ti-as ' c. Di of ri ri tt ajt a er- or- m- ire ei i. our do 0 a JtRS0A:::::'":::::::i UBO AND CRESSON RAILROAD. f nd fe Monday, October 16, 1863, P 'I .ku toad will run aa follows : .tf3 -.., with Erie Mail Art x. 1 rfjt and Altoona Accom. East. . . p U connecting with Altoona Ac-fLw-t aniMail East. I o ?.'-, connecting with Mail Train XVE LRES0- nrtnr of Al- , u 0 A. l 1,4 " r " . lU . ' . worn.' East. ()7i,or.n departure of Mail Train , gp'jf.. or on departure of Mail Tram nesi. ENOCH LEWIS. Gen. Supt. L0BE?(x PITCAIRN, Supt. Pitti. Div. High Prices Fkesh Meat. If re be any necessity lor tne extrava t charges made for fresh meat in our ,,r1 Villi tn c -l:rf e CODiess we uic 'l . 1 .1- - you are fond of steak, ana pay me efcer 22 cent3 a pound therefor ; your r IV. . TvVi5.-K rrrm fll- .ialitv is lor rouM, j' j 15 cents a pound ; or you like v-i-r and take half steak and half roast, n 18 ceLts a pound. or beer rouna :harge per pound is 16 cents. cvjnd controversy, "tho times" are ercow they were one year ago. .Last the grain and grass crops were almost : failures, making the fattening of cut is market a costly experiment ; per ra, bay, oats and com were never t . t. .V.j -.tier cr ci.eaper wiau uuw, auu m. eningof cattle costs a mere bagatelle. 10 Olir Circuiting CUrieiJi:j, u iniaur cannot De taiu iu ue mvhu itca uwn a j it was one year ago. --i.ua yei, we ) that last November fresh beef round I yelling in our market for S cents a La uow U is 1G ; fresh pork was sel- at 15 cent now it is held at 22. iVll things considered, the price of fresh Vt as it now stands is a swindle upoa X i;uOiiC. fi Vatcher buys a beef for 6 cents a it live weight. The rule is that half gross weight of a beef 13 lost ia pre ::it for market or, iu other words, the clean meat of a beet is or.lv one- : its grcss weight. Let us say the : weighs 800 pound? ; it costs the ;hnr gross S4S 00. He butchers it, ::sg -100 pounds of clean meat, which tils in market for 1G cents a pound ;:;or for 604.00. The hide he sells "e tanner for 6.00 ; and the tallow lor clU.U'J. Orcss Ttceipt?, 0 a net proEt on the beef of $32.00. ch is unmistakably a nice thing for late her ! .'e r.ca it stated in the papers that lis Frisby, of Fayette, Missouri, pro- 5'of.irr,ish the best beef in the mar :j iu?toricrs at five cents a pound. " Ti'ild it pay for an association of our y..io buy up this Missouri beef, pack j aad bring it here by rail ? Wo rc ti-it, after paying cost and cxpen trmspovlalion, it could still be sold lit gures considerably lower than mow ruling in our market. information cf ar.ti beef-eating asso :ccs has been tried in various places, turned j kr the high prices, and with Her.t tuecess. If the combination be ;e enough, the butchers eoon are left -t a custom r, and must "come ' or shut up .hop. It is a most po t tttvlr.J 0f Lringir.g those worthies to r Jcr.f?at n3 0f demonstrating that i . , ,li ut'c.i panent tnd wng-sufler- Our Churches. To onr notion, the taste displayed in the construction and keeping injepair of its churches is a sure index of the character of a town. Thus, if tho churches be of superior style and finish, and kept neat and tidy, we look for a prosperous town, with intelligent inhab itants ; but, if the churches be old-fashioned, uncouth, and ugly, we take it for granted that the town is at a stand-still, if not absolutely retrograding, and that the inhabitants are old fogies. If this view be a correct one, then the people of Eb ensburg have cause to felicitate themselves on the prosperity of the town and on their own intelligence. Our churches are all, or nearly all, ornaments to the town, while in the way of improvements we note the following : The Catholic congregation (St. Patrick's) intend remodeling their church edifice next summer, enlarging and improving it, the funds necessary for that purpose having already been real ized. It is in contemplation to build a new Disciples' church the coming sum mer, the proposed edifice to be of brick, and neat and tasteful in design. Several necessary improvements have lately been made on the Presbyterian church, condu cing at once to its subsfantialness and general appearance. In addition to these, as an improvement which is more poeti cal than practical, wo mentioc that the members of the Welsh Independent church are now raising by subscription the sum cf $500 wherewith to purchase a cabinet organ. There may he more improvements of like character in progress or in contem plation, but we do not know it. But this ia enough to show that our people are fully awake to the necessity of keeping up or of bringing forward their church edifices to a standard commensurate with the requirements of a progressive enlight enment and a growing Christianity. Rabbit Hunting Extraordinary. In a rural district not a hundred miles from this place, rabbits do much abound, and a great number are slaughtered during the fall and winter seasor. Some weeks since, two men, residents of the II. D. aforesaid, went out to bag a brace of the "cotton-tails." The success they met whh was unique. "Shake the under brush," shouted one to the other across a clump of bushes "I think I see one !" Accordingly the underbrush was shaken, a ponderous foot being brought into re quisition to create the necessary agitation. "Hist ! I 6eo it !" and up went the gua of No 1, a loud report succeeded, and a handful of slugs sped on their deadly mission. Simultaneously, No. 2 cave a yell of pain, jumped four feet and a ha!" in the air, and then, alighting, executed a delirious fandango. He had received the full charge of elugs in his fott which was the object that the lively imagina tion of the other had invested with the j form and semblance of a rabbit when he I proclaimed that he "saw it !" No. 2 has ve feme rights which thev 1 ttamtain. Such an cciation mi-ht ' ?rcat F'ntty bo orcauiied here n. .-TV, t0,a of K6aiorJ wlmcdrU Jt, eld i0 J. ... TJ -. . . . . ;iij A. Smith all citizen f ti- . W4 auuia.ia :caT0rei tQ cQaa thedcieatof nUite for State Senator in this . J v"c't!:S a ian-e sum r.f w n j u T j "etrsck.. P..-...- ,rt. "7"u'e is unusually plenty llonS -ood. just now. We - week, wh:b the squirrels and Jr 6me bagged daily, Sundays ex- tf' C St Whh0ut naber....Da. W three or four days, ye have . me -eai Indian summer ( "'uur !cal correspondents thio'- ;e have been strangely remiss 'ebeto lini-r . j - utu uicui Duun. ''obnstnwn n .... , ,Kvicrai tens oi a from the State of Maine" who , . village beside the railroad i Wk f Whisk wi,h a num. i, tloc C0Qstituents." We w. -ng about the matter; but as o the Democrat was probably tlla tatthe time spoken of, and Ptl . J vuu,POEe(i oue of the 7rtrthor,,ofwhuk' C le autWJ 00 tb Mb V4h peaki. been using a crutch of late. Their Sentences. The Burkholder family, tried and convicted in the Blair county Court of grand larceny, received their sentences on the 3d instant. The Court, after having kindly admonished them, giving them some wise counsel and good advice, stated that out of mercy he would make their sentences equal, in or der that all should come out of prison at the same time, when their family relations could be renewed, with a view to a better and happier life. The parties were then sentenced each to pay a fine of $5 aud undergo aa imprisonment in the Western penitentiary for the period oi two years. Who Can Beat It ? We acknowl edge the receipt from Mr. John Westover, Susquehanna township, of one beet, thirty inches in circumference, and weighing 11 pounds. This i3 the biggest beet of the scasou of which we have seea mention, if we except the one presented to tho Cop perheads of New Jersey by the Union men at the election on Tuesday of last week. An accompanying note from Mr. W. informs us that he cultivated an apple measuring fourteeu inches in circumfer ence, and that from one acre of ground he realized 160 bushels of corn. Case Disposed Of. The case of Dr. John J. Krise, ot Clearfield township, Cambria county, charged with attempting to resist the draft, came up before the U. S. Court at Pittsburg on the 16th in- Istant. Enough of legal testimony not appearing to warrant a conviction, the prosecution was abandoned and the Doctor discharged from custody. Visitor. We had the pleasure of meeting in our office on Saturday, John Scott, Esq., editor of the Brookville Re publican. Mr. S. was one of the old-time residents of Ebensburg, and twenty-five years ago printed the Sky newspaper here. Success to him I Sei Governor Cwrtin's Thanksgiving Proclamation. Peterson's Magazine. We are in receipt of this popular Lady's Magazine for December. It is a splendid number. The principal engraving, "Papa, Papa is one of great beauty. . For many years, "Peterson's Magazine" has had a larger circulation than any other monthly in the United States. In 1S66 it-will be greatly improved : the reading matter will be in creased, and each number wiU contain a double-size steel fashion plate, elegantly colored, with from four to six figures making "Peterson" the cheapest in the world. The terms will remain $2.00 a year to single subscribers. To clubs it is cheaper still, viz: five copies for 8.00, eight copies for 12.00, or fourteen copies for 20.00. To every person getting up a club, (at these rates,) the Publisher will feud an extra copy gratis. Specimens sent (if written for) to those wishing to get up clubs. Address, postpaid, Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut st., Phila. NEYTSPAroRiAL. The Johnstown Tri oune gives notice that hereafter all tran sient advertising and job work done at that office, and all. subscriptions to the paper, must be paid for in advance. This is che true principle, and the one which all country printing-offices will be obliged sooner or later to adopt. The Hollidaysburg Standard completed its twentieth volume last week. Twenty years is a long life for a newspaper, and yet the Standard looks hearty and vigor ous enough to last twenty years longer. Lieut. John McWilliams has become associated with Mr. John W. nill iu the publication of the Indiana True American. Between tho two, they got out a greatly improved paper last week. Mr. A. L. Guss has retired from the editorial management of the MifBintown Sentinel, and is succeeded by Mr. H. H. Wilson. The Pittsburg Commercial. This paper last week came out in a considera bly enlarged form, and otherwise greatly improved. It is now the largest daily in the State, and one of the ablest and belt conducted. We are glad to ncto this ev idence of its increasing prosperity and popularity, and hope the future may deal kiadly with it as the past. We cordially commend it to all who may desire to sub scribe for a first-class daily. Good News New Goods! Mr. Jas. M. Thompson, ot the Cheap Cash Store at the Post Office, has gone to the eastern cities to lay in a stock of winter goods. He intends buying a very extensive as sortment, of only the latest styles and best quality. Be on hand when he re turns, if you want to get bargains. Our young friend M. D. Christy, of Oil City, was in town on Wednesday of last week. He was looking as though j the climate and fare of Pelrolia agreed with him. i 1 " i ! n T-TOllWW-r-TTTHg mj The Singer Sewing Machines. Our Letter A Faviily Sewing Machine is fast gaiuing s world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all Family Sewing Machines yet offered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machine has so many useful appliances for Ilemminti, Binding. Felling, Tucking, Gathering, Gaug ing, Braiding, Embroidering, Cording, ic. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread. Grei-.tand recent improvements make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most certain in action at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, even of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance, how to use the letter A Fam ily Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are finished in chaste and exquisite style. The Folding Case of the Family Machine is a piece of .cunning workmanship of the most useful kind. It protects the machine when not in use, and when about to be oper ated may be opened as a spaciou3 and sub stantial table to sustain the work. While some of the Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the simplest and chastest manner possible, others are adorned and embellished in the most costly and superb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Machine in operation, bo as to judge of its great capacity and beauty. It is fast becoming as popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk, twist, thread, needles, oil, &c, of the very best, quality. Send for a 1'amphlet. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. 458 Broadway, New York. PHILADELPHIA Office, 810 CHEST NUT fcT. C. T. Roberts, Agent in Ebensbceo. March 9, 1865. -Iy. . gJ3r Itch ! Itch I . Itch ! Scratch ! Scratch I Scratch ! Wheatoti's Ointment will cure the Itch in 4.8 Hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Frica 50 cent'. For 6ale by all Druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS 4 POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage to any part of the Unittd State. 0ts. .m. rWCK SALES, QUICK SALES, . QUICK SALES, AND AND AJJD SMALL PROFITS V SMALL PROFITS !" SMALL PROFITS I" BARKER'S CnEA'P STORE t BARKER'S CHEAP STORE 1 BARKER'S CHEAP STORE I , ' 1 : EBENSBURG, PA. 1 ' EBENSBURG, PA. EBENSBURG, PA. THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, THE BEST SELECTED, THE BEST SELECTED, THE BEST SELECTED EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN t EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN 1 EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN ! LARGEST! CHEAPEST I BEST! LARGEST 1 CHEAPEST ! BEST I LARGEST! CHEAPEST 1 BES.T ! Fall and Winter, 1SG5. The subscriber calls the attention of the public to the fact that he has just received and opened out the largest stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, both Foreign and Domestic, ever brought to Ebensburg. A full and complete assortment of DRY GOODS. Everything new and desirable in the line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Everyjjdesription of WOOLEN GOODS. A superior assortment of HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, &c. The best assortment ot READY-MADE CLOTHING ever before offered here. Light and tasteful HOOP SKIRTS AND BALMORALS. The latest styles of nATS AND CAPS. Ladies', men's, youth's and children's BOOTS AND SHOES. A full supply of GROCERIE3. To say nothing of HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WILLOW & CEDAR-WARE, BR OOMS, BRUSHES, FISH, SALT, NAILS, &c, 4c, tec. Not to enumerate lurther, suffice it to say that his is a first-class Country Store, where anything and everything required by the people can be had. Buying twice as large a stock as any other merchant in town, he buys cheaper, aad can therefore sell cheaper, than any competitor. The public is invited to call before purcha sing elsewhere. No charge for showing goods, buy or not buy. Jfc5TThe highest market price paid for County Produce. A. A. BARKER, HIGn St., EBENSBURG. A. A. BARKER, HIGH St., EBENSBURG. A. A. BARKER, HIGH St., EBENSBURG. TAYLOR & CREMFR, AT THE HUNTINGDON NURSERIES, Huntingdon, Pa. Sell Fruit & Ornamental Tress, Vines &c. of better growth, larger size, and at lower prices than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseries ana warrant them true to namo. Standard Apple trees at 18 cents each ?16 per 100. Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each $12.50 to 515 per 10 Standard Pear trees. 50 to 75 cts oach. Dwarf Pear trees, 50$to$leach 20 to $60 per 100 Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 75 cts each Standard Cherry trees 37 to 75 eta Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to 75 cts. Plum trees 50 cts. Apricot trees 40. to 50 cts. Nectarine trees 25ct3 each. Grape Vines 25 cts to $1. Silver Maple trees 62 J to $1 . European Ash, 75 to 1. European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50 Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1. American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to $1.50 American & Chinese Arbor Vita?, 50 ct $1.50 Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, &c. so Huntington, Jan. 25, 1860 tf.. T74RST NATIONAL BANK JJ OF ALTOONA, Corner ot Virginia and Annie Streets, oppo site Superintendent's Office Penna. RR., Blair county, Penna. U. S DEPOSITORY A FINANCIAL AGENCY. Monies received on deposit. Interest al lowed on time deposits. Gold and Silver Bought and Sold. Frattional Currency and Mutilated United-States Notes Redeemed. Drafts on the principal Citie3 for sale. Cen tral Depot for the sale of United States Inter nai Revenue Stamps. This Bank keeps on hand for sale the 7 3-10 U. S. Treasury Xotes, and takes subscrip tions, for the same. This is the Popular Loan. 'the only Government Loan now in market at par, giving those who have money a safe and desirable opportunity for invest ment Two Cents a Day for each $100. These Notes, at Maturity, can be exchanged for 5-20 Six per cent. Gold bearing bonds. WM. M. LLOYD, rrest. D. T. Caldwell, Cashier. Feb. 9, 1865.-tf. 700D MORRELL & CO., Johnstown, Fa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti cles : HATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS SHOES, GROCERIES, BONNETS, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, BACON, FEED OF ALL KINDS, VEGETABLES C. 2?" Clothing and Boots and Shoes made '.o order on reasonableterms. Johnstown March I 1860-tf. COAL! COAL! COAL ! The public are hereby notified that now is the time to order a winter's supply of Coal. Cars on the Railroad are plenty, and transportation sure. Later in the season, this may not be case. Send on your orders now. Coal furnished at reduced rates from last fall's prices. WM. TILEY. Htnlock, Cambria eo. Aug.24; 1865.-5m. IT JOHNSON'S RHEUMATIC COM POUND .ND BLOOD PCRIFrKR. THE SOLDIER'S FRIEND! GREAT INTERNAL R EMEDTl . Hear the Testimony of a Soldier, Provost Marshal's Office, Pittsburg, Decembr 17, 1864. Mr. Andrew Johnsojt : Dear Sir Tn nv vember last I had a severe attack of Rheu matism, to which I hate not been subject for aea.ny tnrce years, ine auacK was so se vere that I could not move my head nor raisa my armk After trying different medicines in vain, I was induced to use your rhicmatio COMPOUND and BLOOr fctTKlS'lEft. nd tifn T had taken three bottles I was 6b completely cures vaai i couia perioral any tfufy to which, my country might call me. 1 can gladly and confidently recommend it to my fellow soldiers as the quickest and turttt remedy I ever used. Your true friend. NORRIS PATTERSON. Reference J. T. Patterson nnrJ TC ; n ; . u Duncan, 77 Wood Street. r Let the Sujering Read, and Cease to Despair. Mr. Johnson Dear Sir : This is to ccrtii fy that by using three-fourths of a bottle of your RnEUMATIC COMPOUND and BLOOD PURIFIER, I was completely cured of Chronic Rheumatism, alter having suffered For mora than eighteen years. It has been over lour year3 since I was cured, and I have not fait the slightest symptoms of its return. I remain yours truly, ANDREW ARMSTRONG. No. 19 James street. Allegheny City, May 3, 1864. Ms. A. Johnson '.Dear Sir My wife was takes bad with Inflammatory Rheumatism in March last. She was very much swollen and the pain she suffered was severe ; she was confined to her bed. I was advised to try your Rheumatic Fluid and Blood Purifier, bo I got a bottle of it, and before the half of it was used she was entirely well. The cure is a perfect one; I never saw such medicine. She had only taken three doses of it when the swelling and pain began to abate. All your medicince wants is to be known in or der to give it success. Yours affectionately, JAMES M'ALLISTER. My residence is No. 123 Cherry Alley, whera my wife can be seen by any person doubting the truth of the above. Pittsbceg, April l&th, J664. prepared by 11. iS. SELLERS & CO., Sole Proprietors. PITTSBURGH, PA. To whom all orders must be addressed.- Price one dollar per bottle. JgELLERS' LIVER PILLS! PLAIN AND SUGAR COATED. The Original, only True and Genuine.) nave stood Tor thirty yvars a Staple Rem edy, nnequald by any medicine known for the. ctire of Liver Complaint, Costirenesf, Sick Headache and Bilious Disorders, ana indeed for the whole class of diseases origi nating ia biliary derangements. Great Cure of Liver Complaint. By the Original, Only True and Gerizin LIVER PILLS. Silver Creek, Ohio Co., Va., Mar. 20, '40, Mr. R, E. Sellers: Dear Sir I thinK it a duty I owe to yon aud the public generally, to state that I have been afflicted with Liver complaint for a long time, and so badly,, that an abscess formed and broke, which left mo in a -very low state. Daving heard of your celebrated Lirer Pills being for sale by A. R. Sharp, West Liberty, and recommended to me by my physician. Dr. F. Smith, I con cluded to give thera a. fair trial. 1 purchased one box, and found them to be just what they are recommended the best Liver Pills ever used ; ad after taking four boxes, I find tha diseaee has entirely left me, and 1 axn now perfectly well. iRespectfully vour, D. IL COLEYAN. I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr. Coleman, and I can . bear testimony to the truth of the above certificate. A. R. SHARP. " GENERAL SATISFACTION." Greenville, Floyd Co., led, Oct. 27, I65ff. Mr. R. E. Selleis r Sir : I am out of yoar Liver Pills, and should be glad to receive a supply, as they give general satisfaction.- Please send me some soon. CYRUS BRADFORD. TO THE PUBLIC. Owing to ths increased demand through out the country for sugar coated pills, tha Proprietor has commenced th oper.-uion of sugar coating the celebrated liter pill, thereby placing them before the publ.cboth plain and sugar coated. prepared by R. E. SELLERS CO., Proprietors, Pittsburo, Pa. CJELLER'S COUGH IMPERIAL SYRUP, Pronounced to be the Pleasantest and moil EifLcacious remedy cow in use. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, In fluenza, Tickling Sensation of th: Throat, Whooping Cough, c, J-e. Seller's Imperial Cough Syrup has given relief to hundreds who have used it, and tha proprietor is pertuaded that it has the power to impart benefit that cannot be claimed for the Cough Mixtures in general use. Most cf the mixtures sold for coughs are composed of spirituous and inflammatory ar ticles, which, while they give little relief, really do harm. The Imperial Cough Syrup contains no . spirituous ingredient whatever, and may be used in all cases not requiring an active medical treatment. Seller's Cough Syrup Without a Rival. Pittsburg, Fifth Ward, Feb. 26, 1856. Mr. R. E. Sellers: On the llth ulL, I caught a very severe cold. The night fol lowing I went to bed earlier than usual. yet notwithstanding I had slept none th night before my cough whs so severe that I could not sleep, neither could those ia tha room with me. The person sleeping with me was so much annoyed by my coughing that he got up and went to a drug store, and. ought a bottle of your Cough Syrup, &mt dot of which to my great astonishment, stopped my cough as if by magic. I went to work in the morniug, aud am now $uitewell. Yotis, 4c, JOHN DEAN. I hereby certify that 1 am well acquainted with the above circumstance, and the s t a. to rn eut given is true. A, JOHNSOX. - R. E. SELLERS k CO., Sole Proprietors. riTTS3rjR6t Pa. -V A A u IT