The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 26, 1865, Image 1
UJ : Ay Ay vy 0. i tin I Cf! thel it; lCif i: Oil !li )LL t Ji lt'. ie ti: 5! e S. lTcs. :oi Tit ife nb, rcre ,tis& nj J1- iJfti itvT: 7tb LTJ inert ectf' disco by'-' fully, alo' sal lade:: r or BV ! .MS, toD i bo' 4 7lliLimAlior and Proprietor. )'-roPPlI'rTCllIXSOy, Publisher. VOLUME 7. D .. OF POST OFFICES. w, tn-ticei. PoMt Matter: Vistrtctt. rnown, Steven L. Evans, Carroll. Spring, Henry Nutter, Chest. Cb A. G. Crooks, Taylor. J'on J. Houston, Washint'n. Kbc'ibur?. Jobn Thompson, Ebensburg. v.i en Timber, C.Jeffries, White.. I ;in J - M. Christy, Galhtzin. 2mlS' Wm Tiler, Jr., Washt'n. HK.t0wn I.E. Chandler, Johnsfwn. johQStown, M Xdlesberger, Loretto. Loretto, Durbin, Munster. Munster, Andrew J Ferral, Susq'han. Pltwville, Ctim. Wharton, Clearfield. St. Agtne, peBerke Richland. Scalp Level, Jjeolgftni Washt'n. Sonman, George H. Wike, Croyle. Summit, K shrv0Ck, S'merbill. Wilmore, J rnrncilES, MINISTER S, . rev T. M. Wilson, rastor. I """ Sabbath morning at 10 Wrenching e'ery . i. o.h. Jt', a .' Rev. J. Persuing, Ap Preacber a charge. UO. - Sabbath ,isUnt. I'reacning civ., . . . morninsr. at 10 o clocK. " o'clock, A. M. Prayer meeting ev crj o cio... PowlL, I Welch Jndtpenaeni i.t. f JpJror.-Preaiing every Sabbath .morning ; at I.. .. i i oi-nninc flt o O tlOCK. iOotlocK, anu iu c r , T i M Praver Subbath ScUool Kt 1 o'clock, I . M. 1 raycr .. f A-.- .r.nmir Ot feitCU meeting on liie nrsi - , , taunth? and on every Tuesday, - and Friday evening, cxccpiing the first cek in A 1 eaeti nioiiin. . t-.,t Caleinutic JecAorfi.t Rbv. Mora an Ellis rastor.-Vreacliing every Sabbath evening at ..... . n i i iiti' o elocs. . anu u o ciocs.. . A. 11. Tiayer meeting every Friday evening, at 7 o'clock-. Society every Tuesday evening DiMcMesRsv. W. Lloyd, Tastor. Preach- iArninir fit 10 o'cIOCK. lVtor.I'rcaehing every Sabbath evening at 3 o'clock. Sal. bath School At at I o'clock, P. M. acholic Uev. 11. C. Christy, Pastor. Services every Sabbath morning at 10$ o'clock Jul Vespers at o'clock in the evening. IZUEXSitL'KG MAILS. MAIIjA-ARRIVE. I tern, didlv, nt 12.00 o'clock, noon. Vusurn, ""-it" 12.00 o'clock, noon. MAILS CLOSE. r.tem, daily, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Western, " at 8 o'clock, P. M The mails from Newman's Mills, Car Mlltown, &"c, arrive on Monday, Wednesday i.d Fridav of each week, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Loavo Ebcnsburcr on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Zt.4S;,ESOAS SCIIEtflTIJB CKESSON STATION. Vest Halt. Express leaves at Phila. Esnres3 " D.17 J 0.07 9.58 8.38 8.1 :i 4.30 8.50 1.43 7.03 12.03 5.10 A. M A. M. P. M. P. M Fast Lino .Mail Train " Pitts. Erie Ex. " Altoona Acconi. Et Phila. Express " Fust Line " Day Kxpress " Pitts. Erie Ex. ti t it i it it A. M. P. M. P. if, A. M. A. M. P. M. P. -M. A. M. ii ii V.ail Train Altoona Accom. 11.10 COl'XTY OFFICERS. Juijes of the Courts President Hon. Geo. Taylor, Huntingdon; Associates, George W. E.Vipy, Henry 0. Devine. rrctkonotary Joseph M'Donali. Jifjistfr awl Recordrr James Griffin. Si.rriJ James Myers. District AUorny. Philip S. Noon. County Comnii'sionr John Campbell, Ed ward Glass, F.. U. Dunnegan. Clerk to Commiiikners William n. Sech icr. Treasurer Issm "ffike. Clrk to Treasurer John Lloyd. Poor House Directors Ceoro M'Cullough, George Delany, Irwin Ratiedge. roor House Treasurer Ceorge C. K. Zalim. Auhtors William J. Williams, Francis P. rterney, John A. Kennedy. County b'urie;or. Hetiry Scanlan. Coroner. AVilliatn Flattery. Mtrcantilt Avtirnix'r .Tli Sup't. of Common Schools J. F. Condon. EHrASlURG IJOK. OFFICERS. R Joni JrnCS' gU JOne9' M trough TrcaWr-Goo. W. Oatman. J.""-Morri8 Peat. '""V FvarTV nrU,ghe3 EvaD GriRith' Tbo'r'RicharJ R Tibbott, Robert D. fejrr''c''on"-I)anicl O. Evans. Jr-J. A. Moore. . .. WKST WAttD " lllOS. J. Mill iams. ilur Wnef7-l3aac Crawford, James P. Qk. ' klUeI1' 1L KiDk"d, George W. fc7r7bert rElftnS' Jn0' E Sca. C raT7John D- Tbomaa- or Capt. Murray. A r r SOCICTIES, &c. rth Tn r 1IaU Ebensburg, on the p Ja Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock, nesdav"F: S8' Eb.nsburg, 5 . rt m .... " VranTI 'g;land DiTision No. 84 Sons of ever? ? m, TemP"ance Hall, Eb e. every Saturdav ' 1 . -vijUjr. RiISOF SUBScilPTToN " TO "TnE ALLEGHANIAN ." $2.00 IN ADVANCE, ' AT Tn BSD OF THE TEAR. ibn1 I EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, I860. October. BY WILLIS GAYLOED CLARKE. Bolemn, yet beautiful to view, Month of my heart, thou dawnest here, With seor and faded leaves to strew The Summer's melancholy bier; The moaning of thy winds I hear, As the red sunset dies afar, And bars of purple cloud appear, Obscuring every western star. Thou eolemn month 1 I hear thy voice, It tells my soul of other days, When but to lire was to rejoice, When earth was lovely to my gaze. O, visions bright ! O, blessed hours ! Where are those living raptures now ? I ask my spirit'i wearied powers, I ask my pale and fevered brow. Alas ! for Time and Death and Ctire, - What gloom around my way they fling, Like clouds in Autumn's gusty air, The burial pageant of the Spring. The dreams that each succeeding year. Seemed bathed in hne3 of living pride, At last, like withered leaves appear, And sleep in darkness, side by side. "From Godey's Lady's Book. LOVE I ft A TRAKWAY. They wero loitering in the garden Fred Davenport, with his hih-bred non chalant air; Joim Fisk, with a look of mingled crnbarra3Hmont and deGance ou his pbin, manly face, ai:d Lalla, between them, playiu her little part of artless simplicity, and playing it well with a glauce to the right and word to the left, the brown eyes apparently not seeing the utter dieoni(iture of cous-in John, a Mr. Davenport proceeded, with his calm, clear words, to cut and criticize llobt. Brown ing's poems. "Yes, Miss AViuslow," spoke the low, distinct tones, where the tound of each letter rant; gently out as the word glided through the thin lips and pointed mous tache, " the poems of Browning are his own heart's deep red blood. They are to poetry what the passionate violincello is to music ; the low and throbbing under tones which echo in our hearts loner after lighter pounds have died away forever. With your delicate taste so far removed from the coarse realities of this working- day world, I feel Bure you will appreciate J the poeui?, and, with your permission, I will bring them this evening, and point out the gems." While Lalla was "so delighted," and " eo much obliged," John savagely tore off a rose from a bush by his side, and, as if in revenge for its ruthless murder, the flower sent one of it3 long thorns spite fully into the murderer's hand, and two or three drops of the blood which had been boiling through his veins for the previous half hour, burst gaily forth, tinging the white linen cuff with a hue as bright as John's own celebrated ruby cherries. But the brown eyes, apparently so absorbed in Drowning, had seen this by-play, and pulling a dainty handker chief from her pocket, Lalla exclaimed " Let rue bind this around your poor hand, cousia John. I insist, for I am somewhat interested in your recovery. You promised 40 give me a ride in your pretty new skiff, to-morrow evening, and I have thought of it oh ! you cannot imagine how often-!"- Here the brown eyes cast a Ehy upward glance, and completed the reconciliation hich the little fingers and handkerchief had begun. Calmed and controlled, the great "six foot" John stalked on by the side of the gray hat and feather, and con soled himself for the continuation of the Browning dialogue by watching the play of the blender boots in and out under the gray Balmoral. Lalla mslow was the only daughter of the village doctor. A warm-hearted, bright disposition, a petite, graceful per son, a quick mind and sweet voice would have made her a general favorite even without those brown eyes which shed such a glory over the pensive face that a astraDger would never dream of the mirth concealed in the little, red mouth, until the arching lips, gleaming teeth and merry dimples showed his mistake: and the brown eyes themselves, going over to the enemy with long, twinkling lashes, put his incredulity utterly to rout. Yes Lalla was a belle ! It is true her enemies said she was affected and senti mental j and we confess that she did lisp, kept a journal, and read the blue and gold literature. Y"et, for all this, such was the bliudness of the.young men of the vil lage that they pxssed by the practical, domestic young ladies, and ru?hed insane ly after our little, lisping Lalla. Among a crowd of admirers, cousin John had generally etood foremost, and although Lalla's flirting propensities had often pent him fuming home to hi? broad farm lands along the river, yet old, experienced gos sips always prophesied, " Mark my words Mrs. Jones, they will make a match yet." This very fair July, when our story is told, had seen cousin John far in advance of his discouraged competitors, who, drop ing off, one by one, took up various of the practical damsels and tried to per suade them (and themselves at the same time) that they bad never really admired that little flirt, Lalla Winslow,"and that I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Henry Clav. all tho time they had felt ''how much bet ter a wife my dearest Betsy would make !" But, married, and settled down into a busy, prosy life, some of theso plain, rough farmers cherished in their inmost hearts, for many a long rear, a lingering, lovely picture of little Lalla, with her brown, beaming eyes. Yes John Tiad been far in advance, and had often gone over in his mind the proper words for a proposal, , when there arrived at the village hotel tho handsome young lawyer, Fred Davenport, with a vacation of thirty days, with plenty of books, a marvelous fishing rod and model gun, armed cap-a-pie- against birds, fish and ennui. As may well be imagined, Lalla, sighing for new worlds to conqu-r. was much pleased with this discovery, while Mr. Davenport was not slow to ad' mire the " two eyes so soft and brown," and promised himself a nice little flirta tion with tho village belle. The friend ship so begun had flourished well, and although the tenth day was waning away that lovely afternoon in the garden, the. time teemed ten centuries to poor, per plexed John, who, unwilling to give up entirely, hung arouna his 01a love witn j mingled admiration and anger. At last, as the Browning discussion branched oft into Buskin, Turner and Dore, John grew almost frantic. How he hated the calm, intellectua lawyer ! " What business has he, with hi. kid glove, to come here and talk about 'Ftiiiky' and the Lord knows whom else besides, to my cousin Lalla !" So breaking into the midst of " chiaro oscuro" and " alto-relievo," he proposed a walk to the river, a mile distant. Lalla seconded the motion quite eagerly. Shall we confess that tho latter part of the dis cussion had been slightly over her little head 'i And John thought gleefully of those long lawyer fingers pulling the heavy oars. Leaving the beaten path, the little party wandered along through the woods, and Lalla, untying her round hat filled it with hlue-beils, while Mr. Davenport recited fragments of " Evelyn Hope." But, jut as he reached the cadence, " I loved you, Evelyn, all the while," a large black snake, fully six feet long, darted across the path in front of Lalla, who, palo as death, sank to the ground, overcome with nervous dread. John, seizing a stick, sprang upon the reptile, and after a short,; severe struggle, put an end to its crawl ing lite, and turning, flushed with victory, to reassure Lalla, saw Mr. Davenport at a distance walking away as fast as his dig nity would permit. " Hallo, here ! you can come back now," fhoutcd John, " I've killed the snake dead as a door nail !'' Nothing loth to exhibit his rival at a disadvantage, John said, as he raised Lulla from the ground ' Your city beau has been pretty well scared, Lalla. I guess you'll have to con tent yourself with farmer boys, after oil." Now, this was an unfortunate speech of honest, blundering John, fjr the spoiled beauty could not brook anything like ridicule. " Cousin John," retorted the angry little lady, " your remarks are unfair and ab surd and and," finding no argument to support her failing side, she added, with a stamp of tho slender foot, " and I hate you I" Poor John ! And to finish all, at this moment Fred Davenport rushed up to Lalla, and, seizing both her hands, ex claimed " My dearest Miss Lalla, arc you hurt ? I feared your delicate nerves might be shocked at the sight of such a monster, and I rushed after a stone to crush its hateful head. Tell me, oh I tell me with your own lips that your are unhurt. Smile again to comfort me." To be addressed in such impassioned language by such a distinguished gen tleman was sweet incenso at Lalla'n little shrine. She smiled, as she coyly with drew her hands, and said " I am indeed unhurt, and grateful for your extreme kindness." ''Couldn't this stone "have served your purpose, without going half a mile ?" growled John, on whom this little con versation had grated harshly, kicking, as ho spoke, a fragment of rock in hi3 path. " Sir !" said the lawyer, with a calm, superior smile. " You are a brute, John !" whispered Lalla. Then she turned to -Mr. Davenport, and John had the pleasure of hearing her entreat him, in a low tone, not to trouble himself about her farmer cousiq. " Oh, no !" replied Mr. Davenport, stroking his moustache ; " he means well, but is quite unpolished." John's wrath was too deep for words, but fear of the anger of Miss Brown Eyes kept his rage quiet iu his breast. The party strolled on, Lalla and the lawyer in closo conversation while John loitered behind, almost devoured with wrath and jealousy. In the meantime heavy clouds came frowning over the sky, the rising wind moaned through the trees, and whirling circles of birds betokened a coming storm. So absorbed were the two figures in front that they never noticed these changes in tho sunny afternoon, and bo angry was John that he would not givo them warning. "Let him get a drenching 1 It will serve him right. I'd Ijke to see those white pants after a regular soak !" thought our farmer friend,-glowering at the ele gant city clothes before him. " Here a vivid flash'of" lightning and a loud peal of thunder aroused the Brown ingites, while, large drops of rain came pattering down on the - shining beech leaves over them.- A violent gust of wind came; roaring through the forest, bowing down the tali trees like reeds, and filling our little heroine, with alarm. . . ; "Oh I John, what shall -we do?" she cried; clinging to his strong arm. "W;e must hurry to Graves foundry, on the Mrd.stown road ; it is the nearest place ot refuge. But .first, Lalla, put my coat right over that foolish dress ; I don't want it one bit it's just in the way," re plied cousiu John, buttoning the garment over the drooping shoulders, "and crush ing, beyond hope. 01 recovery, the delicate fluted ruffles. . . . Drawing her hand through his arm, off they started, leaving-Mr. Davenport to follow at his will, which that gentleman slowly did, with great damage to his slen der bocts and snowy pants As the tall - chimneys of the foundry, belching out clouds of smoke, appeared through the trees, the rain ceased, altho' the skies still threatened auother outburst j and Mr. Davenport, joining the cousins, compared the rain-drops on Lalla's hair to dew-drops set iu gold, and hoped she had not taken cold.- That bright color would seem to say "No," but he saw tho fair throat exposed to the cool wind. Might he. be allowed ? And. taking off his black and white silk scarf, he fastened it around Lalla's neck with the glittering diamond pin. "But you will take cold," objected .Lalla. . . .'. ... "A thousand colds would be cheerfully borne for the pleasure of Feeing you thus adorned by my hand,"' returned the law yer, with an eloquent glance. . The little, country girl was not proof against such flattery. "How different from John's rough ways "' thought she; then trdded, aloud, "Ccusin John, you may have your coat again : it hurts my shoulders. Mr. Davenport assisted her in taking off the rejected garment, murmuring many regrets for the ruined ruffles, and the two strolled, off to wards the foundry,... leaving the much-enduring John scowling after them. Much enduring ? Y"cs ; for all the time he could not divest himself of the feeling that the little coquette really, in her inmost heart, liked him better than she chose to confess. room stood wide open to allow of fresh air to the lumace-mea toiling over the molten iron. It seemed like some great cave in the bowels of tho earth, where swarthy demons glided to and fro, while ever and arou a harsh cry summoned them to re ceive tho hissing, glowing iron, pouring like liquid fire from a great caldron; and, uuder all, sobbed the dull, heavy gasps of the engine, like the iron king in living "How can those men summon up their courage to approach that boiling iron so closely V said Lalla. "One drop of it would burn their very bones : "Oh! Miss Winslow," returned Mr. Davenport, "that requires ouly animal courage of the lowest order mere brute force. A truly intellectual soul would scorn such an ignoble quality, and soar above to the calm regions ot moral supe riority. To walk up to these fires, to at tack any dangerous animal, requires but a vulgar courage. How much more noble the true spirit of chivalry, the soul-felt knight errantry of olden tune I Now, John had overheard this last ef fusion, and felt that it was aimed at him self and the poor black snake. His wrath was on the point of exploding, when tho large rain-drops and heavy thunder chang ed his feelings into auxiety for Lalla iu her thin muslin dress. "You cannot stay in that stifling, dirty moulding room, Lalla," he exclaimed. "We must go up stairs into the mounting room. Follow mo ; this is the shortest way. On the other side of the foundry was a long tramway, leading from the canal to the third story, and used for dragging up the newly-made castings to the mounting rooms above. It was boarded over the top and sides, lighted by an oc3asional loop-hole, while through the centre ascen ded the iron track, leaving but an inch or two of space on either side. It was into this species cf tunnel that John led the way, as the nearest shelter ana the easiest mode of reaching the mounting rooms above. No thought of danger entered his mind, as only the day previous he had overheard the foreman say that they no longer used that long tunnel, as the track was out of order. Still nursing his wrath, John stalked on in front, while Lalla lin gered behind with Mr. Davenport, listen ing to his quotations from Schiller's "Song of the Bell," and rewarding the speaker ' s 1 with many pleasant words, each 01 wuicn bent an additional arrow to John s heart "Well, I'm afraid I've been mistaken all this time," thought the young farmer. "I've cared for her this many a long year, and mv whole life is gone without her. What are all my rich fields without the hope. that she. will come- and' live in the old frro:house ! And still, how kind she was when sister died 1 how pleisant she was all along until this city fellow came! But I cannot think she really likes him, such' a mincing, sour-milk charj." Suddenly a bell rang out ajQ disturbed John's meditations ; then a low, grating sound, and the immense iron chain in tho centre of the track creaked, tightened, and began to ascend slowly, while down at the canal the heavy, Droad car entered tho tunnel and came rumbling up the tramway, slowly, but surely, drawn by the omnipotent power of steam. On it came, filling up almost entirely the narrow pas sage, the sharp grating of its loaded wheels 6tnking horror to the souls of the little group when the conviction of their desperate situation flashed upon them. ' With one accord they raised a piercing cry of distress, in the hope of reaching tne tjars of the workmen above. All in vain ; no sound was heard in reply but the harsh grating or the iron chain with its heavy load. Then, they turned and ran upwards, until gasping breath forced them to pause and see, oh : sight of hor ror ! that the iron monster had gained on them. The experience of John told him that, even with superhuman. efforts, hey could never reach the top before the heavy wheels had ground them to pieces, and tears of agony fell from his eyes as he saw Lalla resign herself to such a death with that tearless composure which the weakest of her sex often exhibit in the hour of peril. Mr. Davenport had sunk pale and haggard to the floor, gazing with an idiot ic stare at the approaching car, while John glared wildly around, below, and above. Suddenly he cried out - " "Thank God, we are saved ! Daven port, do you see that rafter above? If you can climb hand over head to it, I will try to climb up the Deam and raise Lalla with me, and, tnootri o v with all our strength, we may be able to hold her un til the car has' passed by. It is our only chance. - Hurry, man ! up with you I" .With a bound the lawyer sprang to the beam, and, putting forth all his strength, commenced crawling, clinging, hand over hand, while ' great drops ot perspiration came dripping' dowu on those beneath, who stood waiting his low progress with breathless hope. For, with the words of John, hope had again visited tho despair ing girl, and ali herjbright; young life rose before her with glowing sweetness. In those dread momenta all little disguises slipped away, and her own true woman hood shone out. Stealing up to John, she stood close by his side, while he called out to tho climber above "That's it ! up at last ! thank God ! Now, get up on that raltcr and brace your self; twine your legs firmly around, and be ready to hold Lalla when I lift her up. Why, where are you going, man ? That's the best place; there is no time to lose ! Here, Lalla, darling, tie vour shawl around your waist and give me the euds. - Now, then, Daveuport, are you ready?" And, looking up, they saw the man off at the other side of the building, climbing still highcr; and leaving his companions to their fate. "Man devil," shouted John, "will you leave us here to die ?" No answer but a muttered curse ! The car was very near them now ! "I could die bravely but for the thought of you, my own darling I" gasped John, clasping Lalla in his arms. Droppiug her pale face on his broad breast, Lalla whispered "I always loved you, John. We will die together !" The bliss of those long-coveted words seemed to throw new life into John's soul. PlaciDg Lalla behiud him, he tied her by her shawl to his shoulders, and bidding her, in a hoarse whisper, to hold tight, he commenced the ascent of that God-sent beam. Clinging with arms and legs, his hand3 all raw and bleeding, the blood ringing and seething in his brain until his eyes seemed starting from their sockets, htill he went on inch by inch, with knot ted muscles and unyielding sinews, slowly, slowly while nearer aud nearer came the iron Juggernaut. Tho blood ran off in great drops from his lacerated body, and his nails turned blue ; he could not stop to look dowu ; ouly the loud, dreadful roll of the iron wheels sounded like thunder in his cars. Lalla's lips touched his neck as if in a last good-bye, and with one superhuman strain he gained the rafter above. Dragging himself higher by the strength of his aims, Lalla, more dead than alive, was ab'e to seat herself partially on the beam and slip off tho knotted shawl, when the car, passing underneath, struck heavily against John's hanging feet, while with a piercing shriek Lalla threw her arms around the ghastly face and bleeding, shoulders raised above the rafter ! An awful second passed, seemiDg like hours to the straining muscles above, and then the car passed on its dreadful way, and John fell heavily to the floor, drag ging Lalla with him. Falling upon her preserver, she was only Etunned, and, re covering, she rushed down the tramway for assistance. The workmen found John with a frac tured ankle, lying like a corpse murder ed upon the rack, with sunken, staring eyes, purple lips, and raw wouuds on hands, arms aud shoulders. The carried TSUMS:3-OOPER ASSUM. ISa.OO IN ADVAKCG. NUMBER 2. him home, and Lalla Went with-thein ; and John declares to this day that the 1 1 - woria nover saw oat one better nurso than LalU Winslcw via : Mrs. John Fiske. I have but littlo mora to nAd Tha A WW tunnel of which the foreman spoke was One used For brininf final frn n boring mine. The elegant Mr. Daven port books, fishing rod and gun left tVlA TrillnriA J r t V. J - generally supposed he had enough of !ove in a tramway. Mi Good Advice from an Unexpec ted Quarter. J. H. Reagan, Postmaster General of the late Southern Confederacy, who has just been released from Fort Warren on parole, during his confinement therein wrote a long letter to the people of Texan, in which he gives them Borne very whole some advice. He says they mu3t agree to recognize thp supreme authority of tho Government cf the United States within the sphere of its power, and the right to protect itself against disintegration by the secession of the States. Also, they must recognize the abolition of slavery, and the right of those who have been slaves to the privilege and protection of the law. He says the only wise and safe course for them to pursue is to accept promptly, unreserv edly, and in good faith, the terms and pol icy offered, and to go forward in the work of reorganization and restoration of the Union. In reference to tbo reconstruction of the State, he says : "I have no doubt you can adopt a plan which will fully meet the demands of jus tice and fairness aud satisfy the Northern mind and the requirements of the Govern ment, without endangering good govern ment and tho repose of society. This cau be done by i , "First, extending the privileges and protection of the laws over negroes as they are over the whites, and allowing them to testify in the courts ou the same condi tions, leaving their testimony subject to the rules relating to its credibility, but not objecting to its admissibility. And in this you will conform with the wi&e current of modern legislation, and the tendency cf all judicial decisions in all en lightened countries. "And second, by fixing an intellectual and moral, and, if thought necessary, a property test for the admission of all per sons to the exercise of" the elective fran chise, without reference to race or color, which would secure its intelligent exer cise. "My own view would be " First, That n j person now entitled to the privilege of voting should be deprived of it because of any new test. I would recognize in this tho differeuce between takiug away a right uot heretofore exer cised. " Second, That to authorize the admis sion of persons hereafter to the elective franchise, they should be, first, males; second, twenty-one years of age; third, citizens of the United States; fourth, should have resided in the State one year ; and in the district, county, or precinct, six months next preceding any election at which they propose to vote ; fifth, sho'd be able 10 read in tho English language understanding' ; and must have paid taxes for tho last year preceding for which such taxes were due and payable, subject to any disqualification for crime of which the person may 'have been duly convicted, which 'may be prescribed by law. " The adoption of these measures, in addition to those before mentioned, would ia my judgment, meit the ends of justice and fairness; secure the re-establishment of the State Government; the admission of her Senators and . Representatives in Congress, the suspension of military rule and the restoration of civil, constitutional and local self government. And it would do more. It would secure you protection against other great and pending evils; and "3, I am persuaded, of the greatest consequence to your future peace, pros perity and happiness." After a brief argument in support of the foregoing propositions, the adoption of which he contends would do much toward the renewal of the ancient rela tions of national harmony and fraternal good will between all parts of the countrv, he concludes as. follows : " If the State will accept this policy at once, it will attain the great ends here tofore mentioned, and it will save its own people from years of painful strife and agitation on these questions, which would at last, probably after years cf contention, be found to be the only means of bringing it to an end, even if it be led to nothing worse. How iufioitely better it will be for you, for both races, for the present and the future, for the whole country, if you will unhesitatingly recognize the unalter able facts as to your condittoo, and the inevitable logic of events : and hasten, as it is in your power to do, the return of , the blessings of civic government and con-, stitutional liberty; and avoid, as it is in your power to do, tho fearful peril which now lies before you." SA man with a scolding wife, being asked what his ocoupatiou was, replied that he kept a hot kausd - n