1 i-tl It 8AU El gSDAY::::i:"?!::::,:::::M-A.y.23. Ebessburq and Cresson Railroad nB and after Monday, Ap!. 29 1867, trains" this road will ran as follows . it e 05 connecting with Day Exp. East and Phil. Exp. West. .... - no v- M- connecting -with Pbila. Exp, East and Mail Train West. .; 1 '. ,. . i tivi Cresson - v..;." : . 'm.JI., or on departure of PhiL Al txptess West.": . . 15 p. .V., or on departure of Phila, Express East. ' ,. . 1 3XrM0KANDA Bruce post-ofSce, Blair ecanfji b been discontinued by order.of tj,e Postmaster General.... A portion of tit metal composing the bell of the new u'theran church at Johnstown is said to tire been taken from the famous rebel' ra"31mac."..The JFreemmttajs that the Ilarmburg Patriot & Union "never fi.i to pour hot shot into the camp of the jidicals." It never poured ' much hot liot into the camp of the rebels... .The taoant of license paid to the appraiser of axes bj mercantile dealers in this county for the current year was $1,770.50 j by .hreneis &GI distillers, $135.00 ; and by fcHliari aaioon and ten-pin alley keepers, $120.00... .Hy elung at gdd.UU per tan in the vicinity of Hoilidaysburg....A nan earned Dixoa lately committed sui iJe by throwing himself into the river at Tjrooe, Blair county. No cause is as ligoed for -the rash act.. ..The Blair coun ?j Kpublican" convention wilf be held in fiViIidaysburg on the 4th Jane.. ..Owing ta the cold, wet weather, comparatively little corn or potatoes has yet been planted ia this county.. ..Speaking of the weather, one who claims to be weather-wise predic ts some time aao that the sun would U&it forth and spring begin in genial Waist ou the 20th inst. The fact that. Jhe 21st ads us with fire in our stoves prtuda the prediction a failure. . Our riend, Richard Morgan, Esq., who knows -the aJojanaa by heart, informs us that we ttti expect no warm weather "till the aooa chaageS."... Butter aad egg have aet with a fall in our market. The for mer rules at 20 cents a pound ; the latter 15 cents a dozen The peach, cherry, ,m and grape blossoms have been killed the frost in Blair county Dr. Robert prereanx has hung out his shingle at cumtait. See card..Three or four cir jcsiti are traveling through the State. The Political Situation. Dear AXitq. : Tie political ealdron has begun fo luliJe. On Wednesday lat, the Dem. po. Conraiittee met in the Court Hcu&e, Ebeosburg. The day was wet and low- ring, but the Committee, I noticed, were 7 enough. It hailed that day, some. A Committeeman remarked that the omen ns an auspicious one,' icr that the very insects bade them all hail ! The other :nbers, a majority of whom are farmers, aught the omen inauspicious for corn 'anting, and refused to applaud. Ooe paiber indignantly remarked that if a iau was intended, he'd bet two dozen auduleiLt naturalization papers against a Jallot-boxViia a false bottom that Mike Shane CCu'.d mate a h(fT with nri TianH ii behind his back: and a corn-cob in' 's moath ! ' ' " " The first thing in order, as per printed hgrimine, vas to "open the campaign." The Chairman despatched a committee oti after a eorkjcretv. h the absence of the committee, Mr. made a speech. He congratulated Democracy that: Horace Greely, Jeff. tis and Gerrit Smith had been released "m Fortress Monroe, and wanted to w bow the radicals like Mobile. 27)e committee having returned with a "crew, the campaign was opened. It " found to be stale, flit, and unprofit- However The Committee proceeded with their 'irk. On 1 naj tcsuiiEU luai r ""vtnuon to nnm natA nnnntu ket meet in Ebensburg on Monday, the D. QQdruff, of Johnstown, was ap fBted "Presectative "delegate to the fte Convention, with instructions (as I erstood them) to support Judge Lynch " SHEBirF's . SAiBS.r-Following r is an abstract of the real estate advertised to be sold by jhe. Sheriff.of : Cambria county at the Court House, Ebensburg. on Mon day, 3d June, prolim6": : ; The" right, titre and interest of Andrew Kp'pp to a tract :of -land in Clearfield tp., co'ntaialog 64; acres,', with. a... hewed - log hoasc, a log stable, ,vand a double barn thereon. " -Michael. J. Smith; lotiof grpund in Gal Iitzic, with a: two-story frame iavern stand and frame stable thereon.' r-'".V-Thomas Jones, piece of land in Jackson township containing 12 acres, with a plank house and a ptank stable thereon. . Jesse Woodcock, piece of land in Wash ington township containing 45 acres, 2 acres. cleared,. with a: plank house and a water saw-mill thereon. . t . ; Jason Crum, tract, of land in Croyle township containing -120 acres, 50 acres cleared, with a log house and a. log barn thereon. Samuel Hippie, piece of land in Rich land township containing 256-acres, 50 acres cleared, with a log house and a log barn therein. William Riddles, piece of land in Yo der township containing 27 acres, 20 acres cleared, with a log bouse and a log barn thereon. . . , . James Burke, piece of land in Sum merhill township containing 200 acres, 100 acres cleared, with a log house and a log barn thereon ; also, another piece of land in Summerhill townshfp containing 400 acres, with a plank hou.'ie and a steam saw-mill thereon. A Failure. An individual drove two "fiery and untamed steeds" through our streets on Tuesday, without lines or bri dle. The team was guided and controlled by the whip, and -appeared to be under excellent discipline.. The equerry, after "talking horse" for an hour or two, wanted tu organize a class of instruction, but our people, being possessed of lines and bri dles, concluded that the old-fashioned way of managing horses was the best and considerably the safest. He didn't get a single pupil. - Barn BcRNED.-The barn of Mr. Jacob Singer, of Conemaugh township, on the old Frankstown road, about oue and a half miles east of Johnstown, was en tirely destroyed by fire two Sundays ago. A valuable horse belonging to an old gentleman by the name of Madison, was -also consumed. Mr. Singer lost about 200 bushels of grain, a lot of harness, a wagon i threshing machine, wind-mill, some hay, and straw. His entire loss is supposed to be four or five thousand dol lars. Xo insurance. :preme Judge. Observ r'ER. Table. Peterson's Magazine for J De j a unusually fine number, even f thU popular -and elegant publication. iui I8 a good time to subscribe, new volume commences with Jnlv.- ?nns, single subscribers 62.00 : a reduc"- J - ciuds. Address C. J. Peterson, Uesfnut et., Phila. 5 j - ior tiune is re- uumDer. a new of Godey also commences in' July. ose who are not already subscribers 6 1500k we Would sav. mUiV 1 Ff'i J3.00 "per annum , to single sub reduction to club yrPibiu;;;.;t;;; Base Ball. A match gameof base ball between .the Irons and Independents was played at Johnstown on the 13th, the Irons winning by 16 poi7t3. Score, Irons 33, Independents 22.. ..A, tase ball club has been organized by the stuJeats at St. Francis College, Loretro....An .ef fort is being made to form a club at Sum mitville, and also at Carrolltown....A match, game between the Mountaineer Club of Ebensburg and .the Mountain Club of Altoona is in contemplation. Compulsort SALE.--The following articles will be sold by the Sheriff of Cambria county at Chest Springs, on next Mouday, 27th inst., at 10 o'clock, a. ni. : Seven buggies, new and complete ; seven buggies, finished as to bodies, running gear, &c, but not quite complete ; spring wagon, axles, spokes, tire bender, wheel machine, bellows, anvil, .blacksmith's tools, sewing machine, bedsteads, stoves, furniture, &c. A splendid chance for bargains ! Ned Nevins A C hance tor Di sa bleo Soldiers The tenth' thousand of Mr. Morgan's book,; "Ned Nevins,' the Newsboy, or, Street Life in Boston has been issued,, and orders have, been given for the fifteenth . thousand. -.They are printed and sold at the rate of over one thousand, a week"." Band & Avery, priu-. ters, 3 Cbrnhill, will attest, the facf. ; Two of 'their power presses are kept continually at' work "on the book: ."Agents are reap ing a "harvest by" it; " realizing 100 per ceut.1 profit. ' Dudley :S:'t Joqes, of ElH-s worth, Maiqe, . writes ihat of the; first lot be sold a copy at almost every house,' and expects to sell 200. in th town. W. H. Bennet, of Fall River 'Mass., Bold 120 copies in that town, and expects to sell 500 in the county. Disabled soldiers and others find it the best book. published for canvassing. Even; children have been known to clear 85 a" day on it. Agents wishing to secure good territory should pply at once .to Rev. Henry Morgan, .9 Groton street, Boston, Masi. v - Married In Ebensburg, on the I4th inst., by Rev. R. CT. Christy,- Mr:. Joseph Owens ; to Miss Lucy Moser, both of Eb ensburg, - Iu Altoona, on the 9th inst., by Rev. Mr. Tweed, Mr. G. A: Christy, of Gal litzin, Cambria county, to Miss Catharine Adams, of Huntingdon county. Jeff. Davis Arrested. As Davii was walking along the streets of Richmond, he was euddenly arrested by a notice of a great reduction in the fares of certain railroads. In this connection, we would call attention to the great reduction of the price of goods at V. S. Barker's. c Consoling. It is a consolation to know that dry goods can now be purchased at figures nearly as low as they could have been purchased before the war, at J. M. Thompson's cheap cash store, Ebensburg. Don't fail to give him a call. ' A large supply of all kinds of clocks; watches and jewelry, of different manu facture, aro now being offered for sale to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity, by O. T. Roberts, at his jewelry store, High street, Ebensburg. Large Collection or Goods. Have jou been to examine the unusually large collection of summer goods at A- A. Bar-, ker's variety store 1 If not, you should go at once, as ho offers inducements that defy competition. . Attention. The attention of the pub lic is called to the large supply of summer goods, of every description, now offering for sale at Mills & Davis' store, Ebens burg. They keep a good supply of all the latest styles of goods. V: Address The New Catholic Church. The solemn ancf impressive ceremony of lay ing the corner-stone of the new Catholic church, in this place will come off on Tuesday evening, J une 4th. The sermon will be preached by Rev. S. Wall, Presi dent of St. Michael's Seminary, Pittsburg. A large number of clergy will be present. The exercises will be highly interesting. A general invitation is extended. Accidents. On Saturday last, Mr. Washington Lloyd, of Susquehanna tp., was thrown violently from his horse while riding through our streets, and, falling on the curbstone, was seriously injured. " On Monday of lait week, a horse at tached to a wagon ran off at Cresson, de molishing the wagon, and throwing out and badly hurting the driver, Mr. G. J. Swaderer, of Summit. : Mountaineer B. B. C. A special meeting of the Mountaineer. Base Ball Club will be held in the Court House, this (Thursday) evening. A full attend ance is requested, as business of impor tance will be transacted. By order of the President. Itch! Itch! Jtch ! Scratcii ! Scratch! Sceatch! VTheaten'a Ointment will tare the Itch in 8 Ilours. Also cures Salt Rheum, -Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cent'. For sale by all Druggists. " - By sending CO cents to WEEKS & POTTER, So'c Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Jluss.y t vvill be forwarded bj mail, free of postage, to any part of the United State-. January "4 QREAT REDUCTION o? PRICES I AT TBI . . s JBBEtfSBURa HARDWARE HOUSE If if h- FURmSHfXO ' STORE. X return. mj sincere thanks to thj friends and customers for their liberal patronage for the past twelve years, during.-which time- I have been: in busiuess in Ebensburg; and now, owing to the extensive busineas T -m -dcwgl L tak5 plea&ure in inrbrnriag the public that I have adopted the. " ".- . . ' jTeady-Pay System! by Wans oT which there will be a great aa- Dcctios. in, roy .'profits. ! A continuance, of your patrpnage wiU .satisfy you that it will oe' to vour adrantuce to hr.v for nnmv iv instead of ox credit. : ? . .-r - , ; . My stock will consist in part as follows i ( - FOR THE BUILDER T)oof LocksJ ' Cupboard Locks', " Catches,' Bolts, : Hinges, ' - Screws, Window Sp'gs, Shatter Hinges, - Catches, Porch h-entr Window Glass, - Nails, r -. P;Utty, &c. FOR THE CARPENTER. Bortnefa'chJnes,-Augers, Chisels,' Brace and Bits,' HatehKslSqHa res, Compasses, Bev els, Pocktt Rules. Try Sqn-reg, Lev- -?15 "-: elr Jaoky Smoothing, - aad 'For - ' ,PlaP.wt Panel Ploughs Bea- ding, Sash, Raising, Match Planes, Hollow and "T' "Rounds,' Gnages, Oil Stones, - :Saw Sets,' Screw Drivers, Bench -; ; Screwsr Cross-cut, Panel, Rip, Compass,' -and Back Saws, Chalk and Chalk Lines, Ac. FOR THE BLACKSMITH. Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Shoe Hammers, II and Hammers, Riveting Hammers, Horse Mule Shoes, lion,-. Buttresses, Pincers, Screw Plates, Wrenches,' Rasps, Files, Horse Nail3, .. Cast Steel Shovel Plow . Moulds, Ac. . :i " v FOR'THE SHOEMAKER. Shoe Lasts, Shank Irons, . Crimping Boards and Irons, Peg Cutters, Knives, Awls, Hammer", Pincers, Rasps, Rubbers, and Bench. Tools , ' in general. . : Nails, Tacks, Thread, Wax, Bristles, &c. . FOR THE SADDLER Draw Guagss, Round Knives, Chand!ers, Edge Tools, Punches, Hammers, Pincers, Awls, Rounding Irons, Iron and Wood Gig Hames, Pad Trees, Ebensburg market Report. Corrected week,' fy V. Barker, EBESsiCBOr May 23, 1867. AppleJ, dry, lbS 12 J Beans, bul001.5o Butter, roll, lb 20 " tub,... 20 Beeswax............ 40 Beef, steak,. ... 20 " quarter 10 Corn, bu 1.00 Dressed bogs, lb.. 9 Eggs, doze.n 15 Feathers, lb 70 Hay, ton........ ...10.00 Lard, lb...... , 15 Onions, bu .1.00 Pptatoes..... 50 Rags, cotton, lb- . 5 Soap, hard- . 10 Seed, Flax, bu...2.50 Clover 10.0C - " . Timothy 4.00 " Buckwht..:i.00 . M. Oats-,.,i,.. 50 " Rye l.oo Wheat...,...2.75 Tallov, lb... .' 15 Wool 40 Alcohol, gal $6.00 Brooms c25,50 Candles, Tallow. .25 " Sperai....C0' Cornmeal, cwt....3.00 Cheese, lb 25 Coffee 303 Floar, Ex. Fam. 17.00 Mackerel, bbl...20.00 " doz.-..:.5 Molasses, N. O.... 0 Kails, keg 8.00 Oil, Carbon, gal- CO Linseed 2.00 " Whale -.2.00 Rice, lb 15 Sugar, brown.l2I7 " white 20 sJruPSl-l .00 1 .60 Salt, bbl -4.00 Tobacco, lb-51.00 Tea, Gunpdr.... .20 Young IIv2 25 " Black.. -1.50 Turpentine, gal-.2.00 Varnish, copal. ..5.00 Bridle Bits," Buckles, Trace Hooks, Spots, Rings, Halter Bolts, . Ornaments, Rivets, Snaps, Stirrups, Tacks, Rein Web, Girthing, 4c. FOR THE CABINET MAKER k PAINTER. Bench Tools, Table Hinges, Screws, Bed - Castors, Bedstead! Fasteners, Drawer Locks, Knobs, Coffin Trimmings of all. descriptions. Gold Leaf, Bronzes, Paint, - Sash, and Varnish Brushes, Oils, Paints, Tarnishes, Turpentine,. Colored Paints, dry and ground in oil. FOR THE SPORTSMAN. Rifles, Shot Guns, Pistols, --. Revolvers, Cartridges, Hunters Knires, . t .f . .. Caps, Lead, . Powder, bhot, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches j Game Bags. Also,' Gun Locks, .Mfcin Springs, Plugs, Pivots, Double Triggers, Hammers, &c. FOR THE FARMER. Plows, Points. Shovels, Forks, Scythe3 and. Snathes, Rakes, Hoes, Spades, .Sheep Shears, Sheep and Cow BelN, Sleigh Bells, Horse Brushes. Cards, Curry Combs, Patent Hames, Whips, But, Trace, Breast, Hal- . 'ter, Tongue, Fith a Log Chains, ' " 't Barn Door Rollers, Sugar Ket- v ties, Steelyards, Cutting Boxes. - FOR THE -HOUSEKEEPER. tfH H 6 RDEVEREAUX, M.'D., Physician and Surgeon, Summit, Pa. Office east of Mansion House, on Rail road street. Night calls promptly attended to, at his office. fmay23 Sm. Barrett'. Vegetable Hair Re- tptattreiBeatt . wee;-'yr '-' GOAL ! COAL ! COAL ! The subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr., at Lily Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to any amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to quality of Coal guar antied in all cases. WM. TILEY, Jr. Hemlock P. O., Jan. 24, 1867. RICKS! BRICKS! BRICKS! The JOHNSTOWN MANUFACTURING CO. have constantly on hand and for'sale at very low prices, a superior article of COMMON asd PRESSED BRICK ! t&" Special rates of freight to all points on the Pcnna. Railroad. ' Address ... . 0. N. RAMSEY, Supt., ; May S-6m. ' Johnstown, Pa. B1 JAS. H. DAVIS, Dealer m all kinds of POPLAR, CHERRY & ASH LUMBER. Yard, Nosl 3U 316 TT. Broaoi St., Phila. ' r fgf Business attendadto in.'Ibeflsbtirg by Wm,- J. William. r - ' ' v. v- .-. ;. tmji Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, .Molasses, Hominy,' Crackers, 1ried Peathes, Rice, Cinnamon, Essences, Bacon, FKb, Salt, Alum-, Indigo, Candles, Coffee Mills, ' -: Smoothing Irons, Wash Boards, Clothes Pins, " Bed Cords, Hoves, Mace, Nutmegs, Allspice, Pepper, 'I . Baking a -Wash. Soda, Toilet Soap, Family Dye Colors, Madder, Cudbear, "Cochineal, Logwood, Camwood, Redwood, Blue Vitriol, Solution of Tin, Clothes Wringers, Washing Machines, in 03, Bake Pans, Buckets, : Table and Tea Spoons, aieai oeives Urooms, iaj)ie uuuery, Brass Kettles, Tinned Kettles, Enameled Kettles, Stair Rods, Japanned yare . ' Glassware, " Wooden Ware, Willow Ware,' Carbon Oil Laitps, Razors, . fr - .Coal Buckets, Shovels and Pqiers, - Batter Prints, - Butter Ladles, ; . Stove, Scrub and . , r - Dusting Brushes, ' White-wash anl -" ' Sweeping Brushes, Shears, Scissors, Ac. ''SI Lubricating, Linseed, Neat's Foot, OILS. Carbon, Fish, Sweet, Xard, Benzine,. Castor. T TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. Cooking, Parlor, and Heating Stoves, from the best manufactories ; Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of every variety, of my own manufac ture Gum and Hemp Packing; Trunks and Valises ; Drugs, Weavers' Reeds, Traps. Holf low Augers, Board Measuring Sticks. Grind Stones and Rollers, Patent Molasses Drawing and Measuring Fawcets, &c, &c. :s Odd Stove Plates, Grates, and Fire Brick always on hand to suit Stoves sold by me. :. Well ajid. Cistern Pumps and Tubing at man ufacturers' prices. Spouting made, painted, and put up, at low rates. ' - ......... Don't Ask for Credit! tgy But remember the place to buy and save 15 to 20 per cent, on your purchases.. I defy campatition in Western Punna.' ; f b jr) - - : oeorob -huntlev a U1CK sales; BARKER'S BARKER'S BARKER'S! SMALL PROFITS !' --.v.: : . .-BARKER'S I EBENSBURG. . BARKER'S! . . BARKER'S I NEW GOODS r IfEW GOODS I AEW GOODS I1 CHEAP GOODS I CHEAP' GOODS 7 CHEAP GOODS i .v NEW NEW NEW AND CHEAP t AND .CITEAP I AMI CHEAP 1 . . co ANnsEE :.r .. - - ...... -.-(GO AKD.'SEB.; .'.. .. : ' GO AND SEE ! . The subscriber - wbalj respectfully an nounce to tbe-citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he has just received, at his eav poriura, on High street, the large'sf'aml moit compute assortment ot. v 1 Inter Goods f erer brought to this town, all of which-he pleiges himself to sell cheap for cash. DRESS GOODS,. ... , . WOOLEN-GOODS, DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS. embroideries; hoop skirts, hosiery, balmorals. gloves, housekeeping goods, &c. The largest, best and cheapest assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHIXG i to be found within tba limits of Cambria co. An excellent assortment of -BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, OVER-SHOESi STATIONERY, HARDWARE, -GROCERIES FISH, SALT, - - - -; TRUNKS, NOTIONS, . QUEENST7ARE, ' CARPET-SACKS, ; &c, &c.t A large stock of Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Syrups; Molasses, Htr ring. Mackerel, and Cod Fieh, Iron and - Nails, Cedar and Willow Ware, Oilst Drugs and Medicines, &c, $c. In fact, he keeps anything and everything usually kept in a No. 1 Country Store ail which will be disposed of at prices to euit the times. Buying twice as large a stock as any other merchant in town, he buys cheaper, aid can therefore sell cheaper, tha'n any competitor. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS 1 CALL AND EXAMIXE GOODS 1 The public Is Invited to call before purcha sing elsewhere. No charge for showing goods, buy or not buy. Customers waited on by polite and atten tive Salesmen. ISr- Cherry, Poplar, Spruc, Pine, aad other Lumber, Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally, taken in exchange for Goods. jan24 A. A. BARKER. LOCK AND WATCHMAKER I EBENSBURG, PA, . C. T. Roberts has constantly in his stare a well selected and varied assortment of arti cles, which he offers rhpan far nisn.- vi m v A Silver American WATCH for $30.00. CLOCKS of every style and finish, at reduce! prices. JEWELRY of the very best material, war ranted.'. Anchor, and Lepine WATCHES, one-thirl cheaper tuan m lc66. Gold Finger RINGS, one-third cheaper th&a laet year. Morton's Gold PENS, at the manufacturer's prices. .. m Gold, Silver, Steel", and Plated SPECTA- Plated FORKS, Tea and TabIe.SPOO S , as good a3 Silver. . ni .a 3 " t n t Ti Cl j. . . "t 1 . ...... ... GOBLETS, and MUGS. RIFLES and SHOT 'GUNS that will kill at every po. r - REVOLVERS and PISTOLS, with CAR-. TRIDGES to suit. PIPES of Gctta Percha, Wood, and China. Lock wood's COLLARS, the best you' an" wear. SCHOOL BOOKS, cheaper than elsewhere. " TOYS and TOY BOOKS, for a mere song. Singer's SEWING MACHINES, with Cotton, Silk, and Oil. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, to hold from 12 to' 200 Pictures. ACCORDIAN'S, VIOLINS, FLUTES, FIFES. Violin BCWS, STRINGS, and KEYS. AUo : Drums, Whistles, Umbrellas, Horns, Jewsuarps, Harmonicas, s e Trunks, Satchels, Work Boxes, Portfolios, Gents' Shirts, Gloves, Cravats, Neck ties, Canes. Suspenders, Handkerchief?, Perfumery, Soaps, Pocket Books, Checkers a Boards, Uoramoes, Paints, Table Knives, Pocket Knive3, Razors aad Strops, ; Gun Caps, Puzzles, Dolls, Beads, Amber Beads, Clothes Brc.5b.es,' Hair Brushes, . Too'.h Brushes, Combs, Dusting Brushes, Scrub Brushes. Looking Glasses, Sewing Baskets, Hand Baskets, Rugs, Arnold's bestWrilinr Fluid, Red and Black Ink, Ink Stands, Pen Racke. Miscellaneous a Blank Books, Pass Books, Diaries, Almanacs, Deeds,, Summons, Notes, Paper, Envelopes, -Tobacco," Cigars And many other articles. CALL AND GET BARGAINS! "3? 33C 0 1YX Hr Q O IN" 'S! 27 23! Clocks, Watches, and Jwl. paired in the best style of workmanship, and -4 a ou ten. , rhankful for nast favors. tb BnV.eir;K hopes by strict attention to business to merit a conxmuance of public patronage. jan23 . C. T. ROBERTS -' Boot and shoe emporium:.' " The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has opened Out a Boot and Shoe Store in the rooms formerly occupied by Davis & Evans, on Center street, Ebens- " burg, where he will carry on the business on an extensive scale. READY-MADE BOOTS and SHOES - - ' For sale at City Priest . - vA.fcj i'iut 10 oraer On shortest notice ! The- public are invited to give me Call. I will Sail rhun as hm . warrapt my.ttk and make to give atikfaaC tion. fjan3!2 JOHN (X ZV&X,