, - . . -, r RIGHT OR WnOXG : WHKN RIGHT, TO BE KEPT RIGHT, WHEN WBONG, TO BE PUT RIGHT. ERCXSBl'Rr.! THTJRSDAY::::::::::::::::::OCTOBER 26 To the fill on 3Iencfrennsylva nia. Rooms Union State Central Com mittee, No. 1103 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Oct. lGth, 1SG5. An other political contest has been determined by the freemen of Pennsylvania. The Union cause , lias again triumphed at the ballot-box. Official returns have been re ceived frcm sixty-two counties of the sixty-six in the State. Of these, fifty four show gains for tho Union cause over the vote of 1862. The aggregate gains over all losses are nearly twenty-five thousand. This will give to our candi dates on the home vote alone majorities exceeding that given by army and home vote to our late lamented President, A bra hum Lincoln. Of the several Union Senators whose tcrais of office expired, we have not lost one. The homo vote has gained us one from the Opposition in Luzerne, aud the army vote wiU gaiu us another in Frank lin and Adam?. In the lower House we have retained all of our sixty-three mem bers of last session. The home vote has added three to this number, and the array vote will give us one more. The Senate will stand twenty-one to twelve, and the House sixty-seven to thirty-three, thus giving us a majority of forty-three on joint ballot. For these results, so gratifying to the friends of out cause in Pennsylvania, and . to all patriots througbout the nation, we are deeply indebted to the returned soldiers of the late Union army, who have taught their friend and their foes that they know as well how to vote intelligently for the cause of the country, as they know .bow to fight bravely and heroically for - the same cause. Much praise is due to the press of the Ucion party throughout the State for its patriotic rfforts in the good work. To the Secretaries of the State Central Committee, Messrs. Ilamersly and Bene dict, the loyal men of Pennsylvania arc under lasting obligations. Upon them devolved arduous r.nd responsible duties. Many of their labors are not witnessed ncd never known to the public. They labored assiduously by day aud by night for the success of the Union cause, to which they are both most devotedly at tached. Every member of tho State Central Committee performed well his part, and co-operated cheerfully and cordially with the chairman in promoting tho success of the Union ticket. To the chairmen of the several county committees it is con ceded that much of the credit of our tri umph belongs. To all the true and faith ful men of the State, who so effectually discharged their duties and made our tri umph easy ns well as overwhelming, our most earnest and hearty thauks are ex tended. The defeat of our opponents is thorough and disastrous. To them it was unexpect ed, although well merited. Having op posed the war so happily and so glorious ly terminated, they changed thcxr policy, nominated officers, and assumed to be the special friends of the soldiers. They were confident tnd defiant. When wo were silent, they clamorously and imperiously demanded our view?. "When we spoke, they charged that it was " puerile invec tive." They told their followers that " we were endeavoring to turn their flanks," and called lustily on them " to pierce our centre." Some of them retired with both flanks turned and their centre pierced. The balanee were made prisoners. ' Last year tbey assured their followers that the election had been carried at the point of the bayonet ; that military rule had interfered jvith the freedom of tho election, and that our country was fast verging towards a military despotism. That shallow pretext cannot avail them now. Supporting soldiers, they became the champions of deserters and refugees from the draft To rally their desponding and disheartened forces they proclaimed that our -President tad become a convert to their views. TLey well knew the opin ions cf those who had elected him, and the principles of the platform upon which be stood. Yet they would gladly have iuduwl' him to abandon his friends and hw principles in order that they- might bs restored to power. The spirit of Slavery, Secession and State sovereignty had assassinated one President within the last six mouths, and was striving to demoralize and steal an other. The experiment failed ; the effort to make it was terribly rebuked by the people, and the result is the complete de moralization and overthrow of those who dared to misrepresent our Chief Magis trate in order to promote the success of their sinking cause. The eft repeated and well established truth of history has again boon vindicated. No toan, in any country, can take sides against his Government when engaged in war, whether foreign or domestic, and re tain the confidence and respect of hi fellow citizens after the termination of that war. And such is the unavoidable fate of parties. Ei'her the party which antagonizes the Government during the war must go down, cr the nation must perish; Our nation is too young to die. Those who have opposed our armies on the field of battle have been defeated. The party whose leaders opposed the prosecu tion of our war for national existence have been beaten at the ballot box. Our peo ple have just given another of the highest proofs of the fact that " man is capable of self govcrnmeut. The people at the ballot box have de clared their adherence to the principles which wer3 made triumphant by tho skill and bravery of American officers, soldiers and seamen amid the storm of battle. Let all good Union men continue to be faithful and true to tho cau?e of their country and all will be well. The nation, purified by the fiery ordeal through which it has lately passed, will start upon a new era of progress. The enemies of free Government will everywhere respect and fear our greatness and power, arid the aown troaaen ana oppressed ol every clime will seek and find an asylum in our midst. JOHN" CESSNA. 7 Chairman Union State Central Com. President Johnson's Views. A few days since, Mr. Geo. L. Stearns, of Boston, had a conversation with Presi dent Johnson on the subjects of Recon struction and Xegro Suffrage. lie was so much impressed with what was said that he requested permission of the President to make public the essential pointa there of. The President complied with the re quest, and endorsed the correctness of Mr. Stearns' report, which wa first submitted to him for his approval. The document is interesting and important, particularly as it relates to the question of Universal Suffrage. The President stated that he conceived it to be his official duty not to interfere with the question of suffrage in the States ; "if I interfered with the vote in the rebel States," he said, "to dictate that the negro shall vote, I might do the same thing for my own purposes in Penn sylvania.'' "Our only safety," he contin ued, "lies in allowing each State to con trol the right of voting by its own laws, and we have the power to control the Rebel States if they go wrong." While as Chief Magistrate bo believes it his du ty not to interfere with the subject in the States, he yet makes the important ad missiou that as a private citizen he would be in favor of negro suffrage ; "my posi tion here," he said, "is different from what it would be in Tennessee j there I should try to introduce negro 6uffiage gradually." He would first give the elec tive franchise to those negroes who had served in the army; next to those who could read and write; and finally, to those having a property qualification of 200 or 6250. It would not do, the President thicks, to let the negroes have universal suffrage now ; lit would breed a war of races." And he then goes on to state his grounds for this belief. We have not time nor room in this article to multiply extracts from the report; next week we will publish it entire, when each of our readers will have an opportunity ol judg ing for himself as to tho position of the President on the subject. Meanwhile, it is safe to infer that this report, certified to as correct by the President himself, will very materially modily the new-found en thusiasm of the Democracy for the present Administration. Rather Awkwahd. The Chicago Repuulitun tnj3 : " The Democratic pa pers of isnna., Ohio and Iowa, backed by their associates all over the country, have insisted that the Republican party of these States were committed to negro suffrage, and that the flection of the L'nion candidates would be a triumph for u-gro suffrage. In all those iSiates, the Democratic, or, as they were arrogantly called, " white niaoV tickets have been disgracefully beaten, and the Union can didates elected by glorious icajoritics. Will these papers, now that the elections are over, concede as willingly that the people have voted for universal suffrage V JEgyDaniel Gregory, under sentence of death for murder, died in jail in Phila delphia on Monday night. He was re-' piieved by Gov. Curtiu Monday. Pennsylvania Official. Thft following are the official returns of the late election from sixty-two out of the sixty-six counties. It will be observed that the Union party has gained in fifty four of these over the vote of '62, and lost in only eight, the clear gains being 24, 017 As the majority for Slenker, Dcm., in '02 wa3 3,382, the majority for Har tranft would be 20,685, allowing the four counties to be heard from to stand a3 in '62 an increaso over the majority of President Lincoln : M'tj. for Maj. Union Union Ilarlranft. Davis, gains, losses. 1G 395 Adams Alleghany - 4510 Armstrong 303 Beaver 746 Bedford 82 529 212 503 7G2 60 336 169 410 504 642 169 72 29 154 319 753 9 252 3J6 100 109 774 309 220 1C0 231 427 33 Berk3 5152 Blair 7u'4 Bradford 2900 1163 Bucks Butler 322 Cambria Carbon Centre Chester 211G Clarion Clearfield Clinton Columbia Crawford 1181 Cumberland Dauphiu 1U27 Delaware 1301 Elk Erie J794 Fayette Franklin 117 Fulton 371 759 l'J6 189 790 7S0 308 1416 42-5 238 136 10 S03 589 174 Greene Huntingdon.. Indiana Jefferson Juniata Lancaster Lawrence 952 2120 79 5366 1361 114G 223 . . 37 Lebanon 3:Y 1053 891 755 1866 20G 717 17 476 ...... 49 1509 153 IG20 627 374 97 1049 542 136 547 291 Gull 537 45 255 834 760 107 160 td 240 35 257 932 360 572 1007 360 47 114 2363 723 Lehigh Luzerne '. , Lycoming , M Kean Mercer , Miffiin Monroe Montgomery. Montour Northampton Northumberland . Perry Philadelphia Pike Potter . Schuylkill Somerset 135 843 49 249 8312 522 1167 Snyder 505 Susquehanna 12S5 Tioga 22.6 Union 400 Venango 325 Washington 503 W 3 Westm oreland Wyoming . Total in C2 counties....- -..26,022 Deduct, losses - ........ 2,005 2005 Clear Union gain in 62 counties.,24,0! 7 The Legislature. mi . f n t t . .i j. ne ioiiowmg is a complete nst ot tr.e members elect to the next Legislature. The Clearfield, Elk and Forest Assembly district is not officially l-eard from, but it is thought that Dr. Early is chosen. In the 19th Senatorial district, the majority for Duncan, D., over M'Couaughy, U.. is only 34 on the home vote; it is possible the army vote may elect the latter. Last year the Senate stood 19 Union to 14 Democrats j the new Senate, conceding Duncan's election, will stand 20 Union to 13 Democrats a gain of one in Luzerne county. The Union majority iu the Sen ate is therefore certainly 7, and may be 9. In the House the Union majority was 24 last year, and we gain one in Adams, one in Perry, aud one in Armstrong, which makes the majority 30, and 37 on joint ballot. We subjoin the list of members : SENATE. First Jeremiah Nicholas, U. Second Jacob E. llidgcway, U. Third C. M. Donavon, D. Fourth George Connell, U. Fifth W. YVorthingtou, U; Horace Poycr, U. Sixth Oliver P. James, D. Seventh Geo. 13. Scliall, D. Eighth. HeiMer ijlymer, D. Ninth Win. E. ltaudiil, D. Tenth II. B. Bearchley, D. Eleventh George Landon, U. Twelfth L. D. Shoemaker, U. Thirteenth Capt. Warren Uowles, U. Fourteenth John Walls, D. Fifteenth D. Montgomery, D. Sixteenth D. Fleming, U. Seventeenth B. Champueys, U; John M. Duulap, U. Eighteenth A. Heistand Glatz, D. Nineteenth Calvin M. Duncan, D. Twentieth Geo. M. Householder, U. Twenty-first Louis W. Hall, U ; Kirk Haines, U. Twenty-second Gen. Harry White, U. Twenty-third Wm. A. Wallace, D. Twenty-fourth John Latta, D. Twenty fifth J. L. Graham, U; Thos. J. Bingham, U. Twenty-sixth Wm. Hopkins, D. Twenty-seventh llev. 11. A. Brown, U. Twenty-eighth Thomas Hoge, U. Tweuty-ninth Morrow B. Lowry, U. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Philadelphia 1st, Geo. W. Ghegan , U: 2nd, W. II. Kuddiman, U : 3rd, S. Josephs, D ; 4th, Wm. W. Watt, U ; 5th, Joseph T. Thomas, U; Cth, James Free born, U; 7th, James Subers, U; 8th, James M. Kerns, U ; 9th, George A. Quigley, D; 10th, El isha W. Davis, U ; 11th, V. D. Sterner, U; 12th, Alexander Adair, U; 13th, James Donnelly, D; 14th, Traucis Hood, D: 15lh. Geo. .Do Havcn; Jr., U; 16th, David A. Wallace, 1 U: 17th, Edward G. Lee, U : 18th, Jas. N. Maiks, U. Alle-hcny Alfred Slack, U ; John P. Glass, U; G. Y. M'Kee, U ; H. B. Her ron, U ; J. D. Dacks, U ; David Shaffer, Adams Lieut. Philip S. Houck, U. Armstrong Lieut. Frank Mechling, U. Berks Frederic Harmer, D ; Ileury B. Bhoade?. D; John Missimer, D. Blair Joseph G. Adlum, U". Bradford and Sullivan Loretzo Griu- nel, U; G. Wayne Kinnev, U; Bucks Luther Calvin", D; F. W. Headman, D. Cambria Cvrus L. Pershing, D. Carbon and Monroe Allen Craig, D. Centre Frederick Kurtz, D. Chester Nathan J. Sharpies-, U ; N. A. Pennypaclfer, U ; W. B. Waddell, U. Clarion and Jefferson W. W. Barr, D. Clearfield, Elk and Forrest Dr. 11. C. Early, I. D. Clinton, Cameron aud McKcan E. B. Eldred, D. Columbia and Mcntour W. II. Jacoby, D. Crawford J. C. Sturdevant, U ; Geo. II. Bemus, U. Cumberland Philip Long, D. Dauphin Henry B. Hoffman, U j Dr. J. Seiler, U. Delaware EHwood Tyson, U. - Erie Col. E. D. McCrcary, II; Col. O. S. Woodward, U. Fayette Charles E. Boyle, D. Greene Thoma? Hose, D. Huntingdon, Mifihn and Juniata Ephram Baker, U ; James M. Brown, U. Indiaca and Westmoreland J. It. M'Afee, U; James M'Elroy, U ; Geo E. Smith, U. Lancaster Maj. P. W. Shenk, U; Capt. Charles Dennis, U; Day Wood, U; Jjhn M. Stehman, U. Lebanon Capt. Jacob Miley, U. Lehiirh Nelson Weiser, D : James F. Kline, D. Luzerne Anthony Grady, D; Daniel F. Sybert, D ; David S. Koon, D. Lycoming, Union and Snyder S. C Wingard, U; Capt. D. A. Irwin, U; Dr. Isaac ltothrock, U. Mercer, Lawrence and Butler Joshia M'Pherrin, U; Samuel M'Kinley, U; John II. Negley, U; Henry Pillow, U. Montgomery Dr. A. D. 3Iarcby, D ; Ed. Satterthwait, D. Northampton Oliver II. Myers, D; T. D. Barriugton, D. Northumberland Charles W. Tharp, D. Perry and Franklin C 1. F. S. Stam baugh, U ; Capt. George A. Shuman, U. Schuylkill Dr. K. Bobin.on, D ; John M. Crosland, D; Peter J. Collins, D. Somerset, Bedford and Fulton Moses A. Ko-s, U; D. B. Armstrong, U. Su-q'dehanna and Wyoming J. T. Cameron, U; Peter 31. Oiterhout, U. Tioga and Potter Dr. Wm. T. Hum phrey, U; John S. Mann, U. Yenanuo and Warrea W. L. Whann, U ; Col. II. Allen, U. Washington and Beaver James II. Kelly, U;' Joseph B. Welsb, U ; M. S. Quay, U. Wayne and Pike Wm, N. Nelson, D. York Jame3 Cameron, D; A. S.Law rence, D. General Lee Takes the Amnesty 0 ath. Among the amnesty oaths just filed at the State Department is that of Robert E. Lee, subscribed to on the 2nd inst. That all the world may know what this man promihcs in the future, we give the oath entire. It is tho same oath re quired from " any other man :" "Office of Notary Pcblic, 4Rockinbiudge Co., Va., Oct. 2, 1865. " I, Uobert E. Lee, of Lexington, Ya., do solemnly swear, in presence of Al mighty God, that I will henceforth faith fully support, protect and defend the Con stitution of the United States, and the Union of the States thereuuder; and I will in like manner, abide by aud faith fully support all the laws and proclama tions which have beeu made during the existing rebellion with refcreuce to the emancipation of slaves, so help me God. (Signed) "K. E LEE. " Subscribed and sworn before me, this 2d day o October, a. D., 18G5. "CIIAS. A. DAYIDSON, " Notary Public." lip ' ggyMr. John Iloppy, of the Nashville liminer, gives the following humorous des cription of his j urneyings after pardon : " Had a personal interview with the Chief Magistrate, and asked him for a small pardon, if he had any more left. Chief Magistrate wanted to know what positiou 1 held in the rebel army. The answer was faint, somewhat hesitating and a little shaky. I said lf Quartermaster." Chief Magistrate chuckled and turned his head to conceal a sardonic smile. " My ancient and venerable friend," he said, " if you think your department of the rebellion en dangered the Union cause, your innocence is a pardon itself." XPa?All the wood work in Ford's thea ter, Washington, has been removed, and workmen have nearly completed three arch floors of brick masonry, and the base ment, also cf brick. Tho building will be fire-proof, and a cat iron stairway will be erected from the first floor to the third floor in the southwest corner of the buil ding. - m i IS? General Graut is in Washington, carrying out a plan for the reduction of the army to a standard required only for the ordinary condition of the country in a time of tranquility at home and peace abroad. It U thought that the perma nent force left will be ,100,000 men. ' . m m m yMiss Harriet Lane, niece of Ex President Buchanan, will be married shortly to Henry E. Johnson, a wealthy banker of Baltimore. Johnson was one ot the political martyrs of iort Warren in the early part oi tne war, ior running the blockade to Richmond. The Old Public Functionary. The unkindest cut of all to James Bu chanan, who served the Southern traitors with a servility unsurpassed ic the history of the country, is given in the late letter of the Hon. Kenneth Rayner to Dr. Wm. Elder, of Washington Rayner puts his deliberate opinion ou record thus: tl I must say that I regard James Bu chanan as more' responsible for the disas ters and horrors of the last four year?, than any man in the nation. The people of the South had very kindly feelings for him. In fact, he was more popular with the ultra men of the South, on aecouut of his connivance at the Kansas outrage, hi dogma about having no power to co erce a State, &c, than he was with the Union men. A remonstrance from him, a warning, a declaration that he mint maintain the authority of the Gov ernment and sec that tho laws were exe cuted this, coming from a friend, would have induced the secessionists to pause and consider ; at least, it would have aroused and given confidence to the Union clement of the South. It would, in my opinion, have averted the conflict. But he stood still and cid notliiag." tfSU Day Wood, member elect to the Legislature from Lansaster county, died on Saturday last. g.The Werze'trial has been conclu ded, and the finding -of the Military Com mission will be made public shortly. rov, John Mitchell has been uncondi tionally pardoned by the President. PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPEIiTV ! ! ! The undersigned will se'.l at Pub.ic Sale, at the Store-room ol Uobert Davis, deceased, in Ebeusburg, on TUESDAY, 7th Pay of NOVEMBER, 18C3, the following personal property.- A lar-e assortment of DRY GOODS. A well selected stock of HARDWARE. A full assortment of MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING. An extensive varietv of BOOTS and SHOES. A larpre stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. DRUGS, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY. -4405 head of good HORSES. Two DOUBLE SLEDS and one SINGLE SLED. Three WAGONS. One SLEIGH. SADDLES and BRIDLES. Six setts of HEAVY HARNESS. Two CUTTING-BOXES, one PLOUCH. One ROCKA WAY BUGGY and HARNESS. Three acres of WHEAT in the ground. SHOVELS and FORKS. Also 20,500 feet WHITE OAK LUMBER. 4,500 feet RED OAK ' 5.400 feet BKECH Y,200 feet CHERRY l,U0O feet ASH 4J,7uG feet POPLAR 16,000 leet 1 J POPLAR 3,300 feet l-inch POPLAR 500 reel MAPLE 82,000 feet PINE Together with a great variety of other ar ticles to be found about Store3, Lumber Yards, Stables. fcc. Cfeyf- S:Ie to commence at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, and to continue from day to day until all are sold. GEO. M. READE, Adrnr. of Uobert Davis, deceastd. Oct. 2C, lS65td A DMINISTKATOIl'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Robert Davis, late of Ebensburg, Cambria county, dec eased, have been granted to t undersigned by the Register of said county. All persons indebt ed to said estate nre requtsted to muke imme diate payment, an'J those Laving cl ii:ns against it will present them, properly authen ticated, for settlement. GEO. M. READE, Adm'r. Ebensburg, Oct. 2G, l865-6t WANTED. A married man tn do the work of a small farm in the vi cinity cf Ebensburg. To an industrious, sober man, liberal wages will be paid, with a comfortable home. APl'ly to EDWARD SHOEMAKER. Ebensburg, Oct. 2G, 1865-4t. P I C T U II E S I PICTURES FnOTOGRAPHS ! AMDROTYPES CASES ! PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ! Lnrgc-sizc Photograpln taken from Small Ambrotypcs, Photographs, and Daguerreotypes, for Frauie3. Everybody should jo and have their Pictures takea at STILES'. Rooms : Half Square North of the Diamond, sept. 20. . ' EBENSBURG, PA. NEW TOWN. The subscriber would inform the pub lic that he has laid out a TOWN in Carroll township. 6 miles from Carrolltown, 12 miles from Ebensburg, 20 miles from Indiana, and 6 miles from Campbell's Bottom, called ST, NICHOLAS. A large number of lots have teen sold therein, and several more can yet be bought. The location is good ground productive, good water, &c. A new Catholic Church will be built inside its limits next summer. Any person desiring to invest in this new Town will please call on or address NICHOLAS LAMBOTTR, Carrolltown, Ya.. Oct. 5, 1355-3t ' TURING DIPilTITET?T A V Diphtheria U an alarming die . whether it afflict a child or an adult it can be cured at once by the aPplicat;J' lladway a Redy Relief. Try it and to be convinced hr.n.r.. -i . Jtt" ria is a malignant sore throat, with t H d.tional and really fatal featnrp. S the anguish occasioned by the ramM tion of such a delicate part of the sW en membrane which so speedily erod : ' throat, threatens a speedy death Tro ' U: cation. There is no timef.foVtSain a cri3 3, The ablest medical rnen'V palled. They know not what to doJ? feeling of certainty, and yet the patilT' have mslant reliefor expire . Tb Radway's Ready Relief, like a proVec??5 gel and bids the sufferer live It u ?U to the throat, externally, with fr, little of it mixed with water is 1 internally. The patient reviVes III with more ease. He feels the ar medicme inspiring Li., entire frame"!? v.gor. He rapidly improves unTerluc propnate treatment, and, in a short walks forth, despite all prediction ! contrarv. rescnpH f. A. ultuon3 to th- anything b-more cure or n, gF-V Co1 Radway's Ready rj"f Vos ZTti ? Yf' abottieabnf ,.,!,;. ASt3 onIJ fifty cent to expend ior tiT 7 -V0U Tro,lIJ ha" ou."! 'Option wriuJ . - . '"v-uiciu aueaaaat. Tl 3 saving a great deal for the virtues , Rndwav'd T!p,K, t?oi:- i... ue" f j - j um noi a word nm- than t conscientiously deserves. It promptly cure Diphtheria; will RDjtl;V As on of Radw Diphthcri za? Coughs, and Colds, the reader is renn ed to roar' thn r.ti !,.: t . ..v .w...,,, iciier. iei 11113 i portant fact be borne in mind Radw" aamuiatiou to the surface. Let rt be applied the throat as directed, the patient will rC ly recover. 1 The ful'.owing case is one out of man tl:i! : , v ,M"1 iooo-ii, aur,r- r.i .mult- ui lius ijsease at Albany V. Mr. Gambrill of Albany, writes : " UTl.rAn ,.f 1. : 1 J ' ..iivv. j i mjf uinuren were seized wiUnr r ..u.u.ii, mm ii r.s prevailed t .'Ki a serious extent in this flu- nf rii;i. J many children have died. It commenced i-, my family with a sore throat, heudaci." tf hoarseness, sore lips, sore eyes, then fcv'i-:' wrnl,1 Cl.t ;,i . .''" ui n.c mviii turn la a vei'ni tint. I knew how good your Ready Rei- ....k w.c cic iui me general run ot cos-'" plaints, and determined to risk the lives,' my children on their merits. My trust t.rrl .7,. 1 r I ... O II H I'll I .5 H-i.n it .. 1 i "c" iwu'iucu. i ga eacn oi inem tourpiilic m nun uuuies irom Ueflu to Ic with the Relief. My children were as we as ever in twenty-four hours after tak:: .vowr medicine. 1 believe, had my neighbor! rsed the same means, they would have"sa the lives of tlu ir children.'' R.idwry's Ready Relief is sold by all Pr;-.-gists and couutry merchants, nnd nt h Radway's office, S7 Maiden lane, New York ,his r.. Roberts, Agent, Ebensburg. It T ETTEPtS remaining UNCLAIMED 1 i IX THE TOST OFFICF, At Elenslurg, State of Pennsylvania, Octobe: 1, lSt'5. J. V.. Brown, J. Vt'. Van Bura:i, P. Hoover, Sarah Ha9tor, S. YV. Jones, ;3 J. J. Biiler, Joseph Conway, Abraham Crusu, H. J. Campbell, G. Cooper, k Bro. Richd. Davis, E. J. Davis, T. B. Davis. Mrs. M. M. Evans, Miss E M. Evans, John Filing, Samuel Goughanour, Geo. Gisler, C. K. Hughes. Mrs. Ann Walker. Miss Jane A. Jon ... Ed. Jones, W. H. Jones, Philip Ke arn3, Dennis Miirrav, B. G. Noiler, " Mrs. Mary My-.rs, AY. R. Morgan, S. T. Nicholson, Mrs. Dortha Roberi Miss Jane Roberts, Henry Tucks, M. D. Wilson, 2, J. Weissinger. 1 To obtain any of these lettes, the appli-i" cant must call for ilaJverlised Icttert" give thefts date of this list, and pay one cent for adver tising. It not called for within one rtont, tlier f will be sent to the Dead Letter OfTice. ' Free delivery of letters by carriers, at til j residencesof owners in cities and large towii secured by observing the following rules: 1. Direct letters plainly to the streetwl number, as well as the post oflice and Sine. 2. Dead letters with the writer's post cj.'-i and Slate, street and number, sign them plai ly with full name, and request that answers be directed accordingly. 3. Letters to strangers or transient visitor in a town or city, whose special address ma; be unknown, should be marked, in the lower left-hand corner, with the word "Transient." ,cc- 4. Place the postage stamp on the vppr jj right-hund corner, and leave space betweea , -the stamp and direction for post-marking with- j out interfering with the writing. B N.B. A request for the return of a letw to the writer, if unclaimed within 30 days or . l less, written or printed with the writer's nam, ( post office, and State, across the left-hand end v of the" envelope, on the face side, will be com- i plied with at the usual prepaid rate of post- ' age. payable when the letter is delivered to the 'writer. Sec. 28. Law of 1863. k joiin TnoMPSox, r.tf Oct. i, :s53. , r A DM INISTltATOR'S NOTICE- p Notice is hereby given that Lettwi oi ' Administration on the Estate of Henry lum- p son Duncan, late of Blacklick tp., Camo f f co., deceased, have been granted to the un- . dersigned, by ti e Roister of Cambria CO.- LQ All persons knowing themselves indebted W said estate are requested to make immedia. p.lvprnt, aud those having claims g a s,iid estate to present them properly auth- i ;..ti..i fur settlement, to ..1 - m. REBECCA ANN DUNCAN, Adni'x. Blacklick township, Oct. 5, 18G5-6t. XTOTICR. t 1 Notice is hereby given to those i pt sons that have unsettled accouuts with W . . irnnnn JL- TfiVF.S In come late lira ui - . . T, T r ward immediately and settle with R. H- dor, the surviving partner oi sent their claims, or pay then- jj Ebensburg, July 13, 1865- LOST. . ftv, Strayed away from the premises ol w subscriber, in Carroll tp., Cambria coyW some time during the month ot June, aw veer old BULL, bnndle color, white spots. The ear mark is a round bole slit in each ear. A reasonable reward . paid for his recovery. juu Sept. 14, 1865.-3t, ELDERSRIDGE ACADEMY . Will open its Thirty-Eighth Ses$1o e WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11th. For p8 ulars, address poNALDSOX, Pri- ( Sept. 28, 1865. rlR) HAS GOT THEM ? . YV Two Buffalo robes were borro from Robert Davis, (late deceased,) to burg, last winter. The person will please return . 26, 1865. owner. t evidence of the remarkable I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers