man a little past his prime, strong and hale, with white hair about his face, which never left any one who stuuied it a doubt of the heart beneath it, was Ben- question and the compromise resolutions lAinin Jlav. 1 or iur. lay, "u iuia ujiiiuhu n, ' J ..... 1 I r .1 , :j A l name. nr. nrtw ta the, hedsiole. ana rart or tne Drozramme, was cunsmctcu " -r : . . i r - . -.. . :,u i,; fii-t fit tho tan.t lrir rpinlirlv nnnroiriato at a coocers wnere null uta uior &l.cuwv ...v -J - O I j 7 -rj x V . . . ..I". . 1 c . 1 . J . ..i! rro.nhoii in th nhv Tinnnr nt t he hean or tne froverumeut aim iiitic, " . ---j r - - 1 Heath. Heniamin Mav furizot the chill and number ot both 9 r u large branches of the legisla tive Department were present. At the close of the first verse, Web ster's patriotism boiled over; he could stand it no longer; and, rising like some There are doubtless but few, oompara lively, of the great mass of our fellow citizens that know why Pennsylvania received the appellation of the "Keystone State;" and it may be equally true that few are aware of the fact that Pennsylva nia decided the treat issue of American Independence. In the old T,piscopaI churchyard m Chester stands a plain, neat monument, about twelve feet in hisht, erecteal over the remains of John Morton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Indepen dence. It bears the following iuscrip tien : "Dedicated to the memory of John Morton, a member of the first American Congress from the State of Pennsylvania, assembled in New York, 17G5, and of the next Congress, assembled in Philadelphia in 1770, and various other public stations. Born, A. D. 1724. Died, April, 1777. This monument was erected by a portion cf his relatives, October 9th, 1S45. In 1775, while Speaker of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, John Morton whs re-elected a member of Congress, and, io the ever memorable session of July, 1770, hs at tended tbat august body for the last time, enshrining his name in the grateful re membrance of the American people, by signing the Declaration of Independence. ness by covering them with a thin film of paper. The result proved to ba the very opposite, for the paper attracted moisture, and a very large order, which had been constructed in this way, was sent back to him, as they were entirely spoiled and unfit for use.. This wa3 a great loss to the firm, as copper was very dear at that time. In order to obtain the copper of the caps for further manufacturing pur pose, Dreysse decided to remove the ful minating composition. In order to effect this vith as little loss 0 time aa poibe, hs wanted to do it by explosion. After various unsatisfactory attempts, the idea occurred to him of accomplishing it by means of a pin or needle constructed for that purpose. This experiment proved to be entiiely successful, aud like lightning the idea struck him of using the needle altogether for exploding the cartridge. Not less quickly a second idea dawned on his mind that of removing the entire explosive material into the cartridge, to save the expensive copper used heretofore for caps. This was the first important step in the construction of the Prussian Dreysse at once set to work, the becinninsr of 1829 the first was made. needle irun and ne in die-gun weariires3 which had possessed him My friend, I ha7e come to hear wha . . . - 1 t 1 ' . vou have 10 say. ne saiu, oeuuiug ieu- ieriv fiver the dvinrr man. J n . - 1 ... . T 1 , i J 1 ! j Jo.iah Keep, looked up in the lace ot Olympian uove ne aauea a ep, T v ? bv Statcs upOQ the nUetioo of' 1. t,..ri - cr, m u c mnri i rmw haaa vmee ro rntt ononis -anu i veu- i . ,. , i thnn r sfi.irp of veais before. Despite the ture to 8ay that never in the whole course . , 1 11 i. !... wr-ara I t da. laHa Air JnnU T.inrl flVPf hpST OT cheeriui, Kinaiy couuteuau, .uCi0 - r yr"l. " oA Pcnnsvlvania was civen, t lines there which he had helped to carve, receive one-na.i too .pp.. i B f - . - . oted j-the tffil her sons: and veDstcr s cnorus. i . . . 4. : . m . m m Webster, who sat immediately oe- Da vou know me"" Benjamin May looked at the ghastly features. There appeared to him some thin"' familiar iu the face, yet he shook his head "no " "T am Josiah Keep I" The listener covered bis face with his hand a moment. "Ah, dear God I" he ..:. nnt lioditlv. even in the shock 0A horror of that moment. "I have sent for you, Benjamin May, i,,.-- Kether vou will look on me, lying here, and say you forgive me tor all the :i T Q AA von and VOUrs. I Want n n.r.ff and it seems to me 1 can not lay hold ot any hope for that until 1 iicre first had yours." Tr was an awful moment for Benjamin May Mrs hind her husband, kept tugging at his coat-tail to make him sit down or stop sinsinjr, but it was of no earthly use; at the close of each verse, VV ebster joined ; in, and it was hard to say whether Jenny Lind. Webster, or the audience were the most delighted. L have seen ituoina, Lablache, and the twoGtisis on the stage . An ImA Kut. cnrh a. hannv (inninnR. irno lilui., " - tfJ j i . , , , . i i i .,.. t . i ir. i i mrtn tub nnnr wnen Liiev kuuii UL-jkUuwi(.'UL:u tion in the national air oi "AAaii vomiu- "- j , . . ,i t t : noni.i it to have been the most glorious service U & A Webster's bass we shall never see or hear the Independence of the American Celo nies, there was a tie, until the vote of two members rmative, and two in the negative. lhe tie continued, until the vote of the last member, John Morton, decided the promulgation of tho glorious diploma of American Freedom. John Morton being censured by some ot his friends for his boldness in giving tbe casting vote for the Declaration of Inde pendence, his prophetic spirit dieted from his doath-bed the following message to them : -Tell them that they win live to Mr. G. C. Franciscus, General Agent cf the Pennsylvania Railroad, writes as follows to Mr. Detective Pinkerton, ot Chicago, relative to President Lincoln's midnight flight from Harrisburs: to Wash- DO w ington : "In regard to the mode of Mr. Lincoln's leaving the hotel at Ilarrisburg, I will state that I called at Covcrly'a with a carriage, at the hour agreed upon, and found him dining with a large company, which it was difficult for him to leavo without attracting attention. After sev eral unsuccessful attempts, he finally rose, took Gov. Curtin's arm, and walked out the front hall door, across the pavement into the carriage, droecd jusvas ne ielt the table, with the single exception of a soft wool hat tbat he drew from his coat pocket and put on ; he had neither cloak, oveicoar, nor shawl, but as we approached Philadelphia I gave him my overcoat, whieh he wore until he was seated with you (Pinkerton) and Mr. Laraon in the carrlane. The party in the car consisted of Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Lamon, Mr. Enoch Lewis, John Pitcairn, Jr., and myself." again. At the cloae ot the air, ir. neDster, that I have ever rendered my country.'" The circumstances attending the adop tion of the Declaration of Independence ... . ... I V A 1. f l.vn I n An f n 1 f '.1 n nr 10 Q Q 1 ffl fl a T fM hat in hand, made Miss land such a bow oy uhuBu... y .r. IOW9 I AUU VUie wua iaou uj nic rkonvRa1rt ivniiLI htiTA deemed a for 3 wuconiuwu " " ' " I . .... .i - . :.. o: r .1 ii Vs. lif. i h had carried tune for hh son. Jenny, blushing at the uons or ' trv.: .iay. ,n A-,--t0A Knnor .irtsied tf the verv 1 voted in iavor anu six against me measure. sat right and left of the A RAILROAD engineer at Ilarrisburg, having been discharged, applied to bo reinstated. "You were dismissed," said the super intendent, austerely, "for letting your train come twice into collision." "The very reason," aid the other party, interrupting him, "why I ask it to bo restored." 'IIowso?" "Why, sir, if 1 had any doubt before as to whether two trains can pass each other on the same track, I am now entirely satisfied ; I have tried it twice, sir, and it can't be done, and I am cot likely to try it again." He regained the situation. The pews in Mr. Beecher's church have been rented for 1SC3 for 319,500 about $100 more than last year'fe income. The church in prospering greatly. Of