THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1867. T EPUBLICAN CONVENTION I JtV The "Republican State Convention" will meet at the "Herdic House," in Williams port, on Wednesday, 26A of June next, at 10 o'clock, a. m., to nominate -a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court, and to initiate proper measures for the cnsuingState canvass. As heretofore, the. Convention will be com ' posed of Representative and Senatorial Dele gates, chosen in the usual way, and equal in number to the -whole cf the Senators and Representatives in the General Assembly. By order of the State Central Committee. F. JORDAN, Chairman. Gso. W. Hamkrslt, ) A. W. Benedict, J- S J. ROBIKT DCNOtlSON, j ecrr tarie?. The "IVIgr&er." Northern Democrats find it grievously bard do longer to maintain their old cry of "abolition," "Digger-worshiper," &c. The stern logic of events seems bound to make that same negro-hating Democrat the eulogist and political compatriot, if not the bosom companion, of Sambo and Gumbo, Julius Caesar and Hannibal. 'Come into my parlor," said the historical spider to the no less historical fly. Gome, O, come, to our arms, ?ay the reconstructed Democrats of the South. What will Northern Democracy do? Othello, with his occupation of killing cata clean gone forever, was in a pimilar though not so bad a fix as the Democrat of to-day, for Othello was not tied to the carcass of one of his victims. But Sambo, curly headed as he may be, flat nosed, too, and with a protuberant heel as of yore, has a vote vote as potent as his late master's or his still, later defamer's, and if modern De mocracy has forgotteu how to revere jus tice for mere justice' sake, it has not forgotten how to worship a ballot even though bound in wool and cased in ebony. All on a sudden the Democracy of the North cease to abuse the hitherto ill-fated son of Africa. All on a sudden the Democracy of the South begin to court him. A single twenty-four hours trans forms him from deformity to beauty, from a thing to a man, from an object of detes tation and abuse to a subject for flattery. North of Mason and Dixon's line, he ceases to be openly defamed ; eouth of it, his praised float in the. air. Wade Hampton sweats, writes, petitions, makes orations, and Joes all that pen and tongue, soul aud body can do to prevent his dear colored brother, whom he so recently thought to show men to advantage on the auction block than elsewhere, from picking his friends from those to whom he owes his freedom and elevation. At Nashville this same ex-rebel-Democratic-conservative element gave pressing invi tations to their '-'colored fellow-citizens" to "come into their convention" and "take part in their deliberations." Report, apparently trustworthy, has it that thej pressed certain blacks to take scata among them, against their will. In Richmond, the emancipated blacks hold a meeting, called for themselves, but attended by many whites, who consent to be presided over by a colored president, who address him just as they would a white, and carry on one of the cleverest courtships of this or any ether age, and all for the advantage of the Democratic party. Hopeful party. Yesterday, kicking the black; to-day, kissing him. But the kicks are too recent to be healed by the kisses. Meanwhile the freedmen keep on advancing with astonishing rapidity, confounding their enemies, pleasing their friends, casting, lustre upon universal liberty and equality, and making manifest that the logic of slavery was a cheat, a lie and a swiadle. We ak attention to the following words of a Richmond correspondent, himself a Southerner and a secessionist : "We of the South fully expected that ho would be so negligent and improvident, when free, that starvation would be the lot of bis race in any part of the earth whose produc tions are not spontaneous. -That, from habit, inclination, and necessity, he would ignore all the ties of family obligation ; but in this, also, we have been equally mistaken. MobI of us felt convinced, too, that he wculd be an unresisting vicim of that fell destroyer of the white and the red man intemperance; but the contrary is happily the case. In fact, a . A A . A. J more orderly, unreveugeiui, proviaent, ana temperate laboring class is not to be found anywhere than we have in our midst. Mea gre as their earnings are, yet most of them strive to the utmost to lead quiet and peace ful lives, to adhere to and shelter their fam ilies and educate their children ; lew are given to brawls and other species of dissipa tion, cultivating habit3 of economy, cleanli ness, industry, and good conduct in general, to the surprise of those most disposed to doubt their fitness for freedom or self-gov ernment. No where, however, have thev exhibited this general rapacity to better advantage than in their participation in the recent Republican state Convention liela in this city. A vast majority of tbem had been laves all their lives until recently, and a more orderly, discreet, and conciliatory body of men cannot be found among any peasantry on esrth, as a whole. Decided UJent, too, was by no means rare among them; in fact, malice itself was silenced ; and the discretion that eoverned their action will best be under stood from the result of their labors. The writer of this heard a gentleman of most extensive obervation in deliberate assemblies remark that a Convention conducted with ' more decorum he bad never attendedand that, to bis great astonishment, many of the neeehel of the more talented tore very favorable comparison with the major part of these delivered in our legislature now in LbW. . Bo it would Mem that, henceforth. Ore it jro the F9fc, Jf aa inH-. tutienrbut an- element-which is destined at no remote period to wield a not unimportant influence in uprooting the prejudices of cen turies. . "May hia career continue onward and up ward, tor the good of himself, the land he lives in, for the honor of the human race, and the glory of the God that created us all." ; ; Tlie Legislature. From every section of the State, without regard to party, come denunciations of the late Legislature. These denunciations are generally well deserved. Two acts of that body, however, are worthy of honor, and tend to some extent to redeem it from the deep execration in which it is held. The first of these is the law directing that hereafter the people-shall elect two jury commissioners, no person voting for more than one, whose duty it shall be to frame the list of jurors to serve at ea;h court. As the law has heretofore stood, justice was in many instances denied. . Whenever political feeling entered into any contro versy before a jury, it was as opt to be decided according to the prevailing poli tics of the county as to tho evidence. By the change authorized by the Legis lature, the political complexion of juries will be equally divided between the two great political partial of the State. The other act for which we commend the Legislature is that prohibiting the exclu sion of colored persons from the street cars of Philadelphia. It is an act alto gether wise and good. Hereafter, Wade Hampton will not have it in his power to reproach the people of our State with making distinctions that are uuknown even to many cities of the South. For these two acts, we thank the Legislature, and willingly hold them up to the public gaze as in contrast with many other acts done or refused to be done by the same body which are as-disgraceful as these are honorable. Sunday Its) Observance. The Blair County Wing publishes the speech of Hon. Louis W. Hall in opposi tion to the bill by which the people of Philadelphia were to decide for themselves whether or not the street cars should be run in their city on Sunday. The argu ment of the speech is that Sunday is part of the Christian religion and the Christian religion is part of the common law of the State. It is a doctrine that to us seems to be the offspring of a zealot, a bigot, or a demagogue, well calculated to tickle the ear and captivate the fancy of simple religious people, who dosire to honor and to promote the Christian faith, but which, under an exterior so fair as to appear almost angelic, bides the founda tion of all the persecutions, the burnings, and tho rackings of the past, for it is only a cunning way of binding the Church to the State, and of enabling the Legislature to declare what is heresy and what is gospel. Pursued to its logical results, and it is as horrid as tho burning fagot and the screaming victim. There are other and better grounds on which to base the observance of Sunday. The Republican convention to meet at Williamsport on June 26th will have but one nomination to make, that of a candi date for Judge of the Supreme Court, in place of Chief Justice Woodward. Hon. George Taylor, President Judge of .this Judicial District, seems likely to be the nominee, and . it is simple justice to say of him that his eminent fitness for the position should make him a strong candi date. We hope bis nomination will not be urged because his district or section deserves it, but because he is competent and worthy, and will be a candidate worthy of the people's suffrages. We call the attention of our readers to the letter of Col. John P. Linton, to be found on the outside of to-day's paper, concerning the manner in which tho change of venue from .this to Centre county was effected in iho suits familiarly known as the Railroad cases. , There is said to be a point when affairs get to be as bad as they well can bo, at which there ? invariftblv ft change for the better. We seem to be rapidly nearing that point. But before we get to it, we would be gratified to see tested the validity of this act so rotten with fraud. - It is generally conceded among saga cious politicians that the Democracy of Pennsylvania will not nominate, a candi date for Supreme Judge, because they do not want a State defeat in .Pennsylvania before the Presidential election of 1868 If they Dominate a Supreme Judge can didate, he will, of course, be defeated, which defeat would demoralize' the Dem ocracy at the Presidential election of 1868; but the ruse to escape defeat in 1868 bv not nominating in 1867 will avail the Democracy naught. - . Late advices say that a general, con ference of European powers to settle the differences threatening tho peace of Pros sia and Trance will he held in. London du I the 15th instant-.,. - - . . i ; EDITORIAL ETCH1HGS. -' Snow on Saturday last. l,gyRain! rain t rain t 'ever since. ' XST Hasn't the sun crossed "the line" yet? - Ileal estate is advancing in price in Hollidaysburg. w--. Leavenworth city experienced ths shock of an earthquake on the 24th ult. " JGST" Wade Hampton and other ex-rebeli have got the "Black Crook." ! , JBg?" The soil of Camp Curtin, at Harris burg, is being turned up by the plow. ; The engine house at Conemaugh has a capacity of fifteen engines. Col. John W. Forney has gone to . the Paris Exposition. , Horace Greeley goes "On to Rich mond" shortly, to make a'Bpeech." Jggy Ex. -President Buchanan, is reputed to be worth $200,000. Still he is a poor man. JPST" President Johnson will visit Raleigh, N. C, before long, to erect a monument over the ashes of his father. - Thirty-five hundred dollars, "con science money," were received from one ad dress at the U. S. Treasury on Monday. J6QT" The United States gain four hours and a half of sunshine by the acquisition of Russian America. The Dem. Co. Committee of Cambria county will open the political campaign on the 15th in st. Corkscrews I JCS?" Senator Wilson is journeying through" the South, making radical speeches to the freedmen. . . . Sj-The bankrupt law goes into operation and bubbles will begin to burst on the first of June. JBy- It is suggested that Seward purchased Russian America that the President might be enabled to swing around the Arctic Circle. S& Mr. Norris Bell was struck on the head by a base ball in Philadelphia, during the continuance of a match game, and died from the effects of injuries received. A supplement to the Common School Law, passed by the last Legislature, has gone into effect. For a summary of its provisions. consult our first page. , JC If the saying, that rain makeB corn, and corn makes whisky, and whisky makes Democrats, be true, then ire may look for an increased Democratic vote aext fall. : J66?Hon. A. W. Benedict, Clerk of the House of. Representatives, and one of the secretaries of the Union State Central Com mittee, died at Huntingdon on Sunday. ' " The post-office at Lock Haven was robbed on the night of the 26th ult. This is the sixth post-office in Pennsylvania which has been robbed within a few weeks. - - Gen. -Hancock, with a command of 3,C00 me a, is on the war path after the In dians. Skirmishing has already commenced. The noble red man will in all probability be wiped out. '' " The election in New York for dele gates to the State Constitutional Convention took place on Tuesday of last week, and re sulted in about 20,000 Republican majority in the State. : J6 Base Ball Clubs throughout the State" are requested to send a list of. their officers for 1867 to Mr. D. D. Domer, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Base Ball Association, care of lock-box 66, Harrisburg, Pa. E3? "Spring has come, the delicate-footed May, .with its slight fringes filled with buds and flowers ; and with it comes a wish to be away wasting in woodlands the voluptuous hours" with an overcoat around us nd an umbrella over us ! JS G. Dawson Coleman, of Lebanon county, has given $1,030 10 toward the erec tion of a soldiers' monument in that county.' This money is the exact amount of Mr. C.'s salary and mileage as State Senator for the sessiou just closed. Notable example. On Monday of last week, two young men named Armstrong, residing three miles apart, in Rostraver township, .Westmoreland county, were struck by lightning and killed, one at 8 o'clock, a. m , and the other at 12 o'clock, m. They were cousins. JCg Miss Jennie Scott, of Shaver's Creek, Huntingdon county, got on the cars at Pe tersburg, and got off at Hollidaysburg. At the latter place, .she. discovered that the pocket of her dress had been cut out and a portmonnaie containing $200 abstracted. figy Many of our exchanges desire the ter ritory recently treated for to be called Lin coln. We would do .weli not to -name the child until we are sure we have him. Then, too, the name Lincoln is too good a name to transport to the Arctic circle. Call it Seward, and give Lincoln's name ' to a sunnier and more hospitable clime. . t? The Philadelphia Press gives the fol lowing concise idea of the situation in Eu rope : "The King of Holland, -who is also- Grand Duke of Luxemburg,: has sold his lit tie Luxemburg farm to Napoleon, but cannot make a good title, being unable to con vey the possession clear of Prussian, incum brances." - ' - jgy.J3anford Conover, who testified on the trial of the assassination conspirators, and also before the House Judiciary Committee, that Jeff. Davis apd other ex-rebel leaders were actively concerned in the assassination plot, has been found guilty of perjury in so testifying, and was on Friday" Sentenced to ten years in the New York State Prison. . Bfiy A Bedford paper says that an enter prising citizen has lately erected a new house in that town, and adds that it is bo long since the inhabitants have seen anything of the kind, that should the owner charge a small fee for. permission to view it, the fund accu. mulating would pay all expenses incurred in its erection. - '-' The Richmond Examiner gravely an nounces that every Southern man. who votes with the ' Republican party "endorses the murder of Mrs. Surratt." . An assertion that every 'man who votes against the Republican party. endorses the assassination, of Abraham Lincoln would be equally well founded,, and decidedly: more pertinent io, tn issues of the day. ' . ;';; sv -.-- v The Railroads or our -State. The statistics of the railroads of Pennsylvania, as presented in the report of the Auditor General for the last year, are not only interesting but wonderful. , Two hundred and sixty-seven and a half millions of dol lars have bean expended on the steam roads, which in length extend ever four thousand miles in main lines alone. The receipts of the various companies amount to almost seventy-one .millions of dollars. No wonder they can build palaces of depots, and span every rivulet with iron bridges, which are in beauty and elegance a worlrof art. - ' These statistics develop one item which is so extremely comforting and? pleasant that we like to dwell upon it. The rail roads of the Commonwealth carried last year 17,724,216 throvgh passengers all the passengers killed during the year amounting to but thirteen. This makes one passenger killed out of every 1,364, 170 J carried. In other words, a person traveling in Pennsylvania stands only one and a third millionth of a chance of losing his life. - This infinitesimal risk should smoothe the nerves of all the timid and fearful people for whom a journey is a thing more venturesome and frightful than a campaign or battle to a soldier. Only to think of it ! A veteran would be ashamed to enter an engagement when the risk was so small. At this ratio the killed in all the war, out of both armie3, would not equal five men. It is a painful tribute to their fidelity and heroism to find that the employees of the . road the heroes of the rail an infinitely small class when compared with the millions of passengers, outnumber them in "killed" more than twelve to one. This simple heroic fact tells its own story, and what a story of devotion and intrepidity it is ! No encomiums or pan egyrics of ours could do them the honor of their own grand deeds. ' The Latest Philadelphia Horror. -On Friday last. Mrs. Dorcas Magilton, aged sixty-two, was murdered at her husband s residence. It seems the hus band, Mr. Adam Magilton, aged seventy five, left his dwelling about three o'clock p. m.. for a store near by; to "make a purchase. On returning he was admitted lo iiis , Dy a , young man namca George W. Winemore, who informed him that his wife was murdered. He aecom- papied "Winemore to the kitchen, and there a horrible sight met his vision. Extended on the floor lay the wife, her skull crushed in with blows from a ham mer, and her throat cut from, ear to ear. The hammer was close to he? head, but no knife or other 6harp instrument could be found in the room, with which the throat bad been cut. A razor belonging to Winemore was subsequently found in the yard attached to tho premiees. Iho murdered woman was the mother cf Gen. Joseph Magilton, one of the brave brigade commanders of the Pennsylvania Ileserve Corps. ", TYmemore, who was recently discharged from the regular army, was on friendly terms with the family, and took his meals at their house, lhe motive ot the murderer is unknown. He was promptly arrested, and committed to priron. m m ii TnE Bepublican Congressional Committee. The following is a list of the Republican Congressional Committee, selected from the general Congressional Committee, which is now engaged in Washington city in aiding the loyalists of tm . -1 A ? the &outnin carrying inrougn me coming political reconstruction campaign : Robert C bchencic, nepresentauve, Ohio, Chairman. John Conness, benator, California. Zachariah ChandlerSenator, Michigan. William D. Kelley, Representative, Pennsylvania. - - . ... Til" John A. Liogan, Itcpresentative,i:iiuois. ' John M. 13roomall, Representative, Pennsylvania. Oakes Ames, Representative, Massachu setts. Thomas L. Tullook, Secretary. William S. Huntingdon, Cashier First National Bank, Washington, D. C, Treas urer. . Or Course Not. It is ostentatiously announced that Paul Bagley, who claims to have been formerly a missionary io India and Japan thoueh. a missionary for what is not 6aid went on a mission last week to Fortress Monroe to try to persuade Jefferson -Davis to condescend to aBk for a pardon. Mr. Davis declined, of course. Ovsters. mutton-chops, and martyrdom are not to be had all together more than once in a life-time. We sug gest to this amateur missionary, since he is desirous of testinc his cowers of per suasion, that he go to Europe and persuade Bismark not to sector France. : m m m A letter from Ireland says that anoth er outbreak may . be expected soon. organized from London, Pans and Dublin The Fenians in America are much criti cised and generally held in contempt. The writer says : That, the attempt will be everywhere successful I do not for a moment believe ; but I know that it it is unsuccessful, another and final effort will bo made in June next in connection with certain revolutionary movements on the continent of Europe and in England. BOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM ! .The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has opened out a Boot and Shoe Store in the rooms formerly occupied bv Davis Ac Evans, on Center street, Ebens burg, where he will carry on. the business on an extensive scale. READY-MADE BOOTS ahd SHOES For sale at City Priest ! BOOTS Aim SHOES made to order On shortest nolies ! t.Tbe public are invited to-give me a call. I will sell cheap as the cheapest, end warrant my stock and make to give satisfae- tiaa. -, .nal JOHN O. BVANS. QLOCK AND WATCHMAKER ! EBENSlJtJRG, PA. C. T. Roberts has constantly in his store a well selected and varied assortment of arti cles, which he offers cheap for cash ; viz : A Silver American JVATCH for $30.00. CLOCKS of every style and finish, at reduced prices. JEVVELRY of the very best material, war ranted. Anchor and Lepine WATCHES, one-third cheaper than in 1866. Gold Finger RINGS, one-third cheaper than last year. Sorton's Gold' PENS, at the manufacturer's prices. Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated SPECTA CLES, cheaper than" ever. ' Plated FORKS, Tea aud Table SPOO.NS, as good as Silver. Plated CASTORS, Card and Cake BASKETS, GOBLETS, and MUGS. RIFLES and SHOT GUNS, ttiat win kill at every pop. REVOLVERS and PISTOLS, with CAR TRIDGES to suit. PIPES of Gutta Percha, Wood, and China. Lockwood's COLLARS, the best you can wear. SCHOOL BOOKS, cheaper than elsewhere. TOYS and TOY BOOKS, for a mere song. Singer's SEWING MACHINES, with Cotton, Silk, and Oil. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, to hold from 12 to 200 Pictures. ACCORDIANS, VIOLINS. FLUTES, FIFES, Violin BCWS, STRINGS, and KEYS. AUo : I Drums, Whistles, Umbrellas, i Horns, Jewsharps, Clothes Bcushes, Harmonicas, Hair Brushes, Trunks, Tooth Brushes, Carpet Sacks, Combs, Satchels, Dusting Brushes, Work Boxes, Scrub Brushes, Portfolios, Looking Glasses, Gents' Shirts, Sewing Baskets, Gloves, Cravats, Hand Baskets, Neck ties, Canes, Rugs, Suspenders, Arnold's best Writing Handkerchiefs, Fluid, Perfumery, Soaps, Red and Black Ink, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pen Racks, Checkers Boards, Miscellaneous a Blank Dominoes, Paints, Books, Table Knives, Pass Books, Diaries, Pocket Knives, Almanacs, Deeds, Razors and Strops, . Summons, Notes, Gun Caps, Puzzles, Paper, Envelopes, Dolls, Beads, Tobacco, . Amber Beads, Cigars And many other articles. CALL AND GET BARGAINS t Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry re paired in the best style of workmanship, and warranted. Thankful for past fevers, the subscriber hopes by strict aitantic-ft to business to merit a continuance of public patronage. jan24 C. T. ROBERTS gHOE STORE! SHOE STORE I! The subscriber begs leave to inform the people of Ebensburg that he has jnst received from the East and has now opened out, at his store-room, the LARGEST ah d BEST ASSORTMENT OP WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS and SHOES OF ALL KINDS f ever brought to town. The stock was made expressly to order by the BEST SHOE MANUFACTORY IN PHILA., the subscriber having gone to the trouble and expenee of visiting that city especially to order it. The work is warrantea not to rip if it rips, it will be REPAIRED FREE OF CJIARGE! A visit to his establishment will satisfy any one that he can not only sell a bettkb arti cle than all competitors, but that he can also sell CHEATER THAN THE CHEAPEST ! TT also rnntinnes io manufacture Boots and Shoes to order, on short notice and in the most workmanlike style. A VERY SUPERIOR LOT of REAL FRENCH CALF SKINS ON HAND 1 Stand one door east of Crawford's lotel. High street, and immediately oppo site V. S. Barker's store. feb21 JOHN D. THOMAS. SADDLERY AND HARNESS ! The undersigned keeps constantly on hand and is still manufacturing ail articles in his line, such as SADDLES, FINE SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, DRAFT HARNESS, BLIND BRIDLES, RIDING BRIDLES, CHECK LINES, HALTERS, WHIPS, BRICHBANDS, &c, &c. All which he will dispose of at low prices for cash. His work is all warranted, and being expe rienced in the business, he uses only the best of leather. Thankful for past favors, he hopes by attention to business to merit a continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended to him. jan24 Shop above the store of E. Hughes Co. Persons wishing good and substantial Harness can be accommodated. HUGH A. M'COY. N EW CHEAP CASH STORE 1 ! The subscriber would inform the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he keeps con stantly on hand everything in the GROCERY ANDJCONFECTIONEY line, such as Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, all kinds of Crackers, Cheese, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, &c. CANNED PEA CUES AND TOM 4 TOES I Also, Buckskin and Woolen Gloves, Wool en Socks, Neck ties, &c, all of which will be sold as cheap it not cheaper than elsewhere. A full assortment of Candies ! Z&m Otstxbs served at all hours of the day or evening. Tub Oysters by the dozen and Can Uysters tor sale. jan24 R. R. THOMAS. T I ME 1 LIME ! LIME ! Farmer InnJr tn tnur lnterexfa ' The subscriber is now prepared to furnish any quantity 01 gooa xresu LINE ASHES! By the car-load of 300 bushels, at the follow ing prices : XgT 5 cents per bushel, or $15.00 per car, LOADED AT THE BANK. , Also, Building Lime in any quantity at reasonable rates. . All orders will be promptly attended to. Address WM. H. CANAN, apll-3m El Dorado, Blair county, Pa. H AVE YOU SUBSCRIBED FOR "THE ALLEGE AN I AN?" $?.07 per annum, ia advenes. QREAT BEDUCTION orPl AT TBI I :: ; FURNismfra store, i I return1 my sincere tbtfnks to OT f . and customers for theif liberal patron " the past twelve years,- during whicj,''; nave Deen in Business in, ij'njk now, owing to the extensive b"B?..'l doing, I take pleasure in informim;'7 that I have adopted the - .'ViL Ready-Pay Sjutetni by means of which there will' be a tu.. DCCTIOH in mv DrofitS. A eontln,.'' your patronage will satisfy you tktr oc iu your aavaniage to boy for1ST, instead of ox cbidit. . .. My stock will consist in part a fbIJo FOR THE BUILDER. Doot Loc&s, Cupboard Locks Bolts, Binges, Window Sp'gsy Shatter Hidges, Porch Irons, Window Glass, Putty, &c. Catci, , FOR THE CARPENTER. Boring Machines, Augers, Chisels, Brie. J T : TTl-i. o - 1 jjiib, uatuiru, oquares, vOLUj)as3CS, Kg els, Pocket Rnles, Try Squ.rea, Let! els. Jack, Smoothing, and For Planes, Panel Ploughs, Ba. ding, Sasb, Raising, a Match Planes, Hollow and Rounds, Guages, Oil Stonea, Raw Seta. Screw Driver 7 - - i "tun and Back Saws, Chalk and'chal'k Liq J FOR THE BLACKSMITH. Anvil3, Bellows, Vices, Shoe Hammers, Hand Hammers, Riveting Hammers, Horse a Mule Shoes, Iron, Buttresses, riacen Screw Plates, Wrenches, Rasps, Files, Horse NaiJj, 11 Cast Steel Shore! fi Moulds, kt. FOR THE SHOEMAm Shoe Lasts, Shank Irons, Crimping Boards and Irocj, Peg Cutters, Knives, Awls, Hammer?, Pincers, Kaipt, Rubbers, and Bencb ',4 in genera!. . A BBB A Ul - 14 , VIVA, AS. B . s . FOR THE SADDLER. Draw Guages, Round Knives, Chandlers, Edge Tools, Panches-, Hamrae3, Bridle Bits, Buckles, Rings, Halter Bolts, Snaps, Stirrups, Rein Web, Pincers, Awls. Rounding Iroci. Iron and Wood G Hames, Pad Trees, Trae Hooki, Spo. 3 1 Ornaments, RWta Tacks, Girthing, Ac. FOR THE CABINET MAKER TAUti i 1 i 9 Bench Tools, Table Hinger, Screwj,J Castors, Bedstead tasteners, I' Locks, Knobs, Coffin Triraminps of descripthras, Gold Leaf, Broczes, Pair Sash, and Varnish Brushes, Oils, Paiu Varnishes, Turpentine, Co!oreiTtt,.! dry and ground in oil. it FOR THE SPORTSMAN. Rifles, Shot Guns, Pistols, Revolvers, Cartridge Hunters' Knives, Caps.I' Powder, Shot, Powder FlasU Shot Pouches, Game Bags. Also, Gun Locks, Main Springs, P. Pivots, Double Triggers, Hammers, Ac. FOR THE FARM EE Plows, Points, Shovels, Forks, Scythes and Srathes, Rftkee, Hoes, Spades, Sheep Shears. Sheen and Cow Bells, Sleigh Bells, Brushes. Cards. Currv Combs, Pe- Hames, Whips, Bat, Trace, Breast, Eit 1 - m Trit- . T rV r o L ter, Toneue, Fith a Log Chains, Barn Door Rollers, Sugar Ket ties, Steelyrd3, Cutting Boxes. FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. lour, Tea, Coffee. Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs, Allsp';:e PTPT, Baking A Wash. S Toilet Soap, Family Dye Colo? Madder, Cudbear, Cochineal, Logwo Camwood, Redvo Blue Vitiiol, Solution of lis, Clothes Wring's Sugar, Molasses, Hominy, Crackers, Dried Peatbes, Rice, Cinnamon, Essences, Bacon, ish, Salt, Alum, Indigo, Candles, Coffee Mills, Smoothing Irons, Wash Boards, Clothes Pins, Bed Cords, asning MacL Tubs, Bake Pans, Buckets, Table and TaS; Meal Seives, Brooms, Bras3 Kettles, Table Cutlery, Coal Buckets, Shovels and Fok Butter Prints, Rutter Ladies, Tinned Kettles, Enameled Kettles, Stair Rods, Japanned Ware Stove, Scrub acd Glassware. Wooden Ware, Willow Ware, Carbon Oil Lamps,. Dusting Brusi: White -wash as Sweeping Shears, Scissors, c 3 ts Razors, OILS. Carbon, Fish, Sweet, Lubricatiug, Linseed, Neat's Foot, Ltrl Besi TO THE PUBLIC GENEBAUf CookingParlor, and Heating Stoves, the best manufactories ; Tin and -ce Ware of every variety, of my own rup ture ; Gum and Hemp Packing ; TU Valises ; Drugs, Weavers' Reeds, low Augers, Board Measuring ctlCk Stones and Rollers, Patent Molasses and Measuring Fawcets, &c, &c. , r,:.. zr... eirnitm and ' always on hand to suit Stoves so J J.J Well and Vtstern rumpn anu nfacturers' prices. . ... Spouting made, painted, and put c? rates. Don't Ask. for Cre1 J fy- But remember the place 1 0ftv 15 to 20 ier cent, on your pur defy cornpetitioo in Wester. F J