A Vaaiioated Villain. Of Dr. Craven's oareer in the army we fiail tho following singular episode : Every spare moment cf Craven's lhn& was employed in mskius collections of rare insects, fishes, herbs, auJ aorapliical specimens of otlicr curiosities for his'owa or the Smith cjuian Museum. Once, when a very scoundrelly deserted, ; convicted of going over to the enemy, and other crimes loo ubonmible to be men'Joncd, was "ehot to death with musketry," in pursr. mc-.; with hia tientecce, Dr. Craven obtained the privilege of skiuninp: him and tannin::' li hide the bkiu itselt' tattooed all over while the fallow was a eailor, with pictures too blasphemous and id.com lor c-ri tcmplaticD, being a lreadlul 'N.mimentary on the multiform crimes and ciT--i t-s of which the soul therein dwelling Lai beou preedily guilty. On his breast wn' our Savior suspended ou the cros, tattooed in various color?, and on cacli side of it men uud women and even worse than this in every conceivable altitude of public shame. It was al.-o, I have heard for I did not see the execution all ever the rcsc of his body ; and certainly such a hide, with the eighteen holes in it, through which nine bullets entered and passed our, is no bad sermon on such a life as had been led by the villain. Betrayed Heuself. The Editor's Table of the KnicJctrlockcr recently con tained the following : A voun gentleman, a member of 'our college, was expelled for tho crime of drawing young ladies up to his room by means of a basket from bis window. Of course a great deal of gossiping con versation was the consequcuce. The following coloquy occurred between two ladies : "Jane, do ycu believe that students draw girls up to their rooms ?" 'Certainly, my dearj more than that, I know they do." "Flow?" "Well, I wis going to the collego one morning It was just before lijjht and I heard a roiso in the direction of the col lege buildings. I looked that way, and as I see you now, I saw a girl in a basket about halt ray from a third story window to the ground, and just then the rope broke, and down I came " Good for Ruicham. The Gentiles relate many stories at the expense of the leading patriarch of the church. There is a legend that cue day a woman went to 33r!gham for counsel touching some al leged oppression by an officer of the church, lirigham, like a true politician, Hssumed Iz know her; but when it became necessary to record her case, hesitated and eaid : 'Let me see, sister I forget your name." 'My nnme ?" was the indignant reply, "why, I am your wife I" "When did I marry you ?" The woman informed ihe ".President," who referred to an account book in his dctk, and then said : 'Well, I believe you are right. l:new your face was familiar I" Matkimony. There is a magistrate in n town in Indiana named Reiser. A clcrsryniau in the same place was called upiu by a ycung couple not Iou$ siuce, wishing him to jjin them in the ludy bonds of matrimony. He a?ked the bridegroom, (a holdier by the way,) for his marriage license. The man in blue paid he had been engaged to his irl for' fo';r years, and thought that would do. Clergyman thought not, and remarked as the speediest way to obtain license, "you had letter lake your girl aud go to Hel per." '-Vou can go to h 1 yourai't,"' retorted tho veteran, and without further advice be left his pre5euce. O. K. K. E W. 1- A friend relates the foliuv.iug : A young lady having pur chased an assortment of music- at a music fctore, on returning to her carriage recol lected a piece she had neglected to buy, 'Sir," said shs, on re-entering the store, ' there is ono thing which I had forgotten, and which I must now request you to sive to me." ''And what is that V asked the young music seller. ''It is, sir, 'One Kind Kiss before We Part.' " She meant the song of that name. The pay youth, vaulting instantaneously over the counter, saluted the fair stranger. He lost his heart anl his situation. TOB WOltK OF ALL K1NLS NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT TUB "ALLEU II ASIAN" OFFICE, HIGH Sr., EBENSBPllU. PA. PUBLICATION office: 3ERT DAVIS BUILDING UP STATUS. TUTKD DOOK BACK. GIVE US A CAU, -pA'HIC ARRANGEMENTS! - SUGAR KETTLH3, 10 to 40 gallons. COPPER KETTLES, 3 quarts to 40 gallons. TINWARE, all sorts aud kinds. SHEET- IRON, WARE every vai.'ety. FXAME.E!) .J" TIXXED IROX WARE ZINC WASHBOARDS, for "3 cents, w orth 37 cents. SAD I HON S, or SMOOTHING lRONS, all M.t-.s mid best quality, 5 to CJ cts per lb. COOKING STOVES. Trimmed complete, with baking a: ran genie tits, $3 to $23. LGG STOVES, Si 50 to S13.u0. HEATING COOK STOVES, S3. 00 to $3.00. BRADLEY COOKING STOVES, Patent, Graft" & Co., Mitchell, Herron k Co., Abbot k Noble, A. J Gallagher s, and every other Pittsburg or Philadelphia manufacturer's. Stoves always on hand or procured on 5 days' notice. ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stoves, always oa hand. CARBON OIL LAMPS, C2 cts. to $1.25. Chimneys and Wicks for Lamps always on hand. SPOUTING, BEST QUALITY, put up and PAINTED at 10 cents per foot. l&f Kc txtra charges for ElLoics. TS3 MINER'S LAMPS, OIL CANS. POWDER CANS, ail sizes constantly on hand. COFFEE MILLS, 37 cts. to S1.25. TOASTING TORKS, OYSTER BROILERS Jelly Cuke Moulds, Table and Tea Spoons COAL BUCKETS, 33$ cts. to $5.00. The above goods will be furnished WHOLESALE OU RETAIL, at the JOHNSTOWN STOVE k HOUSE-FURNISHING STORE, CANAL STREET Opposite Hie '.Veigli Lock. ask rem RANK W. IIAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save twenty per cent, on your purchases EITHER FOR CASH OR SCIiir. April 24, 18C2-tf G EORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, T Ebensburg, Fa. Office in Colonade Row. Ebensburg Sept. 2G, 18Cl-tf. TljRAIIAM KOPELTN, Attorney Xjl. at Law, John3town Pa. Office on Main street. aug25,1859-tf SAMUEL FINGLETON, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Penna. Office on II i jx Ii street, west of Foster's Hotel. Will practice in tbe Courts of Cambria and adjoining counties. March'J9,l8GG n. L. JOHNSTON'. CEO. V.. OATMAN. J OHNSTON & OAT.ViA, Attorneys at Law, Ebenircr, Cambria county, Penna. Ofiice removed to Ll.yd st., onf door West of R. L. Johnston's residence. January 10, 13Gl:tf CYRUS ELD Ell, Attorney-at-Law Johnstown, Pa. Will pr ictice in the several Courts of Cambria, Somerset, and adjoining counties. Office same as lately occupied by Linton and Noon, on Post Office corner up stairs. April 23, 19C3.tr EES J. LLOYD, Successor cf R. S. Bunn, Dealer in DEUGS, MEDICINES & PAINTS. Ofiiee on Main Street, opposite Moore's Hotel, Ebensburg, Pa. May 24, lSGG-tf. J C. VILSON, 31. D.. offers his per- a Vires. HS 1 Uli C 3UUUU UUlruiii i mv citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding coun try. Office three door3 east of the Prcsoyte rian church. April 12, ISGG-om DR. D. W. EVANS tenders his pro lessional services ns Physician and Surgeon to the citizens of Ebensburg and surroundiug vicinity. Office one door East of R. Davis' store. Night calls made at his residence, three doors West of R. Evu.s' Cabinet ware-room. ma) 18, 18G5.-tf. DR. J. M. M'CLURE, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, respectfully offers hia professional services to theladies and gen tlemen of Johnstown and vicinity of thisplace. Particular attention paid to diseases of the Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for ceps. rjohnstown Aug. 25, 1859 TPvENTISTRY. I TIip nndersis-ned. Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg. He has spared no means to thoroughly acquaint himself with every im provement isi his art. To many years of per soual expeiicnce, he h:s sought to add the imparled experience of the highest authorities in Dental Science. He simply ask3 that an opportunity may be given for his work to speak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. Reference: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond Jr. ; W. R. Handy ; A. A. B!andy,P. H. Aus ten, of the Baltimore Ccllegc. Ei-Will beat Ebeusburg op the fourth Monday of each month, to stay one wjsk. April , lSC2tf T)LAijn and FANC Y J OR' PRINTER, I STATION" EK, Elartk Hook Manufacturer, Boole Binder, and dealer in every description of American and Foreign Papers, &c., A.c. Corner of Wood and Third streets, PITTS BURG, Pa. -t2fAgeut for L. Johnson & Co.; Type Found?rs & Electrotyper.-, Philadelphia August 2o, lS5P;tf ' milE OLD CHEAP ' STORE I X - '- Having again taken th Orocery store of the late firm f tuoou & Jonks iii my own Qamo, I return thanks to the citizens of Eb ensburg and vicinity . tor their former patron age, and solicit a continuance of the same. I have lately been in New York, Philada. and Pittsburg buying a new stock of Goods, of the very best quality, all of which I will sell ., AT A VERY SMALL PROFIT ! Persons wishing anything in my line will do well to call aud examine, goods before pur chasing elsewhere. No charges made for showing goods. My stock consists in part of White and Browu Su- Chewing and Sniok'g gars. Tobacco, N. O. Molassses, Cigars, Snuff, Syrups, Candles, Soap, Rio Coffee, Clothes, Market and Young Hyson, Imperial Fancy Baskets, , and Black Teas, . WasL boards, Brooms, Spices of all kinds, Buckets, Measures, Butter, Sugar and Wa- Kealers, Churns, ter Crackers, Kegs, Dried Apples, Peaches, Hair and Wire Seives, Oranges and Lemons, Scrub, Shoe and Dus Ficrs, Raisins, . ting Brushes, Prunes , Citrons, Rope, Bed cords, Nuts of all kinds, uines. Rope Halt-ers Ext. Ley and Coffee, Twine, Tye Yarn, Bowls, Fawcits, Butter Prints and La- Window Glass, dies, Ptuty, Arnold's Inks from G to An assortment of Es- Tocents per bottle, sences and Drugs, Shoe-findings, Pegs, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Nail3, Thread, Garden Hay Rakes, Sole Leather, . Scythes and Snathes, Harvest Tools, Buck Saws and Nails, Hay Fork3, Provision, FLOUR, CORN and OAT MEAL, CHEESE, RICE, BACON, MACKEREL, HERRING, CODFISH, And all kinds of Liquors, brandy, Gin, Wines Old Rye and Common Whiskey, ic., kc. The above articles will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce, at Cash prices R. H. TUDOR. Ebensburg, July 13, 18G5:tf fTTAYLOR & CREMERi JL AT THE HUNTINGDON NURSERIES, IIcxtixgdox, Pa. Sell Fruit & Ornamental Tress, Vines &c. of better growth, larger size, and at lower prices than any of tbe Northern or Eastern Nurseries and warrant them true to name. Standard Apple trees at 18J cents each $16 per 100. Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each S12.50 tc $15 per 10 Standard Pear trees, 50 to 75 cts oacti. Dwarf Pear trees, 50$ to$l each 20 to $00 per 100 Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 75 ct3 each Standard Cherry trees 37 to 75 cts Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to 75 -t8. Plum trees 50 cts. Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts. Nectarine trees 25 cts each. Grape Vines 25 cts to $1. Silver Maple trees G2J to $1. European Ash, 75 to 1. European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50 Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1. American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to $1.50 American & Chinese Arbor Vitie, 50 ct. $1.50 Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, &c. &c Huntington, Jan. 25, 1860 tf.. H UG11 A. MoOOY, Saddle and Harness Manufacturer EBENSBURG, PA. Office one door east of Davis, Jones k Co.'s Store. A large stock of ready-made Harness, Sad dles, Bridles, kc, constantly on hand and for sale cheap. Dec. 25, lSCl-tf; ANSION HOUSE, Adjoining Penna. R. R. Depo.,, PITTSBURGH, KA. The most convenient place to stop in the City. Meals served at all hours. Terms moderate. J. II. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. April 24, lSGL'-if. OUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebensburg, Pa Jas. A. Moobb, Proprietor. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies The Bab is supplied with choice liquora : and the Staulk attended by careful hostlers. Boirdera taken by the week mor.b or yar. aug25,1850:tf A LTOONA HOUSE, Altoona, 1'a JL RICHARD M'CLAIN, Proprietor. 22, Meals ready on the arrival of all trains. Cheapest Louse la town. Aug. 11, lbOl-tf. SHIELDS HOUSE, LORETTO, CAMBRI V CO., PA., Ttomas Callan, Proprietor. . Accommodations unsurpassed, by ny other Hotel on the Mountain. May 31, 'GG. yBEXSBURG FOUNDRY. B i T!e subscriber announces to the public Hint ho has re-purchased the Ebensburg Foundry, and is prepared to furnish his former customers and all others, with every description of CASTINGS usually manufac tured at a Country Establishment, lie will always keep on hand the best quality of COOKING STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, OF FICE STOVES, kc. ; PLOWS of the most approved patterns, PLOW POINTS, THRESH ING MACHINES, and all other articles con nected with ihe business of a Fouudry. 11 invites the patronage of the public, r:d will sell at the most reasonable prices, for cash or country produce. EDWARD GLASS. Ebensburg, March 30, 1805.-ly, COAL! COAL! COAL! The subscriber is now carrying on tbe Colliery of Wra. Tiley, Sr , at Lilly Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun ty, aud will be glad to fill all orders, to any amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to qualitv of Coal guar antied in all eases. WM. TILEY, Jr. April 28. 1864-Cm XNSURANCE AGENCY. JL James Purse, agent for the Blair county and Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Com panies, Johnstown, Pa. gf Will attend promptly to making insu rance in any part of Cambria county upon application by letter or in person. March 12th, 183-tf. LLOYD & CO., BANKERS EBENSBURG, PA. 53f Gold, Silver, Government Loans and other Securities bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States, and a General Banking Business transacted. March 1, l&GG-tf TT M. LLOYD & Co., BANKERS, YV ALTOONA, PA. Drafts on the principal cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Mon eys received on deposit, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. nov3 1859tf ERGER, AUDENRIED & FRY; Nos. 11 and la South Water SL, , ,. . (Below Mtu-ket,) PUILAD'A. Wholesale dealers in Fl SIT, CHEESE PRO VISIONS generally. Are now receiving and will keep constancy on hand a full and complete assortment of goods, in their line, consisting in part of, , MACKEREL, HAMS, . CHEESE, : , SHAD, SHOULDERS, LARD. HERRING, SIDES, BUTTER, SALMON, BEEF, .,, DRIED FRUIT CODFISH, TONGUES SALT, kc. Having every fat ility for purchasing our goods to the best advantage, and every. con venience for conducting a large business, and Deing determined to sell goods upon terms equal to any house in the trade, we respect fully solicit the patronage of our friends and the public generally. ftQParlicular attention paid to filliny crdcrs. Philadelphia, July 1 i. 18G4-tf JgYRE & LAN DELL, FOURTH n. ' . AND ARCn STS., 1 PHILADELPHIA, . A RE OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, French Merinoes, Goo1 Black Silks, Dark Figured Silks, ' New Plaid Silks, Balmoral Petticoats, Red, White and Bine Flannel?, Shawls, Wholesale aud Retail. October i5, 18C3. ' C. ERY & CO , WHOLESALE GROCERS And Commission JMtrt-hnnta, No. 522 Market St., between Fifth and Sixth. Philadelphia We have constantly on band a general as sortment of all kinds of fish, in lnrge and small packages, which we will se!I low for Cash or short credit Also, Duncannon Nails and Spikes of all sizes, constantly on hand and for sale at Manufacturer's prices. October 15, 18C3. ITTLE, RAIRD & TATTON, A (Successors to Little k Trimbie.) WHOLESALE GROCERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburg Manufactures generally. Nos. 112 and 114 Secoad street, mar2C,65 PITTSBURG, PA. THOS. LITTLE, SR., S. II. BAIKD, JAS. TATTON, JR. II. ERANCISCUS, No. 513 Maeket St., AX D 510 CoilMEUCE ST., PillLA. Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Ropes, Wick, Tie Yarn, Broom3, Buckets, Baskets, Churns, Tubs, Brushes Looking-Glasses, &c, &c, kc. AC. JjgyThe largest slock of the above Good.? in the city, sold at the lowest nett cai?i prices Oct. 31, lSGl-tf. OORE, LIGGET & CO., Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, &e. No. 223 Market Street, Opposite Bank St., PUILDKLPHIA. BfSU, Constantly receiving Goods from Phil adelphia and New York Auctions. Oct. 24, 18Gl-tf . MTSE JONES. GCSTAVUS A. EEXsOX. M. JONES & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 512 Market street, Philadelphia. JCiST Particular attention paid to sales, country produce of every description. April 28, lfcCitf SPEIXGEli UAESAVGK. WM. U. WHITACUS BENJAMIN F. PETIT. QPRINGER II A RE AUG U & CO. V!ioieaale Dealers in WOOL, HIDES, PROVISIONS ax d PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 203 Liberty Street, April 24, lbC2-tf. Pittsburgh, Pa. BARTALOTT & BLYNN Manufacturers of aud wholesale deal ers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, kc No. 43G Market St., below Fifth, (South side,) PHILADELPHIA. April 28, 1854-tf J. U. ANDREW?.' A. P.. WILKIX&. K. J. ALTIMtS. W. X. SMITil. GEO. M. RIDDLE, ttA ANDREWS, WILKIN'S & CO. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dy Goods, 503 Market street, janlS, 18G2tf PHILADELPHIA. JOHN A. WILSON. D. 2d CAXDLtSS. JESSE W. CAT.R. TinriLSON, CARR, & CO. f ? (Late. Wilson, Paine j- Co.) Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS No. 'Ji Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. April I'-l, 1802-tf. T. MOBRIS PEROT, E&V.ARn U. OGDEX. T BARKER, wltli JX T. MORRIS PEROT k CO., Wholesale Druyyists, Yin. 22 Market street, above Sixth, and G12 Commerce street, Puiladklpuia. Nov. 28, 1861tf ATS ON & JANNEY. IMPORTERS AX D JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, kc, kc 323 Market St., Philadelphia. Feb.ll, 18G4-tf. MARTIN BUEHI.Ett, . R. U. HOWARD. BUEIILER & HOWARD, Importers and Dealers in tviayii and Domestic Hardware and Cutlery, No. 441 Market st., Philadelphia. Nov. 28 18GItf JAMES UltAIIAM: b. J. THOMAS. fi RAH AM & THOMAS, VX WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Dealers in Flour, 15T Liberty street Pittsburc, Pcnn'a Dee26, 1861-ti H ARRIS & GRAHAM. WHOLESALE GROCERS. AVn PTn. DLCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ao. 327 Arch Street, Philadelphia. M. a. HARRIS, KDWARD II. GRAHAM. June 8, 'C5 -ly W V. tlPPINCOTT. GEO. M. BOND. J KS. MITCUEL LIPPINCOTT, BOND & CO., Manufacturers 4 Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, and STRAW GOODS, No. 413 Market st Philadelphia . Not, 30, 1865tf - - H GUILDS & CO. . : WHOLESALE SHOE. WAREHOUSE No. 133 Wood Street, Fittlurp Pa. " nave received an immense stock of Boots and Shoes suitable for ; Spring and Summer sales, comprising a full ussortmemt of Staple and Fancy Goods, carefully selected with par ticular reference to the wants of the Western Trade, and due regard to durability and sizes, manufactured to order and warranted. " 'Our entire stock having been -purchased and contracted for direct from the New Eug land manufacturers entirely for cashj during last Fall and Winter,' before the -present advance prices on siocknnd we. arc enabled to oiler Superior Indaecments to cash or pronipftime buyer?, and are prer arcd to sell goods at less than New York or Philadelphia prices. We invite the attention of Merchants visit ing this city to examine our large and desira ble stock before purchasing elsewhere. EfJ Particular personal attention given to ORDERS. April. 9 tf JOHN HEWITT, iciih " Solomon Cans, WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOTHING, No. 109 Market street, Philadelphia. This cstab7:shment has been removed from No. 114 North Third street to the ubove location, where an extensive aud seasonable assortment of Ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys, together with a carefully selected line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, kc, is now ready for the trade. ' . Any order entrusted by those who are un able to visit the city shall be executed as faithfully a3 if they were present. August 24, 1SG2. TJEV C-Sll HOUSE ! jS Goods bouyht and sold for cash ' LITTLE A A DA MS ON, No. 32-3 Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite attention to' their new and splendid stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS ! Black Siiks, Mourning Silks, Fancy Silks, Poult deSoit.; Seasonable Sliawls, Cloaking Cloths, Mantilla Silks, MantiEas manufac tured by themselves from late Paris styles. Apiil 28, l04tf JAj. M. CONRAD. COATES WALTON. riONUAD & WALTON, Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY Conrad k Walton's superior Steel Shovels, Conrad k Walton's. Darling k Waldron's SCYTHES, Mann's Beatty's k Hunt's Axes, kc kc. Nos. C23 Market St., Gl4 Commerce st, Oct. 15,'G3. - Philadelphia, G. T. WILEY. J. DENNIS. LEWIS allHCK. G T. WILEY & CO., r Manuficf urers of BUGGY, RIDING and LEATHER WHIPS, LASHES, kc. 30G Market street, Philadelphia. Agents for he sale of Muudorf & Co.'s Louden Haines. Ordtrs solicited and atten ded to with promptness. novCO, lfcOatf JAS. W. jilDDLii. JXO. C. SUEIiEUUXE. WM. U. GILL. " IDDLE, GILL & CO. JL Importers and "Wholesale Dealers in Forcicrn and Domestic DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, 438 Market St., below 5th, and 4o3 Merchant Street. PHILADELPHIA. May 7, 18G2-tf. EOBT. BIDDLE. W. C. DIDDLE, ri. C. LEWIS. C. M. BIDDLE. OD. KLINEFELTER vith , R. k W. C. BIDDLE i- CO. Importers and dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, 4 HEAVY GOODS, No. 131 Market tt. and 120 and 122 Jor.es Alley, Nov. oG, lSGutf Philadelphia. imi. Taylor. wm. k. hejipuill. rgiAYLOR & HEMPHILL, 5 Wholesale dealer in MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. FOREIGN i DOMESTIO SEGARS, 222 Market bt., south side, bet. 2d A 3d, April 2S, lSGltf PHILADELPHIA, JOEL J. DAILY & CO., HOSIERY. SMALL WARES, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, fce. 23 Norta 3d street, Philadelphia. JOEL J. BAILY, HEN K Y J. DAVIS, ELTON B. GIKFOKD, S. W. VAN CULIN' February 18, ieC4,tf. JAMESON, BILLING ER & CO. Importers and Jobbers o! HOSIERY. GLOVES, NOTIONS, and FANCY GOODS, 4 03 Market St., three doors ah. 4th. North side, u,a:2C,G5 PHILADELPHIA. B. R. JAMEs-OV, C. II. DZLLINGEZi, J. II. 31UOI1E. TSRAEL GOULD, with X I. C. CALDWELL, t M PORTER AND WIIOLKSALK OK4LVK IN UOSIERY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, 4JM Market st., (second storv,) Feb. 11, 18G4-tf. Pli ILADELPIIIA. T C MURPUEY, represent uu, y V . II. CHILDS & CO., WHOLESALE BOOT& SHOE WAREHOUSE No. 133 Wood street, May 8, lfc'02-tt' PITTSBRUG. Ta. c AUEEMAN & CHEW, C H IN A . GLASS AND O U F EN S W A R E No. 21 North Fcurth st., Philadelphia. Oct. 15, !C3. npiIOMAS P. JAMES, JL IMPORTER and WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, No G30 Market street, Philadelphia October 15, 18G3 EST, SOUTI1WORTI1 & CO., Wholesale DeaLn in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 21 North Third street, Nov. 28, 1SG1. Philadelphia. CD. M'CLEES & Co., No. 133 North Third street, Philadelphia Wholesale dealers in Boots and Shos. May 17 1G0 tf ADAMS, ATKINSON & CO., AUCTION DRY GOODS, No. 33 North Third St., Philadelphia. E. A. ADAMS. II. V. ATKINSON. J. M. WHITBY. April 28, lSG4tf EUSSELL & LAND1S, i Importers ar.d Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS. &c, No. 410 Market and 405 Merchant sts., April 28, 1804tf PHILADELPHIA. THE ALLEGHA?n 11 the following rate3 Tiz; Per annum, payable in advanet If not paid in advance A failure to notify a disconu expiration of the term stbscribej considered a new eEgigcraent TERMS OP ADVERTISE. Transient advertising, per sq i,, Each subsennent insertion . ' Auditor's Notices, each Administrators' and Execute"""""''" Estray Notices ' 8 lines, or less 1 square, 12 lines.. 2 squares, 24 lines 3 sqres, 36 lines... Third column Half column Column or 52.50 3.5 J G.00 8.01 lOio 12.00 Si c, l: 12 rr.oiCiS'Onai or L.n5ines3 ro""- exceeding 3 lines, with pCr A JCGT Advertisements notuarfcc n amber of insertions desired :n ned till forbidden, and charge v the above terms. it jLx of Xcivsiapfr,eu 1. Subscribers who do notfj-s." tice to the contrary, are co::sij". f ing to continue their su'o?cT;p- 2. If subscribers order the ;;. of their Periodicals, the PuLj't .. tmue to serd them until w paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or w their periodicals from the oflk-osto. are directed, they are held rc--thcy hare settled "the bill aud c; discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to ; without informing the publiil.;. papers are sent to the former are held responsible. 5. The Courts have deci ih. a 1 - T - T r . . iu iuue periouicaia iroia ti;e r,r ing and leayingthem uncallej f facie evidence of iutentionai Fr o ROKE OUT IN A NLV, The subscriber takes plea?: -e !1' the attention of the citizen? cf ! I TOWN ujid vicinity to the f;us ; Y just received, and is now opeL:s-il stand of Moore k Son, a Ur :.'ft stock cl ' ' r ttry Gool3, "Pr consisting in part of ' Satius. Velvets, Clotls, C-. Doeskins, Sattinetts, Tra Jeans, lickings, I j.in:-rl, Lrown & iJkii iij Muslins, ccc niHJSS GOODS of mr Together with an excellent itck'. ROOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ro: STATIONARY, HARD'.VARi:. FISH, SALT, TRUNKS, c r.r?- Q U E E N S W A R E , NOTIONS. .. . And, in fact, anythiny an J every u kept in a No. I Country .Store .v will be disposed of at price; t:; su:: CALL AND EXAMINE tiOi Customers waited on by utu:: men, and no charge for sliov.'ir.j: : s? Cherry, Poplar, Spru.v. .-. other Lumber, Butter, Egj.- r-i Produce general!'.-, taken i.i '.t Goods. A. A. I- May '20. !SC2-tf. r T?RY & KURTZ. Importers and Jobbers of nooirpy ri avio . vi.viio, ixUllUAS, & l ANCl GOODS, janl9,5 325 Abcd ST.r Pbii.adei.fuia ri CARD. -iJL Wirssr.a Bt:: Lancaster Tr. Jui.v. Mlssus. Evaxsaxd Watson: The small size No. 1 Salamander I J urchftscd from your agent, i'" But, in Lancaster City, ou July aas icen snt jecttu to a very ii which it withstood in a most sJ manner. this a!e, contain..- s-j togethtr with va'.u".ble lwjii-u Vt'.i j my selt and somo lomv neL-abcria' anc represetiug a vr.I ic of over Tt aud Dollars, (S20.0o) v;:s in my was desiroytd on tLe ::'g!.t of the ly, 18J0, and iascd th:' U"h the unscathed. The Safe was oathe and fell to the basement oi tLc- M. subjected for six hours to auii among the rui.is, which wasgrc:.'. by the combustion of a large u a coiihued v.ahin th brick w;.I 5 fire the safe was opened and tit papers taken cut in a state cf w vation, the pi-per nul even btr!-. This fact was, however, tu uji; a better recommendatiou of vc:." could be expressed in any cilu-r' me. - i ours Uesi't"- tel3 SA-ulTI. KTW A larsre assortment ct iuc ity of Fire and Thief Proof a: hand and for sale at as low mtis '- tirm, at EVANS i No. lo South rour:lf-f Vie IVotccti'ou Mutual TiM f OF CAHRE1A COU LOCATED AT E E E N S B t ; .rH'MIE above named CcuiJ- X April Cth, 1S57, Mill eCectu nronertv at safe rates Eeicjr i careful'in the risks taken, this --" sents a reliable and cbeap nui which persons may secure them--' probable losses by fire. .f Office on Centre Street tef. Thompson's ''Mountain House. v. JOHN UILLU D. J. Jones. Sec y. & Tuas A (tits : EVAN BOBE11TS, Jutn' JAMES PU11SE, JNO E. KOBE11TS. Etcs- Ebensburg, Aug. 25, 1S39 I1ENE.Y S. Z1LCLER, Z1EGLER & SMITH, Wholesale dealers ia Pi'u CALS, &c. Manufacturers t-f LIBERTY VHITE LEAD, Zl1" WHMEL k MACIllNBlp'.1'1";.; Store And office, No. IS" N Arch. Factcry, Cll k C13S -V & Oil! Vincent st., Yhil&iiWJ. HOLL1DAYSKURG iKg AND NAIL FACTi B. M. JOHNSTON. MaduI'j BAR, BOLT & BOD IKON, Hollidaysbnrj. Alarch 15, lS65.tf i