"XjTjnrEurEdll and Proprietor. . . VOLUME 7. .vmn V OF POST OFFICES. post O.Jices. Chess Springs, Wesson, EjCHIirg. fallea Timber, gealoek, Johnstown, Loretto, Jlunster, piattsville, St. Augustine, Scalp Level, gonman, SumiuerUUl, Surarait, TVilmore, rost Masters. Lfistricts Steven L. Evans, Carroll. Henry Nutter, A. G. Crooks, J. Houston, John Thompson, C. Jeffries, J. M. Christy, Wai Tiley, Jr., I. E. Chandler, M. Adlesberger, A. Durbin, Chest. Taylor. "Washint'n. Ebensburg. White. Gallitzin. Washt'n. Johnst'wn. Loretto. Munster. Andrew J Ferral, Susq'han. ctn Wharton. Clearfield. George Rerkey, B. M'Colgan, George 1L Wike, Vm. M'Connell, J. K. Shryock, Richland. Washt'n. Croyle. Washt'n. S'merhill. . tjev. T. M. Wilson, pastor. vnrcre7y Sabbath morning at 10 J nd in the evening at 7 o'clock. Sab- C ,nn nr. O C Ot&i -J - Thursday Zoning at 6 o'clock Baker, Pershixo, as- Preacnerin ,.u-iS. Sabbath i'ant Preaching every Sort, at 10 J o'clock. Sabbath School at 9 Sa. M. Prayer meeting every U edne dar evening, at 7 o'clock. Powell 'll'dch Independent Rev Ll. R-. I owell, Ptor.-Prea?h!ng every Sabbath , morning ; at ti evenuiii i " dabbath School ut 1 o'clock i . ;u. "J" meetin- on the first Monday evening of each men hi and on every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening, excepting the first week ,n each niouth. ,. CaMnuiU MetUdht-V. Mono ax Ellis ruator.-Prcaching every Sabbath evening at 2 and 6 o'clock. Sabbath School at 1 o clock, A. M. Piaver meeting every Friday evening, at 7 o'clock. Society every Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Disciples Key. W. Lloyd, Tastor. Preach i:? evcrv Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. "'Particular IJtrpiisU Rev . David Evans, Putor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at 3 o'clock. Sabbath School at at L o'clock, P. M. Catholic Her. R. C. Christy, Pastor. Services every Sabbath morning at 10 o'cloek Vespers at 4 o'clock in the evening. EKEXSBl'RG 31. 1 11.5. MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern, dailv, at 12.00 o'clock, noon. Western, at 12.00 o'clock, noon. MAILS TLUSE. r-.Ltr.rn .1,1 iti- t 8 o'clock. P. M. If t stern, at 8 o'clock, P. tv5Thf? mails from Newman's Mills, Cnr- -liu-wii. ic, arrive c.i Monday, Wednesday av..l VVnA-y of c:ic'.-. week, at o'clock, P. M. Leave Ebensburj on Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, A. M. RAIMiOAD .SCUKIH'LB. CRESiOX STATION, t Halt. Kxmvss leaves at 1.17 A Y.c M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. ' Phila. Express " Fast Line " Mail Train " Pitts, a Erie Ex. ' Altoona Acconi. " E,?-ri:ila. Ei-press " ' Fast Line " Day Express " Pin-. Lrie Ex. " Mail Train ;' AL'joua Accor.i. " 10.07 A. 9.o8 P. 8.3S P. V.l?, A. 4.30 P. ..-0 P. 1.43 A. 7.0J A. M. 12.03 P. M. 5.10 P. M. 11.10 A. M. tOl'XTY OFFICERS. Ju.hcs cf the Courts President Hon. Geo. T.ivlor, lluntinauon ; Associates, George W. tuUy, Ueary C. Devii.e. iVot!.o!i(.f-c-yJoeph M'Donal 1. Jitgttur ont l.'o-i Utr James lirlSln. Srrif Juints Myers. Dls'Titt Ailornj. Philip S. Noon. Cvunt't C!:imi.'si:trs John Campbell, Ed-w-rJ Gliii. E. II. Lninnegan. Clerk to Cumaii.-ioncrs William II. Scch !r. 7- :svrer saac Wike. C'-r'; to Tre uurer John Lloyd. l,r H-JUe Ihr'dors (;eorge M'Cullough. uirge orris, JuKli Dai!ty. Pior Uous: Treasurer George C. K. Zalim. .4uf;for4Frnti. P. riercev, Jno. A. Ken nedy, Euanui UraHic-r. Ccu.ity Shrvr Pienrv canlan. Coroner. -V.-iiHanj Fiatie'rv. Mtrtantile Appraise r Joan Cot. t- of Common Schools J. F. Condon. EBn.SBl'P.G llu. OFFICERS. T I- A It & E . -utttcei of the J'eact r-Craund J. lrafer?. narrison Kinkead, wooi rectors Phi 'P Noon. AJel 'u.w, uavid J. Jones Hugh Jones, Wm. M. roujh Treasurer Geo. W Oatman. 'n6-,'i?.. r ' ' east ward. Joicn Coun? ;rv n.. ouncd E. lluirhec no. J. Erac Evan Griffith. Ti Will. I). IViria Moi -ri.r. 'iupson. - J J V W "J AA U K' Tibboit Robert D. feC E(ction Daniel O. Evans. Jsr-J. A. Moore. r WEST waud. "J'-Thos. J.Williams. a-ra? ?''"ct,l-lsc Crawford, James P. aaV. ' Kltte11' IL Kink?ad, George W. r7?lbert EvanS' JD0' E' Slan. t r:t Llection. John D. Thomas. -o-.t'npt. Murray. T?.l SOCIETIES, &C. ir. T , ' . .... 4-r. ""eti i 1, JUUJ,U11- i-ouge o. 6Z A. Y . M. U'a Masonic Hall, Ebensburg, on the p -u luesday of each month, at 1 o'clock, oA0 - J Highland Lodge No. 428 I. O. 3 mJ0Jd Fellows' Hall, Ebensburg, 7 Wednesday evening Ti-lr"IIisl,land Division No. 84 Sons of i'rance meets in Temperance Hall, Eb- ;aiuruay evening. of subscription' ""HIE ALLEGHANIAN ." $2.00 IN ADVANCE, ,Ml ATTIK OF THE YEAR. to 1 tr; EBENSBTJR "Some Day." You smooth the tangles from my hair With gentle touch aud tenderest care, And count the years ere you shall mark, Bright silver threads Among the dark Smiling the while to hear me say, You'll think of this again some day, Some day !" I do not scorn the power of Time, Nor count on years of fadeless prime, But no white gleams will ever shine Among these heavy locks of mine: Ay, laugh as gaily as you may ; You'll think of this agatu some day, t Some day ! Some day ! I shall not feel as now, Ycur soft hands move about my brow I shall not slight your light command, And draw the long braids thro' my hand ; I shall be silent and obey, And you you will not laugh that day, Some day ! I know how long your loving hands Will finger with these glossy bands, When you shall weave my last crown Of these thick braidings,long and brown ; But you will see no touch of gray Adown their shining length that day, Some day ! And while your tears are falling hot Upou the lips which answer not, You'll take from those one treasured tress, And leave the rest to silentness Remembering that I used to say, "You'll think of this again, some day, Some day 1" "It :,3 almost dark," said Lizzie Elliott, perched on the bars that led into tlie solemn quietude of the Martiustower wood?, with hcrlrown hood hanging 1'roni otic arm, and a scarlet shawl drawn over her tangled black curls. "I wonder why papa dt'n't come !". Jjizzie was a selfish sort of a damsel, with gre it black eyes and peach-red cheeks, aud a blue calico dress fearfully torn by some jigged bramble. She was not par ticularly graceful, nor were the hands tnat held the schawl 'ogether under her chin slender and snowy. Ou the contrary, the March, wind hvi rcdJenc-d ther;, and bi.No ler hhort curls about until you eouU' t-carcely have tolo, from any out- i ward inuicatioti, whether she were boy or girl. "Lizzie ! child ! come down thii instant ! When will you lcaru to be a little more lady-like?" And Lizzie slipped guiltily down from her rcat on the- lop-most bar, as a sfout old gentleman, with iron-gray hair, aula suit to match, came trotting down the roud on a stout little pony. 4,Oh, papa! I thought you never was coming '." 'I'll tell tou what I am going to do," said the old gentleman irascibly, as Lizzie sauntered along by the pony's side, with one hand thrown over its shaggy7 inane, and the reddened fingers playing with the loos'O locks. "I'm goiug to buy a pair of loose trous ers and a coat, and set you to work cut ting trees with the rest of the men-folks. It's all a mistake trying to make a young lady of you." ;I wish you would, papa," ejaculated Lizzie, "it would be such lun !" "Fun !" echoed the old gentleman, "Xow I give you fair warning, Miss Liz zie, you have got to be a htt.'e more cir cumspect in future. Mr. Martin b coming home." "Mr. Martin of Martinstower ?" "The same." Lizzie looked back to where the sunset was turning the vast gothic windows of the gray stone mansion among the Mar tinstowcr woods to gold, and opened her black eyes very wide. "I wish lie would stay at Para Parn what's its name' I cau't steal any more roses from the lawn, nor play at hide and seek with Nero in the iireat stone portico any more. What docs he want to come back for V "Probably because lie is tired of living in foreign countries," dryly responded her lather. "Aud when will he be here ?" "In the course of a month or two. His confidential clerk comes immediately to sec about refurnishing and decorating Martinstowcr for his reception, and" "He must be a very fine young gentle man if the old furniture isn't good enough," said Lizzie, elevating her little nose. "Will you hold your saucy .tongue, Miss? Ilow dare jou speak in that way of a man who must be worth, at least computation, a quarter of a million? I was going to say that I hope Mr. Martin will make it his home at our house for a day or two before he takes possession of his new residence. Viola is a pretty girl, and it may not be a bad idea to establish j some intimacy betweeu our place anu Martinstower before " "I understand," said Lizzie, nodding her head knowingly. "Viola would make a splendid fine lady, and so would Blanche. Mrs. Martin, of Martinstower I wouldn't it be glorious !" "Lizzie!" eaid her father, sharply, "you will obligo m by moderating your I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Henby Clay. tone somewhat. : There is somebody com ing down the road hush !" The words were; yet on his lips as a tall, well built young man, in a coarse gray overcoat and a felt hat, came up. "Can you tell me the way to Martins tower, sir ?" "Martinstower!" repeated Mr. Elliott, staring at the stranger. "Upon; my word, it is a strange coincidence, young sir. You are undoubtedly Mr. Hartwell, referred to in the letter I this morning received from Maurice Martin and beg leave to introduce myself as Job Elliott, 9gent for the Martinstower estate,". --.. "Letter," repeated the young man, "has the letter but just arrived ?" "This morning," returned Mr. Elliott, courteously. "Perhaps you'll return with ma to-night, Mr. Hartwell, and we can go over the property to-morrow. I have the less hesitatiDn in extending an invita tion to you, young man, as your employer gives me to understand that you are an exceedingly worthy person, although ahem of common-place extraction." The stranger had removed his soft hat, probably out of compliment to the red fingered young lady, and stood with a pair of large blue eyes fixed on Mr. Elli ott's rather pompous face. "Thank you, sir," he said composedly "As.it is late, and I am totally unac quainted in the viciuity, I shall accept your hospitable oficr." Viola Elliott, a handsome, olive-cheeked girl of about twenty was eagerly await ing her father, just within the threshold of the cozy, though plainly furnished family apartment. "Oh, papa, is it true that Martin is " She stapped short, and Blauche, a plump, languishing blonde who was curled upon the sofa with a novel in her hand, burst into a giggle as the confidential clerk's tall figure loomed up behiud her portly parent "My dear," said Mr. Elliott, flourishing his hand, "this s Mr. Hartwell, the sec retary, ciev : I scarcely know what to Mr. Martin to call him dispatched by prepare Martinstower for a nttiug recep- Hon." Viola bent her head etifily. Blanche just nodded. Truly the confidential clerk felt that his greeting could ecarcely be characterized a over warm. "Papa," said Viola, following her father mto the uininc: room, -what matte you ask him horn with you just when you arc ao nurnea : "Hurried, Viola "That's just a man's view of tilings," pouted the young lady. "You might have known that Blanche and T have nothing fit to wear we mut have our new pink dresses made airain-t Mr. Mar tin's return andjthe best bed romn must be repapered, and the parlor paint is shocking, and here you bring a great staring fellow to lounge round in the way. Why couldn't he go to the villiage tav- ern V" "My dear, you forget that he is Maurice Martin's confidential clerk." "No, papa, I don't forget anything of the sort," retorted Viola, sharply. "But I am sure that is no way to give Mr. Mar tin a favorable impression, for him to find us hand and jjlove with his trumpery clerk. lie will suppose he must sup pose that our associations arc of the very lowest. Papa, it is too bad !" And Viola burst into tears. "I am astonished at papa," added Blanche, who had entered tu participate in the discussion. "Inviting a clerk a common clerk to our house! At any rate he must sleep in the little dark room over the kitchen. So Viola, we can have the best bed room papered just as if he were not here." The confidential clerk, standing in front of the bright red sparkle of the fire in the room beyond, smiled to himself even while a deep and indignant flush mounted to his forehead, as he involuntarily overheard tle little sotto voce by -play in the other room. "And this," ho murmured to himself, sadly watching the gloomy masses of coal, "is all the welcome a wanderer receives, after twenty years spent on the sterile rocks of a foreign land. Home ! the word has a pretty echo, yet there is something hollow in the t-ouud after all." ".Mr. Confidential Clerk, you are cry ing !" He started with a quick blush, as a little hand, red and frosted with the cold, was laid upon his coat sleeve. "Crying! I!" "You needn't try to deceive me, sir," nodded Lizzie Elliott, who had crept to his side, with a white kitten in her arms. "I saw the bright drop sparkle on your cye-lashesxlike a great diamond, and then 1 saw it fall upon the hearth. Why are you crying ? Is it because you are poor, friendless, and of what did papa call it ? oh, of common-place extraction !" He did not answer. There was some thing in the Eoft pitying shine of those black eyes that enthralled his gaze. Lizzie came close to him, winking hard to keep a sympathetic moisture from her own dark lashes. "Don't cry!" sho pleaded softly. "Cheer up ! I know papa is patronizing and the girls Are cross, but I'll be your friend. Only think how many men have begun the world as poor as yourself, and 'yet have triumphed over fortune." NOT EMBER 16, 1865. II e smiled. "My dear little girl" ."I am not a little girl !" interrupted Liz zie, indignantly. "I was sixteen last November." "Well, then, my dear young lady," re sumed the Confidential Clerk, smiling, "I will accept your words as an omen of comiug good fortune. Tell me about Martinstower. Is it a pretty place ?" "It is a splendid place," corrected Liz zie, with great enthusiasm. "With mar ble mantles, you know, all covered with ancient gods and goddesses, and floors of inlaid wood, and ceiliugs to look like yellow sunsets, and spots in ti e woods when the vines are growing overhead. And there are lawns and wide gravel walks, and I once peeped through the glass doors of the conservatories and saw great blue passion flowers and cactuses like tassels of flame, and orange trees with real ripe oranges growing on them. It is like a fairy story." "Lizzy ! Lizzy ! you are talking far more than is proper for a child,'' interrup ted Viola, sharply, breaking in upon their tete-a-tete. "Put down that kitten and go to your French immediately." And as the abashed damsel with the tangled curls obeyed her elder sister's be hest, the energetically whispered words, "dignity of the clerk," readied Hartwell's ears, together with Miss Lizzy's pettish reply "I don't care I like him !" The next moruing, the confidential clerk exchanged the "little room over the kitchen" for a more comfortable and spa cious apartment in the village inn, whence he calmly superintended the projected improvements at Martinstower, and all the gossip wa? exchanged between him and Lizzy in the course of her daily rambles through the Martinstower wood3. It Blanche and Viola had only known of the rapidly cementing friendship which had sprung up between the two, what a shock their ari?tocratic tendencies would have received ! "Lizzy ! Lizzy Elliott ! I am ashamed of you." "But papa, he Kays he loves me." "Loves you !" echoed Viola, holding up both hands. "Papa, only listen to her. A paltry clerk to dare fall in love with our Lizzy I" "A mere child, too not seventeen," chimed in Blanche, whose twenty-seventh birthday was looming darkly over her. "Papa, I wish you would buy Lizzy a doll and send her to boarding-school." "Girls! girls! will you give me a chance to speak?" pauted Mr. Elliott despairing ly. "Lizzy, I don't know which aston ishes me most this lellow's audacity or your ridiculous i'-Aly." "Papa," s iid Lizzie, gravely, ''I intend to rnarry him." "Silence !" thundered the old gentle man. "You shall not marry him ! I'll write to Maurice Martin to discharge the impertinent puppy at once." The evening meal was already spread, and the lamps lighted, when Mr. Elliott came, thenex; night. Blanche was read ing, and Viola was clipping the dead leaves of her favorite geianium. "Where's Lizzy, girls ?" said the old gentleman, taking his seat in front of the pile of buttered toast, and liberally help ing himself to the same. "In her room, I suppose," returned Viola. "I have twice rung the bell." "Go after lief, then. She's sulking af ter her beloved clerk, I suppose," com mented Mr. Elliott. Viola went, but returned almost im mediately, with a pale, frightened face. "She's not there, papa, but this note lay on the table." Mr. Elliott broke the seal, and hurried ly glanced over the tremulously written worus with a face that hod ashes : grown lite "By the time tou eead these words, dearest pal'a, your llzzy will be anoth ER'S. I SHALL MARRY Mr. HARTWELL. I HOPE IT IS HOT WRCSG. ISUEED, IXUEED, I LOVE HIM." As he folded the note with stern, rigid features, a light step crossed the threshold, and Lizzy's arms were around his neck, the Confidential Clerk stauding by the door with a face where pride and indomi table resolution struggled for mastery. "Papa, forgive me forjrive us !" "I'll sec you hanged first !'' roared the old gentleman, turning purple around the mouth. "Begone, both of you. Beg, starve if you like, but never come to me lor aid or help !" "Ridiculous !" sobbed Viola. "Preposterous !" scolded Blanche. "Be it so," eaid the clerk, quietly. "Lizzy, we need nothing more than one another's love. Come, my little wife !" "Bat, papa," persisted Lizzy, "I want to explain." "Will you begone?" ejaculated Mr. FA liott, opening the door wide, and motion ing toward the road. And so Lizzy aud her husband left the unfriendly shadow of the paternal roof. Blanche Elliott, surrounded by an at mosphere of lavender, vinegar, and eau de colognej was just coming out of the hvsterics into which Lizzy'f unpreceden ted conduct had thrown her, when there was a low tap at the door, and a young man bearing a peculiar-looking foreign carpet-bag in his hand appeared. ."This is Mr. Elliott, I suppose." "Yes, sir," returned the old gentle man, hesitating whether to embrace the stranger as Maurice Martin, or repel him as an emissary from the obnoxious Confi dential Clerk. "Ah so I concluded. Has Mr. Mar tin been here to-dar ?" Mr. Elliott started. "Mr. Martin is in Parnaham, Brazil." "I beg your pardon, sir," returned the young man; "I am his secretary, and am quite convinced that he is at this present time at his family estate of Martinstower. Perhcps I had better seek him there. I am told it i3 but a mile further on." He retreated, bowing with a foreign profusion of courtesy, leaving Mr. Elliott overwhelmed with amazement. "My dear," he said, hurrying back to the sitting-room, "I must go over to Mar tinstower at once. Mr. Martin has ar rived at last." Blanche feat up, tossing the bright drops of cologne from her curls. "Oh, papa! you will be sure to bring him back to supper ?" "I'll try, my dear -I'll try," said the flurried senior. "Papa," said ViIa, "you are trying to pull your boots on over your slippers!" "Confound it, so I am this affair of Lizzy's has completely unsettled me !" So saying, Mr. Elliott darted firth into the darkness like some new style of pro jectile, t The lights of the stained Gothic win dows at Martinstower were streaming brightly across the lawn as he came hur riedly up the broad stone steps aud ruug the bell. "Mr. Martin has he arrived ?" The servant bowed, and u hered him into a large room, whose supcibly arrang ed furniture ttruck Mr Elliott with an indefinite idea of luxury. Lizzy was standiug by a tall alabaster vase ot cling ing tropic vines that occupied one of the bay windows, with a colored lamp burniug above. "Papa! oh, papa! you have forgiven me ?" she cried. He turned rigidly away from her plead ing eyes to her liua'oani. "I have called to sea your master, younsr man." " j o see whom, sir Mr. Martin, of Martinstower." 1 am at your service, Mr. Elliott." "l'ou are ! Who the deuce cares whether you are or not ! I tell you I want to see Mr. Martin." "Maurice Martin is my name, dr." Mr. Elliott stood aghast. "Why, I I I thought you were the confidential clerk !" "I netrer told you that I was, sir. Yon chose to take it tor granted, and I allowed you that privilege. As. the confidential clerk I wooed and won your daughter as Maurice Martin I could have obtained no greater treasure !" "It's all a mistake from betrinninj; to eud," exclaimed poor Mr. Eiliotr, wiping the perspiration from his fevered brow. "Lizzy, my dear, come here and kiss me I Sou-iu-law, you're a trump! Why didn't you tell me of this before ?" "I didn't know it myself, papa, till we were married," said Lizzie, laughiug and blushing j "and when I tried to tell you all about it to-Jiight, you wouldn't let me." "So you were Maurice Martin all the while," said Mr. Elliott, with a deep breath. "Well, upon my word and hon or! And my little Lizzy is Mrs. Martin, of Martinstower !" Lizzy nestled close to the aforesaid Maurice, and his look of fond pride sent a ttraoge thrill down into the father's heart. Maurice did indeed love the six-teeu-year-old child, and Lizzy's instinct had led her to the haven of happiness. "I know I'm very young," faltered Liz zy, "but I am going to leave off playing with my kitten, and brush my curls out smooth, and stop climbing fences, and and Maurice says he loves me just a much as if 1 were a diguified wife forty years old." Cholera Cured as Easily as Tooth ache. Dr. Post, who is represented as "a high medical authurity" in New York, delivered a lecture at the Medical Col lege, in that city, on Friday evening last. He claims that cholera is "as curable as the tooth-ache." His method ot treat ment, as he explained it, is briefly as fol lows : The patient is first attacked by diarrhoea, accompanied by extreme lassi tude. He ehould then' instantly go to bed and remain perfectly quiet for forty eisihi hours, taking at leat fifteen grains of calomel to drive the infection promptly from the system. After this has acted freely a small dose of laudanum should be given, to soothe the patient and prevent further intestinal action. Ice should also be applied to the spinal column. Dr. Post claims that this treatment has been applied in thousands of cases, and uever failed to result in the rapid aud entire re covery of the patient. It is of the very first importance, however, that the patient should not abandon the reclining posture, from the very commencement of the dis ease until the recovery. All the promi nent medical men in the city are eugag- ing themselves in the study of the cholera, not clinically, of course, as there have been no cases yet in the city. " TSRMS-3,001EJl AXSWI. ISi.OO ADV.4XCK. NUMBER 5. Ktlticational Department. All communications intended for this column should bt addressed to the Educational Editor cf The A'legkanian. Governing a Sciiool. Some years since, while spending a few days in a qui et village in one of the western counties of the State, and not being pressed with business, I concluded to pay a visit to the two echools in the town, each of which was in charge ot a female teacher with whom I had some acquaintance. Know ing one of them to have been a more than ordinarily diligent student, aud also to be possessed of a strong, clear mind; I. gavo her school the preference as regards the priority of my visits. Order had been called fully half au hour at the time I en tered the room, or at least more than that length of time had elapsed since the hour of beginning the exercises. Upon enter ing, it was hardly possible not to notica my friend's embarrassment, the crimson suffusing her cheeks as she aD'lo-ptii!!ir said that her pupils appeared "very noisy mis morning." lwo lull hours of a visit convinced me that in saying her pupils appeared very noisy, she spoke only the truth. "What will I do with these un governable childreu?" was the question she addressed me after dismissal of her schvot; "I t-.lk to them, I watch tbeui, punish them, do everything I can to get them td keep quiet and to study, but it all seems to be no use." And it mas of no use. In controlling her school, she herielf made more noise than enough to overturn the quiet and god order of any set of pupils, lu her hands during reci tations were a text-book, stick and bell, while either bell, stick, or her tongue wrs iu just less than con-tant use. zVv the time I entered, a reading class was reci ting. A scene ensued something like the following: "Read, John." John gets up to read Dingle ! dingle ! rings out from the bell. "Go ahead, John, and read." John reads about a line, when a half dozen quick, sharp raps interrupt John's reading, and momentarily occupy the attenliou cf those wh- would be dili gent if given opportunity. John again proceeds, but before finishing his para giaph, he is stopped by, "Jane what are you doing there? will you always b3 in mischief ? why can't you behave yourself and attend to your books, and not be all the time giving annoyance to your teach er?" Thus throughout the morning the exercises were interrupted, the teacher harassed to exhaustion, and the school kept in a continual uproar. Now, a rem edy for all this might be found in the ob servance cf a few rules: 1. Preserve ai all times a quiet, self possessed demeanor, never getting confused nor petulant. 2. Choose the proper moment for re proof, that is, during the intervals between recitations, or in case of necessity for in stant correction by words, between the moments occupied in recitation by differ ent scholars. 3. Speak in a voice no louder than is necessary to be heard 4. Doriiot scald, but let the words be few, aud, if ueed be, sharp. 5. Do not threaten any more than is 'included in a necessary warning of the puuishment you will positively inflict for certain offences. G. Do not be needlessly severe in the infliction of punishment. 7. Have as few rules as possible. A multiplicity of rules are so many tempta liona to sin. 8. Never let a pupil see that you are at a loss vvhai to do. '- f Good Advice. Halts Journal oj Health gives the following good advice with reference to school children : Sec that they have all the sleep they can take. Every child under ten should have eleven hours sleep; those older can do with something less. See to it that every child goes to bed with warm, dry feet, and sleeps warm all night. Always send them off to school in a happy, affectionate state of mind j and when they return, let them be invariably received with a kindly greeting. By all possible means, arrange that they shall reach school, with dry feet anj dry clothing j the neglect of this has sent many a sweet eniiu to an eariy grave. School children should eat with regu larity; thrice a day is all sufficient. Embrace every opportunity of impres sing the child's mind with the fact that teachers are laboring for their good, and therefore ought to be loved, respected and obeyed as their best friends. Mi 4 . Effect of Laziness. A lazy boy makes a lazy man, juit as sorely as a crooked sapling makes a crooked tree. Think of that, my lads. Who ever saw a boy grow up in idleness that did not make a miserable, shiftless vagabond when he was old enough to be a man, though he was not a man in character? The great mass of thieves, paupors and .criminals have come to what they are by being brought up to do nothing useful. All those who arc good men now, and useful to the community, were industrious when they were boys. If you do not like to work now. a love for industry can soon be acquired by habit. Shun idleness as you would the evil one.