The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 16, 1868, Image 1

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    U i
t p n m 3.0II I i: R'ASfX I'M .
J0".?, 'J and Publisher.
rjiLlAM K1XTKLI-, Atiorney at
iriar j i 1 ou 4 I
' f-beitsburg, i ft.
Oflire opposite tfce Bank. LJn..4
HGK M. UK AD 13, Attorney at
1 Law, r-Densourji, x
A : r'rviMinailA Row. . rian24
Utnce m " i.-
tTkRNKY, Attorney at Law,
W rv,nshurcr. Cambria-county, l'a.
Office in Colonnade Row Ijp24
WINSTON & SO AN LAN, Attorneys
t FhpnshuriT. Pa.
5y-Office opposite the Court House.
fTMKS C. KASLY, Attorney at Lw,
CrrolItown, Cambria, county, I a.
0 ...i.:t.MuFal r)r-!ncra ft mi Sneeifi-
S f un'24
OIIMl.'M T7'1?t All.imnn f
111 w-B . . V
I M Law, KbetisDnrpr, i a.
rf-Office one door east of Lloyd & Co.'s
otitis House. jan-J4
.iMITF.L SINGLETON. Attorney at
h' Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on High
"ft. t of Foster s Hotel.
Kill practice in the CouTts of Cambria and
fcS- A ttends also to the collect:on of claims
soldiers arainst the Government. fjan-4
p KOKGE W. O ATM AN, Attorney at
Law and Claim Agent, toensDurg,
tnbri county. Pa.
gof Pensions, Back Pay and JJonnty, ana
Mlilitarv Claims collected. Ral Estate
jht and scIJ, ana pajmfni or im
lt to. Rook Accouutg. Notes, Due Bills,
"iiwats. c, collected. Derds, Mortga
1'" i,wmmt!. Letters of Attorney, Bonds,
,'Vr:ly written, and all lff"! business
,',.'u.';.r attended to. Tensions nii:ienc,
it'qualiied Bounty collected. jan2-l
b dj:vp;ijj:aux, m. d., phyicia
, and Surpeon, Summit, Pa.
fr-OiTice east of .Mans-on llou-e, on uau
d ytrcet. Night calls promptly attended
U. 1 K W I TT Z K 1 G L 1 3 It
J H:vins permanently located in Ebens
iV, cC'ci-3 hifl professional serrices to the
.:cns of town wnd vieirity.
Ieeili extruded, uithout rutin, with Xilrous
or y.iiu.7iy Gas.
CaT- Rooius over U. K. Thomas' store, liign
U The i::niers;gued, Graduate of the Bal-
u.''c'!(t:c of Dental Surgery, respectfully
y-.v... professional services to the citizens
t'ieusburg. He lis; spared no means to
irr frMy acquaint hinisvlf with every wn
j'tiueiti iu his art. To many years of per
lhJ experience, he has sought to add the
purled eiperience of the highest authorities
. Utntal Science. He simply asks that an
ortuuity may be given for his work to
tak itd own praise.
Mmices: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. liond,
, W. II. Handy; A. A. Blandy, P. 11. Aus
of the Baltimore College.
Jt3jVill be at Kbensburir on the fourth
:nd.ij of each month, to 6tay one w;ek.
linwsty 21, ltG7.
T WYD k CO., Bank"
Ll Edensburo, Pa.
Y-'--t: Spturitiea bought and sobl. Interest
lii.'.'iWr im Tiitip Di'nosits. Ool!rctiori3 Rude
"".Accessible points in the United States,
' Gene ml Bui.kng Busiues3 transacted,
-r.uury 24, 17.
1. LLOYD & Co , Bankers
Altoosa. Pa.
Draf-s or. the principal cities, and Silver
1 Gold for sale. Collections made. Mon
! received on deposit, payable on demand,
aom interest, or upon time, wita interest
tir rates. jan2
Jf. llovd I'rea't. JOHN lloyd. Cathier.
Uf A11UWA.
3aT Comer Virginia and Annio ets., North
:a, AKOOQA, I'A.
!H'Hi2 kd Capital S300.000 00
CaV'IIaL I'aid is loO.v.00 bU
All tusine 33 pertaining to Banking done on
'-uUe terras.
Ivt'mml Uevenue Stamps of all denomiua-
'.wavS on hand.
To purchasers of Sninnff ntrciintiiro !n
1!P-.' Ul he "dlow'di as followi : $50 to
$J' -I'-ftent.; $!0C to $200, '6 per cent.
I 1 1 l'V4 W II . JtH
Succtttor of 12. S. Bunn.
"nr rr,. Dealer in
Cap, an(l Note paper3j
Pens, Pencils, Superior Ink.
And other articles kept
' .VM-cian,' pretention; "l e n"MIy
Uffiee on Main KrmT ""T
u..e, Ebensburg,!-f """I
:den.w,re .U Tubs, and
Pto. kl"u". rromptly attend-
h I". 7, '807-3m
i ',cn n,h !trt, wt of rot-f iio-
JANCAHY 7, 1863.
To (7tf. Smote antl Jlmixe of firprexentah'vet
of thr. C'mmim wealth of 1'fiumylonnit :
'J KNTLEMKN Before per! ortiit.; the
customary and c institutional duty ot Iran
niittii'ir to ytu-iniormutior. of -the affairs
of the Coiuui'n wealth, and recoiiinjetdinj
huc'i measures to your consideration an are
deemed necessary and expedient, it affords
me jrrcat gratification to tender to you my
uiitt friendly fUeetings on your assetn
blinf; at the seat of government, and to
wlcouie you to the council chambers of
ihe State.
Our :rateful acknowledgments are due
to the beneficent Author of all jiood or
tlio continued prosperity and well-being
which everywhere prevails, for the abun
dance which has crowned the labors or.
the hu-ba.dinau, for the general health
( with winch we Have been so i-;ually fa
I vored, and for all the enjoyments..' of
! pence, contentment aud happiness within
I our borders.
Our-couniry has just emerged from the
I trials and dangers ot an unnguteom re
bellion aud entered upon a period of im
portant political struggle arising therefrom,
jk'iui.' cooveotd as ihe. representatives 'of
a confiding cinsf iiuency, grave duties and
responsibilities devolve upon you to so
legUlate upon the great aud manifold in
terests . committed to your chargo as best
to subserve the welfare pf the people and
advauce I lie honor vf the State. - The
fullest c 'tifidence is entertained that your
deliberations will reult beneficially aud
your public duties be faithfully discharg
ed ; and on tny par., permit me to give
you assurances ot zealous co-operation in
all your labor.- to promote the general
One of the mot important duties de
volving upon the Lei:iliiture is the con
sideration of the public finances. vuch
action should be taken fur the proviion
of futids to defray the current expenses of
the Government, the preservation of the
credit ot the Commonwealth, and the
speedy extinguishment of the public debt,
as circuiuoance. shall be lound to require.
These objects aro of the highest impor
tance, and claim the first attention of the
liet-rt'seutativtM of the people.
The report of the State Tri rsh-
rer shows that the balance in
the Treas. Nor. 30, '66, wasS 1,7 41 ,033 27
Ordinary receipts duringthe ti -
eal year ending Nov. 30, '07, 5,42r.,33t 07
Loan for the redemption of over
due bonds 23,000.000 00
Depreciated funds in Treasury.
unavailable 41,032 00
Total in Treasury for fiscal year
ending k'or. 30, 1807 30,205,395 34
Payments, vir. :
Ordinary expens.
during Gsca! vr.
cud Nov 30,67$4)583.696 93
Loms, &c., re-
deemel -20,013,829 83
Deprec'td funds,
unavuiUble .... 41,032 00
25,513,558 S3
Bal. in Treas. Nov. 30, .FG7.... 4,0tl,36 46
Of which the Treasurer reports
us applk able to the payment
of over-due loan3 the sum of 2,937,978 r5
Balance ..
1,723,837 91
Amount of the State debt Nov.
30, 1866 35,622,052 16
Funded deit, viz :
6 p-r cent. lo:.ns$25,311,180 00
5 per cent, loans 12,104,025 20
4i per i (. lo-ms..
Unfunded debt:
Relief notes in
Interest certili
cutes outstand.
Interest certifi
cates unclaimd
Domestic credit
ors' certificates
175,000 00
96,625 00
13,086 52
4,448 S3
"44 C7
Total outstand'g.37,704,419 77
From which de
duct the amt.
in Treas. appli
cable to p.ivmt.
over-due loans 2,937,973 55
34,766,431 22
Amt. redeemed during fiscal yr.
endiug Nov. 30, 1U7 855,620 91
That the nperat imiH ot the sinking lund
may be cleaily underht-'od, the following
'recapitulation" is quoted Iroui the report
of the Commissioner:! for trie year ending
September 3. 1807 :
Balance iu sinking fund Sept.
3, 1867 $2,752,351 77
Receipts in fund for year end
iug Sept. 3, 1867 ,
3.355,810 C9
6,loa,lG2 4b'
Disbursements :
Paid iuterest $2,575,330 55
Loans redeemed.. 1,794,56!) i0
Premiums 275 0C
domestic creditrs 75 00
4,370,250 05
Balance in fund 1,737,912 41
Dy the sixth section ut ilie act ut May
16, 18Gl,a special lax of out-half millou
the dollar was especially ef apart lor the
payment of tie iuterest aud redemption of
the loan created by au act ot May 18,
lb61, cutitled "An "Act to create a loau
aud provide for arming th State."
The receipts from said tax and
tax on gross receipts amts. to $480,173 17
Interest paid in February aud
August, 1867 160.215 00
Balanr.ii n hand.
319,933 17
Public debt Nov. 30, lt67....$34,766,43l 22
Assets In Treasuryizl " ,j- '
Bonds of Pa. R.R. ' .
Co $6,50000 00
iJonds of Phila. & :
Erie R R. Co.... 3.500,000 00.'.
Int. on bonds of P. ' ' . ' '
&. Erie R.R. Co. 1,400,000 00; . ' : 1 t
Cash in Treasury. 1,723,857 Dl
. - 13,123,857 91
Liabilities in excesj of assets... 21,642,573 31
The above assets will be available as
follows : 1
Dy the act of May 10, 1867, the Penn
sylvania railroad company are to pay on
the above bonds, $100,000 a year until
Julv 31. 1890. when one million of the
residue shall fall due, . and one million
annually thereafter, wiikou.4 1 merest, tin til
the whole- is paid, which will be iu the
year 1895. . : -...
By ihe act of March 7. 1861, the $3,-
500,000 of bonds of the.Fliiladelphia aud
Erie railroad were sufre'ideretl to that
company, upon the deposit of four mil
lions of dollars of their bou Js as collateral
security for the payment of .the original
bonds, and a mortgage ot four milliou? ot
dollars was also given by the company to
secure their payment. These bouds are
to be paid in 7ovty years from date of is
sue, and Will mature A. D. 1901.
There . is alwas a discrepancy in an
nouncing the. red uc.! ion of the tState debt,
between the' annual proclamation of the
Governor icd repoit of the iSta'te Treasu
rer, arising lrom the fact that, the sinking
iuud year terminates ou the firt Monday
in September aud the fiscal year of the
Treasury on the 30th ot November. To
prevent complication ol accouuta and an
nual explanations, 1 recommend that the
termination ot the siuking lund year be
iijade the baaie as that of the Treasury.
The prompti'ude with which citizens of
PennslYaC'a came forward lust April huq
tok tUs whole amount of the tweuty
three million loan, (the bids being lor
upwards ol thirty-three millions.) Uldy he
considered a most auspicious circumstance
iu the financial history of the tvate, and
iudicates unbounded cotifiJ2nce in the
good faith and substantial ciedit of the
Commouwea'.th. The foregoing state
meut ot the finauccs is bet forth with
pleasure, iu coustquence ot their flourish
ing condition.
In additiou thereto, the balance iu
lavor of the General Government for
Penn-ylvania'k -quota of the direct tax
levied iu the several Scares tor war pur
poses and lor c-sh f rum the Uuited States,
amounting, iu all, to i cirly two millio ns
of Joliar.-, lias beeil settled in lull by the
ullowauce el-iuis lor ex'.raordinaiy ex
penses incurred by Siate uuring the war.
In coustqucneo the lap.-e of time
aioce tnc iemainiui: claim were contract
ed, the want ot sufficient vouchers and
explanations-, and the difficulty of finding
Ihe pal tits, home of tnem being dead by
whom they lioaiJ be made, render their
settlement difficult, and in many instances,
doubilul, the accomplishment of w'.ieh
will, however, be vigoruu-ly puisued and
the result laid before ihe Legislature.
l'a-siug lioui this general review of
the fiuance-i ot the 3iate, 1 e.iunol permit
houit! ot the uiot prouiiuetti idea cr.i ucei
ed with theui to puss unuoticcd, beCJU-e
they eleariy indicate the part of duty iu
1 htt dt-ciiai o ot the 13xecuiive trust. ll
is.deeimd proper to call your a'teniiou to
the fact tiiat during the entire ear a very
large sum ot tuouey is iu ihe keeping wt
the State Treasurer. Tni sum has uot at
any lime tor years beeu less lliuu a uniliou
ot dollars, and at prtSeut amounts to
c-tnsiderably over four millions of dollars.
That it is unnecessary that the greater
portiou of this money should be kept in
the 't reasury to meet the ordinary dem tnds
upon it is obvious ; and that it should be
withdrawn from circulation is certainly a
detriment to the business ot the communi
ty. A contraction to the amount ot sev
eral millions, as ut present, cannot tail to
uiake its impressiou upon thoo engaged 111
uicrcumiic, manufacturing, agricultural,
uniting aud all other kinds ot employ
menu. This money, 1 am informed upon
gooa autholity, cau be loaned, with ample
security tor its re-pa meut when ueeded,
lor certain specified periods, at a reasona
ble rate of nielei, and the proceed
placed 111 the Treabury for the be ictit 01
the S'ate, which would uot only be bene
ficial to tbe tax-payers, by incicasiug the
public revenue, but aiao eular.e the
accommodations for business put po.-es. It
this plan were adopted, the withdrawal of
the circulating medium, by the payment
of taxes, WoUd be si briei that u would
not materially affect the public welfare.
I The lund thus acquired could be added
to the sinking fund, aud would materially
aid in the reduction ol the State debt.
A glance at ihe condition ot the Treas
ury wut show that at least four millions
ut doilaro might novr be loaned, and at
lour ber cent, would realize the handsome
sum d $160,000 per annum. Or nearly
the-whole amount ot the balance now iu
the Treasury might be rendered produc
tive by being iu vested iu the bonds of
the State, bearing mx per cent, interest,
even though puichancd ut a premium.
Or, it might bo invented iu Uuued Sate
iuterest beariug bonds which would be
available at uy moment a necessity might
urUe tor the u-e of the lauds. It that
amount were exchanged at par for Uuited
Siei ten forty bonds, bearing fiv.e per
cent, interest in gold, the prodact would
be at the rate ot S200.000 per auuurn, io j
$zbt,000 in currency. ' JJesides, the funds
wfuli.nbt bec me "depreciated. and una
vailable" by long continuance in the
Treasury. A law for this purpose could
be passed, specifying the "method by
which the unneedd money of the Treasu
ry ? taay bo loaned, authorizing .and
cuYpowVrinsr the State. Treasurer, and
such others as you may designate, to carry
oar its provisions. .
Your attention is al?o iuvited to the
fact that the salary of the State Treasurer,
now. only seventeen hundred, dollars, is
entirely " disproportioued to . the duties
aad 'fespOnsibilities of that officer, and
that the amount of the . bjncf, ergKty
thousand dollars, given by him to the
State, is equivalent to no security at all,
under the present system of placing,
unconditionally, the entire funds of the
S&re in his hands. The only sesurity is
the incorruptible honesty and integrity of
the Treasurer. Suppose that when there
is in his keeping millions of dollars the
incumbent ot that office should he tempt
ed to become a defaulter! How easily
could he secure to his bondsmen the
amount for which they would legally be
liable to the State and appropriate the
balance to himself ! For years, it seems
to me, the Treasury ot the State has stood,
as it were, upon a volcano. Examples all
arour.d us show the lallibility of man, and
how frequently and easily he is swerved
from the path of rectitude aud honor.
Even many of those in the most elevated
positions and enjoying the highest confi
dence of the public, are often found to
yield to the temptations thut surround
1 hem. The desire for the rapid accumula
tion of wealth ; the thousands of schemes
prevented to excite the cupidity ot human
nature, ' and the looseness ot public
morals, engendered by the escape of the
guilty Iroiu puuishment, have eo demoral
ized pubiic sentiment that it may be Con
sidered a wonder almost a miracle that
Pennsylvania has so loug escaped irom
the calamity that might at atiy time have
happened, or that may hereatier happen,
by the robbery ot her Treasury, aud
render tbe suspension of the payment ot
the interest upon tho State debt, lor a
time, inevitable.
In the performance of my duty, I have
forewarned the Legislature of a danger as
rcbpects her finances, ot no common mag
nitude. It 'remains for it to determi-e
whether this danger shall be averted by
prompt and etficieut legislation aud the
Treasury guarded agaiu5 the occurrence
of so great a calamity.
The report ot the Superintendent of
the Common Schools exhibits a lull view
ol our excellent system of pub. 10 iustruc
tiou, which is widely diffusing it bless
ings by securing a sound aud s-ubsiautial
education to all the chitdreu of tho Si ate.
A briet summary will give an idea ot the proportions it has attained aud
tho vast auiouut ot' useluluess of which it
is capable.
At the close of the year the number ot
school disi.-icts iu the S ate was l.SfcOj
the number 01" schools, 13 435; giaded
fcchools, 2,U7 ; seajul directors, 11,534 ;
county, city and bor. ugh -up rnMeudems,
OS ; teacuer , 16,523; pupils, 789,389;
the c st ot tuition, $:j,uJS.u65 70; bmd-iu-,
$1 202,793 03 ; contingencies, $790,
675, 33 ; iuiuo.i, building aud coniinger.
cies, $5 081 539 71; and the -annum ex
pended for all purposes relating to schools,
$5,160,750 17.
Your aiteulion is particularly invited
to the want of uniformity aud constant
change of books in the public schools.
These are matters of e-erious iucou veuienee
and needless expense to the poor, aud
might easily be remedied by judicious
The cnief aim of the system of common
schools is to place the advantages of au
education within the reach ot all the
children ot the Oomin mwealth ; aud when
it is considered that intelligence aud virtue
are the principal safeguards ot our Irc-e
institution's, this system earuesily claims
ihe fostering care aud wise guidauco of
the Legislature.
Thegraded rchools have largely increas
ed during the pat year. The system
established by the State was designed,
not ooly to luruish instruction to our
youth iu the elemeuts of knowledge, but
wherever practicable, to impart to them
an educatiou ir. the higher branches ot
learning. Tne multiplication ol grammar
and high schools should, therelore, re
ceive every eucouiagement, for they are
necessary to perfect the system aud uable
tho State to avail itself of that taieut
which is born in the cottages ot the poor
quite as frequently as iu the palaces ot the
Good schools cinnot exist without good
teachers, and guod teachers can only be
obtained by Using the proper nicaus to
prepare them. Recognizing then tacts,
the Legislature ot 1857 pissed a general
Normal school Jaw, dividing the State
into twelve districts, and lookiug forward
to the establishment iu each ot 'hem of a
Noruul school. According to the provis
ions of this law, lour of these schools are
now organized, the prosperous condition
of which is exemplified by the fact that
2,185 studeuts attended them during the
past yeir, of whom 46 graduated.
Fourteen colleges end thirty-two a6ad
ernies have made reports to the rJehcol
Department during the past year. Such
institutions supply a great public Want", as
the common chool system is not compe
tent to perform the whol work of papular
education. A State requires men ot gen
erous culture in all the walks of life, as
well a in the profes-iou ot teaching, and
the perfection of the fystem .of public
school instruction is one of the wisest and
noblest objects of legislation.- ; All of the
different institutions ot learning would be
strengthened aud their usefulness increas
ed by bringing them together in a clo-er
union, which possibly can be best accom
plished by the creation of a general De
partment of Education.
Serious complaints have been made
conccmrug the npglectof the educatiou of
the childreu in the alms aud poor houses
of some of the counties of the State.
They are permitted to grow up in idleness
and ignorance, and when sent upon the
world to cam a living, are better prepared
to receive lessons of vice than those of
usefulness. The directors of these insti
tutions should be compelled, by law, to
sendsueh children to the common schools,
or provide proper schools for them, and
I it should be made the duty of common
s;hool superintendents to supervise and
enforce the execution of the law.
The last annual report of the Saperin-
! tendent of the Soldiers' Orphans' Schools
j was made up to include tho 30th of No-
veuibcT, 18b6. Tho appropriation for
that year, extending from January I,
1806, to Januiry 1, 1867, was insufficient
to cover, the expenses of the whole year,
am! consequeutly those of December,
18G6, were unpaid. The next appropria
tion, under the present law, extends from
January 1, 1SG7, to June 1, 1863. It
was, therefore, determined that there wis
no Iefjal authority to apply any part of it
to the payment ot expenses prior t ) Jan
uary, 1867 ; hence those incurred in De-ceu-ber,
1806, amounting to 31.019 77,
remain unpaid.
lion. Thomas II. Durrowcs, wb.3 was
appointed Superintendent by my prede
cessor, continued in office uutil May 1,
1SG7, when, under the act of April 9,
1867, I appointed Col. George F. Mc
Farlaod, Superintendent, He v. C. Coni
furtli, Inspector arid Examiner, and Mrs.
E. W. llutter, Assistant, who nt once
entered upon th discharge of their du
ties by visiting and re-orjaoiziug the
schools, currying abuses which had
crept into the local management of some
of them, aud iu settling arrearages, which
was done with zeal, fidelity, aud ccuiineu
dable pr.ompti' ude.
The preteut Superirjt endent r?ports the
expenditures hr the eleven m uiths end
ing Novenibt r.30, 1867, a follows :
Education and maintenance $341,839 85
Pirt'o 1 relief 210 00
ClotliNig lurmshed children
in advanced schools 37,1S7 83
Making and repairing clotl.iug.
freight, &i: 8.350 74
General expenses 6,781 b0
Total amount from Jan. 1 to Dec.
I, 1S67 394,420 02
The expense tor the six mouths, iroui
December 1, lb07, to June 1, 1868, at"
estimated by the Supciioteudeut is fol
lows :
Education and main'enance of
l,6oo children, ia advanced
schools, at $140 per auinurn.... 5129,500 00
Educatiou and maintenance for
610 children in primary sciioola
nt $125 per auuuin
Education and maintenance of
1,050 children in '-IJ ouie?,'' at
$10-3 per annum
Clothing 1,850 children, at $25
per annum
Transferring pupils, salaries, 4c.
31,250 00
55,125 00
23,125 00
3,975 CO
Estimate for six months ending
June 1, 1863.
242,975 00
Total actual aud estimated expen
ses for 17 mouths, lrom Jun 1,
137, to June I, 1868
..$637,395 02
Or at the rate of $449,025 80 per
" annum.
From which deduct total amount
appropriated for 17 mouths, at
$i50.UOO per annual
495,833 33
And a deficit for 17 months is
tliowa of 141,501 69
Or, at the raie ot $9,925 8' per
a n num.
Add the amount due for Decem
ber, 1&60 31,049 77
And it exhibits the total deficit
from Dec. 1, I8dd, to June I,
1863, to be provided for by
special appropriation 172,611 4?
i do not d-em it inappropriate here to
state that it the bill which passed tha
House at the last session bad become a
biw, making au appropriation of $150,000
per anuum for the orphans schools, it
would have been sufficient to have paid
the total expeuscs. .
Tho estimates lor the year ending June
lr, 1869, will be lound luliy set lorth in
the report of the Superintendent. From
that report it will also be seeu ihat there
are iu operatiou 39 orphau schools and
homes, having in charge an average ol
2,931 pupils, !or the year endiug Novem
ber 30, lb07, at au average cost ol
$14S.43 per aunum.
Tm-se schools have doubtless reached
their maximum numbers. Sjxteeu vears
being the age at whicu the orpnaus cease
to be ciurgeuble to the Sure, and they
will heucclorward decrease iu the follow
ing ratio, viz: 374 will reach that age iu
1S68, 329 in 1869, 31S iu 1870, 403 in
1S71, 479 in 1872, 460 iu 1873, 416 in
1874, aad "344 io D375, after which there
probably will not be more than 600 re
maining in the schools. -Should the term
be reduced to fifteen years,' as lias been
proposed by some, fully one-filth of the
number now in the schools would enter
upon trades or business within the present
No calculation can furnish an estimate
cf the benefits and blessings that are con
stantly flowing lrom these institutions
Thousands of orphau 'children are enjoy
ing their parental care, moral culture, and
educational training, who otherwise would
have suffered poverty and want, and been
left to grow up irf idleness at:d neglect.-
Many a widow's heart has been gladdened
by the protection, comfort and religious
solicitude extended to her fatherless off
spring, aod thou-ands are the prayers de
voutly uttered for those, who have not
beeu unmindful of them io the time of
their afHictiou. Ic making the generous
disposition it has done tor these destitute
aryd helpless orphans, the Legislature de
serves and receives the heartiest thanks of
every good citizen, all of whom will cor
dially approve a continuance ot thai be
neficence. In shielding, protecting, aud
educating the children oi our dead sl
dicrs, the Legislature is nobly performing
its duty. Those children are uot the mere
objects of our charity, or pensioners upoa
nur hrmnrv lint' tb ixr.irrto nf ihn P.-..,
mon wealth, and have just ciai-ms, earucd
by the blood of their fathers, upoa iti
support and guardiauship, which can ouly
be withheld at the sacrifice of philanthro
py, honor, patriotism, Slate pride, and
every principle of humanity.
The act of Congress ot July 2, 1862,
granted land scrip to the sevetal States, to
be impropriated to the maintenance ot
colleges, whose leading object it shall
be to give instruction iu the sciences
which minister to agriculture and the
mechanic arts. Dy the rule ot apportfcn
uiojt, adopted by Congiess, 700,000 acres
tel' to the share ot thi3 Commonwealth,
Tho act of Assembly of February 19, 1867,
appropriated the benefit of the whole of
ihat grant to the Agricultural College ot
Pennsylvania,, which has thereby becomo
subject to the supervision and guardian
ship of the State. I therelore iuvite
your attention to the organization and
condition of that institution, as exhibited
by the president of the board of trusteej,
in his report for the year 1S67, which
will be laid before you. The c jmioission
eis appointed by the Legislature to sell
the laud scrip have completed the sales,
which amount to $139,16 80. In accor
dance wiih the act ot Assembly-, the
oue-teuth of the proceeds has been applied
to the purchase of sites for "Model and
Experimental Farms," aud the reidu
invested a3 follows : $126 000 in United
States 5-20 bond-; S20,000 in Pennsyl
vania war loau, nnd $235,000 iu the
Pennsylvania bonis of 1867.
The college has Weti tborongul?
re-oriianized iu order to make it fully
respond to the objects and requirements
of the act of Congress ond to the ed:ica! interests ol the industrial clussep,
and to meet these ends it now gives
courses ot instruction in general science,
agriculture, mechanical and civil engineer
ing, metallurgy aud mining, ancient aud
modern languages, and military tactics,
employing a faculty comprising six pro
fessors aud two instructors iu the college
department and three instructors in the
grammar school. This important educa
tional euterprise in the interests of agri
culture aud the mechauica! arts deserves
favorable consideration.
Au adequate preparation in time of
peace is a preservative against the proba
bilities aud contingencies of war. Thia
oft icpeated axiom was not Sufficiently
realized before the rebellion, tor, when it
broke out, it found the nation wholly
unprepared. Had it been otherwise, the
war which continued through a period of
four years, and cost the Country millions
of treasure, hundreds of thousand of
lives, and an incalculable aniduut of suf
fering and want, would havo been of
comparatively short duration, if not
crushed in its incipiency. That war,
however, has not been without its useful
letsons. It his taught the necessity of
adhering to principles in practice which
we have heretofore only acknowledged in
theory. It has trained many thousand
of our young men in the science ot arm
aud infused among them a ppirit of mili
tary ardor which may safely be relied on
in any future emergency, and paved the
way for the establishment of military or
ganizations that wiil prove a saieguirl
and honor td thef'tate. The Legislature,
availing itself of these facts, should ad
opt a liberal and effective system for in
creasing and regulating the volunteer
tuilith. The law ot 186ft, though excel
lent in many respects, docs not meet th
requirements yf the times, and alteration
and amendments aro needed before it car
accomplish all tho coutcuif dated and de
sired objects. The minimum ot men,
necessary to form a company is entirely
too high, a"od i many places wherj
smaller companies woii!d b formed, it is
impossible to raise them in accordaoca
with the ratio established by the act.-.
From the report of the Adjutant General,
it will be teen that there ere now but
thirty-eight uniformed companies in tho
State, comprising only about three. thom
and lueD, whilst the suggested aiaend
naea'Sj which iho'-ild bs ica-i? as oarlv 33