,nnjl 111 itUlAJUJ, JL.U11UI rirTCmXSOX. Publisher. I WOULD HATKEE EE EIGET THA3? PILES 1D -.Y CLAT. .e.U 13 ADVANCE. ME 8. EBENSBURG. PA;,- THURSDAY, APRIL U, 1807. - - e3 n UVM KITTELL, Attorney at A ijt, Ebensburg, Pa. . TSiT. l ' t-it i n . rL-e rmosite te Bank.- rj&Ti2-i IQZIE M. READE, Attorney at T Law, Ebensburg, Pa. jjC'i"e in Colonnade Et'F. ris.rA4 v TIERNEY, Attorney -at--T Er ensburg, Cambria county, P - -J-V ce in Colonnade P.ov. " - f3E"S TON" I" SCANLAN. Attor j Ofr.ce opposite the Court Hcuse.- - f iVVEL SINGLETON, Notary I.e. Lreusnurg. i a. ,. ... r- .jL street, west cf Poster' LAti. Jit - ?v Cambria r rural Prav: ' A1XRS, Jastic and Scrlver e F -ce EIXKEAI), Justice and Claim Ag CZ-.e removed .o the i . . r M. Eas5on, Esq., the I'c-ce ce J.nCl- SHOEMAKEIl, Attorney at Latr, Ebeiiburg, Pa. r tf.ettioa paid to collections. e coor east o: i-ioc s l c a i.i: to-5 iauT4 fA.MrEL' SINGLETON, Aucrner j Istr. I;,fs-; urg, Ta. OfLce on Ilig t ;. vts: uf Foster's Hotel. T .:; r-j:..e ia the Courts of Cambria an J counties. js? r. ::tnis also to the collect'cn o I;j-:.t:r- against tbe Government. tE-jiiGE V. OA131AN, Attoriy t coarty, Pa- ifte ' aaiaclw. ana payment c: .taxes r.t :o. Ioik Accounts, Notes, Due mis, et:, &C-, collected. Deeds, ITortga- ana iertt t-us:nec ,.j aitc-w-i to. i ensions :nt Ec -allied Eouutv collected. C, VILSOA". M.JD cers his r- j a Tites. as P'hyalciau and Surgeon, to citiici r-z iJetiSurg ana aarrounuiiig . r . i :s pr"partd to txaci e all IVnsion- ai''nicanti for Pen-..na j- l: services. 3b? C'SiCe &a High St.. ti r:e doors lurct. in cm-ce to xc -y occup. ae. Efcaidence imm-.d.attly v.- ZLi J. LLOYI. 1 .SucrejiroT cf 12. 5. x. Deirr ic ti 1,1.7 gs and j:edui:ce5. pal, . AM1 L-VE-iTUrF.. TEKFTME X l.Y AN! FaNCT APTiCLLi. i'URE "". VNLr BRANDIES FOU ilF.I.I-i- : 1 i.I Jrl.S, PATENT iLEDICINL?. 1l A lo : f-T- - f - Nwte Papers, J eis. Ftu.i'.. Scperict.daK ether artici 1 1 by.Frugi ? Etensburg, Fu. U.VIISTEY. . . f -unaersigEtc, Grdur Cu.gr-of DenCil Scrgtr , rtiSpecf-l"j ' prc't3siouai servict to the cliiisn-s t--surj. He Las spiired rm mtans .tw P ' tcqutiat himself with 7erv ia t: :n his art. To manv re.rs of rt-r- . - r - rimce, ie has sougut tc add tie --t- trper.eace &i tiit hlgLfcstauthcriiies ? " .-.nee. Fie slas;iv -.sLs that aA I u.av he gitt-U twl 5 worii to -waprise-1 SAilUEL L ro;-D n 3 c "-'- t rci. v. i- Harris I.E. 3cn .aady A. A. El Lituiare Cci ifcgfc- ' --. :e at fciiirurir cn tn- "rtich incnthto ctay cne w " -i. 1 "61. tk. - 1 CO-, TtiuJurs 1 ,e-J. iiiixsnrr-s, Tx. i -.. i.ri i.ox-s Eiiut TEI, I EPOSITGIiT OF THE ENI i i - - ir t - , - . itui; ?nelnr: KfLrlc ?T f V, n r.rjurTT. LEG t ! . - rginiaand Annie 6is..N'urui ic ut 4 . 'aa, j'. j my Ik , ( -"ie terra I t". LeTI1Iie Stamps o:Il denemdna- ! 2 D aiiowe :eo. p-rards, 4 -per cm. ers La 77if K-rasniffa. - l w i Jin fif i r - iood-Mght! Gooa rig-nt i I htvv& tc e&y grod right To such a Lost of peerless thing's ! Good right unto that fragile hand, All queenly -with it? veight of rings ; Good night to fond uplifted eyes, Good nltht to chestnut braids of hair, Good night unto the perfect mouth, And 1 the sweetaess nestled fhere -The snewr Land detains me, thefc. hare to Ear good night again I there will come a time, my love, n, if I read our stars aright, .all not linger by the porch th my adieus. Till then, good night I a wleh the trmc, were new ? And I. ju do net blush to wish it so ? w ould hare llusheiy ourself to death a so much a year ago .it ! both these ehovt hands ! ai . then, ' v have to sa- good night raiu T. B. Aldrizl It 'vtes in rua?cacei:?e .rsf & letter re- cdved frcn d eld c boo1 sat vl-ose res! ; Lace, as I rrcceed, :he reaaer viil per- : ceive tne nece::j or Cigtttsinsr, that 1 j laid aside n:y books ted pat'ers In the mids: of tern., and nzie a hurried jour- tej to a distant tovrr. Hccrv t. Claire, T tLill veu lure to cali the rrie e d wLose urgent Eumnaoiis I had not felt at liberty to disregard, bad been among the most cherished of nay early associates ; and though I tad seen but little of him since the days cf our bcynood, and our correspondence, like most others, tad been irregular, and tad , long piece erded, I had, nevertheless, j from time io Xisl. j-eceired Each intelli ; recce ol him as rne riiirtLllv pair.? in t answer to inquiries maae. as occasion of- J fers, in reference to the welfare of absent j friends. I kr.ew, for instance, that he Ebensbur-, I had married ; that at the death of his father-in-law his wife had inherit! a state : that she had died not manv i.tarr Cia.ms coi.ei.tea. wtu rr, nir v-, v, :j ew"tbat he tad subsetjuently conTac ted r nr.-Ler marriage, and was now the fath. r of three children. F- Se melancholy tone cf his letter, in wL;u e besought my attendance both and legal advi ser, I ral nru e was in declining hea 3Q v assistance in relation the v? n 01 lis t-rot'crtv. mice intf the presence cf m whom 1 had not seen for several . I ras startled, not to say shocked, arpearance. His age could not exceeded forty ; but he seemed a en-down man. iiis countenance was rari and careworn, his eves sunken . justreless, whilst his grey hairs and c-ping form t-re Eadder impress ihan -t cf years. ""- . He expressed himself grateful at my dy coupliance with his request, and, tiie conclusion of our creetincs, tlui . his desire to proceed at once i: Lusi c:. I T;jei scarcely sa was prepared 10 receive instruciious f.r an equitable division of the testator's fortune anioi;: 1 is . i children two j sens and a daughter, of tender years--making, at the"same time, suitatie provision for his wife, the r urtoer of his joys and sorrows. Juirre Mr. St. - - i ct mv Fumtise, tnere ere. whet C;a:re named as the sole suoctasors to his f Lt Lal- i proT-erry, two individuals unknown to me, atd cf whose connection with himself I was wholly jgnxar-U .- 1;Mr. Si. Citrt-,' Iviniurf i ty rem strsfe, vcu havi "a-wif e" ah 1 -Cliidres on- "I hare,'' e replied, "but heaven pre serve them frcm the curse of wealth that dcs net belong io them !'' -But. mv friitd' I rcrsi-te ''there is suL a thirg as being I ju aware that vour cver-scrupu!ous. lare possessions it, P. H. A - ' t-s by jour fir&rtrwiJe; I-utie property we hers to co withras shit wruld. She urti ! became the sole heliess ct her lather r when hi three sons were 'Iloldl" he cried, in a wcu'd hve startled me had I not, at f E-rct ben Icckirg m his face, from youngest, I would have done my utmost 1 ! nor lir i.. W3eu , . "V" " ' r- c,.., . , rijjicsiuJii u nuu.i t perceive" mere . ;Tf r Unr-r i,.i.r tnin. . A i .1- " V : I T : " t 1 was fi0ine to be closed. W e wr.re vr-tm twenty yards ci the bank, take my leave, "let this subject now drop ' still ccnticu-s the ex-cie uu-stio-.'-' tat-i a., - j "-"-- 6liU ........w.. i wucvc x co;u liM-evtx. j. aere are remeaici lor the : power. ' -omraraivf v -"ki-:- sVe : k-t Vrrf, i--- truated. ! EJ huad &nUs shculcer, "wether denes haa he ealled for -help. I stings of conscience; apply - yourself to : little knovo aBd vet the reciives virs ! At'"' J ere 3Ce companions and fri.ndi. As a saw n:m but far a moment; and I tl.ink, ; them, ai.d you may yet pass years of hap- . irem men In hi-h Ifflclal po-itior at d is ; ' X. LLOYD L Co 1)7- 1 inCDdj " a Iaw-Ter' J0& LiT: sett I f 1 Btr3ck &,it to swim, T kicked him piuess in the society of your family' i reputed to ei.joy a sinecm .rpointtaetit I "t- j ;Gr ae- TLere iS fei y st err cf which beneath tne water but at ws undeslgn- "I know there are remedies," "he an- j In one of the Departments. Hir hash-nd i I m the rrinci? cities, a'ndSi'lvc- f 1,&a EUrs u wa Jcn7 ?ose to disbur- d, - Eat I did not turn to help him. swered, "and I will not fail to seek their i lives with her, and i said to be a reat I y --f .rsaie. Cuect.cas u.ade. :un- I tl Jour "'ad. ' W. lever may ue tbe I mad--- for the ia. --- : and aid." j admirer of hr stra-eica: ta"f'- 1 " ' " 1'' r.'0- .P!-t ca deraand, secret, rest assured ii will be safe with j h then too late. I savt;-;;- 4 '-t many days afterward, I received a i istrative abibty. HerVeculiar Jone'was f:ra:;r"" cr cI'ot,utEt' w "ttre.t me ; put I can never become the icstru- j e water, and the boa4 floating awafV,.; ; T l' -'z the death of my enhap- ! pardons but relentless Eadicils havin- : 1 il! rV?C) Tctr a-Bcoeni wife a'mTi uothisg lsc I am his murderer.7:, ! rl" "He was found lyinc lifeless on : dercyed the power tc grant meh lavorL : t--?r v't'- T-cil'vIi. Cci. i ctiai.- - " sas ri sufney -of j St. Claire paused, overcome to j-v- . ? icif of his chamber, with" an empty -; &he he's f-een obliged to rert io the offi-e- i NATIONAL BANK , nich I am clearly conviaca. VTt r,1 to phia! clutched-in his stiffened fingers. i brokere lirr,, in which" she succeeded i i Cmw ,0 :Tff tJYl? ;?r v- doubt was left cf the the I well ugh to enable her to bu te j t v..w-,. . auu i,eu is is CiSCiOSea. WU1CU. - , , f . tt ULT2 Ttmed V i,v whirh he Yt - aiB-it 1FZ . ! ermntrir rr rlPr.A nr,r.f; ;, i neithe: I friend o.uj uiaa can can me v -il not be long that I shall - .r friendship. First hear I. 1 . . id, then, decide , upon their vaitdiry. j i I I c placmsr himself y cLair, an -aptrtiunifigtoXajikiaraoieon ; i.C & ?ocitirrj partially to conceal his face he pr "I- of ten years, as you tnow, tince i i.:.iq my first wife, the ,-ir w , i r ; uui.tii ii .ii. oenson, me weaitny car- yct are aware, was the TjaaS "U1 laiaraiase , auu tne 1m- A mense fortune f nW father-in-law be- , : J .v- r j longed to hie? rr rather, ta Jiis thr-ee sons in right cf -his .secDud wife, wiio was dead at thi time cf my marriage lI had not the mc?t "distant hope that this immense fortune 'srauld ever reach me; for, though I knew that in the event c' a. the death of znj wife's half-'brothers - vcut issue, the estate would be entirely at her father's disposal, what reasonable ground of expectation was there that three healthy boye would die, and ' thus mate way for Agnes ? I hai not married for money, and the thought of succeeding to the wealth which afterwards became mine, tad never, at that time, entered try rxrind, "I will tell you the first "time, the thought dawned upon me. , There was an epidemicraing in the"Beighborhood,"and my father-in-law's three sons were a.11 attacked by, it at the same time- One evening, when my wife received a mes sage that it was doubtful if any of them would Eurvive the night, the thought flashed upon ine, if they should not, how great wou.d be the I lav awake the vhc-le niirht. and found myseu pxaccicg ine ciiposal oi au inner-j itance which, in my distempered imagin- i ation, I fancied already within my jrrasp, r T i - -i r . forgetting that another life hat c: my i charge had taken place, and all three eventually recovered-; boto rm was Jhe hold taken cn my mind by the hopes thus suddenly engendered, that I regarded the event that dissipated them not only with feelings cf the keenest disappointment, but as an untoward accident which had deprived me of something to which I was rightfully entitled. You must understand that these were thoughts, feelings, fancies. Had I stood bv the bedside of the bos t;You Lauw Ecmtthing of the river here, and cf the passion for boating which prevails among the inhabitants. The three beys often indulged in this exercise and it sometimes happened that I accom panied them.. One day. we had rowed several mTis uown the river, ana it was nearly sunset when we thought cf retum iir. The sky was suddenly overcast, and heran to rain heavily. In the scramble rfor cloaks' a-d umbrellas which ensued, fl i-r-'-v tiea ; but it i-sircum stance v-d for merri- merely served : -mcnt. In me the effect 'r-roduc el was very cierenr. iuore tttan a year . l.ad e.apsea since tne epiaermc haa civen n-e i to ieellnss which I have already confessed, j nuu. i.a i'ja rrearty rut not cruite i - . -I. L I 1 T l - i tor-rotten. - At that moment, the-.- recurr- i ed with tenfold force. lf it a'd upset f j I said within mvsLf 'If it iaJuDstt i and the prospect of wealth again opened before me. The boys were shouting and laughing, while I sat moodilv apart, in dulging in my reawakened reflections. "As we continued to row, darkness set in. The bote were ln the-height of their glee, and I wa3 absorbed by fancies I was no .? powerless to rrrurrl actlnii-, r-' we, pase3 some objtct fioatinc in the pasei some object floating in the waer 1 know not what. Half in boyish curiosity, half in sport, the three brothers - sprang to the side with arms and oarj extended to sntercopt it, and in an instant the boai was capsized !' . - . . St Claire pronrruacea the last words rapidly, ana. apparently under creat . ex citement, though hrs had yet said nothing tending to erimikate himself, and the oceurrenr? related -appetred, as I had always -UEderstood it to be, purely a cci uentai. I ?ad. f;the bovs were unhap pily drowned ; "brt it was in -consequence of thetr trwn imprudence, and through no fault of yours-" ' "irtay, he continued : vou are here re to to. hear a couftoaion, and I am here o wrought on hi n: T as to coa- umb joruiiiena my wue became, prospeo- j trretyjan heiress. Brighter prospects ied ; L. - X 3 - r i I fo increased expeaditure. and embarrass ments tUckehed around me, ' In my fiifS cultiesl ippealed to my .Father In-law. Not penny till I die,' was4h ussweir he gave xne with TiByielding obduxaeyj- He was, a you krnow.un IcTcferate miser, who could tot thinl of nartin'with the cnange in my pros- do ume m funaania? me in case Ench an ; politicians 6eldon: do anvthiD"- for mere 1 tects. I repelled the idea as heartless event should ocrur.' (friendship sake, but generailv io . ; - and cruel ; but it possessed a strange fas- - "Mine was a singular situation. I, who ; wd . stlSsh recifrocity, and therefore cinatioc, and was eoiiSiantlv rcturnitr. ; for years had had my hones fixed on a ; it is that hundreds of meritonou men are- ! father-in-iiW t03 bttw?sn re and its i near me. with sprprsl rVKInls r-r.nn t T either fripT-inbiT-. r.r c i-r,. r. J i . I . ' t "t" , : 1 --t'--'.t a i .-i.il v , , present erijoyment Itoot up cne of them. It was labeled ; and a threat is worth a dozen letters cf i "Next mornicr, however, a favorable ! 'laudanum. All the demon was roused 1 recommendation. So it is tha the female I wneu iue name 01 iiie was iremt-iing lu i-i'g uepenaea cn tne prompt use ct the socket, I would not have extinguished ; lancet. My heartbeat quickly. I i .l. a r i it- 11.: it. 1 was no murderer then! hesitated re-seated myself rose arai "" "-c mu iutani, x j'ieiauta uu me .itLea dsn , "J.nEre IS Etlii i?n'h-, t niar. who is i tone which youngest as Heaven is mv iudire. I i fo swrr? a mndrate mmwrp-oT tn hie ! entitled n t-,--:: - '"- - ' i. 1 i - - 1 - j - -"t ui.',, v. . fjiie i.'iy- the never ?aw. I believe, had I seen the ; wife and children. ' lists axe. under cidti cu ' ' tosavehlm.. The eldest rose -oluse to me. i -Hecrv St. Clairer said I. risinar Vasant . cau:-v L'.1:.a No, latmed;-!. am ttt-; Mr. Theophilus Cisney died at his Horace Gxeely, lT fancier, BuTif you -siill cntrrtam doubts, j rwidence, in HU1 Yallery, Shirley town- j sation, was asked his opinion ."'' V le. them be dispelled by what I have yet ! ship,.. Huntingdon, courrty, oa the lidih 1 Johnson. "He is a pinchbeck Dou torelate. . My iather-in-law succeeded to.! nhimn t-,rnflO to.. H xraB -.v :. . s ; ' Btnailest portion of his wealth sare with n;s aie. "It was ai this time that "Mr. Benson wis seized by a complaint to hieh he had lcEg been subject, and which required prompt medical aid. With the assistance ol Dr. Neale, he had come B2fely thronch several similar attacks ; and, on the pres ent occasion, il doctor's skill bade fair to prove equally successful. My wife a-. b kLtL: Li i v ii l. .il rt- Pii:a r r w but in tne nsornlnir. the natint heinff pronounced out of immediate danger, she jielded to my entreaties, backed by those of the physician, and went to peek an hour's repose. The doctor, who was also -rjt ortrhh watching, embraced the opportunity of temporary reparation thus offered. 'I her? some Er"prehensicn of another attach saul be, as he ieft me alone with his patient j 'but there is no cause (or alarm it jthI only be necessary to lee crcat inheritance, and tad sen the most ' I f . lormiaac.e obstacles removed, was dot aiane watching the sick-bed cf the last in- dividual who stood between me and the goal of my wishes. There was a table within me. Mv pecuuiary difSculties seemed to augment, and the value of the ! is ooeved. She demands a share of tho old man's life seemed to diminish. He piofit in the General Order business, for called for drink. The key to wealth and ! instance, and the poor victim, who is in enjoymect was in my hand ! The temp- j finential vrith the President, must needs tation was fearful, but I resisted it. j fe'O to that dignitary and obtain the requi- I had replaced the phial on the table, j red boon, or suffer worse than a thonsand when certain unmistakable indications deaths by failing cr refusing to comply assured me that the physician's iears were j "with the demand. In short, blackmailing about to be realized. I knew from the j i this woman's lioji. Somewhere in the doctor's previous treatment that everv- ' Tat historv of a certain civil r-F,rpr nf tb? iistenea again sat down--pressed my ! treat, a fair maiden. The affair was fingers on my ears that I might hear noth-- hushed up and the episode buried. Until in g, and leaned my head on the table. I recently, it merely rankled in the memo continued in this posture for a time, and i riea of the few who were personally ac th en started up and listened. Ail wa J quainted with it; but now it has'beu silent. I rang the bell violently, opened ; unearthed, and its ghost is made effective the door, and cried out, 'Call the doctor, iu frighlening a poor mortal int cbedi instartly I' I returned to the . chamber 1 erje to the commands of its grandmother, and seated myself feeling that the last j To speak plainly, the Government is obstacle to fortune had been removed, and He arTroachci th Lonr nm? it ar.A sais, i lear it is too late 4 '1'ernaps not' 1 answered: t all erhaps not,' I answered; at all ; events, make every passible effort of coarse, eveythin in his 1 . r povrer, nut m a lew inutes desir-red, say- mr. as he shock his beau. 1 A .. " have reason to be!iev, onl? Tiltle toe late.' Since that time t. Claire restrmed. "i Lave ne-cr known a momi.t"s reaee. My vrife'e vrs Icr her father fell on heart like drops cf fre. Each lock she gave me seemed to read ej inmost thoughts She never spoke that I did not imagine she was about to accuse me f my crimes. Her presence became op- ! r-ressivo. I withdrew from her ara fmai J society. 1 fancied men looked suspicious- j ly upon me. I had no companionship 1 x ! bat with conscience. "At length Agnrs sickened and died. She left me the whole nf her fortune.aind I-iaarned again. rBut thr curse of, a double, murder was upon inc. The even- xzg &u the -Ivtr and the old man's death citambor are eternally prcssat to my fan- cy, ar d leave me C2,rcf . , j .r : , Yca have now heard all ; i.-V-ncsr. may I ask, .are you ready to frame. my "wlii as I have directed? I am possessed of a I could not but admit the Ju'.i". 'of the proposed restitution : bnt, with some dif- an accusing eoncjet--2 C V ; bora in Shippensburg, i'a., in 1763, and i removed to Huntingdoo county . in 1793,' wher be has resided ever since. He was able aucctsfci?y to xcaEags thea.ffairs of hi farxu-Ull he had reached his i-tih y ear. Gov. Geary. -has .signed the . deaV . warrant of Ivobert Folger, the Washitrgtr. county murderer, He w'-tf be han'gee . , the.15tb.May. t .1'. . " . eatnrrw tuat-i "wtr-a "rrorra tiaf ure j- . "l ucc ti-ere is anotber iwcas, whose j derer I -j power is in her bewitching ankles, pretty j In a few moments the doctor entered. ' black yes, and curlv hair. She has i j quarter or a ni4;ioc, aca it rigtuuUy te- : py tne ncnest brusquene of Gen. SInrjer. ' longs to the heirs cf these originafly .Vnti- ! This woman bar become historical, as her Women at TTathioton. . A W ashington corresponaent gives the i following chapter on .;t chaiaeter tod! inf aence cf worsen -t the National zz- ! ital: r f "It is a strcnr fvet ,u- r3 s.t the boru- i- r . Bnd J wire-pnllinc which disgraces our nauoLal capital N hile some of thein aie clam i wi.uf i-ti t f- r ; t" r : : k g n. f r. i y orlntr fr ! of exertion. Tt V.er srA cI!or.l- j ouiy at wort, accompli?bin? x-MV the j shrewd diplomacy i.nd insancuve trick-j j try their sex, greater and more astoun- ? cling feat nf icf cence than the proudest j j statesman of the ci ?an br;it of. For I ; instance, I have in mind ore rhosecsmela 1 ! appeared auifce TroTniitri!lT in th.- rmk ' ! trints cf late, whose psrer is iiinitio" ic spea. m the -ni'uiar cf the 1'bbr j she his got a hoi on some one, and u?es j it ucppanngly. .New, be i: known Ui.t ' cast aside, and hnn5rf-il rf nV.P i - J ... nh- i a scintilla cf ioundation for their 5 j claims, if true merit is a criterion, are ! ! advanced and petted by the 'powers that ' ; be.' Fear is a more potent aent than i referred to succeeds. She threatens and ! tne j vrovemment, ttere is a record of a rcman rose . tic, or rather a 'Lothtrioic,' enisoae. He n wooed and won. but did not tonorablv mutcted for the 'hush moncv.' trrr.wTi r.rt i ;r!ner.t;.l tain directions. Fcrmeriv she asr-ired to Is-.rge came, and rarelv failed to accom- ! piish her object ; but for a rear past, she has been" obliged to content herself with : smaller jobs, and wcrks through subaltern? c. jnweegree. Her refutation wasffrm'v ' estabiisheti long sint-e, and for a time she was courte-i acd tattere. bv applicants - - . utf , uuo wcCkce too com- nor, or rather used her power toe openly. a i' tvc-Z& r:: r-. - y? WrA 6 J her dipiom...- . ... using it promiscuously, she wcaiu i retained Ltr icfuence. It is too late for j her to rectifv her error : lut she manages I ! vet to r.iek cn a fevr n-r.Fr i r w -. - v. j and in short is now a second class office ! brokeress. She is unscrupulous and does j not hesitate to stoop to informalities in thp way of obtaining notes from cne officer to : another, sskicg for favnrs, and has beers : known to inveigle ceitain private s-creta- i ; ries "into writ-ng them with an spjarect air'cf cfncial character. For instance a"! ! note of -this kind was effective in procu- ! ring an .appointment fcr one of her own i ! sex in the Treascry Department, -fter j which she utidertook to levy blackmail -on I htr victi. but was foiled in th a--,t the most important features of g mental policv. 5 :i tentedly resting in peace and ociet,' f The ; United t States hare the tnest beautifiiUy designed bank notes and tbe wc-!t ioekinz coinage in the world. j ' . ilie TGrtland schoolboys hide bottles ' j of whisky in theii sea Lb and get hopeless- ly drank ir. acho:3 - - t . - - Tim. 3 T - bstitut-fiopawo-4J , dried artky Ripe .le rricE it San r:accico. T Sale t a. Wife. f'e cotrplaiti of the Mormons for iheif plurality vi wives, and ol the Indians for their readiress to dispoe cf their wives at any time fo a consideration, but the Chambershurg J2rpo.tyry iSvs that Fultcn county can beat both in diposicr of a wife and children by regular srtiele of agreement and t ill of sale. Mr. I'aui M. lishotg, cf the claisicai township cf BeiiasL. in Fulton eourry, and his loreiy Mary Ann, certainly a "fruitful and for antr'nt tp can see a faith Pel wife, mutualry agreed that the said loreiy Mr- - Ann should be sold to Mr. James ilsoc, ''which is the churn pedier," for the sum wi tevf "..ten dollars in cash or approved cjuctry produce, and the '-hum redlar an d his Dewiy purchased wife were to -, aTay or. or before the lt of April an- 'to get away the best way they can," and SLid . diar is furtaer emjKJvrered I? wallop the chiidreD and exercise cencral'r the rights and prerogatives cf the frf'r husband. We phe herewith the ariicl of agreement made and solemnlv execnud between the parties, and assure our readers that it is a true opy of the original coc ment, made in good faith , and e j resume carried out ty the parties. Here it is ? Helltai Towxsnir, Feb. 14th, A D., ItCT. ArticLie ol aerecmeDt made an 2 fu:ly czree&d upon. thi year and date above written, between pul M. PIshocg' & Wife and James Wilson, the condi tions cf this agreement are such : Pu M. Dishong doth agree to bind and obii rate himself that he Will Not disturb hi Wife and family, Vt,r Wilson (the churn pedler) and is Willing that" 3Iary An Binhong, his Wife, and "childrin, go with James Wilson: and Paul W. ljshong is willing to gixe her fcat Property ah claim es in the house, and also arree far them to get away on or before the first dsy of April, ISO", and also to get awsr the best way they eas. Paul M. Dishon is to have his oldest Daughter in the spricg of ISCC, when calling for her, Mary Cathaiine, and his. wife Dotth agree to let him have her, & the afore said Wil son, is not to go far away but what Paul 31. DL-hocg can cum and see them and will be treated with itzpcct. I'aui Ml Dishong is to have seventeen dollars in money for a fore said Wife an Childrin, or the amount of a bill cf accounts, or to have the Coir, and also to have his Bed, & Plate, & Backet. & Lamp. Andifthi afore said Wilson Can manage the Chil dren without abusing them, he las Priv ilege to come and get them at any time end is welcome to ail cf them. Paul M. Di'hoDjr doth arree that Marv Ann, bis Wife, can sell the Cw to Ennv one she pleases, only not to make sale to Enny of the Hcsscs, in Presence of William Fohx cer. "'Paul M. Iihcng. "MiEi Ann 1ist?cnc?. "Jamtjs Wilson, wtieh is the Churn Peiier xue-iioned in the a i fore said Artickk of Agrc-emsn:, tod now projwitt'ir at Mary A a Dishonsr. "Attested William Tuhe-sesT rvef Oeeeiac Mrncrr." .berojau A-.7i. fe Iairs of rai The Selma, Alabama, Tinas y ublLbe the iollowing letter from Genenl Sher man in reply to a Confederate clergyman, asking to hare his horse restored to him. The Times say s it ia "a very good speci men of the erratic huuer of that eminent 1 3r, and wLl doubtless. ptoveke a smile from" many a Confederate - who was him self occasionally .rel?fs in areb for title where horses, bee Uses or vegetable -vrcre concerned r . 4 Atlanta'G a., Sept 10, 1564. , "Her. , CouftZera: Anxi; : "Pe as Sis Your letter of September 14th i3 received. I approach a question Involving the title of h horse widi great diffidence ; for the laws cf war, that mys : . hich we talk so much but Lu." E ij-i-c... Terr,arts!jr silent on the horsiv-i5 6 beast so tcmptine to the soldier, tCoi of the wild cavairr, the fancy artillery, cr the patient kfantry, , that I find more difScuity in recovering a worthies, spavined beast than In paving a minion cf greenbacks, so I fear I must ' reduce your claim to one of finance, and" refer yon io the sre&t Bori c Claims in T asi.irgton. Thai may reach your casa "v che time your gTBcdchild becomes a", gre-tgrardfather. Private'y, I think it was a shabby thing in the scamp rf the v -;.-first Missouri who took your horse. -and tiie colonel or his brigadier should aave returned him; but 1 cannot affjrd to undertake to make good the sins ct omission cf my ovn colonels and brlira dier. tJ":h less of tbo?e of 2 former gen eration. 'When this cruel war is over.' and peace once more gives ycu a parish, I wili promise, if near you. to. procure out ct one cf Cede Sam't corrals a beast that -nil replace the one taken from" yon ed cfBiy. But now 'tis impossible. y.7; ive big journey before us, and will -; ,ofAU we have, and, 1 fear, more loo;, so sfSk cut when the Yanks "are about, and hide your beasts, for my experience ' is that ai:' soldiers are very careless in a search for title. I know General Hardee will confirm this xnj advice. With great respect, 5 ours, truly, - .YmT. SatRMAX, Maj.-u'en " ' Lie "the lat v years 1