The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 02, 1867, Image 1

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    f J LL
I i ml ' l" . .' 1. Ll j I i ' ii',". ' 1- I n...n'l ii i -I' .'' 'Tum'm- i" "' .n" nil i jin ' 'j jiiS'ljli!Yuu'''uL"i:"'''"""''r' " ''" -TV- .;-,..:,- ' j"'JS:' -- n-v . -r .j- --, . .-,- .r ........ . ....... A
.ArftTl III' l,llinau.l,
frriLUAM KITTELL, Attorney at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
YQflS FENLON, Attorney at Law,
I Ebensburg, Pa.
i . ... -1 t i r; n
j(jmce opposite vco jjauii.. Ljut
HEORGE.M. READE, Attorney at
IT Law, Ebensburg, Fa.
TIERNEY, Attorney at Law,
jUtuCC la LiOiODnaae now. jan--
at Law. Ebensbare, Pa.
gjy Office opposite the Court House.
i J "WATERS, Justice of the Peace
-4 ' --a
i 05:CC adjoining uweuiug, ou uigu
jgW- ' lfeb7-6m
EKIXKEAD, Justice of the Peace
, and Claim Agent.
(Juice remoYeu .u iiic oiuce luriaenj
'BpieJ bj M. Ilasson, Esq., on nigh Btreet,
'ensbarg, Pa. jan31-6m
A. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at
Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Particular attention paid to collections.
jar Office one door east of Lloyd A Co. 'a
.-.king House. . jao24
n U, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on High
a, vest of Foster a uotei.
Will practice in the Courts of Cambria ad
: oitnng counties. . .
nST Attends also to the collection of claims
joUitta against me uoTernmcas. rjau-.- W. O ATM AN. Attorney at
pT Law ud Claim Agent, Ebensburg,
Jmbria countr, Pa. "
Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty, and
I iliUUry Claims collected. Real Estate
light and sold, and payment of Taxes at
tdcJ to. Book Accounts, Notes, Due Bills,
laments, Ac, collected. Deed3, Mortga
i, .Agreements, Letters of Attorney, Bonds,
rifatly written, ana au legal Business
fullv attended to. Pensions increased,
i Equalized Bounty collected. jan24
C WILSON, M. D.. offers hia eer-
Tices, as Physician and Surgeon, to
r.tireas of Ebensburg and surrounding
Aing been appointed Examining Sur-
n, he is prepared to examine all I'ension-
i tad applicants for Pensions who may
d b:i services.
SST Office on High St., three door9 east of
i. church, in office formerly occupied by
Jouet. Uesldence immediately anjoin
ofiice. jan24-3m
f Dealer iu
Also :
:t, Cap, and Note Papers,
Pens, Pencil, Superior Ink,
And other articles kept
by Druggists generally.
.itfuru' prfteriptiom carefully compounded.
'ice on Main Street, opposite the Moun-
t House, Ebensburg, Pa. jan24
cou3 . P" - R- Zeioler, baying opened an
. ..M'to ia me rooms over II. K. T homaa storu.
,dUJle,rs bis professional services to the citizens
'a- Jlt'beasburg and vicinity. .. ap!8-4m
: a
V - ,
V The nnrt irsl;mpl C! rnn tn nf tVi Tlul.
re College of Dental Surgery, respectfully
'a his professional services to the citizens
s ci
-benaburg. He has spared no means to
ouguly acquaint himself with every im
minent in his art. To many years of pcr
d eiperience, he has sought to add the
irtcd experience of the highest authorities
fatal Science. He simply asks that en
"unity may be given for his work to
i its own praise.
fences: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. 3ond,
R. Handy; A. A. BIandy,P. II. Aus-
)Si!l be at Ebensburz n the fourth
-Tof each month, to Btay on wiek.
luuary 24, 18G7.
LOYl) & CO., BanJcers
' EBENSBrttG. Pa.
fGoU, Silver, Government Loans and
pr securities bought and sold. Interest
'ed on Time Deposits. Collections made
U accessible points in the United States.
a General Bankine Buaine33 transacted.
31. LLOYD & Co., UanZrers
afts on the pnncinal cities, and Silver
0iVlc. collections made. Mon
received on deposit, navable nn Himn.i
-out interest, or upon time, with interest
kl'n"0'? J'rett- T. CAIDWELL. CastJr.
3i Altoona, pa.
,n v"li .100,0U0 UO
CAPITAL PaIM IN...... 150.00 00
f'ble terms. ...
rl Revenue Sumps of all denomina
1 "iwavg on
win be allowed, as follow S;sn to
OaX Cent; $,oc 10 S200..3 per cent,
upwards, 4 per cent. nar,-
,AilUEL SINGLETON, Notary Pub-
- or roster'f H-
nf4 '
i E. H l"TC III TV S O HT , Publisher.
The subscriber will sell the following
property at private sale :
One House ai Portage Station, on the P.
R. R., with 2 acres land. Suitable for a
store room or a dwelling.
One House and 90 acres land, on P. R. R.,
one-half mile west of Portage, opposite the
Biding of the Union Mills of the subscriber,
and at the terminus of the railroad of White
& Co.
One House and 2 acres land at Portage,
now occupied by. Louisa Keepers. A good
site for a store.
One Water Power Saw mill, within 10 rods
of the P. R. R., one-half mile west of Por
tage, together with timber land, 100, 200, or
30C acres, to suit -purchasers. The barns
and bouses on the same cost $1,500 when
lumber wag cheap.
Or," I "will sell the whole tract of 480 acres,
with timber enough on the same to run the
water mill for seven years. The property
has 1,500 to 2,00 feet of side tracks connect
ing with the P. R. R.
A general Warrantee Deed will be given
on ten days notice for all the foregoing prop
erty, and possession of all houses, Ac, given
on the 1st April next.
The improvements cost the subscriber
150 acres of the land is timbered with good
Sugar, and the land itself is warranted to be
as good as any in Cambria coucty.
Three creeks pass through the land, viz
Trout Run, M'Intosh Run, and Wright's Run.
There is Coal on the land, and any amount
of Cord Wood.
The location is the only oatlt to the coal
lands of Burke and the Win. M. Lloyd k Co.
Two pieces of the lane adjoin the land
formerly owned by Hon. Thomas A. Scott,
known as th M'Coy Farm.
One-third the purchase money will be re
quired down ; the balance in jix and twelve
months. -
Ten per cent, will be deducted for cash
The property will be told in preference to
rented, as the subscriber has not time t col
lect rents.
' The house and lot, say 1 acre of land, at
Portage, now occupied by Louisa Keepers,
will be sold low if sold soon. Also, the store
room at the same place, with 2 acres land,
formerly occupied by Victor Voeghtly sold
to him at one time for $725 will now be
sold for $600. The former will be sold for
$350, cash, or its equivalent.
Call Soon 1
Wilmore, January 31, 18C7.
Three Dollars saved to each buyer of Figge's
new and complete
J&j$ Tfii Fork ttand unrivalled,
1. It is easiest managed, works easier in
th hay, and will work in damp hay or straw.
2. This ForI never discharges the hay or
straw until theproper time, and then perfectly.
3. It is simple, not lik"ly to get out of re
pair, having only thref pieces and two rivets,
and is made of the best j uuiata wrought iron.
4. All who have tried it or seen it used,
praise it.
We retail Figgc"s Fork at $S, and warrant
like samples shown. Others retail at SI0.
I am now canvassing this county, taking
orders for said Forks and Pulleys.
Don't forget Fiege's Fork at $8, and tbe
Wrought Iron Pulley at $1. Wait and sec !
This is to certify that we, the undersigned,
have teen Figge's Horse Hay Fork work , in
the hay, and believe it to be the best and
cheapest Fork in the country, and that itwilL
do all that is claimed for it. We cheerfully
recommend it and Giddings' Pulley to the
people of the .country. ..
J. R. Stall, Uri Updegrave, Jas. n. Benford,
Win. Palmer, Charles. Unvtrnaght, J. K. Hite,
Jacob Fronheiser, Wm. U. Geis, J. C. Berkley,
James H. Howard, John Parke, Jacob Repro
gle, James Cooper, (Wood, Morrell A Co. s
stable.) . .
JNO. HUMPHREYS, Conemaugh Station,
Sole Agent for Cambria co., Pa.
J68" Agents wanted in every county in the
United States to sell said Forks and Pulleys.
Address, immediately, E. W. GIDDINGS,
Johnstown, Cambria co.. Pa.,
General Agent for tbe United States.
See Handbills. fmarl4eow4t.
T. .. SALE!
The subscriber offers at private sale the
Farm on which he now resides, situate ;n
Cambria Township, Cambria county, con
taining abQut 5tt acres, nearly all of which
are cleared, and having thereon erected a
T wo-B to ry Frame Dwelling House, . a new
Frame Barn, and all the necessary Outbuild
ings. There is a good Orchard ou the Farm,
and an excellent Well of Water at the kitch
en door. Only five minutes' walk from the
Railroad Depot. Terms moderate, and title
indisputable. Apply to the undersigned on
the premises, or address :
apll-tf Ebensburg, Pa. ,
. James Murray, dealer in . - -BOOKS,
S&" In the room formerlj occupied by Dr.
Lemon as a Drug gtore, ; . : ;
High tt., Ebknsbcbo.
Keeps . .. j.
Blank Books. Magazines, .
Envelopes, Paper, Newppapers,
Pens, Ink, Novels j Histories,
Pocket Books, Prayer Books,
Pass Books, Toy Books, Ac. "
Stationery ' and Cigart sold either
wholesale or retail. '1' matr.3m
The subscriber is now carrying on the
Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr:, at Lily Station,"
on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun
ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to any
amount,, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity,-
Satisfaction as to quality of-Coal guar
antied in all cases. , , : ; WM. JILEY, Jr. T
Hemloek P.O., Jan. J4, JS67.: . J.i
AftvVrtlM la Tht Alt&knlan,
Washington In tbe Olden Time, j
A Washington correspondent of the
New Orleans Crescent gives tia ' the fol-ii
lowing reminiscences : - -. . - -
One of my chums has resided in "Wash
ington just fifty years, and seen fifty
seasons ot metropolitan society. He has
watched with .interest all the various
changes since the last term of Mr. Madi
son, when. he settled in town, down to
this present year, of graces ,
He has reminiscences of the "immortal
George." He knows all the'scandals of
the saloons, where Madame Genet secon
ded the of her husband."' He
can remember the time when the site of
the "White Houso was covered with charred
ruins remnants, of the deeds of that
famous raiding flotilla that sailed up the
Potomac: under the famous Sir Edward
Cockbum, Rear Admiral of the Blue.'
Then the Capitol was not built, and
the Treasury existed only in the brain of
its architect, and the American people
had cot commenced that work of ages
the "Washington monument. There was
no gaslight in the streets; the stately
avenues that now bear princely chariots
and eleighs, were poor embankments of
mud and roads almost impasfabie. The
colonial lords on the other bank ot the
river still wound their horses for miles
of chase over the broad Virginia manors.
Every morning at break of day John
Randolph,' of Roanoke, rode up the
Georgetown turnpike, with . a pack of
hounds at his horse's heels. Those were
the days of the proudest, stateliest gen
tlemen. , Then we wore the broadest kind
of. ruffles, and the finest kind of silverf
laced velvet coat. None of your whipper
snapper, willowy canes, but we used
heavy, substantial, gold-beaded sticks.
Then what muff real Turkish snuff. "It
seems to me snuff hasn't tasted the same
for forty years' quoth my venerable
', . "Receptions were receptions then, not
what they are now. Mr. Madison lived
right out on this street," said he, pointing
out of the . window.. "They were just
rebuilding them, after the British war,
and the President lived in a large old
private mansion, further down the. road."
"Why, what do you man, mj dear
friend?" I interposed. "There: is a row
of new brick buildings, there, and a retail
grocery for .the!-. corner. Biore-"', No, mj
boy,", snapped.' out.' ruy. (estyantlq'hary,
"those" places are" not ' new. They"are
nothing but the old buildings" renovated.
I think I ought to know when the ptd
house, green with ivy, was pulled down
aud that block put tup in its place. I
ought to know, too, where President
James Madison lived, because it was
there I went to my firit President's recep
tion. 1 11 tell you how it happened.
Thtre was a party of us three or four
young bloods just come by a long stage
ride from Philadelphia. We v were in
gooa spirits at coming to our journey s
end, and thought we would pay our re
spects to the Chief Magistrate. ...
"So out we went to the old house, and
found several private . carriages . in front
of the door, and eaw light? and heard
music ineide. One of us stepped up and
rang the beil.' : A lacquey in livery came
to the door, a.nd after surveying us, said
we couldn't coCie in. 'Why. so; isn t
this the reception evening V 'Yes, yes
rejoined the porter, 'but I have strict
orders to admit no one who ia not in
evening costume.' We were rather aston
ished. We had on good ruffled and fluted
shirts, and fine walking boots, turned over
at the eides and curving-down benjnd in
the shape of a heart, as . the fashion was
those days ; but there was no remedy.
lucuoor-jteeper aiu mat tne tjomissioner
of Public Buildings told him to admit no
one without knee breeches, silk stockings
and pumps. So we had ;fo turn away,
not very much pleased, I assure you, and
it was a long time before we went to
another reception. r
"Soon after," continued my loquacious
monologis!, "I forgot all about that, and
went to Mr.. Monroe's levees. The Pres
ident was email, not five feet four. inches
high, a straight, puffed, potbellied man,
gracious enough. He was,, perhaps, the
last one of the real old-fashioned people.
His evenings : at home were genuine offi
cial receptions not so ., social as Mrs.
Madison's graces had mado . the White
Uouse, a few years before but with all
the - pictorial admixtures of the grand
seigneur and the good fellow pertaining to
flue gentlemen then. . .
;"Mr. Adams, I knew personally, very,
well. : I used to aeo him about five o'clock
every morning going down on the opposite
bank of the river, in front of the pastures
where the monument" stand. - There he
would bathe,, and thinknothing of plun
ging, into the Potomac in "the".' .coldest
weather. ' He would come back afterwarda
to the Executive mansion as red as r a
Georgia peach, and this system of exertion
may have helped to prolong his life, even
if it could not keep him in the Presiden
tial chair more than a single term."
"Do you remember J ackson J" ."Yes,
I remember Jackson;" here he commenced
to drop the Mister. "He was atsort of
straight-forward, good-hearted old fellow;
not much ceremony about him ; he didn't
believe in it ; he was for doing things
without, any fuss.; He tiled to promenade
his arm ; he didn't' care. . I knew her
well; she. was a beautiful woman and a
good-hearted lady, too."
The Johnstown Disaster.
Col. J ohn P. - Linton, the representa
tive from Cambria county to the State
Legislature, has written" the following
letter to the Johnstown Democrat in -explanation
of how he venue of the Johns
town disaster suits' was changed from
Cambria to Center county :
' "April 20, 1867.
"Messrs. Editors Manv nerson
have inquired of me for the particulars
connected with the passing of the Bill
authorizing the Penna. Railroad to change
the venue in the actions brought against
It by those injured on the 14th September
last. - Knowing it to be a matter of gen
eral . interest in this community, and
knowing also that the circumstances con
nected "with the progress of that Bill
through tho Houses are, to Bay the least,
very singulart 1 am iuduced to make the
following statement.
"The Bill to change venue to . Blair
county .was. introduced into the. Senate by
Senator Wallace, and' was there referred
to the committee ou Judiciary local. . Be
fore this cummittee Messrs. Johnston,
McLaughlin and Potts appeared, and made
such statements asioduccd the committee
to resolve to report the Bill negatively.
Apparently ascertaining this before any
report could be made by the committee,
the Rail Road Company caused a motion
to be made in the Senate to discharge the
committee, which motion prevailed. The
bill being thus brought before the Senate,
Geol. White aought in vain to defeat' it,
but finding the iufluence of the Rail Road
too potent, he endeavored to amend it bv
substituting some other county for Blair.
Somerset, Allegheny, Westmoreland and
Indiana . were severally voted down, but
at last Centre was agreed to by a ma
jority. In this shape, changing the venue to
Centre county, the Bill came into the
House, ,and was referred to ; the proper
committee... ' Without giving me notice,
this committee acted on the bill favora
bly, but got no opportunity to report until
the 5th inst. On Tuesday, the 9th," two
Says before the final adjournment, it came
up in Order and on my motion Somerset
county was substituted for Centre, bv a
j.ote of 55 yeas. The fact that this sub
stitution was made is incontrovertible -
The JournaJ tf the IIoue, the' Record,
the interlineations and marks on the orig
inal bill, tho vote the recollections of the
Speaker, the Clerks, and many ot the
Members with whom I conversed, all
unite in sustaining the assertion. There
can be no doubt that the amendment was
made. As amended, the Bill passed tbe
House by a vote cf 45 for to 42 against
it, and having laid over for third reading
.Ml 7-J I -.1.1 .
mi e'-ioesuay, waa on mac aay passed
Dy the House, as amended.
"At this point the singular part of thin
transaction appears. . Though tho Bill
was amended as above stated, and though
it went into the transcribing room with
. K K -
these amendmentainseried, tt was trans-
tcribed and returned to the Senate as Tiav
ing passed the House without amendment.
ms must have been late on Wednesday
afternoon, and at a late hour that night
the bill was signed by the Governor, who
was, of course, ignorant of the circum
stances connected with its passage.' On
Thursday before dinner, when trying to
learn tho situation of the bill, I found
that on that morning a certified copy had
already been obtained by an ofiicer of the
Company, and that the enrollment tax
was raid. -. - - v -.
-: J'l do , not intendjto comment Every
one must .draw, bis own inferences from
the facta as stated. Jno. P. Linton."
. . Old Knapaacks.
-The following' beautiful extract is from
a letter of "A Woman in Washington'
to the N. Y. Independent : ; '
. "I saw a pile of knapsacks the other
evening at the cottage on Fourth street:
knapsacks and haversacks left behind for
safe keeping by the boyo who went to
the front and never camo back. The
eloquence of these worm-eaten and mould
ed bags cannot be written. Here was a
piece ot stony bread uneaten, the. little
paper of coffee, the smoked tiu cup In
which it had boiled so often over the
hasty fire on the eve of battle. There was
the letter, sealed, directed, and never
sent, for the soldiers could not always get
even a stamp. Here was a letter half
written, commenced, "Dear Vife : How
I want to see you ;" "Dear Mother : My
time is nearly out."-- The rustv.pen just
as it was laid down in the half-filled sheet
by the gallant and loving, hand which
hoped so soon to finish it.. .Here. was a
scrap of patriotic poetry, and inspired
lyrics carefully copied on sheets. of paper
tinted with red, whit6 and : blue.. Here
were photographs of the favorite Generals.
and photographs of the dear ones at home.
Here were letters of heart-breaking love,
and loyalty to duty, and holy faith and
cheer, written at home ; and here was the
Testaioent' given him' by the woman he
loved J best, soiled and' worn. ' For the
American : soldier, if he "rarely read it,
still he would carry his Testament as a
dear talisman to save him from harm.
Here were thesrs mementoes of brave
2, 1867.
living, loving life gone out. They never
came back 1 The mourners at home do
not all know where they fell, or whether
they were buried. To one unfamiliar
with the soldier's life, these relics might
mean little. To me they mean all love,
all suffering, all heroism. I look on them,
and again seem to me the long lines of
marching men file pant, dust covered and
warm, on their way to battle. I see the
roads of Virginia shimmering in the white
heat, lined with exhausted men lying
down to sleeD and to die. after th"lnct
defeat, hear the cry of the wounded, the
iuoaq oi tue dying, see the halt filled
grave, the unburied dead. All the awful
reality of war comes back. . So, too, do
knightly days and dauntless men. Peace
walks among the May time flowersand
already our soldiers seem almost forgotten.
Bays of war and deeds of valor seem like
dreams gone by."
Ilovr Tea ls Adulterated.
A New York paper gives the following
account of the various modes by which
tea is doctored and poisoned :
In the manufactured teas, tho leaves
employed are of various kinds almost
any, in fact, will suit the purpose but
the principal bases for the inlusion are
sloe leaves, white thorn leaves, and bay
leaves. Experiments, however, have de
tected the presence of plum, oak, cherry,
and even cedar. .When any of these are
used in the manufacture, catechu or terra
Japonica (Japan earth) are employed to
give the compound. an astriogencv and
color peculiar to tea. ; They, as it "were,
supply the place of tannin, which belongs
to the genuine article, and impart a flavor
similar to that of Bohea or Hyson kin.
Both terra Japonica and catechu are vio
leni medicines, injuriously affecting the
system ot the unsuspicious tea-drinker,
and doubtless the diseases in many cases
now afflicting our people, especially wo
men, have their origin in the u$e of these
noxious articles under the name of tea.
The manufacturers use also a gum, which
causes a contraction of the exhausted
leaves on drying, and gives to 'them the
appearance poculiar to tea itself.- It may
be well to know, however, that the forms
of the leaves in the manufactured aiticle
are shapclessly broken and agglutinated
into small flattened or round masses,
which, if the microscope be used in ex
amining them, present an appearance a
differeut from tea itself as cheese is from
CDal'c- '-ne PIan pursued in .manufac
ture, or adulteration, is as follows : The
exhausted leaves, or any others that may
be used, are spread out on a drying floor,
and dampened with water. After re
maining here for a time, they are taken
up in parcbls and placed in a pan before
a hot furnace, when the gum is poured
upon them, and they are stirred until the
ingredients (which" differ somewhat io
imitation green and black teas) become
thoroughly mixed. The agglutinated
mass is theu replaced on the dry floor in
a room which is heated to intensity, and
after remaining sufficiently long thtreon,
it is packed in tea boxes, and is ready for
delivery. There are also employed, be
sides the articles we have mentioned, in
imitating the color, taste, &c, of the sev
eral varieties of green and black teas, the
following drugs, all of which are more or
less injurious to the health sulphate of
iron, rose pink, logwood, (which imparts
strength after the manner of chicory iu
spurious coffee,) plumbago or black lead,
china clay and soapstone, (to give bloom
and luster, or "lace," as it is termed,)
indigo, (tor the same purpose iu making
up spurious greens,) tumeric powder,
Prussian blue, -mineral green, (a salt of
copper precipitated by an alkaline car
bonate, deadly poison,) verdigris, (used
especially in the preparation ol spurious
Hyson, Young Hyson, and Hyson skin,)
arsenite of copper, chromato and bichro
mate of potash, chromo yellow, (all poison
ous,) chalk, (which enters into the compo
sition of Dutch pink, and is used to color
tbe imitations ot best quality greens,) and
many other deleterious articles, which, h,
proportion as thev are used, make un th
Souchongs. Boheas, Twankays. &c , that
are sola oy dishonest dealers. In many
cases, especially in the adulteration and
manufacture of imitation black. an'd U
aa ingredient. A report made to the
British Government mentions that in one
instance where a quantity of counterfeit
teas was seized and analyzed, examination
provcd'lhat twentv per centum of the hasp
compound was sand. Not alone do th
manufacturers: put into market the vari
ous imitations made out of the materials
mentioned, but by a strange process of
transmutation, the exhausted leaves of
black tea are made to become moat beau
tiful greens. Much of the spurious Young
iiyson wntcn nnds its way into market is
"made over" ic . this manner.
Gen. M'Creary, of Erie, appointed
some time since by Gov. Geary to the po
sition of Adjutant General, will not as
sume tho duties, thereof till October, in
consequence of the constitution prohibit
ing members of the Legislature from
holding any other office until their term
expires.'.,.,.;.: r-v ;.
John B. Gough made , his first torn,
perance speech in -Rochester on the 4th
of July, 1843. He has delivered 4,300
like (rpscehes and lectures fine then.
a! M0,$2.00 Itf ADVANCE.
Supplement to tlie School JLavr.
Among the last work of the Legislature
was the passage of a supplement to the
Common School law, which makes certain
salutary changes in the manner of organ
izing, supervising and conducting the
Common Sehools of Pennsylvania. - .This
supplement has been signed by the Gov
ernor, and is now in full force and effect.
It provides that when school directors are
unabJo to procure from the ownervor
owners of land an eligible site for a school
house, thy may enter npon and occupy
such land, to the extent of oue acre, and
the damages Tesultifig from such occupan
cy to be determined by a jury of viewers ;
and in case the award ot the viewers is
confirmed by the Court, payment shall be
made within thirty days, after which time
collection may be made by execution, a3
in other cases of judgment against school
directors, aud either party shall have the
right to have reviews appointed; by the
The same act provides for the. holding
of county Teachers' Institutes, to continue
at least five days in each year, and appro
priating out of tho money in the . county
treasury, not otherwise appropriated, ta
the county superintendent, oce dollar for
every three days attendance of teachers
upon the ius'itute, said sum to be expen
ded in procuring the .attendance aad
instruction of competent lecturers ct said
annual meeting ; and for uon-attendance,
except for a good cause, a teacher's certif
icate may be reduced in grade ; and tho
time spent in attendance on the institute
may be allowed the teacher by tho board
ol directors The superintendent must
make a full statement of the expenditure
of monies in his hands. '
The act also provides for the selection,
of text-books at each tiienuial convention
of directors, the same to be validated by
confirmation at the annual meeting of
directors and teachers, held as now provi
ded by law; and a majority of the boards
of directors may at any time call a special
meeting of director.; rfor the purpose ef
appointing a committee on text books
prior to the triennial meeting in 18G9.
City and borough superintendents are
authorized, in places having over 10,000
inhabitants, to issue three grades of cer
tificate?, the lowest to be called "profes
sional," to be good for one year only; the
second "professional," which shall license
the holder to teach in the county, city, or
borough "wh-ere issued during the official
term of the officer issuing it, and one year
thereafter; the third or highest grade is
calied - a . "permanent certificate," which
must be signed by the State Superinten
dent. All professional certificates hereto
fore issued before the first Monday in
June, 1860, shall cease to be valid after
the first' Monday of June, 18G8. Any
professional certificate may be . renewed
by the proper officer, if he is $atified that
the holder is entitled to such certificate.
The act also provides "that no person
shall hereafter be eligible to the office of
county, city or borough superintendent,
in any county of this Commonwealth, who
does not possess a diploma from a college
legally empowered to grant literary de
grees, a diploma, or State certificate,
issued according to law by the authorities
of a State normal school, a professional
certificate from a county, city or borough
superintendent of good standing, issued at
least one year prior to the election, of a
certificate of competency from the State
superintendent of common schools; nor
shall such person be eligible unless he has
a sound moral character, and his had
successful experience in teaching within
three years of the time cf his election.
Provided, That ssrving as couoty- city,
or borough superintendent, shall be taken
as evidence of the requisite qualifications."
A Long Journey. Col. M'Clure, of
the Chambersbuig Repository, will start
in a few davs for a summer tour through
the Rocky Mouutains. He will proceed
to Denver, Colorado, and after a brief
stay there, will go by stage over the
Rocky range to fait Lake City. After
taking a look at the Mormon country and
the Mormons, he will go north by stage
to Idaho, and theDceby the same convey
ance across the Rocky Mountains again,
to Montana, where ho expects to remain
most of the 'summer. The trip will re
quire over three thousand miles of rail
road travel going and coming, hardly less
than two thousand miles of . staging, and
over three thousand miles by steamboat,
making in all a tour of over eight thous
and miles. During the journey, Mr.
M'C. will fulfill a special engagement o
write a scries of letters for the New York
Tribune. He will be accompanied by his,
wife and eon.
Wigfall is engaged in business in '
London. He has scarcely ..been heard of
since he cradled into a porthole ot Fort
Sumter, at the beginning of the war, very
dtuok and with a flag of truce in the shap:
of a white handkerchief in his hand. - -
A Montana paper says that "."the
mortality of Helena is .extraordinarily
good, only seventeen men having been
killed during the past two weeks."
.The Lancaster county Bar unani-
mouly recommend Hon. Thomas E.
Franklin for Supreme Judge.. . . j .. "
. Mr. Peabody . lately made bonfire -cf
four them rand bg?ng Istttr. f
J t