QIIOK STOKE! SHOE STOKE!! JBOOTS Jf SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN! la addition to his large stock cf the bt KaiUro-madt Shoes, BukiD9, Gaitere, 4c, Ut Ladies' and Child ren'a wear, tb subscri ber hi-s juet added to hi aieortment a full complete invoice cf BOOTS asd SHOES yon MEN akd YOUTHS! Tula invoke in cot warranted to be supe ldar to all gooda of like character offered in tikis market, but is infinitely better ia every respect than the flip-shod -work with whicn the country is flooded. Rtmrnbcr, that I offer no article for sale which I do uot eu -.'ran tee to be regular custom-made, of the beat material, and of supe rior finish, and while I do not pretend to t-ompete in price with the dealers in Auction Goods, I kuo.v that I can furnish Boots, Shoes, Ic, that will givo . . MORE SER VICE FOR LESS MONEY, than any other dealer in the community ; and I pledge myself to repair, free of ciiasge, tvuy article that may give way after a reason able time with reasonable usage. Everybody is respectfully invited to call and examine ciy stock and learn my prices. The subscriber is also prepared to manufacture to order any and all work in his line, of the very best material and workman ship, and at prices as reasonable as like work can be obtained anywhere. French Calf, Common Calf, Morocco, and all other kindd of Leather, constantly on hand. Jay Stand one door east of Crawford's Hotel, High street, and immediately oppo site V. S. Barker's store, ebensburg. feb21 JOHN D. THOMAS. G IS TEW CHEAP CASH STORE!! The subscriber would inform the citizens cf Ebensburg and vicinity that he keeps con btantly on hand everything in the GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY line, ench as Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, all kinds of Crackers. Cheese, Smokier and Chewinar Tobacco. Cigars, kc. CANNED rE ACHES AND TOM I TO US! Also. Buckskin and Woolen Gloves, Woo'. en Socks, Neck ties, ic, ull of which will be sold us cheap if not cheaper than tlscwiure A full aacr(r:ttnt of Candies 1 tQm Oysters ierved at all hours of the dayor evening. Tab Oysters by the dozen and Can Oysters for sale. jao24 R. R. THOMAS. HP HE AMERICAN WATCH " Is (he best time-piece that you can carry. They are now put in a variety of Cases, 2, 3, 4, 5, or G oz. in weight, Laving, in addition, ENGLES1 PATENT DUST-PROOF AR RANGEMENT. These can be bought of C. T. ROBERTS, niGH Street, Euessdcbo, "Who is prepared to soil the American Watch with the above Patent Case, at very low fig ures. Call and see ! J&g- Butler & M'Carty, 131 N. 2d St., Phil adelphia, General Agent for ''Engles' Patent Du-t-Proof Watch Cases.'- au8-tt LATEST ARRIVAL! The subscriber has just received, at Lis store, on High street, Ebensburg, a large and Balable stock of Flour, Molissea, Table Salt, Cheese, Bacon, Tea, Fiirrel Salt, Tcbacco, Sugars, J Ciriee, Spices, Cigars, and everything in tho Grocery, Nation. u:tJ Conftctionery line. Also, Boots and Shoes, Carbon aud Lubri cating Oils, ic, ic t(i All which will be sold very cheap for cash. jan24 G. G. OWENS. OAL! COAL! COAL ! The subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Wra. Tiley, Sr , at Lily Station, on the Pennsylvania -U.il; Gad, Cambria coun ty, and will le gl.-d fill all orders, to any amount, of citizens of Ebensburg; and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to quality ol Coal guar antied in all ca:-:. WM. TILEY, Jr. Hemlock P. O. 1SG7. ABRAHAM ELAINE, Hurler F.rENSBra3, Pa. Shaving;, Shampooing, and Uair-dressiag drne in the most r.rtistic style. jpj- Saloon directly opposite the "Moun tain House." jan24 rpilE RISING SUN STOVE POLISH. JL For beauty of polijh, saving of labor, durability, end cheapness, this yrepcration 3 truly " unrivalled. Buy no other. For eile at GLO. HUNTLEY'S. SPECIAL NOTICES. To Consumptives. The Rev. Ed ward A. Wilson will seud (free of charge). to all who desire it the prescription wi:h the tlirectiou3 for making and using tha simple remedy by which he was cured of a lung af fection and that dread disease Consuur lion. His only object is to benefit the aLlicted, and ho hopes every sutierer will try ims prescrip tion, an it will cost them nothing, and may prove ft blessing. Please address Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Williamsturg, Kings co., New York. July id, 18i7-ly. 1 - - I tell! IJcli! ittSiJ ZJcli! XCRA TCH .' SCRA TCIJ SCR A TCIl I In from 10 to 1 hours, Wheaton'h Ointi'xnt cured The l4.'. WuKTON'.S OlSTilKNT CMttS WlIKATON't ' llNTM KNT CJtlS ".V'uEATON S Ointment cures 'nKro.N'." O:tmkst cures V. ueatgn's Ointment cures Slt iiheurt. Tciiir. PuT'.-Ti' Itch. Oi l oresr I'K(rv Lin I of Humor, lia.e m-gic. PriC, cents a box ; by a il, CO cent?. idres-s WEEKS i POTTER, No. 170 Wali- Addres-s itjgton itreft, wo;ijn, Ma.s. 1 i'or sale by ull druggists. cp2dly Eap.ous or Yoltu. A gentleman who bUtfcr?d for years Irom Nervous Debility, PrtuiuUu Dt-c:iy,aad all the effects of youth , f'tl iiiiifccrction, will, for the take of tulfering fcumar-itr, sud Treo to all who need il, the recipe fcr.d directions for making the simple remedy Ly which he waa cured. Sufierers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi ence can do to by addressing, in perfect con dense, Juu B.Oi;dkn, ;2 Cedar bt.,N. Y. . - Information. luJoiuiatiou guarao ted to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a laid head or beardless face ; also, a recipe for the removal of pimples, blotchc-3, erupt'.oiu, etc., on tho skin, Raving the sarao eoft, clear, and beautiful, can bo obtained without charge by addressing Tuoa. Y. Ci'apma-v, Cbem:?t. July 19. -3 3rc4l-.v.', NVk- Vcrk 1 RE AT B EDUCTION or PRICE3 ! AT tBB EBENSBURG HARDWARE y HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. I return my sincere thanks to my" friends and customers for their liberal patronage for the past twelve years, during which time I have been in tusineps in Ebensburg; and now, owing to the cxtensivo business I am doing, I lake pler.fcure in informing the paLlic that I have adopted the Ready-Pay System ! by means of which there will be a oebat re itction in ' my profits. A continuance of your patronage will satisfy you that it will be to your advantage to buy for beady pay instead of on credit. My stock will consist in part as follows : FOR THE BUILDER. Door Locks, Cupboard Locks, Catches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Window Sp'gs, Shatter ninges, Catches, Porch Irons, Window Glass, Nails, Putty, &c. FOR THE CARPENTER. - Boring Machines.- Augers, Chisels, Ernce and Bits, Ilatcht3. Squares, Compasses, Bev els, Pocket Rules, Try Squares, Lev els. Jack, Smoothing, and For Plane?, Panel Plough?, Bea ding, Sash. Raising, A ' Match Flanes, Hollow and R omuls, Guages, Oil Stones, Saw Sets. Screw Drivers, Bench Screws, Cross-cut, Panel, Rip, Compas9. and Back Saw, Chalk and Chalk Lines, &c. FOR THE BLACKSMITH. Anvils, Bellows, Vices. Shoe Hammers, li&r.d Hammers, Riveting Hammers, Horse & Mule Shoe, Iron, Buttresses, Tincers, Screw Plates, Wrenches, Rasps, Files, Horse Nails, Cue! Steel Shovel Plow Moulds, ic. FOR THE SHOEMAKER. Shoe Lasts, Shank Irons, Crimping Boards and Irons, Peg Cutter?, Knives, Awls, Hummer-, Pincers, Rasps, Rubbers, and Bench Tools in general. Nails, Tacks, Thread, Wax, Bristles, ic. FOR THE SADDLER. Draw Guagss, Round Knives, Chandlers," Edge Tools, Pincers, Awls, Rounding Irona, Iron and Wood Gig llamcs, Pad Trees, Punches, Hammers, Bridie Bits, Buckles, Trace Hooks, Spots Rings, Halter Lolts, Ornaments, Rivets, Snaps, Stirrups, Tacks, Rein Web, Girthing, ic. TOR THE CABINET MAKER i PAINTER. Ecr.ch Tools, T.ible Hinges. Screws, Bed ; Castors, Bedstead Iifenrrs, -Drawer Locks, Kuubi, I'ofiln Trii..ri.ins of all descriptions, Gold Loaf, I.': units, 1'aint, Sash, and N'arnii-h Brushes, Oils, Pah.ts, . . Viirnibes, Turvev.tine, Colored Paints, dry and ground in oil. FOR THE SPORTSMAN. Rifles, Shot Gnus, Pistols, Revolvers. Cartridges, Huuters' Knives, Caps, Lead, " Powder, Miot, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bags. Also, Gun Locks, Mf.in Spring?, Plugs Pivctc, Double Triggers, Hammers, ic. FOR THE FARM HI!. Plows, Points, Shovels, Forks, Scythes and Srathe:, Rakes, lloe?, Spades, JSheep Shears, Sheep and Cow Bell', Sleigh Bells, Horse Brushes. Cards. Curry Combs, Patent Ilames, Whips, But, Trace, Breast, Hal ter, Tongue, Fith 4 Log Chains, Barn Dour Rollers. Sugar Ket tles, Steelyards, Cutting Boxes. FOR THE nOUS E KEEPER. Flour, Tea, CoTee, Sugar, Molasses, Hominy, Crackers, Dried Peathes, Twee, Cinnamon, Essences, Bacon, Fish, Salt, Alum, Indigo, Candies, Coffee Mills, Smoothing Irons, Wash Boards, Clothes Pins, Bed Cords. loves, Mace, Nutmegs,' Allspice, Pepper, Baking a Wash. Soda J'oilct So;ip, Family Dye Colors, Madder, Cudbear, Cochineal, Logwood, Camwood, Redwood, Blue Vitiiol, SoIutT-n of Tin, Cio!he3 Wringer3, Washing Machine?, Tubs, Bake Pans, Buckets, Table and Tea Spoons Meal Seives, Brooms, labKi Cutlery,. Brass Kettles, Coal Bucket3, Tinned Kettles, Enam'-led Kettles, Stair R.o:l, Jh panned Ware Gas?rrare, Wooden Ware, W'tiio .v Ware, Carbon Oil Lamps, Razors. Shovel-j and Pokers, Butter Prints, . Butler Ladles, tove. Scrub nnd ! ; lis ti :ig Brnhes, Sweeping -Brushes, Sin iir', Scissor., ic. OILS. Carbon, Fish, Sweet, 1 Cubricatiriir. Lard, Benzine, Castor. ; ija?ett eat 3 Foot, ',' ; 70 xiin PUBLIC GENERALLY. Cooking, Pallor, and Heating Stoves, from the bebt m arm factories ; Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of every variety, of my own manufac ture ; Gum and Hemp Packing ; Trunks and Valises ; Drugs, Weavers' Reeds, Trups. Hol low Augers, Roard Measuring Sticks, Grind Stones aud Rollers, Patent ilolaases Drawing and Measuring f aw eels, ccc, uc. Odd "Stove I'Ltte.', Grate, and Fire Prick always on hand to suit Slovej i-old by me. Well and Cisttrn Pumps and 'Puling at man ufacturers' prices. Sjuutiiif made, paiiited, and put upJ at low rates. Don't Aslt for Credit! But remember the place to buy and save 15 to 20 per cent, cn your purchases. 1 defy competition iu V.'csUrn Penna. GEORGE ECNTLEY A. BEADLSY. W. VA5KIBH. J3U. . UKAJJI5f. N B1 HADLEY STOVE WORKS, Manufacture every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING PT0VE3, Amone which are the celebrated National, Talisman, Tropic and Eureka Coal Cook Stoves. -- . Also, Veteran, Ponoma and Ironsidee Wood Cook Stoves. GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, 4c. Agents for Lotzo's Celebrated Hotel and Family Ranges. Office, corner of Second, and Wood streets, Pittsburg, Pa. fe23.Sui FLOCK. PRODUCE, nn C. JENKINS, JL COMMISSION MERCHANT Wholesale Dealer and Receiver of FLOUR. PROVISIONS, nil kinds of PRO DUCE, and REFINED OILS. Cheapest Flour House in Pittsburg. t5f All choice reliable standard Family Brands constantly on hand. Quality of Flour guaranteed. Reduction to dealers. Custom era furnished with Price Current weekly. Checkered Front, 273 Liberty 6t., feb21.1y FiTTSBCBt, Pa. C. EBY & CO , J2Jm WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Mercluints. No. 522 Market at., between Fifth and Sixth, Philadelphia. We have constantly on hand a general as sortment of all kind3 of fish, ia Ltrge and smill packages, which we will sell low for Cash or short credit. Also, Duncannon ..ails and Spikes of all sizes, constantly on Land and for sale at Manufacturers prices. jau24 B ARNES, 0STEIU10UT, HEREON ' ' ' & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, And FURS, No. D03 I'aiket St., above Fifth St., ap25 PHILADELPHIA. ENcOX, C AMPRELL &. Co , WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 507 Market st., Philadelphia. r?1 Refer by permission to A. A. Barker, Ebtiisburg. CP- raOM. P. DAVIS, with JL BOYD k STROUD, Importers and dtaltrs in QUEENSWARE, CHINA, and glass No. 32 North Fourth St., four doors below the Merchants' Hotel, au29 Puila. WHOLESALE -S, lV GRCCEE B i WM. M. TOOK. . GEO. I). COOK. COOK ER OTHERS & CO., Wholesale dealers in PROVISIONS. FLOUR, SALT, CHEESE, CARBON OIL, SOAPS, CANDLES, ic. 34i Liberty st., near Union Depot, fi b211 PiTTsnrita. Pa. JAS. W. KIDDLE, J. FITEEY SMITH, JNO C. S II EH EOF NT" , W. CALVIN MOOKE. T IDDLE, SHERBORNE cS: CO., JLV.' Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN k DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 Market St., below 5th, and 433 Merchant street, Lj-n24 PHILADA. JACOB K. SMITH. J. K. SELTZER. Til & SELTZER, Importers ard Denlers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, gt;:;s, cutlery, &c No. -ii'O N. Third St., above Callowhill, mar7 Ph:ladelpuia . W. V. LII'PINTOTT. CEO. M. UONI). JAS. MITCI1EL. T IPPINCOTT, ROND & CO., JLi Manufacturers . A Wholesale Dealers in HATS. CAPS, FURS, and STRAW GOODS, jan24 No. 413 Market St., Puilada. T?RY & KURTZ, JL Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, & FANCY . GOODS, jan24 325 Arch St., Philadelphia. Jg HUG LIES & CO., HEALERS IN LUMBER, Ebinsbcbu, Pa. Want to buy 100,000 feet good Cherry Lumber. 100,000 fret Chair and Settee Plfnk. 100,000 feet Sinch Poplar. 5000 feet wide 1-inch Popbr. 1C0, ode feet Clear Pine. For nil which, the highest market price will be paid in cash. Particular attention will be paid to filling orders. jar.3 M. R. HUGHES & CO., WILMORE, CAMBRIA CO., TA. T 1 Healers in Ash, Bass, Cherrr, Maple", Poplar, Hemlock LUMPER. ,' - Also: Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, jan24 "HARDWARE, &c TORERT E. JONES, XX - LUMBER DEALER, Ebexsi5Lb.g, Cambria Cocsty, Pa. Ba- Will buy Cherry, Poplar, Ash, and Lina Lumber. Highest prices in cash paid. Orders promptly filled. feb7 J as. 11. Davis, Healer in all kinds of POPLAR, CHERRY & ASH LUMBER. Yard, Nos. 314 k 316 N. Broad fit., Phila. Basiness attenaed to in Ebensburg by jWn. J. Williams iny9lY EYV C HEAP CASH- STORE 1 1 NEW " - NEW ' - NEW CHEAP STORE! CnBAP STORE ! oAan CASH CASH The "subscriber calls attention to the fact that he has received and opened outj at his Store, on High street, (opposite the ii&us.,) tto largest ana best selected stocK oi GROCERIES! ever brought to Ebensburg. FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, BRAN, BACON, CHEESE, CRACKERS, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, SYRUPS. MOLAS SES, RICE, SPICES, ESSENCES, HERRING, MACKEREL, and COD FISH, CASTOR a CARBON OILS, DRUGS, MEDI CINES, PERFUMERY, SALT, CANDLES, SOAPS, WASHING SO DA, FAMILY DYE COLORS, LOG WOOD, BLUE VITRIOL, TOBACCO and CIGARS lest brands, EARTHENWARE axd STONEWARE, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, POWDER, SHOT, LEAD, and GUN-CAPS, CLOVES, MACE, PEITER, CINNAMON, AL UM, DRIED PEACHES, HOMINY, BAKING SODA, &c, &c. Arnold's Writing Fluid, Checkers and Checker Boards, Pen and Pocket Knives, Horse Brushes and Cards, Currycombs, Rope, Twine, Window Springs, Chalk, Chalk Lines, . . Horse Shoe Nails, . Shoemakers' Nails, Tacks and Thread Wood and Willow Ware, Tubs. Buckets, Brooms, Wash Boards, Clothes Pina, Bed Cords, Stove Brushes, Scrub and Dusting Brushes The f.nest stock in town of CONFECTIONERY. For the children : TOYS 1 TOYS I TOYS ! TOYS 1 The latest stvles of 11 ATS & CAPS. tu" Keeps constantly on hand Bo'ogna Sauciijre, Sardines, Fresh and Spict-d Oysters, an 1 everything in the Eating as well a3 in the Drinking line KS- The public we requested to give him , atrial. He pledges .limsclt to sell cheaper, and to sell t better article, than anv other dealer in town. GEORGE GU3.LKY Ebeuiburg, March 14, 1S67. ART FORI) LIVE STOCK INSU RANCE COMPANY. CASH CAPITAL... 5 GO, 000. We are now prepared to insure Live Stock agaiostboth Death and Theft in this live and reliable Company. Owneis of Stock have j now the opportunity, by insuring with this j Company, of obtaiuing security and remune ration for the los3 of their Animals iu case cf Death or Theft. OWNERS OF HORSES. Manufacturers, Expressmen, Teamsters, i Physicians, aud in fact ail who are to any extent dependent upon the services of their Horses in their daily avocations, should in sure in this Company, and thus derive a protection against the pecuniary damage they would sustain in the loss of their Animals, whicli are in manv cases the sole means of support of their owners. Farmers and others owning Cattle should avail themselves of this means of saving the value of their Stock, and secure an equiva lent for the less which would otherwise fall heavily upon them iu being deprived of their Cattle, by insuring in this Company tue Pioneer Company of America. By insuring in xuis company, yen excnaui'e AN UNCERTAINTY ron a CERT A INT Y 1 No man can tell whether his Animal uiy not be stolen or die, through some unforeseen calamity. tSP" Competent agents wanted, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Apply to Kl.Rii S CO , General Agents, AUoona, Penna. 2?" Cel. Wm. K. Piper, Ebemburg, Local Agent for above Compauy. ap-l-ly SADDLERY AND HARNESS! - The undersigned keeps constantly on haul and is f-.till manufacturing all articles in his line, such'tts SADDLES. FINE SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, DRAFT HARNESS, BLIND BRIDLES, RIDING BRIDLES, CHECK LINES, HALTERS, WHIPS, BRELCII BANDS, &c Ail which he will dispose of at low prices for cash. His work is all warranted, and being expe rienced iu the business, he uses only thebe3t of leather. Thankful fr past favors, he hopes by attention to Business to merit a continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended to him. Shop above the tin store cf Thomas W. Williams, High st. -Persons wishing good, substantial Harness can be accommodated. Ail persons indebted to me f-re re quested to cr.l! arid settle as soon a3 possible, as I need r.-.oaey. j.m2l HUGH A. M'COY. J OOK OUT FOR BARGAINS ! i J Being desirous of retiring from busi ness, I cffei" for sale the EBENSBURG FOUNDRY, j with all its appurtenances, including all the real aui personal property thereto belong ing, the Engine, Patterns, Flasks, &c. Also, all the stock, manufactured and unmanufac tured, consisting of THRESHING MACHINES, COOKING STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, PLOWS, CASTINGS of various kiuds. As I am determined to sell, purchasers may rely upon getting any or all the above named articles cheper than they can be had anywhere else in Pennsylvania. The public are invited to call and judge for thmselve3. July lb, 18o7tf E. GLASS. K. CURTAIN FIXTURE. Has no superior in the. world! I3 pronounced faultless by all who have seen it. It is predicted it will supersede all other Curtain Fixtures now in use. JEST For sale by G. HUNTLEY, mar2l3 Ebensburg, Pa. IF YOU WANT THE REST COOK ING or PARLOR STOVE in the world, go to GEO. UUNTLEY'S and get "Spear's Anti-Duster." sep!2 TUE ALLEGHANIAN - PRINTING OFFICE. ' 1 Office in. E. Hughes & Co.' Store Building, up stairs, third door back. 1867. spr,ne-raae-1867. I am norv prepared to oiler SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS To Cash Purchasers of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE! either at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL! My stock consists in part of every variety of TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER AND BRASS WARES, ENAMELED AND PLAIN SAUCE PANS, BOILERS, ic. COAL SHOVELS, MINE LAMPS, OIL CANS. HOUSEFURNISHIXG HARDWARE OF EVERY KIND. Spear's Anti-Dust HEATING AND COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES, NOBLE, TRIUMPH and PARLOR STOVES I And any Cooking Siove desired I will get when ordered at iminufact'ir' rs' retail prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, ic, for re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I sell j others will be ordered when wanted. Particular ntteation given to SPOUTING ! VALLEYS AND CONDUCTORS ! All of which will be made out of best niatc Iialj and put up by cipi tent workmen. LAMP BURNERS, WICK AND CHIMNEYS, Wholesale or Retail. I would call particular attention to the Light House Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving mere liht thun :.iy other in use. Alio, the Paraxon Burner, fur t,'i::ie Oil. SFENCER"S SIFTKU ! It recommends itself. SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS: ! of ell eizts, Constantly on hand. Special attention given to J ORBING! c 0f , ' H ' c-j Sheet Iron, at lo',s-e:t jos- i jible rater. WHOLESALE MERCHANTS.- LIST Now ready and will bo sent on explication by mail cr iu person. 37 Hoping to see all my old ci-.?omers and many new oces this Spring, 1 return my most sinceie tlmiiks for the very liberal p roiiftge I have already received. !nd will en deavor to please ell who may call, whether they buy cr uot. FRANCIS W. HaY. Johnstown, Jtsn. 24, 1667. 0:n CARD TO THE LADIES ! DR. DUFONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS TOR K KM ALES. In correcting Irregularities, removing Ob structions of the Monthly Turns, from what ever cause, and always successful as a Pre ventive. It is now over thirty years since the above celebrated Pill3 were discovered by Dr. Du- pouco, of Pari3, during which time they have been extensively and successiully used iu most of the public i:.5titutioaa as well as in pii;'.te practice cf both hi-m inheres, with ttt.pdi aiicuu success '" t '.' cu.se. i-uu n is on ly at the urgv.it lequest" cf the. thousands of ladies who bnre used them that 1 e is in duced to make the Pills public for the ulle viation of those suC'erir.g from any irregular ities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. Females . eculi. ily situated, or those supposing thtm-tlvts so. art cautioned against using these Pills while in that con dition, us the proprietor assuires no respon sibility after the above admonition, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health otherwise the Pills are recommended. ONE BOX IS SUFFICIENT. Full and explicit directions accompany each box, which must be strictly followed, and all diseased peculiar to females may be . , . , . 1 : . : speedily cured ,rea- . , -.e . per box ; s;x boxes, $5. bold by i3t in every town, village, city and Price 51 one druiij'i ht-mlet throughout the world. Sold in Ebensburg, Pa., bv W. J. LLOYD, Druggist. Ladies, by sending him Si to the Ebens burg P. O., can have the Pills sent (confiden tially) by mail to any part of the country, lice of postage. SoM uR-o by Roush .t Taylor, Altoona ; Johnson, Holloway k Cowuen", Phila ; Dem s Barnes & Co., New York ; S. D. Howe, fc-cle Proprietor, New York. apill-Iy COTT HOUSE, - Main JOHNSTOWN, PA. A. Row Co., Frcprictoi s. This commodious house has ben com pletely refitted and elegantly furm.-hed, and is now open for tie reception of guests. It offers fcuperior accommodations to every oth er house in town. The proprietors by long esperier.ee in hotel keeping feel conSdent that they can pleass a disci iminating public. Their table,wiil be supplied with the best the market affords, and the bar with the choicest liquors and wines. By conBtant and careful attention, they expect to merit aud receive a bLktc of public patronage. jar.2i ANT HOUSE, Hemlock. Cambria Co., Pa. JOHN WILKIN, Proprietor. This house has been refitted, and offers superior accommodations to any other house in town. Ihe proprietor, atter long experi ence in the business, feels confident he under stands the wants of thf r.nMic. H13 tablo will be stpplitd with all the delicacies of the season, and his bar with the choicest wines and liquors. By constant attention, he ex pects to merit a liberal share of public pairo;i nae. fmv 16 TV! O UN TAIN HOUSE, TUL EBENSBURG, PA. R. P. Lintok k Co., Proprietors. The TAbLE is always supplied with the choicest delicacies The Bar is supplied with choice liquors nai the Sxadle attended by careful hostlers. Bo irders taken by tho -week iuoil or yar. jan'-'l RCADE HOTEL, EBENSBURG TA. Hekry FooTEa, Proprietor. The first class position among first class Hotels will be maintained in the future, as in Ike past, by tho Arcade. febm U I ELDS HOUSE. LORETTO, CAMBRIA CO., PA., Thomas Callan, Proprietor. Accommodations unsurpassed by any other Hotel oa the Mountain. jan24 HandbilU of all kinds printed at 1 office. THE ALLEGH AH! AH" Jkf ILL be published every Thursday, t V the following rates, vit; Per annum, payable In advance..... j t(Q If not paid till after three niontha!'.V3'(j A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed fcr will be considered a new engagement. BATES OF ADVEBTlaiXO. Transient advertising, per eq., one iaa-.$i. Each subsequent insertion '2- Acditcr's Notices, ench Administrators' and Executors' Notices. v 3 mo. 1 square, 12 Iin?3 $2.50 2 squares, 24 lines.... S.CO 3 squares, 33 Iiue3.... 7.C0 6 rnos. 4.00 10.00 12 00 15.00 20.00 30.00 2no. 12.C0 Quarter colutnu S.'O Third column lO.OO Half column 12.00 Column 20. CO 25.C-J 30.09 59.C1 Professional or Business Cards rot cAtcvuns- o iiuvs, n.m pajer g C;) Twelve lines Brevier constitute- a soaarc J J" Advertisements not marked with th n amber cf insertions desired, wiULe ccntia ued till forbidden, and charged acccrdiaj to the f.bo7e terms. Zj AH tranaieJi! adrerfiiinj ia L p;j for in advance. JOB WOBlt. All kinds of JjU Work will he djno oa reasonable terns. I! O l: 7 1 ' CARD. WiTiirn's RniDOK, Lancaster Tp. Julr 30, 18uo. Messrs. Evaxs and Watson : Gentlemen . Tiit- small size No. 1 Salamander safe which I urcba?td from your agent, Mr. Adam K. Bat, in Lancaster City, on July 20th, It!.-, j has bten subjected to a very severe t ? ? t , j which it. withstood in a nost sathfattorr j manner. This Safe, ee-r. twining all my boai, j togeih.-r with ropers Lt !.:ging a j mvstlf aifd "ir.'v? tonr nei;; !:burs j. i i friend;, sand Dollar:, $20,000) was ia r..y Mill wLiciv was destroyed on the sv'it of the 27th cf Ju ly, 1SCO, and passed thiduh the tiery ordof l unscathed. 1'he Sale was on the second lic-or H'il to ttie tas'.-'.nctit 01 n.e :-iul! and vi.t j subjected for six hour3 to an intcuss hA ! an'.or.g the rui.is, w Lieu v. as greatly incrt-iiti j by the combustion of al.irc quantity cfri-Ia I ccnfinea within rh trick v. rll 3 . Att--r tH. '. f,r0 t,c r,fc rttli opened aud tho bouka a-j p::per3 taken cut in a s-tate cf c-riVt r.-e-t.;. ! v.itir-n. the pap?r nut evn being u:.ctA-.Ti. j Tliis fact was, however, to many by; tan !:: i ;i better recomujendaii-jn vi your s"a"er i.:.z could be c-ipresM.'d in any oilier words frei me. Yours Respc:tfo!lT. jau24 SAM ULL RANCH. XQ'.- A large a?crtme'at of the above u!. ity of Fire and Thief Proof Safes always ca b.tud and for sale at as low rules as anvuiLcr firm, at EVAN'S k WATSON".'-' No. 16 South Fourth St., Phihidep'. RICES REDUCED ! JOHNSTOWN MARBLE WOREl?. The subscriber has just received a ht.-g and handsoLue invoice of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARTI.?. comprisi'ig the largest and finest btoi-kof :ie 1 kind ever brought to Johnstown, 1 : Lis t- 1 tablishment, oif Franklin Sieve, vLtrc Le p.j.inred, with an adequntj force of ;ilCt;ii ftlld skiiirul wurkmcn, to execute i, o1 en. ill rioNUMENTS, MANTELS. TOMBSTONES, TABLE Tol'S, BUREAU TOPS, ;c, as cheap as they can bts purcl. -scl :r the cities A large stock of GRINDSTONES oa hand and for sale low. I Articles of my manufacture can r p:rchii i sed at the Hardware Store of Mr. Cecrje Huntley, in Ebensburg. trZf Prompt attention paid to orders frora a distance, snnl work delivered whero lit si red. Ll24 joiin park.-:. 1 11 V ALUU JliV i Ul'i-t itvuiw. f'i -v t 111 V U'lMTv ' The undersigned begs leave n izfx the Cit-zcr.3 of tanibn-i and a Jjuuvy- ties that be has just received a stock ct V- finest Italian and other MrbloJ at h:s '-i.s... , U-l!ini.ut ia Loretto, Cambria county. Pa. onumenti, ToiuLtx Grave Stones, fail: 'i t. Hweau (ops, manufactured of the moU tiful and linc-ct qualitv of rorc-i.'.i a:.l I1 tic marble, ahvuvs 011 bond and made too'i" j . I U 1 l. 1 w j J J ii.'."- 4 I. . i J. - - cheap as they can be purchased in tee c.'.", a neat nni woi '(-.manlike manner, aa- cs as in the shorteEt notice. The public are reapcctfully invited to g'1 me a call before purchasing else where, s 3 1 am confident that my work and prices ' s::ti5y any person deM'rir g. ai.ytLing ia line of business. Now is tue time to get a cheap job? J AMI'S WILKINSON- Loretto, January 24, lSHTtf The L'rottillov. Jiuttial i-Vre .. once C OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. LOCATED AT ESE.NSEU20, VI raUiE above r.anied Co-aparr. crea:.-4 Avrii Gth, lc57, wiii effect insvrar.ces r property at scfe rates. Being panic!"'? j careiul m the tisks taken, tins L ompary sents a renacie ana cueap mcuiu..-:, n-i-y which persons may secure theLuse.rt-s ajai:. or jbable losses bv fire. ,t Ofliee on Centre Street, lcstIj oppot.:. the ''-Mountain House." JOHN WILLIA-3, FiiiU. D. J. Joxes, Sec'y. k Trcii. Artnts : EVAN ROBLRTS, Johnstown- JAMES PURSE. JNO. E. ROBERTS, Eber sbsr-. Ebensburg, Jan. 24, lb07. TDENSRURO FOUNDRY.- The subscriber announces to - : ... ta:it he has re-purchased the former "customers and nil otliers, Vi-'-.ieseriptien of CASTINGS usually r" lured at a Country Establiihiufci.t. - j alwavs keep on hand the. bst o'-.-.--, COOKING bTOVES, PARLOR SToU fkK STOVES, ic; PLOWS oi -Jr'fsj;. approved patterns, PLOW FOlNl.Tb 1NG ilACHlNES, and all other i.n t- nected with the buamegs ot a iol--. ..:.( rtcj, He invites the patronage c. f :,r and will sell at the most rcasonsL-e , cash or country produce EDWARD 0l-k- Jan. 24, bC 1V.S.IIAYK.V, 8, lLAiJN and FANCY J' BTATIoSEB, niank Book Manufacturer, Joc " 0; and dealer in every d"""..; American and r ore nj 1 3 Comer of Wood and mnu BURG, Pa. , t.ut, k Co pgr Agent for u. "uJ";",,adeiphi4 FotSera k Electrotypes, Vbll January 24. 186 1. this A i 2 -