The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 07, 1865, Image 1

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Toil Ojiccs.
Pof Masters. Districts.
Steven L. Evans, Carroll
Henry Nutter,
A. G. Crooks,
J. Houston,
John Thompson,
C. Jeffries,
J. M. Christy,
Wm Tiley, Jr.,
I.E. Chandler,
M. Adlesberger,
A Thirbin.
Taylor. ,
Gallitzin. -Wft3ht'n.
jlea Tiuiuer,
Andrew J Ferral, Susq'han.
st on Wharton. Clearfield
a!p Level,
Georpe Berkey,
B. M'Colgan,
George B. AVike,
Wra. M'Connell,
J. K.. Shryock,
mmerulU ,
eaching every Sabbath morning at 10J
nnd in the eveninc at 7 o'clock. Sab-
Ah School at 9 o'clock, A. M. Prayer meet-
revcrv Thursday evening ai o u iium.
'ullhtEviscoval Church Rrv. A. Baker,
in charge. Rev. J. Persuing As
rreachin" every alternate Sabbath
7a a- at 10J o'clock. Sabbath School at 9
lock A.M. rrayer medium v
t evening, at 7 o'clock.
IrSi 7enn-RKV Lt. It. Powell
' t.i,; nn- rvprv Sabbath morning at
, o'clock, and in the f vening at 6 o clock,
ibbnth School at 1 o'clock, P. M. I raycr
e.tin on the first Monday evening of each
onth; and on every Tuesday, -inursuay aim
iJay evening, excepting .- -
Cahinislk JfetWf-KEV. morgan i.naa,
stor. rreaching every Sabbath evening at
ind 6 o'clock. Sabbath School at r o ciock,
. Pf.-.ver meeting every Inday evening,
7 o'clock. Society every Tuesday evening
7 o'clock.
fttriie Rev. W. Llovd, Pastor. Preach-
SubliAth mornincr at 10 o'clock.
;rtkv.!ar Baptists Rev . David Evans,
;;or. Preaching every Sabbath evening at
clock. Sabbath School at at I o'clock, P. M.
CrMUc He v.. R. C. Christy, Pastor.
-vices every Sabbath morning at 10J o'clock
J Vespers at 4 o'clock iu the evening.
!crn. daily, at 8.50 o'clock,' A. M.
.tern, at G.25 o'clock P. M.
MAILS CLOSE,, daily, at 8 o'clock, P. M.
'.stern, "at o ciock, r. ji.
sg.The mails from Newman's Mill3, Car-
..own, ic, arrive on .Monday, Wednesday
. Friday of each week, at 3 o'clock, I . M
.eave Kbensburg on Tuesdaj s, Thur3day9
i Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, A. M.
:it Bait. Express leaves at 9.13 A. XL
' Bhilfl. Expres3 ' 0.55 A. XL
' Fast Lino " 10.33 P. XL
Mail Train ' 9.03 P. XL
' Pitt?. Erie XII. " 7.43 A. XL
" Altoona Accom. " 4.32 P. XI.
st-Piiila. Express " F.31 P. XL
u Fast Line " 2.21 A. XL
" lby Espres3 ' 0.43 A. XL
Cincinnati Ex. ' 1.11 P. XL
Muil.Traia " 5.21 P. XL
1 Altoona Accom. " 12,3G A. XL
lalir, of the Court President Hon. Geo.
;lur, Hunting. Ion ; Associates, George W.
!ey. llcurv C. Devine.
I'rothwjtary Joseph XI'Donal 1.
Rtgi'Ur and Recorder James Griilin.
.wr James Mvcrs.
n "
KiUiit Atlornci. Philin N'onn.
'.Avi.'y Cvi:iu'ui.;ners John Campbell, Ed
ri Glass, E. II. Dunnegan.
---ri- to ClninntuoiunWiUizm II. Scch-
Tn iuvr Isaac TV ike.
to Treasurer John Lloyd.
'oorjfjuse Directors George XrCulIough.
'"7c Orri. Josi-nh nnlio
Iff !f
ft' House TrtC&urrr fiorvfn P V 7ol,m
-ior Fran. P. ricrnev. Jco. A. Ken-
Lmanu.d Brail ior
Cauntv ISurvevor TTctit-t-
'-oroner. --WiHia.n Vlntto...
Mercantile Apnrii.irr T,V-
t. of Common School, J. F. Condon.
BEXSDL'RC nou. orricEns.
C T. Koberf
oo Dlrettort Philip .9
; K. Jones, Jr ' "" JneS Wm' M
M uatman.
rs,-..,,. 6or " n.
r V- -vlorris Peat-
5- J Erin" Tr ' ""S, Jivan Griffith,
Jrr.ichard R. Tibbott, Robert D.
"on. tt WEST WARD.
C reTh08- J-Williams.
rur tI"'l3ailc Crawford, James P.
;n- m. Kitten, II. Kinkead, George W.
Srf011 Evan3' Jno- E- Scanlan.
W,, ""iJoiin U. Thomas.
vapi. Murray.
ge No. 312 A. Y. M.
?'hTraSOnlC IIftU Ebensburg, on the
V UC6(lay of each month, at 7 o'clock,
KtoXf1 WS' IIall Ebensburg,
,enesday evening.
"""'Sliland Division No. 84 Sons of
lc rvo c ? m lemPtrance Hall, Eb
6:Cery Saturdftvr-vnSo
it TO "
Xo Time Like tlie Old Time.
There is no time like tbe" old time, when you
and I were. young, ..
When the bnda 'of 'April blossomed, and the
birds of spring-time sung !
The garden's, brightest glories by summer
suns are nursed,
But, oh, the sweet, sweet violets, the flowers
that opened first.
There is no place like the old place where
you and I were born,
Where we lifted first our eyelids on the splen
dors of the morn ' 7
From the milk-white breast that warmed us,
from the'clinging arms that bore ;
Where the" dear eye3 that glistened o'er U3
that will look on us no more !
There is no friend like the old friend, who
has shared our morning days,
No greeting like his welcome, no homage
like his praise :
Fame is the scentless sunflower; with gaudy
crown of gold ;
But friendship is the breathing rose, with
sweets in every fold.
There is no love like the old love that we
courted in oar pride?
Though our leaves are falling, falling, and
we're failing side by side,
There are blossoms all around us, with the
colors of our dawn,
nd we live in borrowed Eun.hino when the
Pght of day is gone.
There are no times like the oM times
Ehall never be forgot !
There is no place like the old place-
green the clear old Fpot !
There are no friends like our old friends
may Heaven prolong their lives I
There are no loves like our old loves God
ble3 our loviDg wives !
Atlantic Monthly.
In -tla.o Xi&rt Time,
"An opportunity like this dosen't come
to ,a uiao every day. Go in and win ;
that is tay advice."
The epeater was past middle age j and
he who listened had niado the record of
about an equal number of years iu his
book of life. '
"The stock will double on its present
quotation in les3 than sixty days, Mr.
OushiD," pursued the speaker, with ar
dor. "I've given you a hint of what is
doiusr, and a hint only ; but, tako iny
word lor it, the Rtock will go up like a
balloon. It's down to twenty, now; bv.t
it will range between the thirties and for
ties in a month."
"And go down faster than it went up,
Mr. Slocum," was answered.
Mr. Slocum shrugged his shoulders,
and looked arch and knowing.
''Of course, you'll be out of danger.
Forewarned, forearmed. It's a 'fancy,' I
know. Uut there's a game up, and I
happen to have seen the winning card?.
Take ten thousand dollars of this stock,
now, and in thirty days you may sell out
at fifteen or twenty thousand. The thing's
as sure as death. There's not a particle
of risk. The stock's been at twenty for
the last year, and can't go below that
figure. You can sell at twenty-fivo or
thirty, whilst it is on the rising figures,
if you do not care to wait longer for high
er chances."
"If I understand you," said Mr. Oust
ing, "there i3 no solid basis for the anti
cipated rise?"
"None at all; but that's no concern of
yours or mine. We don't operate for a
rise, but only take advantage of what we
know is going to be."
"After sixty days the stock will fall ?"
"Yes, and then 'stand from under is
the word: You'll not find me tho owner
of a share."
"Somebody will loso."
"Of course."
"And be Bwindled, of course," eaid Mr.
Gushing. .
"You may call it what Damp you please.
But that isn't the question, now. 'Go in
and win' is the word."
"This winning, I think you said, was
as sure as death."
"Death sure Mr. Gushing."
"The remark , has set mo to thinking,
Mr. Slocum."
"Ah ! what of your thoughts ?"
"There is a last time coming for us all."
"So the preachers say."
Mr. Slocum shrugged his shoulders in
a manner peculiar to himself.
"When eomo of the 'fancies' will rule
at very low figures, I apprehend. For
one, I should not like to hold them large
ly. I am afraid their value would bo
light among the treasures we are com
manded to lay up in heaven."
"You're too serious, Mr. Cashing. I
don't see what this going in on a rising
market has to do with treasure in heaven.
We're not talking about dying, but living.
The stock will movo np in spite of any
thing you or I can do ; and, for the. life
of me, I can't see where the harm is in
taking advantage of a rise."
; "All that I would gain, somebody else
must lose," said Mr. Gushing.
' "Of course." ; -
Mr.,, Gushing shook his head, and
"It won't suit me,' friend Slocum. I
should be certain to hear of some duped
and unfortunate loser on the very stock I
sold aa a fair article, when I knew it to
be valueless above a certain rate. If I
were to buy at twenty, I; am afraid my
conscience would never permit me to sell
at thirty or forty, when I knew the pur
chaser would be swindled out of half his
"You're too squeamish, Mr. Cushing.
I call myself an honest man, and a chris
tian man, also ; and, for the life of me, I
can't see any harm in taking advantage
of rising Btock, 'fancy,' or not 'fancy "
"Excuse me, Mr. Slocum," said the
other ; "but your remark about being a
Christian leads .me to say that I'm afraid
Christianity hangs very lightly on the
conscience of a stock speculator."
"Did you never speculate in stocks, Mr.
Cushing ;
. The interrogator frowned a little. He
felt the remark as rather personal.
"What about the Christianity of your
conscience, ha ?"
"It huDg too lightly, sir too lightly.
I've gone in a few times, on the rising
market, and won. Bat, for every dollar
gained, I made a loss in another direc
tion." "Ah ! that was unfortunate !"
"So I felt it to be."
"You had one consolation, Mr. Cush
ing." "What ?"
"The stock speculations saved you."
"How so ?"
"Of course,- the misfortune you speak
of had no connection with them ; so what
you lost by one hand, you made up with
the other."
"On the contrary, Mr. Slocum, they
were intimately connected, and the losses
were in consequence of the speculations."
"That's a little remarkable?'
"But no less true, sir."
"There are two kinds
Slocum earthly riches
riches gold-and good.
of riches, Mr.
and heavenly
I gained srold.
but lost good. In securing earthlv treas
ure, I laid up just so much less of treasure
in heaven." .
"I can't understand why, Mr. Cushing.
You didn't cheat anybody. ' Speculation
is neither robbing nor stealing.' The article
is in market, and'you buy at current quo
tations. When a rise takes place, you
sclL Tt may happen, and often does,
that the price falls, and then you
lose. You have adverse as well as favor
able chances. The thing is all open to
the dav."
oramtding, sir
swered Mr. Cushinjr
"A strife
tD gam
what utners raav lose : not a system of
reciprocal benefits, which is the Christian
law of social life. It is founded in an in
tense and eager selfishness, that will not
wait the slow return of useful work. It
helps nobody, and generally hurts every
body whom it may happen to reach.
Money, where it does not como as a gift
or benefaction, should always represent a
useful equivalent. It is a sign of value.
But when I would possess my neighbor's
money without a fair retu-n, then, am I
not covetous ? Do I not desire his goods ?
Am I not violating a divine command
ment Y The agriculturist, the manufac
turer, the mechanic, the artisan, and all
who are engaged in productive work or
useful employments, servo the common
good, and become sharers, by virtue of
this service, in the commonwealth; but
the speculator, like a tumor in the body,
draws in the rich blood, and gives back
nothing but fever, unhealthy excitement,
disturbance of the useful functions and
pain. That tumor, sir, is no part of the
true" body of society, and it will be extir
pated in the last time. It may grow, as
other evil things grow here, but its life is
opposite to heavenly life, and it will not
be found in heaven."
"You are too serious, altogether," Mr.
Slocum made answer. "This is an ex
treme and abstract view more ethical
than practical."
"Than practical ! Why, my dear sir,
the evil consequences of what I am con
demning, all right-thinking men seo and
deplore. The causes lie, as I have inti
mated, in an intense and eager selfishness,
that grasp3 tor gold as the robber grasps
for plunder. Neither the speculator nor
tho robber, cares for others; he does not
gain by work, production or benefit of any
kind, and take his money as th reward of
things useful, but by the law of force or
artifice. Is it not so 'I Think !"
Mr. Slocum was silent.
"There is a last time for us all, my
friend," said Mr. Cushing, speaking even
more seriously than before ; "a last time
that is sure to come. You and I have
stepped across the line of middle age. I
will be fifty in a month, and you have al
ready accomplished the half century.
Five, ten, fifteen, or twenty years at most,
and we shall be missed from our places
among men. Have you made your will?"
The question, coming so unexpectedly,
gave Mr. Slocum a start. "
. "Yes ; of course," he answered ; "I am
too systematic to neglect a thing of so
much importance.. Life i? uncertain."
"And in making it," said Mr. Cushing,'
''you considered well the nature and value
ot your property, and disposed of it with
justice and judgment. Aa no part of your
earthly possessions could bo taken into the
other .life, you provided for their equita
uie uisiriounon. . .
"I did." - .
"As a wise and prudent man. And
then, Mr. Slocum, did not your thought
go "beyond, to that state of existence which
succeeds ? To that real world, where we
are to abide forever? Did you not think
of the riches divine, which are spoken of
in God's Holy Word, as possessed by the
righteous there ? ,Of the treasure our
Lord enjoins upon us to lay up in heaven ?
In leaving everything of the world behind
us at death, out future becomes a thing of
momentous consideration. The wealth of
this world is represented by gold and silver-
that of the spiritual world, into
which we rise at 'death; by goodness and
trsth. If we do not possess spiritual
TLibes at death if we have no good in
our hearts nor truth in our minds we
shall be poor, miserable and wretched in
the other world. These things have pres
sed themselves on my consideration of
late, and your remark about the gain in
this 'fancy' stock speculation being sure
as death sent them trooping through my
mind again. But I have occupied both
you and myself too long. Good morn-
said Mr. Slocum", as his friend moved off.
;"I turn from it, and with a shudder at
tho, thought that I was for an instant
tempted. No, sir ; there is a last time
coming, and it may not be afar off. I will
not" burden my conscience with any trans
action that is against the law of heaven,
into which I hope to rise when mortal
shall put on immortality. Good morn
ing." And the two men parted one to pon
der more deeply on the principles of rec
titude and the laws of heavenly life by
which man must be governed, if he would
build Kis house upon a Tock ; the other to
forget warning and-suggestion in the sel
fish love of gain, that impelled him to the
use of any means not in contravention of
human law, by which gold was to be won.
"Have you heard from Mr. Gushing
within a day. or two?" asked a business
friend, addressing Mr. Slocum, two or
three weeks subsequently.
"No. Why doyou ask? Ishesick?"
"Very sick. The last I heard of him,
the doctors had but small hope of his re
cdvery." ,. . -'. -
"You shock me ! Mr. Gushing! Can
it be possible ? -What ails him V
"Somedisease of the heart, I under
stand." "V" ' - .
"And not expected to recover ?"
Mr. Slocuni'j countenance grew serious.
His thoughts recurred to his last inter
view with Mr. Cushing, and he felt a
slight chill running along his nerves. '' In
drawing so near to his friend and acquain
tance, death seemed to stand most unpleas
antly near to himself.
All day tho. thoughts of Mr. Slocum
kept turning to the sick man, and in the
evening he called at his house to make
inquiry as to his condition.
"Will you g up and see him ?" asked
the sad-faced wife of Mr. Cushibg.
Mr. Slocum went up to the death cham
ber; for, to one of them, that last time
had indeed come. A pale, placid face,
and clear, calm eyes meLhim. The An
gel of Dissolution had placed his signet
there, and none could mistake the sign.
Mr. Gushing smiled, feebly but sweetly,
as betook the hand of his old business
"I am pained to find you so ill," said
Mr. Slocnm, iu a troubled voice.
The smile did not fade from the sick
man's lips, as he answered, feebly
"The time has come sooner than I ex
pected, but I am not afraid. I think
there is some treasure laid up in heaven.
If the amount is not large, it is in good
securities, I trust ; no 'fancies,' friend
Slocum ! No speculative stocks. Noth
ing but what is truly spiritual and sub
stantial that is, of love to God and the
lie shut his eye3, the smile still linger
ing about his mouth. But it began fa
ding slowly, and when it died away tran
quil peace rested calmly where tho light
had been. He was at rest.
"No 'fancies' in tho last time," said
Mr. Slocum, communing with his thoughts
as he walked, in sober mood, homewards.
"Will it be so in my hour of extremity ?
Will there be no worthless securities in
tluo treasure I have sought to lay up in
heaven, when I go, stripped of earthly
possessions, into the eternal world? God
help me, if my soul were required to-day!
I thought him weak and foolish when he
would not go in and win, as I have. I
am richer, to-day, through the operation,
by over five thousand dollars somebody
will bo poorer in the same amount before
sixty days--but I am glad Mr. Cushman
held back. He could not have died so
peaceably with that burden on hi3 mind.
'Fancies' amid the securities sought to be
laid up in heaven ! I never thought of
that before. I must look closer to my
investments; for what shall it profit a
man it he gain the whole world and loso
his own soul ?"
',. On the next day, Mr. Slocum sold out
all his speculative stocks, and has not
since sought to gain a single dollar except
through legitimate trade. He, cannot for
get Mr. Cushman, nor the inevitable last
time that comes to all.
teller from Mrs. Lincoln.
Mr. Carpenter, the artist, who has been
publishing in the Independent his person
al recollections ot President Lincoln,
gives, in his la3t contribution, the follow
ing extract from a letter of Mrs. Lincoln :
"Truly," writes Mrs. Lincoln, "no sor
row has been like unto mine. I nm as
broken-hearted over this oterwhelming
affliction as when the terrible tragedy first
occurred, and, of course, realize it far
more. I have lost the most loving and
devoted of husbands, and my dear boys
the best father that sons were ever blessed
with. 'Until God's love shall place me
by his side again I shall know no peace,
or alleviation of ray grief. Knowing him
as you do, I am sure you can pardon and
appreciate a wife's great sorrow over so
untimely a loss !
"How I wish yon could have been with
my dear, husband the last three weeks of
his life. Having a realizing sense that
the unnatural rebellion was near its close,
and being most of the timo away from
Washington, where he had passed through
such conflicts of mind during tlie last four
years feeling so encouraged, he freely
gave vent to his cheerfulness. Down the
Potomac, he was almost boyish in his
mirth, and reminded me of his original
nature, as I remembered him in our own
home, free from care, surrounded by those
he loved.
"That terrible Friday, I never saw him
so supremely cheerful. His manner was
even playful. At three o'clock he drove
out with, me in an open carriage. In
starting, I asked him if any one should
accompany us ? He immediately replied,
'No, I prefer to ride by ourselves to-day.'
During tho ride he was so gay that I said
to him, laughingly, 'Dear husband you
almost startle me by your cheerfulness.'
He replied, 'And well I may feol so, Ma
ry, for I consider this day the war has
come to a close,' and then added, 'We
must both be more cheerful in future.
Between the war, and the I033 of our
darling Willie, wo have been very miser
able.' Every word he then uttered is
deeply engraved on my. poor broken
heart.. In the evening hi3 mind was fix
ed on having some relaxation.-
I firmly bslieve that if he had remained
in the White House, on that night of
darkness when tho fiends prevailed, he
would have been horribly cut to pieces.
Those fiends had too long contemplated
this inhuman murder to have allowed him
to escape." ' , .
m mm
About tlie 15 run.
We take the following extract from the
report of Dr. A. Rothrock, late Surgeon
of the Board of Enrollment of the 17th
Pa. district, to the War Department. The
17th district comprises the counties of
Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon & MifHin:
"On the 17th day of May, 1863, the
Board of Enrollment convened at this
place, (Hollidaysburg,) organized and di
vided the district into sub-districts, and
then proceeded from that time in the reg
ular discharge of the duties of the office.
"On the 17th of August, 18G3, we com
menced the first draft, and on the 7th of
September began to examine drafted men.
During the first few days I was some
what embarrassed in the examination, and
was disposed to believe that drafted men
would sometimes tell the truth; but my
experience soon taught me that the dec
laration of every conscript under exami
nation must be disregarded, if the Sur
geon expects to do his duty faithfully to
the Government. My early impressions,
too, wero that every soldier must enjoy
perfect health, and be free from blemish
on his person if ho would endure the pri
vations, hardships and hard marches in
cident to army -life; this impression led
me to put a very liberal construction on
the different sections of paragraph 85.
Consequently cn the first day, 1 found by
reference to my record, that out of 52
men examined, 29 were exempt; aud that
too, from a tolerably good lot of men. I
subsequently became more rigid as I grew
familiar with the duties of the office, and
learning to distinguish more clearly be
tween the real and feigned disease. I
held more men to service, and grew every
day more incredulous as to the honesty of
drafted and enrolled men when it is their
interest to deceive the Board. There
are, however, honerable exceptions which
a practised surgeon will readily detect.
"As nearly as I can ascertain, I have
examined up to this time of
Drafted men 4,721.
Recruic3 and substitutes 3,7SG.
Enrolled men 7,2G1.
Total 15,TT8.
or, in round numbers, sixteen thousand;
for many recruit3 and substitutes pre
sented themselves for examination so
manifestly unfit for military duty that 1
dismissed them without wasting time or
paper to make their record."-
Woman is said to be a mere delu
sion, but it is sometimes pleasant to hus
delusions. '
JEThe man who makes a business of
raising pork for market, may be said to
live by bi3 pen.
New measure for "out west a
family 50 large that there wasn't measles
' enough for all of them.
Educational Beparfmcnt.
All communications intended for this column
should be addressed to the Educational Editor
of The Allejhanian.'
Education. Strictly sneaking thi
word education signifies to expand, develon
A man may properly be called educated
whose powers have received their full do.
velopment by whatever mean?, but cspe- '
j -.iuuv, luauucuoQ ana expe
rience. - So that the various attributes of"
tho mind are fully expanded, whether by
one means or another, it is sufficient. All
the various powers of the mind, intellect,
luiagtuduon, sentiment, language, memo
ry, discernment, cannot by any possibility
receive their highest attainable "expansion
in any one man, nor is it in such a sense
that we speak. But when some ono of
the chief of these, more especially the in
tellect, is developed in any person to the
fullest extent that nature has. made' it
possible for such development to take
place, arid the other faculties are subordi
nated and brought into harmony with tho
chfcf, then education may bo considered
complete. A man is an intellectual, per
ceptive, religious, and passionate animal.
Education may make him most prepon
derantly intellectual, or religious, or pas
sionate: But in doing this, it will make
him lop-sided, deformed, hateful. Iu
true scope is to preserve a proper equilib
rium between his various powers, and
preserve them as nature and God first
framed them. . - J
Where do we get education? In
schools ?-. Perhaps. Some of it. Abra
ham Lincoln was an educated man.- His
learning was small, 'tis true, but all tho
difference between hi3 education and that
of a more polished man consisted in the
fact that he received his in the schools of
adversity, the other of learning. He had
intellect, and he could use it. He had sen
timent, and he could apply it. .. Ho had
passions, and he could feel. He had
powers, and they were expanded until
their possessor became a type, a model,
in truth, in candor, io vigor, in love of
tho good and noble, of whom none need
be ashamed. Yet he had not the learning
of the schools. Had he had ho might
have been greater and more useful. But
ho was great and useful without it.
In every city aud village, boys go tp
school in the daytime and acquire knowl
edge, and at night get their edueatiou. r
In daytime, 'tis study, at night 'tis devil
try. In daytime 'tis a little knowledge,
at night 'tis an acquiring of vice, a blunt
ing of all sense of justice by violatiug the
peace of others, the principles of rectitude
or ways of morality. Some men .acquire
learning in colleges and pass into death
devoid of a right education. Bacon by
means of the schools filled his mind with
knowledge, but so failed to develop or ed
ucate himself into true majestic manhood
that his high office, the lord-chancellorship
of England, brought him disgrace
instead of honor. Franklin in his sparo
moments, a poor printer-bey, without tho
lore of the schools, acquired knowledge
and education, an education that made
him an honor to his nation and the world.'
When his country sought a man, the fit
test man in all America, to bo its repre
sentative, it found no other man than
Franklin so becoming a symbol of all that
goes to make up a man. So the poor
printer-boy walked among princes, stood
before kings, commanded the respect, the
admiration of all, influenced peoples,
moved thrones," secured essential foreign
aid for his country in her first hours, and
gave the flcpublic of the New World a
place among nations, whereas without him
America would have had no republic. A
Latin proverb says a good man is an or
nament to his friends aud country. But'
Franklin was an ornament to his friends,"
his country, and his race. For not" the
glitter, not the grandeur of an imperial
court could make him anything else in 6en- "
timent, anything else in -h:s expressious
than a simple republican. That very de
votion to principle into which he had
educated himBclf gave to his character its
great dignity.
Picture a model man, the primeval man
if you choose, strong in intellect, but not
so 6trong as to make him shut his eyes
that he may do nothing but thiuk, strong
iu noble passkin but not debased in iust,'
ennobled by religion bat not degraded by
superstition, lively in imaginatiou though .
not reveling in visions, fluent to attrac
tiveness in language yet not darkening
counsel by a multitude of words. To fash
ion out 6uch a man is the tendeney of all
true education. And may America hava
many such.
Wedding Anniversaries The fifth
anuiversary is the "wooden" wedding,
when friends bring gifts of wooden uten
sils. The tenth is the "tin" weddiusr,
when pifts of tinware are appropriate
The fifteenth is the "crystal!' wedding; :
with presents of glass ware. The twenti
eth is the "china" wedding, with crockery
and earthenware gifts. The twenty-fifth
is the "silver" wedding, when articles of".'
silver ware are considered tho thing. The
thirtieth anniversary is the "fine art" I
wedding, the gifts being articles of tasio '. .
and vertu. The last is the "golden" wed-
dig, on the fiftieth anniversary, when
the presents are of gold, or "articles of
great intrinsic value. , -
1 t