A Decided Sell. On Saturday after neon a mau urove nis norse ana Dugry up to the Market House in Chambers- burjr, and attracted the bystanders bv do daring it was more blessed to give than to receive, and ofitrinr a good five dollar United States note lor four dollars', lie was EOt long in finding a customer, and he delivered the note and pocketed the four dollar?. lie then continued to de monstrate Lis :aitu in UioJical assurance that giving wa? more blessed than receiv ing, by offering a good one dollar note fur ?eventy-five cents. The offer was accepted by one of the crowd, and -the stranger fol owd the transaction by drawing from his pocket a handful of five cent nctcs and flinging them among his already large audience. Such a novel proceeding on the part of a man vho was evidently fober, naturally attracted the attention of all within hearing, and as a crowd always gathers from passers-by, he had what . uight be termed a la-go acd appreciative audience. He next offered a lot of rings to the crowd. Jle said that he meant to give them away, but he preferred that purchasers should pay him a dime, and he would at onee refund the mone. A do zen bras? rings soon changed hands and the money was promptly refunded. lie next offered a dozen cf watch chains at a' dollar each on same terms. They were at once taken, the money paid and refunded. He then offered bracelets at five dollars each on sama terms, and prompt sales and quick returns were made, aud the mocey refunded as before. By this time there was an active demand among the crowd for iewelrv on such terms : but the dealer closed, and said he meant to divide his favorj and he would move acros? the street to Brown's Hotel, where he would give others a chance for some of his bargains. He then drove across the street, and of course the crowd followed him, ia spite of his remonstrance, ia which he urged that those who had already received his goods should stand back and let others have a chance. He then offered his rings and chains as before, and returned the money, talking in the joliicst manner to the crowd, which was greatly excited by the novelty of the transaction and the liberal offers of jewelry, without cost. He then offered his bracelets, as before, and hurriedly sold off eleven for which he received five dollars each. The twelfth was not taken, although offered for some time. He then said that he supposed the reason it was not taken was that he was then making Lona fitlc sale?, as he had not promised to give the money back, which was only toi true for the hasty purchasers; and suiting the action to the word, the itinerant dealer crammed the fifty-five dollars in his pocket, announced the sale as closed, and immediately drove out of town, amid the mingled cheers, laughter and curses of the crowd. He had given away in money and jewelry probably five dollars worth, and carried off fifty-five dollars, clearing just fifty dol lars by the tea minutes dperation. He goes oa the principle that fools and their money are easily parted, and if he suc ceeds elsewhere as well as he did here, he can Boon retire. All about the Dangeuous Nature of Laurel Swamps. A writer in the "American Exchange and Review,", on the subject of "Our American Sylva," writes : "Although the mountain laurel is found scattered through the New England States, growing plentifully iu some localities, yet it never attains there the size and brauly it docs on the Alleghany range in Penn sylvania and southward. In this section it may be seen iu its greatest glory, often forming dense thickets twenty feet higb, growing under the shade of furest trees seemingly unaffected by the situation, and appearing to prefer the daikncss of such places, from whence its terminal corymbs of bright rose colored or pule white blos FCms gleam in striking beauty from a shady place. These continuous brakes or groves are called iu that region laurel swamps ; the branching stems cross and twist together, forming a thicket almost impenetrable to man cr beast. Though beautiful to the e, they are the terror ct the hunter and the engineer, who, at tempting to cross these labyrinths, often find themselves enveloped in a net of iron which retains its prey like a trap. The engineers who laid out the Pennsylvania Ilailroad over the Alleghanies, discovered the skeletons of several men who had thus been caught and .starved to death." JOB WOKK OF ALL KINDS NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY KXECUTEI AT THK VUXG II ANlAN,,OrFICL HIGH St., E CENSDURG, VA. t'UBLICATION OFFICE NIC ARRANGEMENTS! SUGAR KETTLh3, 10 to 40 gallons. COPPER KETTLES, 3 quart3 to 40 gallons. TINWARE, all sorts aud kinds. SHEET-IRON INTAKE every variety. EX AX EL ED $ TIXXED IROX WAXK ZINC WASHBOARDS, for 23 cents, worth 37 cents. SAD IRONS, or SMOOTHING iRONS, all sizes and -beat quality, 5 to 6i cts per lb. rjIIE OLD CHEAP STORE ! Having again taken the Grocery store of the late firm of Twos. & Jones in my own name, I return thanks to the citizens of Eb ensburg and vicinity tor their former patron age, and solicit a continuance of the same. I have lately been in New York, Philada. and Pittsburg buying a new stock of Goods, of the very best quality, all of which I will sell AT A VERY SMALL PROFIT I Persons wishing anything in my liDe will do well to call and examine goods before pur chasing elsewhere. No charges made for showing goods. My stock consists in part of White and Brown Su- Chewing and Smok'g COOKING STOVES, Trimmed complete, with baking arrangements, $8 to $23. LGG STOVES, $4.50 to SIC.uO. IIEATIXQ COOK STOVES, $3.00 to $8.00. BRADLEY COOKING STOVES, Patent, Graff k Co., Mitchell, nerron & Co., Abbot & Noble, A. J Gallaghers, and every other Pittsburg or Philadelphia manufacturer s. Stoves alwavs on hand or procured oa 5 days' notice. ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stoves, alwnvs oa hand. CARBON OIL LAMPS, G2 cts. to $1.25. Chimneys and Wicks for Lamps always cn hand. SPOUTING,. BEST QUALITY, put up and PAINTED at 10 cents per foot. JTc extra charges for Elboics.'iZ MINER'S LAMPS, OIL CANS. POWDER CANS. all sizes constantly on hand. COFFEE MILLS, 37 cts-. to S1.25. TOASTING FORKS, OYSTER BROILERS Jelly Cake Mould?, Table and Tea Spoons COAL BUCKETS, 35 cts. to $5.00. The above good3 will be furnished WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at the JOHNSTOWN STOVE k IIOUSE-FURNISH-ING STORE, CANAL STREET Opposite llie.TYelgli Lock ASK FOR RANK W. ITAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save ticenty per cent, on your purchases EITHER FOR CAS II OR SCRIP. April 24, lSC2-tf GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Col6nade Row. Ebensburg Sept. 20, 1861-tf. BRAIIAM KOPELIN, Attorney at Law, Johnstown Pa. Office on Main street. . aug25,lS59-tf E. J. WATERS, Justice of the Peace. Office on High Street, East Ward, Ebens burg. Pa. April 13, 1865-Cm. GEO. W. OATMAN . R. L. JOHNSTON. JOHNSTON k OATMAN, Attorneys at Lai?. Ebensburg, Cambria county, Penna. Xfi$! Office removed to Lloyd St., oaf door West of R. L. Johnston's residence. January 10, lSGl:tf C1YRUS ELDER, Attornly-at-Law Johnstown, Pa. Will pr.ictice in the several Courts of Cambria, Somerset, end adjoining counties. Office same as lately occupied by Lintoa and Noon, ou Post Oflice corner up stairs. April 23, isn3-tf D1 tenders his pro as" Physician and D. W. EVANS fessional services Surgeon to the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding vicinity. Office one door East of R. Davis' store. Night calls made at his residence, three doors West of R. Evils' Cabinet ware-room. maJ 1S 1803. -tf. DR. J. M. M'CLUEE, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, respectfully offers his professional services to theladies and gen tlemen of Johnstown and vicinity of thisplace. Particular attention paid to diseases of the Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for ceps. Uffice street. in the old "Exchange," on Johnstown Aug. Clinton !5, 1850 DENTISTRY: The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully offers his professional services to the citizeus of Ebensburg. He has spared no means to thoroughly acquaint himself with every im provement in his ai t. To many years of per sonal experience, he lias sought to add the imparted experience of the highest authorities in Dental Science. He simply asks that an opportunity may be given for his work to epeak its own praise. SAMUEL EELFORD, D. D. S. References: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond Jr. ;"W. R. Handy j A. A. Clandy,P. II. Aus ten, of the Baltimore College. jggj-Will beat Ebensburg on the fourth Monday of each month, to stay one wiek. April I, lSCl'tf WOOD 310RRELL & CO., . JonNSTOwr, Pa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti cles : HATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, CLOTHING, NOTION'S, QUEENSWAEE, BOOTS 4 SHOES, GROCERIES, FEKD OF ALL KINDS. BONNETS, HARDWARE, PROVISION'S, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, BACON, VKGETABLES AC Clothing and Boots and Shoes made .o order on reasonableterms. K03ERT DAVIS' BUILDING UP STAIRS. Johnstown March! 1860-lf. gars, N. O. Jlolassses, Syrups. Rio Coffee, Young Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas, Suicep of nil kinda, Butter, Srr and Wa- Kealers, Churns, nr Crackers, . Kegs, Dried Apples, Peaches, Hair and Wire Seives, Oranges and Lemons, Scrub, Shoe and Dus- Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Clothes, Market and Fancy Baskets, t V-etUOards, Brooms, Buckets, Measures, Fi3, Raisins, Prune: , Citrons, Nuts of all kinds, .. Ext. Ley and Coffee, Bowls, Butter Prints and La dles, Arnoldrs Inks from 6 to 75cents per bottle, Shoe-fi:iuiags, Pegs, Nails, Thread, Sole Leather, Harvest Tools, ting Brashes, Rope, Bed cords, iines. Rope n."It ers Twine, Tye Yarn, Fa'wcits, Window Glass, Ttuty, An assortment of Es sences and Drugs, ShovelSjSpades, Hoes, Gardea Hay Rakes, Scythes and Snathes, Buck Saws and Nails, Provision, Hay ! orks, FLOUR, CORN and OAT MEAL, CHEESE, RICE, BACON, MACKEREL, HERRING, CODFISn, And all kinds of Liquors, Brandy, Gin, Wines Old Rye and Common Whiskey. kc, kc ESR, The above articles will be sold cheap for Cash or Countrv Produce, at Cash prices R. II. TUDOR. Ebensburg, July 13, 1865:tfj pq-EW CHEAP CASH STORE!!! "THAT'S WHAT'S THE MATTER!" E. J. MILLS k CO. beg leave to announce to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that they have just received, at their new store room, on High street, a most complete assort ment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting in part cf the following articles . Dress Goods, Millinery Goods, Plain and Fancy Silks, Embroideries, Housekeeping Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Shawls, Laces, and so on, ad intiniluri. ALbO : Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Groceries, Hardware Queensware, Notions, Perfumery; Stationery, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Mackerel, Herring and Cod Fish, Syrups and Mclasse Iron and Nails, Glass, Salt, Oils, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, 4c, Sec kc In short not to dip further into tedious details they intend keeping A NUMBER ONE STORE, Where the comfort and convenience of a country community can be successful- ca tered to. By buying a large stock at a time, they at enabled to sell their good3 at a TRIFLING ADVANCE ON CITY PRICES. Roll in and see for yourselves. No charge for showing articles. B, Country ' Produce taken in exchange for goods. Ebensburg April 24, 1SG2. IT. S. II AT EX, PLAlw and FANCY JOR PRINTER. STATIONER, Blank Boole Manufacturer, Bock Binder, and dealer in&every description of American and Foreign Papers, kc, kc. Corner of Wood and Third streets, PITTS BURG, Pa. fjgyAgeut for L. Johnson & to., iype Founders k Electrotvpers, Philadelphia ; August 25, 1859:t.f , H UG11 A. MCOl, Saddle and Harness Manufacturer EBENSBURG, TA. Oflice one door east of Davis, Jones Co.'s Store. A large stork of ready-made Harness, Sad dles, Bridles, kc, constantly ou hand and lor sale cheap. Dec. 23, lS61-tf: M- VNSION HOUSE, Adjoining Penna. R. R. Depo, PITTSBURGH, I A. The roost convenient place to stop in the Citv. Meals served at all hours. Terms moderate. J. II. CLARK k CO., Proprietors. April 24, 18G2-tf. FOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebensburg, Pa Jas. A. Moofk, Proprietor. The Taulk is always supplied with the choicest delicacies The Bar is supplied with choice liquors : and the Stadlk attended by careful hostlers. Boarders taken by the week month or year. aug23,lS39:tf LTOONA HOUSE, Altooxa, Pa jfjL RICHARD M CLAIN, Proprietor. UgV Meals ready on the arrival of all trains. Cheapest house Iti town. Aug. 11, lbC4-tf. E1JENSBURG FOUNDRY. The subscriber announces to the public that ho has re-purchased the Ebensburg Foundry , and is prepared, to furnish his former customers and all others, with every description of CASTINGS usually manuiac tured at a Countrv Establishment. lie will alwavs keen on hand the best Quality of COOKLnG STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, OF FICE STOVES, kc. ; PLOWS of the most approved patterns, PLOW POINTS, THRESH ING MACHINES, and all other articles con nected with the business of a Foundry. rj, He invites the patronage of the public, and will sell at the most reasonable prices, for cash or country produce. EDWARD GLASS. Ebensburg, March 30, 18G5.-ly. OAL! COAL! COAL! The subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr , at Lilly Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to any amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicm ity. Satisfaction ss to quality of Coal guar antied iu all cases. -M April 23. 18G4-Cm TILEY, Jr. TNSURANCE AGENCY. 1 James Purse, agent for the Blair county and Lycoming .Mutual fire juranre torn panics, Johnstown, Pa. X2?" Will attend promptly to making insu ranee in any part of Cambria county npon 1 application uy icmr ui iu jiviruu. .1 March 12th, 163-tf. BERGER, AUDENRIED & FRY, Nos. 11 and 13 South Water St., (Below Market,) PfllLAD'A. Wholesale dealers in . FISH, CHEESE FROVISIOXS generally. Are now receiving and will keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of goods, in their, line, consisting inpArt of MACKEREL, HAMS, CHEESE, . SHAD, SHOULDERS, LARD, HERRING, SIDES, BUTTER, : SALMON, BEEF; DRIED FRUIT CODFISH, TONGUES SALT, &c. Having every facility for purchasing our goods to the best advantage, and ejery con venience for conducting a large business, and Deing determined to sell goods upon terms phuaI to but house in the trade, we respect fully solicit the patronage of our friends and the public generally. tgXs.Farlidtl-"- attention paid to filling orders Philadelphia, July li. 1864-tf jgYRE k LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STS., PHILADELPHIA, ARK OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, ?rench Merinoes, Good Black Silks, Dark Figured Silk?, New Plaid Silks, Balmoral Petticoats, Red, White and Blue Flannel?, Shawls, Wholesale and Retail. October 15, 1S63. E & CO, C. ERY WHOLESALE GROCERS And Commission 3lerc7iants, No. 522 Market St., between Fifth and Sixth. Philadelphia. We have constantly on hand a general as sortment of all kinds cf fish, ia large and small packages, which we will sell low for Cash or short credit- Also, Duncannon Nails and Spikes of all sizes, constantly on hand and for sale at Manufacturer's prices. October 15, 1SG3, ITTLE, RAIRD & PATTON, (Successors to Little k Trimble.) WHOLESALE GROCERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon ar.d Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Y'arns, and Pittsburg Manufactures generally. "Nos. 112 and 114 Secojd street, mar2G,C5 PITTSBURG, PA. THOS. LITTLE, S. TfT BAIKU, JAS. PATTON, JK. AH. FRANCISCUS, No. 513 Market St., and 510 Commerce St.. Phila. Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, Y adding, Kopes, ick, lie i am, Brooms, Buckets, Baskets, Churns, Tubs, Brushes Looking-Glasses, &c, ic, kc. 4c. rTfThe largest stock of the above Good id the city, sold at the lowest nett cash prices Oct. 31, lBGl-tl. CORE, LIGGET & CO., Importers and Jobbeis of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TiilMMINGS, NOTIONS, kc. No. 223 Market Street, Opposite Bank St-, T, . . . t HILDKLKrilA. ws Constantlv receiving Goods from Phil adelphia and New York Auctions. Oct. 24, 1861-tf - B. MTSK JONES. GUSTAVCS A. BE.SsON. BM. JONES & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 512 Market street, Philadelphia. r?y- Particular attention paid to sales, country produce of every description. April 23, lSC4tf SPRINGER UARBACGH. WM. H. WHITACRE BENJAMIN F. PETIT. QPRLNGER HARRAUGH & CO. . Wholesale Dealers in WOOL, HIDES, PROVISIONS and PRODUCE liL.NLKALl.l , No. 201 Liberty Street, April 24, lSC2-tf. Pittsburgh, Pa. BARTALOTT 15LYNN, Manufacturers of and wholesale deal ers in nATS. CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL. 1LU v . lis, ic No. 43G Market St., below Fifth, ("South side.) PHILADELPHIA. April 2S, 1854-tf A. B. WILKINS. W. N. SMITH. J. R. ANDREWS. K. J. ALTIMC S. GEO. M: RIDDLE, ;rtf ANDREWS, WILKINS k CO. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic D-y Goods, No. 503 Market street, jaul5, 18G2tf PHILADELPHIA. JOUN A. WILSON. Ji CANDLKSS. JESSE W. CARE. TTILSON, CARR, & CO. t T (Late Wilson, Payne Co.) Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS, No. 91 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. April i4. 1862-tf. T. MORRIS TEROT, EDWARD II. OGDEN. E BARKER, Kith T. MORRIS FEROT CO., Wholesale Drvygisis, No. 62 Market street, above Sixth, and CI 2 Commerce, street, Philadelphia. Nov. 23, 18Gltf ATS ON & JANNEY". IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, ate, &c 323 Market St., Philadelphia. Fen. 11, 1861-tf. MARTIN BC EH I.Eli. K. H. HOWlHD. "OUEHLER & HOWARD, 1J . Importers and Dealers ia foreign and Domestic Hardware and Cutlery, No. 4 41 Market st., Philadelphia. Mot. 28 1861tf JA5IE8 UKAHAM. E. J. THOMAS. RAIIAM & THOMAS, VJT WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Dealers in Flour, 157 Liberty street Pittsbcrg, Penn'a l)e2G, 1861-ti H RRIS & GRAHAM. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND PRO DUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Xo. 327 Arch Street, Philadelphia. M. B. HARRIS, EDWARD XL. GRAHAM. June 8, 'C3.-ly W V. LIPPINCOTT. GEO. M. BOND. JAS. MITCUEX. LIPPINCOTT, BOND & CO., Manufacturers Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, and STRAW GOODS, No. 413 Market st Philadelphia. Not. 30, I865tf HCIIILDS & CO. . . - . . CHIOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE No. 133 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Have received an immense stock of Boots and Shoes suitable for Spring and Summer sales, comprising a full assortmemt of Staple and Fancy Goods, carefully selected with par ticular reference to the wants of the Western Trade, and due regard to durability and sizes, manufactured to order and warranted. Our entire stock having been purchased and contracted for direct from the New Eug- land manufacturers entirely for cash, during last Fall aud Winter, before the present advance prices on, stock and we are enabled to offer Superior Inducements to cash or prompt time buyers, and are prepared to sell goods at less than New York or Philadelphia prices. We-invite the attention of Merchants visit ing this city to examine our large and desira ble stock before purchasing elsewhere. Particular personal attention given to ORDERS. rApril. 9 tf JOHN HEWITT, with Solomon Gans, WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOTHING, No. 409 Market street, Ph Hi del p It ia . $7 This establishment has been removed from No. 114 North Third street to the above location, where an extensive and seasonable assortment of Ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys, together with a carefully selected line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts," Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, &c, is now readj for the trade. Any order entrusted by those who are un able to visit the city shall be executed as faithfully as if they were present. August 24, 1SG2. IVTEVr CASH HOUSE ! jLi - Goods bought and sold for cash ' LITTLE 4 A D A M SON, No. 325 Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite attention to their nev,r and splendid stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS ! Black Silks, Mourning Silks, Fancy Silks, Poult de Soicj; Seasonable Shawls, Clocking Cloths, Mantilla Silks, Mantil'as manufac tured by themselves from late Paris styles. April 2?, lC4tf THE ALLEGH&NI&N" ( ILL be published eTery Thursr the following rates viz: Per annum, payable ia advance ; If not paid in advance A failure to notify a discontinuance expiration of the term subscribed for considered a new ecgagement. TERMS OF ADVERTISING Transient advertising, per sq., 12 Uat. j. Each subsequent insertion Auditor's Notices, each " Auininistraiors and txecutors' N( Lstray Notices 3 nos. $2.f0 . 3.50 . G.C0 . 8.00 10. 'n 1:Vj J A 3. M. CONRAD. COA.TE3 WA LTON. CONRAD & WALTON, 0 Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY Conrad k Waitou's superior Steel Shovels, Conrad & Walton's, Darling k Waldron's SCYTHE?, Mann's Beatty's k Hunt s Axes, kz kc Nos. G23 Market st., Cl4 Commerce st, Oct. 15,'G3. Philadelphia. . G. T. WI LET. J. DENNIS. LEWIS SCMCK. G1 T. WILEY & CO., IT. Manufacturers of BUGGY, RIDING and LEATHER WHIPS, LASHES, kc. 30G Masket street. Philadelphia. 2?" Agents for the sale of Mundorf k Co-.'s Louden liamc?. Orders solicited and atten ded to with-promptness. r.ovSO, 18C5tf jas. w. aiDDLK. JNO. C. SHERBORNE. WM. H. GILL. T IDDLE, GILL & CO. JLA Importers arid Wholesale Dealers in Toreign and Domestic DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, 438 Market St., below 5th, and 433 Merchant Street. PHILADELPHIA. lSC2-tfr r.OCT. KIDDLE. W. C. BIPDLE. li. C. LEWIS. C. M. EIDDLE. OD. KLINEFELTER with . R. W. C. RIDDLE CO. Importers and dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Jt HEAVY GOODS, . No. 131 Market ft. and 120 and 122 Jones Allc-v, Nov. CO, lSGotf Philadelphia. dr. tatlor. rmAYLOB V.M. E. H Eil J'li ILL. !c HEMPHILL, Wholesale dealer in MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. FOREIGN DOMESTIC SEGARS. 222 Market st., south shle. bet. 2d 3d, April 2S, 18C4tf PHILADELPHIA, JOEL J. DAILY & CO., HOSIERY. SMALT. WARES. WJIITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIFS, ic. 23 Norta 3d street, Philadelphia. J PEL J. BAILY, KENRY J. DAMS. ELTON B. GIFFORD, S. ft". VAN CLLIS" February 18, lSG4,tf. AMESON, DILL1NGER & CO. Importers ard .V-l ?crs o! HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, &i:d FANCY GOODS, 4 03 Market St., three doors ah. 4ih. North side, mar2G,C5 PUILAHE1 i'HlA. H. K. JAMESON, C. II. PILLIXGEE, J. ISRAEL GOULD, with I. C. CALDWELL, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IV HOSIERY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, 434 Market St., (second story,) Feb. 11, 18G4-tf. PHILADELPHIA. WC MURPHEY, representing II. CIIILDS i- CO., WHOLESALE BOOT& SHOE WAREHOUSE No. 133 Wood street. May 8, lSG2-tt- T1TTSBRUG. Pa. AU EFM AN & CHEW, Importers and Dealers in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, No. 21 North Fcurth St., Philadelphia. Oct. 15, !63. and T II O 31 AS P. JAMES, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, No C30 Market, street, Philadelphia October 15, 1863 SOUTIIWORTII & CO., Wholesale Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES, m No. 21 North Third street, Nov. 2?, 18G1. Philadelphia. 8 lines, or less , 1 square, 12 lines.... 2 squares, 24 lines.. 3 squares, SGJines.. Fourth column S.00 Third column 10. 00 Half column 12.00 ln'fj) Column 20.00 f-Q.f. rroiessionai or Business CarJ exceeding 8 lines, with paptT... CQT Advertisements not marked Y namber of insertions desired, -will bec ueu mi loroidtfen, and charged the above terms. ccur ILavr of Xeivspaers. 1. Subscribers v.Lo do not give ex' tice to the contrary, are consTdered a iiig to continue their subscription. If subscribers order the discor- of their Periodicals, the Publisher ir. - tmue to sera tnem until all arrear: .aid. ' 3. If subscribers neglect cr refu;t j. their periodicals from the ofTices to -y-.l are directed, they are held resj.t they have fettled "the bill and cr-iiVj;' discontinued. 4. it sutscruters remove to without informing the publ;;! papers are sent to the former d are held responsible. 5. The Courts have decided, thut' to take periodicals from the olSee or ing and leaving them uncalled f-r. ii faciae vidence of intentional Era-.;;. Cti.fi HOKE OUT IN A NEVv I LA BARGAINS! BARGAINS In:. LVZI.V; C::?s:r Twes The subserR-er takes ? 'eas:;r: the attention cf the citizens cf TOWN and vicinity to the fact just received, and is now orcniri stani of Moors k Son, a "larg; stock of Dry Goods, consisting in part cf Sf.tir.s. Velvets. Cloth?. UoeSi!::s, .Utinctt?, Jean?, Tickings. F;:;nnei( Erc-a n .t Bleached Mnslins. io DItESS GOODS of (i c ,:. Together with an exc&ilent stcc'.: ROOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. ') ' ) ' 1 STATIONARY, HARDWARE, FISH, SALT, TRL'NKS, C R riT. QUEENSVrARE, MOTIONS, And, in fact, 7?;v.,;.: kept in a No. 1 Coun v. ill le disposed cf at ana every i.., :rr Store all ' r i C t S to ; U ! t C'A L L A NP EX A MINE C C easterners : cn ly men. and r.o ch-irge ir ilvvi PcT" 'Cherry. Pop'. sr. S: : other Lumber, Eutttr. Ej--- G oo.:;. May C?. ixi: . UARF. 1 f 4 IA has 1 c ' CD. M'CLEES fc Co., No. 133 North Third street, PniLAnELPHIA; Wholesale dealers in Boots and Shoes. May 17 leCO if A-DAMS, ATKINSON & CO., . AUCTION DRY GOODS, No, 33 North Third st., Philadelphia. E. A. ADAMS. H. P. ATKINSON. J. M. WHITBY April 28, 1864tf T USSELL & LANDIS, JLV Importers ar.d Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &c, No. 410 Market and 405 Merchant sts., April 28, 18G4tf PHILADELPHIA. T7RY & KURTZ, JL? ' Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, k FaNCi GOODS, j janl?,5 325 Abcii St., Fhix.adei.fhia. CALID. Wirr.sr.s Earner. Lancaster Tp. Juiv I s a : i u" a t : G ' " x ' - ' The ?v..-.ll s'.rt No. 1 S..1.: i-.-r-. I J urchastd i'zvvi your agent. Mr. Ea-r, ia Lancaster City, cn July -.'.a; snbjected to a v.:y .-.vrc v. -i:-?:'. c d in a : -: ." tog ther with Ta'u.Lle i.-pers be.:.: my t If and some to my neighbors and i and represeting a value of over ''(. ''. and liollars, (SSO.COo) ivas in my was destroyed on the night of the 27;b Iv. 1SC0 and passed thn.ugh tLe L'ery unscathed. The tale waonthe secoi icd fell to the basement ct the AiU, c. subjected for sis. hours to an mter:.- n? ic u-V-.;.li tr:l Tf-fltlr ! among the rui.i by the combustion of a large quantity ccnSned v.it'ain th-i brick walls. ccnSned Ore the safe was opeueu a::d t:.o papers taken out in a state of per:":-: vation, the paper not even bein This fact was, however, to many 1 a better recommendation of voLr.v-'- eould be expressed in any other tt :: me. " Yours Re5pef t --7 sel3 SAMUEL h- rX- A large assortment c : te ity ot fire anu iniet rrcct hand and for sale at as low rite? ss - firm, at EVANS k VATSo - No. 16 South Fourth St., I t:. PATUO.MZK YOI-'B OVi Tit Protection Mutual Fire T-'-; OF CAMBRIA COrMl LOCATED AT E B E N S E t E l rfIIE above named Compatty, J April Cth, 1857, will efceet im properly at safe rates Beinir Ty careful in the risks taken, this seats a reliable and cheaj me a :-'- which persons may secure tkerrtrt. tribable losses by fire. , , OSice on Centre Street nesry Thompson's "ilountain House." . JOHN AYlLLIAi-; D. J Jones, Sec'y. & Treas. Aden's: EVAN ROBERTS, Johnstovs JAMES PURSE, " .. JNO E. ROBERTS, Elenr- Ebensburg, Aug. 25, 1S0? LICENSED AUCTlONKEi;; The subscriber, tavin- 's.?. regular license as an Auctioneer, -to cry all manner of Sales on ft" and at reasonable "'?vri; , mar:5,6 Hemlcck, Crl t r s J" CO n is f- : Ci in I L 5e: (3d I a 4 h u V . ir th :rrt 4 r: t f-te K: 'tree A' .1 ite Sit IS rti B---C5 L"i Kc f Ti I 13 FP' rt-io av te le ie tc xn V. At S 'l fa 3-t i "a i S itrd Sic ho h n sua p taa' fUe 19