The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 31, 1867, Image 1

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' 1 UTUJri I . S O N, i ill Si s l: c 5'.
1 Ml IT'
i a.oo.arT ADVAIVCE.
IkTTLLLU: K1TTELL, Attorney at
1 Law, Ebcnaburtr, To. '
ip-'-ii-i' - 1
ifoEN FJ-::;LON't Attorney at Law, 2
i'EN'LON', Attorney at Law, Pa.
,-0'lh'e opposite tbe iaak. tJJ,Ji""
. i. -
SOUGE M. HEADI, Atlorney at
Law, l.bensbnrg, la.
Cilice ia Colonnade Hovr. jan2i
JTlIERNEY, Attorney at Law,
Ebtnbbuii:, Cambria county, Pa.
-Cce in Colonnade Row. J""-4
TT.,.,. ' o cnlVT'.l V ". f.irt.P', t
at Law, EKensbar?, i a.
fiffiie opposite the Court ilouse.
J fJOas 9tos. fn24 lE;iSLt
V CisGLVrON, Notary Pub
C lic,Ebensb,irg, Pa.
nn ur-U suee", webt ot osiers no-
Tlio Old Story.
was a woman, aud I'd a lier.rt,
Ad.1 I raved uf Io Ci und ccnctancy,
And lie saw the te.,1-3 . my tyc'ils start,
Tor ho Y..J Ibo vorld to reel
He v.-iiisijcreillcw when the cSj'rincr-tirn? fiev,-,
01 the t;'iigled 7?aths ia which men etr.;y,
And aror.nd rae his avmo he threw,
Ills eyes were- ou firo that day.
"Ye parted: yes! but I clung to hhu.
And I put up my lips to be kissed agnit: ;
But tne lnuhinK eyes of the heav'u grew dim,
And v. ere e-tcIIcu black with. lt.a.
I - ' . . - ...... I .
j was the urc blazing up utber an J higher, ; her in at the other vwmlow, thouU tl
1 J.?-X9jjiX"b
and lightning up tV70 of them old city
i cLurclic'-s i'.at yoa see lost down tho;2 old
j courts, and looking cj it thev'u Loan ut
! there c ut o' the way becauo people didn't
I b
ie i As I t ,!d
ynu, i sc?:K-u
rop3 was so tight that it must, have Lurfc ! my nerve, uu run about sbriekisr- fj
the poor tLiag terriijly
j lc-.7 uituu;cs,-rnd thea.I fell dor: v: ny j TLcro U a pbilvohy ia baud bhakin-
lhea thjy ieaed t:e rope aqain.aod j tuo upon tho ho ; floor; bat Utrcclly alt.',- It is an iadicwio:. ot cbaracte
f.eie cue o tne way uecauo peopitj utaa t 1 v.-j m.u. anotner worn a a over, a:, was ! ijy uiiu'l beeui-.-l to C'ui aa'-u aa-1 1 it:
liuve any rue for theui now. There- they in-sensible with tear, and wg got her over ! that if I jjiu; die, I hid dj:-w.'ruv Jutv
were lit up and glowing, and the pigeons ail right, though shc, tou, slipped off tho aud had tuved sev.a p.: r crc-:.:-.ires ; ar 1
'.1it iivod up there scarci and flyiug ladder. Then there were too hale girii. as I thought th-ir, I l... ; t., .jv'k.-.c -
re v.rid and round the Cre ; there was the ; cce after the other j and it wa Fad to tee j and so-jj words v.r;-'.-vt ray iirs words
ru.-h i::;u the rear of the triad alnag the j hi vr they trovub'cd aad shook too much j thar j:iuc i'rooi my iuurtai I th ... -hi ot
- r. . f 1.1 i ... .
iuii u-5 u ?cl iiie dnu ni:kc ' n .jiiwucu io cry, wtu ney in. i; it u, i iiio-3 wno were o.ic-a
were the naaies icapiag up, the eloaai or ; re:- the heat vrai awful ; and I kuey tha
suaoke rolling away, aud the crackling ' ahctner quarter of an hoar would find th
sjuiUer of tne slates as they iiew wuh the
heat, aud then slid rattling oil into tb
-a :rv:-i
It srives
expression to tha degree iu which you are
apjrce.ated or e.-tttaed by a aether.
Ther- is a variety of i.-.ethuds of shakiog
i'.u:; !,, according to the temperament, dis-pc-::;.5.:,
or "cea.don.
o'vr.o your hcd with a ferveat
t-;p o-.o l.'j- extended and- holdic
roosn we were m tea not.
V7 e got another over
at: iie was dragged over, too, for ho dare
-a yoaag man-
it j cf the burning fiery furaace, aad I prayod i y vith their owe. Such ia th
e j that I too wight "be saved. j salutatluu of the jolly ur, ready to shar
J And ah! it Wis haid to prry there to ; the "last shot la the looker" inth. th
court beneath, s.uash ao'; tlicmveiacat
iney came to me wnen my love .ra, gone, UOvy and then caoj? ?. hud rr and ! cfc try to crawl across, and I suppose to
I They u'.ik'd ot ruin 'and tears aloae,
And my liea-t Y:as dull as KaJ.
re 1
1KS C. EASJiX, Attorney at Lav.-,
rrroI.!town, Cambria, county, Pa.
r.Arc'"itectural Lrawings and Speci.!-
-.3 ia
-A., Attorney rt
Law, Etcr.;har, Pa. attention paid to collections.
e one door cist of Lloyd A. Co.'s
r lI.'Mle. j:vni
LT;S ELDKn, Attorney at Lav.-,
Johnstown, Pa,
n..,. v '.a the several Courts of Car.i
. ,j and adj'dniag c-.-'int!-:-'.
e ;i V. corner, up &t.xlu. j- --5-
then ihey 'aid their bribe at my feet
the sparks ap ia the whir'wiou. And over a-pbes like that, all those feet over
there all that time vert thi-?e poor crea- j the paveuient. and when j-ou've beaa
fares utteriug the wi'.Jc t cuerein-r shrieks i Ir'hteaed to death nearly by waking out
h thn
i ---w- 4W-
keep your thoughts in the ondst of that itrangr ct the hour. Others, aain
fierce, suffocating heat of smoke ad steaai i seize your hand with r.s much frenzyaad'
from the water pourieg into the i o ai. ; may mean as weii toward you; bat they
And how everything e'se but the words ef do not look directly at you, but past your
prayer cifoe iuto uiy uiiad ; a ad 'r. wjs as ! eh;ek, with eyes steadily set, as if bck
if devils despairing, bkspheiaoas devils ! ing f.-.r souie tr; leaned gUostliues3 be-
were lusstna in ray cara to curse and ! oid, acel &eea;.L ' to coaversc with
lVas the sane old tale that ia cttta told lJl IltJP ua evcr nc-iici- -,uv x vo or ywur sleep to iisu the nert place oa stinei oatus. 'ihen, too,ca- :v tho tuutivrht
v niay'd oa the stnes 'of ir..- hearth i "-4U -4 ' , ' tlJ-'- -.n-u i '-oo uoaie. ana tue ...i.e gL;.u'..: : vi'..:.-" t-ire t-1 y-rca: a ct lcr
And dazzled m- e-es with -old. I c5 thuu-Il a;iJ a3 1 -i- -about lires, I dr-:, and who had worke? all Le could to i and hov I could no..- under.-atad tlie dr vi I thiila vuf) r.-i'ii ; yoa Uij-u.-.tarily-la
ucii t i suan w:i uci i ' i.w.e- ie u; u..;, auu a..ot.i.;r cnap, '. uiy always na:t o: w:i:;v. sue cii.ed in v ;. ai. ti.'j ir.'-ur. -u r.unu. ex ; lor ta .st- fi souie
i so. a D.yscn to a i ovciesa tinner, a mutter o
Aad I v...'. I'd to :ne altar and thc-r? I lied ; j tiii::g very awlul in seeiug ici'ovy-crea-
For my h'-v.ri wua away with the primrose tares, strong ana hearty, and vet e-yiug
And I by my husband's side.
A:. 1 now y.m ;"-Vh me what of the lie ?
I vj p '.ii dc.'.r for -.ty girlish greed ;
beioro your eye;, una yc-u iOtah.e to .-avc
Uut i wasn't idle all f'ais tino act a
is chap as 'vc i rat sr,oV.w
A 'd now th
aoout made a rush to get to the ladder.
Ws 10 su
(Lii, ei it
or evc-rv uiinu.e s weri stuie- I uoi:
!i a liorrid fright that I
ha'd got over sale, and bo-
pec'jar- it to have
wb iM I'd had quite a set-to with to keep ; irigh-.iul busiaess. Y.-, J h::d saved " Wen eo ;: ii -s d io;o one horrid bruised
ter.-:rd- Jud-x fio;.vr. Others, strain.
-hard to give up iify at elglit a-ui-tt-ca- ! dd to i'-U f--:hiHt: w.sjular power
and suffer tic death from r. hi -it I had I by swinging yuur ha-id an and dowa a
saved so m-u:y. &ort of intimation th it thsy are about to
I couldn't h.jlp it just then, i r a gri: i "'pup" yoa!
smile caaia over ia face as 1 thount i: I A lew couie 50 close to you that you
b-tek, i as to save the wetaea uad eulidreu
iur,a v, om.'.i
life I k..d.
to dl
I, irlXJL::TOX. A:tt -ney at
r.i' -, (Ji'-ee oa i-tiga
. .,: F.;s.t r c; Hotel.
iu i'.u Cu-t.T of Caracvla .'.ui
Xw-iit b-lter. I
nn. a-., no, h r.-
fvT t:io re in -i winters reiau
of ti e- eriairosi-.-crowa of spriii'-
; thin at a he, aud it you uive u -c-) much sidi I knew there was time for us all to ! was :y old enemy, tha dre, b.-ii-y reveusr- ! can feel ttieir breath upon your face -j
ui; e it vriil I .-Jt you.; Uudevt? e clr?a:a- j get v .vay if things were doi. quietly ; so, j ei upon me bdt -;:i-ec;tly after I tried Vo - orhers seen to b-3 expcrlcx-fittag on tho
i sia..-cv.'s the first thu.g was to sure life, ; "e-n.-ideriisg as it vsu't his can,, I lield j pray once more-, aud then ia 'lie nidG of I greatest distance at which the salutation
1 ci..-
.5 J
J.'.iL pray
1 or the :ce-;i
Li! 1 1 tiirn to mu
tl'.c ie vera file i:t.
itiL wtv.u ur ;-i iii.'.J.
v-'j- -H-r: iii t: LaJ ;h -'ian i ui-t- oacit lor ihs iu.;rr:cd u:au to g- trr-c j the sta.'.ue I gave a wild cry, uajhed oif i sua be c-tcoanged. Some daintily offer
I u.-. le.e s.:et to veep ii.-j u.e j , t .r-s w:ie, w..en the otner one aia:;.;.t aiy helraet, d raised liv b.;t i.-ui.:f.e, ; J-'-u th.j tips or their ungers j it means
.heiu ti. ll i :i- i'or ..-i.-idew, i gut i-ol I i shrink. -d cut with rage and i-ar. and Licked o!T wy heavy i . e-V-iiii" i- j either that they consider t Leu: selves your
1 u' A rui -) iaj- i- at tha huu-.e opposite, j ';L:-t hira co first' says the married j local sd, at?d had o'i my "thic c-i. to; ! superior, or that they are not disposed to
! :id- uiado ay v.jy up Uuirs to the third, J.'ii waii." j aud thea, with i-y hear." I-. .:ia-.- wit!. to esrV .daily grachus. Oihcis, again,
! ii or. V.-hiclu like t'.j re.-.t of ih rd-iCe. '' Tai.s'': Ids :-?rn " 1 n-i r-.rh.-.- Y.'u. i hr.r " -..t-n. C "l r ,. .! .. . : .,, .... ! v.":r rr.'i.ila J,nn.i
c.j-.-i-j-i i aij i . -v ... -uver vou '. i r.:;a ar .-r.e:i a . i r. ist Tiiu?5iAi,f i - - t..-
i .'.:' s ' i e
5i;:i.: V,'. OAT .UAN, Attoracv a: i , T , . i-; ot -.mie ojo eu.'t be ia:or:sr.:J with, and j cad ia tho big chiaiuey of t': old i oands.
Hid clal.a Aeat, El-cnsburg, j Ard I e'-.'t think I ever shall tret to -: -! a -!I' LHi.-e, it v.. 't J.-;, j h tvi:.- ma lo uiy plans so far. didn't raut j hoas-3. " j The v.-z r -rreeabie shake of the Land
..umy. Pa. take K as a u attcr of couri-', sir raki: -j j to Had your vv.v , L a c I gji up at la?:, d ? .'..ou. a I. '.ere i. do, ''Over yoa go I says, j It yss fail of sruoko, an:1 I e.uli hat 1- ' s that lacanh-g, weleoaie grasp, warui but
?vu,-i-)i:s, iluck Pay uad P.onnty,.a:id j jt coc-ily's ..v-; d the ou.vitotr. ' Jlt-re v, j op.posito L j the ro-Aa v. 'r.-ro the pjor . 'I thinh I can c:v.-73," ho says, ami hy ly brathe; but i: was a :r:i.-e vay of es-j not pui-ful iu pre.ure, which stinij gaar
: -d ldUr!S ':--dti;;g a lire t-.-- j tMng; ti ud tuiy buddLu togeth'.r a: 2 0t oar ou the hUJcr; bac iu.-:: i-A of ' capo to the roof; ;: ;.! I ' ::-Jd fed"! outee to the sympathetic look and kfndly
jookAcccurs,Vo;'s, DVj LilU, ' I!icU cau i'-'-d Uays on due;;, cn.' rea.iy one wm-i-.w, i'--rth? tirr w:..5 gaming oa oravdhig, tie sat a.trieb uf it aud wo. ued that I was te-.nxr tnv. shi-i' frora in; cl j spoken w-rd. The most aboaiinablo
:?, i-c, co!l:-.-ted. ' Deed's, :iort-a- at a E:o:o. to ! a.'e a set to v.ith the ; tiai, co f rat uules th-.-y were u b-dr- j uJoa, with the crowd hurrahiug bows aud kace,, I taana.l to ciimn handshaking ia that lazy, listless offering,
u -uu t ts, r.ett, rs of Attorney, Uor.ds. v.'.rst ti.e tlr.i -ve-r broke- tut. INo, J j ed th.y v--aldo't v -iL and '.hceiiajj: hiai tremsndous. higher and hi-he'r, r-bv.-iy i.r:ei paiuluity, 1 tt'iog ivj cnr. and aversa to receiv-
i .
irate j l la.aiaeaiate wr.itenes3 of your wrist-
"'vritt-v, i'.nd ail le; businc-
I to. Pensions increase'
r '
'! i
.. ilo'
..r Ebe:
, "d. I' . olV.:.; Ids Si-r-..'.ei:.a
-.i. J i? v.v t
i f .irrjucd:ar
i.t.l neve r - : :o take :: as c matter of
; cauise, f. .' it's ad dark, ru-h and c-xcitt;- ! axe-
t : crash I" iida't I bt mviitt'o
3 rouau tue sasnes oi that v, iaU.;v, i the
t ;o!it, a;.-.
r."-.'.,3 to u:
j i',r
I- t.
.1 r
:.pL, iu.;
there's :
'. - h lO j
y ; out i 'iai'e-d
put to i
have a clecraace, lor it was tiiiiLirs
and thea v.hca the poor thiog j was h
aud saw tt::- nuht .--niuiu.
: , i x ,". .
i .
1 ant
. :i
1:1 -3 i-.l 1 ea:-.-.a- .
' :---: - v...u a. . .. . ' ,- pp..
'.irrs'enors cut c i , lor us; U'-a
:-vb' o. cupie.l by j dovU !.-e 5'
uiedlatcly aJjoia- ,tl.;!c:ng ,
S-rc&.'.or cf R. S. I'-ii:"
T. .Ut in
:0r: AM) MniiiTIXKS, ! ' IN":
-,.-: UVK-STl';-,r :-. Pi-:rFU...
v wcv a frrifhEs.
.! iii? an i; i';i
i-.- i !'.A J
MK .ill-
i e. 1 1 1 xl.-, :c.
rui::ii p
Wil :t S
:x a e ia .
or: :
Ir jv.v
eou ;..en v;itl a i
:- fi) -g ou1 I' hii:d Ur u-t
he ! -r '. d. " :-' 1 ' ! ' ' i
I - '
i u t:.-;y ch ar if
- ' -v n e J; ail
''-, v. .:h the I'orsOi' iio i t
ie crovd so aiiug, a::d t;'.e I u
iccread .g ut everv nte". !
i'io:: ia ic as v.ur;as en
d i-
.oe-i, l.ow i Uc-y u!U f-
. .en ;
An 1 nr. daiae the flame and smoke, and
aud -crackle and laiiiag in of
y place
i T
3 U) 1 UC !Clr, I
ih you feariuMy.
as gotli -:r te: vible.1'
U. O.'.V. Willi
S jCf-JP-d to
r i t. v i
j i:'i.pta.
e-tan a ,;.-:
ie i ;
a'aii(;r.-,i th
0.ii.i-. el o 'r ii : t
a .t or iiw leiio
- oeo-i a tiiO a rt
oa 1 laade rt-udy o tbro.
i; s. .vaea iu:', as i v. a-? a: . . :r to I
:o:er to try and cut eh i,
! V J'-
. go aed irtca
j toeup:,: .-tra
. r: .. ' : ; ; ! :
1 ncaih wt
1 i
! e a;i ! iia. .
a M;r::-t
:d twielia-,
higher and higher, .-br.-iy und paiuluUy, j .-.'V1;'': pTrs-ure. and averse to recciv-
out soon I cotud ieel a curreat of awcet. I u,'t any. vc have saakeu hands. with
refreshing air fe'aiag dowa to me, and S 8 persoas, and th.e memory of it has
every breath gave i..a frcs.h ?tre.i2th till ! annoyed us for aa hour afterward. It
I rca 'bed the top, whoa my heart sank, as i -va;i hka to .ichiag a ,yet di -.h-eioth, or a
I found it wouiJ bo ii'uiT ib'e to tret anv ! cold, quiring ircg. An embarrassing
i e w-'nh 1 fjitlier oa i.ceoaat ot tho cb! oa-y oof. j suaice oi fas is, when the party
Jl r' . ... .... .!--. r i f.r.-.,.f. r n t t . tie f . r J i. r !;.-e't.. : ;
I got .oj ! I:e feit gui'iy cl Lv.idae;t or was net quite
d f , --a.u .hat Lu. had u.a bee a misloc by a
as awkward as a r at- -:j
i. t-.OOU,
i " t v ' li n - I j
:o ci-uo
(! fioiii uiivior-
.j-v-, arm
-,' : s :
. i
(he r...f. i i.
r t
:'. : ei
' ,o
id j jrt ai tin
j .:., io !... tiati-xov
;s d .:ao;j'.:' ; but wheu
Are u
r 1
:ad I let the
I was goig to tie rfo; rope round him, ho sod
.hen to force lujs:!:' through,, tilt I was I i-"' e Joyers.atio.. . v..-'-v.J.
so wtdued ia 'hat I could not fGt ba.k, Perliaps, t:- young lovers, the quiet,
bar I :'-:!! thf I h.-.-d loo-noi'the oat i lialf-uaintjatioro;-! coo tact of hands is
f: ; ;av'
u O a
aal y.:-re P..p:r?, j I v, .
.'. t e-rri'.s, Surer: -r Tnk, ! i r
A:.i otho.-'.r;;ch-.s h( i-t !
.' i 'TV. '.Sit.S J. crcrrU V. ; .
' 1 ."(.'"((. h e ppo-ite the ! b .r ,
i.oe;i-3:-;v',. v:i.. '.an'.-l I a.. J,
i a f u a 'y ,
way sox :how v;
, lui p'j a
C : .:
e io-. ; - 1
kaov; , p'--:r tama-i sav it !t thev
.'... ! k '- ... i ...... i r
it in ! from the iv.ud.j.v. j t';. .
j "-i -J oa th:-,t a,.;:," l.aouced '-aau j i. tf
rsiv :r.:d eek. sdtcin--s 1 toau et vou fro:t:e ur au-' -ae o.' - :
;t -a..: taere u v. ?Jt 'ua.s .-oo:! ; :-.-e: .' ;.- e r!:e3 . - oue ot tuo r. .
in .o mtic, uusxi ir.j .-:r : tou'ius, t-';c:i vuta nvo ir threo i moI - :
.i a. i ;e;i cc, or rather i the court, and all bar. i palbd ;dm b.iok into tho suiuky nom, and
jS i kepi hoi i of, aud .huo w'.-r, he luhucd d. nd awav.
fie mu.-t have go a dov.'n crash into the
1 na i' , e.ruu'a"u
: o iba.r to io.- e.
hi. -a ; but
? are.
. rv v. o tv:
! lll:i li-j l.v
I ma ie the
.. i fhuu' s dar:in; up through the
i buinlug h.-s ; and then i
1 to th.uu to haul, aed haul they
ll'-" '"V;t" ..jan-.-. j a.v. -ewgafe srieoc rvhoop . a:-d away j ui;.g,:.l jr. ?a nt iue wioavw, a;.d stag.rcrea back int-- t!e room, holding oa . .-ave my ha:;d aa-i ir ;c ... r"; but :t : - bob '-lT-k ? V'ho can 2y that t boy
VY ''" -:":,J!o ito tae lu-rc-s enjoy:. ...r i-t j a.ata. g Lr:. end "p, eomiuued to j by the rd.eoo of b.-ru.-tbrou-h ror-c, and b'uek in mv throat, a-ii 1 e -aid i: -r -t ' v:eto ir-L ad f! - brtler ibr it? Cannot
i-a-v-a:-.!, Gradual of the r.i-.l- j L'bf'u V'1- ' '' Ut 11 s hard tu i U5U 'v':Tv' aii1 5ntl) tllti & oi' ibe I with my ii ar: inki:a, as i felt tbat'ay i own without help, .xn i I S':v : e .:- - l- "c'f ,
l-fb-'l-ou;! Surgery, reqjictfuily w.:it::cr they .:u-. make more sparks j cta-.-r l.u-.? iura ho courr, and so made j uwn ccai ot alvad r. wore partiv -r6. i iish noodo taust bo fo;.-.i cd'erin-, i. : I - j Utlhaiv tae Lre Jatiuer tn - v;. ,e wnat- ; a toil o.i. o, only it vas ail askew, for . dust ih. o the iiames were wf-Ved c ! Uov. ' they did shouc -.yhea I -ot do'.vn ! Pvlilf 3 of a;-'-
' W . """V10 ! CU-nj.'1-'rv' Jr;tr:i:U;' Vr ,her- V:!5 th" ! tlt to owe cue ,idr, C! d i sav that they w,;e d-a- ! th,uu,h a.u ther bouse a ad ws .h,.re
:3arV. TorarTr:';.eV.;V'4 t' d ' ' J 'T ' ' ! '' ''V' - , -'' i- :.-; bst of the .cveu, m. d I feit aa-mg-.t them rod' titer all, i:-w;ts O.dy j Tb i ?;i.. :e of VTbs is poing in bad
Lebu soaaht to :md th, V f'f -c -ais: a::d a:, . iu:(-e:.-, a, co:ne, -ny us-.v rs if I h:u. du'.? a g od niuhi's wjrk, j one's duly. j c-.m-.aay, if tfc folio .-an.- story, told by a
rareed th" hi-heit aatl v ' '''-v: a.:; vaariag a-a.. , ,.-.a two mor, ia,:.y , I bo:s ui,-a to uad :: v.:i,: time to sjxq favself. I'm nor j ' ! - I L-adoa letter writer, is true : A matter
a He sla-idy a:ks that i n a'a pth ",e su:ui:e' Hnd boiQ ! ur lu aoU 1;i ;-:er :' i took hold t a aa-ed to uwn it. 1 did i'eel friirhfone 1 I Aatiotit'i2 Oil Vi ell. I 'dchreai'v di.furba thn -ond lrtrl
uer st re
i .
t;.e 0 eou uc
e ij a i : -j. .
..m ot tae i o. u
u. .: oi tau i o v, but before be was .-.ere:-, .-o::m,hi.-ia' we at snao, and J
rt las- ooipb'.ely forced it ;iF, ;mi ! I iCanaac that soft, lingering rest-
-,vd myself ia a sL;j:ig po,itiou oa th? --sso:, that delicious retraining at loyo'd
mim :
bat tfr.dd io m .ve. f ,f j uie':.. ioi that faiat cttentpt et withdraw.
.:y liead was wedoi ia the uo', which i :i! -1 propriety 3 suggestion: that electri
u'as used down vpo" u:y sliualdc.-s. d thrill cm t mt-e: whirl: h:;j the veins,
1 knew that I could cai t-v where I i :r.oJu:-ttes the vcie2, colors the cheeks,
was tor long, cu.i tr.ea --!co mo-- t-t ' t -1 i''gatties3 U the eye, and a tiem
rid of n;v'a., Lw-ir 1 he'met ; a ad noa. t i-u-J the li-.-
i !j -it T 1 .-v ram-' U:;vi. rnr-,--r,.l ,n 1;!-
l ;V1UL' 0;
m ui
i:. a:sd it fell v,ilii a er.-h into th.' court : P '""
Si. ;.m
'.rid!:int in scholarship. Li?h in tin.
r " T.. t
u ;aca::i.
Ju.t 'thrn then
ii x-r .'..: for ! nurs in theFtiil moon-
;hccr, f:r so? : 'g- a.aiug m thrir baud the aoft white
r:e had di .ui- me ..--.a ifora bd .--.v ; Dd ;hau.4 t i a wou an, their thoughts idly
::ek aud fair as I v; .q 7 :-,.a'a,d u, ' lt -J" by a ilyIrig leaf or the thrill
... t. .. : . : .. ... - i : . .... v .u .... . - , . n - -
e,. jjnua iof -i-ii v.w.v u - . , "iyn, i; i uf ti iiJICa. i o tae iopc, an
kl pi:LFO?.r. d. d. y
ydli'rWZ 1 L(' i taiek ! ttie rope, ana tiica maae ready to cr.iWi j us I torw dowa that piece of rope, and it
ud just v.rr our beads. I across on thd thhi ridge I'd rigged up. uia-1 aave- been gotaethir.g iiko a cry of
cugia?s were tre, ad zr ban- ! it was ibr lb
t: . i ... r r. w I ivon .1 - 't I . ... ... , I T i '1 I J
-ie: a. I'I.!in'.y,P. II. .a,.- J l'er,C(: -c '"- Ji:t-re were no: bo many peo- have ventured on too shput, boi.dirjg j ui.d felt it Htm, ray haru. and then 1 tried
;.o:-e College. I " l-'Jt Ci'pee;ca : but as j wood; f.vth ,;i set near.y j tu b ;u' opon it rod fel: it crumble away,
Ebcnoburg on th fourth soon as L got there, A taw a. orm-thing uprm.-t may ho str,- ig eoe,u-i., it makes u .u 1 ;:;be;v th;. X v.r.a without a wav of
; J iomh, to iay one w.ei. perUou'ar the matter, and this i0 j it a Uea' vekor to i ay it down ! :vel and u-e.
yAi-: v-a : Ihcilre was in quite a n-.r- then go a net crawl mo'ng it. 1 L a:wJ.o.v IVrabove the nohe of the 2.e and the
row eoarr, vhoxu thf- .'.r. a. it mj.a i-e. ti. -;: T th..? ii,.. r.,.., ... . ... . -. - . ... . . ... i ... . t.
- .-. j-.. u if tort s ir ex oi in ci)wa as .nt:
a-' l i i iuulu m , i;;MV. ao l maue n-v on, -a ' . i ..i i. ..! i... i.t .....
i... tl.. ..: : ..r ... . .. lo., ...-. i , . . -. - . 51
r. I'.ni. - ,
Fr.ENSisraG, Pa. tcaPc--' ana titurg v,a,peop!e bur.-j,
ph. ?r, Hovcmnivnt Loans nnd I aeath : '.valie above t.he vuriiio
vb;ch"greatly disturbs the good ahd loyal
ui jrats of iJaglatid is the intimacy be-
The Oil City Router gives a hi -story ; tw,ti t'ne Duke of St. Albans and
of the abandoned oil wells ia the v enaago j I-;.)ce of Wales. Tho Pake of St. A'
region, and concludes as follows: "These :s a you.-g ui-xn about the a-e of
voa'mr uian aooat thn n-o n thn
are seemingly the fail ares. JJut they a.-e pfl0C3 ; and ha has succeeded, in tha
co more numerous taaa the desert A j Cl ..;rse 0f hj5 short fcat evontrai Hfe ;u of the gold diggings oa the i'acthe j ;tbg up one of the most notorious rep
side of our continent were during tae hr.,t : Ut.:tious ia Europe. His character is 80
lew years or itjeir aev. tonnienc. in ooui ' u.
cases, by tho w:-;
aral laws oi comocu-
..... : i i
p.wa,::.i uiu. luicirn t u:-jj ..m Li..iui..g t..e ecgint? at aaeu ui a pu.uv, t:' mat in ver.t or ii 'di'" 'W f p -o ucf a r -sh of m--'e ! cesses, A. i.-uo'.v-r ea -lji.ura, fo ; u .,
I iVCr:;' : "U CU1J bc-C tUj-lri-wful cncs f'f dU 1 ,,r:i rt'u id - :houido't have ra,ctLe wbdo' time could not look cut, j obtain pood producing vrells have occurred ; J.
i--nViast.a-.atis csa-ird'! iiw'.'-' - , , , goue uii the way. ey t;ei oaa cod of j but direeiy after 1 har-: the fierce r lib 1 duno : the j-at miui-.g- -"a-.e-a than cj- i to .
-.. j iiV'' ucn t vou suppo-e taut I'm proud the i-dder, sou, Ly: ; k.-o it .steady, and j 0. vrt-.r and eoajd see that four brin- -'A cy previm one. Vfirh rc .-u:--ra- , .)
i moD ard clan Li::
rL'Sia.-.t tiie ope-
St.i"nd OUC la tfl'pit I'c'
-ints hard at J Used lor a J.a. lay, e that m ver.t of a -Aib- there cjuio an ;uch a "rush of tbrme cesses, A i."aa:U.?r e:
'of all this I'm goiRtr to tell ou. bcu--" I thou there i was sera at L ha
r ... i . I I
J- Ui
A ltl
r. . . T .
;ao rvriDcioal cities. ..n.i su.
ISov, if :.u
at.-d i-ava any one's lib, why, no doubt,
it woi-id be ''brave antl ga'd.aot, because
you would have done it Co-: tt tru.1 c.ra-
vuiu'cucks laaee. Mon
a j osit, payable or. d,.nilinp
.- or time. whi. .'
jau'ai j r :: t then vith Die it's ouite I'.iCercat. I'm
.r bcodii.'-
;u o.:r.rri;i
cre.d uadeiueath hurruUiu
i a
anu -r.
as it 1 was
Va-ska. for a safierinv fellow crcatus-n;
lo F t
' d 1'LAINi:, UnrUr"
Lfii-Viiiio, Pa.
--Tipooir.-r, and Ilair-drci-it
' '---- artistic s-.Yle.
' "a uuecalj opoiitc the "Moun- 1
'- Inj
.;.;;-, -eai for the Blair '
' ; - lire .a;urante Coia-
" " jh t a.
;';.r1I'p;'-'y to making in;u-
:;;;' v-auiona county neon
ox m -person. . rian-.i
ui a vii w .'ec
k t
what r, my t.uty to u'.
o rave a.e aad pro-
i 'v,o:
roui o-; :":Ueativ. aalv uo
ciaopiag tueir hf. r
don a Lit of Jlleodiu to ph:s-3 them,
i.ov, i.e ladd'. i ud bii. i ; o. that I
thought it Ta.ut g.v , way, .-nd tu
a dvlu d .v the irdo7 ar.d
p .or my t j;.-s ULe v waa a e.a
viij ;u.
... ( 'O'e i .s . i i i
by toe isrtplicatioa -t pr.-ai-u- s k:
i, - i .
I ran to the window, and was bc-at.m ; I:-"'r- ntrmg maramery. ,.o i.u-oe n:.;;:iy j u71 t;ie 13.1. SCsu
bad by the water, v. bile the samke that j produotiv-p. ia taaay looadties, th.s -- is well known i
came u- was oubo biit.diu - T.Vn I. tr; d ! nment has bren tried, and th result ; aR brothel, a
'0 -' ihi ::.:. t!i i.r.t v.,.-.r J iK m,h ti. spm roVC 10 oe tltitu.V sa . is i ui. . r . I.. I i ami :s :m swn
era -a ii. to tue c. on
J raus iij, tue ce; rt axe m 1 ard, and
- - '' -res the Mute ef affair.-.. One house
v.'asir, a hl-are from -op to bottom, and the
wi'oe.s ham worked tl: rough iuto the next,
--o were attacking the ore
wr4iI- v,'ith their escape ret:,:':.riy cat off, i i
acre w
be upp
r.d n o
e.iua 4. ana
the next moment 1 was u. the wiauow of
the house, v.i di ti e trcmblia .
worn a it(.,pag :j me.
"iM.v, lacu," 1 su .-, to oiiw mao, "yr -i
caa creep across,' aua I po-uted to tho
"i caud leave mv wi.'e," he .-a vs. liold-
ig a h : ;iiiitjo
oom to see
1 t coud pot ou of tho'f-oor stud Tscca'
lio raoh'- . at just at that moment there
. ....: i . v 'i r r - r . . , a."
r e raortioa of the p
in at, -vita very high raak and graz
' e is not to.erat2l iu the respes--
.. :rutio .ocieiy of London. Hs
is career by gating into all sorts
sera. i at Oiiford, ia which city fi2 u? id
io u- -,. ar w;ia u'reaier reiruiantv in tne
e art rb.aa at lb a college chapel,
. .a Vu: wlddi university he was finally
di: 3 hi J'sgrav.'. rrinoj thea he has
oeea t.he hero of innamerable adventures
e ii:.;.:iy J u71 t;ie (Justineat, scandalous and othcr-
la every gambling
od nolien t'.-mrf in
t-!i ' ' r
fasisiaocry. vi.:i i m. u .. ..w.''n.t ., ..:ii..: x.,
! . . J . - -
Lioieuio ijiooar-i io
odiicr us'js be-ides i!iu..iiiii'u.
" I . 1 .... 3 I . . I .
.a: i n.i l fi t :-.rn!ttii the. sttt
i c,.a!ise - that th. bacl of the house was I P' 'volls 0,3 rJ dernw; i.
i 1 i . I - V Oli.l f I'. . i- V ITi V f ! ' f ' t" . t i 1 1
till V '. - tl Oi . i i V. kuw " J i- (
ti 1 1 vj. ii
i rr-e sot
a youug -aa, as vua caa find in many a
thy. Ac Oiford, one day. while yet he
rs are now lorieitia
Ilf-., VflLMORE
k IKEIXM-r iv,.p i uu .,a .ra:u "tid staircase were now vai.-,i panu siiva wo lai i her ou the ladder, j hmr, i seemed to be n--marl" uaneN -d, i l!' vain,
l-i 1 2,000.000 r' -Je or ;io'.t u wiuca .-- Mieo o.i mo oiaer sue nauica, i .. t n to snritki: - and crying out Hot a ;;ac, aaa too i riiioo oi
. i. IDI' I a,-..' . .1ft r:jtt 1 .-! -"i . ..." 1 .. - ) ...i. .!,.. ..- l,..l,i .... ... .1 .1 . J 1 ', ; . . - . . - 1 ! TT .... . !. - .. I. . . . a I t i . - .
. . , - CL UA-Cil CO ffy I , . r. auu ciea.ueu. wiiiiuui, i ' io tue rope iud ana, ana r,jv mates bud desofted me, wticn tney, ,juruuuis .jieij.ii..ucti:.- i .- - return orates uy Visit!
.'filA ' j4024 1 mini.ia5 JIiifu;ou. ' ge-uer hiit across, when she, flipped oir ! .ere m the roof and mid let down a ropc:s the oin' n'vhich the ueroui;-- iri-. : I 4. -.-jo ,' :ue,
r Tu-- atl c. vufa Tj ' lilue tor ladders cr ary-! tae ladder, and hung rbthtv.-.,- the curt, ; l0 va, , but i could uot tee it; and tle.a at, V f -i.i-.m-i aoh in a m t-re ai .a ,.,' w. .... . pb.v5 ;! wt'
"" J.VIAN, tfug cf-e oat the fcbc-'ts, acd tbera we : waiie there uro.-e a iesa iT tb.iek or : .t , r .q .h-. w... d .w -:' .' tri 3 ;a coti, . . -i.t. . , riuke :i Sr. Albans is the
'-d ...iflVilXaoi-VxCF. stretcb.d oa? f:.!,; ncM... m. - r a' b v r. r,- t.. dd w ...,o L - . ti v, . . aLV.V In I .V. Tmr ir.e dames cc .' 'S-oo;. Letther has a .en elected oi the P'incess, well a
va man aam.-t the
. t-- J ' -
tllCI'e V.'trc aLut . h.-df .I hiz-l r.-OTdo at i V.odcv:. V';i:.-r lh s .a tfj.aj.'f -i'f
tt-c -Pi-.anuov.s ot too moog h-..ue, ' ueuse.
"a ou're a truia.p, y oi: are,' I ihinks
tie rope over
oo r woman
"y oi gettics: to thera. lltere.
.--1! j was luca uuer to the place, bc:i)g in ; and thea i-iuuia ui-re of tin
IJA., , ' t.060, crowded city places ; while j auu loaad the pc
l. uoor jn front, and staircase were now ' '.v.a.w pand siiea wo iaiiher o:
rushed uo auaia aad tilled the court, I let es trrto-caa got ksid ut ulraady, imi-I.
k-K-.v thv-- was-m help to be bad fr-oui j l' a -''"',JiS ,''tl t,iLlcr -i-
d. aro ai:e,io- cbeymast be beiueu fr-m: j oi. -'i wal be f,w aad ir b.freeo f,r
,p we are web .-ctislied ffat vwth ti:a proter
v. is vj nit teens, three Uiuerens young
v m-;n ajipriurcd in court ao-aiast him,
watii eaiaru.s cf . id action. Since then ho
has ut Pured ia every species of dissipi-ti-oi,
. ai is .s well known to the London
pdhc a- aoy loagCr.gered "Jack" from
Aud this is the most iati-
ij 1 1 i 1 1 .
so I I beea i:i smp; dan-er:' ia a. v ii.0, ; "1 :'K1'-"0'1 ui "ui'r'-fu'-1 ' ) iUL ' ' mat o rnend, companion and coafidaut of
I bat till nr.T there uac alwava se-mcd a j ces tour-a'tns oi tne u- eneJ wdis cuuaa ; iLq pp- ;;f tje Lriush throne. They are
, wav cut uad -ii I tore fauous-b' around i de to pay haneUommy, thus P ov:..g j c .ub; ter. together often go arm-
. the pitvo, the sweat drtppsag ofj me, 1 " p-:""'-'p- ia ana to0taer a.'oae o nights fand
'a i Lnd i he horrible fear of death so ci,se at ! '-"cy up.-u tneir cre.timu wai - t o::y j v.herc la.-y go to is hardly a u)vs'.:ry.
f ut w si he-tic lb. -i
, ...'V , . , , ... U ! . . .' I'- t "' . r I . . ' .;. -- . ' : c : . .H' i:. ttt..e ...Uty., Uu.- -i-'.
'-V fetu" ,jlc,fci-.4V' :; V !C " -d,---J---.'.;--r- .r--; --roimarv k,.,.d;;Lai bacu, and a ,rcau uaa
: v I couid.-agt ttdi. CTre iis tau oxur-uled, jaso4c-.y soca had aopicr they ia ail tiiatha-
bit. A-d. :us fctayb by the week at Marlboro
Ii m e, a ad tho I riimo of Wales as regu-.
s by visiting the Peke at
.-, in ewry way,
oaly tb.i, tao
e intimate friend
o,-- ir.e aamcs crat , s-.s.--jiov'. j.4&t-;.ier uuj a.en cictuca .. oi the i ! meess, u welt i the XTince or
oacie Iroai the i .day or rf i,--xiQgtcn, Va. Ob, vihat j. Wales; and i oft ca s2SD riding With
been done. ' vyaa -cro, my countryuiea I 1 aloac tbo rrirkj.
in 2 4
; Co.