The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 23, 1865, Image 1

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III 111. Ill Y
TilTnKER, Editor and Proprietor.
j'toii'o HllTCIIIXSOX, Publisher.
JW Masters. Districts.
CiroIItowQ, Steven L. Evans, Carroll.
rhesa Springi, Henry Nutter, Chest.
Conaugb, A. G. Crooks, Taylor.
IWon, J - Houston, Waahint'n.
FVnsbarg. John Thompson, Ebensburg.
Sen Timber, C.Jeffries, White,
ftl&in J. M. Christy, Gallitxin.
ock' Tiley. Jr., Washt'n.
? hasto vn I. E. Chandler, Johnst'wn.
ore to M. Adlesberger, Loretto.
H t A Durbin, Munster.
iw? Andrew J Ferral, Susq'ban.
? ' iueustine, St" n. Wharton, Clearfield.
St Augustine, Berkey Richland.
ScalpLevel, co! ' Washt'n.
iTmerbUl George if. Wike, Croyle.
Summeraul, VmConnell, Washt'n.
vVXore, . Kryock, S'merhill.
. Presbyterian Rsv. T.M. Wilsos, Pastor.
Preaching every Sabbath morning at 10J
o'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'clock. Sab
bath School at 9 o'clock, A. M. Prayer meet
ice every Thursday evening at 6 o'clock.
ihthodtst Episcopal Church Kkv. A. Baker,
Preacher in charge. Rev. J. P k r s h in g , A s -,i,tant.
Preaching every alternate babbath
morning, at 10 J o'clock. Sabbath School at 9
o'clock, A. M. Prayer meeting every t edncs
dir evening, at 7 o'clock.
'Welch Independent -Rev Ll. R. Powell,
Pastor Preaching every Sabbath morning at
10 o'clock, and in the evening at 6 o clock.
Sabbath School at 1 o'clock, P. M. Prayer
meeting on the first Monday evening of each
montWnd on every Tuesday, Thursday and
Fridaj evening, excepting the first week in
each month.
CaUinutxc Metho Jut Rev. Morgan Ellis,
Fflitor. rreaching every Sabbath evening at
2 and C o'clock. Sabbath School at V o'clock,
A. il. Player meeting every Friday evening,
at 7 o'clock. Society every Tuesday evening
At 7 o'clock.
Disciples Rev. W. Lloyd, Pastor. Preach
ing every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock.
Particular JlapristRzy. David Evans,
Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at
3 o'clock. Sabbath School at at I o'clock, P. M.
Catholic Rev. R. C. Christy, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock
sd Vesoers at 4 o'clock in the evening.
Eastern, daily, at 12.00 o'clock, noon.
Western, " at 12.00 o'clock, noon.
Eastern, daily, at S o'clock, P. M.
Western, " at 8 o'clock, P. M-
55t-The mail3 from Newman's Mills, Car
colliown, &c, anivc on Monday, Wednesday
and Frwlnv i f wjpV t 3 o'clock. P. M.
Leave E'bcnsburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays
na Saturdays, at t o cloca, A. il.
Y7nt Bait. Express leaves at
. 8.C8
8.1 3
A. M.
A. M.
P. M.
P. M.
A. M.
P. M.
P. M.
A. M.
A. M.
P. M.
P. .V.
A. M.
Pliila. Einres3
Fast Line
Mail Train
" Pitts, i Erie Ex.
" A Itoona Accom.
lift Phila. Express
" Fast Line
" Day Express
" Titts. 4 Erie Ex.
44 Mail Train
H Altoona Accora.
Judges cf the Courts President Hon. Geo.
Taylor, Huntingdon; Associates, George W.
fcasbfy, Henry C. Devine.
rroxhnnotary Joseph M'DonaH.
Regisltr and Recorder James Griffin.
Sheriff James Myer3.
District Attorney. Philip S. Noon.
County Commissioners John Campbell, Ed
wnrd Glass, E. R. Dunnegan.
Cltrk to Commisiioners William n. Sech
Ur. Treasurer Isaac Wike.
Clerk to Treasurer John Lloyd.
Poor House Directors George M'Cullough,
George Orris, Joseph Dailey.
Poor House Treasurer George C. K. Zabm.
Auiitori Fran. P. Tiercey, Jco. A. Een
nedy.Emanml Brallier.
County Surveyor. Henry Scanlan.
Coroner. .William Flattery.
Mercantile Appraiser John Cox.
UP t. of Common Schools J. F. Condon.
T0U!h Treasurer-Geo. W. Oatman.
"-Morris Peat.
Sao J ?"nciV-E- HuShe9. Evan Griffith,
TiJ;0En:an3' Wm' D' D M.J. John
lisr,nichari R' Tibbott, Robert D.
Ju& of Elcction-T)nU 0. Evans.
Astessor J. A. Moore.
GmajfcThos J.Williams.
Car S't;1 Tu Caw,f0. James P.
OatS. IL Kmkead, George W.
j;Vctors- Robert Evans, Jno. E. Scanlan
JJ"9e"fElection.-John D. Thomas
Assessor Capt. Murray.
ttell, iV17aSUmi,t,LodPe No- 312 A- T. M.
fourth TnptHi f UaU' Eb"sburg, on the
P. II CSdajr of eacU month, at 7i o'clock,
0F;,f);i::'-nighlancl Lge No. 428 I. O.
ir; wS" m,dd Fell0W3' Ua. Ebensburg,
Wednesday evening.
IempYrfn7IIIisL,n.d Divisin No. 84 Sons of
Jurg evervSf TeuiP Eb-
every Saturday evening.
v OR
iJ5 JbiJN Jb u Ujt, a., miJKSUAY, JNOV EMBER 23, 1865.
A faded flower, a lock of hair,
A little ring, a small white glove,
A portrait of a maiden fair ;
Some crumpled notes, "Aurora Leigh,"
With pencil-marks and inscrib'd name,
A favorite song oft sung to me ;
A ribbon blue, with golden clasp,
A scarlet hood, with faint perfume,
A waist belt small, with broken hasp.
What foolish things are those to keep ;
So very small, so worthless too
What folly over them to weep !
The faded flower, small white glove,
The little ring, the portrait fair,
Are relics of a long-lost love ;
And whisp'ring soft and whisp'ring low
A story of a little grave,
They cause those bitter tears to flow !
From Peterson's Magazine.
George Jameson iind Katie Vaughan
had a brilliant weddinj;. JIverythipj; was
faultless Irora the icinf; on the cake to
the arrausremept of the bride's waterfall.
Mrs. Vaughan cried enough not to
redden her; Mr. Vaughan "did" the
dignified pater fami'iia to a charm ; and
George and Katie weie so affectionate as
to give the world the idea that here was a
match made in Heaven.
Tiie bridal breakfast over, the white
moire antique and orange flowers were
laid aside, and the pretty traveling suit
of gray alpaca, with azuline blue trim
ming, was donned the sweetest thing,
ko all the ladies paid, the very sweetest
love of a thing Madame D' Aubrey had
made fur the season. Then there was the
little bounet of izray silk to match the
dreess, with its blue face trimmings to
match Katie's eyes, and the golden bird
ol Paradise drooping its plumage ever the
crown j and it was such a fine morning,
and everything looked propitious ; and, in
the midst of the congratulations and kis
se, George and Katie tarted for the de
pot. Th?y arrived in season. The
whistle sounded in the distance. George
buckled vp his traveling shawl, and
Katie grasped her parasol.
"George, deareat," said the bride, "do
run out ar.i .ec to the trunks. I should
die. ir, when we get to the FalN, my
clothe should not be there! It would be
dreadful to be obliged - to go to dinner in
my traveling dress ! Do see to them,
there's a darling !'V
Goori;e vanished. The train, puffing
and smoking, shot into the depot. The
conductor popped his head into the la
dies' room, shouting at the top ot his
"All aboard for Danville, all aboard. "
Come, hurry up, ladies! Five minutes
behind time, and another train due!"
Katie did not know whether she was
bound for Danville or not; probably she
whs, she paid rapidly .o herself, and he
had better get in and let George follow.
So she entered the long, smoky vehicle,
feeling very much at sea, and ready to
cry at the slightest provocation. The
conductor passed by her aeat. She caught
him by the arm.
'Is my husband "
"Oh ! yes, yes, all right," said the of
ficial, hurrying on in a way railway offi
cials have. "I'll send him riht along."
And he vanished from view in the long
line of moving carriages.
Meanwhile, George, having seen to the
baggage a proceeding which had occu
pied more time than he had intended it
should returned to the ladies' room to
Snd Katie missing. lie eearched about
wildly, inquiring of every one he met, but
without success.
"She's probably already in the train,
sir," said the ticket agent, of whom he
made inquiry. "You are going to Buffalo
I think you said. That's the train for
Buffalo you'll likely find her there.
Just starting not a moment to lose !''
George grasped the railing ot the hind
car as it flew by, and. flinging open the
door, he rushed through car after car, but
peeking in vain for Kutic. She was not
on the train.
"Most likely phe got on the wrong
train, and went by way of Groton," said
the conductor. "Groton is a way station,
niteen miles further ahead. e stop
there fifteen or twenty minutes for refresh
ment!!. You'll doubtless find her there."
The cars flew over tho track. Gecrge
mentally blessed the man who invented
bteam engines he could reach Katie so
much sooner. Dear it tie thing! bow
troubled and vexed she must be ! And
Georre grew quite lachrymose over her
desolate condition.
But it seemed ages to George before
they whirled up ts tho platform at Gro
ton ; and then he did.i't wait to practice
any courtesy. He leaped out impetuous
ly, knocking over an old lady with a flower
pot and a bird cage in her hand, demol
ishing the pot, and putting the bird into
hysterics. The old lady was indignant,
and hit George a rap with her umbrella
that, spoiled forever the fair proportions
of his bridal beaver ; but he was too much
engaged in thought of his lost bride to
spars a regret tor hit hat.
lit fltfw through th aitoniihed crowd,
mashing oyer a crinoline here, and knock
ing over a small boy there, until he
reachtd the clerk of the station.. Ye3 ;
the clerk believed there was one lady
come alone. She. had gone to the Bel
vidcre House ; she must be tho one.
George waited to hear no more. He
hurried up the street to the place, where
the landlord assured him that no lady of
Katie's style had arrived; perhaps she
had stopped at Margate, ten miles back.
George seized on the hope. There was
no train to Margate until the next morn
ing, but the wretched husband could not
wait all night he would walk there.
He got directions about the roads ; was
told that it was a straight one for the
most of the way through the woods
rather lonesome, but pleasant." He set
forth at once, not stopping to swallow a
mouthful. Excitement had taken away
his appetite. The fine day had developed
into a cloudy evening, and the
would be darker than usual.
George hastened on, too much excited
to feel fatigue; too much agonized about
Katie to notice that he had split his ele
gant French gaiters out at the sides.
After three or four hours' hard walk
ing, he began to think that something
must bo wrong. He ought to be ap
proaching the suburbs of Margate. In
fact he. ought to have reached the village
itself some time before. He grew a little
doubtful about his being on the right
roau, and began to look about him. There
was no road at all, or rather, it was all
road ; for all vestige of fences and wheel
trucks had vanished, and there was forest,
forest, every where.
The very character of the ground be
neath his feet, changed at every step he
took. It grew softer and softer, until he
sunk ankle deep in mud ; and, -suddenly,
before he could turn about, he fell in al
most up to the arm pits. He had stumbled
into a quagmire ! A swift horror came
over him. It would be so dreadful to
die thus, and Katie not know what had
become of him. lie struggled with the
strength of desperation to free himself,
but he might as well have taken it coolly.
He was held fast.
Thus slowly the hours wore away.
The night was ages long. The sun had
never before taken so much time to rie ;
but probably it realized that nothing
could be done until it was up, and trs.
uot disposed to hurry.
As soon as it was fairly light, George
began to scream, at the top ot his voice,
iu the hope that some one, who might
going somewhere, might hear him. He
amused himself at this for an hour; and
at the end of that time you could not have
distinguished his voice from that of a
frog, close at hand, who had been doing
his very best to rival our hero.
At last, just a George was beginning
to despair, he heard a voice in the dis
tance, calling out
" Halloa, there ! Is it you, or a frog ?"
"It's me," cried George, "and 1 shall
be dead in ten minutes ! Come, quick !
I'm into the mud up to my eyes !"
Directly an old woman appeared, a sun
bonnet on her head and a basket on her
arm. She was huckleberrying.
"I he land s sake ! cried
she, "you're
in for it, hain't ye?"
"Yes ; too deep for comfort!"
"Sarved ye right ! I'm glad of it !
Didu't ye see the notice that the old man
put up, that nobody. musn't come a huck
leberryin' in this .ere'swamp ?"
"Huckleberrying!" exclaimed George
angrily. "You must think a fellow was
beside himself to come into this jungle, if
he knew it ! Huckleberrying, indeed !
I'm after my wife!"
"Land's sake ! Your wifo ! Well, of
all things, I declare, I never!'
"She got on the wrong train, and so did
I. I expect she'd at Margate, and I
started from Groton, last night, to walk
there, aud lost my way. Help me out !
Do, that's a dear woman !"
The old lady steadied herself by a tree,
and, being a woman of muscle, she soon
drew George out mud from head to foot.
He shook himself.
"There ! it you'll show mc the way, I
will go right on "
"No, you won't, neither ! You'll go
right over to our house, and have a cup of
coffee and something to eat, and a suit of
the old mau'i clothes to put on while I
dry yourn. And I'll send Tom over to
Margate with the boss and wagon to bring
your wire "
"You're a trump !" cried George, wring
ing her hand. "God bless you ! You
shall be rewarded for your kindness."
Mrs. Stark's house was only a little way
distant, and to its shelter she took George.
Tom was dispatched to Margate to hunt
up Mrs. Jamison ; aud George, arrayed in
a suit of Mr. Stark's clothes blue swal
low tail coat, home-made gray pantaloons,
cowhide boots, and white hat with a broad
brim, for the Starks were Friends felt
like a new man. They gave him a good
breakfast, which did not come amiss, and,
while Tom was absent, the old lady made
him lie down on the lounge and take a
Tom returned . about noon. He had
scoured tho whole village, but found noth
ing. Only one passenger had left the
rain at Margate the previous day, and
that one was an old man with patent plas
ters for sale.
Poor George was frenzied. He rushed
out of the house and stood looking first
up and then down the road, uncertain
which way to wend his course. Suddenly
the train for Groton swept past. A white
handkerchief was swinging from an open
window, and above the handkerchief
George caught the gleam of golden hair
and blue ribbons. It was Katie, beyond
a doubt. He cleared the fence at a bound,
and rushed after the flying train. He ran
till he was ready to drop, when he came
upon some men with a hand-car, who
were repairing the road. He gave them
ten dollars to take him to Groton. He
wa3 sure he should find Katie there.
But no ; the train had not stopped at
all that' was the express for Buffalo.
Buc a bystander informed him that a lad
answering tho description he gave of Ka
tie had been seen, the day before, at Dan
ville, crying, and saying she had lost her
husband. . .
George darted off. He caught with
avidity at the hpe thus held out. It
must be Katie. Who else had lost her
husband ?
A train was just leaving for Danville.
He sprang on board, and suffered an eter
nity during the transit, for it was an ac
commodation train, and everybody knows
about those horrible delays at every sta
tion.. ,
But they reached Danville at last.
George inquired for the lady who had lost
her husband. Yes, he was all right s-he
had gone to the American House to wait
for him. She expected him by every
traia, said the ticket master.
He hurried with all epeed to the Amer
ican Home.
Yes, she was there, said the clerk.
She was waiting for her husband in room
Xo. 221, light hand, second flight.
George flew up the stairs, burst open
the door of No. 221, and entered without
ceremony. She was sitting by the win
dow, looking for him, with her back to the
door. He sprang forward, and, holding
her iu his arms, rained kisses upon her
"My Katie ! my darling! have I found
you at last V
She turned her face and looked at him
before she spoke, and then she set up such
a scream as made the very hair rise on
George's head.
"You are not my James !" she cried.
"Oh, hzy hrlp! help! Somebody come
quick ! I f.hall be robbed and murdered !
Help! Murder! Thieves!"
George stood aghast. The lady was
middle-aged, with false teeth and a deci
dedly snuffy-looking nose. No more like
his charming little Katie than she was
like the Venus De Medici !
He turned to flee as the stairway
was aliv with people alarmed by the cries
of the woman. : They tried to stop him,
bu. he was not to be fetayed. He took
the stairs at a leap, and landed some
where near the bottom, among the wreck
of three chambermaids and as many white
apnned waiters.
Before apy one could seize him, ho was
rushing down over the front steps. A
lady and gentleman were slowly ascending
them, and George, in his mad haste, ran
against the lady and broke iu the brim of
her bonnet.
"You rascal !" cried the gentleman with
her, "what do you mean by treating a
lady in this manner?"
And he seized our hero by the collar.
Then, for the first time, George looked
at the couple before him.
" "lis Katie ! Oh, Katie !" cried he
for this time there was no mistake; it was
Katie and her uncle Charles. "Oh. my
wife ! my wife !"
He tried to take her in his arms, but
she fled from him in terror.
'Take that dreadful man away !" she
cried; "I am sure he is insane or drunk.
Only see his boots and his awful hat !"
"I tell you lam your own George!" he
exclaimed. "Oh, Katie, where have you
Katie now looked at him, and, recog
nizing him, oegan to cry.
"Oh, ccar I that ever I should have
lived to have seen this day! My George,
that I thought po pute and good, faithless
and intoxicated! Ob, uncle Charles,
what will become of me ?"
"3Iy dear r.iece, be patient," said her
uncle. "I think this is George, and we
will hear what he ha? to say before con
demning him. Mr. Jameson, I met your
wife in the cars yesterday, and she in
formed mc that you had deserted her at
the Windham depot. Of course I could
not believe that your absence was
intentional, and I persuaded her to re
main hers while 1 telegraphed to tho
principal stations aling the road for in
formation of you. Why did I receive no
answer ?"
"Because the telegraph docs not run
into old Mrs. Stark's huckleberry swamp,
where I had the honor of spending last
night," said George, loosing his temper.
"But this extraordinary disguise "
"My clothes were muddy, and I have
got on Mr. Stark's," said George.
And, though the explanation was not
particularly lucid to those who heard it,
they were satisfied.
"My dearest George !" cried Katie,
rushing into his amis; "so you did uot
desert mc, and I shan't have to be divorc
ed V' ; : - , ' ..
"Never, my darling! and we'll never
be separated again for a moment." .
"No; not for all the baggage' in the
world. Oh! George, you don't know
how I have suffered !"
The crowd could be kept igaorant no
longer, for scores had assembled around
the hotel, drawn thither by the disturb
ance. Matters were explained, and cheers
long and loud rent the air.
The landlord got up an impromptu
wedding dinner, at which Kate presided ;
and George, looking very sheepish in Mr.
Stark's swallow tail, did the honors.
They proceeded on their tour the next
day. Soon afterwards, Mr. and Mrs.
Stark were delighted to receive a box by
express, containing the lost suit of the
o!d gentleman and the wherewithal to
purchase him another, besides the hand
somest drawn silk bounet for Mrs. Stark
that the old lady had ever seen.
"There, old man !" said she, turning
from the glass at which she had been
surveying herself in the new bonnet, "I
allers told ye that huckleberry swamp
would turn to something, it it was only to
raise frogs in! Guess I hit things some
times !" .
The eivspaper.
Take the most thorough man of the
world, of your acquaintance the man
most perfectly versed in what goes on in
all ranks and conditions t)f life who
knows when and for what the world is
fighting, in this quarter and in that how
it builds its ships what it pays for gold
how it tills its fields, melts its metals,
cooks its food, and writes its novels and
I ask you what he would be without his
newspaper? By what possible machinery
could he learn, as he sits at his breakfast,
the last news from China, of the last bal
let at Paris, the state ot the fund at San
Francisco, the whiter at Nw Marke', th?
pantomime at Olympic, the encyclical of
tho Pope ?
It is with the actual, parsing, daily
arising incidents of life,, a man uuht to
be thoroughly acquainted, bringing to
their consideration all the aid his reading
and reflection can supply ; so that he
neither falls into a dogged incredulity on
one &ide, nor a fatal facility of belief on
the Other. In an ae so widely . specula
live as to the present, eager to inquire and
not overgiven to scruple such men as
these arc invaluable to society ; and a
whole corps of college professors would be
less effective in dispelling error or ussert
ing truth, than these people trained iu all
the dialects of the press.
Without my newspaper, life would nar
row itself to the small iimitj ot my per
sonal experiments, and humanity be com
pressed into the ten or fifteen people I mix
with. Now I refuse to accept this. I
have but a sixpence in consols, but I waiit
to know how they stand. I was never
I am never likely to be in Japan; but I
have an intense curiosity to know what
our troops did at Yokohama. I deplore
the people who suffered by the railroad
smash; and I sympathize with the newly
married couple so beautifully depicted in
the "Illustrated," as they drove off in a
chase aim fmir. I like the letters of the
correspondents, with their little grievan
ces about unpunctual trains, or some un
warrantable omissions in the Liturgy. I
even like the people who chrouicle the
rainfall, and record little facts about the
mildness ot the season.
As for the advertisements, I regard
thetn as the mirror of the age. Show mo
but one page of the "wsnts" of any coun
try, and I engage myself to give a sketch
of the curreut civilization of the period.
What, glimpse of rse interiors do we gain
by these brief paragraphs ! How full of
suggestion and story they are. Thiuk of
the social circles at Chanman's, that ad
vertises for. a lodger "that has a good voice
and would appreciate the life of a re
tired family devoted to music and tho fine
ar't'." Imagine the more exalted propri
ety of those who want a "footman in a
serious family, where ther are means of
grace and a maid kept.' Here a -.vidow
in affluent circunistancrs announces her
intention to remarry. Here a naturalist
proposes his readiness to exchange hugs
ind caterpillars with stiothcr devotee.
And here a more practical physiologist
wants from three to tour lively rats for his
terrier. Arc uot these life etchings?
Dn you want anything more plain or pal
pable to tell you where and how to live ?
Now, I want neither beetles, rats, nor
widows, but I'm not to te cut off fmoi my
sympathies with the people who do! In
the very propor'ion that wie things do
enter uij acquirements, do 1 desire to
kuow who and what are the people who
need them, why they need them, and
what they do with them when they get
them. I am human to the very tips of
my fingers, and there is not a mood in
humanity without its interest for me. I
may possibly be able to rub on -without
my legacy, but I couldn't exNt without
my newspaper. Cornelius O'Doitt?.
A Good Idea. The young men of
Mobile are a cute set. Oue of their city
papers Pays tiny fiud out how a young
lady stands in solid charms by asking her,
"Has 3'our father been pardoned ?" find
ing out, of course, whether he comes un
der the 20,000 clause.
SyKirby Smith has taken the amnes
ty oath. " ' '
TSRMS: $3.00 IL"It AXXl'Si;
Educational Departments
All communications intended for tin's column,
should be addressed to the Educational Edits
of The Alleghanian.
Since the winter of 1SG2 until som
time during the session of !ast winter "a
legislative enactment required the teach
ers cf each school district to hold an in.
stitute for their professional improvement
at least once, every two weeks. At tha
instance of certain persons, the law hi
been changed so far as to allow teacher
to hold these institutes or not, as they
shall see proper. The chief reason urged
by such as advocated the change was that
as many institutes would be held without
the law as with it. Whether or not th'u
will prove true, it is not our purpose now
to inquire, but rather to press upon tho
teachers throughout the county the neces
sity of not allowing so good an agency to
fall dead merely because the matter has
been left to their own choice. The insti
tute, when it is rightly conducted, is tha
best friend of the teacher, especially th
young teacher. Although it often hap
peus in thinly populated districts that to
be present at its meetings will require a
walk of considerable distance, yet it may
bi made profitable to take that walk. &.
tshort-siglited policy, may incline some few
to think it is not worth their whila to
spend every other Saturday at an insti
tute seeing they do not expect to be per
manently engaged in teaching. That is
a mistaken notion. By meeting with oth
ers of greater experience, or of quicker
perceptions, or with those who are gifted
with ' aptness to teach" a gift that be
longs not to the many you will be helped
over uot a few difficulties and enabled to
avoid trouble in the manage Jient ot your
school and aided in the elucidation of
puiuts you otherwise coulu not clearly
Six active teachers can at any time hold
an interesting aud useful township insti
tute. Twelve are of course to be prefer
red, but more than that number are not
needed. That which . makes the success
ful institute is the interest and activity
shown,, not mere numerical strength. As
there should be prfseufc a goodly number
of the scholars attending where the insti
tute is helJ, let same of the most advanc
ed be added to the classes if they seem
too sniall. - . . -
At a well conducted Institute, one adds
to the benefit of his own experience, that
of thj experience of others. He may
teach Beading well, buc mav be defectiva
k , r y
in teaching Geography, and at the insti
tute he will likely meet some one who
fails in teaching Heading but is s-uccessful
iu Geography.. For the purpose of an in
stitute is thu interchanging of views rela
tive to the diifereut methods of inculcating
the several branches aud the agencies of
government. A young teacher should
attend in order to Jearu from older heads,
"and an old teacher should not be absent
lest he become too firmly set in his owo
There is danger in this as in other
counties of the S;ate, now that the com
pulsory law is repealed, that there will ba
i -
a retrograde movement in reiatiou to dis
trict institutes. A retrograde movement
in this respect is a backward step ot our
whole school system. The repeal of the
law imposes new duties on all who were
its friends, whether they desired its repeal
or not. It uow devolves oa County Su
perintendents, Directors, tcicners, and
citizens who upheld institutes in times
past to stand by them now. While. Su
perintendents can only urge, Directors
can stipulate for them to be held, aod'ao- .
tive teachers can uso their personal infill- "
ence. When they are he'.d, let the ruddy
faces of the yeomanry of the rural dis
tricts and the paler ones of the towns and
villages be seeu in attendance. The num
ber of inexperienced teachers is unusually
and inconveniently large. These should
be improved as rapidly as possible by be
ing brought in contact with teachers of
more enlarged experience.
mm m
Not long since a teacher desired to know
how she niy,ht interest her pchool. W
a-ked her if-she felt intere.-ted herself.
Her reply was "Not much." Here was
the grand secret of lailure. The teacher
must first btcomcinteieted, and the leaven
will show itself through the whole school.
But says one -"How can I be interested
iu thus dull, monotonous daily touting?
I have been over, aud through it, t?rm
after, term, and it has become stale." So
you have been through the operation of
eating some three times a day during ths
past twenty years, aud yet we venture tha
assertion that at every returning meal you
have a good appetite And although you
havo bread a:id potatoes on the table for
years, and .have seen, felt and tasted them,
and kuow all about them, still you havo
relish lor them. Why is this ? Simply
because you have digested them. Whea
your physical stomach refuses to digest
the food within it, it has no desire fcr
more. So with the mental stomauh. -Wl'en
you become cloyed with the funda
mental rules ot Arithmetic and Grammar,
Sft it down as a fact that you have uot
properly . digested those rules. A full
knowledgti of them gives an almost end
less field for prospectiug in, while- a par
tul knowledge uot ouly bewilders the.
mind, but renders a further iovettigttioa
painful, .
i I