il Josn Bilunos DrriKE8.-nis Posi tion. 1 got jour letter by ackeidcnt, and reply vrry innch'nx follcra: I arn a black Rcpublikan, trithvriite iotyeelant9. N ' " J ylvrajs wsx apio nkvery ov fnny kind, tut becanao it vtiiz constitutional, but te- I don't btlevc tl best jrtJgcs cn'or kan pick vp ft tir&ro'n foul in the Kicg-; tlont cr Heaven. . . I brieve in the docktrrne or trewon if I don't like nii lunue, and idi 21, I bare a rite fo po, but T haint cot oJ rite to take the old mac b turm cr Inn tin ware with me. I voted lor Audee Johnson ; be is s rcry niiott Iran ; he hct fed a grate Tucnny good things about himself. I am in favor ov him for" the nex Pres ident, after he iz eh ktcd. I cm in favor of the Pliiladclpriy con vpnshun ; the Bible Fpeaks ov a conven fchun that wuz onco held at a town called Rabcl, out east; there traz fo much folks there of different ijeaF, tninc to talk the Fame larrpuatre, thut their tongues wuz fuddirdv cutii'enndrd tew Miit their senti ments ) this mite happen once more, and then tvc could p,it at ;he truth. 1 am iu favor ov the Saratoy conven f bun ; fo are nul the hotel keepers and pharuoh hankers up thor too, I'm told. ' I am in favor ov the President's re konstruckshun policy, if I could only tinderttacd ft. It '.vcik well in Lou-y anna, ai d would work flic same vray up ia Vartnont. Individjooals ov a vrnncerin turn ov mind kan pit out ov the Union, but no State kon ; therefore, I am in favor cv Laving aul the States represented in Con gress jut nz soon az litre Kan be found enny white mails who haiut been wandriu tew much lately. This may be difficult tew find, and it may be i.ecessary tew admit Mini niters for a Fpell : in ta-c it should, I would ad vise having them iron clad. I am in favor ov a tariff fo hiiih that no forrin things could git within COO PAN I C A R R A N G K MK;1$T ! . . , , BUGAB KETTLriB, 10 to 40 gallons. COPPER KETTLF.8, 3 qnnrtB to 40 gnllout TINWARE, . nil eort.nud 8I1EET. IRON WARE evert vaiirrg. ENAMELED $ TIXXED IROX WARf. o i J " . c i i ea v s i vXUi i- ZINC WASHBOARDS, for 25 cents, worth 37 cents. SAD IRON'S, or SMOOTHING iROXS, nil tizcB itnd heat quality, 5 to 6 cts per lb. ov our eastern coast for mx years-; find if we mu-t be eat Uj witli hi j. rises, 1ft us cat up curst lis and ce how it tastes. 1 am in favor ov beinr made postmaster in our city, but I am about the on'y man that iz, wieli p peaks well for the disinter estedness nv our t-iiizcns.' I am abo in favcr ov short stories when a man haint got much to say. IJitk (Iff My Ears! A a ?ocia! par ty, recently, a wag fuund himr-elf, in the eourf-e of the evening, in general conver sation with a ncrvom iookitig stranger. I'ointing out to him a gentleman iu anoth er portion of the room, he Faid : "Do you fee that man there ? He ha a mania a very unplea-ant cne, too. is possessed with the idea t bat he must bite off strangers' ears, and it has caused a dreadful amount-of trouble. I do not know whether he uillshow tiny symptoms to-night, but, perceiving you arc- a stran ger, I deem it mydut to put you mi your guard. Don't let him approach very close to you." The expression of horror that ppread over the face of the nervous man clearly proved that he had heard the warning. A little later, the tenevoleiit informant got opportunity to tell the second gently ruau that the nervous gentleman was a phy-ic.ii wot der, as h r atinu noi.e cu'd Le ditireiiy bend proceeding from his fi:r at ui.-tai'.ey of eighteen inches f'nnn l.i- i:i ad. The '-uii-is'ty of the individual v as i t' ccur.-e aroused, and he -beuau in di"aw fk?e iu the .'eni!eman, !'-r the pur je of a peixmal in veti?tion. Tl T'ioitneiit was noticed by the ncrvius man, aud great drops of ;i pprelieni ve weat ozvd from his brnw u:l trickled down his cheeks. Near ai.d nearer ap 1 re-ached the one, and mrj terribly in iriise, grew ths horror of the other The space between them va i-iowly but mrf ly Kssei ing. 'flie curiou- man wa v ithin an ace i f the nervous man, when the aircny i l the latter readied its crisis, pud clenching his fi-r. he Iandd it be twren the prepcrj f the unfurtunate searcher after wonders, hloutin at the it p id his voice : Bite fl' my ears, will you !' 'J he effiet ou ihe atuni.htd assemblage . as"ifftcting. COOKING STOVES, Trimmed complete, with baking a:rangementp, $8 to $23. LOO STOWS, $4 50 to SIS.uO. T1EAT1XG COO K STOVES, $3.00 to $8.00. BRADLEY COOKING STOVES, Patent, GniflT& Co., Mitchell. Herron k Co., Abbot & Noble, A. J Gatllnjrher s, every otlicr Pittsburg or Philadelphia manufacturer's. Stove? always on hand or procured on 5 days' notice. ODD PLATES AND GRATES lor Stoves, always oa baud. ' TJaving1 flgaia taTien the Grocery $tor pf the late firm of-TtTOR & JoNES, iu my. own name, I return tliAnks to the citizens uf Eb ensbnrpt and vicinity tor iheir former patron age, and solicit a continuance of the game. I hnve lately been in New York, PhikJ.i. and Pittsburg buyii.g a new stoek of Goods, of the very best quality, nil of whieh I will sell AT A VERY SMALL PROFIT I Persons wishing anything in my line will do well to tall and examine goods before pur chasing elsewhere. No charges made for showing goods. 51- etoek consists in pnrt of - ' White and Brown Su- Chewing and Smok'g gars, N. O. Molaseses, Syrups, Rio Coffee, Young Hyson, Jtipersal and Black Teas, Spices of nil kinds. Butter, Sugar nnd Wa- Kealers, Churns, ter Crackers, Kegs, Dried Apples, Peaches, Hair and Wire Seives, Oranges and Lemons, Scrub, Shoe and Dus Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, . Candles, Soap, Clothes, Market and Fancy Baskets, Waslboardj:, Brooms, Huekets, Measures, CARBON OIL LAMPS, 62 cts. to $1.25. Chimney and Wicks for Lamps always on hand. F POTT TING, BEST QUALITY, put up and PAINTED at 10 cents per foot. Ac ixtm charges for Elloics. -3a MINER'S LAMPS, OIL CANS, POWDER CANS, all sizes constantly on hand. COFFKK 31 ILLS, 37 cts. to S1.25. TOASTING rORKS, OYSTER BROILERS Jelly Cake Moulds, Table and Tea Spoons COAL BUCKETS, 3oJ cts. to $3.00. Fig3, Raisins, Prunes , Citrons, Nuts of all kinds, Ext. Ley and Coffee, Bowls. ting Brushes, Rope, Bed' cords, jines. Rope Halt erB Twine, Tye Yarn, 'J r awcits, Butter Prints and Lh- Window Glass, dies, Ptuty, Arnold's Inks from 6 to An assortment of Es sences and Drugs, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Garden 4 Hay Rakes, Scythes and Snathes, Buck Saws aud Nails, Provision, "Scents per bottle, Sboe-Diuiiiigs, Pegs, Nails, Thread, Sole Leather, Harvest Tools, Hay Forks, FLOUR, CORN and OAT MEAL, C II E E S E, R I C E, B A C O N, MACKEREL, HERRING, CODFISH, And all kinds of Liquors, brandy, Gin, Wines Old Rye and Common Whiskey. &c, kc. E?5u The above articles will be sold cheap for C.ish or Country Produce, at Cash prices II. II. TUDOU. Ebensburg, July 13. 18C3:tf The at'ovc goods will" be furnished YVIIOLKSALK OR lli;TAIL, at the JOHNSTOWN STOVE h HOUSE-FURNISHING STORE, CANAL STREET Opposite Hie Weigh Locli. ASK FOR RANK W. HAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save twenty per cent, on your purchases Ell II Ell FOR CASH OR SCRIP. April 24, 1$f.2-tf pi KOnOF M. l!KF,r. Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colonade Row. Ebensburg Sept. 2(J, lSGl-tf. A P. UAH AM KOPKLIN, Attounet at Law, Johnstown Pa. Office oa Main street. aug25,l 859-tf A MULL SINHLETOX. NOTARY PUBLIC. EBEXsnrtto. Pa. Office on High street, west of Foster' Ho tel. August 0, '6(i-tf. s AMUKL SING LLTON, Avtoknky at Law, Ebensburg. Penna OCice on High str- et. west of Fi s'er's Hotel. Will practice in the Courts. of Cambr'a and adjoining count.ies. March-9,1SCG Attends aio to the collection of clain s ot toluitis : ihe Co i i.rut ut. K. L. JOHVSTOX. GEO. W. OATM AN 1 OIINSTON & OATMAN, f f Attorneys at Laic. Ebensburg, Cambria county, Penna. f3u Ottice removed to Llyd St., onr door Ve3t o' U. L. Jolinston' resi lence. January 10, 18Gl:tf OU WOllK OF ALL KINDS NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECL'TEIj at ins "ALLEC II ANIAN" OFFICIO, HIGH Sr., LBENS3URG, PA. CYKUS ELDHIi, Att..rky-at-Lav Jolinstown, Pa. Will pr tctice in the several Courts ef Cambria, Somerset, and adjoining counties. Oflice same as lately occupied by Linton and Noon, on Post Office corner up stairs. April 23, 18t'.3-tf rpAYLOlt & ClULMLIl, JL AT THE HUNTINGDON NURSERIES. HrsTixo.Dox, Pa. Sell Fruit k Ornamental Tre., Vines &c. oi better growth, larger size, and at lower prices than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseries and warrant thm true to name. Standard Apple trees at 18 cents each $10 per 100. Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each $12.50 tc $13 per. 10 Standard Pear trees, 50 to 75 cts oach. Dwarf Pear trees, 50$ to$l each 20 to $60 per 100 Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 75 cts each Standard Cherry trees 37i to 75 cts Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to 75 ftts. Plum trees 50 cts. Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts. Nectarine trees 25 cts each. Grape Vines 25 cts to $1. Silver Maple trees C2J to l. European Ash, 75 to 1. European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50 Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1. American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to 1$1.50 American & Chinese Arbor Vita?, 50 ct $1.50 Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, Stc. c Huntington, Jan.25, 18bo tf.. X K'UCKIL ''AUIKXRIittV&" FIlY, JL) ' ' Nos. 11 aud IS South' Water.St., - (Below Merkct,) PIII.LADVV. - Wholesale dealers i FlSIf, CHEESE $ PRUriSf'XS generally. Are now receiving and will keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of goods, in th'ir line, consisting in part of MACKEREL, HAMS. CHEESE, Sn.AD, SHOULDERS, LARD. HERRING, SIDES, BUTTER, SALMON, BEEF, DRIED FRUIT CODFISH, TONGUES SALT, kc. Having every facility for purchasing our goods to the best advantage, and every con venience for conducting a larp business, and oeing determined to sell -goods upon terms equal to any house in the trade; we respect fully solicit the mitronaga of our friends and the public generally. TgQrarlkular attention paid to filling crders. Philadelpnia, July 1 1. lS64-tf JjJVIlE & lTndELl" fourth ( AND ARCH STS., PHILADELPHIA, ART OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, 'reneb Merinoes, God Black Silks, Dark Figured Silks, New Plaid Silks, Balmoral Petticoats, Red, White and Blue Flannel', . Shawls, Wholesale and Retail. October 1 5, 1863. E. S' COTT HOUSE, Main st., JOHNSTOWN; PA, A. Row k Co., IWprt'etorf. This commodious house hi ben corn pitted' rtfitted and fh'gantly furnifhed, and is now open for tde recej'tion of guests. It offers superior accommodations tojever' oth er hcuse in town. The proprietors Ly long experience in hotel keeping feel confident tha tiiey can please a dir-criminating public. Their table will be supplied with the best the market affords, nr.d the bar with the choicest liquors aud wnes. By constant and careful attention, thy expect to merit and receive a chare of public patronage. Repl3, 66 C EI3Y & CO , V.' HOLES ALE GROCERS Ami Comnji'sftiart Mrrtltmtts, No. 522 Market st., between Fifth and S;xt::. Philadelphia. We have constantly on hand a gc:icr.l r. sortment of all kind? of fish,.ia large aud small packages, which we will se'l h w for Cash or short credit Also, Duncanncn Nail and Spikes of all sizes, constantly on ii.iud and for sal at Manufacturer's prices. October 15, lSGo. TITTLE. 1JAIRD & PATT()N, J ( Successors to Little Trimlde.) WHOLESALE GROCERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon. Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glas?, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburg Manufactures gererally. t Nos. 112 and 114 Second street, mar2C,C5 PITTSBURG. PA. TIIOS. UTILE, SB.. S. II. TIAIRD, JAS. TATTON, JT!. II. FUANCICUS, No. 513 Market St.. ax: 5t0 Commerce St., Pitila. Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Laps, Carpel - Chain, Wadding, Ropes, Wick, Tie Yarn, Brooms, Buckets, Baskets. Churns, Tubs, Brushes Looking-GIasses, &c, c., &c. AC. JPaThe largest stock of the above Good.? in the city, sold at the lowest net' cash prices Oct. 31, 1861 -tf. OOUE, LI G (JET & CO., Imjorters and Jobbcis of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TiclMMINGS, NOTIONS, &.-. No. 223 Market Street, Ojwosite Bank St , Philuki.hhfa. rv3RL Constantly receiving Goods from Phil adelphia and New York Auctions Oct. 24, 1 861-tf TT""(THILIS&rOI-r ' JL JL .fTUOLESALK SHOE WARKlIOUSIi ; No. 133 ..iuod .ftreet,. VttsLnrac I'u. . Have received an ir.imen'sv Ttock of Boots , mu Mioes suitable for iSprmg and Simmer sales-, comprising it full, assortment of i-jtaple and Fancy Gouds, carefully selected wi-h par ticular reference to the wants of the Western Trade, and due regard to durability andfcizes, manufactured to order and warranted. Our entire stock having been purchased and contracted for direct from the New Eng land manufacturers -entirely, for, during lat Fall and Winter, before the present advance prices on stock nad we aro enabled to offer Superior Inducements to cash or" prompt time buyers, and arc pre ri d to sell goods at less than New York or Phili-delphia prices. , . ., ; W.e invite the attention of Mcrcharts visit ing this city to examine our large and desira ble stock befoic purchasing elsewhere. " Pai ticular personal attention given to ORDERS. April. 9 tf JOHN HEWITT, ir'uh Solomon Cans, WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOTHING, No. 409 Market Etreet, Philadelphia. fj-S" This establ'shment has been removed from No. 114 North Third street to the above location, where an extensive and seasonable assortment of Ready-made Clothing for Men aud Boys, together with a carefully selected line of Cloths, Caisimeres, Satinetts, Yestings, Tailors' Trimmings, kc, is new ready for the trade. Any order cotruMcd by those who are un able io visit the city shall be exevule'j as faithfully a1? if they. were present. Auii-ust 24. 186 J. MKW CAJjli MOUSE ! Goods ioh'jht ' s',,1 for cash ' IU TTLK i A I A M S O N , No. 32". Market Street, I'hiladelj.hia, Invite attention to their new and splendid stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS ! Black Sii'.w. Mourning Silks, Fancy Silks, Poult tie Son.; S'.-a-ouuble Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, Maiiiiila Silks, Mantil as manufac tured bv themselves from late Paris styles. Apiil'-JS. 1 SG4 tf JA. M. CON it A I'. COATES WALTOX. lONHAI & WALTOX, y Importers and Pe:ikrs in HARD V A 1 1 E , C C T LE R "i' Conrad k Walton's superior Steel Shovels, Conrad k Walton's, Darling & Waidron's SCYTHES, Mann's Beatty's K Hunt's Axes, kc kc. Nos. G23 Market St.. 6i4 Commerce ;t. Oct. 15,'C3 Philadelphia. "THE Jl U.tGKSsi .VTILL .be r-ublishcd' ery " the following rates v;7.: Per annum. adv.incp If uoU paidj ia advance ' A failure to notify n. disconU0 expiration ot the term etbscribej considered a new etgtgemcnt ' TERMS OP" ADTERTlsrva Transient advertising, per Sq ii r Y.ich subsequent insertion... " -Auditor's Notices, each "-- Administrators' aud Executors' " Ustray Notices....!.... vt- " o rrtOf. 8 line9, or le?9 $2 3) 1 pqnare, 12 lines... . 3.50 2 squares, 24 line9.... 6.00 3 squares, 3G lines.'... 8.C0 Third column lft.Oo Half column 12.0Q Column 2'.oo Professional ' or " Business f, exceeding S lines, with paper.. ' Advertisements cot rnarkt!j , number of insertions desired, wi'i ued till forbidden, and charged c... the above terms. $160 ' 12.9? 2o.n) 3Ha I, ffaw of Xcivspaper,t 1. Subscribers who do no: r-v... tice to the contrary, are consiJf.-rj ', ing locunuooe ineir suoscrij)!, 2. If subscriber' order the J .-cr,. '- J!iiif ifr timie to erd them until nil arrti- paui. 3. If subscribers neglect cr rt-f, their jjeriodicals from tiie offices tow- are uirecieu, iney are held respot?; ne n:ie seiutu Uie bill uiscoaiiiiuca. 4. ii s:io?crifers remove to or1" ;rithout informing the publisher- - jtajters are sent to the former dirtv',". U- are ncm re? j'on.-ioic. 5. I lie L-ocrts have decioc-d, t;i;,t r, io iane periouicais Iron tiie r.Scc Rt ing ami leaving tliem uncalled v facie evidence of intentional Fraud OKE OUT IN A NEW H; (t. ' B. M- ANSION HOUSE, Adjoining Penna. R. R. Dejn, . . PITTSBURGH, PA. The most convenient place to stop in the Citv. Meals served at all hours. Terms moderate. J. H. CLARK Si CO., Proprietors. April 24, 1862-tf. REKS LLOYD, Sucret'Cr etf R. S. Eunn, Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES & PAINTS. ORice on Main Street, opposite Moore'? Hotel, Ebensburg, Pa. May 24, 1 SCG-tf. J. WILSON, M. D . offers his ?er-ice-. as Mi s:cian and Surgeon, to the citizens of Ebensburg and surrotiuding coun try. Office three doors east of the Presbyte rian church. April 12, iSGU-oiii DR. I). W. EVANS tender Lis pro lessional services as Physician and Surgeon to the citizen's of Kb?nshurg and surrounding vicinity. Office one duor East of R. Davis' store. Night calls made at his residence, three doors West cf B. Evils' Cabinet ware-room. ,1,aJ 18, 18tJ3.-tf. DK.J. M. 31'CLUIIE, SUKGFON AND Mechanical Dentist, rcspectfaUy offers his professional services to theladies and gen tlemen of Johnstown and vicinity of thisphu e. Particular attention paid to diseases of the Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for ceps. Johnstown Aug. 25, 185y O UN" TAIN HOUSE, Kbeiisburg, ?a Jas. A. Moohb, Proprietor. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies The Bak is supplied with choice liquor? iviid the Staiile attended bv careful liostler3. Ho irdera iaken by the weel, lllO,', vnr. aug25,lS.-0:tf A L'JOONA MOrSK. A i.i (M'NA, 1'a jtli. RICHARD M'CLAIN, Proprietor. rsa Meals readv on the arrival of all trains. Cheapest l ouse. In town. Aug. 11, l&til-tf. S' 111 ELLS HOUSE. LORETTO, CAMBRIA CO., PA., Tl'omas Callan, Proprietor. Accommodations unsurpassed by any other Hotel on the Mountain. iI,iy n6 PUBLICATION orriCE H03ERT DAVIS' IJCILDINCJ-UP STAIRS. DENTIST! IV. The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Ebtnsourg. He has spared no means to thoroughly acquaint himself with every im pro riiiciit in hia ait. To many years of per sonal experience, he has sought to add the imparted experience ot the highest authorities in Dental Science. He simply asks that an opportunity may be given for his work to speak i is own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. References: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond Jr.; W. R. Handy; A. A. Blaudy.P. U. Aus ten, of the Baltimore Ctllege. ."23 Will be at Ebensburg on the fourth Monday of eac h month, to stay one wjek. April J, 18U2tf - . LOYD & CO., BANKERS EBENSBURG, PA. 52?" Gold, Silver. Government Loans and other Securities bought and sold. Interest allowtd on Time Deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, an J a General Bauking Business transacted. Harch l, I6c?-tf 7 : ,c ' n, i i :i . . i . inc suoscrioer announces io li.e puouc that he has re-iurchased the Ebensbun: Foundry, and is prepared to furnish his tormer customers and all others, with every description of CASTINGS usually n.anulac tured at a Country Establishment. He will ahvavs keep on hand the best ounlitv of COOKING TOVES, PARLOR STOVES, OF FICE STOVES, kc. ; PLOWS ot the most approved patterns, PLOW POINTS, THRESH ING MACHINES', nr.d all other articles con nected with ihe business of a Foundry. fc lie invites the patronage of the public, and will sell at the most reasonable prices, for cash or country produce. EDWARD GLASS. Ebensburg, March 30. 18('-5.-ly. PLAlm and FANCY JOB PRINTER, STATIONER, Elank Hook Manufacturer, Dock Einder, and dealer in every description of American and Foreign Papers, kc, Ac. Corner of Wood and Third streets, PITTS BURG, Pa. JCfS" Agent for L. Johnson & Co., Type Founders & Electrotypers,.Philadelphia August 25, 1859:t!f cr OAL! COAL! COAL! The subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr , at Lilly Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to an amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to qualitv of Coal guar antied in all cases. WM. TILEY, Jr. April :8. 18G4-6m M. LLOYD & Co , BANKERS. m ALTOONA, PA. Drnf'S on the principal cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Mon eys received on deposit, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time; with interest fair rt. nov3 I853tf B. WISE JONES. OfSTAVCS A. EENSOX. M. JONES CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 512 Market street, Philadelphia. Jttyy Particular attention paid to sales, court rv -produce of every description. April 28. 18G4tf SPEIXGEK IIAHBACC.U. ' W.M. II. WJIITACRK CESJAMIX P. TETIT. QPRINGER IJAIiBAUGU .t CO. Wholesale Itralcrx m WOOL, HIDES, PROVISIONS axu PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 200 Liberty Street, April 24, lbt;2-tf. Pittsburgh, Pa. B ARTALOTT & RLYNN, Manufacturers of and wholesale deal ers in II ATS. CAPS, VURS. STRAW GOODS BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, &c No. 43G Market st.,-below Fifth. (South side,) PHILADELPHIA. April 23, 1854-tf T. W1LKV. J. DESMS. LEWIS St'OIC K. WILEY & CO., Mann f tct urers of BUGGY, RIDING am LEATHER WHIPS, LASHE,iVc. 30G Market street, Pnir.AiFi.i-ni v. fCS Agents for t2:e sab.- of Mundorf Co.'s Louden Hames. Orders solicited atten ded to with promptness. nov;;o, lb'Joif j BOOTS, SHOES. Tl.n 11 x ut p 1 1 !j v i ijucs iJieasurf in. the attention of the citizens of CAT. TOWN and vicinity to the fact tint jiisi u tcm-ii, aim is now opcuirg, st stanl ot .Mocre oc Son, a large euj stock of consisting in part of Satins, Velvets, Cloth?, C..;n c: Doeckins, Sattinetts. Twccji, Jeans, Tickings. Fiiinr.c'j, Brown k IJIf.icheu Muslins. i- 1)1! ESS G O ODS of t my Together with an e.vcellcnt sto; k ot JAS. V.. i'.IUILE. :xo. e. siiEitnoKX j:. wm. n. GILL. T ) IDDLE, G ILL & CO. Importers and Wholesale Healers in Foreign and DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, 428 Market St., below 5th, and 4 i3 Merchant Street. PHILADELPHIA. May -7, lSG2-tf. o. KOliT.'UT.E. W. C. EIliPl.E. u. c. lewi?. v: m. y.iuuLi;. KLINEFELTER with R. k w. C. DIDDLE & CO. Importers and dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, A HEAVY GOODS, No. 131 Market t. and 120 and 122 Jcncs Alley, Nov. 0, 18G'itf Philadelphia. T PR. TAVLOR. WM. K. IiEMIMlILL. AYLOH & HEMPHILL, Who'esale denier in MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. FOREIGN Jc DOMESTIC SEGARS, 222 Market kt., south side. bet. 2d A 3d, April 28, ltG4tf PHILADELPHIA, HATS, CAPS. BONN STATIONARY. HARDWARE, GROCX FISH, SALT. TRUNKS, CARPETS QU E EN S W ARE, NOTIONS, Ac., Apd, in fact, anything and er ery 1 Linn v. kept in a No. I Country Store all of will "be disposed of at prices to tuit ihe. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS: Customers waited on by attentive 5 men, :Mii no charge for showing ariif.'e IxT Cherry, Poplar, Spruce. Vr.c, other Lumber, Butter, Eggs, nr.J Cou. Produce general!', taken in ex :V J. K. ANDRKWP. A. B. WILKIN 3. K. J. ALTIMuS. T. SMITH. 1 EO. iM. RIDDLE, u;th ANDREWS, WILKINS A CO. Dft.ilers in Foreign and Domestic Iy Goodx, v?0. 503 Market street, janl5, 1862tf - PHILADELPHIA. G1 JOHN A. WILSON. v. a candlkss. JESSK W. CARP. "TILSON, CARIi, & CO. YV (Late Wilson, Paynr .j- Co.) Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS No. 1)1 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 18G2-tf. Ti. 1!" EDWAB n H. OG DEN. t. MOKRis rnnoT, RKER, tc'th T. MORRIS PEROT A CO., Wholesale Jrvygists, 2 Market street, above Sixth, and 612 Commerce street, Philadelphia. Nov. 28, lSGttf JOEL J. RAiLY & O., HOSIERY. SMALL WARES. WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, 4c. 23 Nort.i ::d street, Philn-i-lvhia. JOEL J. IMII.Y. HEMlY J. DAVIS, KLToN It- ClIFFOKD. tf. V.V.N Cl'LlX February 18, lG4,tf. J A MESON, DILLINC.EIt : CO. Importers a:-.. I Jobbers oi HOSIERY. G LOVES, NOTIONS, and FANCY GOODS, 403 Market s-t., three doors ah. 4th. North side, mr.r2G,f.!: PHILADELPHIA. H. K. JAMESOV, C. 11. PILLlNGLl., .1. II. MOO If E. G ood?. May 2V, lS02-tf A. 3 ARM A CARD. JX WirMKr.'s BninfiE. Lancaster To. Ji-iv" 30, 1- Mkssus. Evaxsand Watsos: GusTLff The si-iall size No. 1 Salamander safe I 1 i!irl!i!.s.d from vou'r n'.'i-nt. Mr. Au a r. hi Laiic istcr Cif- , on July 20tJj, a very str ere a mo! fui f.u: TSRAEL GOULD, with X I. C. CALDWELL, 'MPORTER AND W!OLFSALK DEALER 1 " HOSIERY,- GLOVES AND FWCY GOODS, 4"!l Market St.. (second More. 'I Feb. 1 1, 18G4-tf. IMIILADKLI'IIIA. w C. MURPIIEY, rrprrutu.-f II. CDIEDS a CO. WHOLESALE P.OOT& Nc. 133 Wuo May 8", lSG'J-tt- SHOE WAREHOUSE 1 street. PITTSBRUG. Pa. has been subjected io which it. "ulistood in manner. This Safe, containing all lr.j bo together withva'uble patters bt;"H-".' myself and seme to my neighbors a:i l '.r anc rrjireetiiig aval ie of over TcniyT and Dollars, (5-20.'''O) was in n.y Mul' was ilertroyed on tiie n'g'.t of the 2T:L . ly, lti:i atil pa--?: J tK.uh the !: f- ry ( u.iscathci. The Safe was on the seco-. and fell to O e b..-nu-ut oi tLe Mi!!.::, s'li jectvd hours to an intcL. atiioiig the, which wasgreatly it -" bv the coml u lion of a lar;e ou.'.iiiitv t'. A::: .... V- C1AUFF.MAN A: CIiEV, ' importers and Dealers in CHINA, GLASS AND CjUJ ENSWARE, No. 21 North Ft urth St., I'Liladelphia. Oct.. 1 5. !to3. TATS ON & JANNEY. 1 M PORT F. K S AN D JOHBEIia O? SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. 1,-., kc. 323 .Market St., Philadelphia. Feo. 11, 1801-tf. MARTIN BIEIII.EB. . R. H. HOWARD. CEIILER & HOWARD, Importers and Dealers in fotetyn und Domestic llardicare and Cutlery, No. 441 Market St., Philadelphia. or. 28 ISGltf JAMES OHAHAM. B. J. THOMAS. 1 RAIIAM k THOMAS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Dealers in Flour, 157 Liberty street Pittsburg, Penn'a D62G, 1861-tl rpIiO.MAS P. JAMES, JL IMPORTER and WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, No 030 Market street, Philadelphia October 15, 18C3 HARRIS & GRAHAM. WHOLESALE QROCERS. AND PRO DUCE COMMSMON MERCHANTS, Ao. 327 --lrrA Street, Philadelphia. EWWAP.D U. GRAHAM. June 8, 'C3 -ly SI. II. HAIiEIS, W V. L1PPINCOTT. GEO. N. BOND. JAS. MITCIIET.. LIPPINCOTT, JiOND & CO , Manufacturers & Wholesale Denlers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, and STRAW GOODS. io. no aiariiei 81 1 iiiLADELrniA. Not. 30, I83t-f - WEST, SOUTH WORTH i CO., Wholesale DeaUi in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 21 North Third street, Nov. 28, 1SC1. Philadelphia. CD. M 'GLEES k Co., No. 133 North Third street, Philadelphia; Wholesale dealers iu Boots and Shos. May 17 lrCO tf ADAMS, ATKINSON & CO., AUCTION DRY GOODS, No. S3 North Third st., Philadelphia. C. A. ADAMS. H. P. ATKINSON. J. M. WUITBY - April 'IS, 1864tf USSELL & LAND1S, " Importers ac Dcalera in DRUGS, CHEMICALS. Ac, No. 410 Market and 4U5 Merchant sts April 28,":8t.-4tf PHILADELPllI A. "lRY & KURTZ, Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, A FANCY GOODS, . . nl3,5 $2$ Aeoh St., rsmAomtPHiA ci Dtiiit l v.;t:i:n '.um irn k v tire the safe Was crcii. 1 ::nd t li pa pel t;'.r p. out iu a kt.ifj i f . rnvt ;'i., the j-ajttr rotf.en i; . :.--ihia l.f.t w .li. how e er, to:u:.tjt i ; a bttl-r reoc r..iiiciid.itiou cf u ,r-'' c. '-IlI l,e tpr ased in a:-y t;.tr nr. ti' e. Vou i . Ki - j :.'.' -ci: sa:m n. i: c- A large nf'orinK i.t ft' .if "' it v of 1'irv i;d Tiiief 1'roe-i ."'..'. hand an 1 for I: :ni. nl !e .t I. T EVAN.- i V. 17. No. IG South loufih i"., 1 i A.0.tAi i"ATi:onii: vn'i: os- Vic I'luUiti-.u Xutuvt 1 it J'-": OF CAMRFil A COFMY- !. O C A T K I A T 1. l;i:Ni ' MIE above named Cocpsny. c:r: April oth, 1837, ill f2fitiustr;---': property at safe rates p1'-1 careful in the risks taken, this t 4 nI ' sects a reliable and cheap xaediLt.. t- which persons may secure thciaselvu -a' probable losses b fire. Olfice on Centre Street nearly cr1" Thompson's "Mountain House." JOHN WlLLIAi!5,r:f D. J Jones, Sec'y. k Trees. A at nts : EVAN ROBERTS, JohnetcFn- JAMES PURSE, JNO E. ROBERTS, Etcnstcr Ebensburg, Aug. 25, 1859. , ' " CJ-' HENRY S. ZIECLER, JACOB fl- IEGLER k SMITH, Wholesale dealers in DIU'C:?, ' UAl.a, sc. tfj a n utaciu rt i s oi T ,-r; I Ull'IiTY WHITK I VAlt 7.IXC. CCi WHEEL A MACHINERY GRE-E'f; Stnrpjr.l r.flie. No. 137 N. T llild St-i , Arch. Factcry, Gl I & G13 St. Jobn, & 612 Yiucent St., Philadelphii;. -Al,r l, nTTTrC rr t lniviiinn: IHONJAIU AND NAIL FAClOlii Z1 H B. M. JOUNSTON. Manufacturer o p BAR, BOLT & ROD IRON, NAILS & lidn) 1 fol fsi iei a s ins Jec fm lit 1 4 5t A' F irr II rei tc ; PI - e ff. If J ; .i : 1 7r '' t i i if . i i r raaa dooa back. Mab lo, n u