1 il c THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. 1866. Our . most .momentous, arduous struggle having ' resulted 1c the trrumpt' of American Nationality, the utter discomfiture and over throw of Secession and Slavery, Thb.Trib tma, profoundly rejoicing in this result, will labor to conserve the legitimate fruits of this grand, benignant victory by rendering Liber ty and Opportunity the common heritage of the whole American People now and forever more. ; ' -1 Discountenancing all unmanly exultation over or needless infliction of pain or privation on the upholders of the lost cause, it will in sist on the earliest possible restoration of the Southern States to their former power and influence in our Union, on the basis of All Rights for All their People It will labor in hope to prove that the sub stitution of Free for Slave Labor must inevi tably and universally conduce to the increase of Industry, Thrift, Prosperity and Wealth, so that the South, within the next ten years, must look back amazed on her long persis tence in a practice so baleful as the chattel Iiing of Man. . ' It will labor for the diffusion of Common School Education, Manufactures, the Useful Arts, &c, &c, throughout every portion of ou country, but especially throughout the sections hitherto devoid of them, believing that every good end will thereby be subserv ed and the interest of every useful and wor thy class promoted. It urge the Protection of Home Indus try by, discriminating duties on Foreign Products imported, with a view to drawing hither the most capable and skillful artificers and artizan3 of Europe, and the naturalizing on our soil of many branches of production hitherto all but confined to the Old World, whila it would strengthen and extend those which have already a foothold among us. It will give careful attention to progress and improvement in -Agriculture, doing its best at once to bring markets to the doors of our farmers and teach them how to make the most of the opportunities thus afforded them. It will devote constant attention to Mar kets, especially for Agricultural Products, with intent to save both producer and consu mer from being victimized b the speculator and forestaller. And,, giving fair scope to Current Litera ture, to the proceedings of Congress, and to the general News of the Day, it hopes to re tain its old patrons and attract many new to - bear them company. We rarely employ traveling agents, as so many imposters are habitually prowling in ths assumed capacity of solicitors for journ als. We prefer that subscribers shall pay their money to persons they know and of whose integrity they are assured. Any triend who believes he will do good by Increasing the circulation of The Tribune is authorized to solicit and receive subscriptions. Speci men copies will be promptly sent without charge to those requiring them, and we trust many friends will be moved to ask their neighbors and acqaintancea to join in making up their clubs. THE GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. " XOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is printed on a large double-medium jheet, ma king eight pages of six columns each. It contains all the important Editorials publish ed in The Daily Tribune, except those of merely local interest ; also Literary and Sci entific Intelligence ; Reviews of the most iu teresting and important new Rooks ; the Letters from our largo corps of correspon dents ; the latest news received by Telegraph from Washington and all other parts of the country ; a Summary of all important intelli gence in this city and elsewhere ; a Synopsis of the proceedings of Congress and State Legislature when in session ; the Foreign news receivedby every steamer ; .Exclusive Reports of the proceedings of rhe Farmers' Club of the American Institute; Talks about Frait and other Horticultural and Agricultu ral information essential to country residents ; Stock, Financial, Cjttle, Dry Goods and Gen eral Market Reports, making it, both for va riety and completeness, altogether the most valuable, interesting and instructive Weekly Newspaper published iu the world. The full Reports of the American Institute Farmers' Club, and the various Agricultural Reports, in each number, are richly worth a year's subscription. TERMS. Mail subscribers, single copy, 1 yr $2 00 Mail subscribers, clubs of five 9 00 Ten copies, addressed to names of subs. 17 50 Twenty copies, 4 34 00 Ten copies, to one address ..16 00 Twenty copies, 44 44 3 0 0 0 An extra copy will be ient for each club of ten. For clubs of twenty, two extra cOpiec, or one copy of the Semi-Weekly, will be sent gratis. For clubs of fifty, five copies, or one copy of the Daily Tribune will be sent gratis for one year. Subscribers in Canada must send 20 cents each In addition, to par U. S. postage. THR NEW-YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIB UNE is published every Tuesday and Friday, and contains all the Editorial Articles, not merely local in character ; Literary Reviews and Art criticisms ; Letters from our large corps of Foreign and Domestic correspond ents ; Special and Associated Press Tele graphic Dispatches ; a careful and complete Summary of Foreign and Domestic News ; Exclusive Reports of the Proceedings, of the Farmers' ' Club of the American Institute; Talks about Fruit, and other Horticultural and Agricultural Information ; Stock, Finan cial, Cattle, Dry Goods and General Market Reports, which are published in The Daily Tkibcne. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE also gives, in the course of a year, three or tour most excellent Stories by living authors. The cost of these alone, if bought in book form, would be from six to eight dollars. If purchased in the English Magazines from which they are carefully selected,' the cost would be three or lour times that sum. No where else can so much current intelligence and permanent literary matter be had at so cheap a rate as in TnE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Those who believe in , the prin ciples -and approve of the character of The Tribune can increase its power and influence by joining with their neighbors in forming clubs to subscribe for THE SEMI-WEEKLY Edition. It will in that way be supplied to them at the lowest price for which such a a paper can be printed. TEEMS. . . . . . Mail subscribers, 1 copy 1 yr. loi nos. $4 00' 2 copies, 44 44 . .00 & copies, or over, for. . . 'each copy- 1 3.00 - On receipt of $30 for ten copies, an extra copy will be sent six months. On receipt of $45 for fifteen copies, an extra copy will be sent one year. For $100, we will send thirty-four copies and one copy Daily Tribune gratis.. '. ' Subscribers in Canada must send 40 cent in addition, to prepay U. S. postage. DAILY TRIBUNE, $10 per annum.'.. Sub-, acribers in Canada must send $1 20 in addi-; tron, to prepay U. S. postage. " Terms cash in advdnce. Dralts on New .York, or 'P: O." Qrders, payable to order of The Tribune, are preferable to any other mode of remittance. Address " TnE TRIBUNE, - Tribun Building, New-York. ANIC ARRANGEMENTS! J SUGAR KETTLJB3, 10 to 40 gallons. COPPER KETTLES, , 3 quarts to 40 gallons. TINWARE, all sorts and kinds. SHEET- IRON WARE every tat ;ry. ENAMELED $ TINNED IRON WARE ZINC WASHBOARDS, for 25 cents, worth 37 cents. SAD IRONS, or SMOOTHING iRONS, all sizes and best quality, 6 to G cts per lb. COOKING STOVES, Trimmed complete, with baking arrangements, $8 to $23. j LGG STOVES to $13.v0. HEATING COOK STOVES, $3.00 to $8.00. ! BRADLEY COOKING STOVES, Patent, Graff & Co., Mitchell, Herron & Co., Abbot & Noble, A. J Gallagher s, and every other Pitt3burg or Philadelphia manufacturer's. ; Stoves always on hand or procured on 5 days' notice. ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stoves. alwavs on band. ; CARBON OIL LAMPS, 62 cts. to $1.25. Chimneys and Wicks for Lamps always on hand. SPOUSING, BEST QUALITY, puop" and PAINTED at 10 cents per foot. Nc extra chargti for Elbows. tiSS MINER'S LAMPS, " OIL CANS, POWDER CANS. all sizes constantly on hand. COFFEE MILLS, 37 eta. to S1.25. TOASTING FORKS, OYSTER BROILERS Jelly Cake Moulds, Table and Tea Spoons COAL BUCKETS, 35$ cts. to $5.00. The above goods will "be furnished WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at the JOHNSTOWN STOVE & HOUSE-FURNISH- . ING STORE, CANAL STREET Opposite 1Iie TVeigu Lock ASK FOR RANK W, HAY'S WAREHOUSE, aad save twenty per cent, on your purchases E1TIIER FOR CASH OR SCRIP. April 24, I862tf - GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pfc. Office in Colonade Row. Ebensburg Sept. 26, 1061-tf. A RRAIIAM KOPELIN, Attorney JIjL at Law, Johnstown Pa. Office on Main street. aug25,1850-tf J. WATERS, Jubtice of the Peace. Office cn High Street, East Ward, Ebens burg. Pa. April 13, 1865-Cm. B. L. JOHS8TON. GEO. W. OATMAK. JOHNSTON & OATMAN, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Cambria county, Penna. Office removed to Lloyd St., one door West of R. L. Johnston's residence. - January 10, 1861:tf 1 -" I IN c YRUS ELDER, Attorney-at-Law Johnstown, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria, Somerset, and adjoining counties. ' Office same as lately occupied by Linton and Noon, on Post Office-corner up stairs. April 23, 1863-tf DR. 1). W. EVANS. tenders his pro fessional cervices as Physician and Surgeon to the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding vicinity. Office one door East of R. Davis' store. "Night calls made at his residence, three doors West of R. Evxns' Cabinet ware-room. . ma 18, 1865.-tf. DR. J. M. M'CLURE Surgeon and! Mechanical Dentist, respectfully offers his professional services to theladies and gen tlemen of Johnstown and vicinity of thisplace., Particular attention paid to diseases of the Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for-; ceps. 1 " . ;' Office in the old "Exchange," on Clinton treet. Johnstown Aug. 25, 1S59 Dentistry. The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg. He - has spared no means to thoroughly acquaint himself with every im provement in hi3 art. To many years of per sonal experience, he has sought to add the imparted experience of the highest authorities in Dental Science., . He simply asks that an opportunity may be .-given for his work to speak its own praise. j SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. ; References: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond Jr.; W. R. Handy; A. A. BIandy,P. H. Aus ten, of the Baltimore College. y Will be at Ebensburg on the fourth. Monday of each month, to stay one wjek. ' April i, l8G2tf ' WOOD MORRELL & CO., John stowi:, Pa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ! IN ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, 1 Keep constantly on hand the following arti cles DRY GOODS, ' HATS AND CAPS, ' -CARPETING S, OIL-CLOTHS, CLOTHING, BONNETS, NOTIONS, -.''':" HARDWARE, ' QUEENSWARE, PROVISIONS, ; BOOTS & SHOES, FISH, SALT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, BACON, FEED Or ALL KINDS, VEGETABLES AC. Clothing and Boots and. Shoes made .o order on reason-ableterma, Johnstown March 1 1860-tf, jjiIIE OLD: i CHEAP STORE ! j Havings again rtakea tb: Grocery. store of. the late firm of tvi6it&' Jones in 'my 'own' name, I .return thanks to-the citizens of, Eb ensburg" and vicinity tor their former patron age, and solicit a continuance-of the same. I have lately been in New York, Philada. and Pittsburg buying a new stock of .Goods,, of the very best quality, all of which I will sell i AT A VERY SMALL PROFIT I . - Persons wishing anything" in my line will do well to call and examine goods before pur chasing elsewhere. . No charges made, for showing goods. ; , .My stock consists in part of ,. White and Brown Su- Chewing andmok'g 1 gars, , Tobacco, V N. O. Molassses, Cigars, Snuff, , Syrups,; Candles, Soap, . Rio Coffee, Clothes, Market and Young Hyson, Imperial Fancy Baskets, s and Black Teas, ... ; Wastboards, Brooms, Spices of all kinds, Buckets, Measures, . Butter, Sugar and Wa- Kealers, Churns,. , - ter Crackers, Kegs,.., . , .-. , Dried Apples, Peaches, Hair and Wire Selves, Oranges and Lemons, Scrub, Shoe and Dus Fies, Raisins-; ting Brushes, .. Prunei , Citrons, ; . : Rope, Bed cords, , Nuts of all kinds,, Vi nines, Rope Halters Ext- Ley and Coffee, . Twine, Tye Yarn, Bowls, ; r Fawcits, , .. . Butter Prints and La-, "Window Glass, ; dies,' i, : Ptuty, 4.. , . "Arnold's Inks from 6 to An assortment of Es- - 75cents per bottle, , - sences aad Drugs, Shoe-findings, Pegs, Shovels,Spades,noes, Nails, Thread, ; Garden Hay Rakes, Sole Leather, ;. ; Scythes and Snathes, Harvest Tools, . Buck Saws and Nails, Hay Forks, ' Provision, . FLOUR, CORN and OAT MEAL, CHEESE, RICE, BACON, : MACKEREL, HERRING, CODFISH, And all kinds of Liquors, brandy, Gin, Wines Old Rve and Common Whiskey, &c, &c. ,. ' Tt The above articles, will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce, at Ua3h prices - R. H. TUDOR. ; Ebensburg, July 13, 1865:tf ; ; . , N EW CHEAP CASH STORE !!!- "THAT'S WHAT'S THE MATTER I" E. J. MILLS & CO. beg leave to announce to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that they have just received, at their new store room, on High street, a most complete assort ment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting in part of the following articles Dress Goods, Millinery Goods, Plain, and Fancy Silks, Embroideries, Housekeeping Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, bhawls, Laces, ana so on, ad infinitum. Also : Boots and Shoes, nats, Caps, Bonnets, Groceries, Hardware Queensware, Notions, Perfumery, Stationery, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Mackerel, Herring and Cod Fish, Syrup3 and Molasse Iron and Nails, Glass, Salt, Oils, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, &c, &c Ac In short not to dip further into tedious details they intend keeping A NUMBER ONE STORE, Where the comfort and convenience of a country community can be successfuly ca tered to. By buying a large stock at a time, they ai enabled to sell tueir goods at a TRIFLING ADVANCE ON CITY PRICES Roll in and see for yourselves. No charge for showing articles. Country Produce taken in xchange for goods. Ebensburg April 24, 1862. . W.S. IIAVEX. T)LALft and FANCY JOB PRINTER. JL stationer, Blank Book Manufacturer, Book Binder, and dealer in every description of American and Foreign Papers, &c, Ac Corner of Wood and Third streets, PITTS BURG. Pa. Agent for L. Johnson & Co., Type Founders & Electrotypers, rnuadelpnia August 25, 1859:t.f TTUGH A. McOOY, a I Saddle and JIarnei Manufacturer EBENSBURG, PA. Office one door east of Davis, Jones & Co.'s Store. . A large stock of ready-made Harness, Sad dies, Bridles, Ac, constantly on hand and for sale cheap. Dec. 25, 1861-tf: MANSION HOUSE, Adjoining Penna, R. R. Depofc, V PITTSBURGH, PA. The most convenient place to stop in the City. Meals served at all hours. Terms moderate. - . J. n: CLARK k CO., Proprietors. .April 241862-tf. V Vf OUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebensburg, Pa iv J as. A. Mooes, Proprietor.. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies The Bab is supplied with choice liquors : and the' Stable attended by careful nostlers. Hoarders taken by the week month or year. . , aug25,185S:tf A LTOONA HOUSE, Altoona, Pa XJL RICHARD M'CLAIN, Proprietor. .fiL. Meals ready on the arrival of all trains. Cheapest house In town. , Aug. ii, i8G4-tf. .., . ' ' : EBENSBURG FOUNDRY. ..V. The subscriber announces to the publi that he has re-purchased the t. Ebensburg founarj, ana is preparea to .iurnien in 3 former customers and all others with every description of CASTINGS usually manulac .tured at a Country Establishments : He will always keep on hand the best: quality of UOUKUNG STOVJSS, fAKLUU STOVES. OF FICE STOVES, -.Ac:;- PLOWS of the most approved patterns, PLOW POINTS, THRESH ING MACHINES, and all other articles con nected with the business of a Foundry. ' B,He invites the patronage of the public,' and will 6ell at the most reasonable prices, for cash or country produce, V''J s ' r - , EDWARD GLASS.!" : Ebensburg, March 30, 1865.-1.. ; COAL I COAL! COAL! ... ' The subscriber is- now carrying on the Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr.,; at Lilly Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to any amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to qualitv of Coal guar' antied in all cases. - r- WMJ TILEY, Jr. ' April 28. 1864-6m - INSURANCE AGENCY. - ; ; .James "Purse,-agent for the Blair county and Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Com panies, JohnstownPa.' ;f- . V - ,J J ; "'"XSVill attend promptly to making ihsn EJnce'in. any part of ' Camb'ria'connty Tipon application by letter or in person. --- -; March 12th, 1863-tf. rDERGEB,vAUDENRIEPJ& FRY, -A ; . (Below Mtfrket,) rtiiAtAArAi Wholesale -dealers. lnr .K .i'.:nj:-i .tc:? TJSH'y CHEESE $ PROVISIONS generally Are now receiving and will keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of goods, in their linej consisting in part of r I MACKEREL , BAilS, CHEESE, j " SHAD, - SHOULDERS, 1&IIV, , , HERRING, . ' SIDES! . BUTTER, - SALMON, BEEF, : : - DRIED l liv IT CODFISH, TONGUES SAJl, C. , Having every, facility for purchasing our goods to the best advantage, and every con venience for conducting a large ousincss, uuu oeing determined to, sell goods. upon terms equal to any house in the trade, we respect fully solicit the patronage oi our irienua uu the public generally. v.r,: .-..-.,: .,,', , . t TlfSParticular attention paid to filling orders, Philadelphia, July 14, 1864-tf" n''y E YRE & LANDELL, F0URTH: ' i AND ARCH STS., ; PHLLADELPHIA, " " A RIfi OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, .. .. ' ffrench Merinoes,- ' J . I. .; : L Qooii Black Silks, .. , : r- ... Dark Figured Silks, ' r' ' New Plaid Silks, .. .: Balmoral Petticoats, ; ; ; Red, White and Blue Flannels, Shawls, Wholesale and Retail. October 15, 1863. ' ' EC. EBY & CO, . - WHOLESALE GROCERS And Commission JUercftantsS . No. 522 Market St., between Tifth and Sixth, ' T)l,:i.n1nl,!r, - "Wr have constantlv on band a eettcral as sortment of all kinds of fish, in large and small packages, which wc will sell low for Cash or short credit- Also, Duncannon Nails and Spikes of all sizes, constantly on hand and tor sale at aianuiaciurers prices. October .15, 1S63, . , LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, - '('Successors to Little & Trimble,) WHOLESALE GROCERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . . ; Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails', Glass, Cotton Yarns, and Pht3burg Manufactures generally. ''' ' '; r " Nos. 112 and 114 Secoad street, mar26,65 PITTSBURG, PA. TBOS. LITTLE, SR., S. H. BAIUD, JAS, PATTON, tt AH. FRANCISCUS, - . No. 513 Market St., , aso 510 Commerce St., Phila. Wholesale D.caler in Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Rones, Wick, Tic Yarn, ; Brooms, Buckets, Baskets, Churns, Tubs, Brushes Looking-Glasses, &c, &c, " : &c. AC. 2?Tlre largest stock of the above Good.? in the city, sold at the lowest nett cash prices - Oct. .31, lSCl-tf. OORE, LIGGET & CO., ; Importers and Jobbeis of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TitlMMINGS, NOTIONS, &e. No. 223 Market Street, Opposite Bank St., ' , Phildelpuia. . Constantly receiving Goods from Phil adelphia and New York Auctions. Oct. 24, 1861-tf. .. . B. MTSE JOXK8.' : CCSTAVC8 A. BESSOS. BM. JONES & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' 512 Marktt street, Philadelphia, fcy Particular attention paid to sales, countrv produce of every description. . April 23, !8C4tf - SPB1NCEB HARBAUGH. WM. U. WHITACSE BENJAMIN F. PETIT. SPRINGER H ARB AUG II & CO. IVltolesale Dealers in WOOL, HIDES, PROVISIONS asd PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 209 Liberty Street, April 24, 1862-tf. r Pittsburgh, Ta. B ARTALOTT & BLYNN, Manufacturers of and wholesale deal ers in . HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, Ac f No. 436 Market St., below Fifth, (South side,) PHILADELPHIA. Aoril 23, 1854-tf :i- - I-'- J.B.ANDREWS.' ". A. B.WILKIXS. K. J. ALTIMT7S. ; ': ' . . W. N. SMITH. C"i EO. M. RIDDLE, vnth , T ANDRE WS..WILKINS & CO. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dy Ooodsi No. 503 MarKei street, jan!5, 1862tf - - ! i : PHILADELPHIA. : JOHS A. WILSOJT. ' '- : D. M'CASDtESS. ' JESSE W. CA&ft. " . - , WILSON, CARR, & CO. ' (Late Wilson, Payne Co.) Wholesale Dealers in DR-Y -GOODS, No. 94 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 24,' 1862-tf. . .. T. MOBBIS PEROT, KDTiRD B..OUDEN; T BARKER, with J-. .... T. MORRTS PEROT: & CO., . ; , j"r'ilYhilesale Druggists, - ' . . . ; No. 62 Market street, above Sixth, and 612 Commerce street, Philadelphia. ;: Nov. 28, 18,SItf -" .....:. l j 7ATSON & JANNEY. 'importers Aud JOBBERS OF" i SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, ;: . SHAWLS, &c:, Ac. . , , " 323 Market st., Philadelphia. ' Feb. ll,18G4-tf. . ; r ' UARTIX BUEHLEE, '" 1 ' ' R. H. HOWARD. BUEHLER & HOWARD, ' . . ':..! Importers and Dealers ia foreign , and , Domestic Hardware and Cutlery, '"No. 441 Market St.; Philadelphia. Nov. 28 1861tf . . . ' ;.. : JAMES UKAI1AM. B. J. THOMAS. GRAHAM & THOMAS, -; ! i WHOLESALE GROCERS, , . And Dealers in Flour, 157 Liberty street Pittsbcbg, Penn'a - De26-, 1861-U V - : . , . .. ARRIS & GRAHAM. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND PRO- . DUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .-. . No. 327 Arch Street, Philadelphia. SX'a. HABBlS, ' ! EDWARD H; GRAHAM.' ' -. June 8, '65.-ly W V. LIPPINCOTT. GEO. M. BOND. JAS. MITCUKL. J IPPINCOTJi BOND & CO i ! 1 J Manufacturers Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAPS, FURS, and STRAW GOODS, no. 4i j Market st l hiladelphia. . Nov. 30, I865tf H' child's & 4k. !vv ; r. WHOLESALE- SHOE WAREHOUSE ' ' "0 :.'ffl. WnnrT Rtr . Pituhura. Pa. Have roeiyed na'i immense 30k of BooU nnd Shoes suitable for,- Sprmg;and-SuHyacr. sales, comprising &full asortnemi of Staple and Fancy Goods, carefully selected witn par ticular reference to the wants of the Western Trade, and dueregsrd todurability andsizes, manufactured to order and warrauted,,, - Onr entire- stock having been -ourchased knd'ctmtracted for airect from the New Eog- Iana manufacturers entirely for cash, dar.ng last rail- and Winter, before - the: pfeseut adviane prices on Btock and we are enabled to oSfer Superior Indacements. to. cash -or prompt time buyers, and are prepared to sell goods at less than New Yqrk or Philadelphia prices. . : ' We invite the attention of Merchants visit ing thjs city to examine our large and desira ble stock before purchasing elsewhere.' SffjL, Particular personal attention given to ORDERS. : . April. 9. tf JOHN HEWITT, with ' r , . Solomon dans, WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOTHING, ' No. 409 Market street, : , . : " , Philadelphia. StST" This establishment hasTseen removed from No.. 114 North Third street to the above; location', where an extensive and seasonable assortment of Ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys, together with a carefully selected line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, &c.,is now ready for the trade. :: . . ' Any order entrusted by those who are un able to visit the city , shall be executed a3 faithfully as if they were present. August 24, 1862. IVfEW CASH HOUSE ! I. Goods bought and sold for cash S L 1 T T L E A D A M S O N , .. No. 325 Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite attention to their new and splendid stock of :'- SPRING DRESS GOODS ! . Black Silks, Mourning Silks, Fancy Silks, Poult de Soid; Seasonable Shawls, Clocking Cloths, Mantilla Silksj Mantil!a3 manufac-r tured by themselves from late Paris styles. April 28, 1864tf , "... JAS. M. CONRAD. - - COATES WALTOX CONRAD & WALTON, , Importers and Dealers in' - IIARDWARE, CUTLERY " Conrad & Walton's superior Steel Shovels, Conrad & Walton s. Darling & Waldron's V - SCYTHES, . Mann's Beatty's & Hunt's Axes, &c Jtc- . Nos. G23 Market St., Gl4 Commerce st, Oct. 15,'C3. . . Philadelphia. G T. WILEY. J. DENNIS. LEWIS SCDICK. GT. WILEY & CO., Manufacturers of BUGGY, RIDING and LEATHER WHIPS, LASHES, A-c. 306 Market street, Philadelphia. Agcnt3 for the sale of Mundorf & Co.'s Louden Hames. Orders solicited and atten ded to with promptness. novSO, lS65tf JAS. W. MIDDLE. JXO. C. SHEEB0R.NE. ''. WM. H. GILL. TWIDDLE, GILL & CO. i Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Forcifrn and Domestic DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, 428 Market St., below 6th, and 433 Merchant Street. PHILADELPHIA. May 7, 1862-tf. - '" KOBT.' BIDDLE. ' - W.'C. LIDDLE. t. c. levi.. i ' cm; EIDDLE. O D. KLINEFELTER vith .. . R. k V,. C. DIDDLE ii CO. Importers nnd dealers in " ' " HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, HEAVY . , GOODS, No. 131 Market st. and 120 ar.d 122 Jones Alley, Nov. r.&, ISCCtf PuiLADtLPiiiA.' pr. tavlcr. w a. c. ncai-niLL. rfiAYLOl & -IIEMPIIILL, 1 V'holi'5aie dealer i:i MANUFACTUUED TOBACCO. FOHE1GN i DOMESTIC SEGA11S, 222 Market at., south side, bet. 2d a 3d, April '2S, 18C4tf PHILADELPHIA, JOEL J. DAILY & CO., HOSIERY. SMALL WARES, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, .rce. 1 -23 Norta 3d street, Philadelphia. JOEL J. BAILY, 11KXBY J. DAVIS, ELTOS B. GIFFOBD, S. ff.VAS ecus: February 18, I864,tf. A MESON, DILL1NGER & CO. Importers and Jobbers of IIOSIEEY, GLOVES. NOTIONS, and FANCY GOODS, -' 403 Market St., three doors ab. 4th, North side, mar26,65 . -PHILADELPHIA. BVB. JAMESON, C..1I. PILLISGEE, it U. MOOBE. ISRAEL GOULD,' with u ; . I. C. CALDWELL, IMPORTER AKD WHOLESALE DEALER IS HOSIERY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, , 434 Market St., (second story,) , . Fel 11, 18C4-tf. PHILADELPHIA. W-. C. MURPHEY, represcntinr; .- , II. CUILDS k CO., WHOLESALE BOOT k SHOE WAREHOUSE No. 133 Wood street, -May 8,-1862-tf- . ; PITTSBRCG..Pa. G1AUFFMAN & CHEW, : ' Importers and Dealers in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, No. 21 North Fcurth St., Philadelphia. ' Oct.' 15, 1863.' - : : npilOMAS P. JAMES," . ; : 1 , "- WHOLESALE DRUGGIST,. ; f. No 630 AlarLet street, Philadelphia. ' October 15, 1863 " . ' ' WEST, SOUTHWORTU & COM Wholesale Dealers in ' : BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 21 North Third street, ' . i; -. Nov. 28, 1861. , . Philadelphia. CD. M'CLEES & Co.,. - No. 133 North Third street, ... - f Philadelphia , "Wholesale dealers in Boots and Shoes. May 17 18G0 tf : . . : - , . ,; A DAMS. ATKINSON & CO.. ' - ll - AUCTION DRY, GOODS, . No. 33 North Third st., Philadelphia ' S. A. ADAMS. H. P. ATKINSON. J. M. WHITBY. :April 28, I864tf - . T USSELL & LANDIS, Slj ' ' Importers acd Dealers in .. :' DRUGS, CHEMICALS," &c., ' No. 410 Market and 405 Merchant sts April 28, !SG4tf 1 PHILADELPHIA. T?RY & KURTZ, . , J- , Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, MOTIONS, ' & FANCY GOODS, i. ti . t . jtnl9,5 325 Aca St., Philadelphia. ii-LVbllisb;eYSrycrsaaj. s ' the foIWwTtfates---... Per annum, ravable Iff advance.f.t.r.w If not paid in advance.?. ..;........" ' j "A", failure to notify" a discOhtihuance at expiration of , the term iBtb'acrib'ed'for ;m considered a new engagement. , , r. . -,. TKRVS OF ADTERTISISO , Transient advertising, per sql, .12 linesji Escli Bubsoqueot insertion....... ? Auditor's Notices, each i. . J Administrators' and Executors' Notices. y Estray Notices y '; . 3 mot. , y 6 thos.. 1 8 lines,' or less .$2.50 - t.$4.O0 fa. 1 6quare, 12 lines...... 3.50 6.00 3f.; 2 squares, 24 lines..;.r 6.00 , 10.00 3 squares, 36 lines.... , 8.00 .; 12.00 ... Fourth column.. ....... 8.00 12.00 h Third column.... 10.00 15,00, . :i Half column:."...:.:.'... 12.00' -20.0o': e Column:.. ..'...'v.7....;i.V 20.00' 1 30.00"': o Professional or Business . Cards, not" . exceeding 8 lines, with paper.;: j -auvcrusemenis not marked with t number of insertions desired, will be coc: ued till forbidden, and charged accordicj the above terms. , , Law of Sfcwspapcrs." 1. Subscribers who do not trive-iTr- . tice to the contrary, are. considered as f" 1. It subscribers order the discontiur-f r .i t .. i : .1 ,i. ... , " oi lueir r tiiuuitma, uic i uullsuer may c tinue to cer.d them until all arreara-'cs , paid. 3. If subscribers Deglect or refu?e to t their periodicals from the ofccs to which ti are directed, they are held responsible they have settled the bill and ordered ti". discontinued. , .-' : . . 4. If subscribers remove to other j.; without informing the ' publishers, and papers are sent to the former direction ti are held responsible. ' 5. The Courts have ' decided, that reu.f to take periodicals from the office or r. ing and leaving theni uncalled for, 13 B ROKE OUT-IN, A" NEW-' PLAQ BARGAINS! BARGAINS I fob EVERVEC The subscriber takes pleasure in cr", the attention of the citizens of CARROL TOWN and vicinity to the fact tbat be T just received, and is now opening, at thr stand of Moore & Son, a large and Ttr stock of Dry Goods, consisting in part of . Satins. Velvets, Cloths, Cassimerea Doeskins, . Sattinetts, . Tweeds, Jeans, Tickings, Flannels, Brown k Bleached Muslins, &c. DI2ESS GOODS of cvay ifj. Together with tin excellent stock cf DOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONN EI STATIONARY, IIARDWARE, - GROCER! FISH, ij ALT, TRUNKS, CARPET-SAC: QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, Ac, lcf i And, in f.ict, anything nnd everything nr. kept in a No. 1 Country Store all of w will be disposed of at prices to mil the t': CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! Customers waited on by attentive 5 men. and no charge for showing art'.c'f SC? Cherry, Poplar, Spruce, Firf. other Lumber, Butter, Eggs, and C:"'" Prcdnce generallT, taken in exrliE-f ' Goods. " A. A. BASEi- May 29, 1862-tf AUAUU. Wi runt's Bridge. i '. Lancaster Tp. July 30, 1? 3IE6SRS. Eva.vsa.vd Watsos : .. Gestlehi The small size No. 1 Salamander safe I j urchased from your agent, Mr. Adsa uarr, in Lancaster City, on July 20th, iM has been subjected to . a very severe wnic n xi wiiasioou in a . most sausiat mar &cr. This Safe, containing all my lc. tog' iher -with valuable capers lelong':tt my; elf and some to my neignbors and fie: andrenresctinc a value of over Twenty The. and Dollars, ($20,000) was in ntr .OI wLi was destroyed on the night of tte 2th o. . ly, I860, and passed thicugh Xtc nety crj. unscatnea. lue oale was- on vae tevuua -and fell to the basement ci the Mill, and subjected for 6ix hours to an intense 1 among the ruijs, which was greatly ;ccrt-; by the combustion of a large quantity of f( confined within th brick walls. Af.er - fire the afe was xtpened and the bocis H pnpers taken out in a state of perfect r-:l vation, the paper noi even being disco.-- This fact was, however, to many bystai-': a. better recommendation of yourSa'eifl could be expressed m any other worc me. Yours Respectfully, r sel3 , ' : ' SAMUEL RA'& IuA large assortment of the above q ity of Fire and Thief .Proof Safes always hand and for sale at as low rates as any' firm, at. . EVANS & WATSON . No. 16 South Fourth st. Philadelp PATRONIZE , YOUR OT SJ The l otection Mutual Fire Insurance OF CA31DRIA COUNTY. LOCATED AT EBENSBUBOj mUE above named Companv. - cr- U April 6tb. 1857.- will effect insurance: nrnn'ortr nt safe rates Beine- nartiC'l l' v k.i. . . r - . - - o . , careful in tne risKS taken, tins omi'; . sents a reliaDie ana cneap meaium, which persons may secure themselves Office on Centre Street 1 nearly opi1 Thompson's "Mountain House." JOHN WILLIAMS, Pr V. J. Joxks, Sec'y. & Trcas. . , "Agents ; EYAN ROBERTS, Johnstown. , . JAMES PURSE, : - 'f " i JNO E. ROBERTS, Ebensburg. Ebensburg, Aug. 25, 1859. . . LICENSED AUCTIONEER. The subscriber,' having fakea regular license as an Auctioneer, is rrP to cry, all manner of Sales on ehoxt and at reasonable terms, -drcss - ... JESSE WOODCOCK mar26,6N " " Hemlock, Cambriactf-,