Spot I LI7 M )ni Pi 'airj , t H ic 8, .not f . J epic eh. Co! beaf KM Cfli Ti ts, 19, an rusb Srus Be" cm 9Vf-s a run' ;kS. I fir up) It rek( ygXJRSDAY::: :::::::::::::::::::::::JUNE 27. EBlNSBUBa AND CBESSON RAILROAD. and after Monday, Apl. 29, 1867, trains tfcig road will run as follows : -vB Ebensburg i t 6 05 A. X., connecting with Day Exp. A East and Phil. Exp, West, it 1 15 P. Mi connecting with Phil a. Exp. East and Mail Train West. I ViVX Cbesson it 9 2 A. or on departure of Phil. Ex?39 West. fll(iY. M., or oa departure of Phila. ' Exp ess East. . jftjroaANDA. A boy thirteen year y named Foster, was killed in Johns- toffo oa Tuesday evening of last week by king ran over by a train of cara....Mr. Wo. Miller, of Antis township, Blair county, recently shot a gray eagle near the village of Fostoria, which measured jeren feet from tip to tip... .The Council of Johnstown boro., at a meeting held on Tuesity evening of last wsek, defeated a teeolution proposing to pay tho Burgess i salary of $400 per year. The Burgess thereupon tendered his resignation, which sis accepted. ...The Commissioners of "Blair county have purchased two lots of TOuudin Ilollidaysburg, for 1,800, upon wVichtkey purpose erecting a new jail... fhestorQ of Messrs. Kinports & Harter, in Cherrvtree boro., was robbed of fifty dollars in money and several suitsof clo thing a few nights since.. ..Cyrus Elder's Tolume of poems, entitled "My Gift," has dido its appearance... .A valuable horse tii stolen from the pasture-field of Mr. Daniel Strayer, in Conemaugh township, en Saturday week... A house ia Altoona was sruck by lightning during a late thunder-storm. Three inmates of tho louse were severely shocked by the elec tric fluid... .The Sabbath Schools of Eb- wiwxg will celebrate f he glorious Fourth ljc-nic in Lloyd's Grove.. ..A paper mill isWog erected near M'Veytown, MIStin conn ty.... Isaac Yingling is an in- depeodent candidate for Commissioner in Blair count j. ...A post-office has been established at Beonington Furnace, Blair county.. ..The Huntingdon Globe says that Cambria county "badly needs a moral power for temperance." That's clear !... A one-armed man, who said he .hailed 'Tom Carrolltown, Cambria county, was suspected by the people of Indiana town of having stolen a valuable browa horse whhh he rode. He was pursued, but escaped capture by abandoning the horse and taking to the woods.... Adjutant Jas. C.oon, who was killed at the battle of tedeiicksburg, has been breveted a Cap- fijjnd a Major by the War Department, for meritorious services in the field. This Is a fitting tribute to the memory of a gallant soldier and most worthy man. Adjutant Noon was an Ebensburgher.... Butter is down to 15 cents in our market, and plenty at that.. ..We understand our boro. authorities have it in contemplation to pass an ordinance prohibiting cows and hogi from running at large on our streets. ...Dr. Belford, the dentist, is in town.... A simple aod effective preventive of sun V ttttiVft ! fluid in riA A wot. linnet-Af aKiaT i ui ecu iciica nuiu iu iuu ual. 1 This maj be worth knowing these hot "''Altoona has a steam fire engine... Uon. L. W. Hall is going to be re-nom- "ated for Senator in the Blair district.... A man named Smith, John Smith proba cy, has been committed to the Indiana nunty jail, charged with attempting to ttmait a rape on a young lady in Strongs wn....The Johnstown papers are fight sg about something connected with the ro. administration; the Ilollidaysburg pers are fighting about politics; the Iwintiogdon papers are fighting about the i - tv. - . rrv. - t.i i ruwce. x xiiuensDurg papers appear 15 he the only amiable and amicablo ones 10 this section. Reckless Daring or a House Thief. 0u last Wednesday week, the police af Johnstown arrested near that place a foung man, riding a fine horse, on suspi- "u At he waa a horse thief. Notice Yf gIfeD of the attest, and on Monday Iast week constable from Washington ewnty arrired in Johnstown, and recog- tu iae hor as one trln fmm fo oer IftlDz near rnnnn,i tt. e Joang man into custrw a F him for Washington county. At T . ' n ine i eQylvania road, the prisoner attempted to make escape by iumDino- thrnn t, -1.:," ' n" Uaf the train was in motior.. twnhstanding be was heavilv irnn He traia Was checked, and the prisoner VM" recaptured. r . " I ahble WonKs.Mr. John Parke, Johnstown b justly celebrated for the ,-ue style and finish charactering ; monuments, tombstones, &0 turned i hill TTiarKlo i iaDusnment. It is ttl?V?t0.,!,llhfch work, cannot -uea m either th Cities. e eastern or west. THOMPSON REYNOLDS. Married, - on Tuesday afternoon, June 18th, 1867, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Joseph Painter, Mr. J. Pattoh Thoscpsox, of Philadelphia, to Miss Ellis Thompson, daughter of. Alexander Reynolds, Esq., of Kittanning, Pa. No cards. . Joe, you've gone and done it -haven't you X We must confess that we thought you "unsusceptible," as they say out in the world, Joe not by any means an "old bachelor," you know, but superbly and unmitigatedly indifferent to all the blandishments of tho universal woman creation, just. We had good reason, we imagined, for adjudging you thus, Joe, for we knew you to have undergone seiges interminable and bombardments innume rable from enemies whose seige-trains were winning words and sweet smiles and whose batteries were beautiful, brilliant eyes, enemies whose enmity was love,- we knew you to have undergone all this, we say, and further knew you on every occasion of the kind to emerge from the lists heart-whole. And thus it was and thus it came about that we set you down as ticketed on the through train for the land of cold mutton-chops and button less shirts. But we were wrong. We did not perceive even the shadow of this thing to be that away up along the old Indian War Fath there dwelt a fair maid en before whose radiant charms and graces you should strike your flag of a single star. We were wrong we acknowledge it; and we hereby take back our former harsh judgment of you, Joe, and substi tute in its stead the assurance that we always knew you for one of warm heart and generous, gentle blood. And we now see, and blush that we failed to see it be fore, that you have only been waiting for her who, above all others, could fill the measuro of the one and stir the current of the other to its deepest depths. Voila I It is June now : may many recurring scores of the month of roses smile on you and your happiness, and for that matter, may tho entire twelvemonth wear to you the color of the rose ! Taxes. The Collector of Internal Revenue for this district gives notice that he will collect the tax on income, the tax on articles in schedule A, and the special tax on business, at the following times and places, to wit : At Ilollidaysburg, on Monday and Tuesday, July 1st and 2d. At Altoona, on Wednesday, July 3d. At Tyrone, on Thursday, July 4th. At Ebensburg, on Monday, July 8th. At Carrolltown, on Tuesday, July Oth. At the office of the Collector, io Johns town, at any time prior to Jane 10th! " Base Ball. The Kickenapawlings and Irons, both Johnstown clubs, played a match game in that place on Wednes day of last week. Score, 37 to 41 in favor of the Irons... .A match game will be played in Johnstown on the 5th July, between the Westmoreland club of Greens burg and the Independents of Johnstown. ...A match game will be played in the same place on the Gth July, between the Iron and Independents.. ..The Summit club has been fully organized, and is now practising. Fatal Accident. On Wednesday morning of last week, a man named Ste phen Fleming, of Ilollidaysburg, was killed at Gallitzen. He was engaged uncoupling cars, whea he fell upon the track, and seven cars passed over his legs, just below the knees, mangling him so terribly that ho died in a few hours This is said to be the fifth fatal accident of the kind which has occurred at that point during the present year. Os Dit. It is said to be a fact that Mr. George Huntley, of the Ebensburg Hardware and House Furnishing Store, sells articles in his lino 15 to 20 percent, cheaper than anybody else in town. For a description of hia stock, see a catalogue elsewhere in this paper. To ascertain the truth of the story about the low pri ces, give Mr. II. a call. He is always at home, with the latch-stiing hanging out. A Wrecked Family. The family of Daniel Buser, who was hanged in this place a year ago, is a complete wreck. Mrs. Buser is a maniac at Dixmont. A son is an inmate of the County Poor House, and is also subject to fits of insan ity. The Pittsburg papers announce that last week this son, in a fit of insanity, es caped from the Poor House, but was afterwards captured and sent back. Died. In Pittsburg, on Friday, 21st instant, Mr. James Roberts, son of Rev. Richard Roberts, dee'd., of Cambria tp., aged about 30 years. The remains were brought here on Saturday, and interred on Sunday, In Ebensburg, on Friday, 21st inst., Harriet, wife of Mr. Rowland J. Hum phrey, aged about 24 years. Thanks,' to Mr. Aleck Y. Jones, for an, acceptable prosent. A The Political Sitution.- Dear At leg. : The Dem. delegate elections will be held next Saturday. On that day, the fight which has been raging . so fiercely for weeks between the political vultures and hangers-on will approach, a head, and on the following Monday will be definite ly concluded. A large number will be killed and wounded in the encounter, and the missing will be beyond compute, but it is confidently expected that immediately following the nominations the aspirants and perspirants, lucky and unlucky, will strike hands and enter into a new alliance offensive and defensive. The prospect of spoils . in the future will be the agent evoked to crystalizo tho heterogeneous mass. Concerning the tioket to be formed on Monday my own private opinion contin ues to be that Col. Linton will head the list for Assembly, John A. Blair follow for Sheriff, Gen. M'Donald ring in for Treasurer, and P. M'Gough, Esq., Frank Bearer, or some other man, bring up the rear for Commissioner. If the Convention retains a recollection, though the faintest, of Delegate M'Coi gan's speech before the Convention last year, they will, or should, have no hesita tion. in nominating 'Squire M'Gough for Commissioner. If this is not done, there will be a danger that Washington town ship, the wheel-horse of Democracy, will kick up in the traces and refuse to pull any direction but backward. But we shall see what we shall see. So wheres the use speculating ? In conclu sion, I beg to insist that the Convention shall make it their business to see that Eb ensburg gets three-fourths of the candi dates. Failing iuthis, they will be remiss in their duty. Allow me to ask, for what do we Democrats live here, at the county-seat, year in and, year out, if not for the offices? We demand at least the proportion named. Observer. "Woman's Work in the Civil War." Thi3 is the title of a handsomely executed book, giving an account of the works of char ity performed by the women of America du ring the trying scenes of the great rebellion. It is ably written, and will give the reader an idea of the trials and labors of that noble band of women who exerted themselves in prisons and hospitals for the relief of our sick and wounded soldiers. It also shows that these women exercised in caring for and comforting the distressed soldiers of the common enemy, that spirit of charity and abnegation of prejudice which is the greatest charm of women. Published by Zeigler, M' Curdy & Co., 501 Chestnut st.,PbiU. Price, cloth, $3.75 ; leather, $4.50 ; half calf, $9.00, For Bale at all bookstores. - Interesting to Ladies. Ladies wish ing to purchase fashionable hats or caps should not fail to call at J.-M. Thompson's and examine the large supply, made of every material, which he keeps constantly on hand. He receives all the latest styles direct from tho cities. Panic Prices. Housekeepers in need of any kind of groceries, will to be immensely to their advantage to make pur chase thereof at V. S. Barker's cheap cash store. He keeps none but the best qualities and his prices are very low. - Latest Styles. All the latest styles of clocks, watches, and jewelry are kept at C. T. Roberts jewelry store, Ebensburg. Persons in need of anything in his line should call and examine his latest arrival. He is selling at a reduction on former prices. No more tempting offering can be made to the admirers of fashionable and substan tial dry goods, than is now being made at A. A. Barker's variety store. His counters fairly groan under the heavy load they are called upon to bear. All those elegant styles of ready-made clothing, so much worn at the present time, can be had at Mills & Davis' store, Ebensburg. They are always prepared to furnish oil kinds of clothing at reasonable rate. Give them a call. - ' ' . J35Ptcii! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch ! Scratch! Wheaton't Ointment Kill cure the Iteh in 4.8 llourt. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and ail Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cent". For sale by all Druggists. By sending CO cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 1?0 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United State.'. January 24, 1867-6m FIRST PREMIUM J Or a Silver BXedal WAS AWAJIDKD TO BARRETTS HAIR RESTORATIVE tJ By the N. II. State Agricultural Society, it ua vr, noiuen in nuntu, eepu jw, jsou. BARRETT'S Vegetable Hair Restorative Beatore Grey Hair to ita Natural Color 4roou io inair original organic action i eradi jkcatea Dandruff and Humor i preventa xnoce we growta or tne max t eiuuigec th m . ltal An tKsir vr4n4nnl aMMa . ntui tailing- out I i a aupenor .vreaung, buu ia uifl mw popular ana reu- jl. a. ww Bnieie inrougnout mo fajr xat. went, norm, ana oouin. Ca4 J. B. BARRETT & CO., Proprietor; MANCHESTER, N. H. Sold by Druggists Generally. REES J. LLOYD, Ebexsbcbg, Pa. May 30, 1867, ROPE FOR PATENT HAY FORKS Can be had low. for cash, at GEO. HUNTLEY'S. " aw goods r new goods m In? 23 o t& pdo GREAT ATTRACTIONS just opjsmNa AT Y. S. BARKER'S CHEAP CASH STORE 1 aaaaava( Pa. TSerr Dren Coodi, Greatly reduced. Balmoral Skirts. At $i.60, -worth $3.00. Merrimack Prints. At 20 cents. Heavy Bro. Muslins, At 20 cents. Bleached Muslins, At 20 & 25 cents. French Merlnoes, Very cheap. Wool Delaines, At low prices. Pacific Delaines, At 25 cents. Casslmers, At reduced prices. Clothlngr, At $20 per suit. Fur St Straw Bats, Very low. Wall Papers, In great variety. Carpets, - At cost. At THE CHEAP CASH STORE. IIGHLSr PRICES FAID FOR WOOL, BUTTER, EGGS. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY TROD UCE. OOHST'O! s V & Q 9 a i-t) V GO 0 W - o GO GO w o GO S .fcH 1 P - ft t J - a i W GO M GO o 0 Q S 9 O a o 0 11 n ra o GO t. O o H O H W O o H U 0 V e e 0 Q $) P Q 0 GO o I2J o O O GO a GO GO o o GO GO GO fed fed Q fed GO H B ? 0 a 4 0 Q 0 P o 0 s H 0 m 0 JO i S3 U & 1 0 0 a CO O fcrj 1 a O 2 GO fed GO GO fed fed o M fed GO H GO O o 12! W o GO o W o 3? U1CK SALES, SMALL PROFITS l' BARKER'S BARKER'S BARKER'S 1 BARKER'S I BARKER'S I BARKER'S I EBENSBURQ. NEW GOODS t NEW GOODS NEW GOODS t CHEAP GOODS I CHEAP GOODS t CHEAP GOODS I KEW AND CHEAP ! NEW AND CHEAP I NEW AND CHEAP I GO AND SEB GO AND SEB GO AND SEE! The subscriber would respectfully an. -nounce to the citizens of Ebensburg and Ticinity that he has just received, at his era porinm, on High street, the largest acd mot complete assortment ox Winter Goods! ever brought to this town, all of whlefc he pledges himself to sell cheap for eath. DRESS GOODS, WOOLEN GOODS, DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HOOP SKIRTS, HOSIERY, BALMORALS, GLOVES, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, 4c. The largest, best and cheapest assortment mi READY-MADE CLOTHING t to be found within the limits of Cambria An excellent assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, OVER-SHOES, STATIONERY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES FISH, SALT, TRUNKS, NOTIONS, QUEENSWARE, CARPET-SACK?, &c, &o., &. A large stock of Flour, Bacon, Cheete, Syrup, Molatttt, Her ring, Mackerel, and Cod Fish, Iron and Nailt, Cedar and Willow Ware, Oiltt Urugt and Medicines, tc, $c. In fact, he keeps anything and everything usually kept in a No. 1 Country Store alt which will be disposed of at prices to suit the times. Buying twice as large a stock as any other merchant in town, he buys cheaper, aad can therefore sell cheaper, than any competitor. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS f CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS I The public is invited to call before purcha sing elsewhere. No charge for showing goods, buy or not buy. Customers waited on by polite and atten tive Salesmen. Cherry, Poplar, Spruce, Pine, aad other Lumber, Butter, Egjrs, and Country Produce generally, taken in exchange for Goods. jan24 A. A. BARKER. . QLOCK AND WATCHMAKER I EBENSBURG, PA. C. T. Roberts has constantly in his store a well selected and varied assortment of art. cles, which he offers cheap for cash ; vix: A Silver American WATCH for $30.00. CLOCKS of every style and finish, at reduced prices. JEWELRY of the very best material, war ranted. Anchor and Lepine WATCHES, one-third cheaper than in 1666. Gold Finger RINGS, one-third cheaper than last year. Morton's Gold PENS, at the manufacturer's prices. Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated SPECTA CLES, cheaper than ever. Plated FORKS, Tea and Table SPOONS, as gojjd as Silver. Plated CASTORS, Card and Cake BASKETS, GOBLETS, and MUGS. RIFLES and SHOT GUNS, that will kill at every pop. REVOLVERS and PISTOLS, with CAR TRIDGES to suit. PIPES of Gutta Percha, Wood, and China. Lockwood's COLLARS, the best jou can wear. SCHOOL BOOKS, cheaper than elsewhere. TOYS and TOY BOOKS, for a mere song. Singer's SEWING MACHINES, With Cotton. Silk, and Oil. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, to hold from 12 to 200 Pictures. ACCORD! ANS, VIOLINS. FLUTES, FIFES. Violin BCWS, STRINGS, and KEYS. Also t Umbrellas, Clothes Brushes, . Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs, Dustinfr Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Looking Glasses,' Sewing Baskets, Hand Baskets, Rugs, Arnold's best Wrltla Fluid, Red and Black Ink. Drums, Whistles, Horns, Jewsharps, Harmonicas, Trunks, Carpet Sacks, -Satchels, Work Boxes, Portfolios, Gents' Shirts, Gloves, Cravats, Neck ties, Canes, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Perfumery, Soaps, Pocket Books, Checkers a Boards, -' Dominoes. Paints, Table Knives, Pocket Knives, Razors and Strops, Gun Caps, Puzzles, Ink Stands, Pen Racks, 'Miscellaneous 4 Blaak Books, Pass Books, Diaries, Almanacs, Deeds, Summons, Notes, Paper, Envelope, Tobacco, Dolls, Beads, Amber Beads, Cigars And many other articles. CALL AND GET BARGAINS t tgL. Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry re paired in the best style of workmanship, and warranted. Thankful for past favors, the subscriber hopes by strict attention to' business to merit a continuance of Dublic natronacre. jan24 c. T. ROBERTS BOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM ! The snhscriher liaore loara r - wr AUluna the public that he has opened out a Boot and Shoe Store in the rnnmi fnFmarl n : ,4 by Davis & Evans, on Center street, Ebens burg, where he will carry on the business en an cAicusiie scale. READY-MADE BOOTS and SHOES : For sale at City Prises ! BOOTS ahd SHOES mads to order- On shortest notice ! lSL.Tbe public are invited a trim m . call. I will sell rhrin a.a thm rhanat J f w... w V. warrant my stock and: make to give satUfse-