The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 28, 1865, Image 1

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7 iiinKKRi Editor ana i-ropn
Editor and Proprietor.
Henby Clat.
rotl MCLiltri.
Steven L. Evans. Carroll.
post OJiee.
roii" "
i.ess Spring,
;ien Timber,
alp Level,
Henry Nutter,
A. G. Crooks,
J. Hoimpn,
John Thompson,
C. Jeffries,
J. M. Christy,
Win Tiley, Jr.,
I. E. Chandler,
M. Adlesberger,
A. Durbin.
J Ferral, Susq'han
Stn. Wharton. Clearfield
George Berkey,
B. M'Colgan,
George B. Wike,
Wra. M'Connell,
J. K. Shryock,
tyurian-n. T. M. ITimo, Pastor -Ki-hine
every Sabbath morning at 10J
, A j .1 .vpninff at 7 o'clock. Sab-
h gjhool at 9 o'clock, A. M. Prayer meet
" Thnrs.iav evenintr at 6 o clock.
' Ctcil .
Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. A. Baker,
acber in charge, uev. j. i mwisu,
iant. Preaching every alternate babbath
Jrning.atlOj o'clock. Sabbath bcbooi ai
lock, A. M. I'rayer meeungoeij ,.cuuto
v eveuing, at 7 o'clock.
'lV,lrh Independent WW LL. U. Towell,
3tor Preaching every Sabbath morning at
o'clock, and in the evening at 6 o'clock.
ibbnth School at 1 o'clock, 1'. .u. irajer
ptimr on the first Monday evening ot each
nth : and on every Tuesday, Thursday and
iclay evening, excepting the first week iu
h month.
Caleinittic Methodist Rev. Mobgas Ems,
stor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at
nd G o'clock. Sabbath School at U o clock, f 1
if. Iiayer meeting every Friday evening,
7 o'clock. Society every Tuesday evening
7 o'clock. i
Dimples Rev. W. Lloyd, Pastor. rreach- y,
. t 1 - .1. ? lrt A'clMIr
. 'Very oauuiiiu murum v mwv... qj.
''jriicular Jiuptists Rev. David Kva.vs,
jr. Preaching every Sabbath evening at fS.
'dock. Sabbath School at at 1 o'clock, P. M.
Cr.hoiic Rev. R. C. Christy. Pastor.
rTifts every Sabbath morning at 10 J o'clock !r
J Vr-jerj at 4 o'clock in the evening. ,g
Tbe 11th proximo. See advertisement
33? request, and as a matter of interest t ke bat of brother Dick's, they aretf
many of our readers, we print on to-diy'
outside a list of the prizes drawn at thi
late Fair for the benefit of St. Patrick'
church, Ebensburg. We are under obli
gations to Mr. "W ilson, of the Dem. tfl
SW., for the loan of the type of the same!
ready composed.... Our gopd-looking young-
friend 'Squire John Porter, of Washing, cency, and he will find that i;have
umevep approach . a step nearer, I will
far as this
disgrace to the country, and oaght not toblow house and, all to atoms, as
be permitted. Dick has slid ha means to can of powderciin do it "
V, Tr. .,fT, 1 !' ' UT, n r T f , ,r- -tt..
give them a supoer as if I wouhi Btat'ta
the house where these wretches wrlg
holding their drunken orgies ! I dared
him to do it. Humph ! he talks of the
blood of the Bashams -let him try to
commit such an outrage on common de-
much blood of the Bashams in mv veins
1 1 1 T "111 . . v
as ne nas in ms. win let master omcer
know that I am cot to be frightened by
him- .
Tne conversation was here interrupted
tdn tp., was in town on Monday. During
his stay here he presented us with a box
of prime Habanas, for which favor we
return him our heartiest -thanks... ,It
fibpuld be borne in mind that the exami by a rough-looking mam dressed in brown
nation of teachers for the schools of Eb- homespun, badly tattered, and carrying a
ensburg boro, six in number, wiU be held !nS. rfle upon his shoulder, who came
ltx, tt , ,1 . , ,rru hurriedly over the lawn toward the house,
m the Union school-house to-day, (Thurs- tT '. . . , , , ,
; J,K Hardly stopping to knock, he entered the
day,) commencing at 9 o'clock, a. m..., front door, and pushed into the room
We are sorry to learn that our townsman where Mary Basham and Ernest Felder
Capt. Murrav. received a fall, resultim- id were talking
eome severe iniuries. one dav last week... .. 'Begpardon, iss," said the appari-
r, : , , .. . ., J tiou, pulling a slouched hat from an un-
Considcrable sickness prevails in our m-dstj kempt head" rfndresting the butt of his
at present. Among those seriously ill iaf rifle on the'earpet ; -sorry to come in so
Jlr. liobert Davis, who is sulleriug irom suduea lite, put 1 haven t time for per-
an attack ot fever.
litenesg... ?Miv'Feldcr, the guerillas has
been .hahtin for you in the village, and
they k'fla trot. ' So there ain't no time for
tradifr Vossei'ef you want to git off."
"lhas.come sooner than 1 expected,
Marv." aul Ernrst. n Rtirtil im "?
, .. . , -r-
Quarterly Meetinq of xnE M. E
Liiurcii. Uo have been handed thd
following announcement for publication
,The third Quarterly Meeting for Eb In ust.LJJ you farewell now, and perhaps
easburg Circuit for the present Confer-Iorever- 1 1 reach the ledcrai lines
. k fill TT T COll? fl1f -V TtA 1 I -v "
ence year will be held in the 31. E.r 'V "1 - uu
Church, Ebensburg, on the 7th and Sth
cf October, next. Preaching on Thurs-f
Jay and FriJay evenings previous, at
u Liucik, caiuruay, ai p. m. ana p
"No use talkiu' 'bout the Federal Huca
now, Mr. Felder," said thcough-lyoking
"lox here a the guerillas '
s he spoke, about twenty-five horse
ounuay, at iv.oy a. in. ana i p. m
at the clo?e of the morn in
service on
. ...
I the Confederate uniform, rode un ihe
street ahd halted in front of the mansion
2T 'TM ! .....
S-boath, Oct. 1st.
Xo preaching on'
o-j They were a villainous set to look at, and
i: k i:sm; ii .hails.
trrn, dailv. it 12.00 o'clock, uoon.
:itrn, 44 at 1 2.00 o clock, uoon.
trrn, daily, at 8 o'clock, P. M.
K m, 44 " at 8 o'clock, P. M.
ra Tho tmviU from Newman's Mills. Car-
. n, Jkc, arrive ou Monday, Wednesday (
'''ridar of each week, at 3 o clock, P. M. l
iravr V.hensburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays
1 Saturdays, ia 7 o'clock, A. M. j
KiiLRoiD sc in:iui.t:.
tStRjIt. Eii-ress leaves nt . 9.17 A. M.
Coming. The
armed with all sorts of weapons, from a
hunting riflo to a flint-lock pistol. At
t,:- i 1 j .
iuub i yuuag man in tuc ay
"melancholy days" are uniform of a rebel officer, whose seat in
ingf the. "saddest of the year," when tue saddle was quite unsteady.
forests bcirin to assume t'nn c.,r, " f ey are part of Dick Dasham's jrans."
- m ' " 1 m . ,,
yellow iVaf. Soon, too soon, summer an
things belonging to summer will hav
gone. Then win.'er will bo here
v;ew of the anticipated approach
grim monarch of the Knrth, wou
be well to go to Thom1iSin s and buy
snit of ready-made winter clothing?
said Mary, as she coolly surveyed them
from the window, "and ho is drunk again,
I'll be bound. It is enough to dpsfrnv nnv
Inj man's respect for himself to associate with
think noth-
l of thej !uc wre,cIies, and I should th
!d it n lU cou ircJce a getleian.
' no1 Basham used to be, to do it."
a sister
"Hold, Mary V' exclaimed h er brother.
whom her de?perate resolution had almost
sobejed. "For God's sake take your pis
tol out of that powder I You are excited j
and the least slip of your finger would send
you and perhaps all of us into eternity."
"I am as cool as ice, Dick Basham,"
answered the girl, "and my nerves are as
firm as iron. Now mark me : I give you
until I count twenty to mount your horses
and ride away from here. If you don't
leave in that time, I swear to you by' the
blood oftha Bashams that I will fire the
pistol into the powder. One two "
"I'll be bound she'd do it Captain,"
said one of the party. "I can see it in
her eye, and I reckon we'd better be go
ing." ''Of course she would," said Basham in-
1 " . . .m- - - '
aisnantiv. "1 would npvpr nwn ho fn
wifu U w m 1U1
of mine, if she had not spunk
for that. Well, she must have
ner own way this time, and we will have
chances enough to catch the Dutchman."
"We are going now, Mary," he contin
ued,, "but you will be sorry for tins, and
if you have so far forgotten your position
and your duty as to fall in love with that
piano-tuner, both he and you shall pav
dearly for it."
"Never tear but I can take care of my
position and my duty, Dick Basham,"
said the girl, as the guerillas mounted
their horses and rode away.
When it was fairly night,. Felder bade
Mary good bye, and went to the hills with
Ben Sterling. Mary sent her boy Jim
with them to bring her word if thoy got
safely olF; and when the bopttturned sho
sent him back to their temporary hiding
place with two hordes and a supply of pro
Ernest Felder,
and eoine narrow
Jtuum uucs iu fcaiety. A inuiDir a num
ber of h"i3 old friends in the cavalrv force.
some of them in high rank, he joined that
arm ot the service : and as he had a thor
ough military education, and was as brave
as a man may well be, his promotion was
quite rapid; so that in the course of time
he was known as Major Felder. and was
spoken of as a very promising officer.
It was many lonj; months after the mid-
ui union Dayonets ana the uasu or iuion
mmai ui rrizes urawo at the
Fair Tor tho Benefit of St.
Patrick's Cliurch, Catholic,
Tarlor Chairs, Mary Ann Shortenkeichi
Carroll township.
Silver Tea Sett, A. B. Grifiith, Oil City.
Lady's Card Case, Mrs. T. Criswell,
. Statue of the B. V., Mrs. Smith, Altoona.
Cp.?1 TabIe- Rev. Reynolds, Loretto.
bilk Dress, Annie Piper, Ebensbur
Molasses, Cruet, Thomas UoujstonJPitts-
at. Vincent's Manual, Miss
E. Boon,
ko. ir.
Sett Silver Knives and Forks, Mrs. Stahl,
Balmoral Skirt, Mrs.
J. D. Thomas,
after mac'i hardship
escapes, reached the
( "Come, Ben Sterling," said Felder, who sabres began to make a very pleasant sun
ua.-uiy oeusu ui3 nai, wo can vet es-
1.1,. ' J
Twico zxX Bay,
l'hila. Ejtjtress
5t Line
Mail Train
" ritts. a Erie Kx.
" Emigrant Train
i3t l'hila. Expret3
" Fast Line
u Day Express
" Pitts, i Erie Ex.
" Hail Train
'Don't stop.
1 1
10.07 A.
9.58 P.
8.38 P.
8.13 A.
4.30 P.
8.50 P.
1.43 A.
7.03 A.
6.32 P.
10.57 A.
It was miduight in East Tennessee
not the night of nature, but the middle of
that dark and detestable nhjht durintr
i. : . . - . r?
" i'victi,uiru e"iuu was crusnea rnnr ,i-i i..l i. t
uo-ler the lavh !eSno(iJm. I, m tho &.T. tJrl tull win .W " "?
riSC 111 that rpomn. In thn nfirnTif nt
a . . . . ' W 1 n " w w v v. i
cape hy the back way." the grand army, which at last carried re-
1,u 1 excjaimea tne eirl. "vou can do lie and nrntpf.tmn to tlmi nprputpr rpr..
. .i . . f . I . r k--
uu Bueu uung, ror they have already sur- pie, was a fine squadron of cavalry, which
xuuuueu me noue. uonie, now, you two, occupied, after a slight resistance, the vil
lage near which Mary Basham lived. This
you are men. and you have arms, and it in
comes to the worst, jou know how to sell
JuJjii of the Courts President Hon. Geo.
y!or, Huntingdon; Associates, George V.
slev. Henrv V.. T)vin
j I'mhonQiary Joseph M'Donall.
nejmtT and Recorder J&mes Griffin.
SArijTJames Myers.
District Attorney. PhUin S. Vnnn.
1 County Conimiioner-Jobn Campbell, Ed
ard Glass, E. II.
v--& - sy . w
v.c ,u wmmunonertWillisna H. Sech-
Treasurer Isaac Wike.
Cltrk to Treasurer Jnhn Ti ,1
I oop House D,rectort-G eorge M'Cullouch
Feorge Delany, Irwin Rut!edge. g
""'"--George C. K. Zahm
, ...lvit ii ill am I it .11:
ams. Francis P.
I S.J?.hn A'
f CoZ7 vTr IIenry Scanlan.
h Sr''r-John Cox.
if S"P of Common SLii
f " V. Mm UVDUOI1.
r. Roberta
SlSTIiP B. Noon, AHel
ones, n t !!
ues, jr.
eo. W,
gh Jones, ffm.
political midnight of East Tennessee.
At twilight, a youne: man and a voun
girl sat at the open window of a fiue man
sion near a pleasant little village a vil
lage now almost swept out of existence by
inu airuuco ureain or war.
The girl was Mary Basham, anorDhan.
who, with her brother Ilichard, had iu-
nentea the splendid property of her pa
ine greater part of the slaves had been
left to her brother, but the mansion he-
longed to them in common, and she alio
owned a sum in Louisville bauk shares
TT 1 .
Aier orothcr had taken up arras in the
rebel cause, aud was then a captain of
1 V V
guenua?. oiary jjasbam was considered
a "great catch," and it was certainly
strange, if not improper, in Mrs. Grundy's
eyes, mac sne should love that iair-haired
young man who sat by her side at tht
open window, for Finest Felder had no
riches, except a fair ehare of talent and a
true, honesc heart. Consequently he was
worse than a lankee, and a marriage with
him would have been as bad a misalliauce
as Mary Basham could make
m "You are foolish, Ernest' said the
firl, as she plucked a flower from a vino
and pulled it to pieces. "What is the
Union to you that you are anxious to make
gang shall cross this threshold while 'Ma
ry Lasham lives !
one of your pistol
Ti ll
x ei'ier, give me
Quite overborne by the intrepidity
orgy of the high-spirited girl, Er
squadron was commanded by Major Ern
est t elder.
T "t Tfc l ii i .
uick xasnam naa Deen Killed while
making a bravo but . desperate defence
against the overwhelming force of the
Federals when they entered the village,
and and Lis sister, although she did not love
rnpcf I h 1 711 i Q en A TArmorln V 1 x-ncs inmnrnont
-imuateeuanicaiiy nanded her a pistol at his death, aud resolved to ayenjre it if
as quick as thought, she hronwhf nn,i!,l o J
trom an adjoining closet a largo tin can doing. So with the blood of the "Bash-
rents, consisting mostly of land nnd 7i. ' " me nan, ams ooiung in her veins, she seated ner-
Thi crater ,.v ... i 'Il 71 1 B 7 VPe? lU8 tioor, ana stood therewith self at the window where she and Ern-
pistoi iu hand, proud and defiant, aud est had sat so many months before.
ueautuui m her pride and defiance. M
L-aptaitl Uasham, With four of his tronn- latrrp. -Amnnrr thorn nn infanlrr rprrimpnf
ers, dismounted, and walked t.iw.ird th nil m rorl onrl finnnrir A n tt ! r m tt on ilia
lin.m. mi 1 t -I - - J J J
uwuoc. j.ue patu was nardly wide enough
for the gallant captain, whom a commis-
sion as a lieutenant general could not have
induced to walk in a straight lino. Bnf
he staggered on, until ho was brought to
Jl . . . o
a suaucu pause by the ringing voico of
his sister.
"iiaic there, Dick Basham !" exclaimed
march eeldom treats very tenderly the
country through which it passes, nor is
discipline always preserved a3 it should
be. Some of these men were excited by
liquor, and others foraged about as they
A number of them made their appear
ance at Mary Bashams fine mansion and
Silver Butter Dish, Mrs. John Fenlon,
Velvet Smoking Cap, A. Fink, Ebensburg.
Photo. Album, Miss E. O'Uarro, Munster
Silver Watch, A. J. Christy, Oil City.
Gold Watch. Thos. W. J. Coons, Loretto.
Gentleman's Dressing Case, II. A. Shoe
maker, Luensburp:.
Painting of Holy Family, Rev. J. Tracv,
Wolf Kobe, Wm. Kaylor, Loretto.
Chin Egg Dish, Kev. J. C. Farren,
Uandscme Toilet Box, Miss E. Dou-herty
Ebensburg. J
Crimson Sofa Pillow, Eev. E. A. Eu?h,
Sewing Basket, Mrs. E. Shoemaker, Eb
ensburg. Two Ticturrs. Ec. Homo and Mater Do
lorosa, Miss II. V. Rhev, Ebonsbur-
Photograph of Bishop O'Connor, J.. J.
K ay lor, Ebensburg.
Sett of China Dishes, Mrs. Dr. Christy,
Oil City.
Revolving Butter Dish, Henry Uuchcs.
Silver ani Cut-glass Pickle Dish, F. A.
Siiocmaken Ebensburg.
Photo. Album, John Hewitt. Gallitzin.
Luir Basket, Jos. Wherry, Ebensburg
Silver Tea Bell. Doc. Chilcote; Ebensb'-'.
Pair of Silver Butter Knives, P; 'S. Xoon,
Pair of Candlesticks, Ross Piper. Ebens
burg. Handsome Doll, Dr.T.Sehell, Frankstown
Glass Fruit Dish, W. H. Rodgers, Pitts-burt-h.
Bead Basket, Don Quixotte, Altoona.
Photograph of Rev. P. H. Lemke, Ben. T.
Thompson, Philadelphia.
Butter Knife and Fruit Spoon, Miss Lizzie
M'Donald, Ebensburg.
Cup and Napkin Ring, Thomas Fenlon,
Photo. Album, Winfield Hughes, Ebe'g.
Pair Vases, Mrs. P. Collins, Ebensburg.
Knives and Forks, Mrs. E. O'Uarro,
Picture of "Prison Window, Mrs. Thilip
Collins, Ebensburg.
Urseline Manual, Rev. P. Hnghes, Hunt
ingdon. Wax Cross, T. Brophy, Altoona.
Wax Water Lilly, Miss S. Collins, Eb'g.
Breakfast Shawl, Thomas P. Davis. "
Silver Cake Basket, Mrs. M. D. Johnson,
Pittsburgh. "
Handsome Quilt, Daniel Parks, Jackson
Life of the Virgin and St. Joseph, P. S.
Noon, Ebensburg.
Five Dollar Gold Tiece, John F. Barnes,
Barrel of Flour, W. K. Piper, Ebensburg.
Silver Sugar Spoons, Mrs. Dr. Christy,
Oil City. . J
Silver Sugar Sifter, Miss E. Dougherty,
Mrs. T. B. Moore, Table Xo. 14
By goods purchased first week
r Jf , ex to city &c-
Cash paid Rev. R. C. Christy,
Mrs. E. C. Murry, Tu&e Ko. 2,
To receipts, first week,
' ' second week.
Cash to purchase articles,
Mrs. E. S. Murry, Table Xo. 2,
By goods purchased.
By Cash paid Rev. R. C. Christy,
Mrs. J. E. O'Niel, Table No. 3,
To receipts, first week,
To receipts, second week,
Cash to purchase articles,
Mrs. J. E.O'Xicl, Table No. 3,
By expenses, first week.
Articles purchased, and ex. to city, 101 5
By cash paid Rev. R. a Christy, 033 7
3 80 50
107 3C
661 33"
$699 22
S418 65
. 265 28
120 00
803 93
$ 78 50
725 43
803 93
$S82 19
247 65
120 00
749 81
S 9 50
Mrs. R. L. Johnston. Table No. 4,
To icceipU, first week.
Mrs. R. L. Johnston, Table No. 4,
By cxh paid Rev. R. C. Christy,
Mrs. F. A. Shoemaker. Side Table,
To receipts, second week,
To cash to purchase articles,
Mrs. F. A. Shoemaker, Side Table,
By oo.?3 purchased.
P.y cah paid R.-v. R. C. Christy,
749 84
$2S3 1-J
J2S3 12
?105 29
10 00
225 29
$ 58 45
106 81
$225 29
Mrs. John Fenlon, Refreshment Tabled Dr.
To amount receipts for two weeks, $485 39
Mrs. John Fenlon, Refreshment Table, Cr.
By expenses, 133 67
By cash paid Rev R. C. Christy,. 351 72
. c, , . S485 39
1 . A. bhoemaser, m act. with Fair, Dr.
Amt. from col. door, danciug, &c, $477 63
F. A. Shoemaker, in act. with Fair, Cr.
By cash paid Rev. R. C. Christy, $477 63
Rev. R. C. Christy, in act. with Fair, Dr.
To amt. from tables, col. &c., $4488 23
Collection at St. Augustine, 100 00
Chebang, per G. W. Oatman, 42 20
the indignant girl. "What do you want commenced a raid upon the pigs and poul
herc, with that pack of dirtv hounds
your heels 7 Cione of yourrasramufliu cut- laughed at her. and ordered her to -onen
throats shall enter this house nor shall
. -1 ...
you until you are sober."
"Don't be foolish, Mary." hie couched
the omccr. "We only want that Duteh
Tory Abolition piano-tuner, if he is in the
the door, threatening to break it open if
she refused. Sho again warned them off
and leveled her gun at the foremost man.
The solditirs. laughed and advanced tow
ard the door to burst it open. Mary Ba
sham coolly sighted her piece, but as she
drew the trirger a fine-looking f air-haired
vuiiri ' - rr
m. D. Davis, Maj. John
CPr''-Richard R- Tibbott, Robert D.
hntiao T To niMof fiV.f f. fV,
yourself a martyr for its sake ? Besides, 0r han " ;
rCr?0'-V"U? Feld" " fce' answered officer rode u in front of the disorderly
r: V..V.T . u"-.;" w Mary, "and he is no Dutch Tory Aboli- soldiers just in time to receive the ballet
in nis shoulder, lie leu irom his horse
"Vint nt r. ..
euorlT ""J-Daniel O. Eva
a. Moore.
"5n Co , J-Wllliam'.
r.nIs.?c.C.r.f0. James P.
Umaa. u. Kxnkead, George W
'fr9f4?VTJohn D- Thomas. Dlan'
-apt. Murray.
and had only strength to order the men to
protect that house and carry him in.
It was Ernest Felder. '
When Mary Basham saw who it was
that she had shot, she quite forgot the
death of her brother in this new calamitv,
and her coolness and firmness forsook her
.ni 1? Masonic nU v . .
A. Y. M.
I. 0 n .
P. '. .-niphland t.nAr.. XT-. M ne T ""
a nr it M6D 1. U.
S7enn?D-ioa No. 84 Sons of
:nir o:r.'u. mperauce Hall.
3-09 AT
$2.50 L ADVANCE,
lf r r tlon Pno-tuner, but he is a gentleman,
shot, or imprisoned? So far, although and thaf ;a mnM TO r:.u nu'
you have been subject to annoyance, ypu am. Hehaannr hi.rm An nr,nw nnaiaa
have escaped harm : and now, if vou will and has i,nt mMltf witK
. m - m I - v II41U I UUl UI ID Jl
rnpiy suomit to the new order ot things, any other man's, and you shall not touch
all will be well, and you will not be him while he is under my roof."
j.rp, TT . . , . " 'J uiuu ik is yours,
"lhe Union is everythine: to me. Mary Marv." nerxistiArl DiL- J TOao :i:.i
-r- , .... - ' . r I J 1 I J " m.o xi.iiuvu
iasnam, said the youne: man, "for it to temnoriza when he c:nw thn Ki.-,r.ri of UntirX ,7;.i i,- i.of v. r.-TrTT.,v
ChAlraraH v a m M v I m. X 4u!. a . I . t i a .... I . '
""V A wumry tne isashams ' was fairly up in his sister, cure the wound she had inflicted, and the
an exile, and under the Union I have en- "Tt i nnt . fr,r tti b;j i, c i , i t:.. A. v
MiA f .... 1 f f t mrr lnV .J I. 1 I. , . .. I A
jj r ut iauor,auu uave ueeu to De an mine while the war lasted, if 1 was tho best protect on she could have.
uappy ana contented, it would De worse would lt von mv? .Tnl-o nA TTonr tf i.r. ,wa i;r.
than ingratitude to desert ih now bofnur I nroo u: I L i.n .j t
, a j - n ia "i "Jiuc, uuuu ui voui luieviuir Xiruesii iuuv recuverea. anu wacn no was
gang should ever enter it, nor shall you, able to return to duty Mary Basham felt
as i torn you, until you are sober." that she was not forgetting her position in
"uome on, boys, said uasham, as he marrying the brave and talented oiheer
commenced to stagger towards the house.
VUV KISrer IS CarrVin" I.nft ink-A too t.-ir 1 AI omr.rtr VM.nci.Ua nroi- T,i rvncf
We are not to be turned from our duty by action presides over the present. The
a girl. Make way there, Mary, for we first lives in a rich temple hung with
. Ill 1 IB I .
must searcu tne nojise.
"Halt there, for your life V his sister
almost shouted, in a tone that caused the
I happen to be amonr? its enemies .
"Ihen you will leave me?" said
ome i ... n . t
lesday of v ' ucusuuri?, on tne si4i a ane tore a uower passionaieiy.
'I must, Mary, unless you can be con
vinced that it is politic as well as risrht to
seek peace and safetv on Union pround.
But that is not to be expecte'd, and I do
not wonder at you, being a slave owner."
"Bother the slaves !" broke in the im
petuous girl. "They are more trouble
glorious trophies and lined with tombs ;
the other has no shrine but duty, and it
Hurry and Cunning are tho two
apprentices of Despatch and Skill;but
ii . . v - . .. i
tv i. are worth, and alwaya were. young man to stop instantly. "Do you
Dick Basham ia Welcome to all of them, lennw this ran nf r.nwdor. Ti'iolr "Rasihom ?"
ii u wants them, except Bessy and J nn, said she, as she pointed to it with her pis- neither of thein ever learned their master's
x aiways ieel as it I belong to them moro tol. "Aud this ?" thrusting the muzzle trade. " ?
iuau iiiey Deioner to me. and the leelinz is deen into the shininf? black crams. "Now. ks?- N" VrP- i-;
i - - a i jr o o I mLW mrntv w u, v . oiJk uuuuitu
j irjtsome. uut as lor those guerilla band 1 I warn you; sir, if you or any of your barrels of whisky a day.
Silver Butter Knife. Mrs. P. CamDbell.
Lady's Writing Desk. V. M'Elrov. Oil
Silver Dollar, Samuel Croyle, Jackson tp.
Silver Butter Dish, II. A. Shoemaker.
Mexican Silver Ring, John White, Johns
Sett of Cane Seat Chairs. James Kane.
Silver Ice Titchefand Salver. Miss Mattie
Litzinger, Strongstown.
Bronze Clock, T. D. Litzinsrer. StfoDsrs-
Tea Knives, Peter Dougherty, Summit.
Doll, "The Bride," Miss Annie Murrav.
Silver Egg Stand. lion. W. A. Wallace.
Clear 6eld.
Silver Molasses Cruet. Col. Ilarrv White.
Indiana, Pa. - .
Silver ToastWickvl Dr. I. J. Brallier.
Blackiick township
Child's Sil ver Sett, Miss Annie Moore,
French Merino Dress, Miss Ann Dough
erty. Ebensburg.
Wax Doll, Katie Bunn, Ebensburg.
Sett of Jewelry, Lizzie Zern, Ebensburg.
, Saddle, John Riley, Wilniore.
Burr What-Not, P. S. Noon, Ebensburg.
Cuban Fan, Mary A. D.wis.
Photograph of Bishop Dominic, Rev. T.y
an. Summit.
Gents. Dressing Gown, Mrs. E. S. Murray,
Bible, Jerome Buck, Carrolltown.
Tidy, Reese J. Lloyd, Ebensburg.
Smoking Cap,' Mr. Blight, Philadelphia.
China Egg Dish, Mr. Reese, Ebensburg.
Quilt, Mrs. Horner, Wilmore.
Cooking Stove, Wm. Kaylor. Loretto.
Georgia Genet, P. S. Noon, Ebensburg.
Of Receipts and Expenditures of Fair.
Mrs. T. B. Moore, TalAc No. 1, Dr.
To receipts, first week, ; $352 09
v ' second week, ... . 226 23
Cash t purchase articles, 120 00
iicv. n. o. .wiy, in act. wiiu rJi., w.
By goods purchased, expenses, &c.,Sl089 55
By uncurrent money, 87 00
Balance in hand, 3453 94
?C99 22
$4630 49
The undersignel embraces the present
opportunity of returning his sincere thanks
to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity for
their hearty co-operation and kind assistance
during the Fair ; also, to the citizens of Oil
City, Butler, Johnstown, Altoona, St. Au
gustine, Carrolltown, Newry, Lock Uaven,
Coylesville, St. Mary and other places for"
their liberal donations.
R. C. CI1RISTY, Pastor
m mm.
Disunion an Impossibility.
In the campaign of 1SG0, in Georgia, a
prominent politician made a disunion
speech. An individual who styled him
self "The aforesaid M. D." was hoisted to
the platform, to speak in opposition. lie
was somewhat under the iufluence of the
enemy which men sometimes put in then?
mouths, but nevertheless succeeded iu
making the biggest and best Union speech
on record, fie said :
"Gentlemen and ladies, you're talkin
of dissolvin the Union; You can't do it j
if you go to 'ell. you can't do itl Thar's
that ere nag a-wavin . up thar called tho
Star Spangled Banner : how're ye a goin
to divide that ? Are you a goin' to give
the stars to the Norf and the Stripes to
the Souf ? Xo, sir-ee ! the thing can't bo
did. Cheers.
"And thar's. that good old toon that the
band's a playin' out thar, called Yankee
Doodle. How're yo goin' to divide that?
Are ye a goin' to give the Yankee to the
Norf, and the Doodle to the. Souf? I
say, boldly, the thing can't be did. Im
mense cheering.
"And thar's that stream o' water run
nin' down called the Father o Waters.
How're ye a goin' to divide that ? Ard
ye a goin to dam it with Mason an' Dix-
ou's line ? I say ye can't do that thing I
Wal, ye can't ! Cheers. '
"And thar's the railroad lyin' out thar.
How're ye goin' to divide that ? Are yo
a goin' to tie it up with Mason an' Dixon's
Hue? Ye can't do it I Cheers..
"And thar's all the fast bosses standin
round here. How're ye a goin to divido
them old bosses ? Are ye a uoiu' to ruu'
'em Norf, aud run 'em South, and run 'em-
Last, and run 'cm W est ? TCheers.!
"And thar's all the handsome wimmen.
round here. How re ve a com' tc divid
. j - 0 .
them Aro yo a goin to give the old.
ones to the Norf, and the youns ones to
the Souf? Wal, ye don't! If ye go to"
thunder, ye can't do it I Cheers. - - .
"And thar s all the leathered tribe and
other birds a flyin' about here, and the
chickens and egr"g nest, and the valler
less and the black le?rs' Tlnw'rA rrr.Tr.' 1
to aivide thera ? Are yea goin" to give
the pullets to the Norf, and the roosters
to the Souf?" TTremendous snd Jonrr,
continued cheering. . . " J
jegr Why is hot bread like a caterpil
lar? ; Because it is the grub that makes
the butter-fly. . . . . .