; Out or Tjpa rPABTT. An Alabama paper tells the following story of a life Jong Democrat, who was for jearaa flava to .drinfc, but foT the past twenty months has been a strict temperance man. He cas .tilting Jo his office conversing witb Brreral of his friends, when the door opened and Mr. P., a rigid old Democrat, came in. The itsual compliments of the day were passed, .when Mr. D gave Mr. II., the first mentioned, a nudge and winked him out to the baek door. Then, cautiously peering around to see that no one wa9 observing them, ho drew from the deep recesses of his pocket a pint - flafk, which bore the appearance of hav ing already been several times visited, and asked him to take "a drink." No,f replied II., "I don't drink." " You're a " D. would have fin ished the sentence bad. not II. intexrupted him witb, ' 'I pledge you my word that I have not drunk a drop for twenty months." "Is thatso?1 "It is; and I am now a member of the Good Templar lodge.7' For a moment, a look of blank aston ishment came over the countenanco of the tld .Democrat j this gave way to one of anguish, and he ejaculated, "Good God ! and have you left the Democratic party V Mr. H. is still a strong Democrat, but thinks the above too good to be lost. . A Slight Mistake. Not long since, it is recorded that a sinner who has esca ped hanging for lo ! these many years, was -in company with several ladies. The enbject of fortune-telling was introduced, when several of the angels plead guilty to the soft impeachment of having visited Madame This or Madame That with ref erence. to their future destiny. Instances of. correct prophesy in gs were brought forward in great abundance to prove that there was "something in it.'4 The sinner was asked for his opinion on the subject. "Well," he replied, "so far as I am per sonally concerned, I know more about .myself than I want to. I don't think any good comes of these things. I had a .friend who dressed himself in woman's apparel, and called upon a celebrated prophetess. - lie believed she would not discover : the deception in the disguise, and he was right. Yet he heard that which made him exceedingly unhappy." Here the reprobate paused. tWhat did he hear ?" cam in chorus -from the interested listeners. "The prophetess told him that he was to marry soon, and that he teould become the mother of ten children I" Poxtee Count Witnesses. A Ve nango paper gays that not long since a -lawyer friend had occasion to arbitrate a cause on the east fork of the Sinnemaho ning, in " Potter county. The tough swearing of the witnesses on the other side prevailed against him, and he lost his suit. He was condoled with by a na tive, who naid to him : "Why didn't you let me know you was eomin'7 Knox (the other lawyer) came on here a week ago, and had his pick of witnesses!" TO THE LADIES OF EBENSBUItG AND VICINITY Having recently ar rived from the city witb a handsome assort ment of SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, of the latest styles, comprising BONNETS, SILKS and VELVETS, fine FRENCH FLOW ERS, an assortment of RIBBONS, all widths 'and colors, Ladies' plain and fancy DRESS CAPS, Infants', silk and embroidered CAPS, 'together with Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies' end Gent's Fine Linen Hand- 'kerchiefs, &c, we invite 'the ladies of Ebens bnrg and surrounding districts, to call and "examine our stock, in the store-room formerly occupied by E. Hughes, below the Mountain House. r fiy We have a Fashionable Milliner of excellent taste, who will pay particular atten tion to bleaching, pressing and altering H&ts and Bonuets to the latest styles. Mrs. J. DOYLE, wj9-3m Miss M. RUSH. jPy 11UGIIES & CO., DEALERS IN LUMBER, Ebkksbcro, Pa, Want to buy , 100,000 leet good Cherry Lumber. -100,000 feet Chair and Settee Plank. 100,000 feet g-inch Poplar. J0,000 feet wide 1-inch Poplar. 100,000 feet Clear Pine. ;; For1 all which, the highest market price will be paid in cash. Particular attention will be paid to filling arders. . jac.31 TM. It. HUGHES & CO., WILMORE, CAMBRIA CO., PA Dealer t in Ash, Baas, LUMBER. Alto i Cherry, Maple, Poplar, Hemlock Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, jn24 HARDWARE, kc JJOBERT E.JONES, LUMBER DEALER, Ebknsbcrg, Cambria Cocstt, Fa. A 1 . wftTVill bur Cherrv. Poplar. Ash. and Lind Lumber. Hichest prices in cash paid Orders promptly filled. feb7 JAS. II. DAVIS, Dealer in all kindt of . -POPLAR, CHERRY k ASH LUMBER. Yard,' Net. 311 316 N. Broad t., Phil - rsv. Business attended to in Eb'.nsburc by TTm. J. William fn'Tly ARTFORD LIVE STOCK INSU- BANCS COMPANY. CASH CAPITAL .....$600,000. We are now prepared to insure Lire Stock against both Death and Theft in this live and reliable Company.-. Owners , of -Stock bay p. now the opportunity, by lasnring'wltb-tWe Company, of obtaining security and remune ration for the loss of their Animals in case of Death or Theft. OWNERS OF HOrtSES. Manufacturers, Expressmen, Teamsters, Physicians, and in fact all who- are to any extent dependent upon the services of their Horses 'in their daily avocations." should in sure in this Company, end thus derive a protection against the pecuniary damage they would sustain in the loss of their Animals, which are in many cases the sole means of support of their owner. FARM STOCK. Farmers and others owning Cattle should avail themselves of this means of saving the value of th eir Stock, and secure an equiva lent for the loss which would otherwise fall heavily upon them in being deprived of their Cattle, by insuring in this Company the Pioneer Company of America. By insuring in this Company, you exchange AN UNCERTAINTY ron a CERTAINTY! No man can tell whether his Animal may not be stolen or die, through some unforeseen calamity. 8" Competent agents wanted, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid, -Apply to KERR k CO., General Agents, Altoona, Penna. fjgy Col. Wm. K. Piper, Ebensbnrg, Local Agent for above Company. ap4-Iy BKADLBY. W. VANEIKK. JMO. 8. B&ADLEY. JgRADLEY STOVE WORKS, Manufacture every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES, Among which are the celebrated National, Talisman. Tropic and Eureka Coal Cook Stoves. Also, Veteran, Ponoma and Ironsides Wood Cook Stoves. GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, Ac. Kg. Agents for Lotze's Celebrated Hotel and Family Ranges. Office, corner of Second and Wood streets, ittabnrg, Pa. fe28.9m VLOCB. -PRODOCB. T. C. JENKINS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wholesale Dealer and Receiver of LOUR, PROVISIONS, all kinds of PRO DUCE, and REFINED OILS. Cheapest Flour House in Pittsburg. All choice reliable standard Family Brands constantly on hand. Quality of Flour guaranteed. Reduction to dealers. Custom ers furnished with Price Current weekly. Checkered Front, 273 Liberty St., - feb21.1yj Pittsbcbg, Pa. E. C. EBY & CO , WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants. No. 522 Market st., between Fifth and Sixth, " ' Philadelphia. We have constantly on hand "a general as- cortment'of all kinds of fish, in - large and em ill packages, which we will sell low for Cash or short credit. Also, Duncannon Nails and Spikes of aU sizes, -constantly on hand and for sale at Manufacturer's prices. jan24 BARNES, OSTERHOUT, HERRON k Co Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, Ani FURS, No. 603 Market St. above Fifth St., ap25 . PniLADXLrniA. JgENSON, CAMPBELL & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 607 Market St., Philadelphia. -JCgy Refer by permission to A. A. Barker, Ebensbnrg. ap25 WHOLESALE 3 Wit. If. COOK. GKO. D. COOK. COOK BROTHERS & CO., Wholesale dealers in PROVISIONS, FLOUR, SALT, CHEESE, CARBON OIL, SOAPS, CANDLES, Ac. 345 Liberty St., near Union Depot, feb21 ' Pittsbcro, Pa. JAS. W. RinOLB, 3. rCTHET SMITH, JKO. C. 8HKBB0RKB, W. CALVIN MOORJt. I IDDLE, SHERBORNE & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 438 Market St., below 5th, and 433 Merchant street. jan24 PHILADELPHIA. JACOB K. SMITH. J. R. SKLTZEB. SJ1 M1TII & SELTZER, Importer and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, Ac..,, 409 N. Third St., above Callowhill. No. mar7 Philadelphia. W. V. LIPPIXCOTT. GEO. M. BOND. JAS. MITCH EL. LIPPINCOTT, BOND & CO., Manufacturers a Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, and STRAW GOODS, jan24 No. 413 Market St., Philada. T7RY & KURTZ, JL Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, & FANCY GOODS, jan24 .325 Arch St., Philadelphia. LATEST ARRIVAL ! The subscriber has junt received, at his store, on High street, Ebensburg, a large and salable stock of Flour, Bacon, Sugars, Molasses, Tea, Coffee, Table Salt, Barrel Salt, Spices, Cheese, Tobacco, Cigars, and everything In the ' -Groeery, Notion and Confectionery line. Also, Boots and Shoes, Carbon and Lubri cating Oils, ic, 4c. All which will be sold very cheap for rash. jan24j u. u. uwens. SAMUEL SINGLETON, Notary Pub 1 Office on nah street, wtvt of Foster's Ho- 1 tel. fjn2l H .RHEUMATIC COM- FOUND! No medicine for the cure of Rheumatism has ever attained to such a high degree of favor and universality as JOHNSON'S RnEUMATIO COMPOUND. Although but one year before the public, this medicine has justly gained an unbounded popularity. When the originator first intro duced it, he was convinced of its efficacy, but he little supposed it was destined to prove such an inestimable blessing to the afflicted. But "true merit' cannot be suppressed. The attestation of hundreds wbo have been cured by its use, must prove the truth of the assertion,' -.' i '.' THAT IT IS A RADICAL CURATIVE" FOR INFLAMMATORY AND ACUTE RHEUMA TISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, AND KINDRED DISEASES. We recommend it with confidence as THE GREAT INTERNAL REMEDY, For the Speedy and Positive Care of the above Complaints. Mzssbs. R. E. Sellers & Co: This is to certify that for the last sixteen years I have been severely afflicted with rheumatism, of ten confined to my house, and even unable to walk. Being in the Postoffice, about two months ago, Mr. Clark observed my crippled condition, and urged me to try a bottle of Johnson's Rheumatic Compound." I fol lowed his advice and now, by the blessing ot God, and the use of half a bottle of your "Compound," I am free from all symptoms of rheumatism, and can walk without the aid of my staff, as well as ever. james Mcdowell, Tarentum, October 25, 1865. R. E. SELLERS k CO., Sole Proprietors. PITTSBURG, Pa. t&m Sold Everywhere. FOR SALB BT A. A. BARKER Ebensbnrg, Pa. "YORMSI WORMS ! I SELLERS' VERMIFUGE. This Worm Medicine HAS NO SUPERIOR, IP AN EQUAL, In this or any other Country. Every year thousands of children die from this horrible evil. This alarming mortality loudly calls for increased watchfulness, and greater care in the selection of the remedy. LET PHYSICIANS SPEAK t Sbllbbs VxBMirroE thbBkst is Usb Hkrb is thb Proof. Licking Station, Ky., Dec. 14, 1845. Mb. R. E. Skllsbs: Your Vermifuge pos sesses more virtue than any I ever UEed. I will state a case where I gave one vial. My brother's child was pining and wasting to a mere skeleton. In thirty-six hours after I gave the Vermifuge, the enormous quantity of upward of six hundred worms were passed. The child that was given up for lost, is now as well as any iu he neighborhood. AMBROSE ARNETT, M. D. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Sole Proprietors, Pittsburg, Pa. tor. sale by BARKER- Ebensburg, Pa. A. A. JINDSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER ASD MEDICAL DISCOVERY. The most Popular Remedy ever offered to the Public. FOR SKIN DISEASES, HUMORS, PIM- PLES," "ERUPTIONS, BOILS, OLD AND STUBBORN ULCERS, SCROFULA, MERCURIAL DISEASES, &c, IT IS UNEXCELLED. The old and young, rich and poor, people of all classes epak in unqualified terms ot its great efficacy. We make no claim to having discovered a "Panacea," or "Unirer sal Remedy" for all the ailments to which flesh is heir, but we do claim what countless facts have fairly and fully established, that in the BLOOD SEARCHER the afflicted will find a "STANDARD MEDICINE," one upon which they can rely as a sure specific for all the diseases for which it is recommended. IT IS -WORTH A TRIAL. " K. JS. SELLERS k CO., PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR SALB BY A. A. BARKER....... ......Ebensburg, Pa. F OR A FAMILY MEDICINE, 8ELLERS' LIVER PILL3 ARE INVALUABLE. Have you Depression of Spirits and Loss of Appetite ? Are you Nervous and Irritable ? Are you of a Costive Habit? Have you Pain in the Side and Headache nave you Sallow Complexion? If so, rest assured there is some derange ment of -the Liver' -which ' calls ; for immediate attention. Performing, as it does, such im portant functions in the body, it is highly necessary that it should be preserved in state of perfect health and activity. To insure a epeedy, active and immediate relief, make use of SELLERS' CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS Which have stood for thirty years unrivalled for the cure of - - LIVER COMPLAINT, COSTIVENESS SICK HEADACHE, AND ALL -BILIARY DISORDERS. We commend them to the public. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Sole Proprietors, - , PITTSBURG PA.. -JOB, SALE BT A. A. BARKER. Ebensbnrg, Pa JOHNSON'S .Spring Trade. Jgg am now prepared 9 offer: .: J .- SUPERIOR -INDUCEMENTS ; ;Tb Cash Purchasers of :' TIN AND SHEET IRON WASEf :'" either at WHOLESALE 9s RETAIL My stock consists in part pf every variety of TIN. SHEET IRON, COPPER AND BRASS , - . , - WARES,. ENAMELED AND PLAIN SAUCE PANS, BOILERS, &c. COAL SHOVELS, MINE LAMPS, OIL CANS, HOUSEFURNISniNG HARDWARE ; OF EVERY, KIND. Spear's Anti-Dust HEATING AND COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES, NOBLE, TRIUMPH ad PARLOR STOVES ! And any Cooking Stove desired I will get when ordered at manufacturers' retail prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, Ac, for re pairs, on hand for the Stoves I sell : others will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to SPOUTING ! VALLEYS AND CONDUCTORS I All of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. ,AMP BURNERS, WICK AND CHIMNEYS, Wholesale or Retail. 1 would call particular attention to the Light House Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving more lignt tnan any other in nse. Also, the Paragon Burner, for Crude Oil. SPENCER'S SIFTER I It recommends itself. SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS I of all sixes, Constantly on hand. Special attention given to JOBBING! In Tin, Copper, or Sheet Iron, at lowest pos sible rates. WHOLESALE MERCHANTS' LIST Now ready and will be sent on application by mail or m person. Hoping to 6ce all my old customers and many new ones this Spring, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pat ronage I have already received, and will en deavor to please all who may call, whether they buy or not. FRANCIS W. IlAY. Johnstown, Jan. 24, 1867.9m A CARD TO THE LADIES ! DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS TOR FEMALES. In correcting Irregularities, removing Ob structions of the Monthly Turns, from what ever cause, and always successful as a Pre ventive. It is now over thirtv years since the above celebrated Pills were discovered by Dr. Du ponco, of Paris, during which time they have been extensively and successfully used in most of the public institutions as well as in private practice of both hemispheres, with unparalleled success in every case, and it is on ly at the "urgent request" of the thousands of ladies who have used them that I e is in duced to make. the Pills public for the alle viation of those suffering from any irregular ities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it. Females peculiarly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned against using these Pills. while in that con dition, as the proprietor assumes no respon sibility after the above admonition, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health otb erwise the Pills are recommended. ONE BOX IS SUFFICIENT. Full and explicit directions accompany each box, which must be strictly followed, and all diseases peculiar to females may be speedily cured. Trice 5l per box ; six boxes, fro. sold ty one druggist in every town, village, city and hamlet throughout the world. Sold in Ebensburg, Pa., by : R. J. LLOYD, Druggist. Ladies, by sending him $1 to the Ebens burg P. O., can have the Pills sent (confiden tially) by mail to any part of the country, tree of postage. . ESS" Sold also by Roush k Taylor, Altoona : Johnson, Holloway k Cowden, Phila ; Demas Barnes & Co., New xork; S. V. Howe, bole Proprietor, New York. aprll-ly SCOTT HOUSE, Main st., JOHNSTOWN, PA. A. Row k Co., Proprietors. . This commodious house has been com pletely refitted and elegantly furnished, and is now ooen for the reception of guests. It offers superior accommodations to every otb er house in town. The proprietors by long exDcrience in hotel keepintr feel confident that they can please a discriminating public. Their table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and the bar with the choicest liquors and wines. By constant and careful attention, tbej- expect to merit and receive a share of public patronage. jjan24 GRANT nOUSE, " Hemlock, Cambria Co., Pa. JOHN WILKIN, Proprietor. This bouse has been refitted, and offers superior accommodations to any other house in town. The proprietor, after long experi ence in ihe business, feels confident he under stands the wants of the public. His table will be supplied with all the delicacies of the season, and -his bar with the choicest wines and liquors. By constant attention, he ex pects to merit a liberal share of public patron age. . ' " iny 16 MOUNTAIN HOUSE, : EBENSBURG, PA. R. P.7 Linton k Co., Proprietors. The Tablk Is always supplied with the choicest delicacies - '.The Bar is i supplied with choice liquors K and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Boarders taken by tie week month or year.' 1 '' ' ' '" .' ' fjan24 ARCADE HOTEL, -- t -. , v V lEBEKSURO PA. -: , 'HEJiav-FoaTKf,, Proprietor. The first class" position among first class Hoteu-win Dei maintained in tne luture, as in the past, by the Arcade. : feb21 s HIELDS HOUSE, LORETTO, CAMBRIA CO., PA., Thomas Oallan. Proprietor. Accommodations unsurpassed by any other Hotel on the Mountain, - rjajl24 Handbills of all kinds printed at this gPBING; ,G.Q0S jppK ,tjbS7 ! ! IN GREAT VARIETY, . .; AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ! Just received at the Store of WOOD, rtORREIJL A. CO., JOHNSTOWN, PA. DRESS GOODS, MERINOS, PLAIDS, POPLINS, ALPACAS, DELAINES, PHINTS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKINGS, Every style in the market: HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND KNIT GOODS, HATS a CAPS, 300TS a SHOES. A large assortment of WHITE GOODS, - embracing new styles of . NAINSOOKS, SWISS MUSLINS, MULLS, TARLETONS, WHITE CRINOLINES, BRILLIANT A CORDED SKIRTING. A full stock of handsome and first quality EMBROIDERIES, consisting in part of JACONET AND SWISS EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS, DIMITY BANDS, COLLARS, SETTS, BOBBIN a THREAD EDGINGS a LACES. HOOPED SKIRTS, Cheaper than ever I The celebrated DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, the best in use, Bold at the very lowest market rates. New HOUSEKEEPING GOODS! DAMASKS, TABLE COVERS, CRASH, BROWN DAMASK T 1BLE LINENS, FRINGED HACK, DIAPER AND DAMASK TOWELS, HONEY COMB QUILTS, MARSEILLES QUILTS. ALLENDALE QUILTS, SWISS CURTAINS, PILLOW CASE LINENS, PILLOW CASE MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, CARPETS, RUGS, HASSOCKS, FLOOR CLOTHS, kc , kc, Of all sites, widths, and prices. In addition to the above, stock of we have a full READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS SHOES, HATS $ CAPS, NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, &c. FAMILY GROCERIES! We have constantly on hand a complete stock of Family Groceries, comprising Su perfine, Extra and Family FLOUR, Buckwheat and Rye Flour, Corn and Oat Meal, Hominy, Hulled Barley, Bacon, Sugar-cured Hams, Dried Beef. Salt by the barrel, and Sack Salt for Table use ; Closhen and Western Keserv Cheese; Crackers of all kinds. RICE 1 Complete assortment of French Spices. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Cigars of every brand and description. Sperm, Adamantine & Mould Candles Soaps, Castile, Rosic, and all other kinds. Rio and Java Coffees. Black, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas. Hard, Soft, Pulverized and Brown Sugars. Syrups and Molasses of all kinds. Dried Apples and Peaches. Currants, Prunes, Raisins, and Figs. Oranges and Lemons in season. Mackerel, Herring, Salmon, and Cod Ish. Lard, Whale and Linseed Oils. Coal Oil and Turpentine. Paints ot every -description. Varnishes. Paint, Whitewash, Scrub, and Horse Brushes. DR UGS AND PA TENT MEDICINES. A good assortment of HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, &c. We have just imported- from Liverpool, England, TWENTY-TWO CRATES of QUEENS WARE, Which will be sold vey low. MALT AND nOPS always on hand. PEED, VEGETABLES, &C. - We keep constantly on band Corn, Oats, Apples, Potatoes, Middlings, Rye Chop, Cabbages, Turnips, Shorts, Bran, Beets, Onions, Corn Chop, Sweet Potatoes, Turkeys, "Chickens, Geese and Ducks. Ship Stuflf, Butter, Egga, Lard, All kinds of IRON AND NAILS. MEAT MARKET. The undersigned also desire to call atten tion to the fact that a regnlar Meat Market has been established in the basement of the New Building. Arrangements have been made for procuring the very best of stock with which to furnish this market, an abundant supply of which will always be kept on band to meet the wants of the public. Jggy Market Days. Until further notice, the Market will open punctually at 6 o clock. a. m., of every day tn the week, (except Bun- day,) under the immediate charge of Mr. E. Young. Pork, Beef, Veal, Mutton, Sausage, Puddings, &c, always on sale. enison season. TAILOR SHOP. In connection with our Dry Goods Depart ment, we 6till continue, in the second story of the New Building, the Merchant Tailoring business, under the cnarge ot the most compliehed Cutters in tho country. SHOE SHOP. On 'the first floor of the New T?tMln Boot and Sboemaking business is in nanis of competent workmen, jn,- "THEULLEGHftHUN- "7"ILL be pnblished every ThuridAyilt . the following rates, viz: Per annum, payable in advance . If not paid till after three months-.? , 93 A failure to notify a discontinuance t expiration of. the term scbscribed for considered a new engagement. KATES OV ADVERTISING. Transient advertising, per sq., one ins Each subsequent insertion ; f Auditor's Notices, each " Administrators' and Executors' Notices , 1.5ft 3 not. 1 square, 12 lines...... $2.50 2 squares, 24 lines.... 5.00 3 squares, 36 lines.... 7.00 Quarter column 8 .SO Third column 10.00 Half column.... 12.00 Column ...;...w 20.00 Professional or Business 6 mos. $4.00 8.00 10.00 22.00 15.00 20.00 I J ot 12.05 2O.0J 30.CJ 30.03 50.C) exceeding 8 lines, with paper....'...., g c Twelve lines Brevier coastituto a BqUare j JST Advertisements not marked xvitb ti number of insertions desired, will beCcfi a ued till forbidden, and charged accerl the above terms. 1- All transient advertising to b for in advance. JOB WORK. All kinds of Job Work will be doas o: reasonable terms. A CARD. wL-k. Witmer'h Bmrn LH Lancaster Tp. Julv 30. 'lftr.n Messes. Evaksaxd Watsos: Gextlesuj-. The small size No. 1 Salamander safe hick I purchased from your agent, Mr. Adam K, Barr, in Lancaster City, on July 20th i has been subjected to a very severe t. which it withstood in a most satisf,. manner. This Safe, containiug all my book together with valuable papers belonging tj myself and some to my neignbors and iriecdi and representing a value of over Twenty xW sand Dollars, ($20,000) was in my Mill which was destroyed on the night of the 27t& cfJa. ly, I860, and passed through the erj crdetj unscathed. The Safe was on the second p. and fell to the basement of the Mill, aui.j subjected for si2 hours to an intense fce&i among the ruLis, which was greatly increased by the combustion of a large quantity of grai? confined within the brick walls. After ti, fire the safe was opened and the books e;j papers taken ont in a state of perfect preser vation, the paper not even being discolored. This fact was, however, to many bysta;;,-; a better recommendation of your Sa'esis: could be expressed in any other wordife me. Yours Respectfullr, jan24 SAMUEL IJANCL JOJU A large assortment of the above az& ity of Fire and Thief Proof Safes alwava c: hand and for sale at as low rates as envoth'! firm, at EVANS & WATSON ?, No. 1G South Fourth St., PhiladelpLi RICES REDUCED ! JOHNSTOWN .MARBLE TVORia The subscriber has just received a lnr: and handsome invoice of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLl comprising the largest and finest stock of th kind ever brought to Johnstown, at his n tablishment, on Franklin Steeet, where be i prepared, with an adequate force of experi enced and skillful workmen, ta fxecutji, kinds of MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, MANTELS, TABLE TOPS, BUREAU TOPS, Ac, kc, as cheap as they can be purchased in any o the cities. A large stock of GRINDSTONES on tat: and for sale low. Articles of my manufacture can be pnrcba sed at the Hardware Store of iir. Geo:;; Huntley, in Ebensburg. S2? Prompt attention paid to orders fror a distance, and work delivered where c: red. jan24 JOHN PAEKE. T ORETTO MARBLE WORKS:- 1 1 The undersigned begs leave to infr." the citizens of Cambria and adjoining fw ties that ho has just received a stock el- finest Italian and other Marbles at his f:' lishment, in Loretto, Cambria county, I'a- Monuments, Tombs, Grave Stones, Table Bureau tops, manufactured of the most be tiful and finest quality of Foreign and Dene1 tic marble, always on hand and mnde to rJ as cheap as they can be purchased iu the, c'W in a neat and workmanlike manner, &&d the shortest notice. The public are respectfully invited to?; me a call before purchasing elsewhere, ai am confident that my work and prices : satisfy any person desiring anything ia l line of business. Now is the time to get a cheap job! JAMES WILKINSON Loretto, January 24, 1867tf PATROXIZE YOUR. OWX! The lrotection Mutual Fire Insurance t OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. LOCATED AT EBENS BUKf,, N fTlHE above named Company, crges: 1 April 6th, 1857, will effect insurances property at safe rates, lieing parties; careful in the risks taken, this Compacfj sents a reliable aud cheap medium, thro: which persons may secure themselves ag probable losses by fire. Ofhce on Centre Street, nearly ofJ the "Mountain House." JOHN WILLIAMS, P"st D. J. Josrs, Sec'y. k Treas. Agents : EVAN ROBERTS, Johnston JAMES PURSE, JNO. E. ROBERTS, EbensbuT. Ebensburg, Jan. 24, 1867. TBENSBURG FOUNDRY.- M The subscriber announces to tlf P; J that he has re-purchased the Foundrj, and is prepared to fur?! 4 y w a iii c tAm Aia an.l all At h PTf? . A U A Ul V A. VUOfcVIUVlO UUU J v - - description of CASTINGS usually lurcu hi a vjuuuii v li.-ioui. ,: i 1 1 Ynit GU-"- always K.eep un uauu m taV1"'5.1 COOKING STOVES.rAttLUito - FICE STOVES. &c. : i'LUa v. approved paueius, ;.' ING MAUiUr., ana an nected with the business oi a 1 V in . k tj invito the natronacc i-n'p and will sell at tne mosi rea&ou cash or country produce. f L Jan. 24, !867. EDWAKP IV. S. HAVES. tVt; lLAIN and FANCY J Oli 1 6TAT10SEB, ? . . ac - Blank Book Manufacturer, " i . and dealer in every American and Foreign la ; ' p. Corner of Wood and Third stree-. BURG, Pa. Th. ftST Agent for L. Johnson Founders k Electrotype, rhila the January 24, l1.