,".- . '-loi8- sucker .u a foolish young was a fellow passenger . u one of the Mississippi steam- I was on the boat, said Deacon oolittle, and saw the whole aftair. . The Virginian was continually combing his hair, brushing his clothe3, or dusting his boots to all which movements the tucker took exception, as being what he termed "a little to darned nico by half." He finally drew up his chair beside the Vir ginian and began : "Whar might you be from, stranger?" "I am from Virginia, sir," answered the gent. " From old Virgin ny, I s'pose," says the sucker. : " Yes, sir, old Virginia' was the reply. " You are pooty high up in the pictures thar, T suppose ?" " I don't know what you mean by that remark, sir." "Oh, nothiaV says the sucker, "but that you are desp'rate rich, and have been brought up right nice." . "If the information will gratify you in any way,' said the gent patronizingly, " I belong to one'of the first families." " Oh, in course," answered the sucker. " Well, stranger, bein' as you belong to the fust, I'll just give you two of the latteat shoats in all Illinois ef you'll only find me a feller that belongs to one ol the second Virginny families." : " You want to quarrel with me, sir," said the Virginian i " No, stranger, not an atom," answered the sucker, " but I never eeed one oi the second family, and I'd gin sumtin' to git a sight at one of 'em. I know you are one of the fust, cause you look just like John Randolph." This mollified the Virginian ; the hint of a resemblance to the statesman was flattering to his feelings, and he accord ingly acknowledged relationship to the orator. . " lie, you know, descended from the Ingin gal, Pocahontas." "You are right, sir," answered the other. "Well, stranger," said the sucker, "do you know thar is anuther queer thing alius puzzles me, and it's this i I never seed a Virginyan that didn't claim to be either descended from an Ingin, John Randolph, or a nigger." We need not add that the sucker rolled off his chair suddenly ! They were separated until the sucker got off at a landing near his home.- As 1 e stepped ashore, . he caught sight of the Virgiuian on the upper-deck, and hailed him at once with " I say, old Virginny, remem ber two fat bhoats for the fust feller you find belonging to the second Virginny family V ' - .. " To-Morrow." On the Little Miami Railroad is a station called Morrow. A new brakesman on the road, who did not know the names of the stations, was ap proached by a stranger the other day, while standing by his train at the depot, who inquired : " Does this train go to Morrow to-day ?" " No," said the brakesman, who thought the stranger was making game of him, " it goes to-dayy yesterday, week after next." " You don't understand me," persisted the stranger, " I want to go to Morrow." " We'l, why in thunder don't you wait until to-morrow, then, acd not come bothering around to-day. You can go to-morrow or any oiher day you please." " Won't you answer a civil question civilly ? Will this train go to-day to Morrow ?" " Not exactly. It will go to-day and come back tc-morrow." As the stranger who wanted to go to Morrow was about to leave in disgust, another employee who knew the station alluded to came along and gave him the required information. tob work7 ANIC ARRANGEMENTS! OF ALL KINDS NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT TRI "ALLEGIIANIAN" OFFICE, niGITST., EBENSBURG, PA. PUBLICATION OFFICE ; E03ERT DAVIS' BUILDING UP STATUS. IHIftD DOOR SACK. GIVE "US' A CALJ. SUGAR KETTLE3, 10 to 40 gallons. COPPER KETTLES, 3 quarts to 4.0 gallons. TINWARE, all sorts and kinds. SHEET- IRON WARE every vat letg. EXAMELED $ TIXXED IRON WARE ZINC WASHBOARDS, . for 25 cents, -worth 37 cents. SAD IRONS, or SMOOTHING iRONS, all sizes and best quality, 6 to 6J cts per lb. rpHE OLD CHEAP ' STORj COOKING STOVES, Trimmed complete, with baking arrangements, $8 to $23. EGG STO YES, S1.50 to $13.u0. HEATING COOK STOVES, $3.00to $8.00. BRADLEY COOKING STOVES, Patent, Graff & Co., Mitchell, Herron k Co., Abbot & Noble, A." J Gallaghers, and every other Pittsburg or Philadelphia manufacturer's. Stoves always on hand or procured on 5 days' notice. . ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stoves, . always on hand. CARBON OIL LAMPS, 62 cts-to $1.25. Chimneys and Wicks for Lamps always on hand. SPOUTING, BEST QUALITY, put np and PAINTED at 10 cents per foot. JCST Nc txtra charges for Elboics. a MINER'S LAMPS, OIL CANS, POWDER CANS. all Eizes constantly on hand. OOFFEE MILLS, 37 cts. to S1.25. TOASTING FORKS, OYSTER BROILERS Jelly Cake Moulds, Table and Tea Spoons COAL BUCKETS, 35J cts. to $3.00. The above goods will be furnished WHOLESALE OR.' RETAIL, at the JOHNSTOWN STOVE k HOUSE-FURNISH-ING STORE, CANAL STREET Opposite Hie "Wclgli "Lock ASK FOR RANK W. HAY'S. WAREHOUSE, and save twenty per cent, on your purchases i EITHER FOR CASH OR SCRIP. ' April 24, 18G2-tf GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, P&. Office in Colonade Row. Ebensburg Sept. 26, 1061-tf. BRAIIAM KOPELIN, Attorney at Law, Johnstown Pa. Office on Main street. . aug25,1859-tf J. WATERS, Justice of the Teace. Office on nigh Street, East Ward, Ebens burg. Pa April 13, 1863-Gm. B. L. JOHN'STOX. GEO. W. O ATM AN. JOHNSTON & OATMAN, Attorneys at Lair, Ebensburg, Cambria county, Penna. Sgk- Office removed to Lloyd St., one door West of R. L. Johnston's residence. . January 10, 1861:tf CYRUS ELDER, Attorney-at-Law Johnstown, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria, Somerset, and adjoining counties. Office same as lately occupied by Linton and Noon, on Post Office corner up stairs. April 23, 1863-tf . DR. D. W. EVANS tenders his pro fessional services as Physician and Surgeon to the citizens of Ebensburg and surrounding vicinity. Office one door East of R. Davis' store. Night calls made at his residence, three doors West of R. Evir.s' Cabinet ware-room. maJ 18, 18C5.-tf. DR. J. M. M'CLURE, Surgeon and Mechaxical Dentist, respectfully offers his professional services to theladies and gen tlemen of Johnstown and vicinity of thisplace. Particular attention paid to diseases of the Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for ceps. : Office in the old "Exchange," on Clinton street. Johnstown Aug. 25, 1859 TENTISTRY. 1 9 The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg. He has spared no means to thoroughly acquaint himself with every im provement in hi3 art. To many years of per sonal experience, he has sought to add the imparted experience of the highest authorities in Dental Science. He simply asks that an opportunity may be given for his work to speak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. ' References: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond Jr.; W. R. Handy; A. A. BIandy,P. II. Aus ten, of the Baltimore College. jggAVill beat Ebensburg ortthe fourth Monday of each month, to stay one wjet. April 1, l8G2tf W OOD MORRELL & CO., John stow!. Pa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti cles : nATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, DRY GOODS, CARPETING 8, ? CLOTHING, NOTIONS, 'QUEENSWARE, V ' BOOTS 4 SHOES, GROCERIES, FEED OF ALL KINDS, VEGETABLES AC. J63 Clothing and Boots and Shoes made'o order on reasonableterms. Johnstown March 1 1860-tf. BONNETS. HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, BACON, Having again taken the Grocery store of the late firm of Tudor & Joxes in my own name, T return thanks to the citizens of Eb ensburg and vicinity- tot their former patron age, and solicit a continuance' of the' same.' I have lately been in New York, Philada. and Pittsburg buying a' new stock or Goods, of the very best quality, all of which I will sell AT A VERY SMALL PROFIT 1 ' Persons wishing anything in my line will do well to call ajid examine goods before pur chasing " elsewhere. No 'charges' made for showing goods., . ,'. . . .. . -. My stock consists in part of White and Brown Su- Chewing and Smok'g gars,. ; N. p. Molaesses, Syrups, . Rio Coffee,-' -: - Young Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas, - Spices of all kinds, Butter, Sugar and Wa- '. Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, . Candles, Soap, . Clothes, Market and Fancy Baskets, ' Washboards, Brooms, Backets, Measures, Kealers, Churns, . -Kegs, ter Crackers. Dried Apples, Peaches, nair and Wire Selves, Oranges and Lemons, Scrub, Shoe and Dus- Fig3, Raisins, Prunes, Citrons, ; Nuts of all kinds, ' Ext. Ley and Coffee, Bowls,- Butter Prints and La dles, Arnold's Inks from 6 to 75cents per bottle, Shoe-findings, Pegs, Nails, Thread, Sole Leather, Harvest Tool 3, ting Brushes, Rope, Bed cords, . jjines, Rope Halters .Twine,. Tye Yarn, Fawcits, Window Glass, Ptuty, . -An assortment of Es - sences and Drugs, ShovelSjSpades.noes, Garden A Hay Rakes, Scythes and Snathes, Buck Saws and Nails, Provision, . nay Forks. FLOUR, CORN and OAT MEAL, CHEESE, RICE, BACON, MACKEREL. HERRING, CODFISH, And all kinds of Liquors, Brandy, Gin, Wines Old Rye and Common Whiskey.-&c, &c. 3U The above- articles will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce, at Cash prices 11. H, TUDOR. Ebensburg, July 13, 1865:tf JEW CHEAP GASH STORE ! ! ! 'THAT'S WHAT'S THE MATTER J" E. J. MILLS k CO. beg leave to announce to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that they have just received, at-their new store room, on High street, a most complete assort- ment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting in part of the following articles . Dres3 Goods, Millinery Goods, Flam and Fancy Silks,' Embroideries, Housekeeping Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Shawls, Laces, and so on, ad infinitum. m . Also : Boots and Shoc3, Hats, Caps, Bonnet3, Groceries, Hardware Queensware, Notions, Perfumery, Stationery, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Mackerel, Herring and Cod Fish; Syrups and Mclasse Iron and Nails, Glass, Salt, Oils, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE&c, &c &c In short not to dip further into tedious details thev intend keeping A NUMBER ONE STORE, Where the comfort and convenience ot a country community can be successfuly ca tered to. Bv buvincr a larse stock at a time, they art enabled to sell their goods at a;; TRIFLING ADVANCE ON CITY PRICES. Roll in and see for yourselves. No charge for showing articles. BERGER, ' AUDENRIED & FRY, - . Nos. 11 and 13 'South Water St.," 1 : ; , . ..(Below Market,).PIILLAD'A-..: Wholesale dealers" in. . ' ' "t ... F1SII, CHEESE $ PRO VISIONS generally. ' :) Are now receiving and wiil keep constancy on'hand a full "and complete, assortment of goods, in their line, consisting in part of MACKEKEL, UA.M, (iicr..c, SHOULDEKS, LAKU, ' SIDES,. . . . , -BUTTER, REEF, . DRIED FRUIT TONGUES -; ' SALT,'&c. Having every facility for purchasing our goods to the best advantage and every con venience for conducting a large business, and Deing determined to sell good3 upon terms equal to any house in the trade, we respect fully solicit the patronage of . our friends and the public generally. TSgrarlicular at ten Hon paid to filling orders. Philadelphia', July 14. 1864-tf XJ. Country Produce taken ia exchange for goods. Ebensburg April 24, 18G2. P w. s. if 4 vr.w LAiJN and FANCY JOB PRINTER. STATIONER. Blank Booh Manufacturer, Book Binder, and dealer in every description of American and Foreign Paptrs, &c, A.c. Comer of Wood and Third streets, PITTS BURG, Pa. A front frr T, Jnhnsf.n & Co.. TvD6 Founders & Electrotypers, Philadelphia August lo, iH:y:i.i HUGH A. McCOY, Saddle and Harness Manufacturer EBENSBURG, PA. Office one door east of Davis, Jones & Co.'s Store. A lartrfi stnclc of readv-mude Harness. Sad dles, Bridles, &c, constantly on hand and for sale cheap. Dec. 25, 1861-tf: MANSION HOUSE, Adjoining Penna. R. R. Depo, PITTSBURGH," PA. The most convenient place to stop in the City. Meals served at all hours. Terms moderate. J. II. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. April 24, 1862-tf. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebensburg, Pa Jas. A. Moore, Proprietor. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies The BARis supplied with choice liquors : and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Boarders taken by the week month or year. : aug25,1859:tf LTOONA HOUSE, Altoona, Pa RICHARD M'CLAlK, Proprietor. , EMeal3 ready on the arrival of all trains. Cheapest b ousts la town. Aug. 11, 1864-tf. - - ; . ' E BENSBURO FOUNDRY. RTTATi. - HERRING,. SALMON, CODFISH The subscriber announces to the public that he has re-purchased the Ebensburg Foundrj, and i3 prepared to furnish, his former customers and all others, with every description of CASTINGS usually manufac tured at a: Country Establishment. He will always : keen on hand the ' best quality of COOKING STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, OF FICE STOVES, &c. ; PLOWS ot the most approved patterns, PLOW POINTS, THRESH ING MACHINES, and all other articles con nected with the business of a Foundry. IUSa- He invites the patronage of the public, and will sell at the most reasonable prices, for cash or country produce. " ' ' "' EDWARD GLASS. Ebensburg, March 30, 18C3.-ly.- GOAL ! COAL ! COAL ! r The subscriber is now carrying on the Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr., at Lilly Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to any amount, of citizens of . Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to quality of Coal guar antied in all cases. .' WM. TILEY, Jr. April 28. 1864-Cm 1 . v - I NSlRANCE AGENCY. -James Purse, agent for the Blair county and Lycoming Mutual. Fire Insurance . Com panies, Johnstown, Pi.;, r, ,. i Will attend promptly to making insu rance, in any , part of Cambria county , upon ajiplication by letter or" in person. March 12th, 1803-tf. jjgYRE h L ANDELL, FOURTH .- . " AND ARCH STS., . ' PHILADELPHIA, T - ARE OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, . french Merinoes, ",- Good Black Silks, .' ' ' ' Dark Figured Silks, ; New Plaid Silks, -Balmoral Pettiooats, - ' Red, White and Blue Flannel?, Shawls, Wholesale and Retail. October 15, 1863. , " C. EBY & CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS And Commission 3lerc7iants, No. 522 Market si.,- between' Fifth and Sixth. - . Philadelphia. We have constantly on hand a general as sortment of all kind3 of fish, in large and small packages, which we will sell low for Cash or short credit Also, Duncannon Nails and Spikes of all sizes, constantly on hand and for sale at Manufacturer's prices. ; October 15, 1863. ITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, (Successors to Little & Trimble.) WHOLESALE GROCERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburg Manufactures generally. Nos. 112 and 114 Second street, mar26,65 PITTSBURG, PA. THOS. LITTLE, SR., S. II. BA1RT), JAS. IATTO, JR. H? CHILDS & CO. ' ,;U , WDQLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE; . NpA 13.3 W.p9d Street, Pittslury, Pa. ' Have received an immense 5tock of 'Boots and.Shoes" suitable 'for Spring .and .Summer, sales,- comprising a full as&ortmemt of S taple and Fancy Goods, carefully selected with par ticular referenceTto the wants of the Western Trade, and due regard to durability a.nd sizes, manufactured to order and warranted. Orrri entire1 stock having been purchased and contracted for direct from the New Eug land manufacturers entirely for cash, during last Fall and Winter," "before the present advance prices on stock and we are enabled to offer Superior Indacemeiits to cash or prompt time buyers, and are prepared to sell goods at le?3 than New York or Philadelphia prices. ...... We invite the attention of Merchants visit ing this city to examine our large and desira ble stock before purchasing elsewhere. E?, Particular personal attention given to ORDERS. April. 9 tf A. II. FRAXCISCUS, No. 513 Market St., and 510 Commerce St., Pitila. Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Ropes, Wick, Tie Yarn, Brooms, Buckets, Baskets, Churn3, Tubs, Brushes Looking-Glasses, &c, &c, &c. AC. 2?The largest stock of the above Good.? in the city, sold at the lowest netl cash prices Oct. 31, 1861-tf. 1YTOORE, LIGGET & CO., It I - Importers and Jobbcis of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TlelMMINGS, NOTIONS, fee. No. 223 Market Street, Opcsite Bank St., FlIlLDELPElA. 15 Constantly receiving Goods from Phil adelphia and New York Auctions. Oct. 24, 18Gl-tf B. MFSE JOKKS. GVSTAVCS A. BESSOX. BM. JONES & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -. - 512 Market street, Philadelphia. J&2?" Particular attention paid to sales, couctrv produce of every description. April 28, 18G4tf - SPEIMGER HARBAUGH. WM. H. WHIT ACRE . RE'S J AM IX T. PETIT. SPRINGER IIARI5AITGII& CO. YSholesale Dealers in WOOL, HIDES, PROVISIONS asd PRODUCE No. 209 Liberty Street, April 24, 1862-tf. Pittsburgh, Pa. T ART A LOTT & BLYNN, 1J Manufacturers of and wholesale deal ers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, &c No. 436 Market St., below Fifth, (South side,) PHILADELPHIA. April 28, 1854-tf a1 WILKIXS. SMITH. J. R. ANDREWS. A. K. J. ALTIMTTS. W. EO. M. RIDDLE, tcith ANDREWS. .WILK1.NH & UU. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic D-y Goods, No. 503 Market street, janlS, 1862tf rillLADELPHIA. JOHX A. WILSON. D. M'CAXDLESS. JESSE W. CARR. ILSON, CARR, & CO. - (Late Wilson, i'ayne Co.) Wholesale Dealers in DKl Viuuus, No. 94 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa April 24, l8U2-tf. MORRIS PEROT, BARKER, with IU17ABU 11. OGIEX. R. H JOHN HEWITT, uitli Solomon Cans, WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOTHING, No: 409 Market street, Philadelphia. BS?" This establishment has been removed from No. 114 North Third street to the above location, where an extensive and seasonable assortment of Ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys, together with a carefully selected line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, &c, is new ready for the trade Any order entrusted by those who are un able to visit the city shall be executed as faithfully as if they were present. August 24, 1862". ' --THE TILLEGHAK!) .1 17.1L.lijte.publisad -every ft the, foil o-vsing rates viz-' rer annum, payable, in ad vanceL. If not paid in advance A I failure to notify a discon expiration of the' terin scbscri considered a new etsigeinent. TERMS OR Anvp.CTISIXs Transient aJyertising, per sq.. j-.. Each subsequent insertion....'. ' Auditor's Notices, each Administrators' and Executors' y' Estray Notices ; 1 3 no.'. $2.o0 , 3.50 6.00 8.00 ; 8.oo 10.00 6 fit. 11" 1! 2r ' 3i Card EW CASH HOUSE ! Goods bought and sold for cash ! LITTLE A ADA MS ON, No. 325 Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite attention to their new and splendid stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS 1 Black Silks, Mourning Silks, Fancy Silks, Poult de Soici; Seasonable Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, Mantilla Silks, Mantillas manufac tured by themselves from late Paris styles. April 28, T8C4tf JA3. M. COXKAD. COATEB T7ALTOS. CONRAD & WALTON, Importers and Dealers in. HARDWARE, CUTLERY Conrad & Walton's superior Steel Shovels, Conrad & Walton's, Darling & Waldron's SCYTHES, Mann's Beattr's & Hunt's Axes, kc ic. Nos. C23 Market St., 61 4 Commerce st, Oct. 15,'G3. Philadelphia. G. T. m LEWIS SUDICK, WILEY. J. DENNIS. f-i' T. V ILLil & L'U., JC Manufacturers of BUGGY, RIDING at LKATliLU Uilll'tf, LAbllbb, c. 306 Market street, Philadelphia. tS?Agents for the sale of Mundorf & Co.3 Louden Hames. Orders solicited and atten ded to with promptness. novoO, IS'tl 8 lines, or less. 1 square, 12 lines.. 2 squares, 24 lines 3 squares 36 lines Fourth column Third column Half column.. 12.00 Column 20.00 Professional or Business exceeding 8 lines, with paper. gistr Advertisements not mark number of insertions desired, ued till forbidden, and charged the above terms. 1. Subscribers who do not giv ticc to the contrary, are considp iiifr to orntimn 1imt siilierriw;. " . :. : "V.ril,; it subscribers order thv tv of their Periodicals, the PuliULi tinue to'serd them until all a-. paid. I o. It suofcribers neglect or r, their periodicals from the oiTk't?; are directed, they arc heM r?? they have Fettled the bill and o: discontinued. 4. If subscribers remore to without informing the public, papers are sent to the former c are held responsible. 5. The Courts have decided. to take periodicals from tlie ol ing and leaving them uncr.l'.t-i faciae vidence o.f intentional Fr;. JgROKE OUT IN A W BARGAINS I BARGAINS Irea JAS. W. 2IDDLE. JSO. -C. BIIEKror.: ri. wm. n. gill. ' RIDDLE, GILL & CO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Forcir;a and Domestic. DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, 433 Market St., below 5th, and 433 Merchant Street. 1'iilL.AUi.L.rui-i. May T, 18C2-tf. o. v- ROBT. RIDDLE. w- C. BIPELE. H. C. LEWI3. ' ?l. i-ti-'Lf .. KLINEFELTER vith R. & W. C. BIDDLE & CO. Importers and dealers in rr I T.I11" t TfC PT'TI TT T V fl T' V 11. A UlJi..-lLl-i vui"""1) " V, , GOODS, 131 Market st. and 120 and 122 Jones Alley, Nov. SO, 1805tf Philadelphia UNS, HEAVY Dn. TvVLOn. vr:. K. iiemtuill. TAYLOR & nEMPIIILL, Wholesale dealer in MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. FOREIGN k DOMESTIC SEGARS, Market st., south side, bet. 2d A 3d, April 2S, 16G4tf PHILADELPHIA, T. MORRTS PEROT k CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 62 Market street, above Sixth, and 612 Commerce street, Philadelphia. Nov. 28, I851tf -TT ATSON & JANNEY. . I V i IMPORTERS ASD JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. &c, &c. 323 Miwket st., Philadelphia. ; Feb. 11, 1864-tf. - ' ilARTIX BCBHLEB,. ? R.H.HOWARD. BUEHLER & HOWARD, ; Importers and Dealers in torctgii and Domestic Hardware and Cutlery, No. 441 Market St., Philadelphia. Nor, 28 I86ltf . ',. JAMES OKAIIAM: ' R. J. THOMAS. GRAHAM & THOMAS, WHOLESALE GROCERS,. ; And Dealers in Flour '' " 157 Liberty svreet Fittsburo, Penn'a Dfts2G, 1861-tf JOEL J. DAILY & CO., HOSIERY, SMALL WARES, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. 23 Norta 3d street, Philadelphia. JOEL J. BAILY, ' HESRT J. DAVIS, ELTOJC B. GIFTORD, S. W. VAN CULIXt February 18, 1864,tf. AMESON, DILL1NGER & CO. Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, and FANCY GOODS, 403 Market sL, three doors ab. 4th. North side, mar2G,G5 PHILADELPHIA. B. It.' JAMESON, C. H. DTLLISGF.R, J. II. MOORE. The subscriber takes pki-: the attention of the citizens o: TOWN "and-vicinity to the f;-; just received, and is now i.j cl:. stand of Moore k Son, a lin stock of Or j- Goods, consisting in part of Satins, Velvets, Cloths, C: Doeskins, Sattinetts, '. Jeans", Tickings, Flarr Brown & Dlendfi Muslins, ic DRESS GOODS of Together with an excellent sto BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAP. E STATIONARY, HARDYfAL G FISH, SALT, TRUNKS, CAKI QUEENSWARE. NOTIONS, And, in fact, anything and c. kfpt in a No. 1 Country ."s: will be disposed of at price? t call and exa::int Customers waited on It men. and.no charre for sIiot::. Ct Cherry, Poplar, other Lumber, Cutter. T::: Produce generally, taken. ii Goods. -1 May 29, 18G2-tf CARD. WlTMti'i Lancaster Tp - 3Iessrs. Etaxs ajtd Watso The small size No. 1 Sabn:i SRAEL GOULD, with I. C. CALDWELL, TMPOBTER AXD WHOLESALE DEALER IX HOSIERY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, 434 Market st., (second story.) Feb. 11, 18G4-tf. PHILADELPHIA. ARRIS & GRAHAM. ' AVHOLF.SALE GROCERS, AND PRO DUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 327 Arch Street, Philadelphia. - : M. B. IIARBI5, EDWARD II. GRAHAM. . .-.'..., . I 1 June 8, 'G5.-ly W " V. 'HtPIXCOTT. GBO'. M. BOND. JASj MITCHEL. X IPPINCOTT, BOND & CO., I J 'MahnCacur'era Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS,; FURS, and STRAW GOODS, No." 413 Market st Philadelphia. Nor. 30, lSGMf WC. MURPHEY, representing II. CHILDS & CO., WHOLESALE BOOT k SHOE WAREHOUSE No. 133 Wood street, May 8, 1862-tf- P1TTSBRUG. Pa. G1AUFFMAN & CIIE', Importers and Dealers in ; CHINA, GLASS A'D QUEENSWARE, No. 21 North Fcurth st., Philadelphia. Oct. 15, ISG3. IIOMAS P. JAMES, IMPORTER and WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, No 630 Market street,' Philadelphia. October 15, 1863 TT7'EST, SOUTIIWORTII & CO., . 7 Wholesale Dealers in " BOOTS AND SHOES, ' No. 21 North Third street, , Nov. 28, 1861;. Philadelphia. A I purchased from your ae:: Bar, in-Lancaster City, on has been subjected to a t:: which it withstood in a r. manner. Thi3 Safe, coutaina together with va'uiLle v?-?'-myself and some toniy ne--and represeting a value of eve: nnl Tlnllnrn. I 20.000 " lv, 1S60, and paf J thugii ' unscathed. The ?af ai pn and fell to the basement oi t subjected for six hours to j among the rui-is, which wu;; by the combustion of a large c conCned within thi tr'uk fire the safe was opened i--papcrs taken out ia a state vation. tne paper no; cm" ' This fact was, however. t?; a better recommendation i,T could be expressed iur.r L me. YciiTS U: sel3 ?AX CSX-A large assortment ity of Fire and Thief Troc hand and for sale at as low firm, at EVAS' No. 16 South Fonrtli C.D- M'CLEES & Co., No. 133 North Third street, PHILADELmii! Wliolesale dealers in Boots and Shoes. May 17 1860 If A DAMS, ATKINSON & CO., " X2L. AUCTION DRV GOODS, No. 33 North Third St., E. A. ADAMS. 11. P. ATKINSON , April 28, !8Gltf ' Philadelphia, J. M. WHITBY. BUSSELL &' LANHIS, Importers and Dealers in , . DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &c, t No. 410 Market and 405 Merchant sts., . April 28, 1804tf . PHILADELPHIA. FRY.& KURTZ, f . ; lmnnrlf r5 ftn d Jobbers of " V- w - HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTION GOODS, & FANCY jania.5 325 Akcii St., Pkil 1ELPniA. PATROSIZE TO' Tie Protection Mutual 1 OF CAM 13 KI A LOCATED AT E B I ; THE above named -. April Cth, 1857, will'1 property at safe rates .-.rfnl in the risks taken,'- sents a reliable and cheap r which persons may secure nrbable losses dv nre. Office on Centre Street ti, .cn'c 'fountain Hc" JOHN W1L D. J. Joxks, Sec'y. & Tres Scents: EVAN ROBEUTS, Jo tamit5 pr:r.:?E. . JNO E. ROBERTS, f . Ebensburg, Aug. 25, X ICENSED AUCTION 1 A Tlie subscriber, lisf(. regular license as un Anct- to crv all manner of and at reasonable terros. - 1 h Vi mar:, Hemlock' f -r S fl 1C u r Ire 5 m Ve 0 u u "a ie eis 1? ie. 4 7 t lit hc it i a t ?dt If: aa prei Ma Ad jits tan ccta fbei kre i rmv ard ta v CO iei Ex) ha fies Ice! plic: I hi Sew itio rit. ibei ion idly jit f at, . fcrj f is i tho iting licio io mi xnd i 'ge i ictec 30, c ICoc per; -m ' Htl itii tb,e Her ire (der fa t fier 1st fan C0Q11 'on i-l