4 D Ii. he :r- y ho i ,1 e. let n- :rs )rt -cr it er en h- :er or ie, 3d of :i i n- io it isl er :h 'U- re-i- :b ty. re ith iod be o 40 V0 at- ToHland personal vBESsncRd and Cresson Railroad. fondftv. October 16. 1865. Lis oa JUBSDAY:::::::: :OCTOBER 26. this road will run as follows : E' a,i A U. connecting with Erie Mail A" w.t end Altoona Accom. kast. Q.on p connecting with Altoona Ac Al3 om. West ani Mail East. It T 40 P. M i connecting with Mail Train esv- EiYE Cresson i 11 10 A. Ul " 'tnona Accom. East. At 5 10 P. M- or wD departure of Mail Train Kt 8 fp.ttf- or on departure of Mail Train West. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen. Supt. ROBERT FITCAIRN, Supt. Pitts. Div. Fallacious Assurances and Prom- ectlon-The "Xorlh" vs. tlie "South." take the following hortative para- Irar.li from the Johnstown iriuune 01 me i ' . fit- 1. h jnStaut the issue or me wees, preue ; the election. To wit : Meeting arc being held by the friends of Ie Union State, Uistria aau ioji.iv hall the townsiups easily uUi .wm juliostown. Look lor a large increase in the -ion rote in the South of the county. It t- t.artr associates in the North will rally in rmiirbt and strike as determined a blow we of the toutn win certainly uo, we wm f.,inlv elect out County Ticket, rrienas in North ! The result is in your nanas. Since the foregoing blast was blown, re nf ejected our County Ticket. The 1'crcDce, if the Tribune be relied upon immaculate in election facts and fig- is, trould naturally be that ihe "North" !eJ in her duty at the polls that she ii not strike a blow corresponding in so- ty and determination with the one we re assured the "SouMi" would inflict m tho opposition. Let us sec how ilS 13. IThe "North" of the county is popularly Opposed to comprise tho districts of Al- iliany, Blacklick, Cambria tp., Carroll. l..,.'lr.Mi.i. rl.nut ''l-if.ct Qrrlnrr! f'lnir. 1, Ebciisburg, Callitzin, Jackson, Lo o, Munster, Sumuierhill, Summitville, qj'iebanna, AVahington, White, aDd i!uiure ; aud lha "South" to comprise .r.bria boro. Conemauh tp., Cone- agh boro, Croyle, Johustown, Mill ie. Prospect, llichland, Taylor, and icr. The r.;ero numeral preponder e of districts is in favor of the "North,", i the aggrcijate vote of the two sections .-j'pcctively nearly the same. In 1801 '-' segregate vote of the "North" was J j : tliat of tlie "South" 2.347. Ho , in regard to number of voters, the urth" may bo 6aid to enjoy equal ad- ataires with the "South." Xow, by reference to the of5ci.il returns, Scd that thy "North" in 18G1 cust the imh'z vote for President : i hnocratic 1,C03 i.ua 702 County Ticket this fall, hut the Demo cratic majority instead of 759 would have been only 460. "Look for a large increase in the Union vote in the South cf the county" "We look but look in vain ! The Homicide in Gaysport. The ETollidaysburg Standard gives the follow ing account of the late murder of young Crawford ; We regret to announce that a terrible and distressing tragedy occurred on Monday afternoon, (16th instant,) at half-past one o'clock, at the store of D. Watson & Co., in Gaysport. It was the monthly day for settling with the hands, and James Crawford, aged about seven teen, and son of JMaj. Jesse R. Crawford, of Gaysport, was engaged on the part of Watson & Co., in settling with Nicholas Eiley, one of the hands at the furnace of the Blair Iron and Coal Company. Sonre dispute took place about the correctness of ouo of tho charges, when, as we arc iu formtd, angry words passing, lliley struck young Crawford in the stomach with several blows of his fist, from the effects of which he died in a few moments. His body was removed across the street to the residence of his father, where he had but a 6hort time before left his mother and sisters all unconscious of his fad fate. The family are plunged in the deepest distress, and we leel sure that they have one and all the sincere sympathy of the community. Major Crawford was absent at the time, and was at once telegraphed by the friends of the family. lliley was immediately taken into cus tody by Sheriff Uechtel, and, with the as sistance of Constable Moorehousc, was lodged in jail. Coroner Weidensall held an inquest cm tho body, and returned a verdict in ac cordance with tho facts above stated. .'raocnUtc mnjonty 091 The "South'' at the same election case jc fellow in z vote : ocnuie 1,1 93 si 1,154 J fmocr.vt ic majority 30 Ja the campaign just closed, tho Torth" fa3 adjured by her hopes of suc- s as to the County Ticket to rally iu p raight to the poll?. This is the grat- ng manner in which she responded : fnocratic votes cast 1 Sio " " 824 iioa vu.ii.iuC majority lOG )r a Union jiut of TWO HUNDRED d KI011TY-FIV1 from '04. As we of the South will certainlv do." is what the "South" did: .ocratic votes -i , s;oa u i. ,'1 1 Iemocmc majority. w a I , 1G4! 86 1,133 vuiiiiiij.i i rum T "I"56 the result into few tls: Tfce "Sm,,," .... . ii. , , " iwu us tnat tne v.vnuu was in our JMndthat if ire nut frtl, th ,ff, f u!d certain,J we, we would elect wt Ticket: -i and did 285 vntM Kmm, It than iu '04. The "South," how I' 'neadof meeting uu- f-e nati by themselves, actually n -u uiu i-i votes icorse than has lnnn. 1 i --sueen tte custom,. just pri ;eect, for the "South in pom ' Clonal terms, to call upon the " tn Ha l. . . . Political Heminiscences. A few days before the election, Win. A. Wal lace, Chairman of tho Dem. State Cent. Committee, promulgated an "Addresa," in tho course of which he was so kind as to say : "Tho present and the future now demand cf the Republican party that it answer : 1st, Are you for or against Pres ident Johnson's policy of reconstruction ; 2d, Are you for or against negro suffrage and negro equality V The Republican party has spoken. We would like to know how Mister Wallace construes its answer "for," or "against !" "Freemen," said tho Dt'.n. Stnt. the Wednesday before the election, "you who vot4 tl.la fU for JlIortMtt jind-Campbcll and the radical county ticket vote for negro suffrage." If the D. & S. is a reli able newspaper, then a majority of 20,000 of the electors of Pennsylvania are in ia- r ri ver oi negro sunrage. "If Harry White is elected State Sena tor," said the Johnstown Demwrat Sept. 27th, "he will be in favor of striking out tho word "whito" from our Constitution, and will vote for a negro suffrage man to represent U3 iu ihe Senate of the United States." Tho voters of thi? district had full and timely warning from the Dcmo- ocratic pres3 that this would be the case, and yet they ratified Harry White by a majority of 1,539 ! Etchings. Information is wanted of Mr. Peter McDonald, a puddler by occu pation, formerly a resident of Johnstown. He left his home in Manchester on the 13th September, since which time he has not been heard of. Information as to his whereabouts will bo thankfully received 'at No. 255 Liberty street, Pittsburg They had a new idea at the late Hunting don county Agricultural Fair. A premi um was offered for the healthiest and best looking Laby, the which was awarded to Edgar Swivel, of Huntingdon boro.... Christian Horner, one of the pioneers of Cambria county, died in Jenner township, Somerset county, on the 6th instant, aged 87 years. - He settled iu what is now knowu as Cambria county, near Johns town, in 1799, one year before that town was laid out and five years before the county was erected. Peace to the old settler's manes !.. .Attention is directed to the advertisement of the sale of personal property laie of Robert Davis, deceased, to come off commencing on Tuesday, 7th November. The property to' be sold comprises- an extensive stock of store goods of all kiuds, horses, buggy, wagons, sleds, fleigh, harness, saddles, bridles, two hundred thousand feet of lumber, &c., &c. See the advertisement. Obituary. William Allen died at his residence, in Chest Springs, Cambria co., on the 5th September, 1S65, iu the 85th year of his age. 31 r. Allen was born in England, but many years ago made his home in this country, and during all these years was known a a loyal, industrious and orderly citizen. He had for a num ber of years been a member of the M. E. Church ; and those who had the best op portunities of knowing him believe that he was honestly trying to be a Christian arid secure a home in Heaven. Ilia illness was short and very painful. He leaves a wife and two daughters and many friends to mourn his loss. A. Raker. jpled with the assuraQCe thafc aH I if this advice nnlr f,ASiAi FrfSe tlt it 13 now abonf tin,. w v m V va. Attempt to Rreak Jail. Gore, the murderer of Policauan Holmes of Johns town, is kept ironed, as is generally known, to guard against his escape from jail. On Thursday of last week, the watchman of that institution, while "going the grand round-," discovered that the prisoner had cut the hobbles environing his feet, pre paratory doubtless to attempting to break m v away, lie was immeaiateiy re-ircncd, and more securely, and it is thought he is now safe. Although a strict search was nstituted thevefor, the hobbles Gore had relieved himself of could not be found for a long time, and it was feared some one of the prisoner? had swallowed them; but at length they were discovered in an ad- oining cell, concealed under the bed. The prisoners in the jail are a shrewd, reckless set; strict watch must be kept over them, or some cf these fine mornings not one will be left to tell the tale of the escape of the others. Attempt to Throw the Train Off the Track ! A 'diabolical attempt to throw the train off the track on the Eb. & Cresson Railroad W3S made ou Monday, at a point a short distance north of Mun ster. Several fence-rails were carefully laid across the track, and rendered solid and stationary by a large number of stones piled on top. The 6-o'clock train ran into the obstruction, but, although under good headway, was not thrown from the track, and no damage was done. No pun ishment could be too severe for the wretch who could thu3 trifle with" the'lives of a car-load of passengers. Answers to Correspondents. M. T. R. : The author of the lines commen cing "Lucy had a little lamb," &c., is to us unknown. Of course this does not in terfere with your right nor does not affect your duly of buying your Winter Goods at Thompson's cheap store, Ebensburg. . iQe "orth" knows her "'eiy well, and, knowing it. takes I jajS perform it, willingly, cheer i 1.5 her ty. The n.u near us out in the as- roth,;, . . ver steadfast 1 ''asrii in ... . n W ,Y BUPori 01 our cause. r South'' f L-,' . la 9 EOod arU; :r.i. - . .u q ralhpfl 4 -i not have elected Good for Ebensburg ! In the list of newly-elected members to the next Leg islature, we notice the names of two for mer EbeDsburgers S. C. WTingard, from the Lycoming, Union and Snyder district, and Peter J. Collins, from the Schuylkill district. We congratulate these our for mer fellow-citizens ou their preferment, well knowing that they are worthy of the honors conferred upon them. Married : October 15th, 1865, by Rev. A. Baker, Mr. Elihu S. Lynde, of Port land, Preston county, West Va., and Miss Annie M. Wetherell, of Chest Springs, Cambria county, Pa. R. E. Sellers & Co. See column ad vertisement of R. E. Sellers & Co., Pitts burg. The medicines they sell are safe and reliable.. The SiXGEn. Sewing Machines. Our Letter A Family Sewing Machine 3 fast gaining k world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all Family Sewing Machines yet offered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machine has S3 many useful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Felling, Tucking, Gathering, Gaug ing, Braiding, Embroidering, Cording, Ac. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a great variety of work. It will sw all kind3 of cloth, and with all kinds of thread. Great and recent improvements make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and .most durable, and most certain in action at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitcli, wuicn is the best stitch known. Any one, even of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance, how to use the letter A Fam ily Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewiug Machines are finished in chaste and exquisite style. The Folding Case of the Family Machine is a piece of cunning workmapship of the most useful kind. It protects the machine when not in use, and when about to be oper ated may be onenprl as n spacious nil sub stautial table to sustain the work. While some of the Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the simplest and chastest manner possible, others are adorned and embellished in the most costly and superb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Machine in operation, so as to judge of it3 great capacity and beauty It is fast becoming as popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk, twist, thread, needles, oil, &c, of the very best quality. Send for a Pamphlet. TIIE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. 458 Broadway, New York. BjeU PHILADELPHIA Office, 810 CHEST NUT ST. C. T. Roberts, Agent in Ebensbceq. March 9, 1865.-iy. JOHNSON'S RHEUMATIC COM POUND ND BLOOD PURIFIER. THE SOLDIER'S FRIEND1 Great internal remedy! Hear the Testimony of a Soldier. Provost Marshal's Office, 1 Pittsburg, December 17, 1864. Mr. Andrew Johnson : Dear Sir In No vember last I had a severe attack of Rheu matism, to which I have not been subject for nearly three years. The attack was so se vere that I could not move my head nor raise my arm. After trying different medicines in vain, I was induced to U3e your rubdmatio compound and blood pckifier, and before I had taken three bottles I was so completely cured that I could perform any duty to whicb my country might call me. 1 can gladly and confidently recommend it to my fellow soldiers as the quickest and surest remedy I ever used. Your true friend, NORRIS PATTERSON. Reference J. T. Patterson and William Duncan, 77 Wood Street. Let the Suffering Head, and Cease to Despair. Mr. JonNsoN Dear Sir : This is to certi fy that by using three-fourths of a bottle of your RHEUMATIC COMPOUND and BLOOD PURIFIER, I was completely cured of Chronic Rheumatism, alter having suffered for more than eighteen years. It has been over tour year3 since I was cured, and I have not felt the slightest symptoms of its return. I remain yours trulj, ANDREW ARMSTRONG. No. 19 James street. Allegheny City, May 3, 1864. M?. A. Johnson : Dear Sir My wife was taken bad with Inflammatory Rheumatism in March lait. She was very much swollen and the pain she suffered -was severe ; she was confined to her bed. I was advised to try your Rheumatic Fluid and Blood Purifier, so I got a bottle of it, and before the half of it was used she was entirely well. The cure is a perfect one ; I never saw such medicine. She had only taken three doses of it when the swelling and pain began to abate. All your medicince wants is to be kuown in or der to give it success. Yours affectionately, JAMES M'AL LISTER. My residence is No. 128 Cherry Alley, where my wife can be seen by any person doubting the truth of the above. Pittsburg, April 19th, 1&C4. 235r Itch ! Itch ! Itch ! Scratch ! Scratch! Scratch 1 Wheaton's Ointment will cure the Itch in 4.8 Hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cent". For sale by all Druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage to any part of the United States. Oct. a-om.w . TREPABED by It. E. SELLERS & CO., Sole Proprietors, PITTSBURGH, PA. To whom all orders mu3t be addressed Price one dollar per bott'e; CJELLERS' LIVER PILLS! . PLAIN AND SUGAR COATED. (The Original, only True and Genuine.) Have stood for thirty years a Staple Rem edy, unequaled by any medicine known far the cure of Liver Complaint, Costiveness, Sick Headache and Bilious Disorders, ana indeed for the whole class of diseases origi nating in biliary derangements. Great Cube of Liver Complaint. By the Original, Only True and Genuine LIVER PILLS. : Silver Creek, Ohio Co., Va., Mar. 20, '49 Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sir I thinfc it a duty I owe to you and the public generally to state that I have been afflicted with Liver complaint for a long time, and so badlv, that an abscess formed and broke, which left me iu a verx low state. Having heard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A R. Sharp, We3t Liberty, and recommended to me by my physician. Dr. F. Smith, I con cluded to giv.e them a fair trial. I purchased one box, and found them to be just what they are recommended the best Liver P1II3 ever used ; and after taking four boxes, I find the disease ha3 entirely 'eft me, and I am now perfectly well. Rcspcctfullv ours, D. "if. COLEMAN. I certifv that I am personally acquainted with Mr. Coleman, and I can bear testimony to the truth of the above certificate. A. R. SHARP. "GENERAL SATISFACTION." Greenville, Floyd Co., iDd, Oct. 27, 1858 Mr. R. E. Selleis: Sir: lam out of your Liver Fills, and should be glad to receive a supply, as they give general satisfaction. Please scud me some soon. CYRUS BRADFORD. TO THE PUBLIC. . Owing to the increased demand through out the country for sugar coated pills, the Proprietor h:i3 commenced the operation of SUGAR COATING the CELEBRATED LIVER PILL, thereby placing them before the pubLcboth plain and sugar coated. PREPARED BY R. E. SELLERS & CO., Proprietors, Pittsburg, Pa. O ELLEIl'S 131 FERIAL COUGH O SYRUP Pronounced to be the Pleasantest and most Efficacious remedy now in use. For the Curt of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Tn- fturnza, Tickling Sensation of tht Throat, Whooping Cough, $c, $c.3fc. Seller's Imperial Cough Syrup has given relief to hundreds who have used it, and the proprietor is persuaded that it has the power to impart benefit tnat cannot be claimed tor the Cough Mixtures in general use. Most cf the mixtures sold for coughs are composed of spirituous and inflammatory ar ticles, which, while they give little relief, really do harm. The Imperial Cough Syrup contains no spirituous ingredient whatever, and may be used in all cases not requiring an active medical treatment. Syrvjp Without a Rival. Seller's Cough Pittsburg, Fifth Ward, Feb. 26, 1856. Mr. R. E. Sellers: On the lith ult., I caught a very severe cold. The night, fol lowing I went to bed earlier than usual, yet notwithstanding I had slept none the night before my cough was so severe that I could not sleep, neither could those in the room with me. The person sleeping with me was so much annoyed by my coughing that he got up and went to a drug store, and bought a bottle of your Cough Syrup, one dose of which to my great astonishment, stopped my cough as if by magic. I went to work in the morning, and am now quite well. Yours, sc., JOHN DEAN. I hereby certify that 1 am well acquainted with the above circumstance, and the state ment given is true. A. JUU.NSON. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Sole Proprieton. PITTSBURG, Pa, If r l mag 2 r-i. HHAYLOR & CREMER,- X - AT THE HUNTINGDON NURSERIES, Q " Huntingdon, Pa. aeii Fruit & Ornamental Tress, Vines &c. of better growth, larger size, and at lower price than any of the Northern or Eastern 2farerUg and warrant them true to name. Standard Apple trees at 18 cents each $16 pet 100. Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each $12.50 to $15 per 10 Standard Tear trees, 50 to 75 cts oacbJ Dwarf Pear trees, 50$to$leach 20 to $0 per 100 Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 75 cts each Standard Cherry trees 37J to 75 eti Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to 75 r.ta. Plum trees 50 cts. Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts. Nectarine trees 25 cts each. - ' " Grape Vines 25 cts to $1. Silver Maple trees 62 J to $1. European Ash, 75 to I. European Larch, 75 cts to 1.5U Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1. American Balsam Pine, 75 cts. to $1.50 American 4k Chinese Arbor Vita. 50 ck $1.50 . Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, &c. &c Huntington, Jan. 25, 1860.-tf.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALTOONA, Corner of Virginia and Annie Streets, oppo site Superintendent's Office Penna. RR Blair countv, Penna. U. S DEPOSITORY a FINANCIAL AGENCY; Monies received on deposit. Interest al lowed on time deposits. Gold and Silver Bought and Sold. Frattional Currency and Mutilated United States Notes Redeemed.- Drafts on the principal Cities for sale. Ceni tral Depot for the rale f United States Inter nal Revenue Stamps. Thi3 Bank" keeps on hand for sa!e the 7 3-10 U. S. Treasury Kotes, and takes subscrip tions for the same. Thi3 is the Popular Loan, the only Government Loan 'now in market at par, giving those who have money a safe and desirable opportunity for invest ment Two Cents a Day for each $1.00. Thes Notes, at Maturity, can be exchanged for 5-20 Six per cent. Gold bearing bonds. WM. M. LLOYD, rrest. D. T. Caldwell, Cashier. Feb. 9, 18C5.-tf. TTOOD MORRELL & CO., ' JOHN8TOWS, Pa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti cles : HATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, BONNETS, HARDWARE, I'KU VISIONS, FISn, SALT, FLOUR, BACON, DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS a SHOES, GROCERIES, FEED OF ALL KINDS, VEGETABLES AC Clothing and Boots and Shoe3 made'-.o order on reasonableterms. Johnstown March 1 18C0-tf. BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE. The subscriber begs to inform the citi-' Eens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he has opened out a NEW GROCERY STORE on High street, one door west of nuntley'a Hardware store, Ebensburg. His stock con sists in part of Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Bacon, Tobacco and Cigars, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Nuts, Candies, Crackers, Cakes, Ac, &c. In short, he keep3 constantly on hand everything in the Grocery line, all of whi;h he will sell at the eery lowest prices for cash. R. R. THOMAS. -Ebensburg, May 18, 1865.-6m. STATxS OF JACOli M. PAUL, DEC'D. The unJersined havingbeen a-), pointed auditor, by the Orphans' Court of Cam bria co., to distribute ihe of Leah Paul, Administratrir nf the t:?t nf Jacob M. Paul, dee'd., hereby gives notice tnat ne will attend to the duties of said ap pointment, at his office in the borousrh of LEbensburg, on MONDAY, the 6th day of 3U fcjjuiiii next, at one o'clock, P.M., when and where all persons interested may attend. J NO. E. SCANLAN, Auditor. Ottober, 5, 1865-3L. OAL! COAL! COAL ! " The public are hereby notified that now is the time to order a winter's suddIv of Coal. Cars on the Railroad are nlentv. r.d transportation stiTe. Later in the season, this may not be case. Send on your orders now. Coal furnished at reduced rates from last fall's prices. WM. TILEY. Hemlock, Cambria co., Aug. 24, 1865.-3m. TO THE PEOPLE! "REMEMBER NUMBER 0NE1'' Bring your Greenbacks along and get your Horses shod for $2,00. You can get your Buggy or Wagon ironed or repaired at R. H. Singer's shop, near Isaac Evans' Tannery. Ebensburg, Oct. 12, 18C5-3t. 6i VUICK SALES, QUICK SALES, QUICK SALES, AND AND AN t SMALL PROFITS 1" SMALL PROFITS !" SMALL PROFITS I" BARKER'S CHEAP STORE I BARKER'S CHEAP. STORE I BARKER'S CUEAP'SI-ORB J THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, TIIE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, TIIE BEST SELECTED, THE BEST SELECTED, THE BEST SELECTED EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN I EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN t EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN I LARGEST I LARGEST 1 LARGEST! CHEAPEST I BEST I CHEAPEST I BEST! CHEAPEST! BEST!