The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 01, 1866, Image 1

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    i UL
J I J '" ' i'- - --- a i V " -In "i " " l in' ir mmiiM m , i iWiiii'"i''i "1,7 y-jj j,' '-'SJin'"-'" - i- II'lf.g'fc-Jlf"-'1' 'JJy!W'L-Jllu'-11"' " 't "-4 W" Lw'n.. -. .1. . u
KniiirERTEcm Proprietor.
Post Oft--tij
l oai Masters, jiairia
Steven L. Evans, Carroll.
Hpnrv Nutter. Chest.
A. G. Crooks, Taylor.
J. Houston, Washint'u.
John Thompson, Ebensburg.
C.Jeffries, White.
J. M. Christy, Gallitzin.
Wm Tiley, Jr., Waaht'n.
I. E. Chandler, Johnst'wn.
M. Adlesberger, Loretto.
A. Durbin, Munster.
Andrew J Ferral, Susq'han.
,a Timber,
., Augustine,
cf0Ti Wharton, uiearneia
U iau
George Berkey,
B. M'Colgan,
George B. Wike,
Wm. M'Connell,
J. K. Shryock,
Jp Level,
i School at i o'clock, A. jl. rr.yerme.i
.,verv Thnrs.lay evening at G o clock.
, l'reacliins every alternate Baooatn
f ,t "oj o'clock. Saobath School .t o
k M rrayer meeting everjWednes-
iVeveai " VS the 6rst treek in
rlimonuu MrmfiAN Ellis.
.ftw everv Sabbath evening
School a. ir o'clock,
V Piaver meeting every r nuj
7 V.iK-k. sWcty every Tuesday evening
Jw-Hev. W. LLOvn.rastor. rreach-"m-rv
Sabo.itL morning at 10 o'clock.
..rlc.r UaptisLs-Kzx. David Evans,
.;vireacling cverv Sabbath evening at School at at I o'clock, P. M.
'Mic Rev. R. C. Christy, rasior.--every
Sabbath morning at 10.V o clock
.'capers in 4 o'clock in the evening.
r -r t' lilv 'It 8.50 O'ClOCK, -. -M.
"em ' at o tiuin.
r,rn .biilv. at 8 O ClOCK," I . M
I '
8 o'clock, P. M.
:r,Thc mails from Newman's Mills, Car
.;o,vn, &c, arrive on Monday, Wednesday
i Friday of each w eek, at 3 o'clock, 1 . A.
,.nv. VAipushurrr ot Tuesdays, Thursdays
I I Saturdays, at i) o'clock, A. M.
eKnR. Express leaves at
0.13 A
f.55 A
10.33 P
9.03 P,
7.48 A.
4.3? P
. M
' Phila. Lxpiesd
" Fast Line
Mail Train
" l'itts. a Erie Ml
Altoona Accom.
Phila. Express
8.31 P. M.
Fatt Line
L'ay Ksnress
(Jim innnti Ex.
V?.il Train
AiLOona Accom.
2.21 A.
U.43 A
1.11 P.
5. J I P.
J. 30 A.
, M.
county ornccRS.
litfjfi o Courts President Hon. Geo.
dor, JIuntingdon; Associates, George W.
Ii-'.ey, Henry C. Devine.
Pru'i-inojry Geo. C. K. ahni.
KnitUr (nrl Jt'tw r'i'er James GrifTin.
iuatf James Mver.
Dutrict Attorney. John F. li.traes.
'.ountif Cuwmmionfr.-JOUQ uampoeu, tu
ird Glass. E. R. Dunncgan.
Ari Commissioner! William II. Sech-
Trmurtr Isaac Wike.
'-'t to Treasurer John Lloyd.
W !lr,fe Director George M'CulIough.
;vre l rrir. Joseph Dailey.
Poor House Treasurer George C. K. Zahm.
Auditors Fran. P. Tierney, Jno. A. Ken
edy, F.ipanu4 Urallier.
Ccuiti Surveyor. Henry Scanlan.
Coroner. AViUiam Flatterv.
Mercantile Appraiser John Cox.
Sup't. o Common Schools J. F. Condon.
Justices of the Peace H&rrison Kinkead,
AT LAtttjE.
'miin.. I it--.
aiutiu j . it aiers.
Burgess C. T. Roberta.
School Directors Philip S. Noon, Abel
iyd. David J. Jones, Hugh Jones, Wm. M.
es. K. Jones, Jr.
fmyh Treasurer Geo. W. Oatman.
i'Xn Council R. irnirlmo Vi-nn niffith
."uiii3 i eai.
r- J- tvana, m. D. Davis. Mai. Jobn
hi"f?ori Richard R. Tibbott, Robert D.
or Election Daniel O. Evans.
unrj. A. Moore.
-WuThos. J.Williaxns.
, Council Isaac Crawford, James P.
.r, Wm. Kittell, H. Kinkead, George W.
r'c"' Robert Evans, Jno. E. Scanlan.
."W "f Election. John D. Thomas.
or. Capt. Murray. '
J; -V Summit Lodre No. 312 A. Y. M.
m Masonic Hall, Ebensburg, on the
Tuesday of each month, at CJ o'clock,
! 0. 0. Hichland Lod?e No. 428 I. O.
.eets in Odd Fellows' Hall, Ebensburg,
I "'J Wednesday eveuine.
Highland Division No. 84 Sons of
I., prance neet3 in Temnerance Hall. Eb-
kl'every Saturday evening.
, OR
-.00 if N0T pAII) 1N ADVANCE.
Bob Fletclier, tlio Plowman.
I once knew a plowman, Bob Fletcher his
Who was old, and was ugly, and so was I113
dame ;
Yet they lived quite contented, and free lrom
all strife,
Bob Fletcher, the plowman, and Judy, his
As the morn streaked the east, and the night
fled away,
They would rise up for labor, refreshed, for
the day ;
And -the 6ong of the lark, as it rose on the
Found Bob at the plow and his wife at the
And a neat little cottage in front of a grove,
Where in youth they first gave their young
hearts up to love,
Was the solace of age, and to them doubly
As it called up tho past with a smile or a
Each tree had its thought, and tho vow could
That mingled in youth tho warm wish of the
heart ;
The thorn was still there, and the blossom-it
And the song from, its top seemed the same
as before.
I have passed by his' door when the evening
was gray,
And the hill and the landscape were fading
And I have 1. card' from the cottage, with
grateful surprise,
The voice of thanksgiving, like incense, arise.
And I thought on the proud, who would look
down with scorn
On the neat little cottage, the grove, and the
And felt that the riches and tinsela of life
Were dross to contentment with Bob and his
Pennsylvania's Heroic Dead
Where tiiey are Iluriecl in the'
South- Condition of the Cem
eteries. Tho following reports of Col?. Gregg
and Chaiuberlin, agents ou behalf ot
Pcnu.-ylvania to inquire into the condi
tion of the cemeteries in the South con
taining the remains of Union goMiers who
fell victims to rebel neglect and cruelty
during the war, will possess peculiar in
terest to .not a few ol our readers :
Tr.ANSPoaTAXiox and Telegrapi Dept.,
HARRisBciiu, January 16,
Sir: That the great anxiety to know
the condition of tho graves and graveyards
of those who fell victims to cruel neglect
and starvation during the late war, in the
prison places of the South, might be sat
isfied with personal observation aud in
spection and that advisory auswers as to
tho feasibility of the removal of bodies
from these places, might be returned to
uuiortunate friends aud kinsmen, for as
ristance of the State under the Volunteer
lielit-1 Associations 1 proceeded by your
direction to Washington on the 18th ult.,
en route to the principal points where
these burving grounds are located, in the
Military Department of the Atlantic, ac
cessible by railroad.
To the end that time and expense might
be saved in the accomplishment of this
object, it was thought advisable that Col,
Chambcrlin should proceed ou a similar
mission irom. Nashville to Andersonville,
Ga., and intermediate points the railroad
communication being'more perfect and the
distance to be traveled less than beyond
the most Southern point in the East I
snould be required to visit I therefore
communicated to Col. Chamberlin by let
ter the instruction under which I acted,
and desired him to proceed at his earliest
convenience in fulfilment ot his part of
the object.
An informal order from the headquar
ters of the armies of the United States
secured me the courteous attention and
assistance of all local military officers in
furtherance of my mission.
On the outskirts of Eichmond, I found
the grouuds allotted to the burial of Union
soldiers in Oakwood and Holly wood Cem
eteries, and tho enclosure containing the
graves of those who languished and died
under the. rigors of prison treatment on
Belle Isle, surrounded by plain, substan
tial fences. The burials in ilollywood
Cemetery are those deceased since the
rebel evacuation of the city. The graves
here are of sufficient depth, and "well
marked with plainly lettered head-boards.
At Oakwood and on Belle Isle moulder
the bodies of those who died during the
dark' days when the Confederate flag
flaunted treason, and when brave and pa
triotic men, imprisoned in unwholesome
prison-houses aud ou this bleak isle, sick
ened and died.
Here the furrowed ground alone marks
the great mortality that depleted our ar
mies, .there being but few marks by which
to identify or distinguish particular inter
ment?. A catalogue of the names, com
panies and regiments of the heroes buried
in and around Richmond, compiled and
published by the U. S. Christian Commis
sion, is iuvaluable for the information it
gives the bereaved friends of these.
An inspection of the prison graveyards
at Danville, Va., discovered tome that
some care, although unusual, had been
taken in the burial and marking for future
identification the graves of those who died
here. Plain headboards exhibit the names,
companies and regiments, painted in legi
ble characters, 'of those who gave up their
lives prior to November, 1864. The
graves of those buried subsequent to that
date are at regular intervals, and in the
order in which they are numbered iu the
undertaker's register. A complete record
of all buried here is given in the, publica
tion of the U. S. C. C. before referred to.
I am of the opinion that the identification
and removal q bodies from this point is
practicable. A ravine divides this inclo
sure, cm the opposite sides of which rest 1
in the awful stillness of death Union and
Confederate dead.
From Danville T proceeded to Salis
bury, N. C. Here thousands of the
Union armies found their graves, where
gaunt death seems to have gorged itself
with the lives of our ill-fated soldiery.
Secresy envelopes the numbers of this
great mortality, and bier after bier of
crowded corpses, under shalloiw coverings
of earth, alone give idea of the frightful
ravages of disease and starvation. The
dead bodies . are laid side by side in
trenches about seven feet in width, and
extending the length of the enclosure;
trench following trench fill up almost the
entire area of less than two acres. Tho
enclosing fence, the broken surface of the
ground, together with the simple inscrip
tions of death on thirteen board tablets
warn the visitor that he is on ground re
plcto with the reco'lectnns of brutality
and suffering, that sicken and appal. The
drainage of the hill side ou which this
burying ground is situated, must soon ex
pose the bones of those buried, unless
steps are boou taken for its permanent im
provement. My observations here convince me. of
the utter impossibility of finding and dis
interring particular remains, unless the
identification was through some unnatural
formation of the body, or some unusual
care in its burial.
'Learning that railroad communication
was interrupted south of this point, and
that I could only reach Columbus, S. C,
by a very circuitous route, or long travel
by stage, I determined to return, believ
ing that I ehould find other prison places
iu the same condition as those visited,
and that this'report would be satisfactory
as to the feasibility of the removal of
bodies from prison graveyards in the far
South. I visited several other points,
where Foldier3 of Union armies have
found their last resting places, in the
course of my tour through this ccmntry.
At" Petersburg, City Point and vicini
ties, hospital graveyards are neatly and
substantially enclosed, and graves, as far
as they could be identified, appropriately
OCicers of the Quartermaster General's
Department have been engaged iu the es
tablishment of Government Cemeteries on
many ot the historic bat'le-fields of the
late war. Under General Orders Nos. 33
and 58, from this Department, records of
those who died in defence of the Ameri
can Uuion, interred in the National Cem
eteries at Washington, and those slain on
the battle-fields of the Wilderness and
Spottsylvania Court House, have been
Efforts to the same end are in progress,
under the direction of the Chief Quarter
master in the Military Division of Tennes
see. I presume similar records will be
published of these operations. I have
the "honor to call your attention to tho re
port of Col. Chamberlin, accompanying
this. He pronounces as inexpedient ef
forts for the recovery of bodies from An
dersonville, and dissuades all persons frcm
such efforts, by reason of the great uncer
tainty in obtaining particular bodies, and
the difficulties iu the transmission of these
to Pennsylvania. I have held this opin
ion based on the report made by Lieut.
Colonel J. Moore, Assistant Quartermas
ter, September 20, 1865, and have uni
formly advised those applying to tlm De
partment, of the extreme doubtfulness of
efforts for the recovery "of bodies from this
place being successful.
That greater facilities might be afford
ed, I have arranged with the President
of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company
to transport, on the orders of the State of
Pennsylvania, at two cents per circular
mile, persons traveling for and in at
tendance on the corpse of deceased sol
diers. Negotiations are now pending with some
of the railroad companies to still further
reduce the -personal expense of those thus
traveling. To subserve economy in ex
penditure of the appropriation to this De
partment, I have endeavored to save ex
pense by requiring one person to bring
home more than one body, when applica
tions were made, from the same locality.
I know other 'plan so satisfactory
as that of granting transportation to the
relatives or their agent, when transporta
tion is .applied for, in the removal of
bodies of deceased soldiers of Pennsylva
nia regiments. The innumerable places
where bodies are buried, and the almost
numberless routes and roads to be travel
ed in reaching these, preclude the possi
bility of accomplishing this object through
established agencies.
While we honor and provide for those
who have survived the casualties of war,
it is well that we do not forget those who
gave up their lives willing sacrifices for
the preservation of the American Union,
and the perpetuity of its liberal blessings
and whether by bringing home their
bodies or in efforts looking to the perma
nent improvement of the burying places
in whLGtrThey rest, show our grateful ap
preciation of the sacred obligations that
rest upon us. V
Respectfully your ob't servant,
Chief of Transportation and Tel. Dep't.
His Excellency Andrew G. Curtin,
Governor of Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Military Agency,
Na snviLLE, Tens., Jan. 11, 1866.
Col. II. II. Gregtj, Chief Transportation
and Telegraph Departments, Harrisburg,
Penn'a :
Colonel In accordance wiih instruc
tions contained iu your communication of
December 16th, 1865, to proceed to An
dersonville, Ga., and other points within
this Department, for the purpose of ex
amining into and reporting upon the prac
ticability of removing the remains of our
soldiers interred in the National Cemete
ries at these points, I beg leave to submit
the following statement:
I left Xashviile on the 28th ult., and
proceeded to Chattanooga. Several thou
sand Union soldiers are buried at this
point, and, among the rest, a large num
ber of Pennsylvania soldiers. The ltev.
Thomas B. Van Home, Chaplain U. S.
V., is Superintendent of the Military
Cemetery at this point, and has a complete
register of all soldiers there buried. I
expect him to furnish me with a list of
the Pennsylvmians within a few days,
and will forwardthe same to you. Leav
ing Cha'ttanooga, I proceeded by. the way
of Home, Ga., to Atlanta. There are a
large number of soldiers buried at various
points along the Chattanooga aud Atlanta
railroad, at Rome, Dalton, llcsaca, Kene
saw, etc., but as it would have required a
great deal of time to have obtained a list
of Pennsylvanians, I did not attempt it.
There is a largo National Cemetery at
Atlanta, or rather near the city, but as the
weather was very inclement, and I was
suffering from a severe cold, I did Qot
visit it. From Atlanta I went directly to
Andersonville, over the Macon and West
ern and tho Southwestern Georgia rail
roads, la regard to the practicability of
obtaining the remains of our buried sol
diers throughout this Department, I am
satisfied from "personal observation that
the remains can be obtained in tho Ceme
teries here, at Nashville, at Chattanooga,
at Murfrtcsboro, in most cases, and gene
rally wherever the interments have been
made by our own men, and under the di
rection of our own military authorities, as
space has, in nearly every iustu,nce, been
given, sufficient to distiuguish each sepa
rate grave. At Andersonville, however,
the manner of interment was such as to
render the recognition of a corpse exceed
ingly difficult, if not impossible, in a large
proportion of cases. During a part of the
summer of 1S64 and the early part of au
tumn of the same year, the burials aver
aged about seventy-five per day. Trenches
about six feet in depth were dug, and in
these the remains of our soldiers were
deposited, often upon their sides, and po
close together that the head-boards which
mark the. graves and which are but ten
incites in width, leave no intervening
spaces between each other for more than
one hundred graves together.
After the first few hundred burials, the
rebel authorities ceased to furnish coffins
of any description, and the compact sys
tem of burial which I have described wa3
resorted to. Decomposition has taken
place so rapidly in theso cases that noth
ing now remains of the corpses but the
bones and hair, and the color of the lat
ter is about the only means left of identi
fying them, unless the comparative 6ize,
or some peculiarity in the teeth may assist
to that end. Upon the whole, I can only
say that while the removal of these re
mains cannot be considered as entirely
impracticable, stiii the effort must neces
earily be attended with so much difficulty
and uncertainty as to render such a course
on' the part of the friends of the deceased
at least inadvisable. There are other uf
ficulties necessarily attendant, upon the
removal of these remains, to which it may
not be inappropriate to refer. Coffins to
contain ihem must be procured iu the
North, or at Nashville, Atlanta or Macon,
or some one of the intermediate cities, and
the cost of transportation to Anderson
ville, under the present legislative provi
sions of the State, must devolve upon the
friends or relatives of the deceased, as
well as the original cost of the same; and
this, together with the fact that the liue
of travel over which persons are obliged
to go, necessitates a large number of
changes from one railroad to another, all
of which occasion more or less delay,
trouble and annoyance, not to mention ex
pense, must be taken into consideration
by those having such an object in view.
The bridges have been swept away by
freshets on the line of the road between
Chattanooga and Atlanta, viz : those over
the Oostanaula and Chattahoocbie rivers,
and it is doubtful whether they will be
rebuilt sufficiently to allow the passage of
trains before the" first of Mart' l"had
an interview with Col. Baugh, Superin
tendent of the Chattanooga and Atlanta
railroad, for the purpose of obtaining
transportation at reduced rates, if possi
ble, for the purpose specified; but he was
about to resign his-position as Superinten
dent, and refused to make any arrange
ments. The Superintendent of the Ma
con and Southwestern railroad was not at
home, and consequently I could effect no
arrangement with that road ; and in view
of these facts I made no further attempts
with the officers of other roads.
In conclusion I would say that in a
conference I had with Mr. II. B. Welton.
Superintendent of the National Cfimotpru
at Andersonville, I elicited the following i
xucis, viz: inac tne remains ct the sol
diers there buried, consisting of the bones
and hair alone, could be enclosed in a
small box made of pine boards, not over
two feet in lengthy and of a sufficient
depth to contain the skull, and theu ship
ped to almost any point in the Northern
States, by express, tor a sum not exceed
ing twenty-five dollars; including the cost
of boxing and interment, and that it he
were retained in his position as Superin
tendent he would cheerfully undertake to
forward remains if they could be distin
guished. A description of the hair, teeth
and size of the person interred, together
with the name, company and regiment to
which he belonged, and, if possible, the
date of his death and number of his grave,
would give him every facility for rtcogni
zing the remains that the person going
after him would possess, and would be at
tended with comparatively trifling ex
pense; and this mode I consider the only
feasible one to be pursued on the part of
the friends and relatives of the deceased.
I will endeavor to obtain a list of the
Pennsylvania soIJiers buried at this aud
other points south of Nashville, and for
ward the same to the Governor at as early
a date as possible
I have tho honor to be, most respect
fully, 'your obedient servant,
Jas. Chamberlin,
Lt. Col. and PtmCa. Mil. Aft.
Remarkable Escapes ol Emf
nenl JtIen.
Two brothers were on one occasion
walking together, when a violent storm
with thunder and lightning came on.
One was struck dead, the other was spar
ed else would the name of the. great re
former, Martin .Luther, have been un
known to mankind.
John Wesley, when a child, was only
just preserved from death by fire. The
moment alter he was rescued, the roof of
the house he had been iu fell in. Of
Philip Henry, a similar instance is re
corded. The holy St. Augustine, having to
preach at a distant town, took with him a
guide, who by some unaccountable means
mistook the road, and fell into a by-path.
He afterwards discovered that his ene
mies, having heard of his movements, had
planted themselves in the proper road with
the design of murdering him.
Doddridge, wheu born', was so weakly
an infant he was believed to be dead. A
nurse standing by faucied the saw some
signs of vitality. Thus the feeble spark
of life was saved from extinguishment, and
an eminent author and consistent Chris
tian was preserved ta the world.
When Oliver Cromwell was au intant,
a monkey snatched him from his cradle,
leaped with him through a garret window,
and ran along the loads of the house. The
utmost alarm was excited among the in
mates, and various were the devices used
to rescue the child from the guardianship
of his newly found protector. All were
unavailing; his would-bc rescuers had lost
cousage, aud were in despair of ever see
ing the baby alive again, when e mon
key quietly retraced its steps aDd deposit
ed its burden safely on the bed. On a
subsequent occasiou the waters had well
nigh quenched hi insatiable ambition'.
He fell into a deep pond, from drowning
in which a clergyman named Johnson
was the sole instrument of his rescue.
At the siege of Leicei-ter, young sol
dier, about sevenf--'" years of age, was
drawn out for stntry duty. One ot his
comrades was very anxious to take his
p.'acc. No objection was made and this
man went. He was shot dead while on
guard. The young mau first drawn after
ward became the author of the " Pilgrim's
Mmy years have now elapsed since
three subalterns "might have been seen
struggling in the water off St. Helena;
one of them, peculiarly helpless, was fast
succumbing. lie was saved to live as
Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington.
Lord Clive, while a young man holding
a subordinate position iu (he Ea.-t India
Compauy's service, was only saved from
filling a suicide's grave by Jthe fact that
his pistol, which he snapped twice at his
head, refused to go off. Lie afterward
snapped it out through the window, when
it went off without any difficulty, lie
exclaimed, "1 must be reserved for some
thing great I" and from that moment gave
up all idea of suicide.
Bacon, the sculptor, when a boy five
years old, fell into a soap-boiler's pit, and
was only rescued vih tho utmost difficulty.
T S R Jl S : 1 I' E ASS I'M.
Educational Department.
Prepared for The Allejhanian.
Compulsory Attendance. Our last
article closed by suggesting the fituess of
depriving of the elective privi'ego, for a
time at least, such parents and guardians
as through negligence, avarice, or aversion
to knowledge, withhold from the youth
under their care a stated yearly amount of
schooling. -It is iu continuation of that
subject we now speak.
That all the people of a State can attain
to proficiency in learning, cr even in the
common rudiments, is a proposition that
need not be combated, its simple statement
bein sufficient to prove its impossibility.
None the less useful is it, however, for a
person iu his earlier years to have himself
under good training, and become at least
sufficiently acquainted with the practical
use of his own tongue as to gather the
correct meaning of plain Saxon speech,
spoken or written. A little knowledge is
in itself a little thing ; and the store of it
in the mind of one whose chief concern is
to secure food aud raiment for himself
and those who lean on him aud are part
of him, is a very small thing; but tben
again, the vaster comprehension and more
extended information of even the most
learned of earth is not a very largo thing,
b-ing only a '-few pebbles picked up from
the sea shore," while the great ocean ot
kuowledge lies undiscovered beyond. Yet
a little knowledge may be a very, very
great thing, may be the key o unlock tho
djor of things infinite. But it is not tho
amount of knowledge that "is all that is to
be looked at. Net only is the plain, com
mon, every-day man,- with a practical
knowledge of the ue of words, more capa
ble of understanding what he reads or
hears, aud of forming a correct judgment
thereon, but he is more capable of putting
himself down to steady, sober thought.
The information a farmer's boy has ob
tained nt the district school may in great
part forsake him; he may loigct "the
double rule of three," or tho rules of gov
ernment in grammar, or that tha Dniester
flows into the Black Sea all these may
leave his head when he gets black-eyed
Susan into his heart, and especially when
he gets her to preside in his home, and
that home has a junior black-eyed Susan,
and black-eyed Susans bro'her and sister,
or perhaps two or three of each, for theu
the plough must be faithfully followed,
and the seed well sown, and every corner
watched, or there will be scarcity in tho
larder and on the table, iu the wardrobe
and on the hick, but rfce power of think
ing, the strength coming from the disci
pline cf youth, will be there still. There1
will he a pride in the school-house "where
I went to school when I was a boy."
There will be many a chapter from tho
Good Book read, or a prayer; many ji
piece of information ga'hcrcd that will
liavo its influence for good manifested on
What right has any man, cither moral
or any other, through avarice, neglect, or
stoue-blind prejudice, cr by any preteuce,
to deprive his child of what the child
when grown to manhood will himself
deem essential to his usefulness and self
enjoymeut, and what the State does deem:
essential to both 'i
Lf the State is right iu deeming univer
sal educatiou essential to good citizenship
and the peace and welfare of society, and
in taxing all for the support of its educa
tional system, why let the wickedly care
less, the avaricious, or the obstinately
perverse spit on the judgment of the State
and cause the public treasure to be throwu
away '(
Is a man so careless of his own offspring
or so anxious to wring from their young
lives the utmost farthing as to inflict oh
thtiu an injury and shame that at best
cannot cease sooner than death, fit to be
trusted with the guardianship of public
affairs ? hailing in his duty over thoso
who should be to him scarcely less than
life itself, what punishment carries with
it such natural Unices as that of depriving
him of a voice in the affairs of the com
monwealth to which he has shown him
self an actual if not deliberate enemy'
Is this measure ff.sisiblo '! We answer
that the teacher should bo a sworu officer.
Then, let him b required to send to eacl
parent or guardian by each of hi pupils
at the close of each week, a statement ot
the child's attendance. Then, at the end
of a session, provide a certificate f tho
actual attendance and the percentage.
Let each district keep" a list of tho school
children in it, and make it the duty of the
assessor to 'take the requisite ccmus and
make out the li.-t. Place such as have
school children u.:uer their charge, yet
can show no Mich eenifieate, on a level
with thoso whose taxes remaiu unpaid for
two or throe yearj. Make the certified or
swofi statement uf a regular physician
necessary to justify dttcutiuu from school.
Cannot Vote. The Depa-rtment of
Common Schools of l'ennsylvauia has de
cided that School Directors elected next
spring will not be entitled to vote at tho
coming election for County Superinten
dent, which takes place the first Monday
in May, 1866. The terms of School Di
rectors commence on tho first Monday 11
Juue, and thertfore only thosft now in
office cau vote.