1 If 'it 9 f i I. Cli tf. STI Lei f at. . :r- r yd V00 ri. I :rs, j ?rec4 I 5. If I. H I "- -ii run a3 foows -rTT T ITT V t-TJiLSi- '-'" LOCAL AND PERSONAL ,r,.-i i n ("Tn ! TI A TT.Rf) AT. 5:er Monday, Apl. 29, 1SS7, trains y.,5t. X., connect: ing with Day Exp. -t t M., connecting with Phil. Exp. :d Mail Train West. :?OK ea departure of PhiL e i" f - - -i - - . a ' r,T cpzciAL Election. The long fTl A. i 1., ...T ii CTir . ace great quesuaa, uc- - wti:a til otter questions, including , ..csiraition question and the ques , u to who struck Iiiily Patterson, f -i icto insignificance, has beea de- The hog law is repealed I special election came o3 last Sat--xx afttrroeo, end was very exciting. ia the afternoon, the hog" sen, or in farcr of allowicg the hog to mo with eo pent-up Utiea contract- -.;.wer5, rallied at the polls. Thej -t v. them banners, emblazoned with i.zvxcs 83 "Root, hog, or die . fhoulder 1" "SaTe yenr ba- , T lie "aui:-hog" men, cr those in eocuninjr, the hog within certain ricribed limits, alio came to time in right, witii the rallying cry ot j pen is mightier tLaa the sward V :t belligerent forces bristled up and with extreme fary all afternoon, -tier from 2 till T o'clock, the hour -?::;tcj of opening an! closing the and at the latter hoar, upon coun the 5 cor?, it vras found that the : Ui ::se oat a Lead a heg's head The following wis the rote: .. Si .....MM.....M...........tt i'ltot enter into the election Is iJ-i-'ft drgrie, thongh one exci--;-ii:g' man was heard to fay that i';-:!::.:onlst3 voted against the ordi- they were ia favor of lib- f.ra!!," while the Democrats did the l: rr;ci a leiiow leeung wnica ciae . voz irons kind toward the hog. : was rrobablj mistaken. Li Tj'e weald have been larger only :h jrama gf ball and a dog fght di- rublie atteniija era on. tlte alternooa of s Aixi:ged Suovza. or Couxteb- r !'. -et AmtESTED. Oa the nui- d vt 19th. the U. S. detectives i i f :ri Alto-ona a man named TVm. I i'::, proprietor of a livery stable ia Memorasda. Mr. Jas. F. Oampbellj formerly editor cf the Johnstown Demo crat, fca3 purchased and wijl hereafter conduct the Uniontowa Genius of Liberty. ...Governor Geary and family are spread ing the heated term at Bedford Springs... The unprecedented number of 37,724 passengers were carried oa the Pennsyl vania Railroad oa the 4th.... The LewU towa Democrat has beea enlarged to a seven-col uma paper.... The tailor shop of Jonathan Stouner, ia Hollidaysburg, was robbed of goods to the value, of $500 on Sunday night week... .The Mountain House at.Cressoa U filling up with vis itors.... A little soa of Mr. Thos. M'Brien, of this place, fell oS a fence oa Sunday, and broke an arm The "new county" meeting to be held ia Johnstown failed for want of a quorum. SVe hear that only eight or ten persons put in an appearance at the place of rendezvous at the proposed hoar of meeting... A baggy in which Dr. John Clark, formerly of Ebensburg, and another person were riding, ia Pittsburg, was capsized by a runaway butcher cart oa Friday last The occupants were spil led out, but neither was much hurt Our young friend Mr. D. L Evans, fcr the last sixteen months a resident of "Wash ingtoa city, is ia town ca a visit... .The weather ha3 beea extremely hot of late,. the thermometer ranging at from SO3 to 00 ia the shade... .See new advertise ments this week. A Happy Couplx. On Sunday last, a man and woman, husband and wife, got on a high old corn-juice batter in Johns town. The woman, ia her frenzy, at tempted to commit suicide by drowning. She was not successful ia her attempt, however, for some persons near by fished her out before she could become thor oughly water-soaked. After she had been resuscitated, she started ia quest of her liege lord, who by thi time wa3 missing. She found him ia the "jug," behind the bars, where he had beea ensconced for kicking up a distuttance. Failing to coax the oScers into discharging him, she next tried the virtue of scolding, but was eve a more unsuccessful ia this thaa in the other, for the eScers, not relishing her style of argument, unceremoniously silenced her by seeding her to keep her husband company. The twain were kept over night at the expense of the borough corporation, fined, and thea discharged. TVide Awake. If you want to dis cover which merchants cf a torra will deal most liberally with customer?, go seek the columns cf the newspaper and j sec who advertise most extensively. The I rule is infallible that they are the mea. r, but a resident of IloIIiiaj.-burg, UrQ lins throu-h the columns cf The :y. wuh being extensively engaged A&r.ia. the reader would st de- g" counterfeit money. The ciie lh,t v BzzUt is one cf the cheap ri::;n its ms3e Cetore U. Ua- v,,-- rf r'-r..,v j :..t.;T t: 3rCndless, cf Pittsburg, and j ni3 Iow iee3 are household word?, while his dealings with customers are trcnsicted entirely "on the square." He deserves the heavy patronage he receives. irad was removed to that city the jj f:r 2. hearing. Johnston is well ..itii is in indepenient circumstaa E L-een upected for some i A :-icz esnedia ra'sinr coucter- carrec cy, md has beea under of detectives. In April e eScers introduced him- J.-:iton, aad, representing him- "iLover," bought from him, as :;i one huadred dollars in cjun-:":j-cent notes. SuScient inferma- y cb triced aainit him at the time warranted his immediate it was deemed advisable to n to rua at large till the day $ i a II Spcsr. The country around Eb-"r-i the best for hunting and trout r-vosea ia the State. The woods : vii game, while the numerous ' re plentifully stocked with i l-eauties." Those who feel in- indulge in either hunting cr : arm and equip themselves as T - rtcts it C. T. Roberts', High ft. -! fr double and single barrel ' -'j I"stol, cartridges, caps. t:ks, Uses, iib baskets, and, 7sg in the shorties: line. Case Kali. TLe Independent club of Jchnstowa has been dissolved. Price, the pitcher, Las joined the Irons... .A picked nine cf the Mountaineers ol Eb ensburg went t3 Summit on Saturday af ternoon last, to play a prastiw game with the Monitors of the latter place. The weather was delightful, the game a good Gne, and all concerned enjoyed themselves highly The Stars and Ticgas (junior dabs of Ebensburg) plaved a matcb game on Saturday last. The Stars won by 10 runs. Score, 49 to 59. 1-1 teacupful of water ; tht I sattfcea and thicken th -'-"z Orr Rats. A correspon "ihesfcr the following: "Take ea take e water "a meal to a thick dough, ad--:aful cf sugar and a little lard. y the premises where the rats, 23 else, will get it. It is deci de beat exterminator extant." 1 trial. illld. A distressing accident U Summerhill, this county, cn -ctcg last, resulting ia the death I mizea of that place, Joseph Es. The unfortunate man 2 down the railroad, and hA fw . , . ' . cne iracK to tte ether to ap behind and ran ever him. icstactly. Accident. A man named Day at tempted to step from the platform cf one passenger car to that cf another, a short distance below Johnstown, ca Sunday last, while the traia was uader fall head way. He missed his footitig and fell, and wa badly hurt. He was removed to Johnstown. Harvest. The hay crop ia thij sec tion has beea harvested, and the unani mous testimony of the farmers is that the yield is very large, larger vea thaa that of last year. The wheat crop, now being garnered, is heavy. The later cereals all look well. Tzmpehasci: Association. A tem perance convention, to form a county temperance association for Cambria coun ty, will meet in Johnstown next Monday, 25th instant L1TERART. Home, July 22, 1SC7. To the Editor of The AUejkanian .- Io Mr. Cjma Elder's Hteij published booklet of poems, I find (p. 30) the following lines: "Der wife, oar tute is far frora gri. Bat thea our cure ia malL" Xow, I am not Terj well posted oa sacii mat ters, but I would uk if this is net a plagia rism oa a lice in the eeUbraied Irish song, "Xora McSbace,'- which runs " Tia true I've no. money, bat then I've no Eorrost." It to bc as if it fqTua-.ei" little in the direction indicated. C10. Change. 'Times change, and men change with them " but there , is no change ia the long-established reputation of the mercantile establlshxaent ef A. A. Barker, Ebensburg. It is now, as it was always, reckoned among the cheapest and fairest houses ia town cne where it is a pleasure to barter or bay. Ii the reader has never had dealings there, he has been strangely indifferent to his own interests. Bet we don't believe there is a man living within fifteen miles of town who is sot a customer of Mr. B. Why Did He Do It ? Some person, with the fear of neither God nor the law ia his heart, robbed a tailor shop ia Hol lidaysburg of a quaatity of ready-made clothing the other night. Why did he do it ? If he had come to Ebensburg aad visited J. M. Thompson's store, he could have bought ready-made clothing, as good aa the best, at prices so low as to make it no inducement to steal. Selling Orr at Reduced PaicEs. Messrs. Mills & Davis are selling off their present stock of goods at reduced prices, preparatory to rsrnoving to their new store-room, now nearly completed, oa the corner of High and Center streets. Per sons desiring bargains ought to call oa them, and soon. Call to-day ! Ebensbar? 21a.rk.et Report. XCcTTtzltd vttkly by V. S. Barker. Alcohol, gxl $5.00 Brooms c25( jrj Candies, Tallow... .25 " Sperm 0 Comae!, cwt 3.00 Cheese, lb.. . -5 Coffee . 30(33 Floor, El Fam.lS.00 Xackerel, bbL20.CO " dot t.OO Xolasses, X. O - 90 Nails, kg 7.00 Oil, Carbon, raL. 69 Linseed ... 2.00 Whale 2.00 Rice, lb 15 Sogar, browB.1217 "white 20 S vmp.tral-1 .00 1.60 Salt, bbl.. 4.00 Tobacco, fb-7501.00 Tea, Gnnpdr.... .2.50 Toang 11- 23 " Black- 1.50 Turpentine, gai2.00 Varnish, copal 5.M 15 15 40 18 10 Apples, dry, fb$ 15 Beans, bu-1.00(51.50 BntUr, roll, rb tab, Eeeswai Beef, teak, " quarter Cora, ba . 1.00 Dresaed bogs, IbM 9 Eggs, desen 15 Feathers, lb 70 Hay, tea ..12.tK Lard, lb 15 Onions, bu 1.C0 Potatoes 75 Bags, cotton, lb. 5 Soap, hard 10 Seed, Flax, bu 2.50 Clover 10.0C " Timothy 4-00 " Backwht.1.00 " Oats 75 " Bre 1.00 Wheat 2.75 T&HTr, Tb 12 Woo!- 4o To Consumptives. Tte advertiser, having beea restored to health ia a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after taring suffered for several years with a severe lasg affection, and that dread dlseaae Consumption, is anx ious to mike kryawu to his fellow-sufferers the means cf cure. To all who desire it, he wCl send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will f nd a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Eronchltis, Conghs, Cold, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benef t the aSieted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaln&hle, anl he hopes every sefferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, frc, by return mail, will please adiress, Bit. Edwakd A. Wir.sc, Williamsburg, Kinsrs co., Ifew Ycrk- July 18, 1557-Iy. JETT GOODS! .SEW GOODS!! E&aoas or Youth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send fre to all who need it, th recip and directions for making the simple remedy by which he waa cured. Sufferers wishing to proSt by the advertiser's experi ence can do so by addressing, ia perfect coa dence, Johs B.Oikx,42 Cedar St., X. Y. M FIRST PRCMIUM . OT a SOrer SXeA! was ivusn TO , . EAR RETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE BT K. H. Stat Arries2sml 6osrr, w y Tegetable Hair Bestoratire 1 Ott Ealt Hi Kttsiml CUor Tro- emm th nrta t tht Euf r ii ng ta ' r - Itaatut mo iann US' 0 'j. K. BAftfcETT A CO, PupiUjuiaJ Sold by Drasrgiats Generally BESS J. LLOYD, EsKrsnras, Pa. My 33, 1867. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans Court of Cambria eennty, to hear and report upon the exceptions filed to the account of John Bichards, guardian ot the minor children cf George Richards, de ceased, hereby notiSes all persons interested that he will attend to the duties of his ap pointment at bis cSce, ia Ebensburg, on Tuesday, the 13xA day of Avftut, 1867, when and where all parties interested may attend, SAMUEL SDfGLETOy, Auditor. July IS, 1867.3t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphaas' Court of Cambria county, to distribute the fend in the hands of John A; Blair, administratcr of the estate of lixrj Clements, deceased, hereby notifies all per sons interested that he will attend to the dalles cf said appointment at his office, in Ebensburg, oa Saturday, the Zd day of Au yw next, at 2 o'clock, p. m., when aad where they must present their claims, or be debarred from coming in for a share oi said fund. jy-3t GEO. W. OATMAN. Auditor. TV'OTICE X Ail persona knowing themselves in debted to me by Note or Book Account of over six months standing, are requited to pay up within thirty days from this date, or they will find their accoonis in the h&ads of an oScer for imraediat collection. A strict adherence to this notice will sTe costs. GEO. HUNTLEY. Ebensburg, Jcre 2?, 1SG7. GREAT ATTRACTIONS 15 THOMPSON'S! TECOMPGON'S! - JUST OPEX1XQ AT Y. S. BARKER'S CHEAP CASH STORE I EBEnsrao, Px. Sew Dress Goods, Greatly reduced. Balmoral Skirts, At $2.60, worth $3.00. no op Skirls, At $:.25, worth $2.C0. Calicoes, 10 to 20 cents. Merrimack Prints, At 20 cenu. Ueavjr Bro. XasUas, At 20 cents. Bleached 31usllns, At 20 & 25 cents. Shirting Checks, At rednced prices. French 3Ierlnoes, Very cheap, TTool Delaines, At low prices. Pacific Delaines, At 25 cents. Casslmers, At reduced prices. Kentacky Jeans, 40 to 0 cents. Glnghatug, 20 and 25 cents. Clothlnr, At $20 per suit. Far Si. Straw Hats, Very low. Tickings, cheap. Kid Glores, Cheapert in town. Scythes, $1.00 to $1.50. Hakes and Forks, Very cheap. Brooms, At 25 ceats. Wall Papers, In great variety. Carpets, At cost. Glowes, Mitts, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Suspenders, ALL AT REDUCED PRICES, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR WOOL, BUTTER, EGGS $ ALL KIXDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. 6b a UICK SALES, small rnorrrs r BARKTiIt3 BARKER'S BAREEITSt EUEN33UE.G. BARKER'S f BABKEB'Sl BABSXB S ! NEW GOODS? NEW goods: XEW GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! NETT AND CHEAP ! NEW AND CHEAP ! NEW AND CHE AP ! GO AND SEE f GO AND SEE ! GO ND SEE ! GO AND SEE ! CO AND SEE ! GO AND SEE I The subscriber would re?peetfu7Jy an nounce to the c:tirec3 of Ebensburg asi vicinity that be fca3 just received, at his eo poriam, oa High street, the largest ati caott complete assortment ef - TTinter Goods! ever bronght to thi3 town, all of whieu ke pledges himself to sell cktcp fcr czsh. DBESS GOODS, WOOLEN GOOD3, DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EJIBBOlDEElEii, . hoop skirts, nosiEirr, BALMOEALS, GLOVES, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, kc- The largest, best and cheapest assortmeat of READY-MADE CLOTHING , to be found within the limits of Cambria co. Aa excellent assortment cf BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, OYEE-SIIOES. STATIONERY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES FISH, SALT, TRUNKS, : NOTIONS, QUE ENS WARE, CARPET-SACK5, -w A large stock of FZovr, Dacca, CZet-tz, Syrup ilolott, Hit' rin?. A'scirrr, esJ Cod Pith, Iron and Ver, Ctlir and UTiUcv VTare, OiUt Drvjs aid Jlidi'eir.tt, tc, z. Ia fact, he keeps cy'.X-r.j and ftsryilhsy usually kept in a No. 1 Country Store all which will be dispose I cf at prices to suit the times. Eu jisg tTvice as large a stock as any ether merchant in tewn, he tnys cheaper, ad caa therefore till cheap-er, thaa any competitor. CALL AND EXA30NE goods CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS f " CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! The public is invited to call before perefca Eicg elsewhere. No charge for showing goo-is, bay cr not bay. - Customers waited cn by polite and atten tive Salesmen. Cherry, Poplar, Spruce, Pine, and other Lumber, Butter, Egg-?, and Country Produce generally taken ia exebanre for Goods. fjaci A. A. BARKER. QLOCK AND WATCH JIAKER ' EBENSBURG, PA. C. T. Rdert ha3 constantly ia his store a well selected and varied assortment of arti cles, which he offers cheap fur casa ; Tlx A Silver American WATCH for $30.00. CLOCKS cf every style and finish, at reduced picea. JESVELRY cf the very best rnaUrlal, war rant;!. Anchor and Lepirs WATCHES, one-thirl cheaper thtn ia 1SS. Gold Fitger RINGS, one-third cheaper thaa last year. Morton's Gold PENS, at the manufacturer's prices. Goli. Silver, Steel, and Plated SPECTA CLES, chesper thaa ever. Plated FORKS, Tea aad Table SPOO.V3, as good as Silver. . Plated CASTORS, Card aid Cake BASKETS, GOBLETS, and MUGS. RIFLES ar-d SHOT GUNS, tLat will kill at everT p-op- REVOLYERS and PISTOLS, with CAR TRIDGES to ss.it. PIPES of Gutta Percha, Wood, and China. Lockwood's COLLARS, the best you caa wear. SCEOOL BOOKS, cheaper thaa elsewhere. TOYS and TOY BOOKS, for a mere song. Sieger's SEWING MACHINES, with Cottos, Silk, and Oil. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, to held from 12 to 2CH Pletores ACCORDIANS, VrOLINS. FLUTES, FIFES, Violia ECWS, STRINGS, aad KEYS. AUo ; Umbrellas, Clothes Brushes, Hair Brushes, Tooth Ensshes, Ccabs, Dustiap- Brushes, Scrub Brashes, Looking GKses, Sewise Baskets, EacdBaikets, Rttcs. Dru ars, Whistles, Horus, Jewsharps, Harraonicas, Trunks, Carpet Sacks, Satchel?, Work Boxes, Portfolios, Gents' Sairta, Glares, Cravats, Neck ties, Caaes, Saspeniers, Handkerchiefs, Perfan:ery, Soaps, Pocket Books, Checkers a Boar-is, Dominoes, Paints, Table Knives, Pocket Knives, Razors and Strops, Gaa Caps, Puzxles, Dolls, Bsads, Amber Beads, Arnold's best Writing Fluid, ReJ aad Black Ick, Ink Stands, Pen Rack. Miscellaneous a Blank Books, Pass Books, Diaries, Almanacs, Deeds, Summons, Notes, Paper, Envelopes, Tobacco, Cigars Aad many other articles. CALL AND GET BARGAINS! Clocks, Watches, and Jcwtlry re paired in the besl stjle of workras-ashlp, aai warranted. Thankfal for past favors, the subscriber hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of public patroneee. jan24 C T. ROBERTS OOT and SHOE EMPORIUM ! The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has opened out a Boot and Shoe Store ia the rtvoras fomuriy occapied by Davis A- Evaas, on Center street, Ebens burg, wtera he will carry oa the business oa aa extensive scale. READY-MADS BOOTS aid SHOES For talc ai City Frio ! BOOTS aD SHOES naie ia order On short exi netUt! lThe public are invited to give ta a call. I will eell cheap as the cheapest. nd warrant "niy stock and cake to give satisfac tion. fjn31 JOHN O. EVAKS.