I - j ErrTEH Foktt Cents a Pound I ! Etchings. -Tuesday ere was Halkjw- j f UTC K SALES, noj i k- - :::-OVEMBEB 2. V XaIiay, October 16, IE 5, raa " h- canted. rilh Altoa. Ac- Te5l "V-wiitiIil Train .A;:;?de?rtare of Hail Traoa t. C3 departure cf Mail 1 . t HA ' - TITpcff ! To Sir -I is cecerallj conceded the rics FctraducVi the potato d?xioioL. This esea- ,e 0r;c cf the cheapest ana 1 1 , -.e"e cf vegetable fo, ssfrtq-esOy contributed to a to rrevet forxire. Tfce re- Vse bears io tVu connection Batter bow quoted at 40 cents per pound in cur market. This is the high est figure, ire belieTe, that it reached last winter. With nay $30 and $i0 per ton, it was last winter, and with other edi ble necessities of bovine existence at pro portionate prices, we can readily iiider tand how 40 cents were demanded and obtained then. Bat with hay only 86 to 3, as at present, and with the kine eTen yet era ring in the luxuriantly-pastured fields, it must p bejocd ordinary compre hension thai butter should be worth 40 cents nrir. The fact is, butter is net tccrth any such swindle. There is a scarcity of the arti cle, however, which makes it high-priced. een, cr "Hollow ere' as the toys persist in calling it. It wes observed after the usual wild, fierce custom, and if fairies and hobgoblins did not walk the earth a at the olden Halloween, they .had their more than prototype in the mischievous, cabbage-stacked boys who swarmed the streets till midnight... .It appears that our jail is not the only erne from which priso ners can escape. A few eights ago, no less than five inmates of the Huntingdon jail effected their escape from that insti tution by forcing the lock-.-Ebeobnrg is improving politically. In ISOi, she gave a Republican majority of only 5; in 1S62, a Republican majority of 21 ; in 'C3, a Republican majority of S5 ; in '64, When we say there is acW?, we mean j a Republican majority of S5 ; and this that there is a scarcity for our home mar- sail sne gives a majority in me tame ui Itt. " Batter is as plenty in the ccutry as j rection cf GO... The first snow of the sea it ever was, but the farmers Lave got it j son fell here on Saturday. We have now safely kegrsed up, and hold it back. Thus, i entered upon ouraccustomed sever-to ontns to all practical intents and purposes, so far j winter. Ugh '...We have heretofore neg as our 3ocal market is concerned there j lected returning our thanks to Mr. Scott, m:ht as well not be a rotsnd in the editor of the Rrookville EspuUlcan, for " . neighborhood. H ly do the farmers hold back the but ter ? Some of our merchant?, who are an early copy of the orseial vote of Jef ferson county at the late election. By the way, Jefferson did most nrbly for the proc llVltlC: went ' Union cause. It used io be counted cn l-vtSj benefactor cf the hu- j Shvlockian in their VL-to Rakish is a!so attrib-J aronEJ dune the summer and e a razed ! as a dead-sure Democratic county; thi ;:i:ca cf having introduced j CT rcaT!y aH. the article to be made j fall it gave Hartranit tif, Csmpbeu t, td rendered iashionable '; 4arjnJr tbe fail within a radius of say ten and White 01 majority, besides electing v.v.er vegetable, to itT to- . j town, the same to be delivered zi the entire Union county ticket with the I ti to whether be herein did a certi'a date. This to give themselves a ! exception cf Surveyor.. ..Godej's and Pe- : vcr a reprehensible thing, : tt0n0ncly of tie market, i:r speculative : terson's Magazines lor .ovemter have I diversity of opinion in these rpoies. There are kegs on kegs cf out- , been received. ithat by introducing j ter ja t the "arm houses, but the farmers iitz i-fi u, hSve contiac.ta to sen uu u - - re world a curse, the legiii- ioctian merchants. Thu a scarcity in ;f which are shattered nerves. I eiiect. Etd deprived taste arid i that s a reward his cause nk in the nostrils of the peo le other hand, cot a lew he1! p pafronae of the '-divine t?i the seed which tiossotned i '-Cc'ssisttarj is ajtwel." JolrtStcicn D'm-crrot. It is a jeTel which the Democrat never i wis the p-orsessor cf. II, now, the facul- j ty of distorting, the truth (plain people QUICK SALES, ASD - AID SMALL PROFITS V SMALL PROFITS SMALL PROFITS r BARKER'S CHEAP STORE ! BARKER'S CHEAP ST RE ! BARKER'S CHEAP STORE ! EHEMBURG, PA, EEElsSBURG, PA, EDE2vSBUEG, PA, THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, THE BEST SELECTED, THE BEST SELECTED, THE BEST SELECTED EVER BROUGHT TO JOVTS 1 EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN 1 EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN ! LARGEST ! CHEAPEST ! BEST ! LARGES"' CHEAPEST! BEST! LARGEST ! CHEAPEST I BElT ! rail and Y inter, 165. Tbe mbscriber calls the atttntlon cf the public to the facfihat te has jast receiTtd arid opeatd out the larg-est stock of . A!I, -4VJ WZXTES GOODS, both Fcrti" ad iom5Uer vtr brought to Ebensbcr. A fall acd complete assortment of DRY GOODS. Ere rrtiicg ew and desirable in the lice of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Lverr desrrij'Uon of WOO LEX GOODS. A supplier r;(?rrnseist of EOSIERY, GLOVES, "OTIOXS. kc. The best assortmt-t ot READY-MAHE CLOTHING ever before offered btre. Li-bt an 3 tasteful HOOP SKIRTS AD RAL:JORaLS. Tbe latest strles of EATS AND CAPS. Ladies', men's, roatb's and children's E-OOTS AXDSnOES. A fill UTJ''j cf GROCERIES. . o ssv DOiimz of f .te woria a Juil crcp or rare- rpfGse i tiqnisit sensibiii:ies. and tui tubs Jan.. lib These avtr : ie tcck with teferesce to f ; a n cDCD;erb-laaces hi :' :ie potaic, ard that, on tie ls ia enemy t matiklad ; ::,:t his potato speculation cr;-sh in i:s way, but that T icbaccawas the tct which -: invie to his ntne. V"ith - l"zht di5"erence cf opin ? no'.fciug furibtr to s:y at Vijl aad we beea IVaie'ih, 'jubt'ess tot bve tesiiated! market ensues, and the price runs np like mercurv in the thermcmeter on a but day. The merchants wiil get the batter at t,-j jt lying) could be called a jeivel, ' the time appointed in the contract, and t'Leil jt ujtt le said cf the local editor , wiil then dictate their own price, taking f,r t e Jjtn70crat that he is undisputed j rare to make a '-good thijg" of it for prt,prJetcr cf a gem which is a veritable ; HARDWARE, QUEEXSTTAEE, WILLOW & themselves. Jf the dear p-eotJe rebel and "Koh-i-noor"' in its wet a iewel. it cct i CEDAR-WARE, BROOMS, BRUSHES, to be swindled, then awry goes the ! 0f tv2 -t W3T&r, at least of the ret 1 riSH, SALT, NAILS, ic, ic.,i:. 1 1 but'er to the cities and the dt-r p-ecple are !ft to muke the best they can cf cry bread and unliable bi-cn.it. Ail cf which, cf course, is a stricty lf gti;r.ite buless trscsactijn cn the jzti vf tLe trerch-r.ts we dD cot deny that. But S3 was Siylc-ck's I llow Is Teis ? According to the ; Return Judges of each and every conntv Not to enumerate turiber, suffce it to saj that bis is a f rst-cltss Countrj Store, vLeie arsTtblrs: scd tverTtblEsr rtcuircd It tbe rcq r- u;rei to Tcote ca: ret ta Trilay 01 Buvir.g- fsvlre . Icr-e a stock anj oiber 'jUli ct Z! Iransactiou s;?ic;ly Jegitiitate. The av- lic-ious Jew ooes not now oc-r a very 1 enviable reputation ; neither wiil the mer- j the appointed cay. chants who speculate 10 their own aivan- j tun. tsjre cn tte cccessities ct tbe rccr ;e. ! COr.d week after any general election, for j crcham in tow a, be bnvs cheaper, ad can : the tnrpose cf countinz the SolSier' ! itertfire .-.7 cbenrtr,tlan any competitor. ! V.- TV l T T ... ! Tbe public is invited to caH before rurcha- j in this ccuntv ? Friday cf last week trs t , No cb&rjre for sbowi T7e ak io :r cr net av. r inurma- ! Conntr Proc ace. .esi Tee wealth of Cambria ccuniv m re al A Small Business. Bt a letter we ar d personal property, as ascertained by a I ijfaT-jTille cPLsideraticn the : have received from Wild ore, we are ass a- j 'Vl1 Commissioner cf theGeceral Land j cr, as th cre may be, the red that the reported marriaze cf OIr i J TAUm II. MeEnrue, of WasLiccton ; J,? a? loLow?: Real, So,524,0?4 ; pcrs 0- j A. A. BARKER, HIGH St., EBE.VS3URG. A. A. BARKER, HIGH St., EBEXSRURG. V: V1 township," cc, kc , as published vj last ?2.CK,C7 ; czzregate, S7.C04,771. y more than we would Connie-fid the r-:?2tr. , we strike. 5o docs 5j do rrary other worthy is-ccuIJ r.2 23e. And thee vkitre merely introdacicry :te other uay, our friend Wiluore to setd sitiilar f rtiiious an- ce from the returns of the bst eecsos, j T- '-Oxt Cib-MLi. e it Tiir ur"TTv,:r,ii- vr" crT'T?; m a . x i v .c .v. . .,i. week's Drm. dm S'.rtf., is a fabricati:-r terly without fjunitiun in ict. TLe letter goes cn to saj that it is net an nn corrm:n occurrence f:r ccr.'ain p-crsou in Th a XR giving. We Tubii-h on the j better growtb, li iiuMisci'ij;. 1a. tiie.acd atlotr prices 1 p"2e the proclamation th ! President appointing the Srit Thnr3dsv ! C'f ! ceUiler next as, a. day of Xa:ioral ! Thatikssrivinr. . rr & V rr. seal, tnlr-.-ken, cf the j the business, but the victims lock rp-.a it vy. la t'.ese dars cf Gov- . in a totai'v different Herb a as a moment's. ; & e Cheap Store down councements to the prts, and then lauh j us wth a mgn;5cent over the publication of the same as a! Tns Sista Sewisg Machixes. OarX' - V;-f. arctpanied by a lib- "ood joke. All thi car be tbouzht ; A J'cn.;rr Svi-cr Xachh.e is ft raiaic '-: t-licc-o c.ne up in a p-ouch : harmless pleasantry by thoss cagaainz in ' wcr'i-wide repawtion. It is beyond doubt tbe oest srd cneare?t ana most Lc-i.'j'Ir!iI cf raraiiT Sewirg- Macb:.nes vet o?rc-d to the ,..-1 " r- V.-. nv,i, T,; , : ht . . , ' t vr ..... ,1, j t r v - i i . . .iiiiii... j.,. 5nj iluu;ju se- rcurcuoa uim tuuw. xcai is e? jckc y tr, ktertil reveane tax of which hurts the feelings or wounds the .rs at.i tbtreiiirr, a pipe be- sensibili.ies of another; and if there is t.?..T !j -p V h ; ''Anr a . 5ir nna tt.ir-T b.i''fi ttiata tT?i !tintV, Tl" i . i ... ... k tere.ore, we ; wounds the sensibiuies of a person, it is at? trtseLt, evea as we ; 13 have bis or her name coupled with a ,-: rr-ciittrs to ou our crest mtitious marriage notice. A aie pian the tr2os!ucent fcr our ntihbar of the Dan. ct S--nt. to j ra&Ej nsefc! tpi'IiEtes for HeiDraias, : Binding. Fellinz, Tuckicr. Gatberl; -g. Qg it;?, Bridinf, Eatbroiderinj, Cording, kc. No otber Fanilr Sexring- Machine Las so rontb c.Hjtacitr for a irrest Tarietr cf work. It will "w aU kinds of clotb, acd witb uZl kinds of tbreid. Greut and recent )c:proTei.tT;ts ma'e our Family SeTrirg Macbine not reliable, and vzozi :utjsci, ana mon certajD m action at .Lun of tbe Nurtberri cr Eastern N urseries and 'varrdr.t tLrm trne to nan;e. Stxiniard Arple trees ai Hi cents t'er 1 Peach trees Id .j ct eacb- eacb Liu tc Standard Ptr trees, S j to 75 els oacb Dwarf itr irtes, toSl eacb per loj Dtrarf Aj j.le trees, 50 to 75 cts each Standara Cberrr trees Z to 75 cts Dwarf Cherry trees 5'j to 75 i'l-ni trees l0 cts. Aprirot trees to 50 Cts. Ntctiirine trees 2j cts tacb. Grar-t Vines 25 cts to 0i- :o to sso til rer .''!:: y!e treses 21 to si. nropean Ash. Xs 1. '''s J ps-ted saiokcroll j pursue would be to require a rest'Onsible j all rates of speed. It inabes tbe interlocked tame attached to ail such announcements, i stitch, wbicb is tbe best stitch kno-crn. Any - -e ax:.fr raouth-r:f r 1 r 7 in our imagination as evidence of their geru'iLeness. He i cre Tt of tbe E0;t ordinary capacity, can ) V.idSLc, bentv:.:ei.t feat: M rr .. . ! sef, at a clance, bow to cse tbe letter A Fan- a.so, with much propriety, pruse- ; ' - I - " ' -L - are p?rn.ittd kers" who have iruposed cn him in the ; Tt t- "'-k cf Jira. 2rid : cute to the iuii extent of the law the "jo- ily Sewing Machine. Oar Family Sewing Machines are finished in chaste and exqaifiip C-v.1. tiiC; Tie. 1 At;-?., ca- ; present instance, as a warning for the j The Folding Ci.se of the Family Machine i lutuie to such gay and festive parties that 15 a PJtce &f cunning workmarship of the f -c-Tle ras-cf de r-r,T. :trJ l' t ecuntv. . -s Lria cut off tr J:r r-r-- V . j r animal spiiits which cannot be safely -s b: there is a certain limit to exuberance cl passed. The Amende. i.iT :een -cea Jf ti.. Stit to Uarrbbur-r eTp Ait attempted to et " -'-aa-n, LUt was '- switch-tender. 1U r -t ---!? in geitirg on another -Mr. John McMullet!, most useful kind. It protects the machine when not in cse, and when about to be oper ated mar be opened as a spacious and sob :anti J table to sustain the work. Wh'Ie some cf tbe Csses. made out of the choicest woods, are fnirhed ia tbe sirilest r.nd Earopean Larch, 75 cts Xo 1.5'J Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1. American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to $1.50 American k Chinese Arbor Vita?, 50 ct 1.5 Cf Striv-berrr Plants, $1 per ICO, c. &c Xi UILil. IL'U regular watchman at the jail, requests US ' chastest manner possible, others are adorned to say that he was not cn duly the night j and embellished in the most costly and snperb when Hearn said Riddle escaped, and i lunate occurrence. we say further, that, bad John been ou duty that night, the probabilities are ibat the prisoners would not have escaped, for PACCIDINT.-A little danrh- ; -Etker, pastor of the M. E. Jiee. was so shocking' v icuwllowicg evening. ,:d Jt 2other daughter .j, 111 cno u tte 1 IDt0 vessel ;. i - wu,-ui out tit- . 'a tteir cniji was manner. therefore not rerT.r.nsible Ijt that nnJor- ,T i Y J,.".. " ,r ;. 1 Machine in er-eration. so as to lucre cf its Of Car OWa aCCUrd j ,T,irlT-r r,5 bpamr a' . It is fast becoming as popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. The Branch Ofucfrs axe well supplied with silk, twiit, thread, needles, oil, ic, of the Terr be? quality. Send for a Pamphlet. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. 4"b Broad war, New York. T PHILADELPHIA Oibce, 810 CHEST NUT sT. C- T- ItOBEETS. Agest ix Ebissbcm. March 9, ltS5.-iy. iTf r.i , vigilance is only c-qualled by his de- n-j. itea jtiiiea as termination, and his determination is ab solutely unconquerable. Educational Column. It will be tiotictd by reference to our first page that we this week re-establish our Educational Department. This will be under the con trol ot a practical teacher, wh is pecu- j ttch ; Itch! Itch! Schatch! liarly qualified by education and experi- j s-c hatch! Scratch' Wheatcn't Oimmrni viU eace to dL-couree on topics of concern to eure tLe Itch in -iS Uvrt. Also cures Salt t!. T nfsb-n Vi.i t,rftn.,V,Ant tVs i Rheum, Ulcers. Cb;Jblalns, and all Erartions county are requested to interest them- of the Skin.. Trice 50 cent. For salt iy all selves in tbe Department; and short com- j l-ngCO cents to VTEEKS k rOTTEH, munications of an appropriate character j 5oj jg-ents, 170 VTasblngton street, Boston, will be received. j jja.ss.f it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage to any prt of the United 5tts. Oct. 5-m IIST NATIONAL BANK or ALTOONA, Corntr ot Virginia and Annie Streets, oppo site Superintendent's Ofict Penna. It lb, Blair countv, Penno. U. S DEI-OS I TOBY a FINANCIAL AGENCY. Monies received on depesit. Interest al lowed on time deposits. Gold and SIlTr Bought and Sold. Fractional Currency and Mutilated United States Notes Redeemed. Drafts cn the principal Cities for sale. Cen tral Depot fcr the sale of United States Inter nal Revenne Stamps. This Bank beeps on band for sale tbe 7 2- 0 C S. TrtGevry Xotft, and tabes subscrip tions for lie stne. This is tbe Popular Loan, the enly Government Loan new in market at j ar, giving those who have money a sfvfe and" desirable opportunity for invest ment Two Cent a Day for each $K0. Thesf Notes, at Maturity, can be exchanged for 5--0 Six T'C-r cent. Gold bearing bonds. VM. U. LLOYD, rrctL D. T. Cix.x WELL, Ccthitr. Feb. 0, ltC5.-tf. 7"OOD MOKRELL & CO., JOESSTOWr. I' A VTHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS A.LL KJSDS OF KEECHASD1SE, Keep constantly on band tbe following arti cles : DRV GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, CARPETING S, OIL-CLOTHS, CLOTHING. BONNETS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUEENSTYARE, PROVISIONS, BOOTS a SHOES, FISH. SALT, GROCERIES. FLOUR, BACON, FEI OT ALL KI5DS, TE6IIAB1.IS AC Sf-Clc thing and Eoots and Shots made o order on reasocableterms. Johnstowm March 1 lF60-tf. Coal: coal: coal: The public are hcrebv notlf ed that new is tbe time to order a winter's supply of Coal. Cars on the Railroad are plenty, and j transportation snre. Later in tbe season, i' this may not be case. Send on jour orders Coal famished st reduced rates from last I fall s prices. VJI. TILEY. i Kcrslock, Cambria to.. An-. 24. ltS5.-Stn. fat Johnsons eueumatxc com pound AND BLOOD rCRIFIER. THE SOLDIER'S F EI END! CHEAT I.MI25AL SZHIST Hear x)it Tetimonf cf a Soldier. Ftovcsr MAiSHjkL'f Omcij 1 Pittsburg, Dectraber 17, lv4. Mi. ixjinr Jchssos : Dtsr Sir la No vember list I bad a severe attack of Rheu matism, to which I Lave tot been subject for nearly three years. The attack was so se vere that I cocld cot move my bead nor raise my arm. After trying diferent medicines ia vain. I was indeced to use ycxr EHinunc ccstrorst and eloop rrnritB, and befcre I hid tatea three bottles I was so nmpltltty eartd that I cculd ptrfurm cr.y an to which, ruy coantry nii-:bt call me. 1 can gladly ana confidently recommend it to my fellow soliier 3 the aickttt and rural remedy I ever used. Your true friend. NORR1S PATTERSON. J2'jtmrt J. T. Patterson and TTiHitra Duncan, 77 TVood S'treel. Lit the SvJTirj iTrrf, r.ud Ctcte is Zhrjair. Ms.. JoHysos Dcsr Sir-. This is to ceni fv t!,at bv nsine- iLrfr-fivrlkt cf a bottle of yonr RHLXMATiC CO-MPOUND asi BLOOD "PURIFIER, 1 was corr:jlteif rvre i cf Chronic Rheutnatisra. a:ter Lavin-r snfTered for more than eighteen years. It La been over toar years since I ns cared, and I have not felt j the slightest symptoxs cf its return, j I remain yonrs trnl. ANL ibLv A li "! S i K UN G. No. 13 James street. AlI-Egheky Cjtt, May 3, It4. Id?. A. Johssos: Dtcr Sir 5Sy wife was taken bad with InSawjmatory Rbeiimatism ia March lat. She was verv much swollen and the pain she suffered was severe ; she was cenfned to her bed. 1 was advised to trv yonr Rheumatic Fisid and Blood PnriSer, so I pot a bottle of it. and bfore the half of it if ?ed she w5 entirely well. Tbr enre is a perfect one: I never w saca medicine. 6b e bad en-y taken thite deses cf it when the swe'Hrg and j-nia beg-an. to abate. AH yrjr meditlRce wants is ta be btiown in or der to give it ssreess. Yours a'fTettiofntelv, JAMES il'ALLISTEE." Uy residence is No. 12 Cherry Alley, where my wife can be seta by any persDn dosbtiog the truth cf the above. PirT?Er.G, Arril l-tb. ".hoi. rarpjiEED et It. r. SELLERS k CO.. Sent rfoprinort, PITTSBURG O, PA. ia n l ote a. Price cn dollar t-tr bottle. or'3-5 st be addressed - s KLLERS' LIVER PILLS I TLAIN AND SUGAR COATZI. Tli Qricirtcl, ca7v Trve -r.r.i XZer.iane.) Ear stood for thirty y-ar a Staple Rem edy, nnetTtal i by eny rnedlcice btown far ite c-:re Liver Com rial t.cc xif-csciie a Ccstiveness, Bili'.r Disorders, asu indeed for tfct whole class cf diseases criri nstir.r in b-:lis.:y dtri.ncmt Lts. Gmr Ccee or Livn CowpLitsT. By. tie Orijbi'-il, 0:J$ True and Genuine LIVER PILLS. Siltes Ceeee. Ohio Co., Ta., ?."ar. 20 Mr. li. E. $-:.Tt: Dear Sir I thins it duty I owe to yen and the tnblic geiieraliv, to stte that I have leea aSicted wlih Liver h:ch left me ia a very l&w stite. Having heard of yonr ce-lrhraiVd Liver Pills being- for Shle by A. TL Sbf.rp, Vt'tft L.biJty. atd re-ommendei i xo rj-e ty my pnys,c:an. Ir. I 6miih, 1 con cluded ic cire lhtm aiLr trial Ipnrchaft-d cse bor. aa-i tosnd them to be jest whia they .re rtcciinde d tbe best Liver Pills ever nsed : ni after tckii f-:.cr l&xes. Itind the ccsit-Ia;ci : a:sease as entire!- -tft me, and 1 am now T-triectJr w.lL Efr:ectfcIIr roars . D. iJ. COLE 1I AN. I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr. Coleman, and I can bear testimony to the tralh cf the above certificate. A. R. SHARP. - GENERAL SATISFACTION." GEEcyviLLE, Flcyd Co., Iri, Oct. 27, Iti. 2Jr. R. II $ett; Sir: lam &t of yur Llvr Fills, iti si o aid be g-'iai t receive a suf ply, ai they give geEeral satisfacticn. CYRUS BRADFORD. TO THE rrcLic. O'.r g to t're increased demand tbrcngh ont the country fcr tgik coated fills, the Proprietor Las commenced the operation of SCG.AE C04TISG the tlUEEiTEJ EIVEE 11 Li, thereby placing them btfw-re the pnbbc both ilaix and scgae tciit:-. FEtPiEta ET R. E. SELLERS i CO.. Proprietors, I'JTT3rE.G, Pa. C ELLER'S IMPERIAL SYRUP, COUGH Proa out re d to be tbe Pleasantest and snort Emcaciots reme It row ra 'ase. Fir iisT Cvr; ef Cc-f i, Colls, Hocrcrt, -Rti.rr.ra, jTieilinf ScKta'icn if th: Throat, WLiAiT,g Cuch, Jr., c, Jr. Seller's Imperial Conga Syrcp bas givea reliel to benareds who have used it. and the proprietor is per. caced that it has tbe power to impart beneft that cannot be claimed tor the Ccr gii Mixtures in general.nse. Mostcf the mlxtiires sold for con ghs are composed cf spirit nous and iniammaiory ar-ticlt-s, which, while they give little reiitf, rexily q-j brm. Tbe Imperial Cotgi Syrcp contins no spirituous ingredient whatever, and L.&y be ustd in all cases not reetiring an active oedicai trtatmett. ScVert Cov-jJi Syrvp WilJovI a IZiraL PtTTSEmo. Fifth Ward, Teb. tC, IE 55. Jfr. II. E. Ztllrrt: Oa the Ifcth alt., I cJngL.t a very severe cold. Tbe night fal lowing I went to bed earlier tbaa usua! yet notwithstanding I hii.d -slept none the night befare my c&cgh was so severe that I could not sleep, reither could those ia the room with me. The person sleeping with me n&f so much annoyed by my coughing; that be got rj scd w-at to a dreg store, and ongbt a bottle of y our Cough Syrcp, one dute of which to my gi eat astonishment, stepped my cocgh as if by magic. I went to work ia. tbe Eifrsirg. aad am low quite welL - Yoais, kc JOHN DEAN, I hereby certify that 1 am well acquainted with the above circamstaace, and the state ment given is true, A. JOHNSON. R. E. SELLEES it CO., Sole Prcprietor, riTTSBURG, Ta. Srt: BarkfiV new advertiemeat.