Iff 1 f 3 roLUMEj. c i;er r., Carrcll. r Btwi. tread feles cf --Leat and ccrr " l"';---s X- r. ""Tareer. Chert. Ij m-e Ttwlj hsme wrere I was been : r' f jI-- G. Croc'aA. Taylcr. . t-ea.cs. tree leans aralrst tie wad, T'tHTbz. Itorurff. And trD3dte wanner, ca; je-3 TTiite. Tiere Is tre sraded ctci-raj r, ! ,1 " "3j pVwt Garar, Scsc"iac- Eat srarrers ici Las crossed tie sill. J V-: Tier, is tie br-ad, as cf yzre. J F 1 ILE:- t-trta. dVrrsrwr, I car smell tie hay dram tie open doer, j Ailesbe-r-r, IT-zza. a-C see tie bny swallows throng, I "it" A. Trr :.. Tfltrster- Acd bear tie rew- s nscm-fa ssrc ; I V-- "did-" r.'-s' Est tie strarer cc-.e- ch ! palried proof li7 r,f-- r's"-. "Sicblard, j ieare are r-ilec to tie heated red fcja. - 1e?' Tv"" I - rrcLard tie -r-rj trees c J p--"'- J'- "if Ccw:- ashta. t here my e'edediood knew lerr rears cf ease, lip""-- j V fr-Ki. 5'rcecilll. And watched ab shadswy stateris rm ' " T7T1 ir-- tl: izLzTted cc-rt siaie zias. sn ; r,:r. T X. -VTTi Et-Sssci2ireareirr--tiere. tt- jf -z- t a; . - - - - : 1 " ': 'J ."j"."-:: s.-- " t'-'i- Tier? itittes tie siai- rrirr ie:cr -4 ""l .-i.A.V. Frrrer eet- . ; c?. ircci isre hazels -c: :, - "" - iv,t-t- Tifis tiers I f;t;-i tie cs.:r rc-t. i k -r-. T--7- - rii:rrG. As- ! A" i -rz.zz'l tie T:nnr5 pole az.i sict. "I " r':V' : s-'--- Sivith j Ard ieard tl rtili rlrr, a- --5 -'- 5ci'c: ' Let tie strar.-ers irtcket i at tis rrir. c1 J---s rr. a: T r i- 1 C. je. ?"i: di7 cress tie sZL ,. r.. -- - - T;-r r:n.ti t- ; " at-"- V.r:- t 5 w-cl:--t. i crrvc tie c- carr-ftTesT -f ; k. ?. il. rrajcr Tic- tt-irk. iit ct.-tls irresi-sr caves r- frt tt'.ir rf t-aci i iT riI itils. ttas s rented i.ZT,.zt. t rol klsdlj vlti tiese crciar tree-. A j ,.,-,r : "- -'".5 i-tt.:?- f ri vies -:t: cilldrei crr-s-d ti-rir hrecs I . ' '- - -t- ?a.-batt. etzz.z.z at . . " , . . fi -rer.rz er Frlisr re-Lr. j As if eld tries fttrret tr.e- tsar. : - . ..; :j-r ere-j Tzedij ti.;-r . rr. -r ecrt srZl leave tie sirLrr;, . J Al: Lr, r-reet re"er?.re itd tie E"ir. it. TT. Ltcrr . :r. Treatt- ! .--e'-r '.zc at 10 c"ci;ci- t Tie brrr.. tie reet. tie Lrc-ck. tie birds-, - -r v -r - s.l - alb (TK:rr a.: '. . ... . Si': rati .N-ioc.t: at A c c.?cS:.r. X. . , . r iw -Sir. C. Cwtt. Paster. : 3-r tart t -er? tren t -.t-sr;?"1 i:.'.r-c atir c c.3Ct Ye strainers czz zzz- r.s.-ir- fZL, ' j , TcST-eri it 4 o'clock, it te e'ezitr. c-e? -j ;-r I i. i: 5tZl I., tb r. dal?-, a-. 9.ZZ ?. 5,'. v .tb-Uri. - ?-f:T-S'i u n'jin.rtr U;Bir at .:-?. M j . - - f-r--- Ca-r"-r-t-"rr arriTi . i . i-.i.-... ire-t"d. Tbe r:a:i frrc I tr.e f .. ib t .t c- y:l2T. ' srr r-: : ar-...trwr Ift-e i-."- -nn- n:teve. Gtxzz. :- Z-zsLs js. Tbr.rii.i-;-: SllL.nO AD CXICD"rL"C- f -i ra'.t. Hxr-re at 5 -1Z A. 1 L Lrr -.ire i.12 A. K. f.d a. M. Z-.-i ?. M. T.Ov P. v. 4.:5 ?. 3!. ? ?. II. 2-2:- A. M. T.-.S A.X I.IZ T. V A 7.1 Atrtnt. ".i. I.rrr-i3 '::SZ L -e .- 777-55 -::: La. L.v..s CCrTTT orriCER. 1 Tresldect. Err. Get. :rl .-; As?C-j.te-3, Gto-rs . C. I-erir-. -"r - Ten .Ti '?- J:bn Camr bell. Ed- -..us. E. H- ?t7frir.. T-arrabai X I'-'-rrbt. i. I C. E. Ia.br.. ;-j F-u P. rierrrj. Jtc A- Eft- IriZwI E-alb r. :.- At- u. x . Ccnicn. 'Erne boil. At CAail. .es A. iCKire- ' arris rr airkead. T."r.Eans. :res. oia Ll--d sirtael 5tZes. ? rtt b. Kti.ir Cl,- ' Iirtibas XT'ertrit -"-r:a J-.br. L'. Ti 1 -Hire Z. 5ech,er. T. Tarrlsi. I or irrTV t j -"-HL, c. - rcmibi Lairs -So. 1? A. T. V la it'-.... xr- r- iT eaj cf X. rascte, at 7 j o'clock. - F H'blani Lf.,Lre 5a. 4C r Ql i-c"i Odd Faiicwa' Hif r-av ! r. r. TTe-daesIir ? , "S"e. S4 Sons &f EiMtte in Temrar.ce JELade, Fc- --;T- : :F-rm l c. 5 TO TrE allstRa-via:; .- b Tadr. it 3 f-T 4 L. s I . -n 1 rS1:;: i- J Tili:nt v. j x 1 r- - i q nil re. 7 torctueg. it a-wav seentee to . j. trirc, .r. x.i:tn.ts, n von rae tee i w-w , j. t-- ; - --- ; m-r - i nnrtnr ier ire, ane eer-.rg tne trrrT-rTe C--Kn,, , 's ' me- He Lad teer ail Lis life rrder her ; same brrdea to - carrv. ven'd fnd it ! rraoe ir Ler manner, as she stood ir the f ays m dNew lori at tia jertere, re- j TKLTS -5vff has -pen ir the" Portlaoj'poor- Eir i ntle wirg. and rcw he conld red there J abort the pleasantest cne "von ever Lett same attltrde in which -be Lzd stood i tnrred to w aseirgton witn sd.-coe-ag- lz.. she rellrlorslv keit bcr vew, trril ferr-i. v. Jec.jrvc o. ETars. rt more sbelter. I rrder.17 " j twenty years before, cr a day he conld ! accomto, te p-tttca, sitrad,., d.h .e.d fc;r E;i aUerb- x gi- ru-; -C:::- c ; Ye: his lot was rot trtolerarlv brrd. There was as air cf slncerirv is Lis rever forget. Fcr :r.U was Lis enemy I ; tit. a.ter hearten it, t-e rerrerary xi :Ey:s ird irrisr all thit riae. VT-r"Tocd: . ' B." was srrrerticed bv tbe towr artbori- ! manner, a beam cf secret deiirht in his ! He world rot have known Ler, perhaps, j te- to go to tre v Lite Hr-ee are repe-1 Tft? iVssB v tuat ,ve r-ei 3 trll -T-f v ' I ties, to a Vrosr-rors farmer: and he had ; look, which lirrered with tbe Her. Pierce save for the redder-Laired bey but row j it to tPresiderc. ? y ,nerdatd r.a. ; ?:,a cf her vocal fareltiss tbronrb. r.; ric.Tas j. r.TiT j a c-mfcr-tabIebome, ro mors work tbar Bicbmord after' his agent Lad rare away. Le saw all ber eld self ir L-er cLarged , t?ia -ir. ircc.a a.--ne, lo.irg ri-.-ra ; t. ,u ..--.r j.x-, La: d-es rot cxp-laia ttist wil5. ! was reasorable, ard Untie scboolin ir I He worjierei if there were, indeed, sc feaerrea. rbe wa waitirg to learr his t tear -y earc- orr and aa . p--. . faJ.. fefV0 j. . r. . . . t " T , "T" T - T " W T " , , -r . 1 T - , L . . . w - , w - , - . T f Z ' 7 ' 1 . . C ' 2 . . . T T T .1 T 1 -vi; Oj- srjs 1 EBENSBTTRG, PA.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 186G. Tbe Strauper $111. THE VOICE IS THE HEkHT. Pierre ILirnn: md ixitp a letter which bad jest been brought, in, atd g-anrei at rrlon -Hon. I'ierte H;tb- He baa seen Lis raroe tbeo wnrten c::cn Erong-n jetcrs ; t-ct it rested. Test new, a cenoes rent: train ef ih-oazht which Lad been inr hire. It was bis rrlie to be a mac, aed he bad beer go:r.g btck. this teoreter. crer a h alf -centcrr. 5 bcThood. Tie Lz- red rn.eetberl tie br: rn er-ttare, wire tie thickest ree: trier rreed it trtlrbtir r tbe em- j reer air with frcgraers. was a r retry spot i ween he lived th tbe onlv son of bis He cords see v as if tec efrv 5re:er ro. .z i e -in ewe sreee. teeier aed iter Ler was I He felt arale her f-nd kisses, and remembered hew her j 5 esed ber f; to tree-ble when she railed er.ess bey. Ani again bis veles seemed to teri with tee ccyisn rriie c: :e c-i bet -d told her :bat Ae wreli rrow nr- s:ont and stronr. sble to d3 a teat's work amrg men. and then she never shoel. :11 St wearily with her reed's ary mere. If she Lai bet Lived, and he had Lad ner to wort :cr, peraaps it wr-tie hare kept bis heart fresT and rnslfi,b, re; he'sbiv arain witn a trroo :-t tee oi be had J; r! he remembered hoi fro- Zlf - ce her still :ps, a lock of peace on her white face : ane knew that the Una t world never we;cane hire anv reoie. or i the eyps rest cr him with their saa ten- i demesa tbat his mother had gone frona tbe lari where she was a pilgrim to the I Lores eterra! is the heaven, j Ecw he pitied Umself. this morrirg of i which I write, recalling that time, fifty ; years arc, when hs was cr:y twelve, and j -:. t-.v-V- TriJ. Tcf ! ' -i-. a X kt-.t t shrirkirg bey be was tier, despite Lis great faith in bis c-wr frtrrs mother bcv. as tbe rbrase is in the cornerv. and wirtcr. Bet ro cne loved him this bey i v.? r- - vt.V,-, t w --c-.V- i stir-1 - r recti er. are see a t-.i:. ; ie l:.ck:nr batk. as rlal j v?2rs were ce.r a etis: c-r re I a way frcte beiire the 1 ; II :w tale and ce:et bet : -effertnr his m. of mother live ad so bis prord. sensi- months to look or: for. Ard, so Epecr ! live heart crew cold ard hard. He eared f laeing, the bitterest memory of tis whole ! f-- EB cne'fcnt Limsbt, and tLorrb hs life came tack to Lim the ore sole time did his work faithfnlly, he endeared ! sirce tis rr other's death wbea he Lad hires!: to is ore. He seemed to Hve ir a 1 loved seme being bey 02 d ard apart from world cf bis cwn, ieto weich he was rot : j- w ,3 s- -rr- t lJ "i-1 . .7 - S. r, - s r-.w is cirnre m Lu siiert ? rcesii. Ee world make birnself a ranee, a poeirior, a career : rsrt ai ta ! plana ended, a. they began, with himself; ari it IS a -3 rTT.? wV a hrrrir fceerr When he twenty-ore, with Li "-freedom snli" or Lis bark, he marched awtv from F-v? and wert or: into tie world, to berir the career which, 1 tbrorrb all those'broodirr vears cf his s-Iitrrr bevbood. be Lai re-r rbmr'ntr- - I -win not -weary ysr: "srlli tht prctressa" near? of Trfcith. t? ssEitrrei sz.cggsa. rt:rii thai tt bet Le esteerse-E Hnself tz reacLsd it. Hs wt & rir Ta-, well ksewx. ia. f sa.r.ria.1 clrries ; asd a t?rm in Goagresa Lad grreri Lira a rihi tc the this of bor2r rpor; Lis Isscrs. Pretty -ell," he aaii after all ties raerraories Vat passed Eke a long pa&a rtr.a befcrs Lz -preirj vsli "tor old Tbs 5rsrtortstib. ba-ad b?y. I tilxk I my call try life a stirgs" JLsi, if grJrLtdirg srti!j aid trs- pcral ret: is are trs start aara. ci tDettretnr. t. rtii not Lst rrssotrr-red tar Trrsr-z Lad clsrtssd abcrt the apart- snert, Lalf sttidT, LaZf br-atfkst togs, ! -Lr2 ke Lad jtat eer ttktrz Lis xaars- iz csaL To be a sretitierttart Lad bees f cscs cf lui arbldti, ar- a 'sc-:r as r? L3 hsd - ! rrtd-d Limseif -with tb- tis f.3-:r cf its ftvan:; ; rott. a stft, varzi carpet yielded like -srdiir,d ra-Tcs to his icot-lalL Hard- fecraT bocrd b-.oks filled the eaTerr. j ca.-c rrcrr- f.r to ceiHrr. Chairs rr- Lc-lstrd in Sssia leather held crtt capa- cios artris to FHs breokrasi serrire k was c: sUtet ard porcelain, and at the t least tDttrb cf tbit bell beside bin?., itself j a diitrr t?r. trailed serTir. were ready tt ctev r-is t-ehests. These tbit cs to-day and, bark ffry ! yeirs, tr.e utce trree-ronaei eottare ; tt.e t mother rale and wearvy bet ten: an-d ; Lrt j hi re -elf barefooted, cosrsely elad. yre.tr and strcrr asd earer, boperel, and t:e aa te,e fe:nre s p-ossieLietea r-eiwre r hi 21. vv as he rtteer t:w ; A rat rpec tbe doer elicted a half tee- I rparioes -coree is. for h was ret yet read 7 to break the spell cf his ewe tioere. He bar traced tee career cf baref octed creamer cf ferry yecr3 agr? to the nreseat staneom.t cd the szx Pierce lUehmond- He warded to look or ward a lif.ie, and sp-erelare whether aey more groee.d remaieei to be pjgessed Bet wbee he saw tbe new ecmer he rc-esed birnself at oice front his erer-res. it was tas core-eenttai aceet. Sol. m on Osgood, wLo was charged with serorin.er d:ng hi real estate and colic ct ieg bis rents. It was tbe first cf tbe month row, and there were ac-roTtets to be rendered in. Thev seemed sat- i t:-r tre most rart : tet at last ( ited seid tor.i -Aed rbe widjw M i:7 J -Yes, Iwjr? roinr to sr-eak aboet Ler. r I bore yoe will be willing to wait a lieel -Hnnt I Yes I 5 j sne was at mrntd. and tbe morth before tbae.-" Mr. Hi ra"n i aid certiy. -Very tr It - tbe aree: anawerei --ast Ittie Jack died, aed tbe month before that be was verv sick : ! r -5 t-vw r-. r-.-Tx- a r s Tr-T- 5 nr to follow in his brother's footsters- I rritcness erters a ceaj. ct errense, aed t ,- ., i a tiii ct txr-ense. comes bare cn toer f oiks." Mr. Bic'emeed corsidered a I :te tben- said with qciet determinati:o -I don's want to be nefeeiinr. Osrod. ' S3 111 sav riaieiv tbat x doe't want stich tenants- jivinr in charity is cee tbinr. aed reeling bonses is another. When I want to cive I can give ; bet I want tbe t ie:?rest or rev icvescreeret-, when it comes j to a matter cd bainesa. -Til I secerlty for Mrs. Mafnt ytre scan t ioe ry cer, tie area in tie tr-ne ct one wosnded a .vj ; lirtle. Hi ere pi ever locked at Lira enri - on re a r ruanthrrr Mr. Osrood. I he said, with a smile rather satirical, vet i rot altorether mkindly. -I don't care abort yonr rsdertakigr tbe brrden of try t bad debts. Sever chiidrer, and a wide rone too strong, are abort as big a load , as yea caa carry. Didr "t I say yen ' reedr't send tbe'wcmar cn. row f Let ! her stay cn, tbronrb blarcb. whether she pays cr not; and see if yor can't End els j ""vt-- -f W rf A 7T rr t itTfc voTt, sir, as to Mrs- Mafet's r. Osrood ar- ran cf veer remark," Mr. Osrood ar- swsr-d. "As for tewt a"rt me and mire. mrcb blessedness ir family ties if it , wv-5 f-r- m rim wr? ir.l Limse.f- Jt was a scots cd years aero. arc. V. fortv-two tben, and she the loved 1 - tt . 1 - - T-i cn- Test twenty, xae met renin iis- inr Lrrse, where Le Lad a fasLiorabre gene &i rrs-nocr apartmt:-, uw - " , ... - -1 , she, Lodgirg in the attic T rse row ard then to meet r.rra ca tre stere cr ir nee i tnlU mtii he ieamea. to trirc mat uaj dark, lot by no gleam cf her dm rpL2 baer. Ho 11 Le remembered the faae, sweet yet rr-irited fcthe red yoterg mostb, ard tbe "eair's yrrrrg gold the cairity, liebs tbe Lair's jtrrrg gold the dabrty, Lrfce firtrre, the springing step., the xsosisal, ifw tores 1 How h was be LarIFy krsw, was abe to Etc euerantlT. 0 ' brt is, tie cold, selSsL, bordered 1 - T T . --- - - iDStUia of FTet -Titers and tLeri, irtes fc.s vsoid Lite slajced at it its ss bearrifil aad deeairfsi as a rr. .rare it TardiLei. and tis kesrt, Iarktz sweet Xis2, ttrrcEd ta desert wasts. Por r.bt a2 lis gold lrtill-d tis Etrl; irirl La Lrred IrtaVsddlir- SLs leaked ir:3 Lk fare -ixi Ler psre, Lancst cyss, tkis Jn5a Wttsted, and tcld Lin sctue trstLs Lara tr feear. He tras old ur Lis forty- yearsr e i-1 50 Lard a:id cold, csd :d lirirs: hirelf, eres is Lis irisa ta btid her yittii t3 Lis stera, rbiidle ar?. Sectsirir Lis Tortosal cf rrrrisre as as artsrtTi ta icy ifr tres-Lsess asd Leatrty, -with, ter pittlesa j plain seas cf fjtL sL 'rtade Ldrz f-eri-rt-f Tbe rcri cty 5L2 left tbs Lrrse. ard dnre tben he hid rerer sem her. Szt i be had sever f arrive- her. She stood in ; his memsry asls esenty bis m; enemy. v ft-rtrt i.e iad rrace t: ; ether iti tbe co-rs cf his life. Bet twurd her his res-rrtrtrtrr ti as kesn as c-a the day Then he had beet, so stnsr ry Ler Itdixasit rffiaal tr girehin: her Laai. whets., as she said, he rttt kri-rti ib the rery ratrrre of things it was itrpossitle far her to ziT ri her hetrc. He r- mesr.tered her r-irtiess.v we 1 he Lzz welL If be had bees as artist, he codd have paisted the ccti stidi cr tr.e ionr, ct.e nair, tie vi.f eyes wra.ee the ctrrinr iaseea shaded, tne red bps with their LaerLry cerve. Ke Lad never seer, her since : t-et be laid os Ler ntenetrv tba biaeee an-d harden cf his sc. iry years. Set for her. he thoeerh he too reiibt have teen a Lesbaed and father not Hvinr: tbes, ne.lcved re-eared f-r. bis lonely Hfe. IT cloved and mcared for 1 The -s stnrrk birterly ca bis ear, and be repeated tben? ever asd ever to bireself, chirking tbe while thottghts and strange. TThat had be dree did be cr soree invis ible presence at his side ask tbe qeestirn what had be cone tba acv one siruli love him ? Had be ever tnselfisbJv tried ta make ore herein belr- barer ? Had there ever beer div or Loer in which seld had. rot beenrhe centre roe d white Lis aim? revolved 7 He r-rshed awav his letter wioh HocoraeTe on -v ccrer. Ee berae to docbt wbecber. after all. bis life Lad been a sereess- "vThe : sirr'e rood ceed hae r.e to oe rec.ceed er tr :be davs 7 2 And new he tor tee erst time ne it: i: was too iate- tkat- have been a see: tioe cf voice tba' seemed to penetrate bis heere. -IS" ot too bee. O. never too late to eerr-n to live for God ani rood . Bei what creld be do? -Gu and see tbe widew Xafit," tbe voire it his heart answered- -j.eere wodd be a berineirr- If yon feed her sebtcrirr ytr can heir her." TTe TJ5 a?i! - T-H t?T irttfifiS. btt tt resolnte serenrtb which had Llped hire . -t vT;i-T : - a : - . s-i mroern s- .r,- ii. ane m hair at hrrrr re was at the ooor e: Mrs. Macet's f onrth story-roam, Answer inr Lis knock, she did not - know her T151 err, ar J stood as if weirlrg to Lear cis errand. -I arc yonr lar-iirrd,' bs said, rz trees which ca emotioa seemed to make other than sterr ; and tben she stood aside an asked him to walk in He sierr-ee ieto tee care, c :mdortess A fire deii for want cf feel flick - ,-0. r.- tT- c-r'- il- rt-- t- t-TB? the to warm his slender En rets, bent a'bcv abotts twelve. Mr. Ulcere or d s eves, m tceir eorer-rehensive raze their tbe roam, rested cn hire, and renea He was a sarrt, trare boy, who mirht Live passed for yonnger than his years, save for the expression cf mattrriry cn L:s thonghtfed conn ten an re- Bet those violet eyes over which tbe lorg lashes cdtrled. the err gold Lair falling styronnd the pensive face whose were they 7 He Lad sever seen srch since the day he parted T-V tV t - --p-. TT g s- last- and locked at the mother. Sie ired qniet-y awaeetrg ris ps cf at least iorrv, bv sorrow and cs Lis I'leasnre 7 Before to-day he conld have answered this qres tior rrbesitatiriy ; to brmiliate her 1 0 Ler starve to rrsh Ler to the las: extremity to be revenged rpor her by arv ard all mears for tbe llrLt esteem ir which she Lad held Lim ! lNcw world ary revenge cf this kind satisfy hire 7 v arrreiv as soiiieokirr rerri adar cn some dj. V"- V"- -V embt be i-J i J j" Lad heard iris mother read them in Lis -If thine eremy hmger feed him. if Le thirst rive Lim drirk . HisLeert tbrrbbed strangely, bet he v- j.,-rir rrf hWs vrice . -&S XMM-4tmM -I Lear voter rent rot readv- Mrs. VaSt" 'lt is ro - ard reqrirt ' Lrp-ed yoa T. V .-V t sw-v ??n? :l. and required so ninth ef my attertior, i worii tc wiieirg to rtve me a was an cd : teer.g be ran to feel ' and a Ah, it reest j had the stilL small yvTrf-asnre what - Li r.lasrre 7 iJedore : r-aa-rtnr u.- . 1 1 r - . ; T-ti.-? ct ? ;rr.? tiri.e- JL tLi .ersrt a t vLs" 5"rir?" i j- , g t-k r-e -iH bsttsr rte. T2rs arr that a itertL, Larl Etas- Jl Eticht Lre settcred tried ties : rt I Ink if Tt- fesi Li bea r rre irto Etrr.." ra- rErtdred Lin trr, t-d her V.v ettried -witi a tottth cf the c-Ld Krrrs. Liri ed all rtsa she pc:ai trt st? fir vas true tc nyselt tLss," she 5a3i qi?uy, -i an s-jrrr, est even His enetry st-jJ, fce thr-rrbi bis star- y. fcboerd he cSr her hrsai ! I hire ssid that 2jew irrrsJ- and irb tizt the c-ser-ialre-d bor c-t the heirti. "rot: lJt2 to lire -srii rt- be asked L:n. are fires are brirht rn rev Lrtsa, and tbe carpets warnt and st-ft. -LCere are ptrrrres cn tbe wal"s, nr d b:ck.s wirnmt end rs me cises- At the s-md b-ka rt rV- ; bey's eyes hrirbtenei : bet be answered with a stttr :y rest.'-ctir-n whlrh n idei Fieme Bird tilled bis en j -I sb-nld Urd the bocks Bet II! r-t leave rev ee Vvlii y oer mother eoca 7" Mr. 3 m:tii temed and to-rxed into tbe i :rt face, f esbinr a little with iedirt-atitn e Lis wtrds- I do no; mean to ask rey tetng yes r be hns teree to sav, in ry- tones cf cniet r i sm sn- is tbe Wife ; seal! seai never .ave ; are 1 reee a e keeper a werear falebfel eooterb to look ort for my interests, and kind en r ere to nerse me r-atiertlv throneb rev cid are. rey brme. and Leer. yozr t:e: aedyoer C'V s t:e: weue i. ;:Te. and at mv eeati - nst Tit:.- w locked a mtreee: ieto e then rave hint both her h ie rassior cf eerer rraeitede. I deserve ziotlierfrcm t:c"" she said. i -are y-- have saved me rem ces: I thick as rime weet cr, and tbe elegant abode where Pljroe Bichette i had rassed s-o marv selitarv vears took cr new asrects cf ease atd grace tteeer a ! wtman's fnsrers : as hrbe Frank met hire whenever he came in 1th irrier earer- rsraed sonte- o: tre cr: re rre retwree 9 boee home, he never rer-ented tnat he shewn mercy to his ere rey. Anecdotes wf "lr. U ncola. We clir tbe followirr cb: anecdotes cf tbe lare Preslient. frcir. ISIr. F. B- Carpenter's -die Mentis e: tbe vTbit Reese." TTiee General Fielrs toch ossee:"n of Snip Is I rear otT Lr.?ae. ear.T ' 1C tte War, tt wi be rememberei that be j tsned a : issnei a rroc-itnau.-n, somewhat bombas- 13 tree, freeing the slaves- To the snrrrtse c: peer..e on bott sides. the President took t: cnecial rotice cf this movement 5oree rdroe had elapsed, when cne day a friend took him to task tor Lis matter. '-Well." said Mr, Lincoln, I feel aborrt d t tieat a rood deal as a man whom I will call 'Jenes, where I cere knew, did abort bis wife. He was one cf yonr msk men, and had tbe rerneation cf beier badlv ten ret ted, Ji iast, cne eav res were f was seen switching him crt cf tbe horse. A day cr two afterward a frier I met birr ia the s erect, and said: 'Jones, I have always stood rp for yor, as yoe kr :i : br: I am rot going to ao it any longer. Any man who wi'l stand cnieey and take a swi:chinr from his wire, deserves to be horse-whip pad." 'Jones locked rp with a wink, patter g his friend on the batk. 4Now dorV said he ; 'why, it didr: herd me ary ; and ye-a have ro idea what a power cf good id did Sarah Ate." " Ir Arrest, 1 5 '34, tbe prosp-ects c: tbe Ueiot party ir refererce to the Presiden tial election became very gljemy. A friend, tbe private secretary cf &ae cd rearing tei sea:enten tre wa.rn.eu - wo t three tirees acrors the door is s-li-ece. Betnrricr be said with rrim earnestness cf tone ed marker : 'Well, I car not rrn ' tre po.mical maehiae ; I btve etioege ca my bards withort that. I: is th p p.e basic ess tbe election Is ie their hinds. If they trra their backs to the r, ani ret scorched ir the resr. they will fbid I they have got t sit c-n the blister. ": A private seer: :tarv cf the late Prt.-s- ' idert wrir-s tbat Mr. Iincola "oirp-isel ! somewhat saowiy aui w.r care, nsu: ; few erasnres or eorrectiors, ai.-, beirr cni:e teraclor at forms c meee. ( 4 It was store wmcr re iki cs-c aajt- -s- n 1 then Lis ces torn j read his marnocript ; r,v-r l3ne- 'ta -ee LC-w it sorneec as re ' ... . - T ; cenal harriy jrdge ct tricg t-y mery reaeisr ii- - z7zz czzzz J IzzlezsTj trrrr Iiras gt a stor.e eea wers s-dlsg Lint, eeosd srrt cf her whtz-z-z- b- . iiie tee er es ae e te cerr et.-, ' i tier I ere s b-rter ret : tber." i it yon wi come 12 I rey boese, i: shall be ! T-ne shall be insered z ' The wide bis of ! eves, reds - mirb NUMBER 52. T2e Clstrnr j- St&stcv Ireland carresp-ocdartt cf tbs Vr Ycrk Gzerr-rr vrlres as f.Crvs cd Hbtr- ry Castk aad ibe iarsra Blarre-r Stcrs : "i. ' . . . 1-! e3rr.Era, tseBrrilest. Kza msttnttins, ?a tad- aboct tbe dry cf Cork, t-f tLsn a Lcsdrei thrtsand trr lsi'iit.t, stMUibei rue. The Isads Asrlctz, icr rhe tare -d a lare dastrirt cf Irrlaci, ar 5 -tte3 to rzre fir 5S ra t:ts, arparec to l-c tvea cf the nsost cx- ten-rTe arl - y a-rar-ra.' that I Lad srrrtry, hrrri errd wster. TTe rasaed this iestrttrnioE s3t tie ndel Agrins.n2ral 5rhDc-L rr?i the ecn's Cc-Hexe, 2nd a r r-tmt'er cf ctbersf en ctrr wsv, end & beactids. way it wa, czs cf the rrrxt rrt-tri wxc-n-c. sriied. n-raded whh elecTttt eld mansions ia tbe tranis with ivy ciid. roaesaee cftea the re ore en-re ear bders. e sea, ena rw were et'ovmr 5:;rer keeeest acst. as we were -v::r ir V jaeeeiee; cr- sTf so titreey Lee.e, w i-e I- are tee .areey i-toee,' Ireland. TTeo Las not ieari o: tee r.arr' ?y Stoee ! iar a term. Irish Irish ! blarr-ey is qeite as tarn wit. Yet there rre r: reary who ksrw Blareev Stro. wrers and what is tbe tba: rives to the L-ish, who kiss it, tbe ve wer cf the trrrme, the all rerailirr: is seid to cistir- reuse theee a a rare. ths C::v cf Cork, steeds Flve miles frrm tbe I2r-on Keer. and ns cf tbe in ceez anrlert Blare ev Cast., time, celt tbs HCar- we ere. tbys, Barors cf Biamev It wi belli in tbe iftb coeter. and tbe majestic erk sbrw serenrtb ardrr at 12 tts cay, &eiore oer moeem meats war were in cse, it tees: ber beer a cn tbe V-rtb two timbers, sev ere, fet lerw tee highest ceeiock cf tbs Castle, was a store, white ccrld set be reached, nnless yoe were held ry tbs heels and so 1st down Z1 ot conld tmeh it wieh yoer lips. This stone fell front its t lacs a lorg time ago, aed t:r another is po'ntei cat err another side cf tbs Castle, to oe reaceed :e tee seme wav. I ro: three voerr Americans who were ether artoro and a lafv cf the rartv. who bad n3 reed of it, was content to reach it with Ani that none may ce nreiie to iiss it, wi: trtf Irish lib liberality, a third store is rrcvided, nted to be the cne that fell from its and this is rmree cr tie trr. at tbe door cf tbe Cattle, ard yon have on.y to stoop aed totter id and tee virtrs is precisely tee ors i ths that ire parted b v -icr is 123 teet the Whence this trail knews- Father Pro rob-odv tt 1 rives rbe best arroret cf rower : s. rtcne t-rr. " "r j:?r kisses. -3 p.- clsecetit- ii a- -Lrrrber Tc alrrj's cba -ier. Of rarllaaient -A cler ;- ster He'll sere r.i.t c-t. cr g ret and cater. Ta be let ai-ne ! 'Zk-'z. irre ts ii-der fz- to birr-, trrre he" a cTlrrtm Jroxr tbe i. rr.e-5- ctcne- A SlLXdfT WcKa5. The Fcrtlrri - -a. rma recores w: woreers cf wcrid ia tbe case cf a Jest died ir tbe alresborse be are of sever rv years. woman who has in that at rI-apeinted ia love in earlv life, she made a vow never to speak another word A BAsnrrr Poet. Tl-e poet Percxv aT" k.wle-ire of women tjj cf tbe leat II e trver dare-d lok them is the tyes. An aeciien ual trcri o-i the I aad td cue uf bi? 1 '-res dr- e him ic eor.tasijr frcra th.e rvin. He never roil hi love, ex erTi ir cre icstance, and tber it was ia writitcg. lie was ir lev e a; twesry ; at tweatj-tfer he adored a pepii at I'hili de'.thia; and agair , at twenty-frve, he wrhlE'ed -. r--'lj in Berlin ; ari crr m-e, is N"ew EI aver, at tweety-sevre, he tell ir love with a yonng womaa with & LaDds-ome face, who did rot like '"r ard married a sbcerraker. Cc;cber ccntes, a -woc-zzzms cli. Ferce-i -wLth loaa leather froa tb ca.i ; F-smd rriier5 tis sxardj axe, id I A fir trance falls at -rr blew. , rrcr ?-r d-ree rttdirrs, ir Gcthis 7t ir- -be rrdt cf rx-tifI rr rris, t- -aded a rtstrt:tf:rex.t tiw cf trrt;- de- EidiS i ef trees, their tbe ; store v-alls by the j to tts. wee, bet the ever- t f In tee midst cf ' side aed scr ported :r two c r frrmi-biladeirbia, amt-itioes cf addinr to their r-lshmerts this Irish endtw- ir arose : - rcii-er vTb Til ce ;